There is an old saying ‘follow the money’. The short video highlights one of our most trusted professionals is on the hook to colour public pronouncements. It begs the question- who can members of the public trust? Is it safe to say the unethical behaviour can be extended to other professions?

Discuss for 5 marks.

50 responses to “Follow the money”

  1. Attorneys still awaiting word

    By Maria Bradshaw

    To date, attorneys who have filed complaints against judges calling for their discipline/removal for taking more than the six-month allotted period to deliver judgements, have not received any official word on the status of these complaints.

    While acknowledging there was nothing in the legislation requiring this to happen, the Barbados Bar Association (BBA) is calling for the attorneys to be notified about the state of their grievance.

    In a paid advertisement once again addressing the niggling issue of the growing backlogs the association stated: “The Barbados Bar Association is aware of recent formal complaints submitted by a number of its members in relation to certain High Court Judges. The complaints each detail a failure to deliver decisions within six months after hearing. Also, the complaints each invoke the process established by Section 84 of the Constitution requiring consultation and the establishment of a tribunal for investigation into judicial conduct.

    “The Barbados Bar Association is not, however, aware as to whether the process of consultation and investigation has been triggered and/or referred for further action. We acknowledge that there is no procedure prescribed in the Constitution or otherwise for notification to the complainant of the commencement of consultation. We, however, are of the view that any request by the complainant seeking information relative to their complaint should reasonably be met with a full response providing an update.”

    Last month, this newspaper revealed that several attorneys had utilised Section 84 of the Constitution subsection (3) which was amended in 2021 to allow for the first time in Barbados’ judicial history for judges to be removed “for delay of more than six months in delivering a judgement”.

    The Act states: “A judge may be removed from office only for inability to discharge the functions of his office (whether arising from inability of body or mind or any other cause); for misbehaviour; or for delay of more than six months in delivering a judgement.

    “It further states that the Chief Justice, after consultation with the Prime Minister, advises the Governor General that the question of removing a judge from office for inability, misbehaviour or delay ought to be investigated.”

    At the time, it was reported that one of the judges, against whom a complaint was lodged, had recused themselves not only from the involved cases but from other matters which the complaining attorney had before the judges’ court.

    Status of complaints

    Investigations revealed that last Friday an attorney wrote to Chief Justice, Sir Patterson Cheltenham, again inquiring about the status of previous complaints made to his office concerning judicial officers who had taken “an inordinate length of time to deliver judgements.”

    That attorney queried: “Whether in the Chief Justice’s determination, the below letters, constitute a complaint within the remit of Section 84(3)(c) of the Constitution of Barbados; “If so, whether the Chief Justice has consulted with the Prime Minister on the question of the removal of the respective Judge from office in accordance with Section 84(5) of the Constitution of Barbados; If so, whether the question of the removal of the Judge from office following consultation with the Prime Minister has been advised to the President in accordance with Section 84(5) of the Constitution?”

    The attorney added: “If there has been no determination made as to whether these letters constitute a complaint warranting the initiation of the procedure as set out pursuant to Section 84(5), we would respectfully inquire as to when such a determination will be made given the seriousness of the issues as highlighted.”

    The correspondence further noted: “Our clients have pressed us for an urgent response and as such we would request a response to this letter within seven (7) days of the date of this letter, that is on or before 4 December, 2023, should we not have a substantive response to this letter, we are instructed to initiate judicial review proceedings in these matters.”

    When contacted, by this newspaper, a veteran attorney said there were growing fears among the legal group that there could be a “mounting backlog” of complaints made against judges with no resolution in sight.

    Domino effect

    “This legislation was created to basically speed up the judicial process and deal with the backlog of cases by holding judges accountable but it seems that in these circumstances there is a domino effect of not only a backlog of cases but a backlog of complaints against judges. I am sure this is not what the legislators intended or anticipated,” the Senior Counsel said, as he charged “and in recent times there seems to be a lot of focus on the minority ‘bad lawyers’ than on reducing this backlog which is crippling our judicial system.”

    The BBA in its paid advertisement reiterated its concerns about the backlog pointing out there were approximately 16 000 outstanding cases in the Magistrate Courts; 1 700 in the Supreme Court; over 1 000 Civil Division matters awaiting trial for inordinately long periods of time and significant delays in the Family Division.”

    The BBA said its members through a resolution agreed at a Special General Meeting “to publish a public statement … to inform the Barbadian public of its position on the current state of the judicial system in general and the delivery of justice in particular.”

    The organisation noted: “The delays besetting the judicial system in Barbados however, have been the subject matter of public comment for more than a decade. It has also been the subject of extensive BBA correspondence over the past twelve (12) years, from 2011 to the present, during which period successive Presidents of the Barbados Bar Association sent various communications and held consultations on this issue on behalf of its members. Over these years, the Association provided detailed lists of outstanding decisions.”

    Noting there were a myriad reasons for the delays such as an increased caseload; increased length of hearings; insufficient staffing; insufficient resources for court and case flow management the BAR Association maintained “justice delayed is justice denied”.

    It added that the backlog had resulted in people charged with very serious offences being admitted to bail because their matters were languishing in the system for periods in excess of four years.

    “The likelihood of a genuinely fair trial in some of these matters is now in doubt. In one instance, a person served their entire sentence before the Court of Appeal rendered a decision in their matter.”

    In terms of the new legislation which requires the delivery of judgements in a six month period the Association stated: “Of great concern to the Barbados Bar Association is the fact that, according to its independent research, there are over 50 cases and/or applications which have been tried, the decisions reserved by the Judge, and the parties waited months, if not years, for a decision.

    “ For one reason or another, the Court failed to deliver a decision and/or failed to deliver reasons for the judgment within six months after the trial/submissions. The Barbados Bar Association is of the view that such delay can amount to a violation of the right guaranteed to litigants by Section 18 of the Constitution to have their cases receive a fair hearing within a reasonable time. This issue has been the subject matter of several scathing judgements delivered by the Caribbean Court of Justice.”

    Making reference to a litigant who back in January was awarded $35 000 in damages after filing a constitutional motion on the basis of having waited 30 months for a decision, the BAR reminded that the: “High Court determined that the “outer limit” for delivery of judgements in Barbados is six (6) months after conclusion of a trial, and as such, the Claimant’s constitutional rights were infringed. “

    The BBA also referred to the Chief Justice’s speech at the commencement of the 2023-2044 Law Term, in which he stated that the management of dockets was the sole responsibility of the judges and that Courts in Barbados must have “a low tolerance for adjournments.”

    Source: Nation

  2. The blogmaster can always anticipate the type of articles being worked on by traditional media, there is activity in BU Archive.

    Good job Nation!

  3. Diaspora backs efforts to better regulate lawyers

    . . . It is believed that Barbadians in the diaspora, especially in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom have lost tens of millions of dollars at the hands of attorneys “back home”. . . .

    By Tony Best

    Some Barbadians in North America have responded positively to the indication from the Barbados Law Reform Commission, led by former Chief Justice Sir David Simmons, that the panel was on course to present the Barbados Bar Association and the legal profession with some significant proposed reforms to the Legal Profession Act.

    If implemented, these reforms are expected to address the issue of attorneys who run afoul of their profession’s guardrails.

    From New York and Ontario to New Jersey and Georgia, the reactions were essentially the same. Many agreed that while lawyers in Barbados were members of a noble and essential profession, there were some “bad apples” damaging their image. In recent years, a few have become known for their troubles with clients over money.

    A few days ago, Sir David told the Sunday Sun the commission “was far advanced in the preparation of legislation. I am declining to disclose the contents of the measure at this stage but it will be ready for presentation to the Barbados Bar Association by the end of the year”, or early in January.

    When enacted, the new legislation is expected to address the thorny issue of attorneys who are often accused of stealing large sums belonging to clients.

    Although exact figures are unknown, it is believed that Barbadians in the diaspora, especially in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom have lost tens of millions of dollars at the hands of attorneys “back home” who took money earmarked for real estate transactions, business ventures or family dreams and could not account later for the funds. David Cutting, a former top executive of a major UK bank with operations in the US, Singapore and southern Africa but who is now Barbados’ Honorary Consul in Atlanta, said the indication that the Law Reform Commission and the Bar Association was moving to stem the tide of complaints from Bajans abroad was in his words, “good news for the diaspora”.

    He said “The idea that the legal profession in Barbados was being reformed such that the diaspora would be happier with the service that people are receiving (from attorneys) is a good thing for everyone. It has been a problem hanging over Barbados for some time”. “So, what’s happening now is timely,” added Cutting.

    “The diaspora will be eager to see the new rules and regulations that are under consideration by the commission and others. The diaspora has complained for many years and expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of (legal) service in Barbados.”

    Wayne Leacock, an attorney in Ontario, who also practices law in Barbados, said he “totally supports” efforts to reform the rules and regulations governing the practice of law by attorneys because “there must be rules and regulations that govern our profession” and if they needed reform then act on it.

    “If it has to be done it has to be done and I totally support it,” insisted Leacock, the son of Sir Elliot Belgrave, a former Barbados Governor General.

    “I support the rules and regulations that govern the profession. Doctors have them, accountants have them so why not lawyers?

    “I am anxious to see what the Law Reform Commission is going to recommend to the Bar Association,” added Leacock, who backs continued legal education for attorneys and for “spot audits” of client trust accounts but did not support the call for lawyers to take exams to renew their licences.

    “One of the other issues is public access to the rules that govern the profession. Maybe the public needs to be educated about access to the rules and regulations that govern the profession, added Leacock.

    Charles Small, chief clerk of the New York State’s civil courts in Brooklyn, described the Law Reform Commission’s action in preparing reforms as “good news for the diaspora” because the plans, if and when implemented, would hold lawyers accountable.

    “A step in the right direction, pure and simple,” added Small, an attorney who has been chief clerk for more than a dozen years.

    Steven Legall, owner and operator of two funeral homes in Brooklyn and Westchester County in New York agreed with Small.

    “I haven’t had any problems with lawyers in Barbados, but I know families in the city who have experienced serious difficulties with attorneys in Barbados. You hear the complaints regularly and it is good that it is being addressed” by the Bar Association and the commission.

    That sentiment was echoed by a Bajan grandmother who has lived, studied and worked in Ontario since the 1960s and explained that she had unfortunate business relationships with three different Barbadian attorneys. She acknowledged she had found an excellent lawyer who was “working out well,” earning the fees being charged.

    “I have had some regrettable experiences over fees, real estate transactions and files but I recognised that like other professions, there are good attorneys and bad ones. You cannot write off all the lawyers. I welcome the steps being made to clean up the profession,” she said.

    Source: Nation

  4. David on November 26, 2023 at 7:24 AM said:
    Rate This

    Attorneys still awaiting word

    By Maria Bradshaw

    To date, attorneys who have filed complaints against judges calling for their discipline/removal for taking more than the six-month allotted period to deliver judgements, have not received any official word on the status of these complaints.


    My mother filed three constitutional motions in 2011 and 2012 which are yet to be disposed of by the court.

    The last hearing was 2013.

    None has reached final judgment.

    She has an application in which judgment has been reserved since 2011.

    She has outstanding matters from as long ago as 1993 and 2002 yet to be disposed of and over 2 million dollars in court put there by deception.

    The deception has been practiced on the Court of Appeal, the Privy Council and the CCJ!!

    The result is over 400 defective titles and deeds filed in the Registry most representing ownership of lands on which there remain encumbrances.

    It is not only judges that need purging but attorneys at law too.

  5. This is what happens when we promote family, friends and political allies to positions of prominence …AS A REWARD for personal and political loyalty.

    No matter how many incompetent jokers are promoted to Judges…
    No matter what the constitution says about six months..
    No matter what empty promises the AG, Home Affairs actor, or PM make..

    Our problem is about LACK OF COMPETENCE and commitment to perform.

    As Bushie is now tired repeating…
    “Future competence is best judged by PRIOR PERFORMANCE in RESULTS”.

    The Court is only being highlighted now because the judicial situation has reached EMBARRASSING levels of disgustedness….
    …but the REAL truth is that this is EXACTLY what ails everything in this country.

    NOT THE UNAVAILABILITY OF COMPETENCE AND PROFESSIONALISM…. but our national predisposition to ABANDON God-Given talents – and opt instead for ‘personal loyalty’ – which mostly comes from incompetent ‘lackies’ who have NO history or even IDEA of high level PERFORMANCE.

    Grenville’s call for the imposition of ISO9001 standards would therefore turn EVERY SHIITE in Barbados up-sided-down.
    It would see TALENTED persons rising to the top, and the shiite sinking to the bottom….where it rightfully belongs.

    BUT don’t expect the current jobby in place to willingly CHOSE to be sunk….. we can ALL expect to be submerged with the brassbowlery…

  6. I am midway in putting the blame on incompetence or corruption. This is because along with the bungling we have a set of characters who are always benefitting.

    With incompetence the screw-ups would be more random, but the magnitude of our ‘ordered chaos’ and with essentially the same folks benefitting suggests it is all planned. Corruption masquerading as incompetence.

    The fact that some remedies are known, but those in charge lack the will to implement them suggests that we are in a state that is desirable to some. Incompetents on seeing the mistakes would try to correct them. The corrupts ‘like it so’.

    There will be no recovery until we can look the mirror and admit who we are.

  7. Pharmaceutical companies are rich.
    Pharmaceutical companies research and develop ‘treatment’ for patients.
    Doctors treat patients and assisting research.
    At some stage there will be money exchanged between a doctor and a company.

    Some exchanges may be a payoff, but some are payments for hard work.

  8. The Court is only being highlighted now because the judicial situation has reached EMBARRASSING levels of disgustedness….
    …but the REAL truth is that this is EXACTLY what ails everything in this country.

    NOT THE UNAVAILABILITY OF COMPETENCE AND PROFESSIONALISM…. but our national predisposition to ABANDON God-Given talents – and opt instead for ‘personal loyalty’ – which mostly comes from incompetent ‘lackies’ who have NO history or even IDEA of high level PERFORMANCE.







  9. For the professional lawyer-politician as members of the managerial-political class.

    It’s one local story

    But when a satrap in Tel Aviv can be ordered by another set of professional politicians that the genocide in Gaza must not resume.

    Speaks to the ability of the criminals to seek survival even when the odds are mounting against a president who clearly has no legal claim to being compos mentis.

    But like capitalism, the organizing principle almost everywhere, the professional politician is not driven by market share.

    Instead, domination means political monopoly as is the clear case with the professional politician.

  10. What was the real problem with The Great Barrington declaration that brought down the wrath of the mainsream media and medical establishment on the heads of its proponents.

    As an alternative to largescale lockdowns, 3 highlyi credible and well credentialed medical scientists/academics in October 2020 urged in a written statement known as The <Great Barrington Declaration that the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic be handled as had all other pandemics over the last hundred years. The normal approach to pandemic protocols prior to COVID-19 included taking special measures to protect the vulnerable elderly and others with weakened immune systems, serious comorbidities etc., while the the bulk of the healthier members of the population who were not at high risk of serious illness or death were allowed to live their lives as normallyl as possible. As the healthier members of the population got sick with COVID and recovered a natural herd immunity could then build up in the population at large and reduce the spread and virulence of the disease.

    The Great Barrington Declaration Wasn’t Radical or Untrue — But It Had Another Problem

    The real problem with the Great Barrington Declaration was not that it was not true. It’s that — unbeknownst to its authors — it flew in the face of one of the most funded and elaborate industrial plots in the history of governance.

    By Jeffrey A. Tucker / Brownsone Institute

    It’s been a continuing mystery for three years, at least to me but many others too. In October 2020, in the midst of a genuine crisis, three scientists made a very short statement of highly public health wisdom, (i.e. The Great Barrrington Declaration /GM) a summary of what everyone in the profession, apart from a few oddballs, believed only a year earlier.

    The astonishing frenzy of denunciation following that document’s release was on a level I’ve never seen before, reaching the highest levels of government and flowing through the whole of media and tech. It was mind-boggling.

    For proof that nothing in the document was particularly radical, look no further than the March 2, 2020, letter from Yale University signed by 800 top professionals. It warned against quarantines, lockdowns, closures and travel restrictions.

    It said such extreme measures “can undermine public trust, have large societal costs and, importantly, disproportionately affect the most vulnerable segments in our communities.”

    That document appeared only two weeks before the lockdowns announced by the Trump administration.


    The Great Barrington Declaration was not the outlying position; the lockdowns were a radical move that never had a scientific justification. They were just imposed as if they were normal even though everyone knew they were not.

    Lately, we’ve been flooded with more information that starts to make sense of this puzzle. As Dr. Rajeev Venkayya had told me the previous April, the whole point of the lockdowns was to wait for the vaccine.

    Frankly, I didn’t believe him at the time. I should have. After all, it was he who had invented the idea of lockdowns, worked for the Gates Foundation as head of its vaccine advisory and then moved to a vaccine company thereafter. If anyone knew the real plan, it was he.

    In the meantime, we now know there was then being built a vast censorship machinery involving the federal government, outposts as universities such as Stanford and Johns Hopkins, tech companies and media embeds in all important outlets.

    It was not only being built but being deployed in order to craft the public mind in ways that would maintain the spirit of fear and the reality of lockdowns until the magic inoculation arrived. The whole plot sounds straight out of a bad Hollywood movie, but it was a plot being enacted in real life.

    Think here of the timing of the Great Barrington Declaration. It came out barely a month before the election, after which the plan from the top was to release the vaccine, presumably after the sitting president was defeated.

    That way the new president could get the credit for the distribution stage and thus would the pandemic end.

    The underlying dynamic of the timing of the release of the Great Barrington Declaration — we had no clue at all that this was going on — worked utterly to subvert the entire censorship regime.

    The perception too was that this document would undermine vaccine acceptance. At that point in the great plan, all focus was on molding the public mind toward mass jabbing. That meant cultivating among the population the appearance of expert unity.

  11. Second reading

    “It is believed that Barbadians in the diaspora, especially in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom have lost tens of millions of dollars at the hands of attorneys “back home”.

  12. Everything within the West, particularly the USA is corrupted by money, greed!

    From A to Z!

    And yet, how can you agree that arguably the most precious thing of all, “the disease mangement system” is deeply corrupted to its core without following that line of reasoning towards a trenchant interrogation of the entire system, even as it struggles to maintain meaning.

    Weeee see a straight line between what passes for health care and the failures of capitalism.

    And if capitalism has failed ……………. then all the systems integral are themselves failures as well.

    And yes, such an unbridled organizing principle where doctors, like ambulante chasers, see patients merely as a means to a fat cheque, where real needs come in a distant second to the machinations of big pharma.

    Such is the medical industrial complex as symtomatic of the capitalist irreversible failure as these distortions in distribution leave the USA spending more than five times other leading Western countries with far worse health outcomes.

    Wid Barbados doing it’s upmost to replicate these monument failures with the galloping privatization of health care while allowing public institutions to be starved of resources.

  13. @Bush Tea

    Your man Kerri has included ‘quality standards’ in his lexicon of late, a flavour of ISO9001?

  14. “…Kerri has included ‘quality standards’ in his lexicon of late…”
    Well even he must realize how stupid he sounded in defending BL&P – while encouraging Bajans to put good money behind solar panels…. so time for a new topic…

    As a useless politician he has to say SOMETHING when invited to functions…. and talking about “quality standards” is normally unlikely to expose your ignorance…

    UNLESS of course it was known that, until he was removed for incompetence recently, (and ‘promoted’ to senior -like the other Steal Houses failure), HE was responsible for the Standards department – and that he left it in shambles -after Sutherland had made some reasonable progress in the area…

    He is one of those who just spout ‘words’ and bravado, ….but without understanding, commitment, honesty, or even malice.
    Recall that when he was a DEM … he knew all about “blubber”,
    now he, Mia and Liz are tight….

    A waste of BB time …and a typical Brassbadian politician.

  15. Jimmy Dore interviews author Whitney Web who explains to Jimmy how the The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER

    There is much more to the Jeffrey Epstein case than an island for sex trafficking, flight logs and a suspicious “suicide.” As journalist Whitney Webb unravels in her two-volume “One Nation Under Blackmail” series, ties between the CIA, organized crime, international arms dealers and sex traffickers date back to before World War II and the Epstein connection merely represents the latest chapter in an unbelievably sordid, many-tentacled tale of money, sex, violence, power and blackmail.,

    Jimmy and Whitney discuss the historical connection between the military, the CIA and organized crime as well as Epstein’s ties to Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Victoria’s Secret founder Les Wexner, among many other miscreants and malefactors.

  16. FYI: During the interview Whitney Webb mentions in passing the name Larry King as one of the individuals involved in sex trafficking. This is NOT the same person as the former popular talk radio and TV show host, i.e. the late Larry King, who passed away in 2021. It is simply someone who shares his name.

  17. Last Judgment aka 'day of judgement' Avatar
    Last Judgment aka ‘day of judgement’

    “My mother filed three constitutional motions in 2011 and 2012 which are yet to be disposed of by the court.

    The last hearing was 2013.

    None has reached final judgment.

    She has an application in which judgment has been reserved since 2011.

    She has outstanding matters from as long ago as 1993 and 2002 yet to be disposed of and over 2 million dollars in court put there by deception”

    Majorie Knox passed in 2017

    There is a thread (with no comments) that you can break in

    It seems the CCJ dismissed the case

  18. Dear Blogmaster, dare I interrupt and ask a simple question; I am probably mistaken;(I usually am), but did I read somewhere in this legal jargon, that the errant (tardy) legal luminary, can be removed ‘by the Governor General, after being advised so …after consultation with the Prime Minister”? Has the post of Governor General not become “null and void” to be replaced by the President? Has this change been codified? In other words Who is the Governor General now…Isn’t it Dame Sandra Mason, who is the present President of the Republllic of Barbados?

  19. @Alvin

    The President from changes made supplants functions mentioned under GG.

  20. Where is the public trust as Venezuela and Guyana prepare for war over America’s oil?

    Where is William Skinner and his oft repeated meme about a oneness of the Caribbean as a zone of peace, pieces?

    Where are OSA, MAM, Beckles and co who, acting as America’s agents, paved the way for the escalation of an aged old border dispute?

    Maybe a world war will be in our ‘backyard’ soon. For the orders of magnitude are large, much toooo large for the lilipuchians running the region amid irrational claims about being global players.

    Yes, the Americans will side with Guyana to protect its oil under the feet of Guyanaese or Venezuelans, either one is theirs, say the exceptionalists.

    But no one is afraid of America. For Guyana would have been better served under the leadership of a Burnham.

    So Venezuela, in spite of America’s criminal war of sanctions against it, has friends who are prevailing over the Americans in several other theatres.

    They include Iran, Russia. Already the Russians had sent their long haul military jet with nuclear weapons capabilities to Caracas.

    The Venezuelan government is a very close friend of Iran. And Venezuela is expected to accede to BRICS membership at their next meet in Russia, early 2024.

    Neither Russia nor Iran will keep their hands folded in the circumstances. They are unlikely to intervene directly but there’s no need to. For Venezuela has a highly competent army and has in recent years received high tech arms from both Iran and Moscow. Air defense system against which American jets cannot operate.

    We had warned OSA and MAM that as factotums for empire that they were playing with fire. Now feel the burn!

    Given the geostrategic circumstances, where Russia is motivated to punch Uncle Sam in the eye, in its own ‘backyard’. Where it has a prime opportunity to deny American oil majors access to or near the largest reserves on the planet.

    And with Iran, which has vast investments in Venezuela, we see no set of forces preventing Venezuela, a much larger country by population, from invading the Essequibo and expelling American oil companies.

    On December 03, the Venezuelans Vote in a referendum on the matter!

  21. @ David on November 27, 2023 at 11:33 AM said:
    The President from changes made supplants functions mentioned under GG.

    That may be technically ‘correct’ but why is a Dame (an old monarchical title) the Head of State in the Republic of Barbados?

    Under the previous monarchical model of governance, the holder of the office of GG automatically carried the title of Sir or Dame.

    The same way the other trappings of the Crown has been discarded why not the title of “Dame” (or even “Sir”, in the case of the CJ)!

    Why couldn’t Barbados follow in the footsteps of Trinidad & Tobago?

    Is there a precedent for such a contradiction! Or only in the banana republic called RoB(B)?

  22. @Miller

    There a a case to be made for any number of changes to fit into a republican ideal, one has to draw a line? One has to phase the transition? We have to accept all of us filter the issues via different lenses?

  23. @ David on November 27, 2023 at 4:59 PM:

    Fair enough!

    So why remove an inanimate statue called Lord Nelson which has been part of the Bajan cultural heritage since the 1820’s?

    Wasn’t that statue of ‘unique significance’ since it was erected even before the one in the other Trafalgar Square in London and formed a very important part of the physical landscape which makes up the UNESCO World Heritage Site called ‘Ye Ole Bridgetown?

    Aren’t the British the largest segment of visitors to the island?

    Why not get rid of that building (house of trading in black chattel slavery) on Synagogue Lane which was first ‘erected’ at the height of the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

  24. @Miller

    A good intervention but we will always come back to prioritizing those symbols of the past with those that collide with being a progressive Black country. One which had a rich colonial past, long live little England.

  25. All hail Mia!


    “Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, joins GCA Advisory Board

    CARIBPR WIRE, Rotterdam/Bridgetown, Mon. Nov. 27, 2023: The Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, has accepted an invitation from Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the Board of the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)and Professor Patrick Verkooijen, CEO of GCA to become a member of the Advisory Board.

    On accepting the invitation, Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados said:
    “For those who are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and for whom the current system isn’t working, the stakes couldn’t be higher. I look forward to working with the Global Center on Adaptation to ensure governments engage with greater urgency to fix a broken financial system and fulfil their commitment to double adaptation finance by 2025.”

    Ban Ki-moon commended the Prime Minister’s work to reform the global financial system through the Bridgetown Initiative, a proposal for the creation of new instruments and the reform of existing institutions to finance climate resilience and the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): “Prime Minister Mottley is shaking up the status quo to ensure inclusivity and that resilient finance will enable the GCA and climate vulnerable states to address the climate crisis effectively. I look forward to working closely with Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley at GCA to ensure funding reaches those who need it the most through our innovative and ground breaking adaptation programs.”

    Professor Patrick Verkooijen, CEO of the Global Center on Adaptation said: “The world’s poorest and most climate-vulnerable nations are falling into a destructive debt and climate disaster trap. The economic cost of climate disasters in developing countries is projected to reach as much as $580 billion a year by 2030. I look forward to working with Prime Minister Mottley to break this vicious cycle. We need far greater investment in climate resilience – money invested in climate adaptation today will reduce the cost of dealing with climate disasters tomorrow.


    About the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)
    The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an international organization that works as a solutions broker to accelerate action and support for adaptation solutions, from the international to the local, in partnership with the public and private sectors. Founded in 2018, GCA operates from the largest floating office in the world, located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. GCA has a worldwide network of regional offices in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Beijing, China with an Africa office due to open in Nairobi in January 2025.”

  26. @DAVID

    Good morning, bruh…


    While most were being blindsided by “WAR” between Russia & Ukraine – “GULLIBLE” US citizens, dotty Europeans & “OTHERS” did not have the “VISION” to see the “MONETARY SCAM” that would eventually see the light of day…

    The “HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP DEBACLE” should have been writing on the wall as the “BIDEN CRIME FAMILY” were involved in all kinds of “DODGY DEALINGS” in the UKraine (including “BIOWEAPON RESEARCH”)!!!

    “CON-MAN” Zelensky took over US$200 Billion from “TAXPAYERS” around the world using “PUTIN” as his “BOGEYMAN”!!!

    Now Zelensky’s “BOYS” have bought him 2 luxury yachts worth a cool 75 MIL but they got called out from leaked documents that shows they are his…

    The whole world is just a stinking sewer of “FILTH”, “CORRUPTION”, “EXPLOITATION” & “GREED”…


    Mick asked the #BureauCRAPS* in the #EUPARL – “HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT?”

    In the arms of the “DEVIL” 4 sure!!!

  28. MEP Clare Daly is “UNQUESTIONABLY” the “MOST VOCIFEROUS”; “MOST RAMBUNCTIOUS”; “MOST LEVEL-HEADED” politician on the planet today (BAR NONE)…



    How Hamas’ Leader Spends His $2 Billion Fortune

  30. JOE BIDEN SAID: “If IsraHELL* did not exist – we would have to create it…!!!

    Says a lot about #US_ForeignPolicy…

    Here’s Irish MEP Clare Daly in the #EUPARL* in Brussel calling out both Biden & the #TerroistState of “ISRAHELL”…


    HAMAS*, an Arabic acronym for “#IslamicResistanceMovement” would not exist today were it not for the state OF ISRAHELL*!!!

    The #IsraeliGOV in the 1970s helped to turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamic Jihadists into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups…


    HAMAS was created to be “BUFFER” against Yasser Arafat’s PLO* and the FATAH Movement of the 80s and was funded through Israeli Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev who received “MILLION” $$$ budget from the Knesset and that “DIRTY MONEY” was funneled to HAMAS*!!!

    So for the “DENIALISTS” who want to argue from a position of “HISTORICAL IGNORANCE” – grow up!!!

    President Biden while in IsraHELL announced that the U.S. would allocate $100 million in “Humanitarian Assistance” to provide clean water, food, medical care and other essential needs to Palestinians in Gaza & the West Bank…


    In his speech, the president warned Hamas not to steal or divert the Humanitarian Aid that countries around the world are funneling into the region…


    In 2020, International CHRISTIAN* charity #WorldVision’s work in Gaza came under scrutiny when IsraHELL* put on trial Mohammed El-Halabi, a Palestinian employee of the charity on charges of siphoning roughly $50 MILLION in aid destined for projects in the Gaza Strip to the militant group HAMAS!!!

    All the money that kept coming into HAMAS’ coffers from their “PROXIES” in the region was making them very rich & powerful and this became the catalyst that allowed Netanyahu to “IGNORE” the “PLANNED ATTACK” as a “PRETEXT” for “MAJOR WAR” – for as some commentators would have us to believe that “ISRAHELL” was blindsided by the Oct 7th attack is “PURE SPIN”…

    IsraHELL*wanted “JUSTIFICATION” for “WAR” & they took the “OPP” even if it meant Israeli lives were sacrificed!!!

  32. Truth is infinite Avatar
    Truth is infinite

    White people think others believe their prejudiced bullshit lies that they flood the internet with.

    Truth is infinite it is all around and people recognise it’s vibration.

    People of colour around the world know all about white peoples racist lies and war propaganda.

  33. That noted humanitarian and peace enthusiast, Boris “where’s my hair brush” Johnson, pushed a big stick into the spokes of a 2022 Ukranian/Russian peace deal that was on the table, and just waiting for the final, official signing ceremony. It is unlikely Boris took this action of his own volition. He presumably have been acting as someone’s errand boy.

    See 4:38 in the following video.
    Zelensky Aide Admits War Could Have Been Avoided!
    Log in or provide your name and email to leave a reply.

  34. Here is the link missing from the post above

    Zelensky Aide Admits War Could Have Been Avoided!

  35. Sorry, having trouble getting the URL for the video to show up. If you don’t see the URL, go to YouTube and look for the JImmy Dore Show channel for look for the video posted around 5pm B’dos time Nov 28 wth the title;
    Zelensky Aide Admits War Could Have Been Avoided!

  36. Dr. Mercola explains below how the Pfizer and Moderna tag-team works to bury poor effectivenes of a vaccine and/or high rates of adverse events . Pfizer funds (there’s the pay off again) special interest groups, organizations including prestigous universities and medical research institutions, who in turn, publicly support pharma-friendly vaccine policies.

    Moderna uses AI & NGO’s to monitor critical mention of vaccines and vaccine policy on the internet, especially on the big social media platforms, to have them taken down and censored, regardless of whether or not the facts as presented are scientifically accurate.

    How Pfizer and Moderna Control the Vaccine Narrative and Influence Health Policy
    Pfizer and Moderna are operating a complex global web of influence operations to control the discourse around vaccines — funding lobbying and censorship efforts, using artificial intelligence to monitor and flag vaccine-related conversations on social media, and tracking elected officials who oppose vaccine mandates.

    By Dr. Joseph Mercola

    In late April, investigative journalist Lee Fang published evidence showing Pfizer had financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID-19 jab mandates, thereby creating the false appearance of broad support.

    Special interest groups paid by Pfizer to push for mandates and other coercive vaccine policies included the Chicago Urban League (which argued the jab mandate would benefit the Black community), the National Consumers League, the Immunization Partnership, the Advertising Council and a long list of universities and cancer, cardiology, rheumatology and medical science organizations.

    The coercive measures and subsequent mandates — which have since been reversed by the courts — allowed Pfizer to become the first drug company in history to break $100 billion in annual sales.

    Moderna uses NGO to censor vaccine discussions

    In a Nov. 20 Unherd article cowritten with journalist Jack Poulson, Fang turns his attention to Moderna, detailing what Moderna is doing to control the vaccine debate and influence vaccine policy.

    Just like the federal government has been working with the Stanford Internet Observatory and NewsGuard to circumvent First Amendment free speech rights, Moderna has been secretly working with a third-party NGO called PGP to monitor and censor online discussions about the COVID-19 shots — anything that might hurt Moderna’s bottom line.

    According to documents seen by Fang and Poulson, PGP works closely with social media platforms, government agencies and news websites to identify and shut down “misinformation.”


    Basically, Moderna accurately points out that when health authorities lie and deceive, people stop trusting them. The answer Moderna comes up with, however, is not to quit lying and deceiving. Rather, it’s to bury those who point out that we’ve been lied to and deceived. That way, the liars can continue to deceive and still be held up as paragons of credibility. (My emphasis /GM)

  37. What about AstraZeneca? This was the vaccine of choice for Barbados.

  38. “The Constitution of Barbados, originally the Schedule to the Barbados Independence order, was laid before Parliament on 22 November 1966 and entered into force on 30 November of the same year. It is is the supreme law of Barbados.

    Executive power is vested in the Barbadian monarch and is exercised by his or her vice-regal representative, on the advice of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, who, together, form the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of the Parliament. The Constitution does not contain provisions concerning the protection of intellectual property rights.

    However, article 16 of the Constitution provides for protection from deprivation of property without compensation, which can be interpreted in various manners.”


    This is what the Barbados Integrated Government BIG website proclaims … true true fact!!

    “The Governor General
    The Governor General appoints as Leader of the Opposition the Member of House of Assembly who commands the support of the largest number of Members of that House in opposition to the government. The maximum duration of a Parliament is five years. There is a simultaneous dissolution of both Houses of Parliament by the Governor-General acting on the advice of the Prime Minister.”

    … proclaimed by the website of the Parliament of Barbados … even though it doesn’t have an opposition!!

    “A Constitution Review Commission (1996-98) has reported on its review of the Constitution and its institutions. The Commission has recommended the adoption of a fully republican Constitution with a Barbadian, to be styled President, as non Executive Head of State. The full recommendations of the commission are published on Government’s Website.”

    So, the republic is “just beyond your imagination”.

  39. @DAVID

    Good morning, bruh…

    2 months after #BIGPHARMAGIANT* – AstraZeneca & Oxford University scientists released their #COVID_19 VAXX, countries in Europe & elsewhere paused its use amid disconcerting reports that a small number of recipients have experienced “BLOOD CLOTS” – with some of them “FATAL”!!!

  40. HERE’S DR. JOHN…

  41. What about that other vaccine “Wunderwaffe” in the war on SARS-COV-2, i.e the AstraZenica vaccine (AKA the Oxford
    vaccine)? The blogmaster would like to know. (See above).

    Arise, AstraZeneca!
    By Simon Elmer

    In the UK today, it seems, being knighted means you’re someone the UK state wishes to protect from prosecution for crimes against the British people. We don’t need to point to Sir Tony Blair, Klaus Schwab KBE, or even to Sir Jimmy Saville to corroborate this theory.

    Last week, Pascal Soriot, the French-born Australian and Chief Executive Officer of the British-Swiss pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca plc., whose ‘vaccine’ for COVID-19 has produced reports of 875,000 adverse drug reactions in the UK public, including 1,334 deaths, was knighted ‘for services to UK sciences and leadership in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic’.


    By March 2021, less than three months since it began to be injected into a terrorised public not only in the UK but across Europe and the world, the incidents of blood clots with low blood platelets and deaths following injection with the Oxford/AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’ were so numerous that its use was suspended or banned in Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, the Congo, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Thailand.

    In the UK, however, it continued to be injected into people whose informed consent about the risks, dangers and consequences of doing so had been censored by the Government, media and National Health Service.

    Three months before it was authorised, in September 2020, the Oxford trials for the AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’ was paused after a UK participant suffered spinal cord inflammation; yet it took a month to send the ‘vaccine’ trial safety data to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    In November 2020, it was revealed that AstraZeneca’s claim that its vaccine has an efficacy of 90% was based on a trial only administered to individuals up to 55 years of age, a demographic with a far lower chance of developing the symptoms of COVID-19.

    In April 2021, The Lancet, one of the oldest medical journals in the world, estimated that, although the AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’ has a relative risk reduction of 67%, the absolute risk reduction is only 1.9%. neither of which come near the claims of 90% efficacy made by AstraZeneca or the NHS medical professionals administering it the British public.

    The following month, May 2021, Transparency International Global Health accused AstraZeneca of a lack of transparency over its ‘vaccine’ trials, secret contracts with governments, and conducting ‘science by press release’.


  42. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton anounced today on X (formerly Twitter) he is suing Pfizer for misrepresenting Covid-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor public discourse.


  43. BL&P heads to court

    Unprecedented step only option, says Blackman

    Barbados Light & Power Co. Ltd (BL& P) is taking its battle for an electricity rate increase to court, in an unprecedented action against a decision of its regulator the Fair Trading Commission (FTC).

    Having twice failed to convince the FTC that it deserves an 11.9 per cent rate hike, the utility company will be trying for a third time – by appealing to the High Court.

    It is the first time that the company is taking such action, BL& P managing director Roger Blackman acknowledged yesterday.

    “We feel that we are left with no other option than to continue efforts to resolve serious errors of law related to the rate application,” he said in a statement announcing the move.


    “Light & Power believes that the FTC has made significant legal, jurisdictional and procedural mistakes which affect the fairness and reasonableness of the decision. Such mistakes have major consequences on our ability to adequately serve our customers.”

    In a February 15, 2023 decision on BL& P’s October 2021 application for a rate increase, the FTC panel, chaired by Dr Donley Carrington, did not grant the monopoly the full rate increase it was seeking.

    BL& P filed a motion to review and vary this ruling on a number of grounds, but the FTC reiterated its position on November 20 and said a decision on new electricity rates would come before Christmas.

    Review process

    In announcing the decision to go to court, Blackman said his company “has full respect for the legal and regulatory process and will comply in every way necessary to bring this matter to a full and fair close that respects the best interests of customers, the company and the evolving energy needs of the country”.

    He added: “Over the last two years, we have worked through the rate review process with the FTC. Our hopes were high that a reasonable outcome could be achieved. However, this did not come to fruition.

    “Light & Power has never in the past appealed an FTC decision to a court. We do not take this decision lightly. We believe that it is imperative to defend the fair and reasonable legal standards that have governed our industry and that the FTC has fallen short on this occasion regarding some key issues in their decisions.”

    BL& P claimed that these included “retroactively changing settled decisions (that is, treatment of Self-Insurance Fund and accumulated depreciation and taxes) in a manner that is punitive to Light & Power several years after such settled decisions were made”.

    It asserted that “notably, these specific issues were formally raised and supportive responses received from the relevant regulatory bodies (including the FTC itself) [which] were relied upon by Light & Power”.

    Other grounds of appeal mentioned were direct contradiction with Government policy with regard to the implementation of energy storage; confiscation of prudent investments already made by BL& P in good faith and already in service currently providing benefits to customers; and arbitrary and inconsistent adjustments to the test year.

    In its recent decision on the BL& P motion to review and vary its February 15 ruling, the FTC said regarding its jurisdiction in the ratemaking process that the Utilities Regulation Act, which set out how it functioned, “should be given a broad and generous interpretation”.

    It also accepted that its decisions in this regard could be challenged in court. ( SC)

    Source: Nation

  44. Another pilot incapacitation incident Nov 29, 2023 on AA flight 755 Paris, France to Philadelphia. The first officer was the pilot on the controls flying the aircraft when he had a siezure and collapsed just before the landing.

    From Dr, Kevin Stillwagon:

    The First Officer who was the flying pilot on American Airlines flight 755 from Paris to Philadelphia on November 29th, had a seizure that stiffened his legs and back, jamming his feet under the rudder pedals on short final approach. The captain immediately took over flying duties and there was no loss of aircraft control. The relief pilot who was required to be on the flight deck during landing was able to remove the unconscious pilot from the seat with the help of the purser. The relief pilot occupied the seat for a normal landing and taxi to the gate.

    You can listen to the 2-minute (ATC) audio clip here:


    We know seizures after these shots happen. More than 6,000 have been reported in VAERS. I don’t know if the pilot who had the seizure on this flight had a covid shot or not, but I want to give you possible reasons of how an mRNA shot can result in seizures. Seizures like these are an indication that something has gone wrong in the brain tissue. It can be inflammation, a tumor, a vascular problem, or autoimmunity.

    First, inflammation. We know that the lipid nanoparticles in the shot cross the blood brain barrier. We also know that the lipid nanoparticles contain smaller lipid nanoparticles that are toxic and are not supposed to be used in humans or animals. Pfizer’s is called ALC-0315 and Moderna’s is called SM-102. Since they are toxic, they can activate microglial cells (basically immune cells of the brain) and this will result in inflammation, a known cause of seizures.


    Dr Willam Makis on his own substack page, lists 3 other incidents worldwide of pilots experiencing a sudden collapse incident within the last 2 weeks. AA755 would be the forth.


    Rumours in aviation circles claim that the high powered, billionaire jet setters now demand unvaccinated pilots only be allowed on the flight decks of their corporate and private jets. Unfortunately for us less priveliged travellers in the cattle class seats, we are not in a position to make such demands.


    #BitcoinRocketsPast $40,000 per coin!!!




    This was not as if these #BIGPHARMA manufacturers were making “TURNOVERS” with some having hardly any coconut at all while others were jam-packed – clearly this was “SCIENCE RUN AMUCK”!!!

    For all the “FOLKS” who want to make you believe in the “EXACTITUDE” of the scientific discipline – so what went awry with these “JABS”???



    Warren Buffett “WARNS”: “What’s Coming Is “WORSE” Than A Housing Crash”…

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