Submitted Terence M. Blackett

All it takes for ‘EVIL’ to prosper is for good men to do nothing.” ~ Sir Edmund Burke

The place is Munich, Germany – the date, March 2021. A high-level security conference is being hosted under the (DIS)guise – “HIGH-CONSEQUENCE BIOLOGICAL THREAT” that looked at gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness. Almost on cue, the World Economic Forum planned COVID-19 viral PlanDEMIC Event 201 simulation in what they spun as a hypothetical situation became a reality in 2020, and fortuitously here come the 2.0 in 2022.

Conspiratorially, as of this week in May 2022, the same World Economic Forum is in Davos, Switzerland, planning the next phase of the “Great Reset” agenda. In the sub-orbital pandemic sphere was a brokered simulation exercise of another “Global PlanDEMIC” caused by Monkey-Pox, induced by a supposed terrorist attack. By the end of the exercise, some 3 billion cases would have spread around the globe and some 270 million people are dead.

This is PlanDEMIC 2.0!

Renowned sociologist Jean Baudrillard’s idea on simulacra as per the COVID-19 phase of medical tyranny unleashed on the world was given theoretical wings in the Journal of Sociology under the heading: “A sociology of the Covid-19 pandemic: A commentary and research agenda for sociologists” highlighted in vagaried degrees of Malthusian ossification the damnable risks, morbid fears, merciless uncertainties and most importantly, a demonic agenda we saw in the 2 years of apocalyptic disruption, chaos and death.

Bill Gates (of Hell) had warned 2 years ago that post COVID, the world will be in the vice-grip of another planDEMIC that will be as defining as the last world war. Clearly, the Synagogue of Satan is now conspicuously open-mouthed, with fangs in plain sight, and they are not hiding their plans as to how they intend to not only ruin our lives but how they intend to control our very existence by any means necessary.

Klaus Schwab – the chief high priest in the Synagogue of Satan remarked today at the opening of the WEF conference that the “future will be built by us” to the consternation of many who still believe that the “gates of HELL shall not prevail” – for man cannot fight against God or His church and win!

Monkey-Pox has now moved from the fictional narrative to being a looming, clear and present danger with Belgium being the 1st EU country to set an mandatory 21-day quarantine for anyone with the disease – opening the flood-gates for an Autumn/Winter of lockdown measures that could see a global fallout of unprecedented proportions given the miasma of the last 2 years.

What is remarkable is that as far back as February 2022, a study was published in Science Direct – a paper authored by 9 virologists from the “INFAMOUS” Wuhan Institute of Virology posted in their quarterly scientific journal Virologica Sinica following the wide-scale use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests to identify COVID-19 positive persons.

Senator Rand Paul in his congressional hearings over COVID-19, clashed with the slithering “Fraud” Dr. Anthony Fauci over the tyrannical science that undergirds “GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH” and how the CCP virus and the nefarious Chinese researchers who manipulated pathogens in primates that have crossed over to humans is the reason why the Monkey-Pox virus transmissibility and lethality could see the globalists’ agenda rocket fuelled on steroids.

The CEO of Big Pharma giant Pfizer – Albert Bourla dropped a pearl to the hogs at the WEF about new microchipped pills and brazenly opined: “Imagine the Compliance” as the global plan is nothing more than a chemically-induced & sustained world populace that will also be microchipped into beast-like submission, (where you will own or have nothing but will still be happy) to serve your masters and overlords.

According to the WHO, since 21st May 2022 numbers have jumped to over a 100 cases in over a dozen countries. By January 2023, the simulation suggests that some 83 countries will be affected with over a million deaths.

The Synagogue of Satan knows the Scriptures and to copy-cat the plague of Rev 16:1 is a sign of deceptive diabolical distraction, as can be seen in the Word: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.”

What is subliminally insidious about the media coverage of Monkey-Pox is how the news media uses Blacks in their portrayal of this disease and African journalists are condemning Western media outlets for using images of Black people in their coverage of the disease.

As the numbers mount, it will be interesting to see the seismic fallout. The last two years were horrendous to say the least, and for many they are keen to see the tail-end of COVID-19, as it dissipates – yet, no one is prepared for a “MONEY-POX PLANDEMIC” and its ugly realities.

Stay tuned…

209 responses to “Mon(k)ey-Pox: Simulation or Simulacra – The Synagogue of Satan Strikes Again”

  1. More than 100 confirmed or suspected cases of monkeypox have been reported in 12 countries, including the US

  2. Oh dear! Looneyism from all quarters!

  3. New World Biolabs Biowarfare Conspiracies
    A.I.D.S Covid-19 Monkey Pox Ebola smallpox research
    Diseases are characterised as Community spreads among “undesirables” such as blacks gays addicts prisoners minorities
    which spread to “desirables” like lily white blond blue eyed

  4. Oh lord, I am sorry for Bulbados wuunah in trouble

  5. Common joke throughout the Caribbean Community here is the States ( and I only recently founded this out) is that when you go to Barbados don’t bend down.
    But on a more serious note, here in the States thus far there are only one reported case in New York and Massachusetts, but the Down Low Brothers are readily concerned, however, the way the Monkey Pot is transmitted according to the CDC, is through body fluids or face to face contacted, aka Droplets, but one has to be very close according to the CDC in order to get infected.

  6. And wunnah in here the joke yet, all 100 cases are all Black folks… at least the is what they are telling us here in the States.

  7. @ TB
    Excellent summary.

    Bourla’s comments should make any right thinking person pause for thought.

    …but if course they won’t

  8. Dummy,

    Not Barbados, ST. JAMES where all the “big shot’ tourists come to stay and BEND DOWN.

    Even in my neck of the woods the story was that Sam Lord Castle’s visitors often offered money for junior male staff to bend down.

    So you should also worry about our source markets.

    But are ALL the cases traceable to the Gay Sex Festival? If they are, they couldn’t ALL be black people because black ass is as popular as black dick among white folk both heterosexual AND HOMOSEXUAL.

  9. Pause, think AND DISMISS!


  10. Conspiracy Hypotheses 101
    Apartheid South Africa and Segregated USA exchanged the Green Monkey virus between their Biolabs cica 50s for “research”.
    But, the White South African Trope distributed in IT departments of USA and UK by young South Africans with no IT experience with their Auntie’s propaganda was black people had sex with monkeys which start A.I.D.S. spread and would shit on their beaches and leave dead chickens all over if they stopped their institutional apartheid.

  11. Secret Laboratory (Scientific Dancehall)
    Sorry, this lyrics is currently not available.

  12. Secret Laboratory (Rootah Version)

  13. David

    Not had the time to read this as yet , nor contributions thereto,

    Too busy today, but as a general rule when are White people, their demonic nature, going to be seen for what it is and has always been.

    Russia just discovered 365 illegal biological warfare labs surrounding America’s strategic rivals.

    America’s history is replete with many examples of this kind of supreme wickedness.

    Not only as a government but including all the large big pharmaceutical companies.

    The US military, the FDA, and on and on. And given the seemingly irrational trajectory of Covid-19, when should these people be presumed guilty until proven innocent?

    Just asking.

    Will comment substantively later.

  14. @Pacha

    It is unfortunate monkey pox is tagged to black people. The evidence points to being bitten by an infected animal. Any reason to demonize black people it seems.

  15. Yes this has nothing to do with eating half dead sickly animals. Just like mad cow stop eating infected animals from the bush. I know the possible exillaration of finding a free bowl of gopher innards has on some folk but think of it as when it’s 2 am your drunk and that girl nobody else wanted is hitting on you beware.

  16. The evidence points to being bitten by an infected animal/insect?

  17. The US military, the FDA, and on and on. And given the seemingly irrational trajectory of Covid-19, when should these people be presumed guilty until proven innocent?

    This is all TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED NATIONAL SECURITY Bollocks which is above you grade

    Ugly History: The U.S. Syphilis Experiment

  18. @ Pacha
    America’s history is replete with many examples of this kind of supreme wickedness.
    Not only as a government but including all the large big pharmaceutical companies.

    [code lang=text]
    Here is an example of what you are talking about….

    In 2002, Pfizer and two subsidiaries paid $49 million to settle civil claims that it had failed to report best prices for its drug Lipitor, as is required under the Medicaid Drug Rebate Statute.

    In 2004, a Pfizer subsidiary Warner-Lambert pleaded guilty and paid more than $430 million to settle criminal charges and civil liability from fraudulent marketing practices.

    In 2007, another subsidiary was found guilty of paying out kickbacks for formulary placement of its drugs and had to pay a fine of $34 million.
    Two years later, in 2009, Pfizer was found guilty of health care fraud and ordered to pay the largest penalty ever for this kind of offense.

    When announcing the record penalty of $2.3 billion against the drug giant, the U.S. Department of Justice said one of the charges was a felony. The other charges stemmed from false actions and false claims submitted to federal health care programs.

    In 2010, the company was again ordered to pay $142 million in damages for fraudulent marketing and promoting the drug Neurontin for unapproved uses.

    Less than 10 years later, in 2018, Pfizer was again caught in an illegal kickback scheme and agreed to pay $23.8 million to resolve claims that it used a foundation as a conduit to pay the copays of Medicare patients taking three of its drugs.

    These people are un-ashamed Demons!!!
    But what does it say about a world that then accepts a series of UN-APPROVED EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES from this SAME shiite company, while paying them ‘radical’ amounts of money…?

    If you can come up with a term that is better descriptive than “Brass Bowls”, then Bushie will stop needling you about the Bible …. for the time being 🙂

  19. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    What’s new Pussy Cat? Ooh ah o o o a whoo !!!! There is nothing new under the sun,except our response to it.
    I think I will scroll past this one.

  20. DavidMay 25, 2022 8:48 AM

    The evidence points to being bitten by an infected animal/insect?


    Would need to tie some of the cases in various countries to one country for that to be the case.

    Otherwise, the animal/insect would have to be doing the intercontinental travel.

  21. The point was about how it originated. Obviously monkey pox has been determined to be spread by coming into context with infected persons or spaces infected by said persons.

  22. Early days so got to wait and see what happens

  23. Unable to contribute to the main post. However,
    “And wunnah in here the joke yet, all 100 cases are all Black folks… at least that is what they are telling us here in the States.”
    caught my attention.

    I have not seen or heard that, but what I know is that people are upset that the media is using stock/decades old photos to show what the disease looks like. These photos happen to be images of black people and may not be a true representation of what those currently affected looks like.

    I would expect that bloggers would show a level of common sense on some matters and not perpetuate ‘lies’.

  24. @🐇/🐇
    “Otherwise, the animal/insect would have to be doing the intercontinental travel.”

    Cannot get anything pass you, but insects are k own to hitch a ride in suitcases.

  25. Your right wing loonies are the biggest eaters of wild meat and proud of it.

    Do no diseases originate from eating wild meat in North America?

    Always diseases are said to have originated in Africa….but NOTHING ELSE AND NOTHING GOOD.

  26. I see Donna that my mention of mad cow, got your attention on many levels. Look eating marmot can give you bubonic plague. rats and mice are big carriers as are birds of disease this is why you cant have any discussion on here because you and others always make it about race. Egypt is in africa maybe it was a pharoahs monkey they were eating feel better who cares lets just defend against it expanding. The last thing I want to do when I go to the bars at cropover is to serve myself.

  27. That’s because everything IS about race with your people. WE did not make it so. Your lot did – hundreds of years ago. And you refuse to let it go.

    Now you want to blame us for recognising and acknowledging it.

    This you would have us do when just a few days ago, ten black people were murdered by a white supremacist who spouted the same GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY that is a staple on the most watched show on the most watched cable “news” network in America. And Tucker Carlson is not the only one stoking the fire of racial hatred.

    The many vocal elements of the Republican Hate Group now spew that GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY daily, WITHOUT SHAME!

    The hoods are off! The dog whistles are down and the bullhorns are up!

    And the Republican base is loving it!

    The GREAT REPLACERS of NEARLY ALL NON-WHITE NATIVE POPULATIONS of the world think that they have some divine right not to be replaced in the land where they replaced the Native Americans.

    They have the absolute gall to call themselves LEGACY AMERICANS!

    Yet, you, who WE KNOW WOULD VOTE REPUBLICAN IF YOU WERE AN AMERICAN come here to berate us for making everything about race!

    Lookah, cyah yuhself, do!

  28. The irony is that the USA is a land built on immigrant labour.

  29. Wuh lookah muh crosses here on the second anniversary of George Floyd’s murder under the knee of a white racist cop in broad daylight, smiling for the cameras!

  30. They ALL were immigrants! Only the black slaves came by force, dragged there kicking and screaming by the white man.

    Now they have benefitted from their forced labour they want black people to

    So now we have DYLAN ROOF ONE AND TWO killing those who refuse to return.

    As hate crimes rise and white supremacists make a desperate push to maintain their grip on the world, LAWSON DENOUNCES THEM NOT, but seeks to chastise the “little black girl” for noticing and commenting. And all the while he puts in his own digs, hardly veiled racist tropes, supposedly disguised as jokes.


  31. Here we go again, what has this got to do with monkey pox and how to protect against it
    Monkey pox………reparations
    rum and coke ………reparations
    can for just once like monica said… can a cigar just be a cigar

  32. The irony is that the USA is a land built on immigrant labour.

    the reality is USA is a land built on white supremacy racism
    Israel and Apartheid South Africa formed in 1948
    Canada Australia New Zealand late 1800s
    Blame the Brits from 1400s

    But, the Good News is …
    Empires Fall

    watch all these countries fail
    people catch sun
    get skin cancer and die
    thank god
    praise jah
    revelations dispensations manifestations
    pure niceness

  33. Dillinger
    Melting Pot

  34. Babylon Fall
    Ring the Alarm

  35. When black people can just be PEOPLE then a cigar can just be a cigar.

    You do not have the right to direct the conversation on this blog. This blog is about US.

    If you read the submission, you would see that it is not only about monkey pox and how to protect yourself from it.

  36. You want people to die of skin cancer, you know it affects all races just like sickle cell. What is the matter with you

  37. Dub,

    So too was Barbados a country founded on white supremacy and racism.

    Ask Lawson how many black Bajans will have social conversations with “white” Bajans today.

    It’s ALL about race, you see.

  38. 555dubstreet

    “the irony is the US is a land built on immigrant labour”

    Well Skippa, all are immigrants including the Natives who are purported to originated in Greenland, so yes, America is a land built on immigrant labor not excluding that of the European stock.

  39. Yes, it affects both races but skin cancer affects white people disproportionately and sickle cell black people.

    Actually, I wish ALL RACISTS would die of ANYTHING.

    Nothing wrong with wishing dead those who wish you dead! Or those whose actions kill you like how one one blow does kill ole cow.

  40. Don’t hear any outrage from you about white supremacist boys killing black people in a supermarket. Your outrage is for those who WISH your kind dead, with absolutely NO INTENTION of participating in the process.


  41. Dummy,

    Who gets there first has the claim. Doesn’t matter where you come from.





  43. @Give me back mah virginity

    Well the Red Indians got there before Europeans , but they weren’t able to lay claim to the land, because they were still at a lower technological leveled, comparable to technologically advanced Europeans.

  44. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    let the games begin.

    “Germany Orders 40,000 Monkeypox Vaccine Doses “As Precaution”

    Germany has ordered a 40,000-dose batch of a Bavarian Nordic vaccine in case the monkeypox outbreak becomes more severe, but officials there claim a 21-day isolation period is enough for now.

    There have been 5 reported cases in Germany so far out of a worldwide total of 131 confirmed cases, with 106 more suspected. Slovenia, the Czech Republic and the UAE all reported their first cases Tuesday.

    WHO Director for Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness Sylvie Briand admitted it was unclear if the current situation was the “tip of the iceberg” or not.”

  45. @ Give me back mah virginity

    Black militancy eats away at you like a cancer, if you allow it to consumed your every thought, and to the point where you start to view your world through the lens of Black and White.
    Nevertheless, I’ve been there as young Black male growing up in America in the 1980s, and at a time when there were no such thing as
    Racial Profiling Laws, and had was to deal with the constant harassment from the White Cops, especially, if I walked or had driven through the wrong neighborhood.

  46. Donna aka Give me back mah virginity

    you can’t tell me anything about being a Black male in a racist society, because I have experienced about every form of discrimination imaginable, and I assumed as well as every Black male or female round or about my age.
    However, the one form of racism that still gets me to this day, is when Iv pass an elderly White woman how she clutches her bag tightly.

  47. @ Dompey
    How did you manage to grow un in the USA in the 80’s with racist Cops, …AND also to grow up in Bush Hall in the 80’s peeping through the walls of District A?

  48. Bush Tea

    I migrated to the States in 1985 …I am 57 do the math….

  49. Bush Tea,
    I knew the afternoon, when the Police killed Mark Young and wounded Harding in Bush Hall …I could still see my father figure and mentor 55 Alleyne, on the Police Bus heading to Bush Hall … to disposed of the two criminals…

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