The following was sent to Barbados Underground’s mailbox to defend government’s decision not to deliver a Financial Statement and Budgetary proposals commonly referred to as a ‘budget’ – Blogmaster

I am bewildered by the call made by some for the presentation of a “budget” in the House of Assembly, as a matter of urgency.  The reasons given strike me as uncompelling, given that the definition of a budget is generally a document where the government gives projections of Revenues and expenditures for the coming fiscal year.  In accordance with the country’s constitution, such a document has already been debate and passed in the House, it’s called The Estimates. This is really the country’s budget.  What I believe the administration’s critics want is a Financial Statement and Budgetary proposals. which is not required by law, but is traditionally presented after the first quarter of the Fiscal year and gives an  overview of the previous years’ fiscal and economic performance, and government’s taxation, spending and economic policy adjustments for the current fiscal year.   When this administration presented it’s first estimates in 2019 it significantly strengthened the process by bringing the Ministers, permanent secretaries and senior  officers in each line ministry before the standing finance committee of parliament to answer questions about all tax dollars they propose to spend in the coming year. As for financial statements, the administration has frequently brought before parliament, statements which show the government’s fiscal performance when compared with earlier projections under the Financial Management act (2019), this was last done by Ryan Straughn on the 16th of November you can watch it here:

To be frank, the only reason the government would bring a so-called “budget speech” now is to increase taxes.This government made it clear earlier in the year that infrastructure and business facilitation was going to be its main response to the deep recession brought on by covid-19 and no new taxes were gonna be pursued. Instead of listing its policy responses and calling it a budget speech. which can be considered “all talk, no action grandstanding” The administration embarked on a number of pro-growth policies, these include:  

  • The digitisation of CAIPO, which went live two week ago. you can visit the website to register a business at.  
  • Passed a modern Liquor Licensing Act to improve the process of applying for a license :
  • Currently debating the Fair Credit Reporting Bill, which contrary to what conspiracy theories have said is an attempt to significantly improve access to credit from financial institutions by small businesses in the country.  For years people have complained about what they had to go through to get a business loan in Barbados, this bill will turn a currently subjective system and make it more objective, faster and more transparent . Even the World Bank and The World Economic forum gave Barbados very low scores over the years on access to credit in their respective rankings.  As professor Robinson recently pointed out on  Facebook.  Remember. This is the same administration which established the Trust Loan fund to allow small businesses to access their first loans and to build a  credit reputation, this bill is the next step, I hope it passes in the Senate.  The administration is about to go even further with the establishment of  a collateral registry for entrepreneurs who do not have traditional collateral to use movable business assets which they have, to access credit in order to expand. This is transformational, as the Jamaica media just  reported. A delegation from put Ministry of Small business is current getting advice on setting it up. 
  • Passed the National Payment system bill in February see here , which among other things. establishes a national real-time Automated clearing house for the first time.In more good news the PM recently stated that it will be going live by March 2022.    
  • Just passed a sweeping vending bill:  Currently engaged in a number of projects to transform Bridgetown to utilize its UNESCO designation. This can already be seen in Fairchild street, Constitution River and will include renovations of the old Treasury buildings. 
  • This is in addition to infrastructure projects to upgrade and rewire schools to improve wifi connectivity as kids look to return in January see here:

  • Road projects across the island see example here:

  • A new water deal for farmers and projects to improve access: 
  • Announced a deal to support the garment manufacturing industry, one of the last half-viable manufacturing industries in the country.  Similar to the support for tourism under the BEST programme, which will come with conditionalities.   

All of this being done as the administration prepares to roll out the Nation Digital ID.  Why announce a budget to grandstand and talk, when you can just implement a competitiveness agenda?

199 responses to “No Need for a ‘Budget’”

  1. BAU Business As Usual Politics & Business NOT
    At the moment the Covid-19 Party is running the country dictating it’s policies industry and economy
    Government are the Opposition Party to Covid-19 spending as needs must on healthcare etc
    It is better to turn the tables on Covid first then implement a budget second when planning for recovery can be performed

  2. @Dee Word

    Reread what the blogmaster posted. Does the political directorate have the intelligence to reframe how info is delivered to the public? Why are we reluctant to demand better?


    You compare a 40% of the population who vote based on a whim and fancy to what is being lobbied for by the blogmaster.


  3. “Were can’t understand why some would want to presume things which are not real. To us this mentality is no different for religion than we observe here in the political – eponymous. The belief in that which is not real. Madness!”

    over half century of colonial HALLUCINATIONS…

    but they call me mad…

    “Now we’re hear discussing whether or not Mia Mottley is obliged to produce a budget debate as is at least customary if not mandatory by law. What kind of nation can this be?”

    BUT am the mad one…

    “Barbadians remain very focused and interested in the affairs of the country”

    they seem VERY engaged to me and PUBLICLY VOICING that they will take no more shit from this government……Blogmaster needs to get out some more, or at least visit other LOCAL PLATFORMS…

    BU must mean the Slaves who accept anything…and always ready to justify everything…there are quite a few of them…and they are ALL DISENGAGED FROM REALITY…

  4. @ pachamama
    It is said, you reap what you sow. 🙏

  5. Watchman

    Yes we all do!

    The last time the DLP sowed the idea that elections can be delayed, as much as one was long before indicated.

    We wonder whether we must now reap further delayed or no elections at all.

    Even then, we will have some here trying to justify the unjustifiable. Such is the presumed and actual power of the despotic dictator, Mia Mottley.

  6. @ WURA
    Propagandists, abstractionists and apologists in very sophisticated attempts to shelter the status quo.

  7. Should read :obstructionists. not abstractionists. My apologies.

  8. Owen Seymore Arthur’s mouth was not a “Bible”.

    And he was the same one who was voted out for growing arrogance!

    Also, our prime ministers were ALL dictatorial to varying degrees.

    But….THEY WERE ALL MALE! We know that assertive women are labelled “bossy” when men are hailed as decisive and strong. Women are ALWAYS judged by different standards.

    I NEVER discount the effects of MISOGYNY or at the very least, the remnants of a patriarchal orientation.

    People voted out the DLP 30:0 because their incompetence and corruption was too obvious to miss!

    When they marched against Freundel, it was about one particular issue that they could see on their invoices, just as when they marched against Sandi, it was a single issue that they could see on their payslips.

    That is a far cry from being fully engaged and aware how puzzle pieces fit together to make a whole picture.

    The old time rum shop people used to discuss had a better understanding of the whole. And yes, I used to ENJOY the budget speech as a teenager. I listened to the educated and the uneducated and learnt something from them all.

  9. Budgetary Proposals


    Barrow thought them necessary and Adams did too,

    Under all subsequent Prime Ministers it was an annual big do.

    Delivering the Budgetary Proposals gave the people their measuring sticks,

    Government’s credibility was vetted and it was healthy economics.

    Electorate had a clearer idea of the people in place,

    They could measure who was prudent and who was a waste.

    A chance to understand beyond fleeting campaign promises,

    Real truths, the doable, and finding who were the Judases.

    Young people could watch as they prepared to vote,


    Prowess in speakers, deportment under crossfire and note;

    Repartees to accusations and Ministers’ abilities to dispel,

    Oratory points that circulated, which never sat well.

    People deserve to hear from their leaders, especially during a pandemic,

    Obstacles hurdled and those up ahead that they may quell any panic.

    Streaming live video is a good window but tradition necessitates,

    All Prime Ministers lay out their plans during budgetary debates.

    Let the people assess their vision, its pros and cons, its prudence and morals,

    Show the country the reality of economic health with Budgetary Proposals.

  10. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Another solid effort.
    You will have TheO the poetry analyzer on full alert.

  11. William…epic fail…

    “Real truths, the doable, and finding who were the Judases.”

    in 2021 ALL OF THEM have revealed themselves as JUDASES…

    apparently some believe that racing up and down the world stage, pimping this and that title, award and chair, spouting usless shit that everyone has heard before….while cobbling together a fake republic with no republic constitution……absolves them from any further responsibilities…..and we done know all of them hate accountability…..but only the Slaves and the weakminded…the weakest LINKS are empressed…

  12. but only the Slaves and the weakminded…the weakest LINKS …are impressed…

  13. Thousands Join Barbados Opposition In “March of Disgust”; Pressure Mounts For PM To Call Early Election
    in International News March 12, 2017 0

    BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, March 12, 2017 (CMC) – The main opposition Barbados Labour Party (BLP), yesterday, increased calls for Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart to call an early election, as an estimated 10,000 persons participated in what was dubbed the “March of Disgust”.

    Led by opposition leader, Mia Mottley, and other members of the BLP, the message to the government was “enough is enough”.

    The march started at Jubilee Gardens and ended there with a rally, late Saturday, during which Mottley said Barbadians cannot wait until the general election is constitutionally due.

    A general election is constitutionally due here next year.

    “Having taken instructions from you, the people, we are now going back to talk with the other partners in this country (and tell them) that Barbadians cannot take 51 more weeks of this.

    “We will resume consultation with the social partners. They don’t invite us to the meetings, but we will ask to meet with them.”

    The Opposition Leader also said that she would be seeking further feedback from the marchers, who she asked to consult with other Barbadians on the way forward.

    “I am not taking any further action until you come back to me with a clear message, not just from the 10,000 here, but from the other people. I am asking you to go and be missionaries. In the same way all of us love our country, let us go beyond the extra call of duty, put in that extra bit of work, talking. Talk to the people, and you get the message to us and we will go back to the social partners, and we will return and plan our next move and come back to you.

    “I believe that if you stay true, and do what we ask you to do, that we will be able to get rid of this incompetent government ….” she said.

    Following the country’s most recent downgrade from the international lending agency Moody’s International on Thursday, Mottley blamed the Prime Minister for the current state of affairs.

    In her response ,the opposition leader urged supporters to protest “and show this government that you are fed up with their indifference; fed-up with their incompetent management of our great country. We need to show them that we have had enough,” she then said.

  14. BARBADIANS MARCHED in disgust for just over an hour this afternoon.

    More than 9 000 vented their disapproval of the current Government, taking part in the Barbados Labour Party (BLP)-organised march of disgust, which weaved its way through the capital of Bridgetown for 65 minutes.

    Bridgetown was brought to standstill just after 4 p.m. when more than 1 000 had gathered in Jubilee Gardens for the start of march of disgust, entitled Step Up if You Fed Up.

    By 4.30 p.m. the crowd had ballooned to almost 2 500, and at its apex, reached just over 9 000, according to police estimates.

    The traditional BLP colour of red stood out in the crowd, and was mixed with agitators wearing white.

    Runners and volunteers for the BLP were kept busy handing out placards, most of which lambasted the Government for its tenure since taking office in 2008.

    BLP candidate Reverend Joseph Atherley stirred the crowd into a frenzy early, and by the time the first of three music trucks rolled off and headed down Broad Street, voices were high and in unison.

    After the march, which also ended at Jubilee Gardens, BLP faithful held on for a rally, with a number of BLP speakers ramping up the crowd with their anti-Government narrative.

    March 11th.2017

    These marches were not about any one issue. The people were totally fed up with the government.

  15. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, I am certainly not “reluctant to demand better” … I simply wonder why a choreographed tic-for-tac budget debate presentation is seen as one of the better ways to “reframe how info is delivered to the public”.

    I accept your push for more and better engagement … my perspective, however, aligns with the blogger above (@Donna I believe) who suggested that we have gone into a comfort zone of success and I would add, are simply disinterested (but for the scandal of the moment) in what’s going on in governance.

    Brother, there is simply no RATIONALE argument that can be made regarding a more appropriate way to “reframe how info is delivered to the public”.

    In that regard I would again cite @Donna re her remark that the old boys (and ladies … my ‘bossy’ female friends 😇 tend not to like the ‘girl’ descriptor) were more informed or gave more educated commentary on governance and budgets etc….

    I disagree in the narrow sense that our and this generation have TOO MUCH ready access to data; more Phds in eva ting; and lots more former professionals in rumshops like this to be any less informed than those fellas…

    It just does NOT make practical sense.

    Here for example we have @Northern, a former CEO level executive of a multinational firm informing this rumshop; we have medical doctors; @Codrington a former PS level civil servant and the consultants beyond peer like @Pacha and Skinner to name but two; the Miller’s tale UK wise- man; we had a Law Dean and pre-Senator Labour Law QC (without the title) etc etc … so do tell how can we as a forum and as a people in toto be less informed … makes no sense folks.

    We are disinterested because we just simply are disinterested… there are multiple whys for dat … with comfort being a principle one.


  16. William Skinner
    You are quite right. Anybody who would make claim that any historical event was caused by a single issue is guilty of oversimplifying matters.

    There could be a dominant or group of dominant issues but almost never a single issue.

  17. @Dee Word

    Why focus on budget as opposed to how delivery of financial information can be reformatted for resonance.

  18. David

    If the purpose of a ‘Budget Speech’ is to provide the Minister of Finance with an opportunity to explain the effectiveness of ‘government’s’ management of the island’s finances and inform the public about socio-economic policies and initiatives that ensure fiscal sustainability and benefit the nation………

    …….. could you please remind me when ‘Budget Speeches’ of successive BLP and DLP administrations achieved the outlined objectives?

    Or, would you agree what we’ve been witnessing in Parliament over the years are only ‘political shams,’ during which there are displays of political posturing for reasons of personal political aggrandizement?

    As I mentioned in a previous contribution, the incumbent administration usually use the ‘Budget’ to criticize the former administration’s tenure and its policies as the reason for the dire state of the economy, which led to an increase or implementation taxes.

    However, the ‘Budget Speech’ immediately prior to a general election not only ALWAYS seems to indicate there has been significant economic recovery, based on the ‘goodies and give-a-ways’ announced therein, but is ALSO USED as an election campaign strategy to solicit votes. Recall, for example, when in May 1976 Barrow abolished stage bus fares to implement a 25¢ fare island wide.

    Also remember when Owen Arthur used his famous ‘wrap-up speeches,’ to lambaste his political opponents. What real purpose did it serve other than providing entertainment for party supporters?
    However, during the ‘Budget’ prior to the 2008 general elections, a prepared and energized David Thompson challenged Arthur causing him to abruptly end his ‘wrap up’ session.

    Additionally, I find it both amusing and disingenuous, when some people use Owen Arthur calling Mottley ‘despot,’ as a reason to confirm their individual biases or support their particular agendas, while either CONVENIENTLY or PURPOSELY IGNORING the fact that the SAME Owen Arthur ACCEPTED an INVITATION EXTENDED by ‘despot’ Mottley, for him to REPRESENT the Barbados ‘government’ at former Jamaican PM Edward Seaga’s state funeral, on Sunday, June 23, 2019.

    Also, during an address to Barbadians on Saturday, April 11, 2020, ‘despot’ Mottley announced Owen Arthur AGREED to sit as a member of a newly established ‘Jobs and Investment Council’ and was APPOINTED as CHAIRMAN of the ‘Industrial Transformation’ sub-committee.

    Perhaps Arthur viewed Mia as a DEMOCRAT during those times.

  19. @Artax

    Let us agree our representatives must do better.

  20. David December 13, 2021 3:56 PM #: “Why focus on budget as opposed to how delivery of financial information can be reformatted for resonance.”


    That should be the FOCUS of the discussion.

  21. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ dpD at 3:37 PM

    I would not like to mislead BU’s household. Except for the first three years of my career, I have worked in state/regional corporations, broadly defined. And you are quite right in senior positions. BUT I was never a PS in the Civil Service proper.

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    correction…I worked for multinational firms but was never CEO….my tenure as CEO, the company only operated in Canada/USA. I reached my level of incompetence !!

  23. @ Pachamama December 13, 2021 2:01 PM

    I have been preaching for years to postpone the next elections. Hopefully I will be heard here, as I was when the quarantine for vaccinated tourists was abolished.

    The people of this republic cannot form a proper opinion before election day given the shock effects of the pandemic. In addition, there are about 50 per cent unvaccinated people on the island who have forfeited their right to vote.

    Under these circumstances, our Supreme Leader even has the duty to cancel the elections, as we first need a new electoral law to deny unvaccinated citizens access to the polling station.

  24. Yup! They must do better! I cannot bear to listen anymore. I prefer to read the summary.

  25. According to Vincent, the strong-minded tell us to mash up but they never can say how to build back better.

    Pie in the sky comes only when we die, by and by. Revolutions are never bloodless and usually degenerate into the same hierarchical structure. In other words yuh die in vain.

    And a move back to Africa – well, that will presents its own difficulties!

    I will continue to be weakminded and damn well realistic and happy to fight it out in imperfect Barbados, where I have had and many many people continue to have a life more comfortable than much of the world’s population.

    Ain’t no perfect nation. Ain’t no perfect government. Ain’t no perfect leader. Ain’t no perfect system. Ain’t no perfect world.

    And I refuse to waste time hoping for the impossible and ranting and raving all damn day every damn day.

    And yet….the struggle to make it better will continue.

    Without the magic wand!

  26. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The Focus of discussion is….the Government does NOT wish to formally present their prediction/forecast of revenues and expenditures, at this time. It isn’t a pretty picture despite the somewhat (?) skewed views of the thread author. They are better to say nothing, than to make forecasts which are off by large amounts. So NBR — No Budget Required.
    You know if there was a projected Budgetary Surplus they would be crowding the airwaves? No budget, means a ‘guesstimate’ of the amount expenses will exceed revenue. @Miller puts the deficit at $500M, I ‘suspect’ that is low. (very low?)
    Appears all hands on deck have been sent below due to inclement weather, and will wait the storm to pass, before again forecasting clear weather, but some storm damage.

  27. @ David

    Personally I found the budget presentations as 2% facts and 98% politics and grand standing, coupled with fluff.

    I do not agree with some that Bajans are not interested in a budget, what I do think they have neither the time or patience for is the blame game and grandstanding that makes up a budget. I for one read the accountants notes the next day for the 30 minute relevance of a 5 day period of financial illiteracy.

    Now this years challenge is that we will be running ANOTHER sizable deficit, which will be accompanied by pre covid levels of economic activity. Now the party Faithfulls will say things are pick up and to them I say and so? The point is a large deficit must be financed and an under performing economy means reduced levels of duty, vat and state revenue. With the massive underperforming goverment machinery present, ranging from a failing revenue collection agency called BRA, to a customs department that can’t get our imports cleared, where will the money to close the deficit and run the country come from?

    SIMPLE WE GOIN BORROW MORE IN 2022. Plus we may see where we could tax wunna little more. After all that is so much easier than restructuring BRA and customs into real revenue collecting agencies. Plus if we can’t get what we owed collect, we will just forgive the debt again.

    That sire is our reality in a nutshell and you will never hear a politician discuss this in simple terms because they don’t have the backbone to tackle it.

  28. Beware the tyranny of the majority, 30 love in wunnah tail

  29. The island needs another test case…throw this lot out…NOT ONE SEAT…and see who sinks and who swims….they have been far too comfortable and confident in knowing that they will be elected to do the SAME SHITE over and over and for far too long….time to CAPSIZE THEM…

  30. Tron 5:06

    We trust you speak in jest. And are sorry for the introduction of that scenario into the equation.

    It was to dramatize the need for hard limitations on what any PM is permitted to do, especially in the case of Barbados where the political culture permits nearly unlimited prime-ministerial power, unchecked.

    Of course, certain bits and pieces detractors have long sought to evade the central questions while erecting all kinds of woke-ist rejoinders relating to gender. Whether fish or fowl our biting critiques shall remain and will grow in intensity, here or elsewhere.

  31. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    😇🙏🏿 🤣

    Gentlemen the clarifications are noted but you would also notice I carefully said “CEO level” and “PS level” … NOT CEO or PS!

    I presume that Exec-Suite level and Senior Management Level would have done the job better.

    I try to be careful how I scribe but clearly not careful enough.. 😇


  32. @ John A December 13, 2021 6:08 PM

    I see less a revenue problem than an expenditure problem. Our huge civil service apparatus dates back to the boom phase around the year 2000. Without halving the lazy civil service, we will never be able to consolidate the budget sustainably.

  33. @ Tron

    So I pose this question to you in all seriousness? Do we need a smaller civil service, or one that produces and performs hence supporting its current size?

    So if instead of forgiving $500 million in vat they collected it. Instead of pumping water to then watch it leak through strainers for mains they sold and invoiced it. If all cars and man sized duffle bags paid the correct duties. If all barrels were charge duty based on the real value in them. If all these things happened and the heads of the various government agencies functioned, do you think we would need to lay off 2000 workers? I could continue with more “ifs” but I believer David may have a cap on article size.

    My point is we are grossly inefficient but instead of addressing it, we raise taxes to sustain it while doing nothing about the core problem. We are by nature a populace of apologist, who simply limp along on the back of gross inefficiency. That my friend is me putting it politely.

  34. Abracadabra
    AC appears.
    I fear that AC may be sick.

  35. Bits and pieces of truth!

    Yuh could mash up but yuh en got a clue how to build back better cyan! Anarchy indeed! Yeah, dah gun wuk!

    Yeah, I am woke, while you are asleep and dreaming the impossible dream. You are more unrealistic than the religious zealots who at least know that it would take a supernatural being to intervene and make a perfect world. They KNOW that pie in the sky could only be contemplated when we imperfect human beings die, by and by!


    Yours is more of an intellectual snobbery.

    Thing is, you and David had a supposedly scholarly session on Russia yesterday, and all I was thinking was, “I’ve heard exactly the same arguments many times on MSNBC!”

    Another bit of truth from a bits and pieces fully woke prick kicker and puffed up poppet popper!

  36. Edit – delete “cyan”.

  37. @John A

    We need a public service that is fit for purpose to borrow a cliche. If the economy shrunk by 2 billion the answer is obvious, however is it as simple as sending home workers? How would that destabilized the tax structure and social landscape of Barbados? The other thing is how many of those companies VAT was waived were able to pay? Agree with you there is an opportunity to be more efficient with collecting taxes. The government is moving to clamp down on illegally registered vehicles but there is so much more. Have a look at the Auditor General reports.

  38. “Whether fish or fowl our biting critiques shall remain and will grow in intensity, here or elsewhere.”

    critiques work…everything is now ramped up….just look for the direction the tradewinds are blowing…

  39. Reality is kicking in, in a BIG WAY for the duplicitous

  40. The FB crew of ALL HUE are having their say about the J Series junk bonds as payment and they ARE NOT HAVING IT…

  41. Someone grew over confident and fell into their self customized well. of is where the Slave minded who believe their crap and love to regurgitate it need to throw them a rope….and hope not to fall in themselves,…🤣🤣🤣💋

  42. Yes, some of the debate is esoteric.

    I did not finish my comment….

  43. Some have the misguidance that because this writer at times chooses to waste some time here that everyone is located in conditions limited by their own circumstances.

    It is not for us to brag or boost or tell personal stories like some are apt to but a close reader has had hints about an existence which betrays time spent here.

    Told David about what was happening after a recent visit to Nicaragua. Wonder what Pacha was doing there! Wereeeeeeeeee talk about what’s happening in China and Russia and Afrika and elsewhere because of experiences not a misguided woke-ism. A woke-ism which is empire’s final resort even as conditions for the Afrikan peoples there and from whose oral traditions such a contrivace eminates.

    Bajans have done very well themselves destroying or taking the country into a developmental culdesac. And they have no rasssoul way out. Will have no way out. While all this was happening it was Pacha and others, some groups of people including a William Skinner and others trying to provide alternatives. David could tell how life’s blood was given over 5 years to save the largest company in the country from privatization. Or efforts to build a dominant credit union movement. Indeed, this writer’s former name is still writen on a building on Broad Street. All this time not looking for nuh rassoul money but that which you seek to avoid has a way of finding you. Tek dah. Yuh like rassoul stories!

    As social scientists weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from time to time forecasted events as indicated. Whether five years before, forecasting the BLP 30 -0 victory. Or 2 years before, the economic crisis which started before the pandemic. Or that the default will not be damaging to the country in the medium run. Currently, we are estimating the end of Western dominance, no time line has been set as yet.

    These are not the work of woke-ists watching American news and themselves doing more damage to the world by promoting foolishness. Case in point Scotland where because of woke-ism a four year old can now tell a teacher that he or she or it does not feel like the determined gender and the teacher is bound by law to threat that child how he or she or it wants without even talking to the mother or father or as the woke-ists now want us to say carer.

    Finally, this writer has for a long time found you to be an irrepressible cunt and have therefore sought to avoid you, read anything you have had to say, scrolling down every time.

    You may have the last word you woeman of bits and pieces. Weeeeeeeeeeee long been done with you. Time better spent with Jean and Dina. Now The Miller gone Pacha taking over.

    You mau have the final words, all of them.

  44. African+Online+Publishing+Copyright+ⓒ+2021.+All+Rights+Reserved Avatar

    Pacha…as it IS WRITTEN….Ase

  45. @David

    Tax collection for years and parties has been a weakness for us. We increase taxes on those we can find easily and let the ” small man” continue for the sake of the vote. That is why VAT was the ideal tax as it found all. Of course for it to work you have to collect it. Lol

  46. @ Pacha
    You said:
    “ David could tell how life’s blood was given over 5 years to save the largest company in the country from privatization. Or efforts to build a dominant credit union movement. Indeed, this writer’s former name is still writen on a building on Broad Street.“

    I can attest to the above.

    There are many that have been destroyed in the interest of the masses. They remain unknown or have chosen not to say a word.
    These sacrifices were made , years ago before there was a BU. Indeed when we speak of people being destroyed and literally face death threats in their own country. harassed by the CID , many on BU think it’s lies but the truth will be revealed one way or another. I know so many brothers and sisters
    that could have been living comfortable lifestyles and pompasetting but they paid the price for fighting a decadent and decaying status quo.
    Many have revealed with deep heart wrenching sorrow that they found more comfort in foreign lands . In other words, they felt better as second class citizens elsewhere than the way they were treated in the lands of their birth. I speak of brothers and sisters from all throughout the region. I speak if academics who could not get respect among the Cave Hill elites but rose to academic prominence in a strange land; I speak of entertainers ; workers from all trades and professions who spoke truth to power and then had to run from the region.
    Keep up the struggle Comrade Pacha.
    It’s far from over.

  47. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Here is a clip from BT on Dec 14/21
    “Questions were raised about the Debt Settlement Arrears Bill on Monday after Leader of Government Business in the Upper House, Senator Jerome Walcott said the Bill covers $1.9 billion in arrears, including $250 million being unpaid National Insurance contributions for public workers between 2015 and 2018, and $312 million in compensation for land acquired by Government.
    “We have been unable to meet these payments previously, owing to the pandemic, the ashfall and Hurricane Elsa, as those funds had to be diverted to deal with those matters,” Senator Walcott explained.”

    Permit me to break this little nugget down…..
    #1. Who knew based on the Bill, it included $250M in unpaid NIS premiums for Public Workers between 15-18?
    We knew shortly after the IMF were summoned that the prior administration had been withholding NIS contributions to ‘preserve its cash’. This means instead of getting cash, the NIS is getting a Series J Bond.
    #2 $250M + $312M = $562M, and $1.9B – $562M = >$1.3B. What comprises that significant unaccounted sum of $1.3B???
    #3 We know the other categories covered in the Bill are 1) unpaid legal claims 2) government arrears 3) outstanding liabilities

    You see the focus in on unpaid monies for land acquired, but this is only accounts for 16% of the Bonds.

    Who/what else are getting Bonds instead of cash? 70% of the $1.9B is ‘without specifics’

  48. “#1. Who knew based on the Bill, it included $250M in unpaid NIS premiums for Public Workers between 15-18?”

    abracadabra…now if we just SLIP this one in here…Northern will NEVER NOTICE…..and neither will anyone else.

    2015-2018….was that not the other salary sucking PARASITES…the other half of the self absorbed tag team government….

  49. @NO

    The government is denying gratuity due to public workers will be paid in bonds.

  50. Imagine 312 million dollars owed to citizens for compulsory acquisitions of their property. And we come here spouting endless BS.
    How can anybody even think of such an atrocity and refuse to deem it robbery in broad day light. Deliberate , systematic , callous thievery.
    Many of the robbed will never enjoy the debts when they are paid. CLICO and Government in the same frigging boat. How come Leroy Paris in handcuffs and not these vagabonds protected by : propagandists, apologists and obstructionists on BU and elsewhere.

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