The following was sent to Barbados Underground’s mailbox to defend government’s decision not to deliver a Financial Statement and Budgetary proposals commonly referred to as a ‘budget’ – Blogmaster

I am bewildered by the call made by some for the presentation of a “budget” in the House of Assembly, as a matter of urgency.  The reasons given strike me as uncompelling, given that the definition of a budget is generally a document where the government gives projections of Revenues and expenditures for the coming fiscal year.  In accordance with the country’s constitution, such a document has already been debate and passed in the House, it’s called The Estimates. This is really the country’s budget.  What I believe the administration’s critics want is a Financial Statement and Budgetary proposals. which is not required by law, but is traditionally presented after the first quarter of the Fiscal year and gives an  overview of the previous years’ fiscal and economic performance, and government’s taxation, spending and economic policy adjustments for the current fiscal year.   When this administration presented it’s first estimates in 2019 it significantly strengthened the process by bringing the Ministers, permanent secretaries and senior  officers in each line ministry before the standing finance committee of parliament to answer questions about all tax dollars they propose to spend in the coming year. As for financial statements, the administration has frequently brought before parliament, statements which show the government’s fiscal performance when compared with earlier projections under the Financial Management act (2019), this was last done by Ryan Straughn on the 16th of November you can watch it here:

To be frank, the only reason the government would bring a so-called “budget speech” now is to increase taxes.This government made it clear earlier in the year that infrastructure and business facilitation was going to be its main response to the deep recession brought on by covid-19 and no new taxes were gonna be pursued. Instead of listing its policy responses and calling it a budget speech. which can be considered “all talk, no action grandstanding” The administration embarked on a number of pro-growth policies, these include:  

  • The digitisation of CAIPO, which went live two week ago. you can visit the website to register a business at.  
  • Passed a modern Liquor Licensing Act to improve the process of applying for a license :
  • Currently debating the Fair Credit Reporting Bill, which contrary to what conspiracy theories have said is an attempt to significantly improve access to credit from financial institutions by small businesses in the country.  For years people have complained about what they had to go through to get a business loan in Barbados, this bill will turn a currently subjective system and make it more objective, faster and more transparent . Even the World Bank and The World Economic forum gave Barbados very low scores over the years on access to credit in their respective rankings.  As professor Robinson recently pointed out on  Facebook.  Remember. This is the same administration which established the Trust Loan fund to allow small businesses to access their first loans and to build a  credit reputation, this bill is the next step, I hope it passes in the Senate.  The administration is about to go even further with the establishment of  a collateral registry for entrepreneurs who do not have traditional collateral to use movable business assets which they have, to access credit in order to expand. This is transformational, as the Jamaica media just  reported. A delegation from put Ministry of Small business is current getting advice on setting it up. 
  • Passed the National Payment system bill in February see here , which among other things. establishes a national real-time Automated clearing house for the first time.In more good news the PM recently stated that it will be going live by March 2022.    
  • Just passed a sweeping vending bill:  Currently engaged in a number of projects to transform Bridgetown to utilize its UNESCO designation. This can already be seen in Fairchild street, Constitution River and will include renovations of the old Treasury buildings. 
  • This is in addition to infrastructure projects to upgrade and rewire schools to improve wifi connectivity as kids look to return in January see here:

  • Road projects across the island see example here:

  • A new water deal for farmers and projects to improve access: 
  • Announced a deal to support the garment manufacturing industry, one of the last half-viable manufacturing industries in the country.  Similar to the support for tourism under the BEST programme, which will come with conditionalities.   

All of this being done as the administration prepares to roll out the Nation Digital ID.  Why announce a budget to grandstand and talk, when you can just implement a competitiveness agenda?

199 responses to “No Need for a ‘Budget’”

  1. Davod
    Wait a minute!

    Last time you broached this subject our position was as yours is now.

    Then we were shown a legal ]provision mandating an annual budget by AC we seem to recall.

    What has changed within weeks.

  2. The Porpoise of a Budget is a Political Posturing Aquatic Animal similar in appearance to a dolphin that can swim into an Election.

  3. @Pacha

    Have you read the opening sentence?

  4. David

  5. @Pacha

    A reminder of the blogmaster’s position which is not rooted in what is legal.

    Given the perilous state of the economy and the additional challenges wrought by the pandemic it is not enough to point to The Estimates. The government must open a channel in the same way it plans to give life to the Barbados Constitution next year to ensure the public is in sync with government’s economic strategies. A big problem in Barbados is the lack of public awareness and civic engagement about such matters. We have been promised that a new dawn beckons, what better way than to engage in spirited national conversations to attack the high level of apathy and cynicism which currently exist.

  6. Who sent in this submission?

    Well, when you put it like that…..

    The “Banana Republic” seems to have a fews good bananas growing.

    And another thing – about debt – there is GOOD DEBT and BAD DEBT!

    Bad debt could be incurred when you use your credit card to buy a tv simply to watch soap operas for enjoyment.

    Now…if you buy the same tv to watch soap operas as research in soap opera writing…. that could turn out to be GOOD DEBT.

    One is consumer spending and the other is investment.

    So in assessing the loans being sourced by this administration, we must consider what the loans are for and what efficiencies (money savers) and opportunities (money earners) should emanate from each loan.

    Not “double speak”, just keeping a balanced perspective. Not “seesawing”, just watching the scales tip back and forth.

    For how else can we assess whether a government has good intentions but human failings or is evil to the very core and intent on keeping black people in bondage, promoting criminal minorities and thieves while raiding the broke Treasury????!!!!

  7. David,

    The House of Assembly sessions are still broadcast?

    All the budget presentation would do is capture a few more listeners.

    Is that why you are calling for a budget presentation?

  8. @ David December 13, 2021 7:24 AM
    Given the perilous state of the economy and the additional challenges wrought by the pandemic it is not enough to point to The Estimates. (Unquote).

    That’s a reasonably sound position to take.

    The “Estimated Excess of Total Expenditure over Current Revenue” for the GoB’s financial year 2021-2022 is Bds $506,499,305.

    Any CFO (the MoF equivalent) worth his or her salt ought to come up with a statement which outlines the proposals to raise the much needed financing to close a deficit gap of over $500 million.

    Don’t you think the Bajan taxpayers (shareholders in the RoB Inc) are entitled to some kind of info on how this huge deficit will be funded?

  9. @Donna

    Agreed but the presentations can be more creative, using BGIS to distil the issues in bite sizes. The current arrangement is too dry for the average citizen. We have to try hard to communicate more effectively with a disengaged public.

  10. @Miller

    It is imperative in the prevailing climate citizens and government are on the same page to ensure expectation are aligned. How else can the public be equipped to provide valid/relevant feedback? We have a situation where a majority of the public is uninformed and the palaver that ensues is not helpful to the cause.

  11. What is the difference between
    (a) a Government performing it’s remit as a daily mission
    (b) a Government electioneering for their next term

    D o BU seems to think (a) and (b) are one and same
    but (a) is more about facing harsher realities that will need to be implemented after winning (b)


    A Budget is better after an election than before
    campaigning is more about offering free food
    running a country is more about saying “sorry we cannot provide freebies as promised”

  13. David,

    So you want a little more splash and dash to get the attention of the public. You want visual presentations and graphics?

    Nothing wrong with that?

    How about a question and answer session with questions from the public, submitted by e-mail or whatever!

    But not the platform rhetoric.

  14. Correction – Nothing wrong with that!

  15. @Donna

    Whatever it takes, current state will not address apathy and cynicism concerns.

  16. David
    We’ve never held any doubt about your commitment to good governance even while you sometimes locate this writer as seeking perfection.

    And that is not always undeserved.

    However, you are also a fellow passenger on that very vessel. When will you come to recognize that the present culture of political government is far less inclusive than the 1960s, for example, and has steadily gotten less and less inclusive since the independence era.

    There are no sets of circumstances where such a correlation of forces, or in the political history of the world, have been rolled back absent tragic events. And this is where you would cease to be a fellow passenger, we know!

    We therefore will continue to invite your captaincy of this good ship called “perfection” going nowhere fast.

  17. “Don’t you think the Bajan taxpayers (shareholders in the RoB Inc) are entitled to some kind of info on how this huge deficit will be funded?”

    that comment covers the whole article and any further comments..

    and this one as well:

    “When will you come to recognize that the present culture of political government is far less inclusive than the 1960s, for example, and has steadily gotten less and less inclusive since the independence era”

  18. @Pacha

    Your caution is noted.

  19. The deficit incressed when the economy tanked due to the covid factor/s

    It will be reduced as Economic activity pick up with the return of tourism – government revenue will pick back up

    The up coming English cricket tour should be a great help.

  20. @John2

    You want to take the opportunity to discuss how we manage the deficit AND burgeoning debt?

  21. The defict is funded by borrowed money

    The while of Barbados should know this by now

  22. David

    I think u have the Wrong john

    A- would explain that it is funded by

    A – raising taxes
    B- printing money ( sinkler/dlp)
    C- borrowing (Mia/blp – because A is Max out and B is no longer an option )

  23. Grow the apples ;plant the corn; produce the milk…………work, work, …………,
    Slowly but surely Animal farm meets 1984
    Pure BS. @ Pacha is right.

  24. I think that engagement decreased as life got better for Barbadians. I think it was the people who thought the war was as good as over and so they disengaged.

    By the time they realised that they could not coast to victory, they had lost ground.

    Now, as they contemplate the state of the war and a return to the battlefield they are discouraged. They have grown soft and they do not remember how to organise, plan and implement a strategic and sustained attack.

    But perhaps necessity is slowly becoming the mother of invention.

    The problem is, as you say, everybody seems to see only the part of the puzzle that directly affects them immediately. They are not fully informed. The bigger picture escapes them.

    Where are the non-partisan, respected voices who can lead the discussion?

    I seem to remember there used to be a few trusted voices in my youth.

  25. “Opposition MP Mia Mottley says they are still waiting for The Budget to be delivered.
    Mottley, in delivering The Reply to the Budget this evening in Parliament, said “we waited and waited” but got nothing in what she described as the longest Budget speech that she has recalled.
    “This is a Budget we will address with sober optimism because Barbadians deserve no less than that,” she said.
    Mottley said she sometimes feels that this Government lives in a dream and refuses to connect with the average Barbadian.
    The MP says she will, on behalf of the BLP, address this country’s circumstances through analysis and by answering the following questions. “Where we are; where and why are we still here; where should we be and how should we get there.”
    June 27th.2012, Nation Newspaper.
    I guess it was alright to have budgets back then ……………..

  26. In YOUR opinion, of course.

  27. I previously held a position similar to that of those persons who are condemning ‘government’ for not presenting a ‘Budget Speech.’
    However, it’s a fact that, the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for financial years, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, have been ‘laid,’ debated and approved in Parliament….. as is constitutionally required.

    A presentation in which the Minister of Finance spends two hours or more criticizing the previous administration, while blaming their policies as the reasons for implementing new taxes or increasing, decreasing or abolishing existing ones……. followed by members from government’s side repeating and defending what the MoF said and talking about objectives they were obligated to accomplish in their respective constituencies……

    …….. and members of the Opposition defending their tenure, criticizing the proposals and complaining constituencies they represent are being purposely neglected……. is, in MY OPINION, a WASTE of TIME.

    Interestingly, several Barbadians aren’t willing to spend an inordinate amount of time listening or watching the debate, preferring instead to read edited versions of important details in the daily newspapers.

    It is also interesting to note approved copies of the Estimates of Expenditure and Auditor General Reports can be downloaded from Parliament’s website.

    But, rather than reading those reports and availing themselves of important information therein, so as to engage in informed, reasonable and rational debates, political party supporters prefer to troll social media sites that are dominated by their fellow supporters, from which they download political rhetoric they believe reflects negatively on the party they oppose, irrespective of the information’s accuracy or credibility of its source…….. or articles from ‘Al Jareeza,’ and use it as the basis to form their opinions.

    Donna made an interesting observation about ‘good debt and bad debt,’ which has been ‘discussed’ in this forum on several occasions, and even more so explained by the goodly gentleman his fan club refer to as, the ‘brilliant journalist.’

  28. William Skinner
    Politicians are caught in these moral contradictions all the time.

    Over time they seem to strengthen them.

    Of course, her people will find similar contradictions from the other side.

    And weeeeeee, the people, will never be able to transcend this merry-go-round.

    This is one reason a right to recall, if accountability means anything, was always far better than an aborted integrity law.

    Politicians have no integrity! And that assumption should never be made.

  29. William…funny Enuff…i was reading this article from 30 YEARS AGO re the unconstitutional of loosing bonds on the public ….and right below it was another article with the same old talk about cutting imports that the people have gotten every year for the last 30 YEARS…with no follow up action…just talk, talk and more talk……that’s what they gotta look forward to…

    have a look…

  30. So the best question to ask right now…is HOW MUCH MORE ARE THE PEOPLE WILLING TO TAKE…

  31. “ A wise old owl lived in an oak
    The more he saw the less he spoke
    The less he spoke the more he heard.
    Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?

  32. ya have a clown minister of education telling ya that “emancipation is a journey”…..which apparently she did not know STARTED IN 1888 but somehow the people must accept that SHE wants the journey to continue because she knows why…. …then there is all the other CRAP they keep throwing at those who elected them….so how much more will be much more before the people THROW THEM ALL OUT…

  33. @ Pacha
    It is not only the politicians that are caught in these “ moral contradictions”; it is also those who bend over backwards to support these moral contradictions.
    That’s why I maintain all the back and forth between the Bees and Dees is nothing but the pot calling the kettle black.
    They blow in the wind like a kite tail caught on an electric wire.

  34. Artax

    The government has a responsibility to make sure a wider public understands the workings of government and in this case the import of the The Estimates and supporting tactics and strategies to achieve outcomes based on resources based on the approved Estimates. It is dynamic given the state of economy and environmental factors at play. The old ways of doing things must change. Yes we have the numbers but this is not the point of contention. We must find a way to invoke meaning to those numbers in a way a wider public understands.

  35. This another hypothetical thought experiment on the anticipation of what the Government should or should not to do
    not what they are doing
    There is no budget forthcoming until or unless an announcement is made that a budget will be forthcoming on a date

  36. The blogmaster recalls MPs receive training about how to understand standing orders, related procedures of parliament as well as the process of the Estimates etc. Is it unreasonable to expect John Citizens should be accorded similar support if there is an honest expectation we need to intelligently participate in the process? To be honest the blogmaster does not care if a budget forms the catylst of the exercise just that we need to address the gap.

  37. @wura 10:58
    A link would be helpful. Would love to see the context of the statement.

    Not able to contribute to the ‘budget debate’. There will be no ‘Damascene moment’s for anyone.

  38. David,

    In my youth I seem to recall that rumshop patrons in my neck of the woods used to listen to the Budget Speech and discuss far more intelligently than today’s callers to Brasstacks.

    Most of them never went to seondary school but they were more engaged.

  39. Theo…if ya talking about the clown minister of education, just peruse the 2 local dailies for the last annual emancipation shit show that they like to use to keep the Slave society intact…….and see if it’s still there, that’s when she thought she sounded all intellectual and cute about a 133 year old emancipation journey DEVOID of freedom. for the majority population..

  40. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu
    I concur with the author of the post. The traditional budget speech will serve no useful purpose. There are plenty of urgent and important problems to work on. The electorate /citizens prefer GoB to give these full attention and stop “the gum chewing”. Thats worse that Nero fiddling while Rome was burning.

  41. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    Donna at 12: 05 pm.
    The members of the HoA ,regardless of the level of their education,made more insightful and intelligent speeches as well.

  42. “I think u have the Wrong john”

    A John is a customer aka client aka trick of a prostitute
    politicians are like Johns soliciting prostitutes for sexual conduct for a fee but are also like prostitutes selling themselves for money

    Anyway the 2022 Budget Summary will be as follows
    (as speculated by me that’s who)

    Robbing Peter to pay Paul
    Unclothing Peter to clothe Paul
    Maneuvering the Apostles
    Only out of the savings of the thrifty can be made the wage-fund to set other men on the way to be prosperous.
    It is now time to tax the rich or eat the rich

  43. It is indeed ironic, the PM addressed in the past few days, the virtual Summit for Democracy hosted by Pres Biden. PM Mottley highlighted the need for “encouraging active citizenship” as critical to supporting democracy in Barbados.
    It was clear before, the need to follow the law, as it relates to the reporting requirements for several public entities, was no more important to her government than it was to the ones before. They ignore.
    Apart from tradition, the purpose of the Budget is to “encourage active citizenship”. To encourage discussion.
    Now, I KNOW the numbers are not good, and after the festivities of the Republic, and with Christmas coming, there is no need for bad news at this time.
    However the real issue is, NO DATE has been given for a Budget. Is this yet another accountability moment which our elected are going to squash?
    Hence I must conclude in light of ‘encouraging active citizenship’, this thread article falls well short. There can be no reason NOT to encourage discussion amongst the people.

  44. @Donna

    This is the recollection of the blogmaster as well. There is very little interest in these kinds of matters. How can we have an engaged citizen who is civic aware and have little interest to fill the gap?

    It was interesting to listen to Senator Crystal Drakes delivering her contribution to the Fair Credit Bill an hour ago, she zoomed on the point the lack of financial intelligence in the Barbados space. She used the example where too many if asked to explain how is compound interest calculated they would be clueless. We will not improve the quality of living if we do not address, it must start at the top.


    You are entitled to your opinion.

  45. So the plan is
    the elimination of one debt by incurring another
    to try borrowing your way out of debt

  46. Were can’t understand why some would want to presume things which are not real. To us this mentality is no different for religion than we observe here in the political – eponymous. The belief in that which is not real. Madness!

    OSA told us in clear terms the disposition of Mia Mottley. He called her a “despot”. Certainly, if there was anybody well-situated to know the true character of she who would lead us it should have been OSA.

    And yet as a people subjected to the many and varied sins of a DLP regime we ignored the admonitions of OSA and welcome Mottley with a majority befitting the Roman emperor Julius Caesar.

    Since then Mottley has continued to commit grave moral crimes against the country.

    We speak of the dictatorial imposition of a second throne speech as a way of tapering the original manifesto promises deemed out of reach because of Covid. A set of circumstances, if you like accountability, integrity and popular participation, should have triggered a general election not a dictatorial decree.

    Then there was the embarking on a republican project at a time of Covid and without the people of Barbados having any input whatsoever about this here “mother of the republic” means for her 290,000 obedient children.

    But before these two large moral crimes against Barbados there was the tampering with the constitution to give this “despotic” dictator a perception of legitimacy as she altered the foundation document to make it in her image.

    Mottley’s belligerence to this day, when the country is supposed to be a republic, that it is rightness to leave her 290, 000 bastards with an amendment to the constitution and a Governor General who would be President but an emptiness as to what republicanism means beyond the pomp and pageantry on November 30.

    Now we’re hear discussing whether or not Mia Mottley is obliged to produce a budget debate as is at least customary if not mandatory by law. What kind of nation can this be?

    Any one of these moral crimes proves OSA clearly right about the despot Mia Mottley. But together, and there may be large crimes we’ve missed, they require all Bajans to consider the extent to which our elected dictatorship has traverse beyond such norms we like to presume reside elsewhere.

  47. A disinterested public that according to @David is no longer interested in public affairs. Is this same disinterested public that went to polling stations and rightly voted out a government and gave the party no seats, after reviewing its performance.? Is this the same disinterested public that march in their thousands against the last administration in a March of Disgust?
    I don’t think this argument about the people being ignorant and disinterested can hold water. It’s another bogus effort to give the current administration a pass.
    Barbadians remain very focused and interested in the affairs of the country.
    Stop placing the burden of information and good governance on the people.It’s intellectual dishonesty.

  48. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    David, as the Pacha says you are a tireless advocate for ‘good governance’ and on that point you are to be acclaimed loudly … but brother David you still amaze me with your ‘argumentation logic’ !

    As the author and several bloggers said above … how in heaven’s name will grandstanding political palaver BETTER engage the apathetic public of which you speak!

    How exactly, bro!

    We have THIS forum, every politician and her/her brother, uncle, nephew, step sister, cousin, out-side brother and their outside children too have a ‘boisterous’ YouTube, Instagram or other web channel ; GIS streams debates and other political chatter; the political parties have their social media channels and of course they STILL have the ‘ancient’ method of constituency meetings at churches ad local community meetings spots (as covid allows); we have BARP gatherings; Credit Union discussion groups etc and so on…

    YET you suggest that this government needs (a budget speech) to find ways to ENGAGE Bajans!

    Well brother I think maybe we need to send a few on one of Bezos’s rocket ships to outer space and pipe in the budget rhetoric to and from … that should focus some attention, you think!

    Seriously tho… what more can be done!

    A BS talk presentation in parliament is NOT needed. That has always been about theater and trying to win an ‘Oscar’ for acting ‘brilliantly’ … is that what we need right now.

    I think not.

  49. The absurd claim that we need a budget is not made better by the fact that the opposition and certain social media keep repeating it. Wrong does not become right by multiplying wrong by wrong.

    My legal opinion as a constitutional layman is that the will of our Supreme Leader is the supreme law in Barbados. So if our Supreme Leader’s will is not to have a budget passed by Parliament, then that is constitutional law in force. The presentation of such a plan would then even be unconstitutional!

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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