Thanks to Bajan Citizen for producing relevant links to the latest story making the rounds about Mark Maloney being scammed out of US10 million dollars purported to be a payment for 1 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine on behalf of Barbados and two other governments.

The blogmaster has two questions:

  1. On what basis was Maloney’s company Radical Investments Ltd selected to broker this transaction.
  2. Is the government out of pocket because of the errant transaction.
  3. How does being out of pocket USD6.7 million affect Maloney’s financial state to continue to do business.

Mark Maloney Says $12M COVID Vaccine Deal Was A Scam

The case is Radical Investments Ltd. v. Good Vibrations Entertainment LLC et al., case number 9:21-cv-81761, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida

Radical Investments Ltd. is a St Lucia registered company owned by Mark Maloney. 

He appears to have been swindled out of $6.7 millon USD from the governments of St Lucia, the Bahamas and Barbados who contributed money to buy COVID vaccines for their citizens.

“In April 2021, the Governments of Saint Lucia, The Bahamas and Barbados initiated a bulk purchase of AstraZeneca vaccines, as the minimum purchase from authorized suppliers was one million (1,000,000) vaccines.”

St Lucia contributed $7.3 million EC

Mark Maloney is deputy chair of the private sector group put together last March to fundraise and acquire more vaccines.

It is not clear what due dilligence Mr Maloney did before entering into this commercial arrangement with Good Vibrations Entertainment LLC. If you were looking to purchase pharmaceuticals would you do business with a company whith a name that connotes mechanical sexual services, and with an address at 21218 St Andrews Blvd Suite 318 that is a mailbox in a UPS store where 175 other fly by night companies also have their “headquarters”???

1,260 responses to “Mark Maloney Scammed!”

  1. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I fully agree with you on Mia faked performance. Donville should have been charged as soon as the DOJ info was public. They didn’t need to hire foreign consultants, the DOJ had done their work. Ditto for Tasker and Innes.
    The DPP should also have charged Carrington for his malfeasance. And surely the questionable untendered contracts could have produced a charge or two?
    In this way nobody could be saying Mia’s performance was fake?

  2. “Here is the question for George Payne- can you refute the claim you contributed to your law practice while sitting on the front bench? Keep your rh fake concern to yourself.


    I still consider the blog master to be a man of integrity and sound character. However, he sometimes enters the pool at the shallow end and the brilliant colors of his bath trunk are exposed for all to see.

    Here is George Payne (GPx) experiencing a Damascene moment and is almost at the point at repentance and the blogmaster rushes in order to rubbish and silence him.

    I will order some white shorts for the blogmaster so that he can discard the brilliant red and gold.

  3. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “In a thinly veiled reference to cement magnate Mark Maloney,”
    How the RH does someone who IMPORTS cement become a magnate?
    Seems he is more a magnet to politicians and those who control large contracts.

  4. @No
    Not going to engage u with a “what should have been”
    All knows the end result of those names u have mentioned
    What all would like to and want to know are the full details of the Mottley Maloney connection in.the buying of vaccine on the black Market
    Also all or most awaiting her reply to George Payne comments in Parliament laid out as bold evidence against Mottley disingenuous attacks on Sinckler
    George Payne and Mark Maloney has provided evidence enough and suffice to say Mottley can’t be trusted
    What are your thoughts

  5. NorthernObserver Avatar

    My thoughts are simple.
    1. Ignorance is not a crime? The papers filed in the USA court all point to vaccines coming from AZ. And AZ is not the black market?
    Now you may say given that Vax Manufacturers only sold to Nations at that time, meant any vaccines would have to come from another source. And Maloney should have known this.
    I say to you, for years I told you Big Sinck’s budgets were “dreams”, the numbers were unattainable. And they were. But his hi- ignorance and arrogance were permitted, he was allowed to dream. Isn’t Maloney also allowed to dream? To believe that money and ‘his brilliance’ can achieve anything. And let’s not get into the cost of their respective “dreams” on the Barbadian taxpayer!!!! They maybe more alike than you care to admit.
    2. Payne? If I were Mia I would expel him from the Party. She isn’t in the FJS situation where one seat costs her the government. If he wants to oppose, send him to the Opposition. Who knows he may even give the D’s a seat?

  6. @NO

    Is expelling Payne an option if you consider that it creates the problem of forcing Dale Marshall to possible resign as well? He is a sleeping partner in G&W Law Firm?

  7. NorthernObserver Avatar

    and FYI none of that is “what should have been”. There is nothing barring a charge today. Nothing other than “will”.

  8. @NO
    Ignorance is not a crime?
    A short answer is “No” or else the jails would be overflowing, but “ignorance” has a price and as long as you are not paying that price all is well. From what we have been led to believe the taxpayers of St. Lucia and Maloney are paying a price, the Barbados Gov’t is claiming that it dodged a bullet on behalf of the taxpayers of Barbados but no word on what it did to its international reputation.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You running scared? Why would Marshall give up his seat, when it is obvious to all and sundry that Payne has “stepped out of line”. I didn’t suggest after expulsion GWP should be investigated?

  10. @Sargeant

    Not so fast, we need to eyeball the agreement to establish obligation in the event of cancellation for reasons contained therein.

  11. @NO

    You would have to know remuneration as a partner in G&W compared to the ministerial salary and loyalty to the man of many hats. There is also the stress of public office taking a toll?

  12. NorthernObserver Avatar

    International reputation?
    Anything, and I am not pretending it is all, I have read beyond the islands, is someone got scammed trying to buy vaccines. A private citizen.
    DI was a far bigger story, covered in media with wide readership, and even that was like water off a duck’s back…. somebody is surprised an island politician is convicted of corruption?? And it was 🥜🥜.
    Why do you think our fellow citizens of ‘previously questionable practices’ are so attracted to these island locales? Because their reputation is of being squeaky clean and a history of prosecuting corruption?

  13. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You are suggesting a lawyer of Smilax’s tenure and societal standing couldn’t find work elsewhere?
    Why didn’t he stop/speak out when GWP was axed in the “undignified manner”? In politics you make your bed and you lie in it.

  14. NorthernObserverOctober 16, 2021 11:22 AM

    and FYI none of that is “what should have been”. There is nothing barring a charge today. Nothing other than will
    Well it happened and both bear the consequences at the ballot box and the swift hand of USA law
    Going forward what happened cannot be allowed to happen ever again
    Now as if the laws of good governance means nothing
    Present govt steers clear and proceed down a path of illegal behavior which they ought to be punished

  15. @NO

    It is reasonable to believe it is not his decision to make when to speak out.

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    And if you are correct, in historical Bajan style they will be punished. 22-8? What say you?

  17. NorthernObserver Avatar

    It is HIS mouth, always his decision. We all can appreciate why the AG didn’t publicly. Life is a constant weighing of risk/reward.
    The same choice we all face, including Mia? And why public silence maybe her best choice, not her most preferred choice. A diplomatic posting?

  18. angela cox October 16, 2021 9:28 AM

    RE: “Since u stuck your nose into the debate.”

    Nah, did not “stick my nose into the debate.” This is a PUBLIC FORUM and ANYONE is FREE to CONTRIBUTE or ASK contributors questions on their contributions. The ONUS is on the individual whether or not they want to respond.

    RE: “My question to u can u vouch that the person claiming to be David is the same David from the 2yrs prior to the 2008 election cycle?”

    I don’t have any reason to doubt it’s the same David. Are you implying there are TWO (2) David Kings operating BU? If so, Could you PLEASE EXPLAIN how you CAME to that CONCLUSION?

    RE: “Also when you find it fit tell your thoughts on George Payne lambasting and calling out Mia for her faked performance during the last election cycle on the issue of accountability transparency and integrity and corruption.”

    What makes Payne’s RECENT outbursts SPECIAL, especially if you take into consideration contributors to BU have ALREADY expressed SIMILAR sentiments on various blogs……. and more so in their OVER ONE THOUSAND (1,000) CONTRIBUTIONS to this “Mark Maloney Scammed” blog?

    However, to me, I’m NOT IMPRESSED. It’s just another SHOW within the ‘duopoly.’ This is the SAME George Payne who ENDORSED his party’s criticisms of Mark Maloney and EMBRACED him when he (Payne) was Minister of Housing and Lands and Rural Development…….. who has now ‘made an about turn’ on every issue, since he was EXCLUDED in the Cabinet reshuffle.
    Also, in MY OPINION, if Payne concerns were GENUINE, he would have done the honourable thing and RESIGNED from the party.

    Dr. David Estwick’s performances during the former DLP administration’s tenure, comes to mind. Talked a ‘lotta shiite’ LOUD, but really did not say anything in the end……… while REMAINING a member of the party.

    Another ‘pappy show.’

    RE: “All of which Payne made clear was disingenuous in the way and manner Mia attacked Sinckler. Presently Sinckler being a member of economic committee.”

    I’m aware Mottley invited Sinckler to sit as a member of an ‘economic committee.’ Do you know if the committee is still functioning and is he “PRESENTLY a MEMBER?”

    But……….. shouldn’t he be ASHAMED to ACCEPT any position OFFERED by Mia, after ATTACKING her every opportunity afforded him during Parliamentary debates in the House, having told her she should ‘run down Broad Street naked’ and made some very DISPARAGING comments about her at the DEMS meeting near the stadium, to launch their campaign?

    I’ll remind you this is the SAME Chris Sinckler who, along with Donville, Michael Carrington, Derek Alleyne and other BEES and DEMS, used to lime with Mia at karaoke, EVERY Thursday night at Jack’s Bush Bar, in Pile Bay?

    RE: “Also the same with Mark Maloney who Mia lambasted during the last election cycle only now to find her laying in bed asking him to buy Vaccines on the black market for Barbados. What are your thoughts?”

    My thoughts are, I’ve noticed you’ve been ‘saying,’ “Maloney was asked to buy Vaccines on the black market for Barbados,” which is a BLATANT MISREPRESENTATION and you’re MISLEADING the forum in the process. However,
    REMEMBER, the Mark Maloney you’re NOW criticizing and calling an OUT LAW………

    ………… is the SAME Mark Maloney you considered to be an IN LAW and VEHEMENTLY DEFENDED, when he was being criticized for Hyatt, Coverley, Grotto Housing Project scam and when the DEMS waived duties for ‘Hard Rock Cement’ and allowed him to build a bond just off the ‘Mighty Gryner Highway,’ without permission from T&CP.

    ‘Fair weather friends.’

    My friend, it seems as though you’re LACKING the INTELLIGENCE or ABILITY to REALIZE the BLP and DLP play games and manipulate SILLY, GULLIBLE supporters such as yourself. That’s why your only role will always be the DEMS ‘yardfowl mouth piece’ on social media…. for a few crumbs from the table.

    Just my thoughts.

  19. Whoever defies the Supreme Leader must face harsh consequences!

    The DPP needs to quickly dig up something on Payne and indict him. He departs from the official party line and is therefore a traitor to our Supreme Leader and to the people and the state.

    There is only one supreme law in Barbados and that is called Supreme Leader. There is only one supreme court in Barbados and that is our Supreme Leader.

  20. Why should the DPP have to do anything, is Jackie Stewart not waiting in the wings pregnant with evidence to assist with prosecuting the man of many hats?

  21. ArtaxOctober 16, 2021 1:20 PM

    angela cox October 16, 2021 9:28 AM
    Thanks for your thoughts
    The same repetitive bull crap
    You are dismissed

  22. DavidOctober 16, 2021 1:53 PM

    Why should the DPP have to do anything, is Jackie Stewart not waiting in the wings pregnant with evidence to assist with prosecuting the man of many hats?
    Amazing now it suits your purpose to slime George Payne you revert to calling Jackie Stewart name
    When Stewart needed support handed with evidence against Marshall and Payne what did u do
    Let me remind u of the mocking and scoffing and using your heavy handed moderation tool to block some of the evidence
    Now u jump out of the box waving a flag of evidence against Payne
    Maybe this is your moment of exposure of being a Mia yardfowl
    BTW Stewart did well all by herself along with her many supporters of exposing George Payne
    But not to take the issue away from the players involved
    George Payne did what u as a journalist should have done when Mia was feeding kool-aid to the people
    Tell the sinister background Politics Mia was selling to the oeople

  23. angela cox October 16, 2021 2:34 PM

    RE: “The same repetitive bull crap.”

    My friend, remember, according to you, “the TRUTH like milk, DOES NOT SOUR.”

    Hence, it will not automatically transform into a lie, whenever you choose to call it “repetitive bull crap.”

    RE: “You are dismissed.”

    Perhaps you always seek to embrace the truth.

    In so doing, you won’t have to go through the embarrassment of being “DISMISSED,” because, as the ‘old saying goes, ‘the truth shall SET YOU FREE.’

  24. Artax,

    She is hopeless!

  25. William Skinner Avatar

    This is so laughable. After the 2018 elections, the Bees were saying the Dees should apologise for the “lost decade”. Now we have a Bee saying the Bees should apologise for apparently misleading the people regarding corruption.
    There is nothing more pathetic than watching these political vagabonds cannibalize each other..
    The deception never stops…………….

  26. “It is not the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the dog”

    We fight, even against insurmountable odds, because sometimes we win… Billy Parish

  27. Yup! Nothing more pathetic than watching these self-important people put on their show, thinking that they are fooling anybody besides the few thousand yardfowls.

    The response from the vast majority of Barbadians to George Payne’s mealy-mouthed utterings is most certainly,


    Their audience is forever shrinking. No aura emanates around the positions of MP, Minister or Prime Minister.

    From the people, there is no respect but a “wuh yuh got tuh gimmuh”. If politicians were seen to be for the people, there would be respect. The “wuh yih got tuh gimmuh” would be “wuh yuh gun do fuh de country an’ how can I help”.

  28. William Skinner October 16, 2021 4:34 PM #: “Now we have a Bee saying the Bees should apologise for apparently misleading the people regarding corruption.”

    @ Mr. Skinner

    It is not my intention to ‘tell’ you how or on what you should comment. However, what is your opinion of recent actions of a particular DEM, who once EMBRACED Mark Maloney as an IN LAW and RUSHED to his DEFENSE ‘each and every time’ he was criticized by the BEES, during the former DLP administration’s tenure………..

    ………….. but has now ‘jumped ship’ to describe him as an OUT LAW?

  29. @ angela cox October 16, 2021 10:12 AM
    Oh what a tangled web weave when sinister acts of deception are practiced to deceive
    Some here would rather brush Paynes story aside but at times when or if things fit purpose the truth comes crawling out of the belly…(Unquote).

    Now that the Covid vaccine lid has been lifted off the two MAM scammers’ pot
    it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to disagree with the gravamen of your contribution.

    Your London-based chief of your BU fan club must be real proud of you.

    In order to make greater political capital out of the serious misstep made by the MAM administration what both your DLP leader VdP and your fellow BU yardfowls ought to be doing is asking the same MAM No.1 what is the state of play regarding the Hyatt project now looking more like a scam.

    Weren’t Bajans given the ironclad assurance that the erection of this same project was to be started since May 2020?
    What has gone wrong? Covid-19?
    How can there be any economic recovery in Barbados without tourism recovery?
    Where is the confidence being demonstrated in the future of tourism in Barbados?

    Any one with a modicum of business commonsense ought to have spotted the Hyatt scam from the outset.

    A scam professionally organized by MAM No.2 via one of his many registered business enterprises.

    It was just a promise of a pipedream in order to obtain duty-free concessions in return for electoral campaign funds.

    So why not ask MM No.1 who really owns the land which was taken away from the Ram’s?

    Is it MAM No.2 or the people who paid for the demolition of the Ram’s rat house to create an excellent window to the Carlisle Bay and to which it shall thus remain in the foreseeable future?

  30. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Artax
    You asked me:

    @ Mr. Skinner

    It is not my intention to ‘tell’ you how or on what you should comment. However, what is your opinion of recent actions of a particular DEM, who once EMBRACED Mark Maloney as an IN LAW and RUSHED to his DEFENSE ‘each and every time’ he was criticized by the BEES, during the former DLP administration’s tenure………..

    ………….. but has now ‘jumped ship’ to describe him as an OUT LAW?”

    My opinion is identical to the Bees who cussed Maloney and now in bed with him. pathetic.
    It’s how the BLPDLP operates.
    It’s folly to even attempt to separate the pattern; they are the exact same.
    That’s my opinion brother Artax. Pot calling kettle black ; not worth any in-depth analysis. I find it pathetic on both sides. I have seen this movie a thousand times.

  31. @ MILLER
    Right now Mia is desperately racing towards the Republic finish line to get more tourist in the country to fill up the HOTELS
    The Hyatt might be unofficially dead tossing and turning in the back of the MAM’s mind trying to find a big lie by which to con the people into believing the Hyatt project would restart in the near future

  32. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Don’t you think Mia should incorporate a special purpose entity to “restart” Hyatt? Call it Carlisle Bay Limited.
    BTW…you conveniently dodge what you prefer to ignore…is 22-8 a fair prediction?

  33. hope this video is not tampered with by the powers who talk of transparency and accountability has been given an expired date stamped May 2018

  34. is this govt way of silencing truth
    then why is this video with the voice and face of George Payne not allowed on web site
    Barbados democractic process is being tampered with by shutting out information that does not bodes well with the present govt
    Dictatorship has finally made way in barbados under present govt

  35. Thank God for U tube had much more time to listen to more of the video which govt has block on other web sites
    Listening to Cynthia Force speaking to Barbadians like children
    Also talking about teens going to drug dealers for jobs and making mention of corruption and teens having no morals
    I hope she understand that govt using the black market to purchase vaccine is corruption and by law is illegal which bodes well to say that govt cannot preach or stand on moral ground when speaking of corruption

  36. It is so sad that govt has blocked this Parliament video on websites
    Their is a caviar of meaningful information which gives insight as to how govt formulates policies and how it impact society
    Strange that a govt has seen it necessary to put blinders on the people eyes on this videob disallowing the people ability to see the workings of inner govt

  37. Why do I believe this story is as dead as a doornail.

    Somehow, it reminds me of the CXC story. That dog died a peaceful death.

    It reminds me of the hunt to EWBSB. Nothing burger.

    What became of the slogan commission?

    Is White Hoax still functioning?

  38. Today on local radio a talk show host did his best to land the vaccine scam planev
    The host presented a bucket loaded with information which govt needs to be answerable
    Mia was loud on the CLICO mess and run the length and breadth demanding answers and rightfully so
    Presently the govt involvement in the vaccine scam is under heavy scrutiny and Mottley mouth is nowhere to be heard
    The damming implications gives rise to ask
    Who does Mottley think she is ?

  39. Mottley when purpose fits her cause gets on local radio and speaks to issues
    However when public concerns brings attention to vaccine scam her silence relates a model of t disturbing arrogance
    After all Mottley does not own Barbados
    The people of Barbados voted her based on her own words Trust Transparency and accountability and it is not up to her to decide for the people which concern or issues she would be transparent or accountable
    Time Mottley gets off her PR hobby horse and tells the people of Barbados how Barbados good name got involved in a vaccine scam

  40. The question of whether Maloney (if this case does not go to trial) would sue Barbados govt for monies lost in this scam is very intriguing
    However knowing and seeing how the lack of transparency is absent from govt policies
    It just might be govt use a backdoor entrance to out the raging fire

  41. Well let get the coroner in here. I think this thing died right in front of us.

    I think part of Maloney’s contract was that he had to make an effort to recover lost monies. He did that.

    To quote a BU regular.. Move on folks. Nothing to see here

    –this is a great song — lol

  42. Theo
    I think part of Maloney’s contract was that he had to make an effort to recover lost monies. He did that

    In the court of law “I think” cannot be considered evidence
    Furthermore making an effort is not consider a closure or full collection of debt owed or payable
    This case cannot be closed the defense also has a say

  43. Bringing good music back to BU.
    I love this.vWhen I play it, my wife wants to know what my sorrows are..

  44. If Good Vibrations can walk away with the money, I doubt they would pursue the case
    I am out of the COVID business
    Out of the Republic business
    Out of the scam business

    **** Initially, I was opposed to going Republic, but I saw a post from Queen this morning. God help us. Hopefully he/she does not become President.

  45. Trying to get in a few songs before 555 start playing music made by scratching the walls.

    Obviously, he wasn’t talking about me…. I trust no man

  46. angela cox October 20, 2021 3:53 PM

    It is OBVIOUSLY CLEAR you do not know the differences between CIVIL and CRIMINAL law suits.

    RE: “In the court of law “I think” cannot be considered evidence.”

    Couldn’t the words, “I think” be reasonably interpreted as TheOGazerts’ ‘preamble’ to his OPINION and are not applicable to Maloney’s law suit?

    RE: “Furthermore making an effort is not consider a closure or full collection of debt owed or payable.”

    It seems as though you have not taken into consideration Maloney was was UNSUCCESSFUL in his efforts to recover his money, hence, the reason why he filed the civil suit?

  47. Artax
    I think u should be worried how the walls and foundations of Barbados democracy are being chipped away making room for dictatorship
    Instead of trying to chip away at my harmless words which u make with effort to interpret

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