About 20 years ago as we crossed the street to get on to East Street there was a group of people ahead of us and one of the women was lugging a suitcase. We were going to the East Street Vendors Market in London. My son who was five then was with me and when we reached the market, we started to browse. Suddenly raised voices were heard above the normal chatter. Two women on the other side of the street were arguing loudly and it was escalating. Next, they seemed to be on the verge of exchanging blows and all eyes were focused on them; no one was focused on the items on display. From my distance across the street, I was trying to figure out what was happening and if to leave when my son said, “mummy look! that woman is putting the people’s things in her suitcase.” He could not see what was happening across the street only what was happening on our side at his eye level.

It was then that I realized that the distraction had been planned. The group had created a distraction and shifted everyone’s focus and in the ensuing confusion, made the vendors goods easy prey to theft.

Is this what has been happening in Barbados? Think about it, the prorogation of Parliament for no reason that has been made public to this day and the Throne Speech from hell with its mandate for a Republic, the buying out of the leadership of the Barbados Workers Union, the largest trade union in Barbados and the by-election in St. George North. Even the pandemic played into the government’s hand as they used it to change the terms of the Severance Pay Act.

The above distractions have caused confusion and shifted the attention of the people of Barbados away from the performance of the economy, unemployment, the fact that this Administration is not providing any solutions, a refusal to diversify the economy, increasing debt and the Chinese invasion of Barbados.

The Prime Minister does not deliver clear messages. There is more information in the foreign press than from the Government of Barbados about its relationship with China. It looks good and sounds great to hear that the Prime Minister had a telephone call with President Xi but ask any Barbadian what was discussed. They will not have a clue. One wonders if ever there was a time since independence that an Administration in Barbados has acted in such a deliberately shady manner but again it is meant to cause confusion.

What is significant to note is that the Private Sector too is confused. However, what occurred over the last weekend in which the government’s move of political expediency not to make vaccines mandatory should be a wake- up call for those businessmen in that sector. They have a clear case of nearsightedness; they can only see what is right in front of their noses.

In particular, the voice of the private sector has not been heard in the debate about the Republic so no one knows what they envision but it cannot be business as usual.

In the scope of things, unvaccinated workers do not pose as great a threat as China. Perhaps if the Private Sector can envision a scenario in which Barbados is unable to repay China, that China takes over the ports and then raise duties on all imports except from China, it would remove the biblical beam from their eyes.

If there is another move of political expediency that involves China, its products or government contracts, the private Sector, will be on the losing end as China does not hand out debt to settle for scraps.

With only 166 square miles and limited manufacturing, one does not envision the survival of local manufacturing as Chinese investments begin to roll out. Those lucrative government contracts will become a thing of the past. Ultimately with billions of Chinese yens at their disposal the present Administration will not need the private sector to fund their election campaigns.

The ordinary people in Barbados do not have anything to lose but that is not so with the private sector.

The private sector has a choice to make. It is either:

  1. Stand idly by as the fire breathing dragon approaches and watch Rome burn. Or,
  2. Act like they are concerned citizens of Barbados and press for transparency and involvement for all the people of Barbados in the process to becoming a Republic which ultimately benefits them.

One kept hearing for weeks on end that the government had been doing an assessment of the housing stock that had been damaged or destroyed in the freak storm, to the point where one really had to wonder what was going on, only to find out in the newspaper a few days ago that the government is purchasing emergency housing from China. Surely this is a sign of things to come. Especially with unemployment so high in Barbados, this should never happen.

There is a connection between the method that the current Administration has chosen to become a Republic and China. As this unfolds, it appears that neither the public nor the private sector will benefit when Barbados becomes a Republic if all of this has been devised to hide China’s impending control over Barbados by placing it in its debt trap. The Chinese debt trap is a pattern that is being rolled out across the globe. They loan countries billions of dollars that they know they will never be able to repay. When the debt is called the Chinese exhibit their love for ports and utility companies.

In confusion, planned or unplanned, the brain does not think clearly, and someone always benefits. Should Barbadians continue to blindly accept what is going on with the pending Republic?

182 responses to “A Heather Cole Column – Governance by Confusion, Who Gains?”

  1. The Bajan government had a relationship with the chinese before this administration ( Sam Lords )

    The minister already break Down it is going to take too Long
    Maybe we should ask those that are awaiting the houses how Long are they prepared to wait?

    Isnt there enuff House building and repairs on the Island to keep the tradesmen bystat this time? There are the goverment prodjectscthat are contracted Out. There are some people that just needed material from goverment – Will be doing their own hiring Etc

  2. Nathan 'Jolly' Green Avatar
    Nathan ‘Jolly’ Green

    You need to understand that communist leaders like to engage China in their economies, it is a matter of solidarity with a system they love and want to thrive in their own countries.

    China will eat up Barbados as they have eaten up numerous projects and countries around the world who have been unable to repay China.

    Any country that engages with China on any project that they undertake to fund will be overrun by Chinese, they bring in their own workers, they bring in their own equipment and machinery, and provide the funds. The Bajan government will never be able to repay the Chinese in a hundred years so the Chinese will end up owning half of Barbados.

    You think imperialism under the US or UK is a bad thing, they are babies at the game of raping countries, China has become the greatest imperialist threat to the developing world. Use your search engines and have a look what they have done to some of their so called partners around the world.

    China is todays greatest threat on every front.

  3. John2August 28, 2021 1:17 PM

    The Bajan government had a relationship with the chinese before this administration ( Sam Lords )
    Having a relationship does not mean lying down and being screwed back and front
    What is this ?

  4. Nathan 'Jolly' Green Avatar
    Nathan ‘Jolly’ Green

    China will end up owning most of the industry and infrastructure in Barbados and the country will be overrun by Chinese immigrants.

  5. Nathan 'Jolly' Green Avatar
    Nathan ‘Jolly’ Green

    Every country had some kind of relationship with China in the past, but this is different and it includes World dominance.

    When it comes to money, finance and investment, they take no prisoners, they want their money back and a return on investment. The problem is governments take on debts that if properly analysed can never be repaid. The Chinese know they will not get their money back, but they are really interested in owning a physical and political stake in a country who they can then milk for the next hundred years.

    Eventually Chinese policy will ensure they rule the World. All manufacturing will be in China or in parts of countries that they now own through financial misadventure by childlike politicians not being up to the same game as the Chinese.

    When it comes to investment by Chinese business men you can be sure massive bribery is part of the equation.

  6. China’s Opaque Caribbean Trail:

    Dreams, Deals and KINGSTON, Jamaica, Tues. Jan. 7, 2020, CIJN: A hotel. A highway. A port. The prime minister’s house. For Caribbean countries, one of the most visible, expansive, and expensive forms of Beijing’s engagement with the region is its financing of large-scale infrastructure projects.

    China’s growing economic presence in the Caribbean is readily associated with such undertakings, but an MIC investigation into the conduct of business with the Asian powerhouse in the region has unveiled a trail of official secrecy, questionable procurement processes, and the looming threat of potentially insurmountable debt.

    Economies weakened by mixed internal and exogenous economic conditions, retreating economic support from traditional multinational agencies, an appetite for high-profile “dream” projects, and offers of soft repayment terms have all conspired to create entry points for a wider and deeper Chinese presence in the Caribbean.

    Standing on a political platform in June 2018, just one month after Trinidad and Tobago became the first country in the Caribbean to officially sign on to China’s $4 trillion global development strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the country’s Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley described the new dynamic:

    “We told them we need your investment and you need our location in the Caribbean,” Dr Rowley said.

    As the world economy evolves, he continues, so too must T&T: “Foreign investment came to this country from Britain and later from the United States, and all along we’ve had this foreign investment inflow. But today China is the world’s second-largest economy so while the economy of Britain drove us for a while and the US for another period, if we are to tap into serious inflows of foreign direct investment we have to look into countries that are looking for investment opportunities abroad and China is that today.”

    Suriname signed on in June that year, and in August, Guyana’s then Foreign Minister Carl Greenidge and China’s ambassador to that country, Cui Jianchun, signed the agreement that officially drafted Guyana into the BRI.

    Jamaica, the second biggest economy in the Caribbean, was relatively late to the game, finally signing on to the BRI in April 2019. Be that as it may, of the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM’s) 15 member states, five have diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

    Increased bilateral trade and access to China’s vast and growing economy have been the ostensible reasons for the Caribbean’s ready acceptance of the nearly $50 billion China has made available to the region for infrastructural development.

    From 2005-2018, Chinese banks (China Development Bank and China Export-Import Bank) were the largest lenders in Latin America and the Caribbean. Accumulated loans have surpassed $140 billion. Of that, Trinidad and Tobago accessed $2.6 billion and Jamaica, $2.1 billion.

    Over the last 25 years, China has put an estimated $8.25 billion in the Caribbean and upcoming projects could add another $8.92 billion.

    Over the past 10 years, project values have increased by 800 per cent. Most of this money comes in the form of concessional, government-to-government loans with interest rates well below market levels (some as low as two per cent) making them attractive to highly indebted, economically challenged Caribbean countries.

    The Caribbean Development Bank estimates the region would need about $30 billion to modernise its infrastructure over the next decade. With global development assistance from traditional partners drying up, Caribbean countries have readily grasped Beijing’s offer of easy financing.

  7. Why wunnah worrying about Chinese investment in Bim? Didn’t the PM put wunnah minds at ease when she tore a strip off the British journalist who dared bring up the subject? A copy of the clip was circulated to anybody who is somebody (personally I think the PM expected the question and the answer was rehearsed, but the poor woman got a bit of comeuppance) but doan mine me I am just a cynic who aint about to take anything at face value.

    Whoever doan like um could organize a march, if a rag tag group led by someone of dubious credentials could get Gov’t to backtrack on mandatory vaccinations the learned contributors here could surely gather some high forehead supporters to put pressure on the Gov’t.

    30 love in wunnah tail, wuh sweeten goat mout and all that

  8. Imagine if you were the Prime Minister of a developing small island state with one of the largest per capita gross national debt in the world.
    A catastrophic storm hits your island and it flattens 72 ill conceived homes which were unfit for purpose.

    Would you:

    A) Ask members of their families to put them up.
    B) Would you commandeer those in the tourist industry who have benefited enormously from tax payer’s monies over a number of years. And instruct them to provide accommodation to those in need.
    or would you
    C) Run to the Chinese and place your population deeper into the debt trap.

    Mia foolishly claimed in her interview, with the respected Zeinab, that it takes a woman to clean up the mess left by the woeful DLP. It was evident that Daddy and Mummy did not teach their daughter about home economics.

    Her judgement is not only questionable but appalling and reckless. What is her end game? And is there someone who can curb her spending spree and remind her to stop playing Russian roulette with the nation’s wallet. I remain indignant with this style of leadership and the moral vacuum that has endangered the livelihood of its citizens.

  9. @ Frank, @ David,
    My error on the currency however it made me think. Despite being the number one performing economy in the world, the Chinese currency is not used by the majority of countries in the world. I found an article that show 15 countries using the Yuan to invest and settle debt with China. The Western world does not hoard Chinese Yuan. Even the Foreign reserves of Barbados are counted in US dollars. One does not know if that will change. Perhaps not having a widely used currency is one of the reasons why China demands repayment in assets.

  10. @ Skinner, Well, well well!

  11. China has been developing poor countries

    while USA and UK have been warring with them

    when USA and UK was warring in Iraq and Afghanistan

    and USA introduced PATRIOT ACT and AML Laws in Banking

    It sold it debt as Fixed Income Instruments MBS ABS CDO to it’s allies friends and then defaulted on them and banks were bankrupted

  12. “Unfortunately for the local tradesman trying to make a living IOUS when come due and playable when not delivered cannot pay the bills”

    I forgot to say that China is providing materials as well as the labour on terms of Credit

    If you want Barbados not to develop and stay dirt poor then your answer is to not take the deal that China is offering

    China has helped develop countries in Asia, Africa and South America building infrastructure ports roads etc

  13. David
    For sometime now you and some writers here were constantly posing questions to which there are no answers or easy solutions.

    Kindly permit this writer to suggest sources from a branch of philosophy which may lead to more insightful consideration.

    We would suggest for a starter the work of Jiddu Krishnamurti. Attached is his interview with David Bohm.

    We know of no other way of giving you a glimpse into our library and the weighty issues constantly being raised except by attaching a YouTube video. We say this because people like William Skinner attempted in the past to rubbish the presentation of such evidence, not proof.

    It is our considered opinion that the work of Krishnamurti may lead to a deeper level of understanding about “The Future of Humanity” For this is the the ginormous question now unavoidable.

    We trust that such a deliberation, enquiry. may successfully avoid dispensationalist diatribes but warn some cerebral exertions maybe required.

    Below is an introduction as recently published by Information Clearing House. Also a link to a presentation which maybe easily accessible to bloggers as dense as it maybe. But it is well time to move beyond the merry-go-round.


    ”””””What is the future of man?

    J. Krishnamurti – A Conversation D. Bohm
    This is a must watch for those who seek the root of humanity’s problem

    All the problems that humanity has now, psychologically and in other ways, are the result of thought. We are pursuing the same pattern of thought, and thought will never solve any of these problems. The whole structure of the me is put together by thought. The me is my consciousness, which is my name, form, all the various experiences. Is consciousness individual, or is there one inseparable consciousness of mankind? Whatever action is born of limited thought must inevitably breed conflict. Dividing humanity geographically, religiously, and so on, has created havoc in the world. The me is a divisive entity. Why is there this division? Am I concerned with my very limited self or with the future of mankind?

    David Joseph Bohm FRS was an American scientist who has been described as one of the most significant theoretical physicists of the 20th century and who contributed unorthodox ideas to quantum theory, neuropsychology and the philosophy of mind.””””””””””””””””””””””””’

    Jiddu Krishnamurti was a philosopher, speaker and writer

  14. Here is a timely reminder from the BAPE [Barbados Association of Professional Engineers]. It would appear our so-called road builders lack the technical knowledge to buld roads to an exceptable standard. What an indictment.


  15. @ Theo, I had Covid-19 last year. I would not wish it om an enemy. I took the Jansen vaccine. It made me sick for 4 days.

    I am not in support of mandatory vaccination when one does not know the full effects of the vaccines for Covid-19. All of them produce different side effects, killing some persons however Covid-19 is a killer. I do not have the answer on which should prevail over the other public safety or by choice.

  16. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    “ We say this because people like William Skinner attempted in the past to rubbish the presentation of such evidence, not proof.”

    You are looking for a frigging fight! You and I are on two different wavelengths . I am an avowed regionalist you bring your global perspective believing you and you alone understand global affairs. You believe that the Caribbean is some irrelevant backwater. I do not.
    I am not here waiting on tutorials on humanity from you are anybody else.
    Pick another person, Pacha. Thanks

  17. @William it would be nice to see a prototype of these Chinese houses that will be built by Chinese workers.

  18. @TLSN, the government does not have an exit strategy for Chinese debt. The PM should have asked any of the African Countries.

  19. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Heather
    We have to wait and see. One never knows what our political masters are going to hoodwink us with next. However we hope they are an acceptable .

  20. @Heather
    Who owns all the US debt? It is not currently in China’s best interest for them to pressure the $US. They adjust their currency down to ensure they have a competitive advantage

  21. William Skinner

    No sir, not today of all days. Otherwise too busily engaged we’re afraid.

    However, you may want to suggest an alternative.

  22. “One never knows what our political masters are going to hoodwink us with next.”

    well the latest scam is a one-off payment to ya estate if ya can prove…read THEY…that ya died of Covid vaccime…which of course they will NEVER PROVE will always find another reason why ya croaked…..but will TIEF YA ESTATE, LAND, BANK ACCOUNTS ANYWAY…and leave ya beneficiaries in generational poverty….the house niga..

    Black/African people gotta stop voting for this slave society system, let the yardfowl/Slaves alone vote, IF THEY SURVIVE BOTH COVID AND THE VACCINE…

  23. “The PM should have asked any of the African Countries.”

    then she will want to leverage Black lives in Barbados, take the money and allow their racist minority friends to TIEF IT… not a fcuk of that…they already tried to sneak the criminal minorities unto the continent to RUN DIGITAL CURRENCY SCAM and got the SHOCK of their lives…

    Mia has only ONE WAY OUT as it relates to the Black/African population.

  24. There are about 287K armchair PMs in Barbados who think they should be running the country and would do a much better job

    But, Mia’s time has come as she has sound judgement and is a true leader like Wonder Woman the superhero in DC comics and movies

  25. “It is our considered opinion that the work of Krishnamurti may lead to a deeper level of understanding about “The Future of Humanity” For this is the the ginormous question now unavoidable.

    been telling them for years Pacha, stop focusing in on the insignificant hallucinations and focus instead on REALITY..which is HUMANITY and SURVIVAL…..the shit that’s going down is real, the giant philosophers saw it over a hundred years, 50 years, 25 years ago and kept giving warnings…..

    this shit is real, stop fcuking around..you do so to your own detriment, been telling yall that for 9 YEARS…the 11 plus fairytale is over.

    Heather….this is it, they are now forced to think about survival…the instinct to make it will kick in..

  26. I wonder why Sargeant thinks that Mia had to rehearse an answer that Donna could and would have given without any reheasal.

    Steupse, man! Steupse!

  27. “Her judgement is not only questionable but appalling and reckless. What is her end game? And is there someone who can curb her spending spree and remind her to stop playing Russian roulette with the nation’s wallet. I remain indignant with this style of leadership and the moral vacuum that has endangered the livelihood of its citizens.”

    house negros are only interested in impressing, pleasing and appeasing the minority criminals who help them rob the people/country, it’s a behavior none of them are willing to UNLEARN…..and will NEVER SEE where it leads as long as they hold small power….Black lives never matter to vote beggars who only live to parade. self-congratulate themselves and model on the world stage..

    it was bound to reach to this, some believe things will get much worse and there is no getting better in this realm…wicked mindsets have gotten them to this place…they can never think of ways to do better Black lives, it’s not part of their plan…everything they say and do carry the stinking stench of slavery and thefts as it relates to African populations…

  28. Hope they don’t realize TOO LATE that BLACK PEOPLE have the POWER to SHUT DOWN the ANTI-BLACK/AFRICAN system….and racist SHITSHOW…..bet ya they won’t tell the people what Guyanese are doing..

  29. Why are Barbados’ “experts” ALWAYS BEHIND…the experts outside are saying that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to achieve HERD IMMUNITY with rapidly mutating variants, Delta put an end to that……but this one is still feeding the population a fallacy about herd immunity, nothing but a pipe dream …and …way behind emerging medical literature from the likes of Oxford..


  30. Why is herd immunity not possible? Is it the fault of the vaccine or the fact that people are not taking it?

    Has the idea been abandoned because it is not possible in theory or in practice?

    That is what determines whether Joy is behind or not.

  31. Not one to toot and holler when things are going bad
    However I clearly remember saying in many of my earlier comments that once the virus gets into the country it is hard to control the virus and mass spreading is inevitable
    Simply saying that closure of the borders was the first and most important option
    Anyhow we learn from mistakes
    Jamaica is back again to where it first started
    Many lessons hopefully had been learned
    The small island govts have miss their chance of unification because of stubbornness ..small minded thinking and wanting to send a message they can do better than the larger international countries fighting the virus
    Yes their is the vaccine however with the vaccine their are new versions of the virus which scientist did not plan for
    Small island leaders have no other way out but to draw a line in the sand called unification

  32. Arguments about white peoples racism cannot be hacked and flipped to be used against black leaders.
    Hate against other people of colour is same as white peoples racism whether chinese, muslims, asians minorities in Caribbean or Africa.
    Problems of racism in USA, UK, Canada, America, Australia, Europe is about minority blacks, browns, yellows, reds versus white majorities racial bias and prejudice.

  33. Why are Barbados’ “experts” ALWAYS BEHIND…the experts outside are saying that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to achieve HERD IMMUNITY with rapidly mutating variants, Delta put an end to that….

  34. A good read.
    Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible

    Note that the threshold of 70% has been revised to a very high threshold (some say 94%).

  35. Viruses come in waves and mutate.
    The effects of vaccines wear off and boosters will be required again.

  36. At this point govts should be thinking of an plan of educating people on healthy lifestyle eating along with vaccination
    Plan which can help people to boast their immune system
    It is now evident that the vaccine efficacy rate only have a six month period hence nutrition must now be incorporated along with the vaccine to help fight the virus
    The virus is at war with the immune system and healthy lifestyle measures must now become a priority for the people

  37. Yes, that is a serious issue with the vaccines. Nobody knows how many booster shots will be required. It appears that if left to vaccination alone, this virus may very well continue to out pace the world.

    There cannot be one strategy.

  38. So herd immunity it is near impossible but not impossible.

    Joy is not behind in theory but in practice.

  39. Good link, TheO! All points this moron had figured out for herself but now confirmed by the experts.

  40. My Mix
    (auto generated by youtube)

    Sweet Sunday Sermon NOT

    u•inspire•me meditation

  41. I have just stumbled across an interview given by Sir Henry Fraser on Barbados Today. I have no time for Bajan Whites as generally most are racists. However there are a few of them who have a vision that far exceeds the slow dim witted black MP’s that we have had to endure since independence.

    For those of you who have a passion for the built and natural environment, and architecture, like I do; I would beg you to read Fraser’s reaction to the likely demolition of Glendairy Prison: “One of Barbados’ most prominent historians has sounded an early warning to officials not to destroy any of the five buildings at the old Glendairy Prison as they seek to develop a tourism-related project at the site.

    Fraser’s assessment that the Prison and its surrounding outbuildings should be cleaned up and readapted for a new purpose is 100% spot on. We can disagree with him on his proposals as to how the buildings should be used; however that is not an immediate concern.

    The argument presented by Fraser reflects a man who is probably well travelled and has an acute awareness of the legacy of a countries built-environment patrimony and how it may be readapted in order for it to remain relevant and functional.

    For those of you who are surprised with my defence of Fraser, please answer this question. Name me more than five developments or buildings over the last thirty years that have any architectural substance or significance that has elevated our architectural landscape. We have a passion for pulling down but have no experience of how to regenerate our villages or towns and lack the capacity to create architectural masterpieces.

    As painful as it is for me to utter – men like Fraser, can bring more good to our country then our short sighted black faced politicians. We may need to admit this and find a way to incorporate such people into the sphere of government. One thing is certain our black led leadership have proven themselves to be nigh on 100% failures.


  42. In simple terms, they have not yet rolled out a vaccine that ACTUALLY BLOCKS TRANSMISSION of Covid…and until they do, both the unvaccinated AND vaccinated are at extreme risk, because viral load is dangerous for both and no one knows whose body can handle it and who can’t..


  43. Donna…am not here to massage your ignorance…..you cannot go by just ONE LINK, when there are tons of them out there from varying universitites….when round the clock RESEARCH is being conducted ROUND THE CLOCK and UPDATED just as regularly…ya on ya own because you are neither expert nor even remotely qualified, so attacking me shows up your missing intelligence. ..yall like to attack me and get angry when i insult, but maybe ya like it, who knows..

  44. Yall are such bullshit artists, just because ya went to school with someone does not mean that they are ALWAYS RIGHT or better informed….that is where the nastiness of nepotism and cronyism poisons the social environment, look how well it has worked out for the island…AND STILL…

  45. If ya really want to do something useful and WORTHWHILE…ya should share that video with Joy, the reason i post things is to ALSO inform those in leadership roles, who may miss certian information because there is SO MUCH OUT THERE AND SO MUCH TO SIFT THROUGH…

  46. Now why would I ask YOU to massage anything of mine. You need serious massaging yourself!

  47. Keep believing you know what i want and need, in true bajan =low in Spanish….style…when we have never even met in person.

    As expected and told by the experts.


  48. angela cox August 29, 2021 5:32 AM #: “Not one to toot and holler when things are going bad…….”

    ‘Yuh hear lie……lie…… that is lie.’


  49. Wuh I like I post to the wrong blog!

    Woman, you have the gall to call me low???????!!!!!!

    Were you not the one who swung the first low blow? Do you not hurl insults all day????

    Do YOU know ME?

    Now see, this is precisely the reason I wonder about where your head is.

    Who the bloody hell do you think you are? You WAR on ME and I Will WAR on YOU!!!!

    When I feel so inclined, that is. The rest of the time, I have better things to do.

    Let the ranting continue! From your end. I am finished for the day.

  50. Artax,

    I here rolling like yellow man!

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