Barbadians are rightly concerned about a rise in violent crime, specifically with guns. Those in charge see it as a duty to paper over concerns because it is about maintaining calm in the society. Overall crime statistics may be trending satisfactorily for those whose job description should depend BUT there is is rising concern by the public about violent crime, specifically gun crime. A significant rise in the number of murders since 2018 has caused tongues to wag.

There are some issues we have to regard of national importance and work together to solve. While working together there must be leadership at every level to ensure the change desired is achieved. Do we have the right leaders in place as the Attorney General, Commissioner of Police, Chief Justice, Director of Public Prosecutions, Director of Welfare department, Director of Probation department, Dodds, GIS, Minister of Education – the list is not exhaustive. This is on the enforcement and rehabilitation side of the equation to curb acts of crime; recidivism.

There is more we are obligated to do. A chain is as strong as the weakest link. Each link represents YOU, YOU and YOU. We see every day the wheelies, running traffic lights, littering the environment, flouting of government’s financial rules, acceptance of monies from those in the shadows to the campaigns of politicians and so on. We know this, we see it , we condone it by turning a blind eye, then we complain.

Barbadians are happy to cede the awesome civic responsibility to politicians- we are delinquent as parents, teachers, policemen AND politicians and expect the police force, government and said other delinquent players to play clean-up. There is no doubt citizens expect if laws are broken the authorities must ensure justice is meted out swiftly. What we want as well is for deviant and dysfunctional behaviour that leads to increase crime and specifically gun crime to be arrested as well. We have to hold agencies responsible- this includes GOVERNMENT- for enforcement ACCOUNTABLE. We have to hold ourselves accountable in order to be guardians of our fate.

In much the same way garrison behaviour is a way of life in some neighbouring islands, we are seeing a similar trend of behaviour in Barbados with violent crime centred in depressed communities. In the lead in to the 2018 general election concern was expressed by some members of the public about then Opposition Leader Mia Mottley seen in the presence of questionable characters on the campaign trail. Again some questioned why questionable characters were invited to the opening of parliament. It has become too blatant for many although it is known that the relationship between the criminal element and public officials have been blurred for a long time. The chickens are coming home to roost. We have reached the tipping point. There is no moral leadership.

Has the Prime Minister addressed this video? Our leaders must not validate wrongdoing by their behaviour.

The Barbados we romanticize is no more. Like community spread of infection caused by the COVID 19 virus, so too we have community spread caused by crime. It is why the vacuous calls by politicians for citizens to give up the bad boys and girls will yield little if any positive results. The underworld economy is well managed and families and communities depend on the economic activities attached to the arrangement. In the same way extra income is derived from kitchen gardens, baking and other type activities so too is criminal activity for too many.

The recent murder of a police officer by a band of robbers in the North of the island is an example of today’s problem. The horse has bolted and it will require a long term commitment to solving the problem at every level of our small society. 

Will the real leaders raised wunna hands – that means YOU, YOU and YOU.

280 responses to “The Long Road from Perdition – YOU, We and Crime”

  1. 555dubstreet

    Why should skin color matters on the issue of romantic love? Such is superficial

  2. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    kiki is a coward, still can’t answer me about who IS FORCING the honorable sellout Slaves to collude and commit all these crimes against the Black population in Barbados….does he think it’s UK…still can’t answer….still can’t give an opinion…still driving all over BU trying to evade the question.

  3. 555dubstreet

    “Skin Color and Ethnicity have no place in a romantic relationship”

    1) Love
    2) Faithfulness
    3) Trust
    4) Loyalty
    5) Compassion
    6) Reciprocity
    7) Receptivity
    8) Communication

    Are the subjective and intangible characteristics, which are conducive to a romantic relationship.

  4. ““Skin Color and Ethnicity have no place in a romantic relationship””

    you should never marry a racist wit more ass than class Hal Dompey

  5. “who IS FORCING the honorable sellout Slaves to collude and commit all these crimes against the Black population in Barbados”

    ask you hubby and hate them blacks in power with a passion that can not be rationed and then get on the African bandwagon cussing all day everyday venting like a bitch

  6. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Keep driving and evading, just like the honorable sellout Slaves, ya bound to crash and burn.

  7. Blood of the Prophet part 1 and part 2

    Good crime
    Jesus of Nazareth preaching love and inity to jews and gentiles

    Bad Crime
    Jesus Barabbas the Hebrew Hero they chose to free up instead

    The blood of the prophet
    Is on the shore of Babylon
    Whoah, what a woeful situation!But I and I and I and I and I and I and I
    Have done no wrong

    I won’t be no careless Ethiopian
    To go down in the abbey with Babylon
    Coz I and I and I and I and I and I and I
    Have done no wrong…

  8. 555dubstreet

    The reality is we better get use to the idea of living in harmony on this earth as a collective human specie or try to, because White, Black, Red, Brown and Yellow aren’t going anywhere soon.

  9. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The REAL CRIMES are committed between the honorable Slaves and the corrupt minorities…that is who should be looking at THEMSELVES and stop trying to ASSIGN BLAME to the majority population….and that is why this gang should be thrown out of parliament and make sure they land on their heads…..

    the last ones landed on their asses but these should never be able to think they can crawl, SLITHER and slime back into the parliament for any more cycles of wash, rinse and REPEAT…

    they had ample warnings and even more time in 3 years to end that social carnage against the Black majority.

  10. Do we know if the robbers knew they were taking aim at a policeman?

  11. David

    At this point it really doesn’t make a difference because the Officer is already on Ice.

  12. It does because it allows observers to do a pulse check if this was a blatant disregard for police authority.

  13. Waru
    Talking about crime and violence. Bad crime, good crime.
    Today is essential George Floyd death remembered, one year on.
    In media attemps are continuing to rehabilitate the criminal Jesse Jackson.
    Jackson was an FBI agent spying on MLK.
    Indeed, Jackson knew beforehand of the government’s plot to kill MLK. In fact, part of that plot was giving instructions to the shooters as to who were friendlies in MLKs encourage and who were not. Friendlies would be without a neck tie. Unfriendlies, like MLK, as per usual, would be wearing ties.
    We now know with certainty that MLK found out that Jackson was an enemy, there’s even video and legal depositions etc supporting these claims.
    Correta Scott knew before her death as well.
    And yes Jackson comes on TV to talk shite even as an octogenarian.
    Lastly, there can be no rasssoul body who loves Afrikan peoples everywhere more than this writer. We love us will all our percieved faults, apologetically. But that Jackson could carry on this charade for nearly sixty years is criminal. These are good crimes fit for CNN

  14. David

    It is to be expected because it occurs periodically …. I was present at the National Stadium, the night my good friend and Mounted Man Marlon Moore got shot in the leg back in the 1980s.

  15. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Jackson was an FBI agent spying on MLK.
    Indeed, Jackson knew beforehand of the government’s plot to kill MLK”.

    just recently i told someone in UK that Black people are our biggest enemies, they refused to understand the dynamics at play…..days later it was proven to them, now they are very afraid…

    ….remember the hot mic, when he got caught bad talking Obama and saying how he couldn’t stand that “niga”….but would never tell him to his face, but would continue smiling and hugging him and everything….that’s the original backstabbing Slave….there was always something very wrong about that one…ya can see it in every move he made….i just could not feel him period..

  16. Wura

    If Jesse Jackson worked for the FBI, then Reverend Abernathy worked for the CIA, because he was the one who I spilled the beans on Martin Luther King Jr?

  17. Can’t preach and teach love as theory you have to live it

    I am Love
    Aham Prema
    I am love.

    Inner Tuning: Throughout the day, I focus my attention again and again on the centre of my chest – known as the heart chakra. May the love that I am radiate into the world.

  18. Wura

    Reverend Abernathy, in his autobiography divulged the fact that Dr. King was a womanizer, despite the fact that J Edgar Hoover had been wiretapping King.

  19. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @David May 25, 2021 10:59 AM
    I don’t think it would have mattered if he was wearing uniform or not, he would still have been shot at. However, I don’t think they knew otherwise, I don’t think they would have taken his gun because no one will want to be caught with that gun in their possession.

    Based on what retired inspector said about they coming from an unexpected spot, it might have been an unfortunate case of them running into each other unexpectedly and they just opened up like cowboys.

    P.S. My earlier comment you responded to seems to have disappeared.

  20. 555dubstreet

    You can in fact teach and preach love as a theory …. You just have to have a basic understanding of what a man and a man responds to emotionally, coupled with their cultural ethos …

    Listen! I do not have to know through learned experienced that women resolved a lot of their problems by talking them out, or can I learn this fact through basic observation?

  21. Two things I don’t buy
    1) crab in a barrel, and
    2) that Black people are our biggest enemies,
    If you believe that, then you can close shop and stop talking

  22. David May 25, 2021 10:50 AM #: “Do we know if the robbers knew they were taking aim at a policeman?”

    Good question, David.

    I understand one of the suspects is in custody and the car that was allegedly used has also been recovered.

  23. Critical Analyzer

    Didn’t the notorious criminal Sandfly tried to actively kill Keith Whittaker of the CID?

  24. @CA

    Your point is where the query came from, then again anybody who is of the mind to shoot another human being cannot be second-guess.

  25. “You can in fact teach and preach love as a theory ….”

    you cannot teach me anything Dompey Donkey the Donut

    “I discovered that teachers could teach me nothing. I refused to waste my time listening. I go to trees and flowers in the jungle and have them show I what I should know, learn what I should learn.”

  26. David

    We ought to remember that when Peter Bradshaw and company killed the Plantation owner, the first Officer on the scene was shot in his face, or a pellet from a shotgun blast meant for him took out one of his eyes.

  27. David

    I vividly remember as a teenager when Tracksuit Top was watching his car next to the old District A Police Station, he showed me a scar in the shaped of a triangle that he sustained as a resulted of being shot in the ankle.

  28. It’s amazing how the perrenial idiots here possess no limits to their ignorance.

    We have no evidence about Abernathy or anybody else in MLKs inner circle.

    David, if others want to engage in blackguarding other people without proff we let you at them.

  29. David

    My point is, intentional, or unintentional these incidents have occured during the years, and I can vividly recall when a former Mounted man, and very good friend of mine was stabbed by a criminal while on duty.

  30. @Pacha

    The internet is a freewheeling space.

  31. That maybe so. But this writer takes seriously the claims made. They were specific.

    And only an idiot would seek to generalize those claims made to everybody else as consistent with a racist mentality.

  32. Pachamama

    Go and read the article: Ralph David Abernathy’s Betrayal of his Trusting Friend ….because you Skippa, is unbridled by intellectual arrogance…and shackled by a stonewall intelligence …

  33. This level of grand charge requires more than a single article. We are talking about court documents, depositions taken under risks of perjury, attorney interviews, foia disclosures from fbi files etc.

    No one songle article or series thereof reaches that bar. In these circumstance we must demure. This is the standard required.

    You may have the last word.

  34. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Theo…as heart wrenching as it is, we cannot escape the reality that Black people are our biggest enemies, you may not be in a position to see it, but every day they prove it… causing pain, poverty, distress, crimes and loss in the lives of other Black people…

  35. If I gave my son that message and he believed me, then, for self preservation, he would become greatest enemy to all who are black like himself.

    I cannot let him carry self defeating luggage.

  36. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Don’t believe these new age kids think like that, you ought to give him more credit, they will tread carefully and use their intelligence to not become victimized or trapped in situations where they cannot escape.

    Most times people get sold for a dime because of lack of knowledge or because of the determination of sellouts….the youngsters are now putting systems in place so that these old colonial educated, lack of intellect SLOW THINKERS will be just a sordid memory and footnote in an ugly history..

    the youngsters, our future, know what they are doing..

  37. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Dompey May 25, 2021 12:21 PM

    I don’t know what their first intention was but I would hazard to guess it was not to kill people, it is to get what they came for and get away quick and clean.

    A robbery is a very fast moving, unpredictable, uncontrollable situation and if both robber and victim don’t keep their wits about them things can go very wrong extremely fast before anybody can say the word gun.

    The problem we have with the robbers these days is that if you put up a resistance, they are more inclined to get violent and start shooting like mad because they have a gun with bullets and replacement bullets seem to be cheap and plentiful these days.

  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    btw…i heard the population on the island is not just a little bit upset by what is happening. Mia could never say she wasn’t warned, but the majority population is never their priority once they beg them for their votes and get elected…

    Marijuana boat is literally gone
    crime out of control
    drugs and guns still coming in by the container and boat loads
    cartels and criminal syndicates still in full swing
    low to no opportunities as usual for the majority population who fund the country
    nothing for the younger generation to look forward to, as usual, if they don’t have strong family support

    poverty is now a staple
    minority thieves and racists still on the loose
    diversify is still a foreign and alien word to the honorable Slaves
    the natives want to know why they are suffering but over quarter million US dollars disappeared for a slogan that is old and well used by multiple countries…they want to know who got that money
    island is sinking further and further into debt, the people want to know who got their 5-6 billion dollars ripped off from VAT, treasury and pension fund

    this is the RECKONING..

  39. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @Critical Analyzer May 25, 2021 3:10 PM “A robbery is a very fast moving, unpredictable, uncontrollable situation and if both robber and victim don’t keep their wits about them things can go very wrong extremely fast…”

    Actually a robbery is a thing that has gone very wrong from the time it was just an idea in the robbers mind, long, long before he [or she] has even left home.

  40. Stop with the negativity. Allow me to share good news.

    I have just been appointed chairman of the slogan committee and the first slogan I came up is “Buy one (US $330K), get two free’
    Here are my samples
    “Little island, big slogan”
    “Little island, you and you and YOU’

    There is a referral fee.

  41. Shiva the god of cannabis says there is no such thing as a cannabis boat to miss
    Shiva aka God of Destruction, Meditation, Yoga, Time and Dance; The Destroyer of Evil; Parabrahman, Supreme Being (Shaivism)

    Om Namah Shivaya

  42. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    So before the robber leaves home he [or she] should study his [or her] head and figure out if mummy, granny, and auntie [becausin’ we know for sure that no daddy is going to show up in the courtyard with you, and if he int coming to court we know that he int spending any of his money on you] have a spare $50,000 hidden under the bed to pay a lawyer to defend you. And if your family has that amount of spare cash just lying around why the hel1 are you out robbing anyhow?

  43. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @David “Barbadians are happy to cede the awesome civic responsibility to politicians- we are delinquent as parents, teachers, policemen…”

    Some of the politicians, teachers and policemen are lousy parents too. If such people can’t or won’t raise their own children properly, why would any sensible person except politicians, teachers, policemen and may I add priests and pastors to raise their children for them?

  44. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    I am no leader, neither am I a hero. I don’t want to be a dead hero. I would rather be a living coward. Politicians and assorted big shots and dans can talk their talk and say otherwise, but this is my truth.

  45. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    The drug dealers can import or grow their drugs locally. We understand that they are motivated by making money.

    But exactly what is it that motivates US to hand over our good money to them for substances that we know are bad for us, when we know very well that our money would be better spent feeding, clothing and educating our families.

    The drug dealers make money.

    What good are the rest of us getting from them in exchange for our money?

  46. More yoga..
    Less chatter
    to make the weak heart scatter
    1 spliff a day
    to keep the evil away

  47. Little island, big spliffs

  48. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @David May 24, 2021 8:36 AM “What is the definition of civic awareness?”

    What civic awareness you talking ’bout? Perhaps lawson [with whom I seldom agree] is right when he talks about people mistaking real life Barbados for a Hollywood movie. Just today a man on Brass Tacks speaking too the moderator seemed convinced that Barbados has some 5th amendment to its constitution that guarantees a right to remain silent; and that police have to read “Miranda” rights at arrest.

    There is a lot of misinformation around. Some people are convinced that Barbados and USA is one and the same, and that a Hollywood movie and real life in Barbados is one and the same. So let we blaze we guns, and when t is all done we will as big time movie stars d=be driven home in our limousines to our mansions in the Hollywood Hills, when in fact we live in a government housing unit with ma.

    We have a long, long way to go.

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