Submitted by John B

We are writing to alert Barbados about fraudulent plans to promote members of the band who are not in any way properly musically qualified, professionally certified, or have gained respected musical competence in no way whatsoever.  This being the case, the director of music is looking to place certain individuals in senior positions in the organization and destroy our beloved band.

We first highlight acting inspector of police 99 Patrick Austin. This officer has been a member of the police band for some time and has not yet ascertained basic musical qualifications to his name, cannot arrange any music whatsoever, struggles to properly play his instrument (Basson) and has embarrassed himself trying to conduct the band on the few engagements that he has done.

Secondly, Sgt 39 Gennine Julien, this member of the organization has been promoted but fails to provide any musical proficiency or certification whatsoever. If asked at any time to play a scale or any simple musical piece on her flute, this Sgt wouldn’t know where to start.

Finally, the acting Station Sergeant 1378 Gamble. This vindictive young man who holds a Bsc in public sector management couldn’t care less about musical certification and walks around feeling on cloud nine about his elevation and has his bags packed, and is ready to move into an inspector’s office. This young man has been wickedly placed in front of acting Sgt 1732 Steve Sobers Msc Music and comes with heavy experience in the musical arena in Barbados, Con 1507 Clarke Msc Music and the Bandleader or the Junior Monarch band, Cons 1738 Abraham Millington Msc Music and well know in the music industry in Barbados,  Sgt O Neale Msc Finance and ATCL Flute, etc.

This behaviour has to be highlighted because it is not fair and is causing a growing number of disgruntled workers. We would like if possible that all media houses be sent this information as well as the Prime Minister of Barbados Ms Mottley and her administration so that the people of Barbados be made aware of what is going on.This is a very serious matter which needs to be addressed with urgency and all  of the content is factual and can be confirmed with the Hr department of the Royal Barbados Police force.

106 responses to “Fraudulent Promotions at the Police Band”

  1. Was there a hullabaloo recently when a second assistant of Commissioner in the person of Oral Williams was appointed to oversee HR matters?

  2. David

    Senior Superintendent of the Police Band Andrew Lynch is not even qualified to be the Band Master because he did not do the Band Master Course, most of his qualifications were gained online, but the man under him the Superintendent is well qualified, he did the Band Master course. The Lynch whom I know personally because I knew the first day, he jointed the Band back in the early 70s, mother and father have big political connection.

  3. David

    They would not promote Emerson Brown who is the Station Sergeant of the Band and whom have been in the Police Band much longer than Lynch Austin and Inspector Whitehall, whom is also incompetent.

  4. David

    They are two Inspectors and one Assistant Superintendent in the Police Band:
    1) Codrington-Assistant-Superintendent
    2) Austin-Inspector
    3) Whitehall-Inspector

    And when I tell you that I knew these three guys personally, I meant it, because I knew the first day they all joint the Police Band.

    And out of these three guys, Codrington whom have been in the Band long before the Director Senior Superintendent Andrew Lynch, Whitehall and Austin, is well qualified because I saw the time and energy Bomziie Codrington, put in on his off days playing the clarinet, the saxophone and many more instruments.

  5. Now in all fairness, I never saw Lynch, Whitehall or Austin, took up an Instrument of any sort and played it on their off days as Codrington had done, but Lynch is a nice guy and is well loved throughout the Ranks, plus his parents has big political connections, as well as when Ellis ( not quite sure if I am spelling the name correctly) the Former Director of the Band left, he recommended Lynch to the Rank and file to take his place even those the duty to Lynch was much more qualified but he was too young they must have assumed.

  6. David

    But this all started with the Double promotion Director of the Band Andrew Lynch had gotten and the volatile relationship Former Director of the Band Keith Ellis had with Brown, Boyce and Tank, whom were actually taken out of the Band and sent to worked on the regular Force ….because of the unfairness regarding promotions in the Band.

  7. David

    Just look at the unfairness in the Mounted Branch as well …. Marshall and Jessamy were dismissed over the double promotion this female Inspector of the Mounted Branch had gotten. She is now in charged of the Mounted Branch ….Jessamy retired and Marshall died …..

  8. Remember: Codrington, Lynch, Austin and Whitehall were all promoted under the Director of the Band Keith Ellis …over Brown, Boyce and Tank …… Whom have been in the Band longer than the above four.
    Also note that these promotions were made on the recommendation of the Director of the Band……

  9. David

    You talked about the debacle over Deputy of Commissioners of Police Oral Williams promotion, but has this man every walked one day on the beat? Was he a member of the CID or the Special Branch etc? I did not realized that this man was a member of the Royal Barbados Police Force in the 70s, when he used to visited his two older brothers in the Police Band then because all I heard then that he was in university.
    All I remember about this guy as far as actual policing in concerned, is the fact that he was the Commandant of the Regional Police Training School.

  10. Dompey, were you a policeman? Just answer yes or no.

  11. “You talked about the debacle over Deputy of Commissioners of Police Oral Williams promotion, but has this man every walked one day on the beat? Was he a member of the CID or the Special Branch etc?”

    @ Dompey

    It seems as though you want to impress upon BU that you’re an authority on police issues. I’m surprised that, with all this ‘inside information’ you’re ‘exposing,’ you do not know anything about DCoP Williams.

    Perhaps you should consult with one of your ‘confidential informants’ about Mr. Williams before spewing nonsense about him.

  12. Wasn’t Garry Sobers made a member of the Band as a young man?

    “As a teenager, Sobers’ talent was recognised in local cricket in Barbados. He got his first break at a more senior level through a police inspector named Captain Wilfrid Farmer. Eager to get the young boy into the police team, he enrolled Sobers into the band. “I had never played an instrument in my life but accepted the offer as first-team cricket was the next step up,” Sobers said. Even when an injury prevented him from attending the band’s practice, much to the chagrin of the bandmaster, Captain Farmer helped him out. Sobers was now put into the Police Boys Club, which kept him eligible for their senior cricket team.”

  13. All I knew is that when Dr. Christopher Artherley was the Director of the Police Band, Oral Williams older brother, Andy Williams the Superintendent under Artherley had had a volatile relationship with Dr. Artherley, and Assistance Commissioner of Police Oral Williams, would come up to the Band and throw around his weight.

  14. Frank

    no I was never a police, but I have many many personal friends who are and were police, as well as I was born and bred right behind a major police station and spent all my teenage years working with the police as an Assistant Groom and many more chores brother. Listen! I have been all around Barbados with the police to every tattoo and at every plantation in Barbados for the grass for the horses. In other words, everyway the Mounted men went I was there Frank because I love horses and a kid.

  15. Artax

    I Knew Oral Williams personally and he knew me as well and I founded him to be a very polite and respectful guy, but that still does not change the fact that his promotion had within the makes of political favoritism.

  16. Artax

    Sir my long term memory is excellent and when I tell people things that occured 50 years ago, they are utterly surprised or rather shocked.

  17. Artax

    I can tell you about an incident that occured 50 years ago when I was still wetting myself and all my childhood friends could accounted to it because they were also there when it occured.
    This prison got always from District A run behind the wall, and the police pursued him and caught him hiding in one of my childhood friend back yard. And a CID Detective name Barcar, took up a big rock and licked the man head right in front of we kids, and the prison vomited up ABC soup. And that memory stuck in my mind all these years and I am only 55 years old.

  18. Someone poison Barcar in the later 70s or early 80s, and his son who was a childhood friend of mine, rebelled and started robbing tourists on the breaches of Barbados.

  19. Sorry poisoned

  20. Artax

    I can tell you when my good Police friend Sergeant Calendar had go to court because he was a suspected or involved in the Victor Pele Parris murdered.

  21. Artax

    I was in the station the morning the CID detectives brought Ronnie Briggs to District A…. And it had to be in the early 80s or later 70s …..don’t quite remember the date right now

  22. @Artax

    Based on your understanding of the system can promotions within the Police Band be so influenced as articulated in the submission?

  23. Artax

    I can tell where the government of Barbados stored the pieces to the Cuban Airline that crashed over Barbados in the 70s. The pieces to that plane were stored in a building in the back of District A were the old Mounted Barrack were located. One morning Cuban officials came to District A to expected the pieces of the plane and I distinctively remember see a wheel and pieces of metal and a lot of orange plastic .

  24. @Dompey

    We get the idea. You should take Artax advice and ask a few of your police friends closer to home to contribute with more up to date info.

  25. CCJ to have final word in police promotions dispute – Barbados Today

  26. David

    The fact of the matter is, Brown, Boyce and Tank, had had a volatile working relationship with Director of the Police Band, Keith Ellis over the promotion of Austin, Whitehall and Lunch and to the point where the three of them were moved to District A Station temporarily. Remember the Band Master makes the recommendation for promotion!

  27. Sorry lynch who had gotten a double promotion and did not even completed the Band Master Court at Sam Hurst….

  28. Dompey May 16, 2021 7:57 AM #: “I Knew Oral Williams personally and he knew me as well and I founded him to be a very polite and respectful guy……”

    If you claimed to have “known Oral Williams personally,” then, why did you ask if he “ever walked one day on the beat? Was he a member of the CID or the Special Branch etc?”

    Also, with all due respec, this thread is about alleged unfair promotions in the Police Band. Why bore the forum, as you usual do, with mundane details about the mounted branch and your adventures roaming about with policemen from District ‘A’

  29. @ David

    A very interesting article. Makes me wonder if there wasn’t a ‘hullabaloo’ as well, concerning Patrick Austin’s lack of basic or professional musical qualifications, at each stage of his promotions from Constable – Sargeant – Station Sargeant – Acting Inspector of Police.

    In other words, here is an officer who it is alleged does not have any musical qualifications, but benefited from three (3) promotions, which now comes into dispute, as he is about to be promoted to Inspector (or Assistant Superintendent) of Police.

    Also, wasn’t there any concerns about Sgt 39 Gennine Julien’s musical proficiency on the flute during her tenure as a Police Constable?

    Surely it should’ve been obvious to who was Director of Music at the time Julien was recruited for the band, that she did not possess the requisite musical qualifications, yet, she was recommended for promotion to Sargeant.

  30. David

    Trust me when I tell us this: Former Director of the Police Band who is actual a good musician and composer had no academic qualifications for music, and was promoted before Inspector Nurse who holds a bachelor’s degree in music from Berkeley. Assistant Director of Music David Codrington should have been promoted before the current Director of the Band Andew Lynch because David Codrington Assistant Director of Music can play many instruments and well as to carry the Maze competently, all I remember Direct of the Band Andrew lynch, doing is played the Trumpet and running down women.

  31. @Artax

    All rather strange that unqualified musicians were promoted above qualified musicians. Hopefully we will get some clarity from officialdom.

  32. FAILED STATE STATUS drips down to all levels, drip, drip and eve8ntually have an incomptent dirty puddle of useless ?

  33. David

    This pattern of unfairness in promotions have been going on in the Band for quire a long time: Former Direct of Band Keith Ellis, who is a competent musician and composer, has no musical academic qualifications, but he was promoted ahead of Inspector Nurse who holds a Bachelor’s Degree of music from Berkeley.

  34. Whats all the fuss over a few C notes

  35. @DAvid
    “All rather strange that unqualified musicians were promoted above qualified musicians. Hopefully we will get some clarity from officialdom.”

    Don’t hold your breath. This was a simmering pot from Lynch’s promotion and before. “Home drums” beat louder than musical drums.

    Just observing

  36. For many years they were certain individuals in the Force that got way with murder or could have do the worth of things that others would have gotten fired for.
    Talbert Lowe, a Mounted man got way with nuff murder. Lowe would go out on duty on the horse and ride back pissing drunk to the station, and at times the Horse would returned to the Station without Lowe because he was too drunk to ride back to the Station. Lowe, migrated to the States in the early 80s, and is drawing his Police pension today, as a matter of fact, I heard Lowe turned Preacher.

  37. 38 comments.

    Dompey out front wif 26, and the others trailing by 12.

  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Am sure others have noticed, but why does the police force, etc, the whole civil service, carry the same last names/surnames EVERY generation. wonder everything has DEVOLVED into a real shit show of nepotism and political yardfowlism…just like the parliament and everywhere else ,it seems to be a family affair to NOWHERE.

    definitely not suitable, socially or mentally healthy for YOUNGER or INCOMING generations…

  39. Wuh Dompey I never asked you to give me a story bout anything.

    For all I know what you telling us here today could be hear say.

    I thought this blog was about promotions. You gone adrift of the subject with a lot of unnecessary gossip bout things that not really got nothing to do with what we supposed to be talking bout.

  40. Frank

    I am going to tell you ignorant ass again ….this is not gossip ….these are fact yah Johnie …

  41. @Dompey

    It is time to stop now.

  42. David

    Ok …but I want you all to know that all I have said here are facts and not gossip ….

  43. @ David

    Dompey ‘just don’t know when to quit.’ He has essentially rendered the this and the ‘Flashback To Old Barbados” blog useless.

    But, yuh know, some of these contributors amaze me.

    Domps ‘told’ the blogger Frank, “I am going to tell you ignorant ass again ….this is not gossip ….these are fact yah Johnie …”

    He has taken pleasure in insulting 555dubstreet about ‘his black ass’ and mother; asking Donna if she was taking ‘dickie lessons; and now calling Frank an “ignorant ass… Johnie.”

    Read “The Caswell Franklyn Column – Government Ignores the Law and Does What it Likes” article to see what Domps ‘told’ a contributor:

    “Dompey October 12, 2016 3:20 PM #: It is not a sign of true intelligence to have to resort to name calling because you can’t have it your way. Sir you’re beginning to sound more like the nincompoop Donald Trump with his Ivy League education and can’t even construct a simple sentence tah save he life. And finally, only an idiot like you yourself haven’t enough perspicacity to interpretatively extrapolate that only two real antagonist traverse this blog Sir.”


  44. You know when the blogmaster has to censor what will happen. Time longer than twine some say.

  45. David

    You all should thank me for giving you all my unique insight in the corruption in this some island, before you all seek to accused me of gossiping and fabricating these stories. And if you noticed, Frank seems to take what I’ve revealed here personally, as though he was part of this corruption.

  46. David wuh happen to the fireman blog that was part and parcel of BU
    Those stories would have blown the roof off the Dept
    Talking about salacious and downright void of moral content
    David I know u remember

  47. Those who have never read the Fireman’s Blog on BU the expression of the day to day going ons in the dept left nothing to the imagination
    These workers went all out to expose what and with whom the sexual encounters and who was sleeping and cheating with each other
    The comments were expletive sufficient and enough to ask if this was a job or the making of a reality show
    David wuh happen to the Firemam Blog

  48. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. When the band plays we will know if the standard has been compromised.

  49. WURA-War-on-U Avatar


  50. Such a shame. If I recall correctly both Lynch brothers were promoted through political connections back in the mid 90’s
    1071 Paul Lynch who knows no policing, was considered to be a police driver, couldn’t construct a proper crime file or write a statement was promoted over Con 764 N. Blackman. An unassuming fellow who knew the job.

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