It is about two weeks since Barbadians were forced to take cover from the La Soufriere volcano ash fall located in St. Vincent. Many of us were not around to witness a similar event in 1902, however, many recall vividly or vaguely depending on ones age 1979. As the 2021 hurricane season approaches, Barbadians through the years have been spared serious fallout from ‘Acts of God’ and an understandable complacent attitude has taken root. The seriousness of the ongoing La Soufriere event may help to change the attitude.

This morning the blogmaster threw open a window and smiled at the sight of a less grey environs. In fact there was a gratifying sense that the effect of the ash fall had become less of an issue as Barbadians – despite the prevailing economic and COVID 19 related challenges – are getting on with the business of managing respective households the best way they know how.

This morning like many mornings gone the blogmaster scanned the international and regional newsfeeds and smiled a wry smile at the involuntary sigh of satisfaction – the blogmaster would not trade places with any other soul living elsewhere at this moment.


415 responses to “I Love You Barbados”

  1. @WARU
    Very interesting how when Africa is brought up we have people promoting half truths or saying things based on a limited lens from the eyes of Westernization that was programmed for Afro descent to believe. As well as the generalization that all of Afro Barbadians were Ghanian when truthfully most of them (and the parts of their culture if it is to be examined) are Igbo along with other ethnic groups that were taken from West Africa there by FORCE and against their will.
    Nigeria has its issues its rooted in something I don’t think diasporans can understand which is tribalism, this cannot be viewed (or understood from a western lens/ perspective.The differences between the main ethnic groups , the igbo , yoruba and hausa clashing is a case of don’t put differing people of different ideologies together. I am not going to say anything more about this because I do not like talking much about a topic I don’t know much about in detail for that is all I know. The country isn’t just what western media paints it to be and that can be said for Africa as well.

    If you don’t resonate with one ethnic group , that’s fine however don’t let that one experience make you feel as though “you don’t feel connected to Africa” , you just did not meet the ethnic group your ancestors were originally from. That would require deeper ansestral research, if the willingness to learn is there.
    I’m surprised all of a sudden information is being presented on Africans that were involved in the slave trade. The question I have is why now? Is it to deflect from the Europeans brutality though out the slave trade or is it there to further fuel the anti african adgenda? (Rhethorical question) I wonder. We do not know fully what happened in the past or what really occoured. Take even that information with a grain of salt. Just know the people back then were living in a different time compared to today and unless you speak to these persons (Groits , Historians) in the country being examined from a non westernized/ colonised mentally point of view then the answers will be found. Food for thought.

  2. @WARU

    Do you have more information about the article you posted concerning Ghana? It truly fascinated me. The energy given off behind that letter shows that Africans genuinely want many of their descent to connect and come home , no matter what the narrative being pushed stating the opposite. Reading that letter filled me with joy because I felt the sincerity behind it. Suddenly that feeling faded away when I remembered who exactly it is addressed towards.
    This is an oppertunity that can be joined with the ICAR in St. John that is also working in the field of agriculture who wish to connect to Africa and Afro Barbadians that want to return home.
    The curtain continues to rise from this play of life, we will see where all of this goes….

  3. Let’s eavesdrop on King Pong, Rubber Dubby and Soapy in a serious discussion.

    King: What has become of Bush Tea?
    Rubber: Is some revisionist history going around?
    Soapy: I am going to impart some African History here today!!!!
    King: What has become of Bush Tea?


  4. Africa is a complex incomprehensible organism in my view, but still to this day most modern European historians, no matter what efforts they have made to be objective, have given away to prejudice when trying to tell the story of Africa and her people.
    However, we now know or at least I now know that of all the sections in Africa, Egypt enjoys most credit from her achievements and contributions to human enlightenment and progress. This African country has left a Testament of her contributions with no prejudice can obscure. Her mummies, and monuments, obelisks and temples, papyi, and clay tablets, pyramids and catacombs have stood after their originators have been death for centuries.
    But for some unknown reason ( but I guess we Black people know) European Historians intentionally segregate Egypt from the rest of Africa, and it puzzled and perplexed the collective of the Black race.

  5. Icebergs of the Mind
    There is a lot of shit unseen below the surface
    Conscious · Preconscious · Unconscious
    Super Ego · Ego · ID
    Finding ones alter ego requires finding one’s other self with a different personality
    Jack Bowman · John Knox’s alter ego has come back again · David will delete him again and again and again

  6. 555dubstreet

    Today I had the pleasure of asking a Nigerian female what makes her African? And what commonalities has she with a Ugandan female? Now as to the first question: she said to me that in view of Africa’s diversity, ” the only thing that makes her African is that fact that she was born on the African continent, and she even made mentioned of the fact that even in her own area, they are a lot of cultural and linguistic diversity.”
    Now as to the second question: she says to me nothing links her with the Ugandan female in terms of cultural methodologies and linguistics or in other: they have little in common.

  7. 555dubstreet

    I remember quite vividly when I was dating this Ugandan female in the younger years, her aunt made mentioned of the fact that Ghanaian people were a clannish lot. And a Ghanaian friend of mine made mentioned of the fact that Eastern Africans had large foreheads.

  8. Dompey

    Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Oceania also have diversity in their culture and language same as Africa.

    As already mentioned if you cannot get your head around Africa then you can ignore the subject.

    Asia is bigger than Africa in size and people and continents and cultures influence others.

  9. Now that we are on the topic of African linguistics, it would be of interest to ascertain as to whether or not anyone has done any studies on the linguistic variation of the people of difference parishes of Barbados?

  10. 555dubstreet

    No Sir …. there is no continent on earth that is as diversity as the African continent. Take the lone East African country of Ethiopia which has 86 different ethnic groups.

    And I will challenge you to name any place on earth that speaks 3,000 different languages.

  11. Jack Bowman · John Knox’s alter ego has come back again · David will delete him again and again and again.(555dubstreet April 26 9:05 pm)

    Again and again I read comments attacking and shamefully abusing other people for their comments.

    Recently in another post the blogmaster advice was basically to ignore comments that you personally find offensive.

    Member of the BU family have no problem bickering and berating. one another. But if someone makes a joke you, 555dibstreet show your sensitivity, disgust and offense.

    What it shows is that some BU family can dish it out but can’t handle it due fragile egos.

    555dubstreet, you must have the blogmaster’s private cell number as well?
    Do you live in Deacons? Lol. No? Okay.

    You want to “cancel” someone for making a joke about you. You and your BU family can joke (dirty jokes & innuendos) but no one else can?

    I shared my joke and for that you suggest I am “cancelled” and accuse me of being someone that I am not.

    So I’m to be cancelled because you think I should? You are not the boss.

    I’m not Jack Bowman/John Knox. I have no idea who that person/persona is.
    Whom every Jack is, he has gotten deep under your skin. Did he make a joke about you and got “cancelled”?

    I’m giggling at you because David’s post is about beautiful Barbados, and the three of you one after the next are discussing every random topic under the sun including Africa.

    Every time I read these random comments I giggle. It’s funny. It’s very, very funny and silly.

    My suggestion is to have an “African blog” on Saturdays. Let Saturdays be the day for African discussions.

    It seem to be a habit of BU family just posting random things/crap just for attention instead of making a thoughtful or meaningless comment on the topic of the post. My joke was about a “random”discussion.

    555dubstreet, my apology for offending you and your two friends.


  12. This is insane.

    It’s what happens when Governments fail.

    Still think it is the water and the inability of Governments to supply it without the virus.

    Whoever made the virus sure designed it to bypass most water treatment systems in the world.

    The problem is the worse it gets the less chance the Governments of the world will accept it is in the water they supply.

  13. Whisper

    Yes the post was about Barbados but it led to more interesting topic about Africa big deal, so it is up to you to add to it or leave it alone because nothing is written in stone as far as these social media blogs are concerned.

  14. Cosmox…the government has this information but is keeping it from the people……you have enemies in the parliament….i have the previous info regardng the meeting will search for it, but you can connect directly to Ghana, through, they have an office in Ghana and they don’t deal with corrupt governments nor do they take bribes…….you do not have to go through sellout governments who are intent to keep the African population in BONDAGE to benefit themselves and their minority trash…i will tell you why you have to be careful with the black colonial government…..republic status won’t mean a thing when they are hellbent on keeping the slave society system intact, they don’t know how to begin to create a new society that does not stink of the enslaved, bondage element…

    when they were elected in 2018, immediately after they RUSHED into Morocco, arab slave traders, who have a SPECIAL hatred for African people……..out of ALL THE 54 countries in Africa.they chose Morocco..our DEADLY ancestral enemies, talking about they signed agreement, i made the comment then, it is archived, why did they choose A SLAVE COUNTRY…to do business with…what tips were they getting on keeping a slave society in Barbados intact, because that is what Morocco is, even if Bajans don’t know it…

    you have DEADLY ENEMIES to Black people in the parliament, with their evil, sellout niga, stink niga syndrome….who would keep your grandchildren great grandchildren and future generations in ETERNAL BONDANGE…….it’s time the Black population get away from these evil foes……remember who they said on tv … they “like” Pope Fraud, the SYMBOL of Black enslavement…

    “the ICAR in St. John that is also working in the field of agriculture who wish to connect to Africa and Afro Barbadians that want to return home.”

    Adonijah had gone to Ghana with Mia to bury whatever it was she disrespectfully dragged down to the Continent without THE SURVIVOR’S PERMISSION….along with the Barbados flag, it did not turn out well because, although warned by me on this same blog, he found out later he had been used and pitched a fit, so he already has some inroads into Ghana because of that visit, you should check him out and check out for further info, they have a direct hookup…

    “My suggestion is to have an “African blog” on Saturdays. Let Saturdays be the day for African discussions.”

    why don’t you start an African blog on Saturdays and post ALL THINGS AFRICAN….you shitehounds always believe you can control people….i await your Saturday African thread…you must think people have nothing better to do than to let you plan their days for them…

  15. Cosmo ……these are the names. Intelligent people would ask…why would this be a secret…it’s for the AFRICAN PEOPLE ON THE ISLAND…not for the government their yardfowls and hangerson. From they hid this, which should be PUBLIC and CELEBRATED…they are up to NO GOOD. I have info on things going on in Ghana for Emancipation cekebrations going on from June to around Oct Nov….info sent to me since Feb…..and am not even there and which she knows about and did not mention …just in case Bajans want to travel to Ghana for the experience like millions from across the diaspora do annually . Why is Mia hiding info from African descendants for..but others who are NOT know about it before Black people. Sickening, disrespectful and insulting to our ancestors as USUAL.

    “Paramount Chiefs of Ghana
    Embracing Our Ancestorial Legacy
    Friday April 23rd, 2021
    11:30 GMT/7:30 AM (AST)
    Welcome & Introductions
    Phil Phillips
    Commercial & Cultural Attaché
    Barbados High Commission, Ghana & West Africa (3 mins)
    Emmanuel Frimpong, Co-host (3 mins)
    Senator the Rev’d Dr John Rogers (3 mins)
    Dr The Most Honourable Anthony Gabby Carter (3 mins)
    Honoured Guests
    Background & history of Paramount Chiefs (10 mins)
    (By Emmanuel Frimpong or a representative of the Chiefs)
    Feature Remarks
    The Honourable John King,
    Minister in the office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Culture and the National
    Development Commission (5 mins)
    A new diplomacy – Ancestral Diplomacy
    Dr Deryck Murray,
    Director, Centre for Hybrid Studies (7 mins)
    Delegation Discussion
    Ancestral Diplomacy (20 mins)
    Potential Virtual Summit of Paramount Chiefs hosted by the government of Barbados – August 1st
    2021 (10 mins)
    Speakers: The Honourable John King; Senator the Rev’d Dr John Rogers; Dr The Most Honourable
    Anthony Gabby Carter; Dr Deryck Murray;
    Delegation: (1) Selwyn Smith (Mentor); (2) Nana Yeboah Afari, (Mentor); (3) Julie-anne Burrowes;
    (4) Alison Darkwah; (5) Selorm Adikah; (6) Hayden Coppin; (7) Michael Arthur; (8) Nii Mantse &
    Modou Diagne & Kevin Farmer
    Co-hosts: Emmanuel Frimpong & Phil Phillips”

  16. “I’m not Jack Bowman/John Knox. I have no idea who that person/persona is.
    Whom every Jack is, he has gotten deep under your skin. Did he make a joke about you and got “cancelled”?”

    Jack Bowman was a top notch troll who used to spam BU with incoming biting sarcasm and set up his own blog to criticise BU comments that has now been mothballed and was allegedly a vexed frustrated poster called John who’s Government Name is John Knox but he was quite funny and funnier than John

  17. There is strong cultural unity among Africans still alive beneath the deceptive appearance of cultural heterogeneity created by slavery and Berlin Conference.”

    That is a live discussion among the African young.

    This is what the young in Africa know about themselves and are further cementing. This is what is missing from the African family in Barbados and the region…when the trash leaders criminalized and KILLED African culture and crushef the ancestral spirit. Yes the black face leaders did that and continue. I don’t care who directed them to do it, were positions reversed, not one white indian syrian asian etc would DARE DISRESPECT THEIR ANCESTORS or their descendants in that evil sellout manner because they are well aware of the followup consequences but ya title wearing frauds don’t care. The weak sellout negro is our deadly enemy.

  18. Dompey

    “And I will challenge you to name any place on earth that speaks 3,000 different languages”

    Asia speaks more languages is bigger and has more people

    multiculturalism is good not bad
    London has people from every country in the world living there

    Lingo Cyphers
    There are some 120 to 187 languages spoken in the Philippines
    China has 302 languages
    South America has 448 languages
    More than 19,500 languages or dialects are spoken in India as mother tongues

  19. 555dubstreet

    Man do your research because of the 4 billion people that live on the Asia continent, only 2,300 languages are spoken there Sir.

  20. Well ..We’ll
    Govt resorts to sending police to the doorsteps of people who refused to be tested for the virus
    Yes govt has a right to.protect uts people
    However this govt has yet to set the exam that it has done every thi g possible to.protect its citizens from the virus
    The person in question is a member of the world Harvest Church
    Lo and behold govt is using communist agenda to drive fear into the people and impede on citizens right
    It is apparently clear that govt is losing control in the way and manner it fights the virus
    But having police show up and drag people out of their homes to take a test is beyond the realm of anyone imagination and rubs against the Constitution
    Barbados is sinking lower into a malaise of breaking laws that give people their constitutional rights for justice

  21. 555dubstreet

    But how many countries are there in the world though? A little over two-hundred, but out of the 55 nations on the African continent one of those country, Ethiopia to exacted, speaks 86 different languages, so your argument falls flat of its face here again Sir.

  22. “Man do your research because of the 4 billion people that live on the Asia continent, only 2,300 languages are spoken there Sir.”

    India has 19,500 languages or dialects they select when they hang

    is googling called research nowadays son

  23. Papua New Guinea (In Oceania) has about eight million people, but more than 800 languages.

  24. Whisper,

    Bajans are not only concerned about St. Vincent but they have turned that concern into action. I don’t hear any complaints about looking after their interests when we have our mounting problems here. Our government and people are pleased to offer any help that we can. In fact, we have been suitably generous, as usual.

    Yet I too rejoice at our clear skies (for the time being) and I took a deep breath of relief (but not without my mask) at the RELATIVE success of the clean up.

    Vincentians would do the same, I assure you!

    Just keeping it real!

  25. Murdah! WURA was dubbed “Hog the Blog” but Dompey should be dubbed “Clear the Blog”!

    Where is everybody?????

    I peeped in for a bit but now I gone till the coast is clear!

    Let the WURA and 555 clear up that mess! I got a slight ashy feel to my floor still.

  26. 555dubstreet

    We were talking about the linguistic diversity of the African continent, and you brought in Papua New Guinea, as though Papua New Guinea is a continent.

  27. Donna…i really don’t have the energy today, they are on their own with that one, maybe another day…lol

  28. It is good to travel the highways and by ways of Barbados and observe the people bustle that has returned to the country. We are not where we want to be given the restrictions forced by the pandemic but we are getting there.

  29. “We were talking about the linguistic diversity of the African continent, and you brought in Papua New Guinea, as though Papua New Guinea is a continent.”

    Your mind is very pigeon holed and your pedantic brain seems to work in silos like a news reporter called Harold Austin* the undercover snitch spy. I took your challenge and came back with sound reasonings. Now the challenge for you if you accept your mission is to ignore the new black consciousness movement mindset school of thought going viral on the net of 140,000,000 Black slave descendants in the Diaspora relating to their African roots, it is futile trying to stop the tide of the next wave of blackness.

    Roots, Natty Roots, Natty Congo

    (*) Hal Austin on “the ignorance of ordinary people” in Barbados …

  30. David

    Could you check your unapproved moderation bucket if you don’t mind

    I’ll wear my slanders to your party if you don’t mind
    I’ll grow my hair in any kind of style
    All I want to say my heart is clean
    Don’t you know what I mean
    If you mind
    I’ll drink a touch brandy if you don’t mind
    It’s not like I like that stuff
    But somethings on my mind

  31. 555dubstreet

    Brother, I don have the time neither crayons to explain what I am trying to convey to you about the diversity of the African continent. Blessed

  32. I am not your brother and forthwith and henceforth you should take my name out of your damn mouth in your banal anal posts

    Nobody is interested in a black man talking about Africa being backwards when everyone else is thinking forwards with Afro Futurism creativity

    If you want to save energy you should try and engage with yourself and nobody else with your mental masturbation meditations without ejaculating on your computer screen

    Black Man – Love in Outer Space, Sun Ra & His Intergalactic Solar Arkestra

  33. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA
    Having read every post and only deliberately writing one, on behalf of all progressive thinkers and those who continue in the real struggle to enlighten our people and the importance of knowing and understanding our journey and journeys yet to come, I thank you for your efforts to continue that enlightenment.
    Stay safe.

  34. I love Barbados

    No question CDC got it right

  35. Willaim…same to you…Ase.

    unbelievably for some it’s the YOUNG AFRICANS on the CONTINENT doing their INDEPTH and enlighening research to TEACH everyone, includiing us in the west…..because no one else is going to teach us or make the material availbele, they would rather hide it to keep Black people in bondage to fill their evil pockets and preserve their narrow interests..,,but our ancestors WILL NEVER ALLOW THEM…

    they are too selfish, sellout and self-absorbed and believe they are going to carry their nasty colonial ways to the continent… futher poison it, but no one is going to allow them because Africa has to undergo its own cleansing and purging of criminals, sellouts, plotters and planners…..

    …..plenty mature folk are also involved and leading the way to make sure we know our TRUE HISTORY…..

    spoke to a friend of mine who visited Egypt recently and you won’t believe what they know about us that we don’t know about ourselves….am sure Pacha had the same reception..

  36. 555dubstreet

    What happened Skippa? It seems as though you are having an emotional meltdown because we do not see eye to eye on our African roots, so keep on listening to your Dancing Hall Music because it seems that is where you are getting all of your information on Africa. Blessed me da bout ….little more Skippa …

  37. “As well as the generalization that all of Afro Barbadians were Ghanian when truthfully most of them (and the parts of their culture if it is to be examined) are Igbo along with other ethnic groups that were taken from West Africa there by FORCE and against their will.”

    Make no mistake…they know exactly WHO they took…but everyone has to go on that personal journey of SELF-DISCOVERY….just like i did…it’s a very personal choice.

  38. Wura

    The bottom-line is, yesterday I asked a Nigerian woman what makes her African or rather what commonalities does she have with an Ugandan woman and herself?

    And after she gave it some thought, she said to me: ” the only commonality between her and the Ugandan woman was the fact that the both of them were born on the African continent.

    The fact of the matter is, they do not eat the same food; they do not speak the same tribal language; they religious beliefs aren’t the same; they tribal customs and values are not the same etc.

  39. Wura

    The demographic information of the Afro Barbadian roots does not indicated that the majority of Afro Barbadians are of the Akan Nation of Ghana, but it does indicated that they are mostly from Biafra of Nigeria.

  40. No emotional meltdown son, just fed up having to reply with your incessant chatter which is like banging a head against a brick wall due to your stupidness which must be a fake brocade from the Hal school of acting deliberately using bad english like does not indicated and does indicated. I and I and I sit down and reason with my Rasta brethren not bald heads. If you don’t puff herb then I ain’t got no time for you son.

    Psalms 87.2 The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.
    Africa Africa, Fred Locks and the Creation Steppers, Psalms 87.2, Pebbles and Sir Coxsone Sound

  41. Wrong Dompey…….a genetic test will give you the info you need, ya can’t learn anything of that nature from watching TV…

  42. 555dubstreet

    And me had enough of yah bag long talk bout Africa dat nah mek nah sense at tal….

  43. Can you guys agree to disagree and move on? Must you bore everyone reading with this vacuous back and forth?


  44. Divine Speech Mantra

    Inner Peace Manta Meditation

  45. Colonial Power =
    Colonial Exploitation of Power
    humanity’s worst impulses: genocide, slavery, fascism, white supremacy, colonialism.

  46. Very nice gesture, so when will a MONUMENT BE BUILT TO OUR insulted, disrespected and forgotten ANCESTORS at the NEGLECTED Slave burial site in Christ Church, using BLACK TAXPAYER’S MONEY to CELEBRATE their existence…..instead of taking the SURVIVOR’S money to promote and support racists and thieves…..for over 60 years…

    there is nothing more repulsive and disloyal than ANCESTRAL DISREPECT…and only disrespectful black people do it..

    the fake elite, pedigree negros of parliament HAVE NO SHAME…

  47. The First Peoples of Trinidad are making sure their ancestors ARE RECOGNIZED for their contribution to Native existence…

    we ARE and EXIST… because of our ancestors..

  48. Testing has revealed one of our ancestors unearthed at Newton was from Bristol.

    Almost certainly a Quaker, possibly Edward Oistin!!

    True true fact.

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