It is about two weeks since Barbadians were forced to take cover from the La Soufriere volcano ash fall located in St. Vincent. Many of us were not around to witness a similar event in 1902, however, many recall vividly or vaguely depending on ones age 1979. As the 2021 hurricane season approaches, Barbadians through the years have been spared serious fallout from ‘Acts of God’ and an understandable complacent attitude has taken root. The seriousness of the ongoing La Soufriere event may help to change the attitude.

This morning the blogmaster threw open a window and smiled at the sight of a less grey environs. In fact there was a gratifying sense that the effect of the ash fall had become less of an issue as Barbadians – despite the prevailing economic and COVID 19 related challenges – are getting on with the business of managing respective households the best way they know how.

This morning like many mornings gone the blogmaster scanned the international and regional newsfeeds and smiled a wry smile at the involuntary sigh of satisfaction – the blogmaster would not trade places with any other soul living elsewhere at this moment.


415 responses to “I Love You Barbados”

  1. So…I am trying to unravel Donville’s “impassioned” statement and I admit to getting tied up. Did he or did he not admit to the crime?

    Whatever the answer, I do not rejoice at his downfall. I wish he had made better choices.

  2. @ Donna doan get tie up.

    Donville’s “impassioned” statement was intended to lessen the sentence.


    Like those OTHER states are blameless!

    All of them really want putting on a TRUE BLACK LIST for CRIMES AGAINST BLACK HUMANITY for which they are yet to make restitution but instead continue in a more covert vein.

    “Plausible deniability” I think is the term used by Putin when he murders and BOY DO THEY DENY!

    No nations are more corrupt than the White Man’s Club of Nations! More money laundering occurs in London and New York the centres for Putin and Pal’s Plundering Inc. but they don’t put themselves on the blacklist. Just take a look at the BLACK list and notice the absence of whiteness! They are a pack of white bullies!

    And Covid has shown up the incompetance and failure of their states. Pack of jackasses!

    They have ruled the world for centuries and it is a bloody mess!

    We did not ask to be placed on this little rock in the middle of the ocean with no natural resources.

    That being said, I believe we can do better despite the deck being deliberately stacked against us.

    Corruption is eating away at any progress we make.

    We need to lock up some bribees AND bribers!

    That should diversify our jails race wise!

    But I digress, so….whether we are in fact corrupt is not the issue with the list. The issue is that those who place us on the list should place themselves at the top!

    So why are they not doing so?

    Because Putin’s plunder benefits them and Barbados Bounty does not!

  4. @WARU

    Thank you for your information. Every time I learn more I feel more at peace that I don’t have to be scrambling to find information from Eurocentric sources and that info you give will be useful for the future.

    Check this out Sir. Beckles is making a presentation right now about “Cufees Kingdom” I have never heard of anything like this and as usual he pulls the “Barbadians were pulled from Ghana” card it makes me laugh harder than ever , many ethnic groups were taken not just one however I don’t need to worry because I know the truth. You are correct , you don’t need these institutions that are groomed to be the downfall of a land with the blood of our Ancestors to get the ball rolling.

    @Dompey To correct you respectfully the majority of them were tajen from the Igbo ethnic group not “Biafra”.
    Don’t even bother trying to convince others about Africas diversity , it has to be experienced on the contibemt to be felt to be seen because of course Eurocentric websites won’t give you that outlook.
    There were other ancient kingdoms with lots of achievements in West Africa however Eurocentric His Story distracts us by that putting all achievements in one box for one area so that any Afro descent can only have their focus there and ignore the achievements of the others.

    Anyways on the topic at hand , I have a love hate relationship with it , I enjoy the islands nature , the clear blue skies , the birds and the various flora and fauna and I think that is it for the positives. My experiences living here was not the best, slowly the more I realized I felt a mix of emotions as I realized the environment I was in. Slowly my viewpoint became more cynical as I learned the many truths and weaponization of the island’s people (Grenadas invasion in 1983 , Liberia) and I started to wake up. Despite this I believe Barbados can be much better , where I can see Afro-Barbadians truly happy , not based on by material things , by being in a state of freedom , mentally, spiritually and financially. That day will come I am sure.. right now I see some of these events as a purge of the old colonial energy that held the country for many years. I know many would argue and say that I am a mere dreamer however anything is possible.

  5. “I know many would argue and say that I am a mere dreamer however anything is possible.”

    you are decades ahead…

  6. Check it Cosmo.

    “”Kawaida contains five core concepts which inform and inspire its development as social theory and practice:
    1. the key crisis in Black life is the cultural crisis, i.e., the crisis in views and values. Vision-an effective grasp of self, society and the world. Values-categories of commitment, priorities and possibilities.
    2. any real analysis of the Afro-American situation has to be Afro-centric. That is to say, it has to rise from and be on behalf of the new African.
    3. any real theory of social change, must begin with a redefinition of reality in our own image and interest.
    4. any real solution must draw its component part from the best of nationalist, Pan-Africanist and socialist thought.
    5. any solution to the cultural crisis- must involve both critiques and correctives on the seven basic levels of culture. The seven criteria for culture are:
    a. Mythology*
    b. History
    c. Social Organization
    d. Economic Organization
    e. Political Organization
    f. Creative Motif
    g. Ethos”
    -Maulana Karenga, Kawaida: An Introduction
    *In more recent writings, Dr. Karenga has referred to “spirituality†rather than “mythology””

  7. Wura

    I am quite sure I have seen these three core principles of the African concept of life somewhere, but they went a little something like this: (1) know thyself
    ( 2) know thy society (3) know thy world, but more importantly, and especially in the Ghanaian and Nigerian family structure, the entire concept of family is fundamentally different from that of the western model.
    And moreover, the thing I admire the most about the Ghanaian family is the level of respect the Juniors have for the Elders, and this level of respect extends outside of the dynamics of family.

  8. Wura

    I am sorry …. the above principles constitutes the African concept of education, but I am not quite sure if these core principles still holds a wider appeal on the African continent, but I certain that they are practiced in Ghana as well as Nigeria still today.

  9. @ Dompey April 29, 2021 5:52 AM
    “And moreover, the thing I admire the most about the Ghanaian family is the level of respect the Juniors have for the Elders, and this level of respect extends outside of the dynamics of family.”

    There is nothing uniquely “Ghanaian” about such a societal norm.

    That is a common feature among Eastern cultures especially in the Japanese society.

    Why don’t you tell us about the Aboriginal people of Australasia?

    Would you consider them to be “Africans” too?

  10. Central bank report. Tings dark brown.

  11. praxis
    practice, as distinguished from theory/knowledge

    the whole African spiel is more about awakenings

  12. Miller

    The aborigine people of Australia are in fact part African and this was made evident to me by a feature National Geographics did on the Aborigine, several years ago.
    Genealogists, were able to link these people whom were original from Africa to a gene pool in a tiny village in India, in fact, they were able to track the Aborigine gene back to one specific man in this tiny village in India.

  13. This dude saw clear into the future..

    “The generation that followed did not have the same concerns; none of its members attempted to follow the example of the past generation. There was no longer anyone with the noble determination to get to know the great men of the world, or if there were some individuals consumed with this curiosity, they were few in number. From then on, there remained only vulgar minds given over to hatred, envy and discord, who took an interest only in things which did not concern them, gossip, slander, calumny of one’s neighbors, all those things which are the source of the worst of our troubles.” Maarifa [Scholarship] Ya Mhenga Cheikh Anta Diop

  14. Don’t care how they slaughtered them, their African culture stayed strong and is overtaking everything…ancestral loyalty, grit and determination, the African spirit.

  15. The very beautiful Dar es Salaam,.

  16. The only reason they ain’t tief it yet, because it’s not the easiest dance in the world to tief…..just watching these young ladies got me exhausted.

  17. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    I am leaving this right here, it applies to any country with an African population, fix yourselves. What yall like to say again…”it happens everywhere.”

    “Home » The African man

    The African man
    Posted on March 7, 2021 by admin | 6 Comments

    An African man was given the opportunity to ask for anything he wants. The condition was that, whatever he gets, his brother would receive double. He thought about asking for a house; but he did not like the thought of his brother having two houses. So he thought about asking for a million dollars to go to his bank account; but again, he was unhappy with the thought of his brother having two million dollars in his account.

    The man sat down and thought hard, “What can I have and still be better than my brother when he has double?” so, he thought of having one of his eyes removed so that his brother might have his two eyes gouged.

    This sounds like a very unlikely story; however, this is the typical mentality that has set Africans backward for ages and caused witchcraft to thrive in Africa. An African wants to be better than his brother at all costs. The African man is only careful:

    To share his beer, not his books;

    To spread his diseases, and not the cure;

    To transfer his problems, and not the solution

    When an African man fails, he wishes his brother the same fate so that he won’t be the only one who had tasted the bitterness of failure. An African man is happy when evil besets his brother. When most African men succeed, they want to enslave their brothers; they try to make the class gap between them and their brothers widen daily.

    An African man wants to outperform his brother in every area and most African men do not want to let their brothers have any chances of success because they want to be the only ones succeeding. When an African man gets to sit on a seat of authority, he wants to keep it to himself and refuse to give anyone else a chance to sit. In African schools, students who can afford textbooks do not let other students borrow their textbooks because they want to stay top of the class or they don’t want to give another student the opportunity to perform better than them. When one independently discovers the way to success, an African man who refused to give directions would still do all he can to stand in the way of that success.

    An African man is ready to spend money to intimidate his brother and make him look like nothing, rather than spending that money to empower others. Africa will become better; when we begin to share books to pass knowledge, not just our drinks. When we begin to let others also lead without our influence. When we begin to give the same quality of food and clothing to both our children and our maids. When we let our servants eat on the same table with us. When the boss lets his lower staff get paid before him.

    Africa can become progressive when we begin to look out for each other rather than stand in the way of another. When we can sincerely say, “let my brother get it too, and if I can’t get it, let me help him get it.

    In conclusion, all of these good qualities we can adopt can be resumed in one word-UBUNTU, which is an African philosophy that says “I am because you are , and you are because I am”.



  18. I hate when we spread nonsense like the above. We teach our children these silly/nonsensical stories and then we wonder why they don’t trust each other.

  19. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Theo…don’t know where you have been living, but none of it is nonsense, it’s obvious you spent quite some time out of Black majority countries….BUT THAT IS THE MENTALITY THAT PREVAILS…it’s called the CRAB mentality…and from Black parliaments down….ya can find it…poisoning EVERYTHING…..some call it BAD MIND…

    I did not see much of it in NYC metropolis, but in the Black neighborhoods it’s very prevalent, even there……and MUST BE ADDRESSED, it seems to be A BLACK PROBLEM…due to socio-economic issues….can’t hide FROM THE TRUTH…these are young AFRICANS doing their analysis and ARE ON POINT…trying to change TOXIC MINDSETS…

    pretending it’s not reality, or not knowing anything about it, is not helping either….but I KNOW it exists…..a cancerous remnant of slavery….and the awake YOUNG WANT IT GONE….

  20. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    There is a very strong movement to change toxic mindsets, instead of just blogging and talking incessantly and nothing achieved, action is being used instead which never happened before. The young will need all the help they can get. We see how dangerous and destructive the yardfowl Slave mind and mentality is, nothing positive, nothing forward thinking, nothing that envelopes the Black family as A WHOLE, it’s all about DBLP induced slave mentality and political party nastiness.

    That is the decayed social environment that BREEDS the repulsive description above, it is not conducive to Black advancement and never will be. Those backward mindsets are part of the problem, not the solution. If not addressed, will get worse, not better.

    There will be more STARK descriptions that exposes reality to hurt fragile feelings, so fasten ya seatbelt…

    ..the future belong to the young, not to the used up, the older folk have done more than enuff damage and then will like it to magically disappear so they don’t have to see their handiwork, the young are not having it, i side with the young, they are the future, not a bunch of old backward has-beens, still trying to wannabe.

  21. For years I have heard these negative stories. I have heard of the crab in the barrel and our incessant desire to pull each other down.

    Repetition of this nonsense to our children does nothing to benefit theit relationship to each other. All it says is “be careful of a next black man; he wants what you have; he is envious and will pull you down if he gets the opportunity; don’t trust him”. I would neve give my son that recipe for failure.

    How do you reconcile recommending blacks to go where millions of other blacks are and at the same time tell them don’t trust other blacks.

    We may some that some are too weak to face reality, but your reality is not my own.

  22. 555dubstreet Avatar

    Waru’s post was a load of waffle except for the bottom line

    “In conclusion, all of these good qualities we can adopt can be resumed in one word-UBUNTU, which is an African philosophy that says “I am because you are , and you are because I am”.”

    Blacks are poor and would kill for monies, Bob Marley summarised this when he said people in Jamaica love me so much they would even kill me, in an interview just before the assassination attempt when he got shot during an election cycle

  23. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Repetition of this nonsense to our children does nothing to benefit theit relationship to each other.

    you still don’t get it, it has become CULTURIZED AS NORMAL and passed down from ONE GENERATION to the NEXT….if they young generations DON’T KNOW CAUSATION…they won’t know how to ERADICATE the destructive practice FROM THEIR LIVES so it’s not PASSED DOWN TO their offspring…PRETENDING it will go away on its own, is not helping either…THE YOUNG are now DETERMINED that the unnatural indoctrination ENDS WITH their grandparents and parents…so they offspring will only hear about the cruel practices and not use it or pass it on….can’t explain it to you an any simpler terms..

    where is YOUR SOLUTION for ending it….you totally misinterpreted what they young person was trying to convey……they are telling the younger generation THAT UBUNTU is the way forward, he even mentioned the word….very clearly..not crab mentality, envy, jealousy or bad mind……and if you cannot understand that concept you are just as lost, .

    harambe is another word used for UNITY…

  24. Good news story:

    COVID-19 UPDATE: No new cases, 10 discharged:

  25. @ TheOGazerts,
    WURA-War-on-U link is very accurate and should not be dismissed. It explains why black governments are so mean and destructive towards their own people. For example, we all know that the looted Benin bronze statues once returned will eventually be sold to the highest or in Nigeria’s case the lowest bidder.

    The people of Barbados should in theory have the highest quality of life anywhere in the world. That they do not is down to their mistreatment from their own governments past and present.

    This is why the African diaspora should fully test the waters before they commit themselves to the continent of Africa.

  26. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “This is why the African diaspora should fully test the waters before they commit themselves to the continent of Africa.”

    that’s the main reason they are getting the information they need, just as Barbados and the other islands were very heavily colonized and indoctrinated, SO TOO WAS AFRICA….it started on them first…. and that’s the reason this rush and hurry to establish scam consulates in Ghana etc will crash and burn…

    . to KNOW…AND UNDERSTAND….is to HEAL..

    but that same malicious, mean spirited destructive mentality which has BEEN REFINED and even more STRUCTURED by corrupt sellout black politicians on tiny isles like Barbados CAN’T be transferred to the continent…the young already have A BATTLE trying to dismantle the destruction already caused by their own corrupt sellouts in Africa which they found and only now have a better and full understanding of…they don’t need the additional basura coming from small island corrupt politicians/ministers/yardfowls and hangerson…the continent has been WARNED about all of them and those who will sit their dirty asses down and watch the continent be set up by black trash and their lowlife partners because they might “get something too”…

    visiting more than one country as many have done before, gives you a sense of reality on the ground in Africa.

  27. “The people of Barbados should in theory have the highest quality of life anywhere in the world. That they do not is down to their mistreatment from their own governments past and present.”

    I fully agree with the above. But try telling some that life can be much sweeter and watch the responses.

    My problem with Waru is her trotting out of negative black stereotypes “crab in a barrel, etc” as they reinforce the negatives.

  28. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Theo…am not the type of gal to hide these CLEAR mental deficiencies in hope that they will go away on their own, i have a very firm grip on reality and the hope is that everyone SO ENCLINED….which is the rule, will recognize this mental DISABILITY in themselves and PURGE their minds of it.

    i have had to confront it my whole life and only much later understood the causation. You were fortunate that you, because of societal differences never encountered it, although you have heard about it, it’s A CURSE IN BLACK LIVES……and we all can clearly see where it has NOT ADVANCED a large cross section of the majority, it aided in the stagnation…with the crabs in the parliament at the top.

  29. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Ironically, if the young can recognize and confront it, although they DID NOT ASK TO INHERIT IT…we, as their elders, should be able to not only guide but understand it even better than they do, they look to us for guidance and can also INDICT US for refusing to acknowledge that there is a BLACK PROBLEM that needs fixing…

    that’s how the crook/thieves in the minority community, bar association, judiciary, and parliament have gotten away with crimes against the population for so DECADES, no one wants to ADMIT that there is a serious problem that needs a serious solution.

  30. @Theo,
    The day is disappearing fast and I have much to do. Negative black stereotypes are depressing especially if you don’t conform to this stereotype.

    However, our fellow black Barbadians are been railed-road into a cycle of hopelessness synonymous with impoverished and severely underdeveloped African countries. Can you remember last week’s photo in The Nation of a strapping black woman photographed carrying a large tub of water on her head. What of the poor dispossessed workers who have been made redundant without renumeration or the high numbers of blacks who are been killed and maimed by guns. It is this “stereotype” that needs to be addressed. A stereotype that was created by our own black governments dating back to 54 years.

    Barbados Rastafarian community does not appear to suffer from this problem. The reason for this is that they remain a relatively

  31. That is the people, nothing is good to recommend Barbados. Barbados is no different to any country. Perhaps ou fireside in Utopia.

  32. listen to this logic
    But garbage trucks to.pick up tons of garbage
    Meanwhile the landfills cells are filled to capacity
    To govt and yardfowls such a reasoning makes sense so buy garbage trucks
    Never mind that if the problem of the landfill is not corrected all the garbage trucks bought would become meaningless or of little use since there would be no place to dump the tons of garbage
    Which throws my mind back to a recent scenario where a video was being circulated showing govt sanitation workers dumping bulk garbage in an area off limits to garbage disposal
    When the workers were question about the illegal dumping they said the permission to do so was given by a govt official
    But why is a question which needs to be asked
    Govt promised transparency but has yet to deliver
    A jogging of my mind on that story reminded me that land fills are over the capacity
    Hence solution for remedies are necessary
    Red flag moment if u please

  33. Back to doing something useful!

  34. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The day is disappearing fast and I have much to do. Negative black stereotypes are depressing especially if you don’t conform to this stereotype.”

    i could beat up on racists ALL DAY LONG and no one calls it negative stereotyping, because they KNOW IT’S TRUE….but so is BLACK SELF-DESTRUCTION…hiding it away or saying that it happens everywhere is not helping, but seeking ways to dismantle it will, unless yall want to sit in a corner and have a PITY PARTY….cuddearing every day, every year, every decade without solutions…

    i don’t want a fella to conform to anything, but facing reality would be nice. And if the younger generation WANT TO END IT…more power to them, they have my full support, they are the ones we should be investing in, not in our delusions and illusions of seeing everything wash, rinse and repeat, then hold on to the adage that it happens everywhere, while genuflecting to the corrupt in the parliament…they are the ones HAVE TO FACE the next 50 years, not us….even chattel slavery ended, why is it so hard for some to let go the mental toxicity that was LEARNED AND BRED…..or to SOUNDLY DENOUNCE IT.

    “Barbados Rastafarian community does not appear to suffer from this problem. The reason for this is that they remain a relatively”

    they stay away from the dangerous mentally enslaving and mind numbing colonial system, they are self reliant and have seen the destruction to their fellow man, they want no part of it and were criminalized for being independent minded, their human rights are still being violated by the dangerous government who is on their way down because they are determined to destroy black lives…but that determination will END THEM FIRST.

  35. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Can’t blame racists for everything, Black people must TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for how they allow their OWN MINDS TO WORK AGAINST THEM AND EACH OTHER…..starting with ya greedy leaders/lawyers with their me, me, me crab mentality..

  36. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The younger folk are more than intelligent and born with the knowledge that they SHOULD LOOK DEEP WITHIN THEMSELVES. for solutions….too many of the older folk believe in the façade they wove around themselves and now seen as taking up oxygen unnecessarily…but don’t mind me, am no eugenicist…ya gotta climb higher to find them..

  37. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Wuhloss…ya really gotta love Barbados….come out things….how come the fake patriots and fowls said nothing about this….🤣

    “by Guy Hewitt

    I was contacted by a fellow citizen suggesting that she recently saw Gline Clarke in the vicinity of St. George Parish Church. I advised that it must be an apparition as our High Commissioner to Canada must be hard at work in Ottawa. How wrong I was.

    When I perused the Government of Canada’s website on Foreign Representatives in Canada: Heads of Missions, I was shocked and dismayed to discover that Barbados has no representative listed, not even a chargé d’affaires.

    I could not conceive that Canada, one of our strongest and most strategic trading partners, would be snubbed diplomatically by Barbados. But then again, we are sending a boy to do a man’s job elsewhere.”

  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    when Mia made that stupid comment about the George Floyd protests were just a trend, it sounded ominous to me then and i was hoping that one or two stupid police listening to her dismissive attitude toward the murder of a Black man did not go and step on some Black man’s neck in Barbados to display their copycat stupidity to the world…well they did soon after…

  39. Good to see the nurseries are opening with businesses starting to revert to normal opening hours. We hope that it continues so that workers can find ways to sustain themselves during difficult times.

    Grazettes and Bagatelle day nurseries to reopen:

  40. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    No, no, no, I got it wrong…this boy died in April with the foot to the neck, am saying copycat but the George Floyd killing was in June, one month before he died…..Mia knew about it and was dismissive of George Floyd anyway. but Karma is a biche.

  41. Good initiative, Barbadians so far have been responding to the call to be immunized. Hopefully access to vaccines by small countries will continue.

    BWU members turn out to be vaccinated on May Day

  42. 555dubstreet Avatar

    Rastas are spiritual beings
    Prophecy fulfilling visionaries

  43. 555dubstreet

    Help me understand this part of rastafarianism: now to get a better perspective and understanding of this belief, what ethnic was King David? Or in other words: was King David Ethiopian, Egyptian are Europeans Jew?

  44. 555dubstreet

    There is this belief among members of the Rastafarian faith that Hailie Selassie traced his lineage back to King David, and if such is a case, it would turn the entire religion of Christianity on its head, because the Holy Bible teaches quite the opposite.

  45. Will take “are Ethiopian Jew” as “or Ethiopian Jew”.
    Doubtful that there were European Jews in the time of David.
    “it would turn the entire religion of Christianity on its head, because the Holy Bible teaches quite the opposite.”
    What does the Bible say about Hailie Selassie? Nothing you say.
    Then explain your sentence.

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