During the sitting of the Senate of 25 March 2021, Senator Rev. Dr. John A. Rogers delivered an interesting presentation. He referred to the heinous event history recorded as the Atlantic Slave Trade and its relevance to Barbados formulating fit for purpose policy to protect our future well-being in a volatile global space. The blogmaster recommends those interested in pursuing serious discussion to take the time to listen to Roger’s presentation from around 30 minutes of the video.

…it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent. That top-tier one percent amounts to 52 million people who are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt).

Top 1 percent of households own 43 percent of global wealth

In a related event this week President Joe Biden had reason to say in response to Georgia’s new suppression law that it is antithetical to who Americans aspire to be. The issue of race is not a Barbados condition, it is a human condition, a condition that has created an US versus THEM condition. It is also a zero sum condition that benefits the capitalists. When we we learn.

The Senate – Thursday 25 March 2021

The blogmaster has been around the block long enough to know the divide and conquer mentality of imperfect humans based on gender, class AND race will be with us until the end of time. However, as a people we will be forced to co-opt creative approaches to mask and contain the prejudice, bigotry and yes- racism of many who will walk beside us because the establishment is vested in the system.

468 responses to “Race Issue: Barbados and Everywhere Else”

  1. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Miller, @ WURA
    Everything Mia Mottley does from now on will be merely cosmetic. She does not possess the mind of a progressive thinker-that’s what three years of almost absolute power have revealed. We had the same soup with all her predecessors; a few crumbs here and there but the status quo remains more in tact now than ever.
    There has been no boldness in this administration, it believes that constantly refreshing the masses’ minds about the miscreants Stuart and company is all they need to do. While COVID has given them some breathing space, the simple truth is that the super large cabinet was grossly underperforming before the pandemic struck.
    In my humble opinion, Mottley has already squandered the goodwill that she was given. Unfortunately, there is no one to challenge her and the DLP remains in the doldrums. Politics is the only game in town, there really is no policy.
    From where I sit, I think , there maybe at least another ten years of Mottley unless something dramatically goes wrong.
    To put it mildly, we need real change and it will not be found in George Street or Roebuck Street , in another hundred years, which is only twenty elections. The country deserves better.

  2. “Politics is the only game in town, there really is no policy.”

    I always knew this is what was going to take them all down, they didn’t create it and therefore don’t fully understand it, check the time period that they were given the colonial system to manage…..and it’s been downhill for the majority population from then, most of whom don’t realize that this is not how it’s supposed to be, it’s not normal.

    they can’t say that money was not around, there’s literally billions missing from the economy, they should be able to answer why the money is missing, a deficit if not replaced…that’s what it all boils down to…who benefitted from money that was supposed to go to the people…Covid exposed that one, can’t glide along without answering the question, they are the managers.

  3. Mottley's Crew Avatar
    Mottley’s Crew

  4. Mottley's Crew Avatar
    Mottley’s Crew

  5. Mottley’s crew is that Skinner Guy with his racist faces or that War in U beach

  6. “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

  7. Can we try to discuss the issue at hand and stop the constant harping, bickering and cussing at mainly anonymous commenters? It is tiring to have to plough through these comments daily. Jesus!

  8. Nuances of Hatrridge

    How many backward Barbajan can there be in Barbados and UK

    Skinner War on U Hal are 3 renown Indian Haters

    and seem to be operating in same time zone GMT

    are they all one and the same with multiple monikers

    no one digs Hal except Hal

  9. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Racists are evil and he should’ve gotten his own bullet(s) in his body….stop playing games with stinking racists, they should all be taken out completely from our earth..


  10. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The warped twisted minds of racists which we have come to learn is not grounded in reality…again…fear of “white annihilation” is baseless, there will always be European bloodlines, there will always be the Black/African woman with mutating genes…that is capable of producing varying bloodlines of ALL THE EARTH’S GROUPS during one century or the other…….that is who we are…

    Dr. Frances Welsing continued…..


    “The brilliance of Dr. Welsing’s leadership and vision in the development of intellectual weaponry was enhanced by her ability to move beyond the self-serving restrictions of the academy. She, like Nana Clarke, Nana Marcus Garvey, and Bro. Malcolm Omowale X, is not handicapped by the affliction of academeitis. She did not try to impress the white world or confused Afrikans with a feigned “objectivity.” She had no need to camouflage or compromise her race-first ideology. Her systematic analysis is born out her heart-mind (Ib). That is what gave her the courage to confront an entire system of institutions constructed as a defense mechanism by the white collective psyche. Everything she did was toward the end of training us for successful combat. Her teaching, lecturing, writing and actions all took place in the combat zone. She ran interference. She was on the front lines.

    In this continual process of confrontation with the enemy, she put forth tenets and configured weapons which we can use to attack what had been perceived as the impenetrable fortress of racism/white supremacy.
    She begins by identifying the pathology: “racism/white supremacy.” She took control of the battlefield. She gave us “spectacles” and a microscope with which to examine the pathogen that she identified. She laid bare the nature of the illness, its etiology (cause) and its various manifestations.

    Dr. Welsing proceeded to take the definition of racism out of the hands of the “racist.” She tells us that racism is inextricable from power. In this case, power is conferred by a system which gives power to white over Black, white over non-white. So only those in power can be “racist.” There is only one racism, and that is the system of white supremacy.

    She defied the academy, knowing it as a product of the European world view, and the values and behaviors promulgated by white culture. The academy assumes the “rhetorical ethic” (see Yurugu, Ch. 6, pp. 311 – 336). “Never say what you are really thinking”… “Hypocrisy is the norm”… “Always hide your true agenda.” Dr. Welsing broke these “rules” of racism/white supremacy — psychopathology. She was always “in their face.”. Not the academic establishment, nor any other aspect of the white supremacist order, could intimidate her. They labeled her “essentialist.” But that is what she was and that is what we are. We are race-identified. She was clearly centered in her Blackness. Everything she said and did was for us and in the interest of her race. Her word was bond; what she told us to do, she did. She thereby alienated the liberals, leftists, academics and the other whites as well as all cowards, apologists, assimilationists and integrationists. We consider this a great Afrikan Sovereignist achievement!

    Knowing that the white supremacist academy prevents the level of authentic and effective confrontation in which our people need to be engaged, Dr. Welsing provided a space in which we could “think” with Afrikan minds, through her Cress-Welsing Institute. There she continued the tradition of the Communiversity, so prominent in Chicago under the leadership and inspiration of Bobby Wright. The Cress-Welsing Institute is a space in which Afrikan/Black people can “be real.” Dr. Welsing needed to take us beyond the rules of the academy which disallow the connection of heart and mind because she felt the urgency of reaching out to the Black community with her healing work.

    Her definition of “Black mental health” is “patterns of thought, logic, speech, action, and emotional response in all areas of people activity that simultaneously reflect self and group respect and respect for harmony in the universe.” (p.164) Since white supremacy does not allow for Black self-respect, within it, we, the Black collective, have “negative impact” on our environment. This renders us powerless. The white supremacy system shapes us, molds us into functional inferiors. This is the process of inferiorization. Clearly, there can be no Black mental health within the context of white supremacy. Thus, as long as we allow the system of white supremacy to stand, Black manhood must be understood to mean warrior/soldier. To be a Black man is to fight against the system of white supremacy “embracing everything that the words warrior or soldier imply.” (192)

    Dr. Welsing rejects the Marxist explanation of white racist behavior. Instead, she understands capitalism to be firmly embedded within the European, yurugu world view; the thought and behavior which issue from white fear and result in anti-life ways. While Marx offers a systematic analysis and critique of capitalism, he does not deal with either the European world view or racism/white supremacy. To do so would be especially difficult for Marx since he was himself, afflicted by that pathology.

    One of her most important achievements is to have established that “racism white supremacy” is a system. Once we understand that, then it becomes possible to approach racism/white supremacy with a “unified field theory,” a perspective which brings seemingly isolated patterns of behavior into an interconnected whole.

    She understood that the global system of white supremacy includes but is not coterminous with exploitative, predatory, monopolistic capitalism. Racist, white supremacist behavior is a compensatory response (or reaction formation) to an overwhelming minority status numerically when compared with all of the world’s people. (The white collective constitutes only 8 percent of the global population, and even that number is diminishing.) Capitalism, like individualism, intense competitiveness, aggression, greed, narcissism, alienation, and other aspects of sociopathy is symptomatic of white collective fear of genetic annihilation.”

  11. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    And that’s why we know the fraud of “reverse racism” is A BLATANT LIE…..that the weakest Black minds take pleasure in buying into and labeling each other as….the dummies…

  12. DavidApril 8, 2021 1:37 PM @Crusoe Your suggestion is a radical one and would offend the establishment of which the political class is an entrenched member.

    Offend the establishment? You are probably right. But why should it? It is progressive rather than revolutionary. Better studied progress than shambolic change.

    Who has the right to any such land, more than any other citizen? Not a man nor woman. I repeat, not a man nor woman.

    Surely the grandsons and daughters, great grandsons and daughters, of those enslaved who toiled in the hot sun, day after day, were subjected to the most horrendous cruelty, have a right to be suitably placed?

    Note that I did not reserve any spot for any one person nor race. I said, ALL youngsters, because we are all one (I am with the 555Dub on that).

    But the idea that a progressive government should not seek to progress the youth of today, is to me, repulsive.

    We want change, we want progress, then we need to be the change. Why NOT?!

    Who don’t like um, give me one reason why not. Upset the establishment? What exactly have the establishment done to further progress? Tell muh.

    I reject the notion that change cannot come thorough progressive policies and I insist that progressive policies are the way out of this socioeconomic trap.

    Open the mind, open the soul, onward and upward.

  13. Small business struggling in Barbados while the big business class mostly white get to feast off the treasury
    That is a glaring example of racism in Barbados
    300million just like that went to the Goliath upper business class
    Small business mostly black expected to pull themselves up by the boot straps with a five thousand dollar loan
    In the meanwhile Mia speaks of tourist return and the capital looks like damaged goods

  14. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Miller, @ WURA
    Front page of today’s Nation. A house was built by the government for a 97 year old woman. She has not inhabited the house because according to the government agency , she has not signed off on connecting the electricity.
    This senior citizen, 3 years from being 100 .was , according to the Nation, formerly living in filthy conditions.
    We can pay consultants anywhere from $8000 to 15/ 20 thousand per month but we would refuse to pay a 97 years old senior citizen’s electric bill.
    But, when the show is over……….

  15. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    As long as Mia remembers that UK says they are “NOT RACIST”….so the criminals in Barbados and other jurisdictions should now GO TO PRISON for their crimes against Black population(s), particularly in Barbados…since they are the ones perpetrating racism against Black people nonstop while STEALING TAXES and PENSION MONEY…….time to put an END TO THAT…since it’s come to light with the hidden discrimination laws, NOW REVEALED, that the constitution says IT IS A CRIME……but so far, only the police got that label as though they are the ones caused the discrimination in Barbados, Mia needs to fix this right away…

    how lawyers from both governments and the bar association ALL BLACK could see nothing wrong with allowing it to continue against the people for 54 YEARS post independence….is a serious indictment and not to be taken lightly….

  16. Deep Dive
    Racial profiling suggests that Blacks here have NOT read Welsing’s book that they promote, so here is a downloadable PDF Link for all y’all so we can discuss the contents from personal experience of reading and thinking using our minds instead of being talking parrots. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    The Isis (Yssis) Papers

    As mentioned the Preface shows her to be a heavy hard hitter

  17. @Crusoe

    It will offend because politicians are guided by the power brokers who operate in the shadows. Surely you are aware?

  18. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “But, when the show is over……….”

    bound to happen…nothing lasts forever, contrary to what they all believe…they learned NOTHING in 400 years…

    no homeless shelters, people dying on the streets….and a park being built for the homeless to sleep and to rough it as usual…

    only money laundering charities set up for handouts…

    no people empowerment…

    fraud is the name of the game…

    billions gone from the economy and the Black population cannot benefit..

    then some will come on here talking shite about “minority rights to be protected” when the minorities are THE CRIMINALS, the thieves, the racists, the drug trafficking, gunrunning savages who brought the islands to its KNEES….while Black rights have NEVER been protected on the island…we really gotta watch some and question their true motives…

  19. Breaking news:

  20. The national anthem song is now being played on BBC Radio Five.

    He was a refugee from the beautiful Greek island called Crete.

    I am sure that Waru would like to offer her condolences.

  21. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Since ya mention it….condolences..

  22. Looking at Timelines for context, back in 1966 Barbados’ self rule may have treated blacks more equally than UK USA and Rest of World did.

    Brixton riots: Has enough changed in 40 years?

  23. You cannot stereotype Drug Gangs, Gunrunners and Terrorists by their race colour or creed or extrapolate hate out to whole races colours or creeds.

  24. .. I forgot to say rapists

  25. With respect to all BU commentators. It should be now evident to all but the blind that blacks are generally unloved and despised throughout the world.

    It always surprises me how politically correct the vast majority of blacks are. As a collective group, blacks, are apolitical with their interaction towards other groups. For example they will date, worship, socialise, shop and do business with other races without any consciousness of racism.

    Language is important. You will struggle to count on more then one hand the number of derogatory descriptive words that blacks employ against other racial groups. Unlike other groups who have a dictionary of unpleasant words within their lexicon

    Nor will you find black groups denigrating other racial groups around the kitchen table or on the streets.

    Barbados has to recognise that it is a black majority country whose foundation was built on the back of black slaves.

    We need not be apologetic or unashamed to announce that Barbados has to reconfigure itself to represent the interests of its black majority population.

    Some may argue that I’m advocating some form of pogram against other races who may reside in Barbados. Nothing could be further from the truth. These groups, generally, have scant respect for the majority population; most are in a position to return to their ancestoral lands.

    So rather than us being politically correct (PC) and aligning ourselves to those hypocrites who created and are the gatekeepers to the so-called PC movement. Let’s think for ourselves and use our life experiences and our knowledge of our ancestors to mould a development template which promotes and prioritises the elevation of Barbados black majority population..

    There will be some who will denounce my words. I would ask you to bear in mind that these people are blind to reality and have no desire to bring change to Barbados black majority population.

  26. @ William Skinner April 9, 2021 6:40 AM

    I’m at a loss as to how you’ve interpreted the elderly lady not signing B’dos Light & Power Co. Ltd.’s documentation so as to enable the CONNECTION of her electricity service, which, by the way, is standard procedure…….. to mean “refusing to pay a 97 years old senior citizen’s electric bill.”

    Come on, “when the show is over,” it’s clear you are misrepresenting the facts. And, I’m sure she was provided with shelter until construction of the house was completed. If the lady is experiencing difficulties, she would receive assistance from the relevant government agencies, including NAB providing home help service and the Welfare Department paying her electricity bill or water bill.

    It’s something that usually occurs in situations such as hers.

  27. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Artax
    Kindly read the entire story and you would discover that the lady is still living in the dilapidated house, in other words, according to the story in the nation. Read further and you would discover that the agency said that she received a pension and that’s why they did not install the electricity. Read further and you would discover that the agency had now decided to pay the electricity.
    My position is simple: if the land was donated by a citizen and a government agency then gives a woman that age a house, why the damn fuss about whether she could pay an electricity bill. Jesus Christ even if she has a little pension, can we be do frigging heartless to not just install the electricity and let her live out her days in a little comfort.?

  28. “We need not be apologetic or unashamed to announce that Barbados has to reconfigure itself to represent the interests of its black majority population.”

    Internet is an anonymous forum where people vent racist populist views that they cannot and will not voice in public. Politicians use dog whistle racism to get votes riding on same bandwagon. Barbados is a small place that depends on other countries and cannot afford to be cut off from the rest of the world due to extremist policies. Multiculturalism is positive and people mix all the time without racist hate, when you get to know people you don’t even notice their colour, you just see them.

  29. @wura
    Here is the full quote.
    “Empowering blacks is one area where Barbados can become an example to other countries by (1) removing the barriers that seem to retard progress of the black majority and (2) just as importantly, by protecting the lawful rights of the minority.”

    I stand by my statement. Just referring to item 2 is misleading.

    We saw how hard it was to move the statue of Nelson. Do you think we will make any progress forward, if we start off on a path that is harmful to others?
    I am for progress and I am for changes, meaningful changes.

  30. RE: “With respect to all BU commentators. It should be now evident to all but the blind that blacks are generally unloved and despised throughout the world.”

    You’ve now come to that realisation?

    The dislike of the Black race has even taken root in the entertainment industry. Just look at how we are stereotyped in movies as loud talking, bungling idiots, with eyes staring wide, often playing menial roles.

    After the US civil war, for example, white performers, mainly Irish, used to paint their faces black and painted on enlarged lips to play characters that demeaned and dehumanized Black people.

    A New York born actor, Thomas Dartmouth Rice, reportedly travelled to the South to observe the slaves. Sometime during 1830, he developed a tattered clothed, idiotic dancing stage character, named ‘Jim Crow,’ and introduced the ‘blackface minstrel shows,’ in which the dance moves and speech were exaggerated by white ‘blackface’ actors to depict Afro-Americans as IDIOTS, lazy, IGNORANT, superstitious, hypersexual BUFFOONS, who were also either criminals or COWARDS.
    Other characters developed as a result, included ‘Mammy,’ a Black overweight and loud mother figure, and ‘Zip Coon,’ a flamboyant-dressed Black man who used ‘big words’ incorrectly.

    I remember those ‘Tarzan’ movies that epitomized the history of eurocentric racist demonisation of Africa. Tarzan, was left alone in the jungle and raised by apes. He subsequently grew up to become much more intelligent than the Black people living in the same jungle environment several years before him. What is disturbing is the fact that, to project his ‘white superiority,’ the script depicted Black people as being less intelligent than the animals from which Tarzan learnt and developed his skills. In those types of ‘JUNGLE movies,’ the white explorers also referred to Africans as SAVAGES.

    This is how we are stereotyped by white people. And, it’s among one of the many reason why I take OFFENCE, and even more so, when Black people on BU, refer to their Black brothers and sisters as cowards, idiots, buffoons, ‘predators, wild beast and savages that should be in the jungle,’ despite whatever differences they may encounter among each other.

    RE: “Barbados has to recognise that it is a black majority country whose foundation was built on the back of black slaves.”

    You should’ve ‘said,’ “whose foundation was built on the BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS of Black slaves.” However, your point is taken.

    I know many of you are now on about this ‘back to Africa’ thing. But, although I am of African ancestry, the blood, sweat and tears of my immediate forefathers built Barbados. As such, I prefer to assist, according to TLSN, in reconfiguration of Barbados to “represent the interests of its Black majority population,” rather than venturing to Africa.

    Being conscious about our heritage and the development of our future generations, goes much deeper than copy and pasting information from particular websites and ‘talking’ about ‘African ancestors.’

  31. @ TLSN April 9, 2021 8:10 AM

    Obviously you don’t live in one of our distinguished gated communities next to our many black millionaires and businessmen, still believing in the horror stories of oppressed blacks in Barbados. There, only your bank account and your professional status count.

  32. Mottley's Crew Avatar
    Mottley’s Crew

  33. Mottley's Crew Avatar
    Mottley’s Crew

    This is the mindset that emigrates to barbados.

  34. Motley Crew Now, that’s the nigga I’d been seeing in my sleep

    He was going down, we figured
    But this was no ordinary nigga
    He stood about six or seven feet
    Now, that’s the nigga I’d been seeing in my sleep
    So we triple-teamed on him
    Dropping them motherfuckin b’s on him
    The more I swung the more blood flew
    Then he disappeared and my boys disappeared, too
    Then I felt just like a fiend
    It wasn’t even close to halloween
    It was dark as fuck on the streets
    My hands were all bloody from punching on the concrete
    God damn, homie
    My mind is playing tricks on me

  35. “You should’ve ‘said,’ “whose foundation was built on the BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS of Black slaves.”

    They were strong, they were forced to row the slave ships from Africa to Barbados
    and made to dig up and remove all the rocks by hand to make the plantation lands

  36. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Just heard DMX passed away..

  37. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Empowering blacks is one area where Barbados can become an example to other countries by (1) removing the barriers that seem to retard progress of the black majority and (2) just as importantly, by protecting the lawful rights of the minority.”

    Theo…the majority BLack/African population needs PROTECTION from:

    the indians who are inclined to be overly racist because they gotta show that they are MORE RACISTS THAN RACIST WHITES…and they are very DISRESPECTFUL OF THE BLACK MAJORITY in Barbados, and those Guyana, Trinidad etc..

    the syrians who are incliend to be overly racist because they gotta show that they are MORE RACIST THAN RACIST WHITES…and they are very DISRESPECTFUL OF THE BLACK MAJORITY in Barbados and those in Guyana, Trinidad etc…

    fhe local bajan whites an foreign whites WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE NOT ONLY ENTITLED TO BE RACIST TO THE BLACK MAJORITY but believe it’s their right to commit endless crimes AGAINST the Black majority…including stealing taxes and pension fund, land from the ELDERLY AND THEIR BENEFICIARIES…..and ALL THE OPPORTUNITIES that should go to every generation of Black born on the island…

    ….they don’t need protection they have been already ILLEGALLY PROTECTED BY CORRUPT POLITICIANS USING THE BARABDOS POLICE FORCE…what they need is to be IN PRISON….because if not stop they WILL CONTINUE TO PLOT AND PLAN TO SABOTAGE black progress…..these are some nasty minded bottomfeeder who DON’T WANT TO SEE THE BLACK M AJORITY EMPOWERED…

    Black people need protecting FROM ALL OF THEM…

    that is why i CANNOT in good conscience agree with you…not after all the social and economic damage they have done for 54 YEARS….and were they black people committing so many crimes against another group everyone will be calling for them to be prosecuted and all they have STOLEN CONFISCATED….

  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Theo…maybe you have a solution to FIX THEM, the minorities, and their evil minds and ways…

  39. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    I was trying to avoid telling you all of that because i know you have been on here for a pretty long time and have read all the blogs about these minority savages who go down to the East Coast in groups and plot and plan for the Black majority although they have NO RIGHT..then carry their wicked plans to the SELLOUTS in the parliament for implementation and enforcement against the population…to ENRICH THEMSELVES….

    Black people cannot assemble like that to plot to SABOTAGE anyone because they are RESTRICTED and CONFINED under the Public Order Act DEVISED by the same enemies of Black people the minorities and given to the sellout Barrow to legislate and enforce so that the people remained stuck in a colonial slave society assimilation…..the African population cannot assemble to be Black nor African…unless the police turns up….but not one cop can go down East Coast road where these racists assemble to plot for and sabotage Black people…..

    so miss me with the “protect rights” bullshit.

  40. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    William…they let the homeless Black population DIE ON THE STREETS…not one of them have a conscience or a heart to build a homeless shelter for these people homeless due to circumstances, but billions of dollars are missing form the economy…

    you see how they leave the elderly to DIE IN THEIR FILTH..especially if they have plans to rob them and their beneficiaries…you are dealing with inhuman beasts, subhuman….who don’t care about the majority the way they should…maybe it has something to do with them developing pedigree soon after they beg the people for votes and become elected…

  41. 🙂
    the African population cannot assemble to be Black nor African…unless the police turns up….but not one cop can go down East Coast road where these racists assemble to plot for and sabotage Black people

    Let us assume this is true. Why is it so? Is it because the minority prime minister will call the minority attorney general and minority chief of police and inform them when the minority policeman must interfere or stay away? The power that the minorities have are ceded to them by the black majority. Don’t confuse cowardice, failed leadership, incompetence and impotence with racism.

    If I thought that I could get away with shit, I would be there tomorrow.

  42. I remember sometime ago, we had a black man here crying for years about some water course.
    Just cry and cry and cry. Scared shitless to make a jail for his own rights..
    Sometimes, I wondered if he did not have a non-talkative fisherman friend.

    Then there was a time when some b white woman went missing for a few days.
    I sat here and read how people were being push around an threatened. All of those silly ass secret society and not one group with enough sense to protect the community.
    Don’t tell me about the powers of the minority. and of racism on the island. The majority need to look at itself and ask why?

  43. Blacks in barbados seem to be the softest negroes in the whole world as blacks anywhere else don’t take shit

    I expect it is because they have not been pushed hard enough to lose control and fight back

  44. Edited

    I remember that sometime ago we had a black man here crying for years about some water course.
    How would just cry and cry and cry. Scared shitless to make a jail or to fight for his own rights. Running from politician to politician like some fool on an errand, when all he needed was a fisherman friend who could keep a secret.

    Then there was a time when a white woman went missing for a few days. I sat here and read how people were being pushed around and threatened. All of those silly ass secret society and not one group with enough sense or courage to protect the community.

    Don’t tell me about the powers of the minority and of racism on the island. The majority need to look at itself and ask why? Many of the problems can be fixed with an ounce of courage.

  45. @ 555 dubstreetApril 9, 2021 2:57 PM
    “Blacks in barbados seem to be the softest negroes in the whole world as blacks anywhere else don’t take shit

    I expect it is because they have not been pushed hard enough to lose control and fight back..”

    Good observation that Bajan blacks are indeed the “softest negroes in the whole world” even though they make up a very
    large majority of the population.

    But your ‘expected’ reason is not because “they have not been pushed hard enough”.
    For they have been pushed very hard since their physical emancipation in 1837 to take control of their economic destiny but no avail.

    Even 1937 was meant to be a ‘watershed moment’ in their quest for social and economic enfranchisement.

    Until blacks in Barbados liberate themselves from their mental state of slavery they will never be the majority controllers of the country’s economic resources as is their moral right of inheritance.

    Blacks, in their current mentally comatose state, are not free to achieve Marcus Garvey’s dream of economic enfranchisement for the people of African descent.

    A dream which can only come ‘true’ if they stop being the economic hewers of wood and drawers of water to other ethnic groups.

    They must learn to reduce their materialistic consumption habits and dependence on other ethnic groups to supply their material wants.

    Suppliers and sellers who view blacks as mere consumers and do return in any way that level of support nor display even an iota of moral appreciation of the black contribution to their economic success except in sponsoring sports and entertainment to further expand their businesses.

    Blacks, especially the females, must start the deprogramming process by learning to perceive their Creator in their own image and likeness as, indeed, they have been created.

    Maybe some lessons from you in Buddhist mediation techniques can show them how to open their pineal gland in order to bring about their much needed ‘Awakening’ to return to their spiritual roots.

  46. @Artax, 555 Dub Street, TheoGazerts, H.A. and and WURA-War-on-U.

    The great disco/ dance drummer, Hamilton Bohannon, brought out a disco classic in the early eighties called ” The Message is in the music”

    The track below more or less sums up the subject of which we are discussing.


  47. Mottley's Crew Avatar
    Mottley’s Crew

  48. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “A dream which can only come ‘true’ if they stop being the economic hewers of wood and drawers of water to other ethnic groups.

    They must learn to reduce their materialistic consumption habits and dependence on other ethnic groups to supply their material wants.”

    they love to work for people who hate them….and their ignorant leaders condone and enable it because it serves their narrow, self-serving agendas…remember racist corbin and his outburst that still has not been addressed…the backward leaders are a huge part of the problem….with their “got hungry bellies to feed” mentality…as though they are speaking about slaves….instead of EMPOERING the people WITH THEIR OWN MONEY…they empower a gang of racists instead…

    .it’s a repulsive scenario on the island….am happy UK disowned racism…let’s see if Mia cobntinues to allow racist minorities to continue the racism and discrimination practice they enjoyed for 54 years..

    again…the majority need to lean closer to their ancestral land and DISAVOW everything colonial that will never empower or advance their progress….

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