In May 2018 the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) achieved the unprecedented in a general election by winning all 30 seats. Although Bishop Joseph Atherley seized the opportunity to defect and by default forced the Governor General to appoint him Leader of the Opposition, it does not detract from the shellacking of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) at the 2018 polls.

Immediately on winning the government Prime Minister Mottley continued with the unprecedented by establishing the largest Cabinet in the history of Barbados AND the world. Her rationale- ‘many hands make light work’. In an interview soon after her momentous win Mottley explained to retired journalist David Ellis that Barbadians should judge her government over time on its performance to justify the large selection – An Interview with Prime Minister Mottley.

Students of politics are aware the appointment of a large front bench is designed to blunt the back bench. Unfortunately it is the political gamesmanship and chicanery our adversarial politics encourages.

As the countdown to the next general election 2023 starts the question included in the poll must be fairly considered.

Related Link: An Invisible Mottley Cabinet

176 responses to “Some Ministers of Government Not Earning Pay”

  1. @Miller

    Improvements planned for the city before Covid was anchored to tourism related projects. How is that working out in the prevailing environment?

  2. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURU
    Almost every single piece of legislation brought or passed by the current administration, has been lacking in clarity or believed to be unconstitutional.
    In any other country this would be a huge embarrassment and the public would be up. In arms.

  3. That’s why they have to be exposed, they are hellbent and intent on violating BLACK PEOPLE’S RIGHTS at every turn, even the most basic and especially that of the elderly….and they ain’t much people blacker then them in appearance, but it’s only black rights they REFUSE TO RECOGNIZE…

    am sick of seeing it, and it’s about time they are REVEALED TO THE WORLD…..they will care when something happens that IMPEDES any more of their progress into BLACK HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS…’s like these negros have A MIND DISEASE.

    remember…the MANUFACTURED NEGRO…there is nothing real about them, they live to pretend and are riddled with self-hate.

    that’s why Caswell keeps on complaining, because he can see their HATRED for the Black people who elected them and pay their SALARIES.

  4. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Hal
    Why do you even worry ? We are attracted to acronyms, cliches, not serious matters Of course $4 mil is a steal for that building. We have young , dynamic black entrepreneurs that need help
    and that place could be developed into a number of restaurants and craft shops for them.
    Don’t worry. Some white expatriate will gobble it up , turn it into some fancy place and when tourism bounces back, within ten years it would be sold for $100 mil US.
    Relax Comrade.

  5. @ William

    It is nice to know some Bajans are still sane. Your wisdom is wasted on this blog, whose bread and butter is personal abuse and profanities.
    It is so obvious that that building at Bds$4m is a steal that it is not worth thinking about. Then we will talk about foreigners buying up the country.
    It will not surprise me if a group of New Barbadians buy the property. What about our churches? Is there an Anglican Church investment fund? What about the Methodists? The Jehovah Witnesses?
    I can think of a number of Bajans in London alone who could afford that price. The trick is to convince them that investing in Barbados is worthwhile.
    The ball is in the hands of the minister of finance.

  6. I would give them US$150,000 and not a dime more for that old dump…they should be donating it for YOUNG BLACK PEOPLE to jumpstart BLACK EMPOWERMENT…..

    ah know…they won’t want to, but could rob the island for decades though..

  7. @ William Skinner March 2, 2021 10:19 AM #: “Of course $4 mil is a steal for that building. We have young , dynamic black entrepreneurs that need help.”

    Are you suggesting ‘government’ should buy the building and develop it into a project similar to that of the BIDC?

    We could find several justifiable reasons why the building should be bought and methods to facilitate its purchase. But, supposed people aren’t interested in purchasing it? Surely you can’t force them to. What could could you, me or anyone do under those circumstances?

  8. It is not a buyers market especially in the city. There are many buildings in the city waiting for buyers for years. The context of this discussion is for Black people to avail themselves of the opportunity. Based on historical behaviour this will NOT happen.

  9. There is no context of the discussion. Where did that come from. The context is the valuation of the commercial property and I am saying that, whatever the present market conditions are in Barbados, Bds$4n is cheap.
    This, I suggest, is common sense. Warren Buffett would have laughed at this price. The so-called black context is simply a reference to black people owning their own country, if not others will move in.
    I suggest the real problem is the immaturity of the financial sector in Barbados and no-one to lead it. It is a better commercial investment for Sagicor, for example, than the irresponsible move in to residential mortgages, which should have been blocked by the regulator.

  10. William…you may have better insight into this than me, cause you spent time with certain crabs over years…but what could be stopping parliament negros from RECOGNIZING Black human rights…they will be shocked to know that even some bajan whites find it disturbing.. THIS INABILITY….to WANT to use the system to improve Black rights…it’s reaching the stage that they will HAVE TO ANSWER FOR IT…

    one claimaint said a judge declared right in front of them, that’s it’s better if claimants die because the insurance company will have to pay out very little if anything….that is downright evil coming from a black face judge…..seeing that the insurance companies on the island are mostly minority owned…their asses need dragging up before human rights tribunals…for wishing death on claimant..

    and then there are the warnings you get that you have to be careful your murder is not set up instead of you being paid your compensation..because of their nasty minds in not wanting to see Black injured people compensated for injuries…… it’s reaching the stage that they will have to be pulled out of their delusions and on to the world stage…

  11. @ Artax March 2, 2021 11:07 AM
    “Are you suggesting ‘government’ should buy the building and develop it into a project similar to that of the BIDC?”

    Good point there, Artax!

    The Government itself has not been an exemplary landlord or property owner given the dilapidated state of its buildings and ‘unkempt’ lands especially in the industrial estates under the management of the BIDC.

  12. Nothing will shock me William…i had a run in with one already, who thought she was reckless and didn’t realize that there are Black people even more reckless than them…..and would take it the distance, no matter how far…..ya either live through it or stress alone will bury you… nothing you say will surprise me.

  13. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Just waiting to see whose killing the greedy believe they can set up…

    “Having to experience the horror of a personal injury case is the epitome of preparing for a long drawn out battle. The first hurdle is the claimant’s lawyer and it takes a short time to realize that most Black lawyers on the island hate taking instructions from Black clients. Although it’s their job to take instructions and give advice, but not the well known pompous lawyers, they project the attitude that it’s beneath them to adhere to that discipline with Black clients.”

  14. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Let’s see how much nerve they got, i know i got nerve going and coming…

    Having to experience the horror of a personal injury case is the epitome of preparing for a long drawn out battle. The first hurdle is the claimant’s lawyer and it takes a short time to realize that Black lawyers on the island hate taking instructions from Black clients. Although it’s their job to take instructions and give advice, but not the well known pompous lawyers, they project the attitude that it’s beneath them to adhere to that discipline with Black clients. Copyright ⓒ 2021.

  15. Many of you are too funny 🎪. 🤣

  16. WURA-War-on-U Avatar


    this is US…so ah wonder who those black face human rights violators in Barbados think they are…..ON ALL FRONTS…not only in the judiciary and the human rights violations there….this black on black racism, dressed up as classism will have to end will be taken the distance…

    Miller and William look out for the push back.

    “United Nations human rights officials issued a report Tuesday condemning environmental racism in Louisiana’s “Cancer Alley,” where the mostly Black population breathes air heavily polluted by an ever-widening corridor of petrochemical plants.

    Once the site of plantations where generations of enslaved African workers toiled and died, the 85-mile stretch along the lower Mississippi River between Baton Rouge and New Orleans has for decades served as an industrial hub, with nearly 150 oil refineries, plastics plants and chemical facilities.

    The area is also home to the descendants of those enslaved workers, who studies show have suffered and died from cancer, diabetes, and respiratory diseases at higher rates than most of the country, and higher than Louisiana as a whole. The risk of cancer from air pollution in the corridor is 95% higher than in most of the country, and during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, death rates from the virus soared.”

  17. Related matters
    What became of the land initiative by Heather?

    A few of us could be tempted to help purchase the building.
    How much money is required for upgrades?
    Can it be converted to apartments/xxxx ?
    How do I get my (some) money back?
    Needed, an organization/man with a good record and a plan.

  18. Oops. On a phone.

  19. ” She explained that FADS were floating objects designed and strategically placed to attract and maintain pelagic fish stock in the area.”

    ” Fish Aggregating Devices (FADS) in Barbados’ territorial waters to increase fish catch ? “

  20. Fastest way to fish depletion. We have lost conch, much of our sprats, flying fish are now in Tobago, and the Animal Flower Cave is also losing fish.

  21. ” to attract and maintain pelagic fish stock in the area.

    These include Amber Fish, Bonito, Dolphin (Mahi Mahi), Marlin, Rainbow Runners, Skipjack, Swordfish, Tuna, Turpics, and Wahoo (Kingfish).

  22. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    William…it’s usually a one person fight, most are cowards and would prefer sit back and point out mistakes in a comment and pretend to be word experts rather than pick up the fight to end the dirty racist shit against themselves in Barbados….but i was always a loner and have no problems going after these black face criminals dressed up in colonial slave titles, alone.

    watch muh nuh.

    they better get ready for the world stage…some people are just as determined to take them down as they are to keep the anti-black, human rights violating nastiness in Black lives.

  23. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Artax
    Absolutely! I think it would be a great idea to give young black entrepreneurs an opportunity to be on prime property for the future.
    I am not one who believes we are only good for Temple Yard or selling coconuts on the Highway.
    Not putting down anybody but I happen to believe that fifty years from now, I will prefer to know that the second generation of black business people are ready to ensure and expand the legacy.

    So , that’s my take.

  24. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA
    Yes I deal with them daily! If you want to understand why we are treated this way by the house slaves just read the comments that followed my suggestion that government can aquire that prime property for young , black entrepreneurs.
    They know whom they are leading. Suddenly @ David is a well known realtor specializing in Bridgetown properties. etc
    Like I said, let Maloney or some other white foreigner buy , develop it and give our sons, , daughters and grandchildren, a uniform and $250 per week to work there after it is developed.
    I agree with you that government should start putting a legacy price on these abandoned buildings and plantations and seize them in lieu of all the slave wages the owners have paid for the last hundred years and more.

  25. The blogmaster is aware of the property situation in the city. More than you will ever know. In fact you do not know shit about the blogmaster.

  26. Mia, decisive and vaccinates.
    ac, so many theories she vacillates.

    I gi ya a likkle (stole that from GP) attenshun. Happy?

  27. Hal why is it if you want to lead scotland these days you have to be named after a fish.?

  28. What about we buy it renovate and rent??

  29. @ Lawson

    Something fishy in Midlothian..

  30. What became of Heather’s land initiative?

  31. Mia securing vaccines is a major achievement.

    Here, I am in the ‘mighty USA’ putting my name on lists, calling around and cannot get vaccinated.

    Cuhdear, 😃ungrateful ac 😃 and others on a 2×3 island can boast of being vaccinated.

    Going to look carefully for my expired passport.

  32. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “I agree with you that government should start putting a legacy price on these abandoned buildings and plantations and seize them in lieu of all the slave wages the owners have paid for the last hundred years and more.”

    and all the billions both governments helped them TIEF….financially paralyzed the island….and left the Black population pauparized for over 2 generations…..look at the state of island and then them and their fowl Slaves will come on the blog and BOAST….none of them have any shame, that’s why they are all to be exposed, this is their Karma.

    BTW…i mentioned recently sending a copyrighted page to the East, well, as we know one hand can’t clap and one hand must wash the other in the spirit of our African ancestors, just got word that a newsletter will in the coming months highlight “The share of the African Diaspora in the African Continent.”

    can’t stop us from moving forward, the people, though need to stand up and be counted and don’t just have energy to attack and try to reduce each other… do something about those sellout nigas….don’t give them the vote begging opportunity to continue, if they can’t uplift and empower the populaiton using their brain and always need a stinking wannabe racist massa to rob the population…BLACK PEOPLE DON’T NEED THEM….

  33. A jab in the arm is easy to get if you havent got yours its no time to fret
    Who caused this problem not hard to deduce
    The same senile prick that cancelled DR Suess

  34. “William…it’s usually a one person fight, most are cowards and would prefer sit back and point out mistakes in a comment and pretend to be word experts rather than pick up the fight to end the dirty racist shit against themselves in Barbados….”


    The above comment is a perfect example of ‘appalling ignorance.’

    It reminds me of a comment made by another idiot, in which he/she ‘said’ BU contributors haven’t achieved anything in life.

    How on earth would YOU KNOW whether or not any ‘ANONYMOUS BLOGGER’ has been “fighting to end the dirty racist shit against themselves in Barbados,” unless you have a personal relationship with the individual or he/she publicly IDENTIFIED themselves as doing so?

    Perhaps we should brag about how long we’ve been on BU, while giving vague descriptions of unspecific objectives achieved during that time.


  35. A jab in the arm is not hard to get
    So I must ask did you get yours yet?
    I know that you are a little sick
    So you will ask for the jab in your flaccid p*ick

  36. if I wanted it but not sure about sputnik 5 lol will wait for phizer
    A lot of friends got a shot, they are on front lines or in florida I see you are a cuomo follower , thats where he said he wants to give them out now that he took the 20 minute training to be an injector.,

  37. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “They know whom they are leading.”

    some like being sheeple, led around and robbed, but there should still be enlightened people ready to stand up to BLACK TYRANTS….ready to sellout at any inclination. It can’t continue, this is the defining moment….the virus has AN UPSIDE…it exposes the dirty underbelly of an uncaring government….as it relates to the socio-economic EMPOWERMENT of African people.

  38. @ Lawson March 2, 2021 6:16 PM
    “Hal why is it if you want to lead scotland these days you have to be named after a fish?”

    Very few here on BU would be able to appreciate your much oafishly foul and fishy joke.

    Moving from one loch to catch and then dump a ‘Salmon(d)’ just to end up fishing in another lake to catch(out) a lying lesbian ‘Sturgeon’ cannot be that much fun fishing in a dry pond where both are out to cut each other’s guts.

    But look on the bright side of Aberdeen, you son of Law, will soon be able to dump your not-so-bonny Prince Charlie, as Bajans did with Stuart, and return to the presidential arms of the EU under a clannish Campbell adorned in Bajan tartan.

  39. The opposition’s plan is easy to see through: They want to discredit the most loyal of the loyal in front of our Supreme Leader.This is as futile as trying to discredit Che Guevera in front of Castro, Molotov in front of Stalin or Yang Changji in front of Mao.

    Take it from me: your attempt has failed. I am still circling in my swimming pool. With the tacit blessing of our Supreme Leader.

  40. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA
    We seem to always assume that there is some lowly “ getting by “ place for our own. We seem to praise small things. Anything that looks too big is perceived to be a failure before it gets off the ground.
    We like to hustle and pic a pepper. We then pass on these psychological barriers to our children: Imagine prime real estate going for 4 mil and we immediately conclude it’s not a buyers market or a sellers market. Then somebody will jump in with “ global real estate trends”. In the mean time some minority group buys the property.
    We can give away billions in tax write offs; we can find millions to give lazy backward hoteliers but we can’t purchase a 4mil building and use it as a entrepreneurial Centre for young struggling black business people.
    And that’s why I asked @ Hal,why does he even worry. He came here four or five years ago and was laughed at when he talked about rebuilding the city from Nelson Street to Roebuck Street. But they marvel at a lawyer who comes and tells them about some hotel corridor.
    That’s who we are. Everything seems beyond our imagination.
    Have you heard about the blatant racism involving the distribution of the vaccine. Have you heard the stories about how nice the whites were being treated? And this is a Black Country..

  41. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Have you heard about the blatant racism involving the distribution of the vaccine. Have you heard the stories about how nice the whites were being treated? And this is a Black Country..”

    racist, slave society Barbados, that’s all black face sellouts in parliament know….it’s so bad, William…that there are those whites who ARE DISTURBED BY IT…because they see it getting worse and in those scenarios WILL NEVER END WELL….but the black face sellouts in the parliament believe that’s how life should be for the Black people who elected them….nasty negros don’t want to end it….IT WILL END THEM. They will no longer get away with this, oh no.

    “Then the internet, viewed as a saving grace for those deceived, put paid to that scam. Those mostly unaware that tolerance of them only extends as prime targets fit for exploitation, in an effort to hold a demeaned society intact to line the pockets of small-time thieves who believe Black populations are meal tickets and a lifeline to undeserved riches, finally opened their eyes. As routinely detailed in local and foreign media, and seen in the news of November 18th, hoteliers refused to honor commitments by paying the severance of thousands of workers, who went unpaid for the year and caused extreme suffering, and unnecessary hardships. Hoping for payments before Xmas 2020 to provide for families, while citizens resided in an unnatural climate of unmistakable fear maintained by less than honorable social climbers who tried to keep it secret. The hotel industry, social partnerships, hand in hand with government, the biggest culprits with exploitation laden motives handily set anti-worker labor laws, and due to extreme hunger, families to take care of and hunted down by debt collectors for bill payments in 2020, workers were pushed to protest. An avenue never used after 1937 to protest low wages and slave-like condition, in spite of the generational robbery of salaries, taxes, social benefits, estates and pensions since the 1970s.” Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved.

    they will no longer get away with any of it…William…as long as they HOLD BLACK HUMAN RIGHTS HOSTAGE…their asses will be put out to pasture and staked out for the WORLD TO SEE…It’s either RECOGNIZE BLACK HUMAN RIGHTS in that judiciary…free the people…or get all the FAME THEY CRAVE as idiots.

    “We seem to always assume that there is some lowly “ getting by “ place for our own. We seem to praise small things. Anything that looks too big is perceived to be a failure before it gets off the ground.
    We like to hustle and pic a pepper. We then pass on these psychological barriers to our children:”

    The population have a problem with THINKING BIG…that’s how they were socialized….even from the parliament…anything to do with Black development….they refer to them as ..”the small man” even decades after managing a viable business ..SOCIAL REDUCTION…..everything attributed to the Black population is small…everyone else is BIG…self-defeating and lacking self-esteem and self-confidence…i have seen these trash for government ministeres push this low agenda FOR DECADES….and the people fall in line and end up NOWHERE while billions of dollars and land are stolen from them and they NEVER push their children and grandchildren to think big, ignore no good government ministers who keep standing on their necks…..and RISE.

    Only time you see this level of black destruction is in the most CORRUPT countries..

    it seems all Barbados’ small time leaders want to do is hop on a world stage and pretend to be what they are not, the world stage needs to FIND OUT ALL ABOUT THEM.

  42. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    William….they will not get away with overdoing it…black sellouts are now everyone’s PRIME targets, from coast to coast…and it became more prominent with the revelation about the Malcolm X sellouts..

    ..i have complained about it for years, now everyone sees that BLACK SELLOUTS ARE THE PROBLEM…they keep the African population in bondange and poverty, the lowcrawling SNAKES….they are to be SHUNNED and ostracized…just as they always set up for African people…we did not expect them to see this coming….TOO FOCUSED ON SELLING OUT THEIR OWN.

    people have had more than Enuff of this trash who can’t see their black skin brothers and sisters as having human rights….and ALWAYS GOT A SELLOUT AGENDA for those who look just like them.

  43. @ William

    Some people fall back on a gotcha culture, their only intention is to prove someone wrong, even if that means making it up.
    They talk about global trends, and market dominance, which often send me checking to see if I had missed something.
    One of the consequences of this specific discussion is that we give people ideas, which they happily appropriate and go on to monetise.
    It is the price we pay for our politicians’ lack of understanding of certain kinds of business, but their insistence of being at the centre of any decision-making. But we cannot simply blame government; we must take action ourselves.
    Bds$4m as you have pointed out is a steal for a commercial site in the heart of the city, no matter its condition. The purchase is the site, its potential, not the building. Location, location, location.
    But to take full advantage of these opportunities government must put in place a series of fiscal vehicles which ordinary people can exploit.
    Since none of these have been part of the conversation, including the 52-page Queen’s Speech, one must assume it is off the government’ economic radar.
    If asked, I am prepared to give them a list of programmes they can introduce within weeks. But then again we have a government that has one of the biggest land banks, if not the biggest, in the country.
    I will end on this. In 1963 the Old General Hospital was closed, since then it has been used temporarily as offices, accommodation for medical students, and other purposes. I remember the old hospital and drive pass it whenever I am in Barbados. It deserves better.
    For nearly sixty years (before the prime minister was born) government of all kinds have failed to maximise a prime real estate site on the edge of some of the best beaches in the Caribbean. How do you explain this?
    That tells us something about the local talent pool, the lack of ideas and the lackadaisical attitude of the general public.

  44. @ Lawson,

    There is a little drama being played out in Holyrood that should be of interest to Barbadians and Barbadian politicians.
    It is what happens when parliament, the Cabinet, the ruling party and personalities begin to morph in to one. Just cross out Scotland, the SNP and Salmond, and replace them with Barbados, BLP and Mottley.

  45. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    They gotta remember that they don’t register as a BLIP ANYWHERE except as the historical fact that…..

    “only one island, Barbados, the most easterly on the island chain, stands out, notoriously as the clearinghouse, distributors, and sponsors for our ancestors captured and confined off the African coast, then transferred for centuries across the Atlantic. The country is famous as the brains behind the gruesome slave codes. Historians recently divulged that the tiny isle was structured as the world’s first and only slave society.” Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved.

    “why no cautionary advice was made available to the descendants over preceding decades through a rigid regime of continuously mind-cleansing, African themed mass re-education, post-emancipation throughout the entire archipelago, and particularly post-independence with the arrival of each new generation, entitled, but never apprised of the social transformation that easily generated situations which continued treating Africans as though undeserving of freedom. Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved.

    they obviously glorify that horribly ugly history and intend to use it against the survivors incessantly…it’s not a distinction that went anywhere, not with slave laws and slave codes still on statute books and kept their by BLACK FACES for the last 54 YEARS.

  46. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    That is the weapon we can WIELD AGAINST THEM……it’s well known that they DON’T WANT TO remove those slave laws and slave codes, that’s why stinking dirty thieving racist Cow can claim Black people came to him as slaves….although KNOWING that he ROBS THEM, their children and grandchildren….it’s the parliament nigas causing this…all of it..

  47. City needs sprucing up
    GIVEN THE INTENSE FOCUS on the coronavirus pandemic, other things of national significance may go unnoticed. Such is the case with our capital, Bridgetown, which is looking run-down and dreary.
    The City is not the bustling metropolis once regarded as the shopping, commercial and legislative centre in the southern Caribbean. It needs major renewal and urban revitalisation to make it the preferred place to do business, work and raise a family.
    Our main town is in decay and an eyesore in too many places, with an increasing number of properties shuttered and dilapidated, while there is depopulation, with residents relocating to the suburbs for a better quality of life. This trend urgently needs to be reversed.
    The existing housing stock across the inner city needs major redevelopment and renovation, but residents must not be displaced and become victims, rather than beneficiaries, of gentrification.
    Any revitalisation must, therefore, not only focus on the building of expensive houses, condominiums and hotels on the alluring waterfront buttressed by restaurants on a refashioned Careenage catering primarily to the well-to-do.
    The effort to return Barbados’ quaint capital to a bustling and thriving city is also not simply about enhanced lighting, fighting crime and dealing with the growing social problem of homelessness. This cannot be an initiative driven primarily by the Government but must be a joint public-private sector effort where incentives are offered for redevelopment projects.
    There should also be inducements to property owners to maintain their properties to established standards. These investments should not be to the exclusion of the arts, sports and small and micro-businesses. The large corporations and investors must give back through training and by providing opportunities for City residents since it is all for the greater good of this country.
    The redevelopment of the YMCA sporting complex into a multipurpose facility, the restoration of the old Public Library and law courts buildings and the upgrade of the Police Sports Complex on Roebuck Street would all be a true fillip in any overhaul of Bridgetown.
    Our capital needs to be a walking city, an oasis for residents shopping, whether in or outdoors, and for visitors, especially from cruise ships to explore the heritage, enjoy Barbadian cuisine and indulge in our culture. Any revitalisation of Bridgetown must also provide for a vibrant nightlife scene to attract young people and develop the arts scene.
    In the upgrade of the area, reducing the carbon footprint and improving air quality by reducing vehicular traffic, building more bicyclists lanes, encouraging more open-air shopping and regenerating the existing green spaces are all necessities.
    When Historic Bridgetown And Its Garrison was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list in 2011, there was a feeling of national pride that still lingers to this day.
    While the country is on an economic tightrope and the Government may not regard this as a priority project, the private sector should take up the challenge.
    We need to breathe new life into The City.
    Our main town is in decay and an eyesore in too many places, with an increasing number of properties shuttered and dilapidated . . .

    Source: Nation

  48. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Then they are so vicious, wicked and IGNORANT…they will turn around and blame UK, Europe and US for what they THEMSELVES do to drive the population and numerous young people into destitution and desperation…

    yall better change it, remove it, you will NO LONGER get away with it….demons…got your number….and will keep calling it…

  49. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    That 146 page 50 billion dollar reparations delusion was to build a city, among other things, in St. Lucy, none of it to benefit the Black population who would once again be PUSHED TO THE BOTTOM via low wages, racism, disenfranchisement oppression and suppressioin…..and could only work their and seen as slaves….thanks to parliament sellouts…..but deceitful (wo)man makes plans and our ancestors LAUGH…

    Bridgetown was not even an afterthought… will just end up looking like Speightstown….a graveyard.

  50. Hal is that any different anywhere? All the egos say….why not me…..and the rest agree ….as long as they are one of us. .

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