Submitted by William Parker

I wish to congratulate the BLP government on their handling of the Covid 19 in 2020.

Now that the various “versions” of the original Virus has reached here and the infection rate and deaths are spiralling out of control it is apparent to some, including me, that the government has no answers and is reacting and not pro-acting.

I understand the need for the current lockdown and we all know that 2 weeks is just a start and it will be needed for a lot longer.

However the shutting on the mini marts and way side vendors leaves a lot of us bewildered as the logic behind it. In the area that I live R&R convenience, Mikes Mini Mart, EZ mini Mart and all the others are closed. These were locally owned shops where the poor, and not so poor, could get a little credit until the NIS cheque arrives, when the Post Office reopens, and walk a short distance home in the fresh air.

Now these people have to get an occasional bus to Massy in Oistins, and mix with those in the shop and be infected not only by the current shoppers but those who were there one or two hours ago. Are you telling us that it is safer for a person, who does not have a car, to catch a ZR and travel to Oistins to get a few items than to visit the corner shop?

The word that I have heard from more than one person is that in the last shut down the Major Supermarkets lost a lot of revenue because people switched to minimarts and a lot of way side vendors started. Is the way to make sure that the large foreign owned companies got more of the pie? It certainly seems so.

You have closed them on weekends so their overall sales will increase and their overheads will decrease. Bajans have been very good in following the new rules, and rightfully so, but there is a growing undercurrent of frustration and if the government is not careful there will be mass disobedience. This will hurt everyone. I hope that you can take a pause and consider the additional hardships you are causing a lot of Barbadians.

Thank you. I am a proud Bajan and supporter of the BL&P in the last few elections.

725 responses to “To BLP Administration: Re. Covid 19 protocols”

  1. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Worth researching for accuracy…but this is known to happen in TRIALS and yes, some people who took the vaccine in Barbados are getting violently ill but as usual the skunks are covering it up.

  2. “Depending on the inoculum shed, the viruses can remain viable and infectious on surfaces (up to a few days) ”

    “The coronavirus can live for hours to days on surfaces like countertops and doorknobs. How long it survives depends on the material the surface is made from”

    even that is in doubt…some scientists are not so sure…

    since I don’t drink waste or sewage water, am going with the first determination….ALL water should be BOILED…Barbados’ water is very inferior especially of later it’s extremely dirty when distilled, you see it at that bottom….it should be boiled anyway…anyone drinking that water straight from a tap is taking their lives in their hands…ya more likely to get another disease from dirty water than Covid.

    that’s what neglecting infrastructure causes, leaving pipes over a hundred years underground to deteriorate is the catalyst…hope they change all soon..

  3. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar
    Dashboard for Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    54 people discharged
    742 test results [positivity rate 3.09%]
    23 newly infected people
    520 people in isolation
    1 new death
    2,097 people were vaccinated on Tuesday
    43,235 people vaccinated in total

  4. What do you mean by it is dirty when distilled?

  5. If the water is clear when u get it from the tap and then leaves after “evaporation” ( usually in the bottoms of kettles) it is probably the calcium from disolved limestone

  6. if it is dirty from old pipes then you should be able to notice it before any heating.

  7. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @WURA-War-on-U March 3, 2021 8:07 AM “Worth researching for accuracy…but this is known to happen in TRIALS and yes, some people who took the vaccine in Barbados are getting violently ill…”

    How do you know this? A request for vaccine reactions was published only on Monday. It is unlikely that all or even most of the responses are in.

    Are you making up things as usual?

  8. There is no evidence vaccine takers have gotten ill except for the usual symptoms. What we know is that there is a high demand to be vaccinated.

  9. Cuhdear BajanMarch 3, 2021 7:12 PM
    Dashboard for Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    54 people discharged
    742 test results [positivity rate 3.09%]
    23 newly infected people
    520 people in isolation
    1 new death
    2,097 people were vaccinated on Tuesday
    43,235 people vaccinated in total


    How come the dashboard does not say where the cases have occurred?

    Not even by parish?

    How many occurred in St. Thomas up your side, or St. Lucy, or St. Philip etc.?

    No deaths in Singapore since November 29th 2020 even though the supposedly deadly UK strain was detected there on 23rd December 2020.

    Maybe the strain only affects black people as alleged in the various theories floating around.

    23 new cases yesterday, same as Barbados but in a population of 5.7 million, about 20 times as large.

  10. Up to yesterday, Singapore had done 7,543,963 tests!!

    Think about it, the population is about 5.7 million so it seems they have tested everybody and are now going around again!!

    So far 59,979 cases.

    Less than 1% of the tests are positive.

  11. Sure seems to be the gold standard.

  12. Bermuda doing well too, 12 deaths to date, 713 cases and 174,638 tests.

    Bermuda seems to be doing something right.

    “The primary source of water is rainwater collected by roof catchments followed by private and public supply wells. As there is little manufacturing in Bermuda, the predominant use of water is for domestic purposes and for services related to the tourism industry.”

    It also has desal plants.

    Pretty difficult for sewage to get on top a roof!!

    Bermuda receives an annual rainfall of over 1500mm per year – and there’s no “winter” or “rainy” season in Bermuda. It rains all year round! There are rainy days every single month with an average of five inches falling every month – though in recent years there have been some freakishly high monthly averages recorded.

    Bermuda locals know they should take a raincoat wherever they go. This propensity for rain is part of what makes Bermuda so lush and green – as well as being the primary source of fresh water for the island.

    But how does Bermuda capture this rainfall?

    When you’ve looked at pictures of Bermuda, have you ever noticed the unique and beautiful roofs on Bermuda houses and buildings? They’re painted white, and they’re a signature of the island’s architectural heritage.

    These roofs are more than just a pretty face though – they catch the rain! The secret lies in an innovative method that was pioneered over 400 years ago.

    The roofs have a special design where the limestone they’re made from creates the “steps” of a shallow pyramid. This slows down the flow of rainwater as it falls and then it’s funneled into an underground tank. The white color serves a special purpose, too. It reflects ultra-violet light, which helps to purify the water as it’s being collected.

    The technique harkens back to the time of the first settlers who had the idea to create paved terraces to catch the rainwater. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all, and without this clever idea, it would have been much harder to survive on the island.

    This tradition quickly moved to rooftops and now it’s enshrined in law. Almost all roofs must be built in this manner (though many new constructions use concrete instead of limestone). The houses must also have an underground tank to store the captured water.

    For the system to work, 80% of the roof needs to have adequate guttering and the storage tanks must have a capacity of at least 100 gallons for every 10 feet of roof space.

    The limestone roofs also help to keep Bermuda buildings cool. Not only is this resourceful but also good for the environment. Researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory of California have shown that a 1,000 square foot area of a rooftop painted white has about the same one-time impact on curbing global warming as cutting 10 tons of CO2 emissions.

    When you combine the water-thriftiness that many Bermuda households practice with the climate research, this rainwater collection system makes the Bermuda rooftops not just practical, but sustainable as a good, clean renewable resource, as well.

  14. So, what about de tourisses from England?

    Seems they can come once COVID free and willing to be quarantined.

  15. If the so called deadly and highly contagious UK strain is getting to Bermuda, it just isn’t spreading …. like Singapore.

  16. “Why are the roofs in Bermuda white?

    It turns out they are designed this way to harvest rain. The steps slow down heavy rainfall helping the gutters to collect the water and store it in a tank under the house. … It’s still white, because this reflects ultra-violet light from the sun, which also helps to purify the water. Dec 23, 2016”

  17. Seems like Trump was right about dis UV ting.

    Stable Genius!!

  18. DavidMarch 3, 2021 9:29 PMThere is no evidence vaccine takers have gotten ill except for the usual symptoms. What we know is that there is a high demand to be vaccinated.

    Bajans probably heard, that contrary to the other GP’s prognostications, COVID can make men impotent. So without the vaccine you may have ammunition, but no gun to fire it with.

    Better get the vaccine and hope the ammunition is still live after.


  19. JohnMarch 4, 2021 6:57 AM Seems like Trump was right

    Good gosh nah man. He still giving you a thrill? He bess not come bout here, or the way you sounding on and on, you may want to show him what a Caribbean Big Bamboo is. But then, he might like it.

  20. @ John March 4, 2021 6:57 AM
    “Seems like Trump was right about dis UV ting.

    Stable Genius!!”

    Don’t be a red Johnny being ridden by an albino jackass called Trump!!

    You are taking your Trump idolatry to the bitter end of insanity to make Satan concerned about his future as the Emperor of Evil.

    UV radiation has been around since the dawn of time.

    Why do you think it is said that the Sun’s light is the best Disinfectant?

    Why do you think ‘European’ albinos like you are so afraid of the Sun but cannot do without it by spending any amount of money to be exposed to the same “UV ting” whether on a tropical beach in direct sun worshipping or, religiously, under the ‘imitation’ light on a sun tanning bed?

  21. The COVID-19 pandemic has wiped out the National Insurance Scheme’s (NIS) unemployment fund, the social security fund’s chief declared Wednesday but she sought to assure that Barbadians who qualify for the benefit won’t be adversely affected.

  22. CrusoeMarch 4, 2021 7:15 AM

    DavidMarch 3, 2021 9:29 PMThere is no evidence vaccine takers have gotten ill except for the usual symptoms. What we know is that there is a high demand to be vaccinated.

    Bajans probably heard, that contrary to the other GP’s prognostications, COVID can make men impotent. So without the vaccine you may have ammunition, but no gun to fire it with.

    Better get the vaccine and hope the ammunition is still live after.



    You realise of course that the birth rate in Barbados has been falling suggesting either that men are shooting blanks or women are too obese to conceive … or both.

    The fall in birth rate has been occurring for decades.

    Perhaps its in the water!!

  23. There is a thriving fertility clinic here helping couples to conceive.

  24. 90 per cent of CoVid deaths around the world involved obese victims.

  25. … and we have obese politicians making decisions thinking they may be next.

    Doesn’t make for rational dispassionate thought.

  26. China has now made anal swabs mandatory for foreigners.

    No doubt the thinking is that the virus will be found long before symptoms develop and the authorities can quickly have the foreigner on a plane back out.

  27. Another country that has not only few cases (30) but also zero deaths is Greenland.

    Its population is 56,836 and it has done 18,924 tests of which 30 were positive.

    That’s about 0.15%.

    They get their water from lakes and rivers.

    Surface water but probably in areas where there is no sewage.

  28. There is no spread in Greenland.

  29. With a shortfall of NIS also an aging population
    I believe Mottley would soon be able to use the Nis problem to put forward a policy of increased immigration for the county
    One that is tabled on what have been ssid previously by past administrations pertaining to a low birth rate in Barbados
    These two combined can be strategically outlined to the people as necessary foundations to help finance the NIS problen
    However the downside being that the country production level is very low to include more immigrants

  30. @ Angela

    You are right. That is why there is talk about increasing the population by 80000; it is the kind of lazy thinking that will appeal to the president.
    It is based on elementary pensions reasoning. In a pay-as-you-go state pensions system, the generation in work pay national insurance that goes towards the pensions of the retired.
    But if the retired are more than the working population there is a potential crisis, called the demographic time-bomb in the jargon. There is also an associated spin off related to economic growth. Ignore that.
    It is flawed thinking. I have said on numerous occasions that what is really needed is a radical overhaul of the entire system.

  31. Our Corona figures have stabilized at a very low level. All old and vulnerable people are vaccinated.

    Our government must now govern with a cool head and not give in to the radical opposition that wants to seal off our island for generations and turn it into a kind of North Korean concentration camp in the Caribbean.

    We should urgently prepare for our British guests. Those who have been vaccinated twice and can prove a negative test should be allowed to enter WITHOUT quarantine. It would be totally irrational, even RACIST, to terrorize tourists here even further by quarantine, as the nationalist-socialist opposition would like.

  32. TronMarch 4, 2021 6:09 PM

    Our Corona figures have stabilized at a very low level. All old and vulnerable people are vaccinated.

    Our government must now govern with a cool head and not give in to the radical opposition that wants to seal off our island for generations and turn it into a kind of North Korean concentration camp in the Caribbean.

    We should urgently prepare for our British guests. Those who have been vaccinated twice and can prove a negative test should be allowed to enter WITHOUT quarantine. It would be totally irrational, even RACIST, to terrorize tourists here even further by quarantine, as the nationalist-socialist opposition would like.


    We could also insist on the old anal swab as well.

  33. John

    The only person i that need an anal swab is you. Using a cactus as the swab

  34. You wouldn’t believe who got the vaccine after killing hundred of thousands with his nonsense.

  35. Also going forward barbados would need much more than a one time financial approach for vaccine
    Wouldn’t expect private enterprise to foot that bill annually
    Hence giving Mia another reason for a call of expanding the immigration policy wherby a policy designed to collect more taxes
    However the downside being that one of insufficient jobs to handle a massive increase of immigrants

  36. Also going forward barbados would need much more than a one time financial approach for vaccine
    Wouldn’t expect private enterprise to foot that bill annually
    Hence giving Mia another reason for a call of expanding the immigration policy wherby a policy designed to collect more taxes
    However the downside being that one of insufficient jobs to handle a massive increase of immigrants

  37. I think it is imperative to postpone the elections to 2025 or better to 2030 because of the pandemic.

  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Are you making up things as usual?”

    are you saying that PEOPLE WHO SAID THEY GOT ILL ARE LYING?

    not everyone responds to medication, food or anything else the same way…..besides, other people got ill from vaccines around the world, so what would make Barbados so special when they did not develop the vaccine and HOLD NO PATENT FOR IT…oh, i forgot, yall didn’t have community spread either, and you didn’t believe there was…. so i don’t know why the hell ya even need a vaccine for….steuppps.

    ya have a government known for lying and covering up and ya so intelligent, ya believe everything they put out there….

  39. TheOGazertsMarch 4, 2021 7:28 PM

    You wouldn’t believe who got the vaccine after killing hundred of thousands with his nonsense.



    45 people discharged
    720 test results [positivity rate 3.19%]
    23 newly infected people
    498 people in isolation
    0 new deaths
    1,609 people were vaccinated on Wednesday
    44,859 people vaccinated as of Wednesday 3 March, 2021

  41. @Cuhdear BajanMarch 4, 2021 10:57 PM

    Thank you for your numbers. Our beloved government is on the right track.

    Thank you, Mia Mottley! We are already looking forward to the cash flow from the many British tourists from Easter on.

  42. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Cuddear…still waiting for you to comment on the other Mia blog, it’s still open, so why are you avoiding it.

  43. So long as there are new cases there will almost certainly be future deaths.

  44. JohnMarch 5, 2021 4:50 AM


    Singapore New Cases = 19, New Deaths = 0, Total Deaths = 29, Total Cases = 59,998
    New Zealand New Cases = 5, New Deaths = 0, Total Deaths = 26, Total Cases = 2,389
    Australia New Cases = 11, New Deaths = 0, Total Deaths = 909, Total Cases = 29,007
    Dominica, New cases = 0, New Deaths = 0 , Total deaths = 0, Total Cases = 144
    Bermuda, New Cases = 5, New Deaths = 0, Total Deaths = 12, Total Cases = 718
    Greenland New Cases = 1, New Deaths = 0, Total Deaths = 0, Total Cases = 31
    Grenada New Cases = 0, New Deaths = 0, Total Deaths = 1, Total Cases = 148
    St. Vincent New Cases = 0 New Deaths = 0, Total Deaths = 8, Total Cases = 1,645

    They all have one thing in common.


    They accomplish it in three ways.

    Technology – Singapore, New Zealand, Australia
    Nature – Dominica, Greenland, Grenada, St. Vincent
    Roof collection – Bermuda

    I can add others if you like.

    The desal plant is the obvious culprit here.

  45. Learn from the countries that have the spread locked down.

  46. Cuhdear, John 2!

    🎵How could you use a poor [cactus] so! 🎶

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