Today the electorate of St. George North will vote for a member of parliament to fill the vacancy created by the ‘retirement’ of Gline Clarke. The blogmaster’s assessment is that it will be a straight contest between Floyd Reifer (DLP) and Toni Moore (BLP). Of the so-called third parties Grenville Phillips should retain third option in the number count. We can debate if Barbadians are ready for a third party or is this a case of the quality of the options presented. The blogmaster respectfully suggest the latter.

The result of the election will answer a few questions for political pundits.

  • Has the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) regain its standing as the credible alternative in the eyes of voters?
  • Despite managing the affairs of state in the most challenging period post independence, will the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) be able to convince the SGN electorate that it is the most competent to govern at this time?
  • Will Grenville Phillips increase his penetration of support in the constituency to forge the way for third parties in the future?
  • How large will the protest vote be which has been fomenting in a climate of austerity for the last 3 years?
  • Has the last 90 days of campaigning confirm the urgent need for electoral reform in Barbados?

So far by-election activities has been largely peaceful in keeping with Bajan tradition. Let us continue to make the country proud by delivering an uneventful event. The blogmaster’s vote will be cast for David Walrond, the agriculturist and community practitioner.

895 responses to “Election Day in St. George North”

  1. @ William

    Superb observation by Mr Prescod. I am sure he must be an overseas Bajan, since he paints a different picture to the Supreme Optimists on BU. Both cannot be right.

  2. Good to see Prescod speaking out now that he has been relieved of a ministry. Let us continue to hope he reveals more about the White Shadows.

  3. And that’s why i CAN’T STAND the SMALLMINDED, this clown will pretend he don’t know that government is SUPPOSED TO INTERVENE and help the poor with TAXPAYER’S MONEY…aren’t they picking up TAXPAYER’S MONEY to bail out of poor ass crooks in the tourist industry, money that should rightfully be going to the BLACK POPULATION now under extreme hardships and stress…that fraud could really shut up…it’s their jobs, but they’re acting like they’re doing black people a favor…

    notice he did not mention the 1 billion dollars STOLEN and never collected by DBLP….he didn’t mention missing money from the treasury and pension fund OVER DECADES, but his mantra is poor people, poor people, poor people….withoug telling us HOW THE HELL THEY GOT SO POOR…

    i won’t trust not one of those haunted house negros.

    “The former minister, who is the Prime Minister’s Special Adviser and Special Envoy on Reparations and Economic Enfranchisement, said that were it not for Government’s interventions to help poor people, Barbados would “see the same thing in 2020 that we saw in 1937” – civil disturbances.”

    This article proves my point, the black faces in the parliament don’t want to take control,, they prefer be controlled, the alternative will mean transfering power to the people, and that they don’t want…but want to slither around depressed areas, begging for votes.

    “The St Michael East MP said there were “certain institutions in this country that extract the wealth from the first day of slavery, still own the lands, still own the businesses, still [take] the money out of the resources of this country, and put it into their expansionist programme abroad, and they don’t even want to give back a cent”.

    they are RIGHT…yall ARE WEAK, USELESS NEGROS…ya spend all ya time selling out and reducing ya people to poverty, how can THIEVES TAKE anything, if the sell outs in the haunted house…..DON’T ALLOW THEM…

  4. @ Hal
    I don’t know what Comrade Prescod is talking about. I never heard him mention a country by name.I can’t assume he meant Barbados. That certainly cannot be the country that @WURA or you speak about. I heard there are two. I don’t know which one he means.

  5. On that we can agree. The government should ensure that they collect the taxes, including the VAT. If these businesses have no social conscience, they should be given no breaks whatsoever.

    Businesses all over the world are taking advantage of employees of all colours. Somehow most people have come to believe that business is all about the immediate bottom line. Short sighted really, but that is the philosophy of capitalism.

  6. @ William

    If he was speaking in the Barbados House of Assembly, and was talking about ‘this’ country, then it is fair to assume there was a connection. Prescod is only one of 30.

  7. These people boldfacedly beg the citizenry for their votes, claiming to be able to do this that and next, within a year ya hear they are giving away the people’s money to minority CROOKS…for years and years…now they are pretending to cry about all that thas been STOLEN, TAKEN GIVEN AWAY….

    well we don’t want any fake tears, we want to hear why yall continue to HELP a bunch of thieves in the minority business community ROB THE TREASURY AND PENSION FUND AND VAT……and have for the last multiple decades….especially in the last 35 YEARS…that’s TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS GONE from the economy……CREATING POVERTY FOR BLACK PEOPLE …..and now yall standing there with ya treacherous selves talking about poor people in Barbados……steuppppssss

    glad ya asses getting exposed everywhere…waste of oxygen.

  8. William…all of these negros should BE IN PRISON…there is nothing more to sell out, they’ve taken, stolen, given away everything that the people generated and accumulated….and now all that’s left is the POVERTY the same uppity fake leaders CREATED…that’s why we’re hearing a kinda sorta confession at all from them..

  9. ” The St Michael East MP said there were “certain institutions in this country that extract the wealth from the first day of slavery, still own the lands, still own the businesses, still [take] the money out of the resources of this country, and put it into their expansionist programme abroad, and they don’t even want to give back a cent”.”

  10. @ Hal
    Thanks for the clarification. I just can’t go speaking about the people’s country without having facts. Well if Comrade Prescod means the country often referenced on BU, he must be just griping or full of hot air, probably has a chip on his shoulder or is being emotional. I don’t think that message will resonate with the young people because they don’t worry much about white people controlling the wealth of the country. So maybe this is just a case of sour grapes. The country that I know has the same problem all the countries have. There is no perfect world. Those countries in the Caribbean have come a long way. Given time a lot more will be achieved.
    Anyway thanks for the clarification.

  11. It is interesting that in the matters of the treatment of black race use majority white countries as our reference point.

    The fact that we must point to these racist countries to explain the treatment of ourselves in our own country should tell us something.

    However, a more suitable reference would be a majority black country with a dominant white minority. Amazingly, I have sometimes seen comparison of Barbados with South Africa, but, today, that would have to be the South Africa of the past.
    Imagine knowing that with your name it does not make sense applying for the job interview. Scrubbing names will not help, for the Lorenzos and ac are sitting at the door with their pedigree charts.

  12. @ William

    It will be good having a look at the Aboriginals of Australia for how a people can be reduced to the margins in their own country. I think @Walter referred to a similar thing with black Americans and Caribbeans, a point made by one of the Rappers who supported Trump..
    I was once in Australia and white Australians tried to prevent me from talking to Aboriginals and mixed race people of Aboriginal heritage. I can see why some Barbadians like Australia.
    Plse remind me: who were the West Indies cricketers who went off to Apartheid South Africa?

  13. Artax u know u are grossly disingenuous when u use a defense of Time period. and state her being judge is being unfair
    Be that as it may we all see things differently
    I see that the workers have have been poorly represented even when Moore sat as an “Independent” senator
    Also Moore is not a novice to labour she knows the ins and outs of labour laws and workers rights If judgement has been placed on her head it is not because she is being judge unfairly but because she has years of experience in labour Unions and by now she should have cultivated a moral conviction to pressed forward and act with urgency on behalf of the workers
    Hard to accept any kind of excuses formulated as a defense to defend the indefensible which in this case Moores voice of silence

  14. Milluh
    I don’t bully anyone. When one makes big, bold statements one must be able to defend them especially when the comment is aimed at portraying B’dos as a failed state. All like you seek to belittle me with lies and attempt to tie me to the Hyatt, but I am unfazed because wunna don’t have a clue. The last hotel project I had any dealing with had a price tag 3 times the Hyatt. Go ask Maloney, the PM or AG about Hyatt instead of repeatedly making yourself look like an ass. You don’t know who or what you’re talking bout.

  15. @ TheOGazerts

    , 2020 4:53 PM

    It is interesting that in the matters of the treatment of black race use majority white countries as our reference point.

    The fact that we must point to these racist countries to explain the treatment of ourselves in our own country should tell us something.“(Quote)

    It’s called intellectual dishonesty. However we can break it down to : saying things that make them feel comfortable. It’s something that@ WURA @ Hal try to explain and are usually attacked for.
    Don’t complain about racism in their country because it’s the same thing in the USA , England and Canada. They think that’s a great point. I call it not thinking beyond their own refrigerator.
    @ Hal
    I can’t recall all or even most of them now.However I will try to find a source.


  16. The blogmaster lives in Barbados and it is obvious – even to a blind man on a trotting horse – you guys are acquainted with a different Barbados. It is not a Barbados that a policeman can kneel on a black man’s neck for 8.46 minutes for example. Do we have issues? Of course we have issues. Show us a Utopian society, anywhere.

    #Steuspe #throwingshadecrew

  17. @Enuff
    “ You don’t know who or what you’re talking bout.” (Quote)
    That is so true. That’s the case with almost everybody on BU. Sometimes we figure they know what but then not who. So the best way to counter that is to let us know who we all are and then we can find out if they really responsible for all these tremendously impressive projects they work on.
    Even when we are highly successful , we seem not to want it as public knowledge but we are quick to tell Hal Austin, William Skinner and Walter Blackman how ignorant and lied they are. Do you mind telling us the name of the hotel that is worth three times the Hyatt? Is there a website?
    We still won’t know who you are but at least we’ll know there is a hotel.
    But that’s who we are!

  18. Plse remind me of Officer who shot his neighbour, the dead man’s partner was kept out of the magistrates court for the committal, Gittens is out, presumably on bail or free, which we do not know. When is he going to face the courts?
    Police in Barbados have always been brutal against fellow black people. Someone told me they have seen Indian police operating in St Philip. Wow.

  19. There is a White policeman as well.


  20. After reading some of the comments concerning the hotel workers plight
    I am convinced that some blacks who traverse BU hallways would sell out their brothers and sisters interest in favour of the whites
    It is only on some rare occasion when a misdeed against a black( which cant be hidden ) that these chameleons step out in pretense to champion the black individual cause
    It is amazing how many can step up to fight for one woman Moore when her influence in Parliament was founded on a template to fight for the worker while being an MP
    I am shaking ny head with disbelief and dumbfounded as to how any one in their right mind viewing the videos of the workers whilst relating stories of their hardship
    How any one can takeaway any form of responsibility of Moore’s shoulder for not pressing forward in Parliament yesterday by way of her opening speech

  21. @ William

    You devil. Have I told you that President Obama hired me as his senior adviser? Or that Trudeau has me on speed dial? Or that Boris is my best friend? Bogus people can make up any story.
    Anonymity, dear boy. We have one person who uses seven different pseudonyms, another uses four. And, typically, they believe no one can tell.
    We can live in any fantasy world while hiding behind a mask. Evidence, witnesses, proof. But,@William, you are overseas.

  22. You know what to do then, bugger off.

  23. @ Mariposa
    You are absolutely correct. How can somebody who has been leading the BWU for six years in their first speech in parliament, when workers all over the news accusing their union ,as lacking in representing them ,not use that first opportunity to express strong disgust.
    Moore is known to parliament, she has been sitting in the senate.
    She missed a golden opportunity to set the right tone on day one.

  24. William Skinner
    My bad, the projected cost is actually nearly 7.5 times that of Hyatt. Why ask for a website when you’re already convinced I am a liar? Wait for it.

  25. Also most notable is David ability and most importantly David BU success in digging rabbit holes and have the BU commentator heads down them
    The most interesting of all to watch is David being the puppeteer how he can pull so many strings all at one time
    All and sundry knows that there is torrid appetite amongst whites to have an economic agenda which shuts blacks out financially from getting blacks share of the economic pie
    Doesnt take a wizard not to realise that truth which is a truth staring all in the face e.g baxters rd. Nelson st.and bridgetown environs along some parts of bay street predominately blacks where blacks live and honed their livelihoods in business with great success in the sixties
    Now if one take a look at the south and west coast the business atmosphere is completely different
    As far as the white business person is considered all areas where there is a favourable economic foundation for black business to thrive those areas should be left alone to decayed
    Examples are those areas which i mention and which were booming in the sixties until the white hotelier stepped in and all of a sudden black businesses began to flounder in those areas (suspect or perpetrator)
    Dont ask me why.. not in the mood to explain
    But this i say the test is in the looking and comparing

  26. I was invited on to BU by the unauthorised use of my article. Until then I had never heard of the blog.

  27. Steuspe

  28. @William

    You are familiar with the Standing Orders guiding debate in parliament?

    What was the resolution debated yesterday?

  29. Wait while i mumbling and grumbling about Moore usefulness in Parliament in regards of the hotel workers
    Moore took the ball.out of my hand and scored a touch down as she turned her attention to Squatters Rights
    Lawd hav merci
    More days of comedy has arrived in parliament
    Moore u made my day
    Workers i tried to put in a good word fuh yuh
    However Moore shook her head and stubbornly told me and the public
    Squatters are more important all said in Parliament yesterday

  30. Because squatting isn’t tied to workers, work, the lack thereof, security of work and the quality of work. You’re a perfect reflection of the current state of the DLP. Clueless!

  31. David
    You feel William even listened to Moore’s contribution? I just here to rile wunna up.🤣🤣

  32. Baje aka old whore it is not my BLP government jackass it is the people,s government voted for freely by the people for the peole who kicked your Dems ass to the curb and there ain,t nothing you can do about it but bitch on BU everyday.Poor fella you got two and a half more years to bitch.After that maybe another 5 0r 10 years.The next thing you will tell us is you are the president of the USA damned liar.As for Mariposa that by election defeat like it gone to your head everyday on here pretending to care about poor people.As Artax reminded you when you were insinuating that Ms lisa Marshall was a thief after she exposed the Dems you did not care about poor people or when the beautify workers were crying out for the monies not a peep outta you or were they rich people?I repeat you are a hyprocrite YOU CARE NOTHING ABOUT POOR PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT THE DLP BUT NEWS FLASHVERY FEW PEOPLE WANT TO SEE THE DEMS IN UNDER 10 OR 15 YEARS SO PUT THAT IN YA PIPE AND SMOKE IT.THE LOST DECADE OF MR THOMPSON AND MR STUART WILL BE HARD TO FORGET BY MOST BAJANS AS THE WORST GOVERNMENT IN THE HISTORY OF BARBADOS.THINK ON THESE THINGS.

  33. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security has temporarily banned the commercial importation of all poultry, hatching eggs and fresh, frozen or chilled poultry products into Barbados.

    The Veterinary Services Unit says there is an outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N8 in the United Kingdom (UK).

  34. Ha. Ha. Enuff
    I thought i had heard enough of this B S defense
    As i2t the utterances to defend Moore couldnt get more outrageous
    Out fly Enuff off the blp yardfowl fence to tie the squatters issue to hotel workers plight whose existence to pay for there home is under threat
    Pray tell what does squatters legally own when they are squatting on govt land and never paid taxes in any form shape or manner unlike the hotel workers who paid there taxes and whose cries for help went unnoticed in Parliament yesterday by Moore

  35. William Skinner,

    The shite you talking today deserves a skin botsy – and not the trembling kind!

    Why do you continue to misrepresent my position?

    What the hell is wrong with you?????

  36. Baje aka old whore it is not my BLP government jackass it is the people,s government voted for freely by the people for the peole who kicked your Dems ass to the curb and there ain,t nothing you can do about it but bitch on BU everyday.


    @ Lorenzo




  37. @enuff

    She delivers a sober contribution. One has to assume he listened.

  38. Spent a lovely afternoon in my Garden of Peace. Was having a serious conversation with my buzy bee as he flitted from flower to flower on the basil plants which I was attempting to deflower. I gave him a message for his queen because she seemed to be disrespecting my garden, implying that I only had work for one bee. As I was delivering my message, my eye espied a tiny red and black spot on an okra plant – a rare occurence – a ladybird, then two, then three. Haven’t seen three ladybirds together in years. And to top it all off, a beautiful yellow butterfly flew into the mix.

    But hey, even in my Garden of Peace there are some little green worms attacking my plants. I don’t waste time raging at them. I just spray my plants with neem extract. Yup! I soak the leaves and spray the stinky water on my leaves every day because of the rain.

    Going out now to do the spraying. No more time to bother with BU bugs!

    Some of you don’t have as much capacity for learning as the little green worms. I learnt my new approach from Bush Tea. He said we have the power to change our circumstances without the white man’s consent. I thought about it and I concluded that he was correct.

    So…I have grown since I came to BU. Many of you are like old dogs – you can learn no new tricks. You are stuck in the mud. You are set in your ways.

    Mixed metaphor merriment!


  39. Lorenzo keep knocking me over my head with the longwinded diatribe about lost decade not going to stop me from talking as a matter of fact
    I gonna talk long and hard with eyes wide open on govt policies and Moore’s continuing attempt to hid behind issues having nothing to do with the labour force and its impact on workers
    So go ahead and blow the lost decade trumpet
    Meanwhile i would be making a hard dash across as many media platforms bringing peoples attention to Moore non- advocacy for workers and govt harsh austerity policies
    Btw everytime u mention lost decade i would be motivated to speak about austerity and Toni Moore
    How in any person right mind can Moore dismal performance in Parliament yesterday can be described as other than despicable

  40. @ Mariposa

    I’m sure if you re-read your contributions, you’ll immediately discover you’re the person who’s being “grossly disingenuous.” Yesterday, for example, you wrote, “Workers yesterday standing outside the hotel fighting for their severance pay was a testimony to what Toni Moore would not do for workers as the workers fought alone while Toni Moore was in Parliament.”

    That is ‘far from the truth.’ The union’s Industrial Officers are assigned to deal with various employee issues across specific industries. The employees never “fought alone,” because BWU’s Industrial Officer Davida Forde was PRESENT at yesterday’s protest action REPRESENTING them. It’s her job, according to you, “to press forward and act with urgency on their behalf.”

    Why do you believe it was necessary for Moore to be present at the resort, when an Industrial Officer was already there?
    Could you please explain what more Toni could have done, said or achieved if she had intervened in the matter………. or talked about it in the House, that Davida was unable to do, say or achieve?

    I’m not looking for any excuses to defend Ms Moore. But, it’s ludicrous for you to ‘talk about’ her “voice of silence,” simply because she may not have mentioned anything about Club Barbados during her first sitting as an MP yesterday in Parliament.
    Do you believe yesterday in parliament was the appropriate time and place for her to address the Club Barbados severance payments issue, while union negotiations with the resort’s management are ongoing………….. or talk about every industrial relation dispute the BWU is currently dealing with?

    And, remember, you’re the person who introduced ‘time period’ into the discussion, when you sought to unfairly judge Moore after only one session in the Lower House. Wouldn’t it be better, as David suggested, to wait until for her subsequent contributions in coming sessions to accurately judge her?

  41. Is there bigotry, prejudice, crypto-racism, classism etc? Yes there is! Does it mean that Barbados comparatively is the worse country in the world? The blogmaster contends we are no worse to compare to USA, UK or Canada.

    Barbados is actually much worse. Blacks number about 13% of the population in USA and about 3% in the UK and Canada. Quantitatively, they are very palpable minorities in most parts of these countries. There is no comparison to Barbados.

    Blacks are close to 95% of the population in Barbados. What is the Black Bajan excuse for tolerating so much disrespect and racism from the Albinos in the country for this long? The Albinos control the economic power in Barbados ipso facto they control the politics.
    Because the Albinos sidestep the quinquennial charade doesn’t mean that they do not pull the strings of your beloved politicians from behind the scenes.

    Again I ask, what is the BBBB excuse?

    How can a self proclaimed “educated” set of people, with a numerical advantage always act against their best interests and continue to happily hand power to their oppressors?

  42. It is not a matter orf what i belive however a belief founded on an absolute reason that when these hard and complex issues reaches a boiling point of no return
    Good leadership responsibility requires the leader or the person on the top steps forward with urgency to take control and not leave workers like tumble weed blowing in the wind
    As far as anyone knows Moore is leader and Head of BWU and her influence and a determination to called employers to task would make a difference inthe way the hotel aorkets are treated by employer

  43. Blacks are close to 95% of the population in Barbados. What is the Black Bajan excuse for tolerating so much disrespect and racism from the Albinos in the country for this long? The Albinos control the economic power in Barbados ipso facto they control the politics.
    Because the Albinos sidestep the quinquennial charade doesn’t mean that they do not pull the strings of your beloved politicians from behind the scenes.

    Again I ask, what is the BBBB excuse?

    How can a self proclaimed “educated” set of people, with a numerical advantage always act against their best interests and continue to happily hand power to their oppressors?



  44. @ Enuff November 18, 2020 6:21 PM
    “My bad, the projected cost is actually nearly 7.5 times that of Hyatt. Why ask for a website when you’re already convinced I am a liar? Wait for it.”

    In just short of a weathercock moment the pathological liar has graduated from being a cyber ‘bullee’ to being a first class project analyst-cum-finance guru pretending to be a stupid jackass slavishly hitched to a red wagon stalled in a quagmire of confusion.

    Now which hotel project in Barbados -the only sphere in which you are allowed to display your BS in incompetence-would cost US$ 275 million X 7.5?

    Why don’t you simply give in to the reality that your knowledge and understanding of finance is equivalent to your passing acquaintance with Law as exposed by Caswell; mere superficiality not worth even all the sea crab shite off Barbados.

  45. @David
    All I am saying is thAt with the current issues surrounding workers and fading confidence in unions, Ms. Moore , could have used that occasion to set a more dynamic tone.
    I don’t have to be right.

  46. So….racism is worse in Barbados because we have a predominantly black population??????

    That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Racism is measured by the treatment meted out to us not by how we respond to it and how much we have managed to overcome.

    We have not been able to turn it around because yes, we are psychologically damaged and had, or in some cases still have, inferiority complexes. And when I say we, I mean the majority of us. This is precisely why I say that we need to free our minds and stop wanting to play golf and sit down with the white people afterwards and dream of invitations to their homes and carry chips on our shoulders if the invitations never come.

    This is why we need a different approach.

    However, another reason why we have not agitated further may also be because most of us are just comfortable enough not to bother. Life may not be fair but it is livable for the majority of us.

  47. You see what I mean by not knowing but jumping out to make yourself look a foo(w)l? The last I read Hyatt was priced at US$175M. Only this week according to you and 3-degree I was sucking off white men in New York. Now today I am being located in Bdos. Make up your mind! But I guess whatever fits your narrative you promote. The hotel I speak of is estimated to cost just over $US1.3B, now do the maths.

  48. @ Donna
    “ We have not been able to turn it around because yes, we are psychologically damaged and had, or in some cases still have, inferiority complexes. And when I say we, I mean the majority of us………”
    One of the most profound statements ever written on BU. I concur.


  49. @ Enuff November 18, 2020 9:09 PM
    “You see what I mean by not knowing but jumping out to make yourself look a foo(w)l? The last I read Hyatt was priced at US$175M. Only this week according to you and 3-degree I was sucking off white men in New York. Now today I am being located in Bdos. Make up your mind! But I guess whatever fits your narrative you promote. The hotel I speak of is estimated to cost just over $US1.3B, now do the maths.”

    So you fell so easily into the trap set just for you?

    You actually know for a ‘fact’ that the imaginary ‘business’ hotel is going to cost less by $100 million worth of scratch grain than was quoted to trap a blinkered jackass like the fool Enuff.

    Is this the same burden of a beast called “Enuff” who only recently started to claim he knows nothing about the Hyatt and seeks to distant himself from the imaginary erection?

    Don’t you know yet (aren’t you privy to the news), that in its recent incarnation, the Hyatt hotel will now be costing an additional US$100 million just because of Covid?

  50. What I said has been said many times by many people on BU and elsewhere. I am not the first but I have said it often. My point has always been that we must start at the beginning. The white man in his minority status will stay on top until we free our minds.

    I don’t know if it is the Rihanna effect, but I have found that many young people dream big dreams and have the belief that they can achieve them. They are also not as averse to risk and they are exploring non-traditional areas. Parents too have become more open to such and do not try to fit their children into boxes forcefully as they did before. They are more inclined to support their children as they follow their dreams.

    I don’t think that most young people are as damaged as the older folk. I am hopeful, not disspirited at the thought of the future.

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