Today the electorate of St. George North will vote for a member of parliament to fill the vacancy created by the ‘retirement’ of Gline Clarke. The blogmaster’s assessment is that it will be a straight contest between Floyd Reifer (DLP) and Toni Moore (BLP). Of the so-called third parties Grenville Phillips should retain third option in the number count. We can debate if Barbadians are ready for a third party or is this a case of the quality of the options presented. The blogmaster respectfully suggest the latter.

The result of the election will answer a few questions for political pundits.

  • Has the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) regain its standing as the credible alternative in the eyes of voters?
  • Despite managing the affairs of state in the most challenging period post independence, will the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) be able to convince the SGN electorate that it is the most competent to govern at this time?
  • Will Grenville Phillips increase his penetration of support in the constituency to forge the way for third parties in the future?
  • How large will the protest vote be which has been fomenting in a climate of austerity for the last 3 years?
  • Has the last 90 days of campaigning confirm the urgent need for electoral reform in Barbados?

So far by-election activities has been largely peaceful in keeping with Bajan tradition. Let us continue to make the country proud by delivering an uneventful event. The blogmaster’s vote will be cast for David Walrond, the agriculturist and community practitioner.

895 responses to “Election Day in St. George North”

  1. @Dullard

    What is this quantum of disrespect to which you refer? What yardstick are you using?

  2. @William I t was her maiden speech, given the new MP a chance. Gosh!

  3. Interesting video. Take note this is the USA.

  4. And finally, to the mad woman who keeps misrepresenting my position – if you think I am standing up for the white man then you are truly in need of remedial reading comprehension lessons. NOWHERE DID I SAY THAT THE WHITE BARBADIAN WOULD NOT LIKE TO SPEW HATE SPEECH IN OUR FACES OR PERPETRATE VIOLENCE ON US. They simply cannot because they are so outnumbered. So…. I speak not to the virtue of the white Barbadian but to the limitations forced upon them.

  5. @ David
    Toni Moore is no stranger to Parliament. She said she can represent the workers from “ day one”.
    Caswell Franklyn said one day that the hotel workers were leaving the BWU and joining his union because of poor representation. This was refuted by the BWU the very next day. Moore should have addressed this on day one. She missed a golden opportunity to set the correct tone.
    Quite frankly I really want to hear why the Labour College is now in a state of disrepair.
    As for the BWU and NUPW they have zero credibility in my book.
    Moore has not yet established herself as the head of BWU. She has done the right thing- get under Mottley’s wings and keep her options open. That’s how the BLPDLP operates and nothing surprises me and their apologists littered on the pages of BU every single second of the day.
    You all carry political hypocrisy to an entirely new level. I plan to call out the BLPDLP political charlatans on BU every single time. When they right , I will say so but the days of ignoring crap from wunnuh while poor black people catching the backsides done!
    This also goes for all those who come here defending racism and feel that people cannot see through their pathetic response to Black people being kicked in their backsides every damn day. All they do is defend white people while others are ruined and have been ruined fighting for them and I don’t mean from last week. They know nothing of the Brothers and Sisters who had to run from Barbados because they could not get a job. Families were destroyed and now they come here telling me I living in the 60s and 70s. Gloves off.


  6. “I speak not to the virtue of the white Barbadian but to the limitations forced upon them.”

    what limitations what,

    they practice racism against your people,

    pretend to be superior and you inferior


    jump in front to grab every opportunity that should be going to young black people ,with the help of ya ignorant, backward uppity negros in parliament…so where are the “limitations”…being placed upon them…i would love to see them..

    .yall do not live in the real world, that’s why everything seems so twisted….time to grow up and face reality for a change.

  7. “So….racism is worse in Barbados because we have a predominantly black population??????

    No…racism is worse in a tiny community, small island, because most Black Bajans DON’T KNOW that Barbados is A BLACK MAJORITY COUNTRY and continue to erroneously compare it TO WHITE MAJORITY COUNTRIES….confusing apples and oranges…..that’s where the “makes no sense” WHATSOEVER COMES IN…..and yall continue to FOOL YASELVES.

    still living in the lies created by dumb leaders, the churches and the tiefing ass minorities on the island.

  8. @ Enuff

    Why engage in useless, meaningless arguments or trading insults on BU? It doesn’t help the forum.

    I can’t resist ending this contribution without throwing a ‘pity party’ and whining about who called me what.
    A few days ago, someone wrote they first became aware of me a few years ago when I launched an attack on them. BU’s archives would clearly indicate that is UNTRUE. My first encounter with that particular individual was on May 30, 2017, when, during a ‘discussion’ with David BU, he accused me of being lawyer, when I never indicate I was one, and wrote, “Where did you get your legal training?” “You have wasted your money on your legal education. Ask for it back.” From that day onward, he has been nit picking my contributions, drops nasty slurs or make snide references to me, even if he has to create opportunities to do so.

    I’ve been subjected to more personal attacks and abuse than anyone on BU. I’ve been called a “hate filled verbal thug who fabricates myths,” “an appallingly ignorant buffoon,” “an appallingly ignorant bookkeeping that learnt by rote,” “wild boy swimming in a cesspool of ignorance,” silly, fool, vindictive, deranged, an idiot, a cyber stalker, cyber bully, keyboard warrior, schizophrenic bully, predator, barking dog, slimy pig, social vermin, buzzing fly and Bajan lotus.
    I’ve been told I “expressed hatred for the world,” have “the same sociopathic disease that leads to people breaking into a Synagogue to murder worshippers,” or “shoot two elderly black people,” I’m always ‘vex,’ carrying a grudge, in need of urgent psychiatric help and “lucky (I’m) able to count to ten without making a mistake.”

    In response to something Lawson wrote about Trump, I posted an article from the N.Y Times, written by Tom Brenner, entitled “President Trump relentlessly cited the stock market meteoric rise as a sign of his success at restoring confidence in the American economy,” and was repeatedly accused of “not being able to tell the difference between economy and the stock market.” And, “To conflate the economy with the stock market says a lot about one’s knowledge of financial economics.”
    Sometime in February 2018, during a ‘discussion’ with David about CBC TV8’s lawyer program, I mentioned the station should be a bit more balanced in their choice of lawyers. David BU wrote: “When has CBC ever been balanced and this query applies under either administration.” To which I responded with: “That’s one of the reasons why I believe CBC should be privatised.” That comment prompted the response: “The idiocy of social media. Privatise a broadcaster because of an editorial mistake (oversight) on a single program. Or is it the last straw? Grow up.”
    I gave up trying to find out how CBC hosting a program with prominent lawyers from the then ruling administration, be considered “an editorial mistake (oversight).”
    They also wrote: “He says things then denies them.” For the record, I’ve NEVER, EVER referred to anyone on BU as a ‘polymath’. PANTOMATH, yes…….. ‘POLYMATH, no. Even if I did, ‘polymath’ pales in comparison with being called a dog, slimy pig, vermin or predator. But, who cares?

    However, each time I read the contribution in which its author ‘said’ they “remembered a Barbados that was free of crime,” and someone who is much more brilliant than I am, ‘saying’ “It depends on how you define crime. We always used to steal cane from the passing trucks. BUT YOU ARE RIGHT, if you define crime as meaning arrests and prosecutions and convictions,” and subsequently denying it to say, “Who is the idiot who said Barbados was crime free. We have had crime since the Garden of Eden,” I realised I’m not alone in ‘idiot world.’

    I have decided to simply IGNORE certain contributors and SCROLL PASS their contributions. In other words, I’m NO LONGER READING or RESPONDING to whatever they post to this forum or allowing myself to be annoyed, intimidated or ‘dragged into the gutter’ with silly arguments, by people on a blog, with whom I do not share ANY personal, professional or casual acquaintance.

    So far, it has been working for me.

  9. @ Artax
    You always appear to be quite balanced and dignified in your posts. @ Enuff can make no such claim. They have had a few here on BU who have earned the contempt with which they are treated. They have enjoyed responding to well thought out arguments with nothing but cuss words and trying to run people off the blog. They have used their anonymity to do as they like. So, at some point the tables will turn. I can assure that most of this nonsense was started by those people. They chose to be uncivil. They chose to brand people and they chose to advise and suggest to their beloved David who should be banned from the blog. They chose who wanted to pull down Buhbadus. They started it.
    You reap what you so.

  10. “Sow”. My apologies

  11. I already explained and ADMITTED my misinterpretation of the term ‘financial advisor,” led me to form a PERSONAL OPINION you were an insurance salesman. Surely, if there was any information that specifically identified you as such, then there wouldn’t be any reason to FORM an opinion, based on a misinterpretation.

    Don’t you believe, after approximately four years of ‘holding a grudge’ and rehashing this petty nonsense, it’s time for you ‘to let go and move on?’

    The irony of holding a grudge:….(Quote)

    A few days ago, someone wrote they first became aware of me a few years ago when I launched an attack on them. BU’s archives would clearly indicate that is UNTRUE. My first encounter with that particular individual was on May 30, 2017….(Quote)

  12. I THOUGH THAT WAS OVER AND DONE WITH, but it seems as though the individual held a séance to resurrect what I thought was a ‘dead issue.’ From the way how they have kept going, and going and going (‘Energizer bunny style’), with this nonsense, one would never believe this simple issue happened ALMOST FOUR (4) YEARS AGO…..(Quote)

  13. Why is it so hard for govt to be openly transparent in given details on its policies and projects
    This govt when in opposition hounded lied and misinformed the public on Cahill
    Now govt goes into some kind of partnership with Caves of Barbados a Jamaician tour enterprise operator
    Now all the public gets from govt are sketchy details about a leasing arrangement.
    No numbers given on the exact amount which will be paid to the govt whatever the minister said yesterday was worded in attempt to say only so much which would satisfy the unsuspecting listener and sufficiently so
    Which now leaves those who are observers of govt policies which so far have been mired in controversy
    To ask more questions on about govt partnership with Caves starting with what and how much govt finances would play and what are the Jamaican tour operators leasing obligations to govt
    Somethings just does not add up until govt give complete details of what seems more like a bogus agreement built on smoke and mirrors the jury is not satisfied with answers given on this partnership between govt and the Jamaician tour operator enterprise

  14. So Lisa Cummings goes on to say that that Chukka the tour operator have good relationship with the cruise industry and Chukka presence in barbados would increase the cruise industry numbers here
    As the old folk would say if wishes were horses beggars would ride
    Lisa keep wishing my dear the cruise industry legs have been broken COVID tek them off and aint nothing Chukka can do about that
    However it would be of interest if Chukka had provided such numerical evidence before u spouted out that gladiator word by mouth information given to u by Chukka
    Btw will u are searching for the number of cruise ships Chukka influence made to the cartibbean islands which Chukka has been invested
    Please find out other what is the management fee Chukka would pay to govt
    Ralph Thorne when asked by the media gave an half a ss answer

  15. Oh dear! I apologise for being happy in Barbados.

    Time to play in the dirt! Can’t get more real world than that.

    No time to listen to bitching today. Time to do something productive.

    Gloves ON! Gardening gloves.

    Peace indeed in the Garden of Peace. Even if the rain allowed some little green worm damage.

    You guys seem a little tense up north. Utopia not panning out?

  16. Worlds do tend to collide, we are having this same discussion on another forum in a much broader sense….higher vibration.

    Pacha and Miller, this is the first time i heard limitations being placed on the minority criminalis in Barbados, who have enjoyed DECADES OF COMMITTING CRIMES AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES….but somehow it appears those were the “limitations”..

    “I speak not to the virtue of the white Barbadian but to the limitations forced upon them.”

    what limitations what…and who is setting these limitations….

    they practice racism against your people,

    pretend to be superior and you inferior


    jump in front to grab every opportunity that should BE GOING DIRECTLY TO YOUNG BLACK PEOPLE…… ,with the help of ya ignorant, backward uppity negros in parliament…so where are the “limitations”…being placed upon them…i would love to see them….ya got it twisted….the LIMITIATIONS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN RESERVED FOR BLACK PEOPLE by the black ignoramus in the parliament…and STILL IS.

  17. So….racism is worse in Barbados because we have a predominantly black population??????

    You imbecile!
    Is that what you extracted from the comment? Why don’t you learn to read with understanding and nuance?

  18. @ Hal
    Do you recall all the boasting about defaulting on debt . Well the truth is in today’s Nation: It lick up the NIS.
    Furthermore the administration is suppressing information and about the NIS. The Central Bank Governor is stating that no recovery will come under two years.
    In the mean time the PM on Instagram regurgitating well known facts about vaccines.
    This is a government that campaigned on transparency. It is now hiding information and obviously has no clear path forward.

  19. Confessions of a former offender
    When I first came to BU I was loose with my words and offended people without intending to do so.

    One day someone mentioned something that I said in the distant past and I was surprised that it had stuck with them when I had forgotten.

    Words do hurt. My father-in-law used to tell me “they are things that may wisely be thought that should not be said’. Sadly, he told me so more than once.

    Here is how I limit the damage I cause
    *1 Reduce the number of replies. A long chain of exchanges makes it personal and your discussion of the topic at hand may be diverted.

    *2. Ignore the catch phrases. Once I got in an extended exchange because a certain phrase was being repeated and ’I knew’ that I was being targeted

    3* You may have the last word is a useful phrase . Say it, mean it and stick to it.

    4* Ignore some bloggers. Oil and water will not mix, no matter how well shaken.

    5*Try not to offend.

    Let’s have a robust discussion and drop the personal exchanges. I try, I fail, I regret, then I renew my promise to myself and each time I get a little better.

    :-)only Lorenzo left 🙂
    Have a great day Barbados. HAGD

  20. I forgot one
    6* Sometimes you can sense when you may become involved in a long series of replies. Try to cover all possible responses from the other party in as few posts as posible. Anticipate arguments and respond to them before they are made (limit the number of exchanges and single your intention to do so).
    1/2 ….
    2/2 ….
    That is the same as saying.” I dun wid you and wid dat. Have a million last words”

    Have a great day. HAGD Barbados


    Imagine the supposed sale of Harrison’s Cave getting traction! Then Ministers having to explain such a thing has not been done. It is a pity that other Caribbean businesses can outbid a Barbadian group to run the Caves. Can we hear which local companies put in a bid? If there was none, should we be concerned?

    Copied from a fb psge

  22. @William

    The entire narrative around the NIS is bogus. But we like it like that. We need a complete overhaul of the system, and no amount of patchwork will make it even fit for purpose.
    I have made a number of suggestions for reform and do not intend to repeat them. It is badly designed, badly managed, exploited (someone recently told me if I had worked in Barbados I may be entitled to a benefit) and is used by all governments as a piggy bank.
    It is another example of the failure of policy-making and, to use that unpopular phrase, further proof that the system is a failed one. When serious people want to talk about the NIS and what should replace it, I am for that.

  23. @ William Skinner November 19, 2020 8:05 AM
    “Do you recall all the boasting about defaulting on debt . Well the truth is in today’s Nation: It lick up the NIS.
    Furthermore the administration is suppressing information and about the NIS.”

    Why do you think the NIS is unable to produce up-to-date (audited) reports to reflect a fair view of the financial position of that government-managed and controlled entity?

    The entity is forced to make more cash outflows (benefits and advances to state-owned agencies) than it is receiving in cash inflows (contributions and investment income).

    In other words it is about to become insolvent just like the country was on the cusp in May 2018.

  24. Poor Dullard! Don’t let the fact that I am a happy imbecile give you a heart attack!

    Okra, cucumber, spinach, basil, eggplant, sweet pepper, chives and lettuce picking today has left this imbecile in a peaceful mood.

    And too besides, my beet leaves have produced their first root!

    Growing food as I grow mentally.

    Sure beats bitching and butting your head against a brick wall!

  25. “The entity is forced to make more cash outflows (benefits and advances to state-owned agencies) than it is receiving in cash inflows (contributions and investment income).”

    Slave plantation club Barbados just left NIS holding the bag…all those employers do that, even the repulsive lawyers who hate to pay NIS for their employees… insolvency is definitely a must…

  26. ” The microloans will allow MSMEs to borrow up to a maximum of $20,000.”

    Courts Barbados Limited. NIS ?

  27. ” The microloans will allow MSMEs to borrow up to a maximum of $20,000.”

    Courts Barbados Limited. NIS ?



  28. But isn’t that the norm…TIEF 25 MILLION DOLLARS OR MORE IN VAT…give the clowns 20,000 out of it and they get excited and sing the praises of THIEVES……the ignorant negro syndrome..who don’t know the difference between themselves being SEVERELY HANDICAPPPED BY wicked sell out house slaves….. and racists and thieves being given free reign to rob them.

  29. ‘BU’s archives’ will clearly indicate the then Opposition did not lie or misinformed the public about CAHILL.

    However, I agree with you that the information on the leasing arrangement or partnership between ‘government’ and CHUKKA Caribbean Adventures, as it relates to Harrison’s Cave, is a bit ‘sketchy.’ It seems as though politicians could get up any morning and decide to sell or lease any public asset, whether it is a bank, insurance company, Harrison’s Cave, BNOC or the airport.

    Recall in February 2019, Cabinet approved government entering into a public-private partnership arrangement for the development, operation and expansion of the Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA). So far, all I’ve heard about that arrangement was in August this year, when chairman of GAIA, Vic Fernandes announced 13 bidders or consortia, were shortlisted to bid on the PPP to manage the airport for a period of 30 years.

    Prior to the 2008 general elections then Opposition leader, David Thompson, promised to introduce integrity legislation, including a new Freedom of Information Law, within 100 days of DLP administration being elected. Ironically, Mottley made a similar promise to the electorate during the 2018 election campaign. Both administrations failed to keep their promises. We need to advocate for transparency and accountability.

    COVID-19 has adversely affected the cruise line industry, which according to Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), was worth US$150B worldwide at the end of 2018.
    The SeaDream Yacht Club is the first cruise vessel to resume sailing to the Caribbean since operations were closed down in March as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. According to reports, this cruise was meant to demonstrate that increased safety protocols, including regular testing aboard the ship, could allow cruise voyages to take place during the pandemic. Unfortunately, the vessel docked in Barbados and, so far, 7 passengers have tested positive for COVID-19. This goes to show the industry won’t ‘bounce back’ anytime soon.

    Under these circumstances, telling Barbadians CHUKKA Caribbean Adventures has a relationship with the cruise industry is meaningless at this time. I doubt tourists would be willing to ignore the dangers coronavirus presents and come to Barbados in droves just to visit Harrison Cave.

  30. Milluh
    You keep digging your own grave in an attempt to prove your falsehood true. I can only comment based on what I read in the news, which proves that contrary to what you keep pushing I am in no way associated with Hyatt. In fact you have, inadvertently I assume, shown this to be the case in your own post. If I am involved, why am I relying on news articles?

    This is what I read:

    “After five years of controversy and legal challenges, a US$175 million revamped Hyatt Ziva Barbados Resort will finally get off the ground next month.”

    Whatever the cost is, the fact remains that the last hotel I had anything to do with has a price tag over US$1B. If you are so sure I am liar put yuh money wey yuh mout is.

  31. Same old, same old they believe they got slaves who dont deserve to be paid…and actually believe they can get away with it in these times.

    “Loop market

    Former Caribbean Aircraft Handling staff crying out for PM’s helpDAVENY ELLIS CREATED : 18 NOVEMBER 2020

    Former Caribbean Aircraft Handling employee Rodney Williams protesting opposite Grantley Adams Airport

    Former Caribbean Aircraft Handling (CAH) staff are pleading with not only management but with the Barbados Government for assistance to get monies owed to them.

    A handful of the former workers were picketing opposite the Grantley Adams International Airport today (November 18), for what they say is unfair treatment at the hands of management.

    Workers reported they have not received any severance payments or proper notice as to when they will receive the promised payments after being made redundant since October 2 by CAH.

    Rodney Williams says that he has worked for CAH for over 22 years and says they are more than 100 plus former workers who currently awaiting payment.

    “We haven’t received an email from the company from since October 16 or 17…only last night we are hearing that they are offering one or two of the personnel not even all the money but half…We have bills to pay. We have children to send to school. We have even mortgages to pay and debt collectors on our back, and they know that we really in need,” Rodney Williams said.

    Williams says that he had previously sought the aide of Prime Minister Mia Mottley weeks prior but has not heard back from her.

    Now, he is again pleading for her to intervene on behalf of the former workers.

    “We want to send a message to the Prime Minister…I texted the Prime Minister a couple of weeks ago to ask if she could intervene in the matter, and she said she would look into the matter. But up to this day, she hasn’t replied to us,” Rodney Williams said.”

  32. Artax
    I do agree about the meaningless back and forth, to some extent. There are some bullies and gangsters on BU who feel they can ‘beat’ you into submission with their lies and innuendo simply because they are in the majority. Has William Skinner ever asked 3-Degree to prove his ‘enviable’ salary claim or company’s quadrupling performance? What about proof of Hal’s conversations with everyone but Jesus? Or from WURA of the houses she saw in Coverley or all the other claims she posts on BU? Nary a request. But come to ask me for a website link as proof. Then you have Milluh. Imagine he spends day and night trying to prove I am a liar and involved in government and a particular project. But has not once demonstrated sny proof. But I enjoy winding them up then pulling out the key.🤣🤣

  33. “We haven’t received an email from the company from since October 16 or 17…only last night we are hearing that they are offering one or two of the personnel not even all the money but half…We have bills to pay. We have children to send to school. We have even mortgages to pay and debt collectors on our back, and they know that we really in need,” Rodney Williams said.

    Williams says that he had previously sought the aide of Prime Minister Mia Mottley weeks prior but has not heard back from her.

    Now, he is again pleading for her to intervene on behalf of the former workers.

    “We want to send a message to the Prime Minister…I texted the Prime Minister a couple of weeks ago to ask if she could intervene in the matter, and she said she would look into the matter. But up to this day, she hasn’t replied to us,” Rodney Williams said.”






  34. @ Enuff November 19, 2020 11:10 AM
    “This is what I read:
    “After five years of controversy and legal challenges, a US$175 million revamped Hyatt Ziva Barbados Resort will finally get off the ground next month.””

    And from which propaganda medium did you extract your “facts” about the US$175 high-rise project?”

    From some recent vintage of last month’s NationNews or last week’s Barbados Today?

    Based on your regurgitated ‘coloured-red ‘facts’, should we expect to see your Lighthouse type erection start to rise like a phoenix from the ashes before Xmas 2020?

    You still have not told us who is paying for the ‘compulsory’ acquisition and quick demolition of the Ram rat shop?

    Why don’t you just rest yourself and accept you had your halcyon days of partisan criticism in the Sun prior to May 2018?

  35. Fowl Slave Enuff …why you don’t go help Mia get the people’s severance pay from crooks, so they can feed their children and pay their bills….at least it would be something constructive to do instead of going on and on about who said what like a goddamn 8 year old…..grow up…or grow more feathers or something…do something…

    here ya are trying to defend the Coverley dog kennels….that makes ya look so foolish and ya can’t even see it..

  36. Here we go.

  37. Not only did govt lied snd misinformed on Cahill but the bogeyman tactics were applied about the WTE harmful impact on the environment
    Then the same principle was used when govt talked about building the Hyatt
    Well we know how well that project was spin all the way to the court
    Now in comes Chukka a jamaican tour operate who said that 9million dollars would be spent to upgrade and expansion projects done around the Caves
    Nothing was said as where .how and who would be doing the funding
    Also nothing was said on if environmental measures by way of planning would be done to ensure the expansion would not negatively impact or danger the Caves
    All i am saying that this govt now in office as used shady pathways to get whatever it needs done
    Btw i have been asking who are these College Negotiators
    Were these negotiators placed on the 2018 ballot box lol
    Also were does govt get all this excess funding to pay them

  38. NorthernObserver Avatar

    you are the BEST tool the BLP has.
    Everyday, almost without fail, you spew sh!!te, which for those trying to forget, cannot forget, the incompetence of that last administration of the GoB. A constant and daily reminder how and why an election ended up 30-0.
    Caves? The entity which the last administration FAILED to file annual reports for UMPTEEN years? And now they are slowly appearing, taxpayers discover the GoB was GIVING (Grants) the Caves MORE MONEY every year than the entity generated in REVENUE!!!! So the people of Barbados (Caves) were earning $2M in revenue, but it was costing $6M to earn that $2M and the GoB was paying the $4M difference. Really??
    And after that failure to provide accountability reports as stipulated by the laws of Barbados, and Caves is only one of several bodies in that situation, the NIS is #1 (and that will come back to bite all the ordinary Barbadians you like to talk about in the ass), here you are calling for Transparency? Remember a little $36M+ special purpose company called Clearwater Bay?
    The same one, over 40,000 HOURS ago, both the then MoF and MoT promised to provide an “update on”? The people never heard anything. That is transparency for yah. And you done know, it never filed a single annual report. For they were ‘above the laws’, but not ‘above the electorate’.
    If you truly love the DLP, and wish for its reincarnation within your lifetime, do the DLP a favour and cease reminding all and sundry how bad that last manifestation of the party was. And let those now in control, attempt to carve themselves a slice of a pie which looks nothing like the last one. Along with their own mouthpieces.

  39. @Mariposa

    You seem to bring out the awfulness in some people on BU. If they disagree with your politics, why can’t they just say that. If they want to engage you in discussion, then do so. But you seem to bring out a deep-seated nastiness in some of them which is worrying.
    I believe in free speech and think you have a right to express your views. They are people on BU I do not want to engage with for a variety of reasons and I just ignore them. That is good enough for me.
    They are also people who make up straw men and set about knocking them down, all for a cheap laugh. I find often your arguments are sound and well informed and for those who oppose you I will like to see what they have to say.
    It is now approaching three years since we have had the Mottley government yet some still want to look back at the Stuart years to justify their hostility to you.
    Some of those who do so know no better, the others are just incapable of challenging you on the arguments. Note the mob behaviour. It is the Bajan Condition.

  40. @Northern

    Are you saying that the (old) lady as described to WB is the patron saint of lost causes?

  41. So Fowl Enuff…yall still stealing land from Black people and selling it to crooks…and sinking ya victims into generational poverty as usual, with nothing to pass on to their children and grandchildren….thieves and sellouts.

    “The Nation Barbados
    1eftcSponfshored ·
    This is nine years since small farmer David Bourne put the land dispute saga involving him and Chinese investors of Chinados Construction to rest.
    However, the sordid affair which saw Bourne and his family evicted from land at Maxwell, Christ Church, where they had been living and farming for over five decades, is set to become a major issue again.
    Bourne told Nation News that two weeks ago surveyors descended on the last remaining portion of land which he has been farming and he was subsequently informed that his fruit trees would be bulldozed as the Chinese were taking over there too.
    When contacted at Chinados offices, a woman who identified herself as Sharon and said she was the interpreter for the owner of the property, pointed out that it was their land which they were developing.
    She said surveyors had visited the property and the trees would be removed. However, she questioned why Bourne had taken the issue to the newspaper. (Video by Maria Bradshaw)”

  42. @Northern Observer

    How can we forget the 750K paid to Richard Byer to review a cookie cutter agreement?

  43. Just a matter of time before the Chinese pick up everything and kick ya fowl, ignorant asses off the island, ya better learn to breathe underwater.

  44. It’s the little phrases that get me…
    ” However, she questioned why Bourne had taken the issue to the newspaper. ”

    If he didn’t would that save the trees or change the outcome?

    The writer could have provided more background details so that we make an informed opinion

  45. The man was in debt. A debt collector told me.

  46. Sounds a little strange. More details needed.

  47. Funny how the local exchange negatives comments with each other. “I am a thief, but you are a bigger thief”

    If overseas Babe dare to speak up, they are throwing shade and are worse than traitors.

  48. These kinds of underhand discriminatory things could never happen if the TRAITORS for Caribbean leaders weren’t selling out the people.

  49. #7. never copy and save negative stuff to use it later. You are letting someone rent space in your head for free.

    Cuss and move on

  50. Theo…apparently this is an old dispute…but it’s not only in Barbados, Jamaicans and Trinidadians are crying out also about a Chinese invasion….the sellouts are desperate and will sell you out for anything….i just posted a video on TT, it should show up soon.

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