Submitted by Grenville Phillips II,

Well, I have finally gotten the message – the threats are now too personal to ignore. To balance the safety of my family, and my duty to Barbados, these will be my final recommendations on COVID-19. They are to cover Stages 2 and 3.

The accusations are, of course, baseless. Asking basic questions is not breaking rank. Questioning is normal when the four steps to develop national plans are not followed.

Step 1 is to develop a draft plan. Step 2 is to present that plan for rigorous public scrutiny (since the public are stakeholders). Step 3 is to analyse the feedback and finalise the plan. Step 4 is to implement the plan.

Both administrations typically only do Steps 1 and 4. There is rarely critical review. This results in either stubbornly staying with a failing plan, or making band-aids under pressure to a weak plan.

The media should be asking pertinent questions, but they seem to have gotten the message a long time ago. They make press conferences as meaningless as a soap-opera. How about asking some of these questions.

The Government claimed that they will be spend $30M to build quarantine sites and respond to this virus. How is the Government procuring the $30M in goods and services?

No-bid contracts normally cost the public two to five times what the contract is actually worth. Is the Government using the same corrupting no-bid contracts for contractors, consultants and supplies? What qualifications are needed to share in the $30M to be disbursed?

The Government promised to appoint a contractor general to put an end to these corrupting no-bid contracts. How is that progressing? Why not start prequalifying Barbadian business right now, instead of automatically disqualifying most of them with the sorry excuse of urgency?

The hurricane season is approaching. We should not be constructing sub-standard buildings in Barbados, especially after turning the six-storey NIS building into rubble. So, to what category of hurricane are the buildings being built? Also, to what magnitude of earthquake? How durable are they?

I dare our established media to ask just one of these questions. Once they realise that the sky has not fallen, perhaps they will be less terrified – and ask another.


In preparation for Stage 2, we should assume that at least one person in our household will get the virus, and plan accordingly.

1. Supplement Diet

If I got the virus, then I would strengthen my body so that it can fight for me – as it has always successfully done. I would add to my daily diet: 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, at least one table-spoon of Blackstrap molasses, and at least five table-spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.

You can purchase one gallon of blackstrap molasses from the sugar bond area of the port for $2, but carry a clean wide-mouth container. You only need a quarter of that, so distribute the remainder to others.

2. Sunshine

Ultra-violet sunlight is an effective disinfectant. Therefore, everyday, I would open every window curtain and let the sun shine in. I would also open the windows (with insect screens) to ventilate the house. Therefore, maintain some insect mesh and duct tape to keep out flies and mosquitoes.

If I got the virus, I would spend my days near a window where I can get natural light, and breathe clean air.

3. Flush Closed Toilets

COVID-19 RNA has been confirmed in blood and stool samples of some infected persons. Droplets from the toilet have been found on bathroom ceilings after flushing. Therefore, droplets can reach the bathroom’s sink (and any exposed toothbrushes) and towel rack. I would insist that everyone in my household close the lid when flushing the toilet.

Many infected persons have had diarrhea. You are likely to go through toilet paper more rapidly in that condition. Therefore, I would try to maintain 12 rolls of toilet paper for each member of my household.

4. Disinfect Shoes

Not everyone will stop their habitual spitting. The COVID-19 can exist for hours in the air and days on surfaces. You may step on someone’s spit, especially after it rains. Therefore, spray disinfectant on the bottom of your shoes before entering your house, and on your car mats when you get home.

5. Clean Pet Trays

If you feed pets outside, then clean their trays. Uneaten food attracts birds. Birds can step in the same spit and bring the virus to you, so do not attract them.

6. Invest in Yourself

If you are quarantined, then do not squander this opportunity. Take maximum advantage of our double taxation agreements with various countries, especially the US, and grow your Internet based business.

Between managing your business and your household, learn something new. There are many free on-line courses that Universities offer. Take one that can improve your productivity and increase your earnings, then take another.

Please do not waste this time with only entertainment (watching movies and reading fiction). Instead, recharge.

Accept that you may likely get infected, and perhaps more than once. Therefore, maintain your household supplies, and use this opportunity to cultivate a closer relationship with your Creator.

Parting Comments

I have been asked how I know so much. I have worked in disaster areas over the past 2 decades, where the economy came to a halt. In those situations, there is normally no economic activity, nothing to purchase, and no reliable government services.

I have had over 12 deployments to Haiti, when cholera had infected about 800,000 people and killed about 10,000. One member of my team actually had cholera while I was there.

I am also doing doctoral research, and the doctoral research community is rich in cutting edge knowledge. I critically review others’ research and they critically review mine. Why? Because we want to do research that will benefit humanity. Critical review is the most effective method of achieving that aim.

446 responses to “Recharge – COVID-19 @Stage 2 and 3”

  1. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    The majority of people who have COVID-19 show no symptoms at all, but they still infect others with the virus. This has been proven wherever mass testing has been carried out. The ONLY way to effectively halt this pandemic is mass testing of entire populations followed by isolation of infected persons whether they have symptoms or not.

    The little town of Vò in the heart of the worst affected region in Italy had the countries first COVID-19 death. Luckily for them, the University of Padua and the Red Cross decided to conduct a study of the virus and chose Vò as their lab. They tested all 3,300 inhabitants of the little town and found that 90 people were infected, but the majority of them had no symptoms at all. They isolated all the infected persons and brought a complete halt to the spread of the pandemic in that little town. Meanwhile, in the rest of Italy, deaths from the pandemic are over 4,000 and growing rapidly.

    Barbados urgently needs mass testing so that we can repeat the experience of the people of Vò, and avoid the experience of the rest of Italy.

    Screening people at the airport and ports is useless because the majority of infected people HAVE NO SYMPTOMS THAT SHOW UP ON ANY SCREENING.


  2. Mass testing. Someone will have to donate the testing kits so we dont see anymore buckets of crocodile tears.

  3. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “Someone will have to donate the testing kits…”
    Bullshit! It is simply a matter of priorities. I am informed that testing kits cost about $30 each. 300,000 times 30 is $9 million. a few days ago the headline was that the government is prepared to invest $150 million to cushion the economic collapse.

    $9 million to save lives and halt the pandemic, vs. $150 million to pad the pockets of the usual corporate welfare crooks.

  4. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    On the other hand Bangladesh has developed testing kits which cost Bd$7.

  5. There is a saying it is advantageous to come second sometimes.

    To Peter’s point.


  6. Now if the UWI was worth its salt, it would develop test kits. Need to use part of the viral DNA/RNA and then develop reagents that attach to the DNA/RNA fragment which causes visualization of the viral-antibody complex. The antibody can be obtained from the serum of persons infected with the virus. You just need to centrifuge the blood sample and then separate the serum from the red blood cells. In the lab one can use a Pasteur pipette for this purpose You can visualize the viral antigen-antibody complex by measuring the intensity of the color change using a densitometer if there is a need to quantify the amount of viral particles present. Since we are in developing country one has to make some assumptions that ideal equipment won’t be available: One therefore has to improvise. After detecting the presence. of the virus in a carrier one would have to infect non-fertilized(eggs for example) which have been treated with antibiotics to suppress the growth of bacteria which might be present, to allow unimpeded growth of the virus. After having grown the virus one then needs to harvest the viral particles using a high-speed centrifuge . High-speed centrifugation (approximately 20,000 to 40,000 RPMs, or 20,000 to 100,000 x g, or higher) is especially valuable in the biosciences for applications such as concentrating cells in suspension, isolating and separating cell membranes from cytosolic contents and purifying and isolating genetic material. After collecting the viral particles, one then has to extract viral DNA/RNA. Then one has to employ enzymes that cut the viral DNA/RNA at the required point. The required fragment is then tagged with the visualizing agent, which when combined with antibodies results in a color change.

    Instead of spending the resources on the above, resources have been spent on the Errol Barrow center of creative imagination or some such crap. Additionally, you hear those jokers at the University repeating all the time ,that it is only a teaching University. Getting a PH.D in science means that the holder is serious about doing research work. At least that is the case overseas.

  7. @Dr. Lucas

    You are saying if you were allocated re resources you could develop the kits?



    In this interview, David talks extensively about the Coronavirus (Covid-19)…

  9. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @robert lucas
    You are not the first person to point this out to me.

  10. Another way of looking at the numbers is to look at the number of active cases and the number of critical ones.

    The assumption is that the majority of deaths will occur in the critical cases.

    As of now there are about 185,000 active cases, 8,000 of which are classed serious.

    So long as the active cases continue to rise the critical ones will follow.

    The best the general population can do is contribute to reducing the increase in infections and reduce the load on the hospitals and care givers..

    The critical cases are in the hands of the doctors, nurses etc. … and Almighty God as are we all.

    Nothing wrong in praying!!

  11. I support PLT suggestions. I believe the Barbados government in consultation with the private sector should set a date for the general shut down of the country for say 2 or 3 weeks. Make sure citizens are given time to stock up on food and medicines for the lock down period. There should be mass testing and institutional/mandatory quarantining of all persons testing positive. Given that Barbados is an island and with strict border control I believe that we can achieve a Chinese situation of no domestic transmission of the virus in about 3 weeks.

  12. I think testing is an option to have ready for the next one.

    It is too late to test.

  13. Of course it may be too late and the virus is more widespread in the general population (I pray not) and we will have to go through a wave of infections which may overwhelm the medical resources.

  14. @John
    The government has been reactive (i.e waiting for a stage to be reached before taking some action) instead of being proactive (i.e.taking action to avoid reaching a stage). The Chinese changed after about 2 – 3 weeks and were able to bring matters under control.

  15. Take a close look at the numbers in the following scientific article:

    As long as we don’t have more than 30,000 dead in Italy, Corona continues to be just a beer for me, everything else is hysteria.

    Incidentally, if the entire population of Italy were tested, the mortality rate would be reduced to a level barely above that of influenza. But then every barrier, every flight ban etc. would be total nonsense. Accept the virus as a normal life risk.

  16. Tron
    March 21, 2020 12:49 PM

    Take a close look at the numbers in the following scientific article:
    As long as we don’t have more than 30,000 dead in Italy, Corona continues to be just a beer for me, everything else is hysteria.


    When the dust settles we can talk about this!!

  17. Trinidad is closing its borders from Sunday. No international flights allowed in. Will apply to nationals and non-nationals.

  18. Ping Pong
    March 21, 2020 12:40 PM

    Of course it may be too late and the virus is more widespread in the general population (I pray not) and we will have to go through a wave of infections which may overwhelm the medical resources.


    Ping Pong
    March 21, 2020 12:45 PM

    The government has been reactive (i.e waiting for a stage to be reached before taking some action) instead of being proactive (i.e.taking action to avoid reaching a stage). The Chinese changed after about 2 – 3 weeks and were able to bring matters under control.


    At the moment, we have 6 cases none of which have been classified as critical.

    We need not to panic and deal with this on a day to day basis but with an eye to a worst case scenario.

  19. We must keep a cool head now and hold out for the next six months with security measures, but without stalling the economy. Either China, USA or Germany will start mass production of vaccines in autumn. If they are Chinese or German companies, we will get the vaccine at cost price. However, whether the USA would export such a vaccine at all is rather unlikely.

  20. @peterlawrencethompson March 21, 2020 8:28 AM


    You are usually solid and factual, so my question to you is where will the countries in the Caribbean region get the test kits from when the federal and state governments in the USA can get them even thought willing to pay a premium?

  21. John there is no need to panic at this time when it is believed that there are only a few cases which are imported. However do we panic when the number of cases dramatically increase and are NOT imported? Don’t you think we should try to avoid reaching the stage of “community transmission”?

    Trinidad is widening the net for testing in accordance with WHO guidelines.

  22. …in the USA can’t get them*…

  23. Healthcare startups Nurx and Carbon Health ship at-home COVID-19 test sample kits

    A Berlin Biotech Company Got a Head Start on Coronavirus Tests

    Image Credits: Bloomberg / Getty Images

    Efforts to get at-home test kits for the COVID-19 coronavirus are ramping up quickly, and two more health industry startups are bringing their own products to market, with both Carbon Health and Nurx starting to ship their own in-home sample collection kits.

    Both of these new offerings are the same in terms of approach to testing: They deliver swab-based sample collection hardware that people can use at home to collect a mucus sample, which they then ship back using included, safety approved, projective packaging to be tested by one of the existing FDA-approved commercial labs across the country.

    These tests follow the PCR-based method, which tests for the genetic presence of the COVID-19 virus in a patient. These have a high degree of accuracy, at least when performed in a controlled setting and administered by a medical professional, and are the same tests that are available via drive-through testing stations being set up by state agencies.

  24. CBP Bags More Fake COVID-19 Test Kit Shipments

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the nation’s international mail facilities are on the lookout for parcel imports of counterfeit COVID-19 test kits.

    On March 17, CBP officers at Chicago O’Hare Airport seized a shipment of 19 test kits, which contained other alleged test kits for meningitis, IVF, MRSA, salmonella and others. The shipment originated in the U.K.

  25. @Grenville “Therefore, spray disinfectant on the bottom of your shoes before entering your house.”

    My response: I am not sure why we insist on wearing our shoes inside of the house. I mean do we really believe that someone will steal our well worn shoes if we leave them on a sheltered doorstep?

    @Grenville”I would also open the windows (with insect screens) to ventilate the house.”
    My response: i haven’t closed some of my windows for decades. Inscect screens, ventilation bars [why call them burglar bars] and even while I am traveling abroad for weeks at a time, which I used to do a lot, I would lower the windows a bit to keep out the rain, but in our climate it is rarely necessary to entirely close windows. I love the feeling of fresh air blowing over my face as I fall asleep.

  26. This was mankind first test to do right for the environment
    It was a long time in making
    The next test would be far worse in such ways that no vaccines or test can secure longevity for mankind
    With water streams being polluted and a need for active and quality rainfall to be productive for mankind quality of life things would be far worse next time around
    The last and final test would be one of catastrophic ending for all life on earth as water streams rebel in the most horrific manner with caustic flows and rain fall looking like blood falling from the sky
    The environment has send Corona as a warning
    The next warning would be even more deadlier
    Leadership must do the right thing and take care of the environment before it is too late
    Is anyone listening

  27. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @Mariposa. Are you impying that the virus, SARS-COVID-2, is a result of climate change? If that is the case, you have really gone off the rail.

  28. Ping Pong
    March 21, 2020 1:22 PM

    John there is no need to panic at this time when it is believed that there are only a few cases which are imported. However do we panic when the number of cases dramatically increase and are NOT imported? Don’t you think we should try to avoid reaching the stage of “community transmission”?
    Trinidad is widening the net for testing in accordance with WHO guidelines.


    If the test kits exist by all means use them but have a program also to track down the contacts the positive testers have had.


    If we don’t know who has the virus and won’t know for a time, then be as careful as possible and take measures that are practical given the limitations.

    Try and improve your body’s ability to fight and keep away as far as possible from Ms. Mockley’s gatherings.

    … hope for the best and pray … never panic, it stops you thinking.

  29. @ David March 21, 2020 11:25 AM

    I am saying that there a lot of high salaried people at UWL, who have the credentials. Let them for once do something for the society apart from hogging all the publicity that they can get. Don’t you think that if a dirt poor country like Bangladesh can get its very poorly paid researchers by West Indian standards to come up with a test kit, why can’t the West Indian ones come up with something.?

  30. Think through by all means how to contain the spread and prevent deaths but also think through how to make the best of a bad situation.


  31. @ Robert

    I still cannot believe you have not yet received a telephone call from the authorities. Failure to call on our brightest and best should be treated as treason in these circumstances, putting the health of the nation at risk. This is a national emergency.
    I am disappointed, but not surprised. This is the Bajan Condition playing out on a bigger theatre.

  32. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    Dr Lucas is on point. Bangladash also is a big exporter of generic drug. A very poor country. Yet, Nigeria don’t produce even a pain killer. A crying shame. Some black countries are hoping for divine intervention with fasting and praying. No wonder the whiteman question our intellectual capacity.

  33. @ David March 21, 2020 11:25 AM
    “You are saying if you were allocated re resources you could develop the kits?

    @ Hal March 21, 2020 3:40 PM

    the rhetorical question of David’s cast my mind back to the time I was doing my doctorate,. Prof Sammy was the ostensible supervisor but he knew no microbiology. He told me that I would have to carry the research : I had no problem with that . I work very well independent of supervision and at the doctorial level ,one is expected to solve things on one’s own. To do the research, I first had to develop microbiological skills. I did a lot of research and in science it is great to be a good experimentalist and also be good at the theoretical side. I am adept at both but particularly the experimental side. I just love that part( the excitement of demonstrating something for the first time).I was in luck there was a visiting scientist from the UK, a microbiologist, I would watch what he did especially sterilization by filtration and when he was not around carry out the procedure. I ended up isolating and classifying the required organisms. To test whether the organism would work( I knew that they would work) I gave samples to a diploma student who was doing a project on food fermentation. When I told Sammy that I had isolated and classified the organisms, he wanted to know how I knew that I had the right stuff. I said nothing to him: but I said to myself that I had done the master’s program with him, and he had enough confidence in me that I got it and how come now he was questioning my technical capabilities .Apparently he thought that I couldn’t do it because he couldn’t. As a result some envy developed.

  34. @Hal

    from certain quarters Dr Lucas is a difficult person to work with

  35. @ Robert

    If it helps, it is a regular feature of British academic, political and media life also. This is the flaw in peer review publications. By the way, has any of the media organisations called you for an opinion on how micro-biology could contribute to policy on the coronavirus?
    I have long formed the view our media are just propaganda sheets. They just do not understand journalism. They think repeating the same views from the same people is good journalism.

  36. Why is the reporter interviewing visitors and standing 2 feet away. No social distancing or he thing 2 feet is 2 metres ?

  37. @ Greene March 21, 2020 4:28 PM

    I do not tolerate political lackeys telling how to do my job or blacks hiring persons and then trying to f–k them up. From that aspect I am difficult. I also am not a mixer I don’t want to be part of the crowd who go to cocktail parties and stab people in their backs. if that is being difficult then I am difficult. I am proud as hell being me. You must have heard the song “I did it my way” ? that is me..

  38. @ Greene

    People hate confidence. I know. Don’t compromise on your knowledge, however unpopular it makes you. Life is too short.

  39. @ Hal March 21, 2020 4:37 PM

    I am not interested in the media getting my take on any thing. I have written enough in the press to no avail and I am a retired these days. What GP was alluding to about his lecturers is common. Graduate students who act the toady get the posts at University

  40. Dr. Lucas,

    Still, you are posting here. Maybe somebody will do the smart thing and pick your brain further.

    In the meantime, do you know what is the best variety of lettuce I can grow in Barbados and also in a pot?

  41. @Hal

    on the face of it what Dr Lucas states in this forum when it comes to agriculture and food science seem to be sound. i made certain inquiries to those who should know regarding his seeming absence in these fields and that is what they tell me. they say it is quite evident he knows his stuff but…

    personally speaking in times like these all hands on deck

  42. Silly WomanMarch 21, 2020 1:49 PM

    @Grenville “Therefore, spray disinfectant on the bottom of your shoes before entering your house.”

    My response: I am not sure why we insist on wearing our shoes inside of the house. I mean do we really believe that someone will steal our well worn shoes if we leave them on a sheltered doorstep?

    You expect my son to leave his Jordans and me to leave my Jimmy Choos on the step?????? And who says they are well-worn????? Got too many to wear them often.

    But seriously, I had a nightly visitor in the form of a neighbour’s dog. Many a shoe was found discarded a short distance away. Luckily, the fun seemed to be more in the theft than in the chewing and so they survived unscathed.

  43. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Bajan in NY
    The shortage of testing kits is not a technological problem or even a logistical or economic problem; it is purely a failure of policy. In the USA it is because you elected a completely moronic nincompoop to highest office. There are good people in the loop like Dr Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but he is reduced to covering his face and shaking his head whenever Trump opens his mouth.

    In Barbados it is because while we have a reasonably astute PM, she is being given bad advice be well meaning people who think that their MD gives them an exemption from keeping up with current research. Most of the research indicating that mass testing is the most effective current policy has only been published within the past couple of weeks, while the PM’s medical advisors seem to be relying on what they learned in medical school 20 years ago. It’s a pity.

  44. Gyms in Barbados are closed, has Mia told the people why they have moved to Stage 2 or is that a secret

    “The number of people to test positive for coronavirus in the UK went up by more than 1000 in 24 hours to 5,018.

    The Department of Health said that a total of 72,818 people have been tested, with 67,800 negative results.

    It came as the number of people across the country who have died after testing positive for Covid-19 reached 233, with a 41-year-old patient thought to be the youngest victim in the UK since the outbreak began.

    All 53 whose deaths were announced in England on Saturday had underlying health conditions and the eldest was 94, NHS England said.”

  45. “But seriously, I had a nightly visitor in the form of a neighbour’s dog. Many a shoe was found discarded a short distance away. ”

    And that’s why people bring their shoes inside.

    Had a pitbull once who dined on a guest’s 1K pound snakeskin shoe or such nonsense, because he left the shoes on my doorstep, i still laugh at that one. and it;s been over 20 years.

  46. @ Donna March 21, 2020 5:01 PM

    I have lost touch with lettuce production. You have a very erudite and resource person in Silly Woman. She knows her stuff.Check with her, she is more up to date on this .

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