It is approaching two years since Mia  Mottley and the Barbados Labour Party were swept into government in unprecedented manner 30-0  – the question forming on the lips of some – do we have political leaders/parties in waiting to rival Mia Mottley and the Barbados Labour party?

A strong democratic systems demands a robust dissenting view.

The Mottley government has aggressively implemented an austerity program  AND had a few bad implementations.

240 responses to “If Not Mia Mottley, Who?”

  1. Wow desperate times means desperate measures
    My oh my the blp campaign is in full swing
    Here we go one address to the nation
    A full blown campaign speech at River Bay
    Two blp campaign meetings last night in CH CH
    And now a poll
    My slogan for the next election
    Anybody but Mia

  2. What we would like is for Black bajans and the koolaid drinkers to stop allowing themselves to be PLAYED by lying government ministers/plotiticians/lawyers…

    ..i realised the spelling error but then realized it suited the sentence perfectly…

    This one accused David Thimpson of corruption….she is godmother to his children..

    She accused Sinckler of corruption….she is godmother to at least one of his children..

    She accused Hal Godhorse….they are all part of the fraternal criminal syndicate together..

    She accused Fruendel….part of the same criminal syndicate…

    Since all the accusations of corruption and false promises to lock up…ore election and the WAVING AROUND OF THE RED BAG OF EVIDENCE….did ya see her touching any of them….she won’t dare touch a member of the same criminal syndicate…since election all ya been getting from Dale Whistleblower….is excuse after excuse about why they cant arrest the thieves, why they can’t address corruption and that was in between trying their best to legislate corruption and bribery into LAW…

    In case most don’t know…..they were all involved in the scam to disappear the 4 seasons property and scam into Bjerkams and Tempro offshore scam company and that is exactly what they did…and she and everyone else except koolaid drinkers and unaware Bajans know this..

    WAKE UP BARBADOS … are being PLAYED AGAIN…this time you will lose….MUCH, MUCH MORE.

  3. “A full blown campaign speech at River Bay….”


    Weren’t you in attendance at River Bay to enjoy the free food and drinks, while listening to the campaign speech?

  4. Democracy means implementation of the will of the people by parliament and the prime minister. An opposition to this is not essential for a democracy.

    The Barbadian people wanted a unity government. The people got this unity government. The people wanted to vote out the DLP. The people did this.

    All contributions to BU, which deplore democratic deficits, come from the DLP’s swamp. To put it quite clearly: the DLP has no customary right to seats in parliament. It is already a mockery of the will of the people that the GG has appointed DLP-related figures as senators, since the DLP represents the racist apartheid state, in which the blue upper class has allied itself with some shadow masters against the masses.

    So when we talk about the enemies of democracy, we should not talk about our Most Honourable Prime Minister and the BLP, but about certain other persons.

    The 30:0 was a democratic revolution. This event delegitimized all the people the Stuart government had appointed nationally. It is therefore time to appoint many public officers differently. I am thinking here first and foremost of the positions of the GG, the DPP, the COP and the CJ. All of them should resign voluntarily and no longer disregard the will of the people. Anyone who goes against the will of the people goes against democracy.

    Mia Mottley is the embodiment of the will of the people and therefore ruler, legislator, justice and executor in one person.

  5. Look…àlyuh want some designer handcuffs stamped with the acronym DBLP alyuh love shite acroynms so it will be well suited……long lasting and never to be removed…we know about ya crimes in Florida…and yall know well Enuff….that i am not speaking only about Money Launder’s Inc. …which is more than bad Enuff…but alyuh just had to go and outdo ya own selves in other people’s jurisdictions….

    Ah here hoping fowl Enuff is involved in this one too…ah too want to see her wicked backside reeled in….

  6. Atherley called it right in his response to Mia address “desperation”
    Who would have thought that 18mths after govt was given a 30-0 mandate a rush to pick up lost ground would be hastened

  7. So having said that…ah wonder how many of these VERY DANGEROUS small island criminals even remember William Richey, deceased..

  8. Salemite

  9. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    This article is a bit too previous. I think the citizens are in party political fatigue.The last Election is only18 months old. Please give us a break. I hope you are not the person setting the Agenda for Mia and the Barbados Labour Party.

    We are about good effective management of this nation not zero sum games.

  10. Amm .the blp see that the numbers have dropped dramatically
    Listen to the BWU message trickle down economics not working for the poor
    The social basket is bigger and people are asking for more help
    Hey but what is the big deal
    Hold strain

  11. Hi Fowl…how ya doing today? Hope your year has started just as ya deserve.

    Vincent…the citizens will now be appraised of what REALLY HAPPENS when their ministers and lawyers, crooked money laundering minorities and their bagmen think it’s a good idea to SET UP EVERYBODY….not only to cover up but to continue their criminal activitues undisturbed.

  12. If not Mia who
    My question therefore ask
    Who will find a solution to the crime
    Barbados recorded its first murder for 2020

  13. @Vincent

    The article is too previous in your opinion.

    In other developed jurisdictions the media sponsors daily polls on popularity of political leaders etc as a means of testing citizen feedback on a myriad of matters in real time. The feedback if used constructively informs good tactical plans.

    In Barbados the same people who are criticizing this unscientific poll have no problem posting comments that we need a third party, Mia is this, Mia is that, we are trapped in a duopoly bla bla bla.

    Here is the thing, at the moment Mia strides the political landscape like a colossus and this is the point. Some will say in the land of the blind the one eye man is king.

    Address the vacuum of political leadership that now exist in Barbados and what will have to change by our actions to ensure quality political leadership rises to the fore. Here is the thing, it does not matter how the blogmaster frames a blog- what matters is the quality of content in discussion that it generates. It is time some of us leave the immature banter at the door.

  14. David

  15. @enuff

    Just to show the immaturity check the results of the poll so far.

  16. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    One of the prime responsibilities of any organizational leader is effective succession planning. The leaders of the various BDLP have been stunningly incompetent at this most seminal task, preferring to cultivate their parties either as a nest of competitive vipers or as a flock of obeisant sheep. Ms. Mottley seems to have chosen the latter model.

  17. All they want are slaves who cannot think for themselves and who will never see what they are really doing, Barbados has a never ending number and supply of those, no upliftment of the people…ONLY LIFTING their properties and money…while fools talk about B and D…

    why do you think they keep them undereducated, mindless yardfowls, dependent on everyone else, never independent..and they still brought back that nonprogressive style of governance in 2020, the 21st century, because they were so sure they would get away with it again..

    more fool them, the only get away for them is if they jump on their fellow thieves private jets and run off to a non extraditing country..

  18. And Grenville Phillips better don’t antagonize or piss me off with any of his usual crap either, knowing what i know now, because am quite sure he does not want to answer any of my questions innocent as they may seem.

    they are a bunch of frauds who believe they have everyone fooled…and can stroll into the parliament with their useless selves and continue wihere the others left off.

  19. @Peter

    This is a good point.

    Many have shared the view on this forum that if Mia goes MIA the BLP will fall flat given she has a relatively weak team. We have to do better.

  20. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “…she has a relatively weak team.”
    I do not agree. The few cabinet members that I know well enough to pass judgement on are all smart and capable people.

    The problem is not the individuals, it is the culture. This rot in the culture extends far beyond political parties; it cripples businesses, educational institutions, and damages the society as a whole.

    It is that we are still mentally on the plantation. We refuse to think productively for ourselves and instead crave a strong leader that we can follow mindlessly. Then we complain when things don’t turn out as we had hoped or were promised, instead of figuring out what to to do about the problem ourselves.

    Until we evolve a more capable Bajan culture we are spinning top in mud.

  21. @Peter

    There is individual competence then there is the dynamic how same individuals operate in team government to assure best results.

  22. William Skinner Avatar

    @ PLT

    The country suffers from the maximum leader syndrome.

  23. it is that we are still mentally on the plantation. We refuse to think productively for ourselves and instead crave a strong leader that we can follow mindlessly. ”

    the leaders are the problem PLT…THEIR TUNNEL VISION is all about themselves, the people are only handy to be used for voting, yardfowl and other nefarious purposes, but not to uplift the population…that was never the plan from the 1940s…ALL OF THEM HAVE TO GO..

  24. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    David these continuous spot polls are intended to generate vacuous results in order to produce more vacuous debate stuff…it’s the rythm of current political and media life.

    I didn’t interpret @Vincent’s remark as a knock on your poll per se but rather the idea that such a poll really offers anything meaningful to current Bajan political debate.

    But we are at this place where as you say “[i]n other developed jurisdictions the media sponsors daily polls on popularity of political leaders etc” so merrily we press on.

    I presume we learned from the poll that cited Barack Obama and this POTUS as “The Most Admired” that we have VERY different interpretations of what admire means.

    So after her demolition of her internal BLP critics, leading her party to an overwhelmingly stunning victory and then the reshaping of the local governance in her guise to place her in the exalted space of all roads lead to Mia I presume such a poll could give us feedback to inform good tactical plans.

    It is difficult to grasp what real and insightful tactics could be formulated based on such a popularity coin toss, however…. particularly considering that the PM has confronted all forms of strategic attack from a more defined analysis and repulsed them all !

    But it’s great grist for blogs and other media, fah sure!

  25. @Dee Word

    A reasonable view, however, this is a ‘soft’ issue where pros and cons are on offer.

  26. from 50 % now 47.5% don’t look like 30-0 again,now 45.25%

  27. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @PLT, have to agree with your 12:15…not sure why men and women who have been individually competent over their years are all of a sudden lacking competency now.

    @David, what exactly does this mean and should be interpreted : “There is individual competence then there is the dynamic how same individuals operate in team government to assure best results.”

    Competence in sum, means you have the ability to assimilate the work, break it down and then effectively strategize solutions to achieve maximum results. Within a government dynamic you then have to be able to do all that and manage the often opposing political friendly forces from your own team (not the OPPOSITION) .

    She is an all powerful, micromanaging PM so why it is so easily accepted that in effect so goes Mia, so goes the governance of her team… to suggest her team is deficient rather than not able to work unencumbered from her whims.

    For the lady that Arthur did not see as the right leader for the party its rather impressive that she is now the alpha and omega of the BLP according to the assessments of those who offer that “if Mia goes the BLP will fall”.

    George Payne would laugh at that statement as he surely believes he could lead the party successfully, Marshall certainly could as well and despite his somewhat more ‘subdued’ personality so too could Hinkson.

    So she ALONE catapulted the BLP to 30 seats!

    Yes @Skinner, all hail the maximum leader…Xi, Trump, Putin, Erdoğan… and now Mottley!

  28. @Dee Word

    Have to respectfully disagree. A big problem we have is that we have so-called competent people in chosen profession/vocation but it is not seen when they have to operate in a team setup, especially in the political area where same ‘competents’ are happy to yield to the party whip and prevailing culture.

  29. I was censoring myself on these Mia’s postings, but let me interrupt the conversation for once,

    The Big 30-0 lie (explained)]

    a,This impressive 30-0 was done with only 60% of the electorate voting (40% staying at home).
    b, Of these voters 74% voted for the BLP which means this impressive 30-0 was done with only 44% of the electorate voting for Mia
    c. The 40% not voting is almost the same as the percentage that voted for the BLP b(44%)
    d. There were two constituencies that were won with less than 500 votes. Could have easily been 28-2.

    According to BFP, Mia cannot break away from this minority (< 50^%); this should be of concern to Mia and her Cohorts

    If one look at the major screw-ups, the Keystone cops approach to resopving issues, and the propensity for corruption. it becomes clear that whilst the 30-0 victory is being TRUMPeted, the underlying statistics have them unable to sleep. The lack of ideas and the fear of being one-timers is why the corruption continues.

  30. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “… the leaders are the problem PLT…THEIR TUNNEL VISION is all about themselves.”
    But WHY is their tunnel vision all about themselves…? ALL of the leaders all of the time…? It’s not bad luck. It’s not something in the water.

    It’s the plantation culture.

  31. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “… there is the dynamic how same individuals operate in team government…”
    I think that there is a name for the dynamic of how individuals operate as part of a team or other group. What’s it called again??

    Ahh yes… CULTURE.

    It’s the plantation culture.

  32. “But WHY is their tunnel vision all about themselves…? ALL of the leaders all of the time…? It’s not bad luck. It’s not something in the water.

    It’s the plantation culture.”

    and it’s also a very well organized CRIMINAL SYNDICATE…created in the 1940s, has EVOLVED and spread throughout the western hemisphere, that we know about SO FAR…they are organized and BOLD Enuff…to remove billions of dollars from the Barbados economy tens of millions at a time…and that is no joke, all the evidence is there to back it u.

    they have gotten so arrogant and uppity over the decades, they no longer care what the people who elect them think, they know the people are helpless to stop them anyway, so they just continue the charade of blaming each other and revolving in and out of the parliament merrily continuing their racketereering, GRAND THEFTS and criminality…against the same population who elect them…..the plantation culture is still a very useful WEAPON against the black population, especially when they have a gang of minorities to help them continue the crimes against the people and who do not have to worry about going to jail for any crimes they commit on the island, no matter how heinous….they are protected by the criminal syndicate.

    believe it or not, all this is compliments of both negro governments who will not stop until someone stops them.

  33. and it’s also a very well organized CRIMINAL SYNDICATE…created in the 1940s, has EVOLVED and spread throughout the western hemisphere, that we know about SO FAR…they are organized and BOLD Enuff…to remove billions of dollars from the Barbados economy tens of millions at a time and march it off to US and here and there…and that is no joke, all the evidence is there to back it up.

  34. How many of you planting a tree ?

  35. PLT…the thing about their criminal syndicate…they DARE NOT come out and deny any of it, they know well Enuff what will happen if they do…their best bet is just to let things play out…it is possibly in their best interest to do so.

  36. @ peterlawrencethompson January 5, 2020 1:40 PM: “It’s the plantation culture.”

    Your remark hits the spot in a way. After emancipation, the masses hated physical labor. After independence, the masses went to university and then to the civil service. They neglected self-dependent entrepreneurship and also agriculture and crafts. But we do not need more lazy civil servants and greedy lawyers, but a mixture of farmers, craftsmen and academics. Today’s conditions (the masses as politicians and civil servants in the bloated bureaucracy, the minority as businessmen) are the result of a deliberate decision to neglect entrepreneurship (construction, farming etc.) and to go for “prestigious” jobs.

    The Barbadians today are incapable of training craftsmen for high-quality jobs, producing furniture themselves and nationalising the food industry. Why do we import water from plastic bottles from abroad? Why do we buy plastic furniture when we have enough tropical wood in Barbados? Why doesn’t the government promote free enterprise instead of always training new servants for the civil service?

    Until politicians and school teachers in Barbados clearly acknowledge the value of physical labour, the madness will continue that Barbados is neglecting manufacturing industry and agriculture. We need a culture that sees hard, self-determined work not as punishment but as personal gain.

    If there is no fundamental rethinking here, the local education system will give birth to a second monster that does not know how to use decimals. But Barbados will not get a second chance to survive a Minister of Finance who – because of his serious intellectual deficits – should rather be a car park attendant than a minister.

  37. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    …but @David, is that not ALWAYS true of ALL team dynamics re “… A big problem we have is that we have so-called competent people in chosen profession/vocation but it is not seen when they have to operate in a team setup”

    That’s the crux of team work: the ability to blend the talents effectively for the success of the TEAM. I love watching Messi play but as brilliant as he is unless he works cohesively with Suarez and then terStegen et al play their part then Messi’s personal tally of six Ballon d’Or are meaningless for that group…. and for all the superior skills of the others unless the team manager can create harmony and proper cohesion then success is doomed.

    We know this…. so I don’t get how you disagree that Mia’s alleged micromanagement style (must cause some dissension) or that the ability to properly manage the ‘cohesiveness’ of the civil service, tugs from NGO etc would not badly hamper the government’s effectiveness.

    I recall fellows like Hinkson, Bostic, Marshall, Toppin and many of that age crew from early days. From the various interactions they were all very competent folks. I would have little concerns of for example Col Bostic handling ANY ministry effectively and competently but do you perceive that he can effect the same top down discipline he did in his posts in BDF!

    Just making the point that it’s NOT always about incompetence…in fact that has nothing to do with the problem very often!

    Ask the guys in DC or the House of Commons how unhappy they often are “to yield to the party whip and prevailing culture”….but if you are in elective politics one assumes you want to stay there and advance so how can you repeatedly buck the “culture” and remain!

    It’s a sweet sounding flow of words but not political reality anywhere!

  38. @Tron

    A reason comment- missing is where does the catalyst for the transformation come from? Where does the power reside? If that power is not being constructively exercised- why?

  39. @Dee Word

    The team is measured by results- in this case we have a team responsible for business units/profit and centers to benefit the whole. Think macro.

  40. @ David January 5, 2020 2:36 PM

    A currency devaluation could be such a catalyst. The current exchange rate is a disaster. It has destroyed our local industry (crafts, food, boats, etc.). If the academics with their operetta jobs could buy less consumer goods and exports would be more competitive again, Barbados would be much further along. However, as long as we maintain this unfortunate exchange rate of 1:2, no business will operate on the island except for the offshore financial industry and tourism.

  41. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    I would like to point out to you that the poll being conducted of BU readers says nothing meaningful.
    The respondents are not representative of the Electors. It is skewed towards a section of the population with particular biases.

    When you add the yesses , I do not know and the others what conclusion do you draw?

    What about those who have not participated in the poll?
    A characteristic of the average Bajan is that he says nothing when he detects a particular framing of the question.; but he votes never the less.
    We are then surprised by the outcome. Culture is important. We are not the developed countries that rely on polls to make decisions. We are not afraid to take a stand. Know your people.

  42. But how does one stop the stealing and RACKETEERING and other vicious crimes coming out of bar association, parliament, the supreme court and the minority business people, don’t forget a whole yacht was caught with drugs and it went from one story to the next…when many know what really happened.

    …all the long talk does not change the fact that the decades of corruption has peaked and now the only way is DOWN…

    if something is not done about the above and all the players involved…NOTHING CHANGES.

  43. @Vincent

    Do you see value in collecting and collating qualitative data?

  44. @Tron

    Do we have case studies to support that fiscal gymnastics can be as impactful as proposed by you?

  45. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Tron
    There is nothing unfortunate about the Barbados exchange rate. Your belief that a devaluation of the BBD would result in your stated outcome is not supported by logic nor empirical evidence. It is the regurgitation of an old theory based on a particular economic structure. That structure no longer exists and therefore renders that model inappropriate.

    We have flogged this issue to death. This is not the time to experiment.

  46. My view of Queen Mia, from long distance overseas abroad, is that she did what VERY other politician does – tell the gullible public what they want to hear – EVERY FOUR YEARS – and then after they are elected they ignore the smelly masses until election time again.

    Queen Mia told the public she would give them transparency and accountability. If she was doing so I would give her full credit, but she has been neither as far as I can see. I am an aviation man, and she has been a locked door as far as LIAT is concerned. Instead of finding competent alternative opinions, she went back to the same feckin areshole losers flushing LIAT down the sewer, not once but THREE TIMES, for their rotten, uninformed, incompetent politically appointed opinion which sewer to flush it down next.

    LIAT could have been paying IN to the shareholder Treasuries for four decades, but no, politicians rule the roost, there will be no professionals doing aviation properly on their watch. What does Mark Maloney know about airlines? Has he even learned to fly a Cessna at the Flying Club? No he is politically appointed so he has keep pouring concrete over the rebar in LIAT so it stays exactly where and how it is. I hope Gaston makes the right changes, but I am not holding my breath.

    Queen Mia is Prime Minister. Like all politicians she thinks she knows everything and needs NO help, so God help us all.

  47. they are protected by the criminal syndicate.

    and in case some of you forgotten, they gave these same criminal minorities a contract and nearly I BILLION DOLLARS to build prisons FOR BLACK PEOPLE ONLY on the island..

    why do you think Herbert knows well Enuff he was never going to see the inside of that same prison…even if he had a ton of cocaine instead of that contrived after the fact amount..

    that is why neither B nor DLP nor vice versa can touch each other…someone else has to touch BOTH OF THEM.

  48. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “A currency devaluation could be such a catalyst.”
    A currency devaluation will do nothing to change the culture. Such fiscal gymnastics are like putting a sticking plaster on a cutlass slash that goes down to the bone.

    In order for Barbados to prosper we need to produce goods and services that global communities wish to buy while at the same time producing goods and services that our local neighbors prefer to buy instead of imported ones.

    The only way to achieve those related goals is to engineer a revolution in productivity and innovation.

    More hotels will not do it; yard fowl behaviour will not do it; blaming our problems on others will not do it.

  49. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    Your poll cannot be described as qualitative data. Polls to be meaningful must be of a representative sample of the population. Your respondents are not representative . It therefore yields no reliable useful information about how the rest of Barbados will vote.

  50. @Vincent

    The poll is representative of opinions held by the BU family- over the years these opinions have fairly channeled outcomes in the national front. As always we can agree to disagree.

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