Submitted by Grenville Phillips II, Leader of Solutions Barbados

Solutions Barbados is disappointed with the Ministry of Education’s weak response, to the warnings from Charlie Spice of the Adult Industry Association.

Mr Spice noted that over the past three years, there have been countless child pornography videos of Barbadian school children circulating via smart phones.  He noted that child prostitution was growing exponentially across Barbados, and that Barbados was on course to become the country with the highest rate of under-age sex in schools.

Solutions Barbados predicted a similar trend over two years ago, when the former Minister of Education allowed our students to have smart phones in schools, without the critical pornography filters.  We have repeatedly warned of the obvious harmful consequences, since it was foreseen that children will try to mimic what they repeatedly watch.  Solutions Barbados urges the BLP administration to consider the following solutions.

First, install pornography filters on all wireless routers at schools, resource centres, and anywhere where free WiFi is offered by Government.  Second, install a password-protected pornography filter on every student’s cell phone when they enter the school.  Third, start charging adults who have sex with our children.  The cost to Government to implement each of these initiatives is $0.00.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados.  He can be reached at

138 responses to “Sex in Schools”

  1. So what else is new Mr Phillips? When you stop them from having sex in schools, they will go elsewhere and do the same thing all over again. As long as the technology is out there, you are spinning a top in mud. I know you mean well but people don’t care anymore.

  2. Where are the statistics, or is this just self-serving? Teenage pregnancies? STIs? Abortions?

  3. Hal Austin
    October 11, 2019 8:22 AM

    Where are the statistics, or is this just self-serving? Teenage pregnancies? STIs? Abortions?


    Since we mimic America the American abortion stats should give you an idea!!

    Maybe Grenville is on to something!!

  4. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    As usual ,a very timely warning to the Nation of Barbados . These are the downsides of the new Information Technology Era. Information spreads more widely and with less censorship. The “sins”were always there. The good news is that we are alerted earlier and we know the nature and the vehicle. We need to counteract it. And we can with a little effort.
    Thanks GPII.

  5. @Vincent

    It seems some think we should surrender and others want the evidence. It is a strange world after all.

  6. Have cell phone will travel

    I am confused about the gist of this column; Is the writer concerned about cell phones in schools or is he disturbed about students using cell phones to have a digital record of their sexual behavior in schools or is he alarmed about adults having sex with children?
    Seems he is all over the place and just wants to get something off his chest.

    I suggest a more structured column where people can debate the issues rather than a rant masquerading as an informed column.

  7. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu

    Parents ,older siblings and adults have a responsibility to guide the young. What is secretive always challenges the young and curious. The young for the most part need guidance.

  8. As youngsters we peeped at Playboy and similar magazines for example. The imagery is now being amplified by the use of ubiquitous technology. Is the level of parental guidance available in todays society adequate given the ingredient of technology to the mix?

  9. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ Vincent there I little doubt that “we” have bee alerted early and if u want to give Phillips props on that then NP.

    In more practical terms however it’s distressing that our local authorities continue to pay such disregard to this grave problem.

    The school sex issue was known but the phone recording devices now make it an explosively dangerous issue and as Phillips recognizes it can have very, very bad consequences for those youth involved…. for the adult predators it MUST have legal consequences … that’s long overdue.

  10. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Sergeant

    I think GP is concerned about the use of ICT in spreading pornographic material to under-aged school children. The BU household knows that there were always discussions on sex and some distribution of pornographic material in schools. There is nothing new about that. Sex is a fact of life.

  11. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, Playboy eh…you’ll not admit to the other more raunchy titles will you 😂 LOL!

    But re parental guidance/protection…. Difficult tho it may be it’s absolutely possible for a strong parent to “GUIDE” a child in the face of all this stuff.

    One cannot stupidly expect to prevent their exposure so the key is guidance to navigate the perils and act sensibly.

    @Sargeant, that was an interesting post.

    Phillips wrote a brief “rant” and is it not left to any and all commenters to flesh out the issues if we so choose to debate his rants…

  12. @DPD
    Phillips wrote a brief “rant” and is it not left to any and all commenters to flesh out the issues if we so choose to debate his rants…

    If you don’t know where you are going any road will take you there………

  13. Dear All:

    We write a weekly article, which is published across social media – including here on BU. The print, radio and TV media do not carry them. Their excuse is that they are too long, since all ‘letters to the editor’ must be less than 300 words to even be considered.

    In response, we also prepare under 300-word press releases, identifying a topical issue and briefly explaining a workable solution. To give them no excuse, we try to make them under 200 words. That is not a rant.

    They must now find another excuse for ignoring Solutions Barbados.

  14. RE If you don’t know where you are going any road will take you there………


  15. @ nextparty246 October 11, 2019 10:12 AM

    We thought you would have been a bit more controversially ‘reformative’ and call for a return to single-sex education at the secondary school level when the war of hormones are raging and racing at their fastest.

    It would be interesting if the scenario of sexual exhibitionism and rites of passage affirmation occurs at the remaining single sex secondary institutions like SMSS.

    If the cause or bête noir of this so-called recent trend towards sexually explicit behaviour among the youth lies at the easily-accessible feet of modern communications technology can it be assumed that similar ‘sexting’ and photo sharing opportunities via the Internet also prevail in those privately-managed secondary schools catering to a specific group of children; the progeny of those who pride themselves as being among the crème de la crème of the economic ‘lily-white’ milk jug?

  16. When I taught at the ——- School in the 1980’s two pupils were caught engaging in the sexual act in the wood-work building by the wood-work teacher. it was Speech Day at the school and the teacher left the proceeding to check on some thing. He was a Seven Days’ Adventist( that may have had a bearing on his reactions) and was incensed more by the position they were in than the actual sex itself. He kept complaining about the position so much so that we wanted to know if he had never experienced it. So pupils having sex at school is nothing new. it may also explain in part why boys are not doing as well as girls( girls tend to be more focused) for the most part.

  17. “So pupils having sex at school is nothing new. it may also explain in part why boys are not doing as well as girls( girls tend to be more focused) for the most part.”

    Focussed on what – the sexual activity and if so are you suggesting that this focus is responsible for girls performing better than boys.

  18. @ charles skeete October 11, 2019 11:57 AM

    Biology will ‘trump’ the constrining curbs of the moral reins of Religion any day in a gender-mixed environment.

    Post puberty females are ‘controlled’ by two to ‘balance’ (no pun intended to your forerunner).

    Males develop later at the puberty phase of life and are ruled by one (single-focused) hormone called testoster[one].

  19. @ Dr Lucas – “ two pupils were caught engaging in the sexual act in the wood-work building by the wood-work teacher”.

    The young man obviously had a passion for ‘wood work’ and was willing to sacrifice the excitement of Speech Day in order to practice for what could become a lucrative career in the tourism industry. I must admit however, that I am surprised that a Seven Days Adventist believer was the teacher of choice for this specific subject. One never knows.

  20. @ Fear Play October 11, 2019 2:09 PM

    The wood-work teacher died. He was very good at his job I must say. A very quiet fellow.He kept up a constant chatter about position. makes one wonder doesn’t it?

  21. Let’s return to single sex schools. We must not allow ideology to over-rule common sense.

  22. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Single sex schools one can only presume will solve the issue of sex in wood work room or in the library or in the language labs or wherever on school grounds two sexually charged youth can secrete themselves … but does it resolve the fundamentals of life: males and females must compete and ALSO often partner closely and most IMPORTANTANTLY be still able to interact without being sexually ‘over’ stimulated!

    Should the debate of single sex schools not be replaced with one on how to ensure better guidance and mental development of the youth to ‘prevent’ these school room misadventures!

    … or is that impossible so we have to hark back to a previous model because we as adults are failing this generation!

    Just asking.

  23. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Doc Lucas, good heavens the thrust of your story is that ‘position’!

    I am apparently the only prurient minded person here it seems so I’ll ask: what was the so surprising position that raised the temperature of the teacher…
    … afterall, you told us about the man’s religion (intimating a journey down another rabbit hole where I will not follow) but I am intrigued (well just malicious really) on the positioning of the youth!

    A very brief answer will suffice…like backyard, or ‘a Lewinsky’ or something so.

    No need to get too graphic for the decent folks on the blog who have absolutely no interest in this query.

    Oh @David the Blogmaster, re your earlier Playboy remark…let me also (admit) note carefully that I read one of the most absolutely interesting, captivating and well written/detailed (up to that time) ARTICLES in that publication back circa 1980s or thereabouts: a profile of G. Gordon Liddy (Watergate infamy).

    Reading how he used to blow up frogs as a boy and how he used his access as an agent to do a detailed background check on the woman he eventually married was a serious opening salvo of the nefarious and quite self serving ways of the privileged folks who worked in the Intel community (broadly speaking)…

    ..what they call the ‘Deep State’ these days.

    Just saying bro…it really was an excellent publication…well of course the advertising was not bad either!

  24. @ de pedantic Dribbler October 11, 2019 5:17 PM

    Le chien.

  25. @ de pedantic Dribbler

    It seemed that he had never experienced it that way.

  26. @ de pedantic Dribbler

    He was married so I leave you to conclude whatever you want to conclude.

  27. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    I wonder why dpD and Robert Lucas are spending so much time down these rabbit holes. You seemed as intrigued as the Africans were about the Missionary Position in the 16 th century.

    Back to the topic. Parental guidance and supervision will be quite adequate. We all came through the sexual Middle Passage undamaged. Parents usually know how best to deal with these sensitive subjects.

  28. Yes, back to the topic. We came through. Then what did we do.

    We played the lunatic and idiotically placed porn in our childrens hands 24/7/365. We are of all people, the most stupid.

  29. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @DavidOctober 11, 2019 9:14 AM “As youngsters we peeped at Playboy and similar magazines .”

    Speak for yourself David.

    As a youngster i did no such thing.

  30. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @de pedantic DribblerOctober 11, 2019 9:15 AM “for the adult predators it MUST have legal consequences…that’s long overdue.”

    Only sensible comment so far.

  31. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @robert lucasOctober 11, 2019 3:36 PM “He kept up a constant chatter about position. makes one wonder doesn’t it?”

    Are certain sexual positions forbidden by the Seventh Day Adventist church?

    If so why?

    And are such positions also forbidden to long married Seventh Day Adventist couples, or only to naughty school children?

  32. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Hal AustinOctober 11, 2019 3:40 PM “Let’s return to single sex schools.”

    This is not going to fix anything.

    I went to a single sex girls secondary school way back in the 1960’s. A term rarely passed without a girl leaving school because she was pregnant (back then pregnant girls had to leave school) And i have no doubt that abortions were also arranged, and babies born and given in adoption.

    Many of these teen mothers are now elderly respectable matrons, some of them may even be your wives (how would you know if your wife gave birth as a teen, and gave the baby up for adoption?) Some of the teen and university aged boys/men who impregnated the girls are now respectable professional men, some of them may even be you, the “boys” of BU.

    If any of you had impregnated a teenaged girl would you tell the truth?

  33. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @robert lucasOctober 11, 2019 6:45 PM “It seemed that he had never experienced it that way.”

    Was he perhaps a missionary, before he became a woodwork teacher?

  34. (Quote):
    We played the lunatic and idiotically placed porn in our childrens hands 24/7/365. We are of all people, the most stupid. (Unquote).

    At least it has speeded up the job of Onanism!

    Let us call on the government to make the ‘art of taking matters in your hand’ a criminal offence like smoking marijuana and anal sexting.

    You can always put in each ‘juvenile’ person’s phone a surveillance masturbating monitoring chip to keep an eye on potential offenders “24/7/365”.

    Where are the god Shu and goddess Tefnut when young people need them the most?

    “Youth is wasted on the young.” ~GBS

  35. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Vincent, rappelling down that rabbit hole of youth at school doing unwise things as going ‘off topic’?

    It was a bit risque I admit but the topic is ‘sexual behaviour at schools’ which that was/is!

    2.I am not getting the point re: “We all came through the sexual Middle Passage undamaged.”

    Please clarify.

    And @Doc Lucas I conclude no more than you offered: likely his experiences were not as extensive as that of his fellow teachers (based on y’all incredulity) and surely not that of some of his students.

    From the serious to half serious to the seriously joking.

    So @Simple, if I may mimic @Austin: are u even suggesting that the incidence of school girls pregnancies is greater ( or lesser) today that your 60’s era?

    Where are your stats for that either way to verify…and/or are you suggesting that pregnancy (sexual activity) as a key reason to reintroduce same sex schools is really a minor irrelevancy as it is superceded by societal norms …evidence please..😂!

  36. @ SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife

    I am not a SDA and to your other question ,I haven’t a clue.

  37. I’m would take any thing Charlie Spice says with a pinch of salt.

  38. More like a pound.

  39. National Statistics
    More than 19 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.
    Black women have a significantly higher abortion rate than Whites and Hispanics.
    36.0% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2014 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.3% of the total population is Black .
    African-Americans are no longer the nation’s largest minority group. Today, Hispanics have outpaced Blacks in population growth.
    For every 1,000 live births, non-Hispanic Black women had 391 abortions. Non-Hispanic White women had 120 abortions per 1,000 live births.

    Michigan Statistics
    Black women had 12,789 of the 25,757 abortions performed on Michigan residents in 2017. (Of the total 26,594 reported abortions in Michigan in 2017, 837 were performed on non-residents and 25,757 were performed on residents).
    While Black women make up only about 14% of Michigan’s female population, they had 50.6% of all abortions reported in the state in 2017.
    96.2% of Black women having abortions are not married.
    Black abortions by age:
    Under 20 — 8.8%
    20-24 — 31.1%
    25-29 — 34.3%
    30-34 — 15.8%
    35 and Older — 10%

  40. @ John

    The president wants to increase the population of Barbados, should she therefore outlaw non-medical abortions and incentivise people to breed? And since humankind is the biggest contributor to global warming, does this contradict her belief in combatting global warming?

  41. HAL

    WHAT IS A non-medical abortion?

    iF THE PRIMEWICKER wants to increase the population of Barbados, should she NOT LEAD BY EXAMPLE AND BREED, OR IS SHE AS THEY SAY IN JAMAICA “a mule” ?

  42. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ John at 8:35 AM

    Did you copy the statistics you quoted from a reliable source? Why will any government department wish to collect this mis- and unuseful information? I think you ought to be more responsible in what you keyboard.

    Moreover we are discussing the Barbados situation.

    @ GP II

    Parents in Barbados have not put pornography in their children’s hands. It is healthy for children to be curious. We as adults need to guide and we need to monitor whom and what they are exposed to. It is those of depraved minds that are exploiting the situation. We need to put them away in prisons and monitor their movements after they finished their terms. They are sex offenders.

  43. @ de pedantic Dribbler October 11, 2019 9:34 PM
    “I am not getting the point re: “We all came through the sexual Middle Passage undamaged.”

    A bit surprised at your ‘rare oversight’ in not being able to read between the lines in VC’s comment written as clear as crystal in Freudian language.

    Don’t babies come into this world (unless you are named, misleadingly, after Caesar) as innocent as Adam was before he was confronted by Ev(e)il?

  44. If the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother, over and above the normal risks, then an intervention may be necessary. A non-medical intervention is, for example, an abortion if the baby will suffer from Down’s Syndrome as in Iceland, or an abortion for social or career purposes..

  45. Most of you are ace at this, but just a reminder guys to be polite and courteous to other members – we want to keep this a welcoming space for everyone. Sometimes you may disagree with another person’s opinion and that’s fine, friendly debate is welcome, but please refrain from using offensive language against them. Personal attacks are not acceptable in this group and we will remove members who take things too far.
    If you feel someone’s post or comment has crossed the line please report the offending material for the admins to deal with. I’ve just removed a post and two members for personal attacks on each other in the thread that followed + it’s not a nice experience for anyone.(Quote)

  46. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Miller, thanks for the clarification(?). Frankly, I thought for one brief moment that was THE “middle passage” being breached but then I said ‘of course not’ …. reason: why even go down that road! Child birth is a “natural” thing and the survival of that passage is really a meaningless discussion point outside serious medical/biological discourse. I don’t see how us surviving child birth can be equated anything else we overcome in life UNLESS we are talking about specific cases.

    Anyhow, as you said I just didn’t “read between” those lines properly.

    Incidentally, you do love your word play… that “…unless you are named, misleadingly, after Caesar” was amusing….a ‘salad’ of puns even! 😂…My weak Sat morn joke starter fah sure.

    Oh @Vincent, are we not onerfull with @John ‘irresponsible’ keyboarding! Beyond the US stats likely being unrelated to Bim the other question is: so what of the stats?

    If you don’t believe in abortion then so be it but to aimlessly cite the high incidence of abortion among Blacks without making some relevant point about an impact is just…well, aimless!

  47. @DpD
    Thank you. I almost went down the rabbit hole after John when I saw the “stats”.

    A happy and wonderful Saturday to all of Barbados

  48. @ GP October 12, 2019 9:19 AM

    GP, how do you explain a “mule” in biological terms?

    Is a mule one of the animals your Yahweh forgot to create in his Garden of Perfection?

    Is the mule a parody of Yahweh’s experiment when he issued the following instruction to himself?
    “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, land crawlers, and beasts of the earth according to their kinds. And it was so.”

    Maybe it’s just Mother Nature’s example of what it means to be Transgender; just built-in ‘reproductive’ redundancy in the human population; or in this case, the equine population.

    Maybe modern doctors schooled in the science of eugenics should try to cross a Noah-descended human with a bonobo chimp to ‘breed’ a new kind of ‘man’ in order to save homo sapiens from pending self-annihilation.

  49. Hal Austin
    October 12, 2019 9:03 AM

    @ John
    The president wants to increase the population of Barbados, should she therefore outlaw non-medical abortions and incentivise people to breed? And since humankind is the biggest contributor to global warming, does this contradict her belief in combatting global warming?


    Doesn’t it make more sense to work on the mindset of these misguided mothers?

  50. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Miller at 10 :20 AM

    Is the mule transgender or neuter? What about the worker honey bee ? Surely these are not mistakes of Nature or of Yahweh?
    But we are drifting away from the perceived “?problem of ?sex in schools “.

    My initial perception is that the incidence is no higher than it was over the past hundred years.

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