The issue of access to beaches by locals continues to be an issue with unwanted frequency. It is officially stated that there are no private beaches in Barbados, however, access is being squeezed by property owners across Barbados utilizing all means necessary.

Here is another example exposed in the following video submitted by Tee White.

173 responses to “Barbados Government Asked to Investigate Heywoods Beach Access”

  1. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Yall noticed how they chucked Weatherhead in front to expose the government…ah could just hear the justification..from a bunch of cowardly black people, sucking on taxpayers……instead of they standing toe to toe with that goddamn BEAST for a PM……,ya will hear..

    “Leh he do it, he white, dey int gine do he nutten….

    You COWARDS…

    and that is a major shame and problem in Barbados…

  2. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Counsel Rests…ya claws are too goddamn short AND dull…..and ya too slow….lol

  3. Can any body tell if the disability monies were restored
    I remember hearing Colin Jordan saying they monies would be restored with immediacy

  4. David
    There was an RFP for lease of the commercial operations of Harrison’s Cave in the newspaper. See Sunday Sun March 3 2019. Also see below from the Nation 29 June 2019.

    Barbados’ premier attraction Harrison’s Cave may be operated by a highly-rated Jamaican tourism company. The Saturday Sun understands that the leading tourism tour adventure company, Chukka, is the favoured tenderer to manage the St Thomas site.

    Minister of Tourism Kerrie Symmonds neither confirmed nor denied the noted Jamaican entity had won the tender but said Cabinet had “reflected on the recommendations and has made a decision (which) is now subject to negotiation with the intended concessionaire, and that negotiation will be done by a college of negotiators led by Anthony Audain QC.”

    Symmonds explained the transaction was being done that way “because there are a number of very sensitive issues which I think have to be dealt with in the fullest glare of transparency”.

    Let the 🐎🐎🐎 bray.

  5. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “College of negotiators”=CROOKS…and more crookery and thefts…so there…

    What college of negotiators what…steuppps..

    And not ONE TAXPAYER…should have to ask….any minister…WHOSE SALARIES THEY PAY.., for any information on the sale or lease of THEIR ASSETS…

    The info should be FORTHCOMING…

  6. Abigail
    You know what convinces me that a lot of the so-called patriots on this blog are frauds, the fact that they encourage and defend, or refuse to call you out. You are a serial peddler of falsehoods. That is defined as dishonest in my books, the same thing you accuse everyone of being. Go take your meds or get a prescription.

  7. Govt buzz word for not being transparent is ” sensitve”
    It took Gaston Browne to reveal that barbados govt had aporoached him on the selling of Liat shares
    It took the Financial Times to exposed the underhand shady agreement between White Oaks and govt
    As of yet the public is not fully aware of agreements Govt made between Ross and Barbados govt
    Also the selling of the lands at Coverly to Mark Maloney
    This is the same govt that when in opposition decry past govt for not being transparent
    As of now the paying of barbados debt to external creditors still remain muzzled in secrecy by govt expect for the few bits and pieces read in the Financial Times
    This govt has shown that a 30-0 victory means they can do whatever they pleases without being transparent

  8. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Ya only vex because ya tried a distraction tactic using Hal as a red herring, it blew up on ya and the whole Caves scam got EXPOSED ANYWAY……ah guess the tears will be REAL when the shitstorm starts RAINING…

    Ya should be cussing Weatherhead…WHO PUT OUT THE VIDEO…it wasn’t me…but ya are AFRAID…ya have no balls…ya coward….

    ah would bet me last dime AND ME MEDICATION…that Weatherhead ALSO GOT SOMETHING ON YALL…

    Crooks off a feather have information ON each other..

  9. Why wasn’t the Caves dealt with under a PPS arrangement? Why wasn’t a company formed where the government held 49% and private entities 51%?

    We are really sending a message to the world that we are unable to do anything for ourselves other than raise taxes and block beach access.

  10. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Why weren’t BLACK BAJANS…encouraged by government….TO BUY UP MAJORITY SHARES IN THE CAVES….so they can SECURE the futures of their children and grandchildren., cause THEY FUND IT WITH TAX DOLLARS anyway…but you wicked thieves dont want that…you dont want to see your people with any SAY or POWER IN Barbados….THIEVES..

    People are looking for the Nation government pimp News article on the Caves with Kerrie…still looking…hope the pimp newspaper didnt disappear the article too soon…..cause normally someone would have posted the article to BU or FB…so send us the article…COUNSEL RESTS…

  11. “It took Gaston Browne to reveal that barbados govt had aporoached him on the selling of Liat shares.”


    To be FAIR, you KNOW your above comment is UNTRUE…….. but, “telling lies” is consistent with your political agenda.

    The Barbados government DID NOT approach Gaston Browne as it relates to selling Barbados shareholdings in LIAT……

    ……. nor did Gaston Browne revealed such information.

    On Thursday, May 2, 2019, at the weekly post Cabinet press meeting, Chief of Staff within the Office of the Prime Minister, Lionel Hurst, revealed the government of Antigua & Barbuda made a bid to purchase all of Barbados’ shareholding in LIAT.

    On Sunday, May 20, 2019, during a programme on his private radio station, “Point FM,” Browne said he received communication from his Barbados counterpart Mia Mottley, indicating that Bridgetown was willing to sell all but 10 per cent of its shares in LIAT.

  12. “Yall noticed how they chucked Weatherhead in front to expose the government…ah could just hear the justification..from a bunch of cowardly black people, sucking on taxpayers……instead of they standing toe to toe with that goddamn BEAST for a PM……,”

    “Ya should be cussing Weatherhead…WHO PUT OUT THE VIDEO…it wasn’t me…but ya are AFRAID…ya have no balls…ya coward….”

    Don’t you believe both of your above comments are a bit misleading?

    Was the video “put out” by Scott Weatherhead (who happens to be white)……… OR the People’s Party for Democracy and Development, of which he is a known member?

    But, Weatherhead mentioned in the video, he is the People’s Party for Democracy and Development’s SPOKESMAN on Tourism and International Transport.

    Then, would any issue relating to Harrison’s Cave fall within his remit?

    Surely you must agree that whoever is appointed as a political party’s spokesperson on tourism & international transport..……. irrespective of gender, race or ethnicity…………

    …………….that individual has an OBLIGATION to speak on issues that fall under his/her “portfolio?”

  13. Artax…i dont give a shit…i see Weatherhead in the video…if it was Caswell… or Atherley…i would NOT BE ABLE TO SAY WHAT I SAID…….my concerns are the ISSUES at hand…not some bullshit about a representative AND a portfolio….and if he was not KNOWN as a shady white…i would say nothing…

    ….in a comment last night i DECLARED….and made it VERY CLEAR…..that i cared NOT for yall SHITEY SLAVE SYSTEM…and SLAVE SOCIETY of pretence….IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN USELESS TO THE BLACK POPULATION..

    Go read it…i posted IT to this SAME BLOG LAST night…so i will never make any apologies for HATING a slave society designed to DISENFRANCHISE the majority..

    Be mindful that i VERY RARELY use the word hate becuse of its strength….this must be the first time i ever used it on BU..

    Try jumping OUTBto deal with the REAL issues instead of with useless shit.


    does any of it SOUND FAMILIAR… those with 15 second attention spans..

    “Kenya’s finance minister has surrendered himself to the police after the chief prosecutor ordered his arrest over allegations of corruption.

    Henry Rotich is accused of flouting procurement procedures in awarding a contract worth over $450m (£405m) for the construction of two dams to the Italian company CMC de Ravenna.

    In March Mr Rotich denied any wrongdoing in a large newspaper advert.

    The company has also denied the accusations.

    Get the latest on this and other stories on BBC Africa Live
    Are Kenyans still scandalised by scandals?
    Kenya unveils biblical strategy to tackle corruption
    Director of public prosecutions Noordin Haji is also investigating how the tender was awarded for $170m more than was in the original contract.

    “It was established that the conception, procurement and payment process for the dam projects were riddled with massive illegalities,” he said.

    He has ordered the arrest of more than 20 other people accused of being involved in the contract, including other top officials and the directors of CMC de Ravenna.

    Earlier this year, local media reported that files from the investigation revealed purchases that didn’t appear to make sense for a dam construction project, including at least $38,000 that had allegedly been spent on bedding.

    Mr Haji told the BBC’s Ferdinand Omondi that “the contracts that were entered into and the loans that were taken were not in the interests of Kenyans but were serving other interests” and “the country has lost quite a bit of money”.

    More than $200m has already been spent on the dam projects – yet the dams do not exist yet”

  15. @enuff

    Thanks, important to put out there that a RFP was published.

    Nothing wrong with a dissenting view but it must be coherent and cogent.

    Criticizing for the sake of it strikes to credibility.

  16. The ISSUES…these are the ISSUES…

    BTW…Counsel Rests…where is the article…still waiting…hope ya did not run back to Morocco, cause this time am sure ya ass will end up in CHAINS…right where ya

  17. And then…it has been said that Weatherhead…IS BLP..just like Atherley..

    that is why it makes SENSE…to DEAL WITH ONLY THE ISSUES AT HAND..

    cause we know how some politicians like to play musical chairs..they jump from one party to the next, depending on which party has access to the most money belonging to TAXPAYERS…

  18. Bajan beauty with a sweet voice

  19. As usual, you adore in misleading the forum….. “making up things just to make things interesting.”

    And when your motives or the FAIRNESS or ACCURACY of your comments are QUESTIONED, you become AGGRESSIVE, ARGUMENTATIVE and go on a tirade to spew insults and pejorative remarks…… and when proven wrong, you “dilly, dally” and change the argument to something totally irrelevant.

    I’m NOT ignoring the issue relative to the sale or leasing of Harrison’s Cave. However, I believe contributors must be FAIR, RATIONAL, REASONABLE and FACTUAL when “discussing” issues, rather than seeking to sensationalize them with “useless bull shit,” as is your wont.


    ………….QUESTIONING what you’re trying to achieve by intentionally misleading the forum, with what you correctly describe as your “useless bullshit,” is, for all intents and purposes, DEALING WITH REAL ISSUES.

    To be FAIR to Weatherhead, he said, in the video, he was speaking as SPOKESMAN on Tourism and International Transport, FOR THE “People’s Party for Democracy and Development,” which is Barbados’ OFFICIAL opposition party.

    Therefore, your PERSONAL thoughts of the man, under these circumstances ARE IRRELEVANT…….whether or not you believe he “is KNOWN as a shady white,”……… he has an OBLIGATION to speak on tourism related matters, including Harrison’s Cave…… which he FULFILLED in the video…… and raised some very interesting points in the process.

    All I’m “saying” is to suggest Weatherhead “put out the video” and Atherley “chucked him (because he is white), in front to expose the government” “from a bunch of cowardly black people,”……. is “making up things just to make things interesting”………

    …….. when it is a KNOWN fact Weatherhead is the official opposition spokesman on tourism related issues.

    If your “concerns are the ISSUES at hand,” then, you should also concern yourself with “discussing” those issues in a MANNER that is FAIR, RATIONAL, REASONABLE and FACTUAL…….

    ………… rather than intentionally LYING to the forum because it makes you feel as though you’re achieving some silly self-perceived objective…..

    ……when the REAL objectives could be OTHERWISE ACHIEVED WITHOUT the “OVER SENSATIONALISM” (i.e. the presentation of an issue in a way that is intended to provoke public interest or excitement, at the EXPENSE of ACCURACY)…………

    ………..but by BEING SIMPLY HONEST to yourself, especially……… and BU.

    Is this too much to ask of you?

  20. David BU

    Why not look at access from opposite where the “Coach House” was located to Heywoods?

    Approaching Lone Star and going towards Speightstown, there are several privately owned beach houses that are completely surrounded by walls attaching each property, which does not have many public access roads to the beach.

    I remember when Michael Pemberton, of Glitter Bay and Royal Pavillion Hotels fame, wanted to build a private beach house in The Garden, St. James. He approached people residing on the beach-side and offered them money and houses and land on the opposite side of the road, in exchange for their beachside properties. Many of them accepted the offer.

    And I was completely surprised to hear Halloute talking about beaches, when he sold the property on which Chefette Holetown was located to a developer who is in the process of building a property to which public access to the beach will also be questionable.

  21. @Artax

    The West coast is a lost cause. It probably explains why the protests against Blue Horizon, Hyatt, vendor at Crane have become increasingly militant to use the word loosely.

  22. Counsel Rests…we are still waiting for the article…president Mia…whom you are no FAN OF…ya said so the last 48 hours..rushed up to Canada and UK to hold elaborate press conference to mamaguy bajans living in the Diaspora…to weasel her way into their bank account…

    so how come there was no press conference for the “lease” of the Caves…so Bajans would KNOW what is going on with THEIR WEALTH…

    ya see the ugly now..

    yall want patriotism in a SLAVE SOCIETY…all of you created…where the BLACK MAJORITY have NO say..NO POWER and NO CONTROL …over their OWN WEALTH…

    ya see the problem now…

    … if the slave minded are afriad to tell yall who is what…..guess what,… I AM NOT SLAVE MINDED…never was…ah was born that way..

  23. David BU

    What about Port St. Charles, for example?

    Several celebrities stay at Port St. Charles and employees signed an “obligation” which prevents them from informing others that those people are staying there…… in the interest of privacy and escaping the media, fans, “paparazzi,” etc.

    I remembered being told by a school mate that works there, of a celebrity who was on the beach “sun bathing.” And security was called to remove media personnel from the beach to prevent them from taking photos of the celeb.

    Since it may be difficult for security or other personnel from knowing who are actually members of the press, surely, “to be on the safe side,” would you expect ordinary Barbadians would be allowed to enter Port St. Charles’ beach?

    Unless things have changed.

  24. @ David,

    Did you view the video I posted at 2:48 pm yesterday ? It is an example of a Bajan beach community.

  25. @Artax

    On a related note if you converse with people at Fort St. Charles and Port Ferdinand they will tell you the decline in the UK market is affecting dollar spend at the two sites.

  26. @Hants

    Have not had the chance, please post it to Diaspora as a reminder.

  27. Artexeres u can come as hard as u want to cover fir this govt who promised transparency
    However the truth of the matter lies in the mant times this govt has not been transparent and the public eyes were only opened after the deals and agreements were signed
    You can also add the IMF agreement to the list of things not forward to the public but only after all was said and done between govt and parties

  28. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Ah wonder if Counsel Rests thinks she can put me in a mental institution before i can get her to ADMIT herself to one…lol…

    Ok…let’s go…

    Yall can only do that CRAP…to the SLAVE MINDED ya hear, because they are the ONLY ONES…vulnerable and UNAWARE ENUFF….to accept such shite..

  29. “Artexeres (Artaxerxes) u can come as hard as u want to cover fir this govt who promised transparency….”

    Mariposa, I’m a bit confused.

    You….Mariposa, ac, Angela Cox/Skeete, Coxable…….. (NOT Mottley, her colleagues……OR me) wrote the following: “It took Gaston Browne to reveal that barbados govt had aporoached (approached) him on the selling of Liat shares.”

    In the INTEREST of FAIRNESS and CLARITY, I responded by presenting information to substantiate that your comment was UNTRUE.

    Could you PLEASE EXPLAIN to me how does EXPOSING your lies and ASKING you to be FAIR, be “rationally or reasonably interpreted” as “me coming hard as I want to cover for this government THAT promised transparency?”

    By posting untruths for political mileage, similarly to the government, you are not transparent.

    Additionally, I’m forced to remind you that the DLP also promised ITAL immediately upon being elected in 2008, which instead was immediately shelved. And as such, BOTH political parties FAILED Barbadians in this regard.

    I could also mention “the truth of the matter lies in the many times (your) govt had not been transparent and the public eyes were only opened after the deals and agreements were signed,” as well as the “IMF agreement to the list of things not forward to the public but only after all was said and done between govt and the parties.”

    This is NOT to IMPLY if the DEMS did it….. then, by all means, the BEES should engage in similar activities.

    “It would do you good” if you saw both the BLP & DLP for what they truly are. There aren’t any SIGNIFICANT or FUNDAMENTAL political, ideological and philosophical differences between the BLP and DLP.

    It’s just that the names of the political parties and the players are different.

    According to Mr. Skinner, “The Duopoly Rules.”

  30. @ Hants
    I lay a claim to Foul Bay. Dah Beach is Mine! It was from there that my great grand father went to sea the year he was 36 and never returned. It was from that beach that long ago I watched my great grand mother and grand mother’s fishing boats bobbing up and down on the waves. It was there that on several occasions the waves rolled me up and spit out on the sand. It was there that I walked that seemingly endless shore decades ago and looked for fat forks at the lower end of the beach. I must not forget that it was a place where young men and women used to meet. Cricket used to be a big thing especially on Sunday afternoons. I drank coconut water,and also ate roast breadfruit and fish. I bathed in the sea before going back to the little bay and up over the the rocky cliff to wash off the salt water and sand at the standpipe in the Crane. These are all beautiful memories that I hope the next generation will not miss out on.

  31. Abigail de Salemite
    You are a serial liar and need help. Show me where I said I am no fan of Mia? You need exorcising. I gine call Tituba to help. 🤣🤣

  32. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Lol…when ya go looking for SOUND INVESTORS…instead of local thieves and crooks, this is what you get….PROGRESS…St. Vincent once again CAPITALIZED.

    Keep watching me…muh chicken and goat done curry…lol

  33. @Artax

    Do you have any observations about the Weatherhead video?

  34. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Don’t you feel any shame

    First the marijuana opportunity……GONE..

    St. Vincent did not miss a beat..

    No decent investors would touch yall …UNLESS …you give up the corruption..
    Don’t know how he managed it, but look, a real investor just pushed up the island’s stock..but wait, it may have something to do with the fact that St. Vincent PAID..its overseas creditors..

    It’s STILL all about me right.

  35. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Oh ya thought ah didnt know…

    Am not that far gone as A SADIST yet that i don’t know when yall shit TURNED REAL SOUR…

  36. @ Heather,

    In the 50s and 60s there numerous fishing communities along the West coast from Bridgetown to Six Mens.

    Then along came Tourism and destroyed the good old Bajan beach life. Fishermen became gardeners and watchmen at Hotels and Luxury Homes. For some that is progress.

    I was fortunate to have spent the first 20 years of my life on the West coast where I learned to swim,fish and sail.

    As long as there is Tourism there will be no return to the good old days on the west coast.

    There is still the possibility that the Heywoods project may not be built. Seems like Butch wants more than the government is willing to give.

  37. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    So WHO do you think needs the EXORCIST NOW…

    yall really too easy…

  38. Abigail
    Shown to be a liar once again and switching topics. But do explain to BU the connection between the plane, marijuana and registration? Go further and shed some light on the ownership, destination etc. No charge of corruption, tiefin or sell outs? Go take your meds Salemite.🤣🤣

  39. Waru why you don,t give the blog a rest or better yet form your own blog for the madman shite conspiracist and the madwoman meaning you. You mean we have to put up with you all day everyday with the woman in the video ranting and raving spreading half truths?Do you have a life outside of BU?I took a break and i suggest you take one or at least get someone locked up.In my view David needs to rid the blog of pests like Piece ,Austin ,Mariposa and you.

  40. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    While we, those who are AWAKE are STUCK trying to DISMANTLE a slave society of GREEDY LEADERS….on a STANGNANT DEBT RIDDEN ISLAND…

    the Ghanianian PM is making good on his WORDS..

  41. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Wait…what happened to the NURSES…heard ya got a real, real shortage now..

  42. Artexeres going by news reports Gaston Browne on May 19th stated that Barbados was in negotiations to sell Liat shares
    Again according to news reports it was on June 9th that Mia confirmed that govt had agreed to sell barbados shares in liat
    Yes Gaston browne did give barbadians the heads up on the proposed sale which in my opinion served as an embarrassment to this govt

  43. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    I am going to let a bunch of yardfowls…WHO ARE TOO DUMB TO BE BREATHING…tell me when i should take a break….

    ……lol, lol, murdahhhh!!!!

    ya could not pay me, and i will know when, not you..

    if ya can’t take HEAT…GET LOST…lol

  44. Is does not surprise the blogmaster how some commenters allow their egos and narrow concerns to outweigh important issues raised. The behaviour of the people being criticized are being mirrored.

  45. Also stated in news media reports were that along with the 44million price tag barbados debt in liat was included as part of the offer

  46. @Heather

    [wpvideo E14opmmt]

  47. David

    It is a bigger problem than that.

    Extrapolate, and see why we have, and will continue to have, national problems impossible to solve.

  48. Everybody is shaming this govt because of the bold face promise on transparency which turns out to be a bold faced lie
    Weatherhead now got his act together and exposes Mia and her closed mouth buffoons on the Harrison Caves agreements
    Would be interesting to see how she reacts to the Harrison Caves agreements in similar fashion as she first did when exposed on Liat

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