The greatest show on earth continues in the USA with a US Judge ordering today [16 May 2019] the release of Flynn’s conversation with the Russians. We know several Trump aides have been implicated, indicted and imprisoned coming out of the Mueller investigation. What will the redacted parts of the Mueller report expose? If the judge’s order is executed we will have a short wait to find out.

158 responses to “The Full Mueller Report”

  1. “Boot-edge-edge no tough enough for war words with Chinese President. He so stupid he go real war with “Crazy Muslim Terrorist”. He so stupid he pay taxes.”

    ” Big Chief Blowhard tough enough for war words with Chinese President. Big Chief Blowhard so smart me no go real war with ‘Crazy Commie Gookie Monster. Big Chief Blowhard so smart he no pay taxes.”

    “And Big Chief Blowhard win big Twitter war.”

    Boot-edge-edge, “There’s a war on Twitter?”

    Alfred E. Neuman for president by 2024! GP better pray the Rapture comes soon. This gay guy is magic!

  2. John was right about one thing. It is the greatest show on earth! Far better reality t.v. than The Apprentice (which I hated). He should have fired Mark Burnett and produced the show himself!

  3. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Dear WARU: Please do not mention trump and sexy in the same sentence. If any young people read BU, sexy and Trump in the same sentence might completely mislead them about true sexiness.

  4. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Donna May 20, 2019 7:46 AM… RE “GP better pray the Rapture comes soon. This gay guy is magic!”



    The father of Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was a Marxist professor who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin.

    Joseph Buttigieg, who died in January at the age of 71, immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970s from Malta and in 1980 joined the University of Notre Dame faculty, where he taught modern European literature and literary theory. He supported an updated version of Marxism that jettisoned some of Marx and Engel’s more doctrinaire theories, though he was undoubtedly Marxist.

    He was an adviser to Rethinking Marxism, an academic journal that published articles “that seek to discuss, elaborate, and/or extend Marxian theory,” and a member of the editorial collective of Boundary 2, a journal of postmodern theory, literature, and culture. He spoke at many Rethinking Marxism conferences and other gatherings of prominent Marxists.

    In 1998, he wrote in an article for the Chronicle of Higher Education about an event in New York City celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Manifesto. He also participated in the event.

    “Equity, environmental consciousness, and racial justice are surely some of the ingredients of a healthy Marxism. Indeed, Marxism’s greatest appeal — undiminished by the collapse of Communist edifices — is the imbalances produced by other socio-political governing structures,” Buttigieg wrote.

    Paul Kengor, a professor at Grove City College and an expert in communism and progressivism, said Buttigieg was among a group of leftist professors who focused on injecting Marxism into the wider culture.

    “They’re part of a wider international community of Marxist theorists and academicians with a particular devotion to the writings of the late Italian Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci, who died over 80 years ago. Gramsci was all about applying Marxist theory to culture and cultural institutions — what is often referred to as a ‘long march through the institutions,’ such as film, media, and especially education,” Kengor told the Washington Examiner.

    Pete Buttigieg, an only child, shared a close relationship with his father. In his memoir Shortest Way Home, Pete called his dad a “man of the left, no easy thing on a campus like Notre Dame’s in the 1980s.”

    He wrote that while he did not understand his parents’ political discussions as a young child, “the more I heard these aging professors talk, the more I wanted to learn how to decrypt their sentences, and to grasp the political backstory of the grave concerns that commanded their attention and aroused such fist-pounding dinner debate.”

    Pete wrote that his dad was supportive when he came out as gay.

    “If The Communist Manifesto was meant to liberate the proletariat, the Manifesto itself in recent years needed liberating from Marxism’s narrow post-Cold War orthodoxies and exclusive cadres. IT HAS BEEN FREED,” he wrote.


  5. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Sorry President Simon….. but ya gotta see it for yaself, i swear, he is all over the place posing sex.

    …, i did not even think that was possible…lol

  6. I , on the other hand, can totally believe you are an HC white boy. And that is not a compliment. I am VERY FAMILIAR WITH THE TYPE. You fit in quite nicely except that you do deign to acknowledge our existence even if it is to mock

    Donna, U are ABSOLUTELY unfamiliar with my “type”. The vast majority of my time at HC was spent in the company of black Bajans on the playing fields and trading jokes in class. I never ever was part of a white clique. At home I was often down in the village playing sports with black Bajans. My next door neighbours were black and I played with them from age 4 in between the cat wire fences. So again U are factually incorrect!!!!

  7. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Can anyone say the world is fed up of nasty politicians, so much so that soon they will not be able to go out in public.

  8. Donna, regarding Garner, U rather conveniently left out that the Sarge involved was Black. However, I do agree that PD time would have worked better for the people if it had been directed elsewhere as his crime was insignificant and did not deserve this level of attention and excess.
    I too have videos showing how people purposely act aggressively towards the police or annoy them. I know that some police people are outright racist and obviously they should be weeded out of the Dept. Mandatory courses in racial relationships should be available to all PDs.
    Killing innocent people is wrong whether 20 bullets are used or 1.

  9. Sarge, the video was of little interest to me. The poor Prof starts off by exhibiting his Leftist bias when he says, “white America great again”. MAGA has nothing to do with race but dumbass Leftists who love to brainwash have corrupted the slogan to the point where people are attacked in the streets for wearing a MAGA cap. Indeed, I saw a video recently where Korean tourists in NYC were accosted and had their caps knocked of by a group of black men while crossing the street.

  10. Dribs, the reality will come out.

    Dont believe just watch for these:

    Durham Report and Grand Jury

    Nunes criminal referrals,

    Barr Spying investigation,

    IG Horowitz’s Report,

    Huber Report,

    Release of Closed Door testimony by many,

    Gang of eight material,

    the FBI 302 forms release,

    Judicial Watch Expose Report,

    Ukraine evidence and maybe more.

    De fun can done!!!!!!!!

    NB Trump has a much higher status and protection by Law than these clowns Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Ohr, Page, Baker and many others, maybe more than 20!!!! hahaha

    Yard fowls no nothing about weaponising the FBI, CIA against a political opponent. Bloody fools dont understand that this should never occur in a properly managed nation.

  11. Dribs, surely U did not write this, did u? Really exhibits utter lack of thinking.

    Further you would have to be very slow, mentally undercooked or downright dissembling to suggest that a republican Dep AG waited until POTUS met and discarded a candidate for FBI director before he tapped him as the special counsellor…SMH…u would have to be very very slow to conceive the process works like that in that town.

    The above is EXACTLY what happened and I have already explained to U and your diamond crusted skull that Deep Staters are loyal to the Deep State first and foremost with party way behind. Please try real hard and long to understand this and stop embarrassing yourself. U seem to not appreciate that Trump was attacking the Deep State from quite early on. The fact is that the CIA, FBI et al have made serious mistakes over theyears and yet few seem to understand that fact. Additionally, some “mistakes” are purposeful to fulfill a political agenda. The Deep State does not like being reminded of such history.

  12. Donna wrote,
    Come help the Moneybrain explain it to this moron! Give me one of your “Presentations for Dummies” that you are famous for in your classes! Surely a great teacher like yourself that can simplify complex medical stuff so even a dummy can understand can help THIS DUMMY understand!

    Come unravel this convoluted stuff for me! My poor little brain is sooooo confused.

    Money Brain replies and it is devastating to Donna.

    Actually Donna U have conclusively proved by writing this that U are very confused, since MB is not a medical doctor!!!!hahaha U possibly were referring to GP, which most likely connects to General Practitioner. Quite a HINT I would suggest. hahaha

  13. @MB
    MAGA has nothing to do with race but dumbass Leftists who love to brainwash have corrupted the slogan to the point where people are attacked in the streets for wearing a MAGA cap
    The racists believe it has to do with race, could you tell me what period Trump is hearken back to when he repeats that phrase? Why have the racist clowns incorporated that slogan in their messaging? In your responses you have adopted his penchant of referring to people who oppose Trump with derogatory names.

    What videos what? I see videos everyday of black people being denied their rights by Cops (white).

  14. Sarge, since I am not a racist, I never took MAGA as racist but purely meaning to stop the nonsense keeping America down like

    1 Illegal migration

    2 lack of JOBS

    3 unfair trade and IP theft from China

    4 unfair sharing of NATO costs

    much more
    People say Trump should not rough up NATO non payers but the gent in charge agreed with Trump, saw him say so on video.

  15. Sarge, I see those videos and I see videos that reflect badly on black people.

  16. MB
    I never said you were a racist, I said racists believe its racist. Trump started off his campaign speech demonizing Mexicans and ended it by saying “we will make America great again”

  17. Freedom Crier Avatar


    Who voted for Donald Trump? Who voted for Barack Obama? What’s it like seeing a black person wearing a MAGA hat? Has the black vote been taken for granted? Black conservatives and liberals hash it out in the VICE Office. TIMECODES OF WHAT WAS DISCUSSED: 0:57 – What first comes to mind when you think of Donald Trump? 1:59 – “Drain the swap” and capitalism 3:28 – Who here voted for Donald Trump? 4:54 – What is your impression when you see a black person wearing a MAGA hat? 5:51 – Black conservatives talk about how they’re treated in the black community 9:17 – Who here voted for Obama? 11:06 – Who was disappointed by Obama’s presidency? 15:34 – Issues with the Trump presidency 16:28 – Why vote for Donald Trump? 19:55 – Disagreements on systems of oppression – welfare, taxes, etc 23:29 – Policies that Republicans and Democrats disagree on that help and hinder the black community 26:09 – Black wealth and reparations 29:24 – Black voters being synonymous with the Democratic party 32:26 – Student loans and college 35:22 – Should the black vote be courted?

    Published on 3 Mar 2019

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @MB…did u above DEFINE and exemplify why how one waste a post…😂 Or otherwise said how ironic it can be when u explain something and in so doing make a rather unintended douffus of yourself!

    Maybe you should reread the sentence and consider what should have been obvious (in italics 😂).

    The blogger @Donna said: “Come help the Moneybrain explain it to this moron![*ie to say: Dr GP come to the aid of MB ] Give me one of your “Presentations for Dummies” that you are famous for in your classes!”[ie.. a GP presentation].

    Did u really do English comprehension at school?

    And YOU tell me that I write without thinking! Oh Lordie….

    BTW I cannot disavow you if your deep state thinking so if u really perceive that all this was preprogrammed then so be it…u and it makes absolutely no sense!

    Alas, what can a standpipe boy tell a HC boy who so desperately obviously wants to act the fool !

    I gone.

  19. Dribs, so U could not answer what was addressed to U!!!!

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @MB what is it that I didn’t address?

    I have no interest really in your oft repeated right wing list of purported investigations … As I noted to you long ago: any person who saw what congressman Nunes did at WH with the NSC analyst who was subsequently removed from that post or read the views of impartial folks regarding the ridiculous and discredited report he did and can still hold him up as some legitimate investigator is a shill for ANY republican BS….

    So your list is nonsensical to me.

    And if you are talking about the Mueller appointment well then I already told you your perspective is that of poorly formed thinking.

    It makes ABSOLUTELY no sense that the Intel agencies or a rogue group within same could plan to take down one candidate and fail so miserably.

    You would have us believe that in sum your deep state programmed all the Russia issues so that a special counsellor could be appointed.

    Sounds like how you would lay it out but not a real spy pro actually trying to take out a candidate.

    I gone do.

  21. Elijah Cummings
    Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) issued the subpoena last month. | Alex Wong/Getty Images


    Judge upholds Dem subpoena for Trump financial records

    The judge, Amit Mehta, ruled that Congress can investigate the president without beginning formal impeachment proceedings.

    A federal judge on Monday upheld a congressional subpoena seeking President Donald Trump’s financial records from an accounting firm, arguing that Congress is well within its rights to investigate potential illegal behavior by a president — even without opening a formal impeachment inquiry.

    U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta’s ruling delivers a striking blow to the president’s efforts to resist Democratic investigations, and is certain to give Democrats further legal basis to investigate Trump, his finances, and his presidential campaign.

    In addition to upholding the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s subpoena to accounting firm Mazars USA for eight years of Trump’s financial records, Mehta took the extra step of denying the president’s request for a stay pending appeal.

    “We will be filing a timely notice of appeal to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals,” said Jay Sekulow, one of the president’s personal attorneys.
    Mehta’s decision is a sweeping repudiation of Trump’s claim to be largely immune from congressional investigation, especially in matters of potential legal violations. The argument emphasizes lawmakers have the authority to investigate any of Trump’s conduct — even from before he takes office.

    The ruling represents the first time the federal judiciary has weighed in on the ongoing oversight battle between Trump and House Democrats. Mehta’s ruling is likely to provide a blueprint for other judges who are set to make their own rulings on Trump’s vow to defy all congressional subpoenas.

    In a 41-page opinion issued Monday, Mehta systematically dismantled the Trump legal team’s arguments against the validity of the subpoena — and he pushed back on claims from congressional Republicans that the House Judiciary Committee must formally launch an impeachment inquiry before requesting such information.

    “It is simply not fathomable that a Constitution that grants Congress the power to remove a president for reasons including criminal behavior would deny Congress the power to investigate him for unlawful conduct—past or present—even without formally opening an impeachment inquiry,” Mehta wrote.

    Mehta noted that Congress had twice investigated alleged illegal activity by presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. “Congress plainly views itself as having sweeping authority to investigate illegal conduct of a President, before and after taking office,” Mehta wrote. “This court is not prepared to roll back the tide of history.”

    The president filed suit last month to block the subpoena, arguing that it amounted to an improper and overtly political abuse of congressional authority.

    Mehta eviscerated that argument, too, emphasizing that a judge’s analysis of a congressional investigation “must be highly deferential to the legislative branch.”

    “Thus, it is not the court’s role to decipher whether Congress’s true purpose in pursuing an investigation is to aid legislation or something more sinister such as exacting political retribution,” Mehta wrote.

    Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) issued the subpoena to Mazars last month as part of the panel’s investigation into whether Trump committed financial crimes before he became president.

    In particular, the committee has sought to corroborate specific claims made by Trump’s former personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen. Earlier this year, Cohen turned over documents to the panel which purport to show that Trump artificially inflated and deflated the values of his assets to suit his personal financial benefit.

    For example, Cohen told lawmakers that Trump submitted false financial statements to Deutsche Bank in 2014 as he was seeking a loan to buy the Buffalo Bills NFL team.

  22. Freedom Crier Avatar


    Dan Bongino believes Obama’s spying will be a major part of his corrupt legacy –
    Take it to the bank, the FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems. The whole image of a benevolent Barack Obama they’ve disingenuously tried to portray is about to be destroyed. The real Obama, the vengeful narcissist, is going to be exposed for all to see.


    FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his supposed paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, exchanged a cryptic, indeed coded, text message on Sunday, March 19, 2017, twenty-six minutes after retired U.S. Air Force Four Star General Thomas McInerney read our exclusive “Whistleblower Tapes” exposé over America’s airwaves, revealing “The Hammer.”

    The Hammer is the Stasi-like secret surveillance system created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

    The Hammer, under the Obama administration, negated every American’s constitutional rights to privacy, turning the United States into a police state where the federal government was weaponized by the Obama administration against its political enemies.

    According to the secretly-recorded audio tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow, Brennan’s and Clapper’s illicit super surveillance system “The Hammer” wiretapped Trump “a zillion times.”


    “The problem for Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Baker and all of them now is, is that the FISA court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings. And their findings are that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump, there was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI contractors, four of them, to steal personal information, electronic information about Americans, and to use it against the Republican Party.

    There are going to be indictments. There’s going to be grand juries. John Brennan isn’t going to need one lawyer. He’s going to need five. . .

    . . . The Obama administration, for more than four years before the 2016 election, allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens, illegally. The FISA court has already found that.”



    Maxine Waters slipped up during a 2013 interview with journalist Roland Martin. In the interview Waters said –
    …I think some people are missing something here. The President [Obama] has put in place an organization that contains a kind of database than no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful and whoever …and that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before.”


  23. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, the Mehta ruling is but the latest legal salvo in an as yet unfinished battle…and of course the question is whether this will be an ‘endless’ two year war with hostilities well into 2021 or a fast strike force, Seal team style affair with a SCOTUS ruling before year end!

    Thus far speed has been a defining aspect…and what one can also see as defining is this intro: clause in the Judge’s long ruling: “It is simply not fathomable …

    I believe that fits perfectly with all things related to pronouncements from this POTUS team…for example:

    ***”Republicans, including Mr. Trump’s lawyers, have insisted Mr. Cohen is a liar whose statements cannot be trusted… _It is simply not fathomable…that yet they expect a nation and the world to trust the man in the WH who has been caught in lie after lie after lie._

    What a world we live in! I gone.

  24. Ladies of Soul 2019 | Chill & Hype Medley

    Ladies of Soul 2019 | Telephone Medley

  25. Donna May 20, 2019 3:57 AM

    Where is Non Sequitur Man?:

    Come help the Moneybrain explain it to this moron! Give me one of your “Presentations for Dummies” that you are famous for in your classes! Surely a great teacher like yourself that can simplify complex medical stuff so even a dummy can understand can help THIS DUMMY understand!

    Come unravel this convoluted stuff for me! My poor little brain is sooooo confused.



    Money Brain May 20, 2019 11:43 AM

    Donna wrote,
    Come help the Moneybrain explain it to this moron! Give me one of your “Presentations for Dummies” that you are famous for in your classes! Surely a great teacher like yourself that can simplify complex medical stuff so even a dummy can understand can help THIS DUMMY understand!

    Come unravel this convoluted stuff for me! My poor little brain is sooooo confused.

    Money Brain replies and it is devastating to Donna.

    Actually Donna U have conclusively proved by writing this that U are very confused, since MB is not a medical doctor!!!!hahaha U possibly were referring to GP, which most likely connects to General Practitioner. Quite a HINT I would suggest. hahaha

    Note what I wrote-

    Where is Non Sequitur Man?

    Come help the Money Brain brain explain it to this moron!

    HINT FOR YOU……..Non Sequitur man IS GP who fancies himself a LATIN AND LOGIC MAN and therefore often counters (even a few days ago) by suggesting one’s argument is a non sequitur.

    PS. When I ask someone to help you to explain something to me, I am asking for SOMEONE to HELP YOU to explain something to me. That person would obviously be someone OTHER THAN YOU. GP often boasts of his ‘PRESENTATIONS FOR DUMMIES”.🤦‍♀️

    This lack of basic comprehension skills explains why the right wing loonies can tangle your brain in the manner you have displayed. Your BRAIN seems only to understand DOLLARS but not SENSE. (Hint: not a spelling error but a play on words). See what I did there? This would also explain your affinity for Trump.

    And OH NO! Not the ‘I HAVE BLACK FRIENDS’ defence!!!!!!!!🤦‍♀️

    I would venture to suggest that you were not allowed into the white club because you were of Irish red leg ancestry. (I remember your coal mining ancestors). But you were probably on the outside looking in longingly. I know that type. Got some of them next door. They get into Kendal Club but not the Yacht Club. Married to black women but still think they are superior and like you they still see everything through the jaundiced eye of the white man.


  26. DPD,

    To be honest, I don’t think the Money Brain is that stupid. He probably wanted to distract me from noticing that he had not answered my questions.

    And so I humoured him with my last post.😜

    Unfortunately I was only PRETENDING to be a dummy!

    And so I ask once more –

    Did the Mueller report totally exonerate Trump? Why then is he so unhappy with the report writer?

    Why won’t he let Mueller testify before Congress and let the world know that he has totally exonerated him?


    PS. Since you love black people so much I thought you would enjoy a little love back from the black woman. If you don’t want it send it back.


  27. DPD,

    The last part of the post was meant for Money Brain. I forgot to type his name.

    @Money Brain

    And so I ask once more –

    Did the Mueller report totally exonerate Trump? Why then is he so unhappy with the report writer?

    Why won’t he let Mueller testify before Congress and let the world know that he has totally exonerated him?


    PS. Since you love black people so much I thought you would enjoy a little love back from the black woman. If you don’t want it send it back.


  28. David,

    Since you let it slip that GP spends the most time logged in to the blog (where he mocks us poor souls much more than Jesus did and spends far less time saving) he is MIA.

    You did not have to mek he suh shame, man!

    I asked the man fuh some help fuh de Money Brain. An’ you gone an’ chase way de man and lef’ me heh still igrunt??????


  29. Where do I pay the royalties for the use of GP’s intellectual property – the analogy of BU as a rum shop? Is there an extra charge for the use of the extra words……..


  30. Tumpie under attack

    Oh Lawd, poor Trumpie

    Trumpie under attack

    Oh Lawd, poor Trumpie

    Wid de Congress all in he face

    An’ de court to kick he in place

    Wid de Congress all in he face

    An’ de court to kick he in place.

    (Sung to the tune “Millie gone to Brazil”.)

    Round One goes to the “ugly” black man…. the aptly named…. ELIJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH over the also aptly named ,,,,, DONALD the Duck Man DRUMPH. ( I name he dat cause he always ducking)

  31. Freedom Crier Avatar

    May 19, 2019



    Chris Enloe

    Former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), who chaired the House Intelligence Committee before retiring from Congress last year, revealed Sunday on Fox News that unreleased transcripts between former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos and an FBI informant exist — and they have the “potential to be a game-changer.”


    Now that Robert Mueller has concluded his investigation, Attorney General William Barr has indicated that he will investigate whether government officials “put their thumb on the scale” during the Russia investigation, particularly in its early stages.

    Gowdy teased that perhaps there was wrongdoing because government officials withheld the transcripts, which he characterized as exculpatory evidence, when applying for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

    “If the bureau is going to send an informant in, the informant is going to be wired. And if the bureau is monitoring telephone calls, there’s going to be a transcript of that,” Gowdy said.

    “And some of us have been fortunate enough to know whether or not those transcripts exist, but they haven’t been made public,” he continued. “And I think one in particular is going — it has the potential to actually persuade people.”

    “Very little on this Russia probe, I’m afraid, is going to persuade people who hate Trump or who love Trump,” Gowdy went on to say. “But there is some information in these transcripts that I think has the potential to be a game-changer if it’s ever made public.”

    Trey Gowdy teases ‘game changer’ FBI transcript

    The former South Carolina lawmaker went on to echo Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas), who has called for the public release of the evidence.

    “You know, Johnny Ratcliffe is rightfully exercised over the obligations that the government has to tell the whole truth to a court when you are seeking permission to spy or do surveillance on an American,” Gowdy said.

    “And part of that includes the responsibility of providing exculpatory information or information that tends to show the person didn’t do something wrong. If you have exculpatory information, and you don’t share it with the court, that ain’t good,” he explained. “I have seen it. Johnny has seen it. I would love for your viewers to see it.”

  32. Freedom Crier Avatar


    May 20, 2019


    Cummings, 68, a Maryland Democrat, is chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. His wife, Maya Rockeymoore, 48, is the chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party and briefly ran in the state’s gubernatorial race last year.

    Rockeymoore runs two entities, a nonprofit group called the Center for Global Policy Solutions and a for-profit consulting firm called Global Policy Solutions, LLC, whose operations appear to have overlapped, according to the IRS complaint filed by watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center on Monday. The complaint states that the arrangement may have been used to derive “ILLEGAL PRIVATE BENEFIT.”

    Global Policy Solutions received more than $6.2 million in grants between 2013 and 2016, according to tax records. ELIJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH and his wife went from Rags to Riches in a short time.

    Under Cummings, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has wide authority to regulate business industries, including pharmaceuticals, banking, mortgage brokers, and technology. In recent years, Prudential, JP Morgan, and Johnson & Johnson have had business interests before the committee.

    Tom Anderson, director of the National Legal and Policy Center’s Government Integrity Project, which has been investigating the nonprofit arrangement and provided research to the Washington Examiner, said the potential for corruption is “off the charts.” He said Rockeymoore declined to let his organization view her nonprofit’s most recent public financial records as required by the IRS.

    “When a powerful chairman of a committee of the House of Representatives has a wife that is bringing in money from entities with interests before his Committee and she is not providing the transparency mandated by the IRS, there’s a serious problem,” said Anderson. “The potential for corruption in this situation is simply off the charts and can’t be understated. We hope Chairman Cummings works with his wife to end the stonewalling and provide the public with what’s legally mandated all charities provide.”

    Cummings recently subpoenaed Trump’s financial records, prompting the president to sue him in an effort to block the subpoena.

    The complaint asked the IRS to investigate the “shared leadership,” “integrated operations,” and “shared address and physical facilities” of her two companies. Rockeymoore’s nonprofit and the LLC have mutual clients, donors and projects, and were located at the same address and share a phone number.

    When the Washington Examiner visited the listed business address for Rockeymoore’s consulting firm and nonprofit, a doorman said she had moved out of the office building over a year ago, did not leave a forwarding address, and the building has continued to get her companies’ mail.

    The Hypocritical DemoRAT ELIJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, is embroiled in a legal battle to obtain President Trump’s tax returns. Remember when Trump Told Hillery he emailed them to her! HAHAHA…

  33. Dribs wrote,
    So your list is nonsensical to me.

    And if you are talking about the Mueller appointment well then I already told you your perspective is that of poorly formed thinking.

    It makes ABSOLUTELY no sense that the Intel agencies or a rogue group within same could plan to take down one candidate and fail so miserably.

    You would have us believe that in sum your deep state programmed all the Russia issues so that a special counsellor could be appointed.


    Your opinion on my list will prove wrong, much of that info will send people to prison as forecasted.

    MuleR was unleashed on Trump by a very defensive Deep State. Comey, who was fired for attempting blackmail, close friend has nothing to do with it nor was the fact that MuleR was rejected by Trump like Shaq at the basket! haha

    The CIA and FBI have had far more major failures than failing to take down Trump. They never really thought that Trump would win so they were not being overly careful.

    I never indicated your last point.

    When all these reports come out with endless evidence the Dems will be crewed for 2020!!!

    Barr and Durham are going to have plenty nuff sport!!!!

  34. Donna, unlike you I don’t need help explaining anything. I had major domestic drama in the previous few hours and had little time to write what I did, BU is only for sport—I make BIG $$$$$$$$ elsewhere. I have been to very many cash registers in my life and not one cashier ever asked me for my Degrees, proof of my bountiful IQ, my very high EQ, my ability to communicate successfully with people from all walks of life———just $$$$$$$$$$$$.

    I explained my history with black people it is the truth but really I dont give a Rodents Rectum what you say or attempt to “think”. U have long since proved to me that you dont like White people, which exhibits all I require since disliking a whole race that has many people of different backgrounds, class, cultural origins, many who have never even met a person of another race etc is just plain stupid, which surely U dont want to be part of.

    The MuleR Report was never supposed to a professional document or approach. The correct approach would be to investigate Russian Collusion via a bipartisan Grand Jury and NOT by the rejected MuleR (friend of Rejected , lying and leaking Comey,) leading a gangsta group of DemonicRATS like Weissman a known bastard who is lucky to still have his law licence having withheld evidence in a few cases and been admonished for such as well as being overturned by the SCOTUS 9-0 with a very short written rationale of 6 pages, it was so reprehensible. It cost 80,000++ jobs at Arthur Andersen in the meanwhile!!!! Strzok was also appointed as he was known to hate Trump—disgusting fella soon to be in prison.

    MuleR is more than welcome to testify. My first question would be ” MuleR when did you first realise that Trump could not be proven guilty? Strzok knew nearly 2 years ago.

    I have had much love from black, brown, and creamy women over the years so one more would be fine even though incrementally a very small %. Worked with many in Bim, London UK and Toronto and some were quite aggressive and straightforward in their intentions.

  35. Don’t know how “David” can track the amount of time one spends on BU; e.g. I signed on earlier today and read some of the posts then I left home to run some errands shop etc. During the time I was away I was still logged on to BU but not actively reading or contributing and the computer goes to “sleep”. This happens daily and often I am doing chores. e.g. gardening, watching the birds (avian) not the two- legged variety or otherwise occupied. Would that qualify as being actively logged into BU? Unless ‘David” has some technology that he can observe when you are at the computer I believe the claim is bogus anyway you can do what the computer geeks do- Zuckerberg et al- cover up the camera on your computer- yuh never know who is watching you.

    I give “David’s” claim 3 Pinocchios but he has spooked GP.

  36. From Prof of Law @ UC Berkeley, John Yoo,(and former Deputy Atty General)” Congress can not force WH counsel or close assistants to the President to testify as they are extensions of the presidentcy.”

  37. @Sargeant

    It depends on your configuration. A standard config will see your computer losing internet connectivity when it goes to sleep mode.

  38. There is nothing to prevent McGahn from testifying before Congress but here is the catch….. he is a partner of Jones Day law firm- only one of the biggest law firms in the world and the firm’s lawyers go back and forth working for the Gov’t like a revolving door. The Repubs hinted at the possibility of the WH and other Gov’t depts. withholding work from the firm if McGahn testified, Trump didn’t even have to claim “Executive privilege” as no partner wants to be responsible for his firm losing money, a partner losing money for the firm is a career limiting move and McGahn knows where his bread is buttered.

    Now back to regular scheduled programming.

  39. He will have to testify once the appeals process is exhausted.

  40. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @MB, you are truly trying to be a master “fibulator” …SMH….

    In an attempt to remind you that honesty, reason and proper inference are corner stones of rational debate REGARDLESS of a person’s political persuasion here are YOUR words back to you.

    You mindlessly said above (or likely just having a lark really) that …Comey, who was fired for attempting blackmail, close friend has nothing to do with it nor was the fact that MuleR was rejected by Trump

    This was in response to my rejection of those absurd talking points…sooooo all of a sudden none of that matters YET you have repeated the stupidity for the last several weeks in post after post. SMH!

    You also said above : I never indicated your last point.…a point which was stated as: You would have us believe that in sum your deep state programmed all the Russia issues so that a special counsellor could be appointed.

    Bro, I can safely assume you did NOT do Englsih beyond OLevel at HC or you are definitely aiming to be the BU jester par excellence, because the simple concept of inference seems beyond you!

    INFERENCE…you said “MuleR, Comey and RoDENTstein maybe Repubs SECOND but DEEP State FIRST. All wrapped up in the previous Admins Shillary money making schemes…”

    Add this : Senior FBI conducted to keep all the info under their control because they knew very well it was corrupt as RH. The Steele Dossier was never Verified but Comey and RoDENTstein both signed off at least once…”

    Then of course you continued with the other rhetoric about “..they are are excrementally scared, as they should be, and publicly fighting each other. Lil bitch Cardinal Comey is a boss LIAR but he is going down that is why he is dissing Rodent, Strzok, Page etc BUT James Baker et al. has the goods on him.”

    And the coup de folly “U are referring to the involvement by the FBI / CIA in asking other Natl Intel agencies to help screw Trump and Paapa!…”

    As I UNDERSTAND English comprehension my comment (broad tho it be) is one summation of that string..

    INFERENCE…1..the Repubs (in name only) led by Comey are loyal to this deep state first and foremost and are beholden to others on the other side who are also part of this deep dark swamp….2.Key execs at the Intel agencies conspired to stop the current Pres but as they really did not expect him to win (despite the fact that he kept bouncing back from every scandal) they erred and then in one final shot to close him out they worked to get Mueller appointed!

    Do u get it now!


  41. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    To wrap this up @ Senor Brain $dollars only……

    Let me say this you…the investigations by Bull, the IG at Justice at al will surely turn up mistakes, overreaching and possibly some malfeasance by key actors BUT if it’s as extensive as it should be it will also turn up that Guiliani was leaked info from the NY FBI office ….

    So some agents will retire early and some may even be sanctioned but I will be shocked if there are any CRIMINAL proceedings brought against any of them.

    I will further state to you that a thorough investigation by Bull will bring to the public attention OTHER info detrimental to POTUS!…. let the transcripts from Congress committees which you guys wanted released so badly be your guide …lots of stuff there not to charitable to your man and his minions.

    Incidentally…still trying to keep you honest….master fibulator! You saud …“The FISA Judbes had senior FBI / DOJ signing off on supposedly Verified documents that were not verified and the contents still dont make sense! There are several Lefty Judges in the USA. Why do they always go to the 9 th Circuit??????? “

    Where is the EVIDENCE to support this claim that the Steele dossier was not validated by OTHER strands of info…
    I also count several righty judges in US…in fact right now there are 5 for the 4 on the Supremes …and lots more across the system….BTW a judge adjudicates (is supposed to) on the LAW not his/her political affiliation!

    “How come this all happened after Obama assured Trump everything was fine? Trump was complaining!!!!”

    Baloney. Trump team members INITIATED or WELCOMED the Russian contacts …if Obama had known any of that as absolutely accurate he should likely have imprisoned this charlatan rather than share info with him.

    “Accepting Opposition research from Russians is not a crime. Receiving emails from Russians or Wikileaks is not a crime unless you paid for them.”

    You surely CANNOT be so uninformed…accepting ANYTHING which is stolen is a crime and as far as I know under basic law has ALWAYS been a crime…additionally, when one has every reason to KNOW that the product is stolen or deliberately invities someone to steal valuable data on your behalf that would DOUBLY be a crime!

    Why was Trump not informed that there might be Collusion operations within his Campaign???????????? Simple, they wanted all the info they could receive to assist the Shillster who had much CASH to spread around!”

    Apparently you are not only uniformed but boldly parading that as a badge of “dishonour’…shame, shame! In which world would it be appropriate to tell the target of an investigation that members of his team may be agents of a foreign power? He was a just a regular private citizen …no special duty or obligation was owed to him.

    Your repetition of inane talking points belittles your supposed HC intelligence…triple shame!

    “Impeded???? 1.4 mn docs sent, 30 hrs with WH lawyer, written responses to questionss which was critically required so nas to avoid the most obvious PERJURY TRAP that ahy idiot would KNOW was coming!”

    Can you PRETTY PLEASE explain to me what is a perjury trap? And please don’t just repeat definitions of the words as that we know…. perjury is when you tell a LIE under oath! So please, please clarify why POTUS would be TRAPPED into telling lies under oath……

    Isn’t an ABSOLUTE defense against perjury simply TELLING THE TRUTH!

    AND finally “How many years ago did Comey know that there was no Collusion or Obstruction????? At least 1 to 1.75.”

    Oh really he did…evidence please! An exhaustive investigation pointed out several instances of direct and indirect contact between Russia and your boy’s team… not precoordinated conspiracy based on the evidence …but clearly inappropriate and never before seen interactions with a foreign power in a US election…no collusion, but unseemly, disturbing malfeasance, lying and manipulation of opinion polls/topical issues by Russia for POTUS.

    Is this what the great Republican party of national security and law & order has been reduced to….endlessly head hung in shame!

    Good night Brain on DollarsNoSense-In common!.

  42. I am at a loss to understand how Trump thinks he can get away without answering to Congress.The drum beat is getting nearer and nearer for the Orange Turd to be impeached.Not a moment too soon.Everyday a judge is ruling against him.Lawbreaker and con man leading America on a collision course with common sense and sound judgement.

  43. Money Brain May 21, 2019 2:05 PM

    BU is only for sport—I make BIG $$$$$$$$ elsewhere……. blah blah blah ….. just $$$$$$$$$$$$.


    As I said, I do know the type. You acknowledge our presence but only to make mock sport at us and display your “superiority” and to wipe your dirty dollars in our faces. I do believe you about your history with black people. I have explained why that would have been the case. I am sure you did play with black boys and ALWAYS designated yourself as their natural leader. And having sex with black girls proves nothing. So did the slave masters.

    I do like white people. i like Hercule Poirot best. He taught me to let people speak because they always reveal themselves.😁. That is how i know which white people to like.

    “MuleR is more than welcome to testify. ”

    I am very happy that you are willing to let Mueller testify. Perhaps you can advise Mr. Trump since his is the opinion that matters and he is not of that same persuasion. 🤞


    And so I ask once more –

    Did the Mueller report totally exonerate Trump? Why then is he so unhappy with the report writer?

    Why won’t he let Mueller testify before Congress and let the world know that he has totally exonerated him?

    Since Non Sequitur Man (Hint: dat is still GP) is missing in action and Looney Tunes repertoire is limited to cut and paste, I am still baffled.

    You say you don’t need any help explaining, so come on, Mr. Big Shot – DEVASTATE me again nuh. But make it harder this time because I didn’t feel it last time.


  44. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Gabriel What Crime has President Trump Committed that he should be answering to Congress and what High Crimes?… Is it a Crime that Congress is Investigating or is Congress investigating to Find a Crime…Please Enlighten, we don’t want the Rhetoric want the Specifics.

    BTW…The wheels on the bus go round and round … Townhall headline: “Blame Game: Clapper, Brennan and Comey Start Turning on Each Other as Barr Turns Up the Heat” It seems there’s a little spat over who pushed the phony Steele dossier as an excuse to spy on the Trump campaign. Comey says it was Brennan. However, Brennan says it was Comey. Who cares? America is now discovering that they are all LIARS.

  45. Dribs,
    Comey is a friend of MuleR. MuleR is conflicted on several bases this is only one. MuleR should not have accepted the SC position—NOT professional!!!!!! However, none of this was meant to be professional it is Senior Deep State actors circling the wagons BUT they will end up with a circular firing squad—they are already aiming at each other –Comey aiming at RoDENTstein, Strzok and Page, saw him conduct this in a TH setting.

    Trump Campaign can seek opposition info from anybody, if not why after 2 yrs were there NO charges based on the actions of the Trump Campaign. NOT 1. All Trump associates charged, were charged for other personal crimes. When are the Russians expected to come for trial?????????????????

    DemonicRATS and their media depts ie NY Slimes, Wash COMpost (long been a division of the CIA) Clinton NN with ratings torpedoing, MSNBC et al have much invested with this nonsense Collusion and Obstruction—-will they ever apologise for their CON?

    Dribs, who expected Trump to win, even @10 pm on Nov 8th , 2016??????????????? What a sad failing of Polling, media “opinion” which is hilarious to watch on You tube.

    Dribs, at least 20 of these senior FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA will be charged for one or more of lying, leaking, conspiracy etc

    FUN can dun.

  46. DRIBS, prepare to be shocked, U were wrong about Collusion and Obstruction so shocking U back to reality is required.
    Even Comey has admitted that the FISA doc was not verified!!!

    Dribs, your “knowledge” email law ie receiving emails that you had no part in procuring and did not pay to have hacked is NOT a crime. May seem illogical but that is your problem.

    The Feds commonly use Perjury Traps as they did for Pappa. U may just be able to google the info yourself. the mere fact U require some definition proves you have little sense of Fed Justice.

    This was no ordinary investigation, it was part of a Presidential election. The Deep State had to stop Trump because they knew that the RISK of exposure goes exponential when an outsider comes in!!!!

    Collusion took place with Russians when Shill / DNC paid for the Steele Dossier filled with useless Russian lies—even U will comprehend when it all comes to light.

    How could an exhaustive investigation not include the Shill / DNC activities?????? Exhaustive Soft Coup!!!!

    The DemonicRATS are obviously the most disgusting bunch of politicians on the planet—-they behaved terribly for the world to see in the Kavs confirmation using a trained LIAR to testify to obvious BS!

    In which world do U lay out a strong case for charging Shill, who destroyed subpoenaed evidence and not follow through because your corrupt partisan LL Aty Genl met Sicko Willie on the Phoenix tarmac?????????????????

    The Soft Coup participants are going DOWN or up river!!!!

  47. Did the Mueller report totally exonerate Trump? Why then is he so unhappy with the report writer?

    Why won’t he let Mueller testify before Congress and let the world know that he has totally exonerated him?

  48. Has it happened yet??? I have felt no devastation?.

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