Submitted by Pachamama

With settled and incontestable scientific certainty we know that the original peoples of the universes were as Black as midnight – blue-black. Long before there was anything called a White race, Afrikans had peopled the entirety of Mother Earth. Even today, about 90% of all humanoids are still peoples of colour. Yet we have the internal contradiction of a people which did not create the year, the month, the week, the day, the hour, the minute, the second or anything else foundationally, mustering the audacity to assign a month to those who actually did, as if by right, by papal bull (er).

When they talk about Black history month they are essentially describing events emanating from Nicholas V’s issuance of such a papal bull (Romanus Pontifex) on January 8, 1455. It gave the Portuguese a monopoly to trade with Afrika and in our enslavement – just 570 years ago. It was a declaration of war on the Afrikan world. The Pope presumed that he was the owner of the earth, that some god somewhere had so given it. Some still, to this day, argue that that Bull is still the law of the land – all lands. And though we well know that Afrikan peoples have been here at the beginning of the time before time, the only history which really matters in White history month is the last five hundred and seventy (570) years. And that is so because White people say so and ignorant Black people believe it.

Only in White history does 570 years have any significance in the grand scheme of things – for to them everything around us was built just 6000 years ago. And that ignorance continues despite carbon dating, despite genetic sequencing, despite not making common sense, despite historical inconsistencies. More troubling, is the fixation on this twinkling of the eye, in astronomical terms, by much of Black academia, the Black church, Black elites and the general public.

Could it be possible that this artificiality was constructed to serve the purposes of those who would want to really rewrite history, as if to start anew? And who are those who have benefited from such monumental set of plagiaries? How could it be that the very peoples who invented all the sciences, developed the techno-complexes, settled the entire earth, conquered the seas, invented writing, hundreds of thousands of years previously could now be the slaves of Europeans who never even existed until recently, nor developed a script of their own and were not even writing, generally, until well into the second millennia of the common era.

Black academia serves White and Jewish interests, in presenting the truncated historical record which informs our every action. That the historiographies which have as their point of departure a slavery epoch deliberately leaves out truths which have the immense potential of awakening the sleeping Afrikan giant could only have been informed by sinister motives. We contend that if Afrikan peoples today knew the truth of our existence, it would be apparent that everything of significance Europeans have told us was a lie and that the Europeans, themselves, are in perpetual fear of genetic annihilation, then this White history month could have an entirely different meaning.

There is not one academician in the Caribbean and few elsewhere who would, for example, and with specificity draw on the mountains of literature written by Jewish scholars which clearly show that though we generally blame the Europeans for the Holocaust of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, from the beginning to ‘now’ slavery was a Jewish led enterprise. Those Jewish scholars provide incontrovertible proofs that Columbus was himself a Jew who converted to Christianity in order to receive the support of both the Spanish and Portuguese courts. Of course, it was the ‘Arabs’ who first traded the Slavic peoples, thus giving us this etymology.

We have been appealing for the local expert on the Jewish Synagogue, Karl Watson, to explain to us the forces which would have led to the erection of such a place of ‘worship’ in Barbados in 1654. While he is at it, he might want to tell us why the synagogue in Brazil, the oldest in the western hemisphere, was built as early as 1636, a few years earlier, and what the relationships between the two were. Also, why was Barbados so important to international Jewry for such a congregation to be so established, as the second oldest in the western hemisphere? If you are contending that the last 570 years of history is such a significant epoch, why can we never come to an accurate understanding of the underlying forces in the society at that time, in relation to world Jewry? We will leave questions about the significant (leading) Jewish role, especially Dutch Jewry, in the slave economy in North America to your colleague Skip Gates, a ‘prominent’ White historian in Black face operating up north.

During White history month we will not be hearing the likes of Dr. Ben, Van Sertima, James, Williams, Jan Carew, Diop, Obenga, Clarke, Smalls and thousands more as Afrikan Studies Departments continue to face cuts in budgets. We are certainly not going to hear anything of the majesty of Afrikan peoples – that history before time, before Europeans even existed. Instead we will be fed with general narratives which support European history and culture, in Black face, of course. We will be seeing ‘exceptional Negroes’ being paraded who could ‘shuck and jive’, Negroes who could run behind a ball, a man who could offer the other cheek – not down below we hope, even milquetoast presentations of both MLK and Malcolm X as a staple and to protect the ‘sensibilities’ of Europeans.

Let us deal with some of the social forces which have harmed the Afrikan interests in recent times.

The most sinister of these must be the ‘selection’ of Barack Obama for the presidency of the USA. Obama used that position to strategically relocate the ‘civil rights movement’ firmly into the camp of the LGBTQ political formations. It is pellucid to us that this Obama was appointed to do a job of the master pimp. And Obama did a massive devastation of Afrikans within the USA, and elsewhere, were by most metrics the vestiges of slavery continued to wreak havoc from coast to coast.

With the merging of these social formations the whole orientation of human rights discourses have been forever transformed by Obama. Black interests were made to take a back seat while the society is set sail down a cultural dead end with a social ‘experiment’ whose outcome is not uncertain. It is an experiment which could only come from the mind of the Devil or White people in Black face. Thus we’ve seen the Black church, led by people like Barber, Sharpton, and more, going all in, on the Obama legacy of mainstreaming bulling with all its emerging ‘specializations’.

Obama and his supporters even weaponized this hideous agenda. With this many were forced to break with him. It was when he decided (implemented) that Afrikan countries, in order to receive America aide, had to change their laws to permit bulling in all its manifestations. This was however consistent with his generalized attitude towards Afrikan people – our destruction. Certainly, he was a White man in Black face, no?

Even when we look at American military aggressions on Africa during the Obama presidency we see a level of militarism not inconsistent with the other form of cultural penetration as described above. When Obama came to office there were only four (4) American military bases on the Afrikan continent. On leaving office there had markedly increased to eighty-four (84), in just eight (8) years. Could he have been anything but a White man in Black face like Northam, the now embroiled governor of Virginia?

One good thing about Obama though. Were there not an Obama we could not have a Trump. For Trump may very well be a blessing in disguise. For what Donald Trump has done, is doing, has contributed more to the destruction of the American imperium than we could have hoped for in our wildest dreams. How ironic? For that is the subject of our next contribution.


  1. The forever war has not killed me yet. As a matter of fact I am living quite comfortably with some issues that need addressing. I am addressing those. It’s called life. Life will NEVER be perfect. Institutional racism is a serious problem but not insurmountable. When people’s minds change institutional racism will change. There has been progress. There can be more. What we have to do is educate ourselves so there are more of us and less of the Justin Fairfaxes who you believe are wannabe white men.

    Slavery worked for a while and then it didn’t. The average person’s mind changed about slavery. Ask them.

    There is war and there is war. I prefer the one that does not result in my dying in vain. If you are dying to be a martyr – be my guest!

    How’s that for a last word?

  2. John??????

    “Republicans tend to be individuals and behave individually.

    Democrats are part of a clan (no pun intended) and watch each other’s back.

    The mores of the clan determine individual behavior and the clan is corrupt.

    Republicans just don’t have that support system the Democrats have.

    If one steps out of line and they are on their own!!”


    Have you been watching your “individual” non-clannish Republican’s lately????????? Is not Mitch McConnell prostrate before the THRONE of the Vile One? Was not Paul Ryan prostrate before the throne of the VIle One?
    Have they all not contorted themselves to follow him on his merry dance to purgatory?????

    These people, Lindsay Graham being the worst of them, are now saying the OPPOSITE of what they really think. How do we know this? We have them recorded!!!!


    Corker, Flake etc. etc. etc.

    You are lying again John!


    P.S There is no way a homogeneous party of old white “Christian” American men can be less racist and sexist and more inclusive than a party of diverse races, religions and genders (transgenders included) is there? A party with new immigrants as elected officials. The Democrats have changed and are changing. They are not perfect and will never be. No group of humans ever is.

    Stop contorting yourself before you break something! Face the facts, John.

    The KLAN and CO. now support the REPUBLICAN PARTY!

    How do we know – we have them recorded.

    And that TRUMPS your history lesson.

  3. Pachamama like typical leftist haters who always resort to emotion and using the racist ploys with their Venomous Accusations of Racism, that has Glaringly Emerged and Exposed your own Soul as a Racist.

    You Target anybody that does not believe exactly as you do, you want them Exterminated… Communism Kills and that’s your Ideology the Fruit of which Drips like Putrid Vomit from your own lips.

    It gets old you must wear racist Sunglasses where everything equates to race. Racism has always existed in the world among all people it is a defensive mechanism that is in all people that they don’t trust something that is different. As we get older we should learn better, we use reason and knowledge to lead. We have learnt that emotion does not take you anywhere. You behave like a little boy who is angry stamping his foot and not learning anything and all the time feeling that his behaviour is right. When are you going to grow up and not be that little boy?

    The same way you have used your emotions to jump to racism as always you used your emotions and you have gone way overboard.

    We understand Hate drives you but you got to learn better than that, you do not want to pass from this world with Hate and Poisonous Venom running through your veins.

    Whither you believe it or not we are all soon going to meet our maker, believers and unbelievers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu’s, Agnostics, Atheist etc. Do you want to meet him in the present State you are? You cannot expose hate and say that there is love inside; the mouth speaks what the heart feels. Will you change? Will you choose the better path? Every man that walks this earth makes that decision for himself; a Government does not make it for you.

  4. TheOGazerts2315 Avatar

    Good morning to all..
    Unable to post using my usual id?
    Just a test message, to see if the problem is on my end or with BU or with wordpress but the “Good morning” is sincere

  5. John, criticise ONE REPUBLICAN POLICY OR DECISION! Disagree with SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Show your individuality, nuh!


  6. The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

    Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

  7. The South used to vote Democrat. Now it votes Republican. Why the switch? Was it, as some people say, because the GOP decided to appeal to racist whites? Carol Swain, Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, explains.

    Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

  8. Steupse!

  9. Donna

    Watch how the Democrats and the press wriggle!!

    They are obviously all part of a clan where wrong doing is permitted depending on your place in the hierarchy!!

    I would be surprised if they find any Republican involved in the Blackface rubbish because that belongs to people who have been brought up practicing it, seen their elders practicing it and feel it is fine to continue to practice it.

    The clansmen and women will now close ranks and find all kinds of excuses as to why it isn’t really a problem!!

    The Justice Brother, Reverend Al Sharpton will suddenly see the light and realise it doesn’t make sense to rock the boat.

    The Black Lies Matter Crowd will do no protesting because their pay masters are the Democrats and protest does not suit them!!

    I believe it is unlikely ( I would not say impossible, never say never) that a Republican will be caught out in games Democrats play and have played since childhood!!

    If somebody manages to turn up a Republican/Conservative all hell will let loose … on second thoughts, the press may keep it quiet to avoid losing the three top Democrats.

    It is priceless.

    I don’t have to agree or disagree with any Republican policy, I don’t even live in America!!!

    All I have to do is point out the obvious double standards when Democrats get caught and exposed.

    My guess is there will be a few more Democrats in the hierarchy that get caught out doing what was entirely normal to them in their youth.

    I’ll watch as you wriggle.

    It is ok to wriggle once at the end of the wriggling, that’s how a person figures out the basic beliefs they hold are not really beliefs, just brainwashing!!

  10. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Does anybody want to have a late term abortion? Probably not.

    But what if the fetus has one of those conditions that doctors term “incompatible with life”

    What if it is a case on incest on a minor child?

    What if the mother becomes so ill that continuing the pregnancy would endanger the mother’s life.

    What if?

    What if?

    What if?

    Let me say here that i have never had an abortion.

    But I was never sexually violated as a child nor as an adult.

    I have never had a dangerous pregnancy, nor a very sick fetus.

    For those of us who have been so blessed, please do not be so hard on others.

  11. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I’ve seen an incest survivor crying 60 years after the event occurred, and decades after the father who had violated her had died.

    Let us not be harsh on the difficult decisions some people have to make.

  12. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife
    February 9, 2019 9:30 PM

    Does anybody want to have a late term abortion? Probably not.


    Then why change the law in New York … to a standing ovation … and then light up skyscrapers in pink to celebrate the passage of the law.

  13. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @John February 9, 2019 9:42 PM “Then why change the law in New York.”

    I don’t live in the United States. Never have. Don’t follow American politics that closely. Not that interested.

    If I can hazard a guess it would be that the law was changed in New York to accommodate just those people who face the difficult decisions that I mentioned earlier.

  14. You accept as most sane individuals would that killing a human being is wrong.

    Celebrating it places those celebrating (Democrats) it into the cross hairs of sane individuals … voters.

    Watch what is happening in Virginia …. I think the whole black face thing is a red herring to distract attention from abortion.

    If the Blackface was such a big deal the Justice Brothers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be cutting loose and Black Lies Matter would be doing de dog!!

    The press would be up in arms and the Democrats would be looking to throw the two clowns, Governor and AG under the bus.

    Fairfax, a different ball of twine, would be toast for a different reason!!

    Meting out the same measure to Fairfax as was tried on Kavanaugh should to sane individuals (voters) result in him burning!!

    It may well turn out that the Democrats jettison all three but it is funny to watch these people dance around the elephant in the room!!

    It is priceless!!

    The Governor is in hiding…. from the press!!

    Trump doesn’t operate that way and sane individuals (voters) have seen enough to appreciate the difference!!

  15. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “You accept as most sane individuals would that killing a human being is wrong.”

    this is the same hypocrite, fraud, racist, liar who has no problem seeing black people enslaved, murdered, robbed, raped, their babies raped, murdered and used as alligator food.. and the race disenfranchised by europeans for centuries…lowlife.

    am sure he is happy to see european thieves in Barbados robbing ATMs and paying small fines, while a black bajan gets a year in prison for stealing a 3 dollar nail clip…lowlife…

  16. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    A woman aborting what she does not want in HER uterus, is no one goddamn’s business…especially white murderous europeans….who have been murdering living people for centuries..these are the murders and killings that should concern everyone…not aborted foetuses.

    JohntheLiar needs a new hobby…

    “For 34 years, Sunny Side, Ga., hid a shadowy secret.
    The hamlet, which straddles a U.S. 41 crossroads 30 miles south of Atlanta, was the setting of a ghastly murder in 1983.
    The body of Timothy Coggins, a 23-year-old black man, was found by hunters on Oct. 9 that year in a power line clearing through the woods about a mile off the highway.
    Coggins had been stabbed and sliced 30 times. His body was then chained to a vehicle and dragged along under the power lines.
    From the outset, investigators suspected a motive of racial terrorism.
    They believed it was no coincidence that Coggins, a handyman who grew up in the area, had been dancing and “socializing” with a white woman on the night of Oct. 7 at the People’s Choice, a nightclub in nearby Griffin, Ga.
    “It was done to send a message,” Spalding County Sheriff Darrell Dix would later say. “It was overkill.
    The similarly horrendous racial murder of James Byrd Jr. prompted national outrage in 1998, when the African-American man was viciously dragged to his death by three white supremacists in Jasper, Texas.”

  17. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Am sure John will be happy to hear that one of the evil demons who dragged James Bird to death in Texas,..was due to be executed recently for taking that black life…being white did not help the demon this time…

  18. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog


    “James Byrd Jr. (May 2, 1949 – June 7, 1998) was a black man who was murdered by three white racists… Byrd’s lynching-by-dragging gave impetus to passage of a Texas hate-crimes … King remains on death row with an execution date of April 24, 2019.”

  19. SS I am not concerned about late term abortions except for the fact some of the laws allow my dentist to do them, and I would prefer he wasnt groping around in someone’s pussy before he does my root canal. The laws are vague what does mental health of the mother mean ??? it can be anything.. It sounds like you have pulled a few trains in your life and I agree a womans body is her own but does the other parent not have any say.

  20. John

    I have to ask you this question: do you live in America?

    Well for your information the media eat up this story like hot cakes, so there is no need for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the Justice Brothers to be on it …

  21. John

    Haven’t you noticed in recent years that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are no long the central voices for Black people when racial the incidences of this nature occurs in America?

  22. Lawson

    The argument for and against Abortion is whether or not Life begins at conception or does it begins at birth … however… in Judeo Christian Society the Bible teaches that Life begins at conception, but also bear in mind that when it comes to Law implimentation there is high separation between Church and State.

  23. Its a tough one but why should taxpayers be on the hook for abortions if the mother is not in peril, incest rape etc should be an early abortion. ….I thought it used to be if you murdered a pregnant woman you were charged with two deaths now a fetus is not considered of having rights. The next step to this is harvesting the body for parts look down the road.

  24. John

    Some people believe that the first breath of life makes one a human being … others believe that the moment of conception makes one a human being, but the latter is based on the Bible interpretation … However … is would be interested to get 45gov take on this issue since he holds and atheistic stance which is contrary to the conservative ideology…

  25. Lawson

    Why should taxpayers be on the hook for Space Exploration when thousands are living in poverty? Yep …I know it is the human condition and poverty will be with us no matter what …says who though?

  26. @Lexicon

    Try giving commenters an opportunity to respond dumping other comments.

  27. Lexicon
    February 10, 2019 7:21 AM

    Why should taxpayers be on the hook for Space Exploration when thousands are living in poverty?


    Duh …Technology

    You can google and find the many other applications resulting from space exploration

  28. There are Two Bodies involved. If there were not then there would be nothing to abort.

    “The onset of life is not a debatable issue, but a fact of science.

    We weep for those who die, pray and work for those whose lives are in jeopardy. For years I have labored with other doctors here and abroad, struggling to prolong life. It is impossible to describe the grief a physician feels when the life of a patient is lost. Can anyone imagine how we feel when life is destroyed at its roots?

    What sense of inconsistency can allow people to grieve for their dead, yet be calloused to this baleful war being waged on life at the time of its silent development? What logic would encourage efforts to preserve the life of a critically ill twelve-week-old infant, but countenance the termination of another life twelve weeks after inception?

    More attention is seemingly focused on the fate of a life at some penitentiary’s death row than on the millions totally deprived of life’s opportunity through such odious carnage before birth.

    What impropriety could now legalize that which has been forbidden by the laws of God from the dawn of time? What twisted reasoning has transformed mythical concepts into contorted slogans assenting to a practice which is consummately wrong?

    The woman’s choice for her own body does not validate choice for the body of another. The expression ‘terminate the pregnancy’ applies literally only to the woman. The consequence of terminating the fetus therein involves the body and very life of another. These two individuals have separate brains, separate hearts, and separate circulatory systems.
    To pretend that there is no child and no life there is to deny reality.

    It is not a question of when ‘meaningful life’ begins or when the spirit ‘quickens’ the body. In the biological sciences, it is known that life begins when two germ cells unite to become one cell, bringing together twenty-three chromosomes from both the father and from the mother. These chromosomes contain thousands of genes. In a marvelous process involving a combination of genetic coding by which all the basic human characteristics of the unborn person are established, a new DNA complex is formed. A continuum of growth results in a new human being. The onset of life is not a debatable issue, but a fact of science.”

  29. poor analogy…closer would be for re assignment surgery….they turn a guy into a woman so they can still blow guys weird

  30. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog February 10, 2019 4:04 AM

    It would be most interesting to hear the views of the likes of John, Freedom Crier and Govt45 (or even that pretend-Christian fella the oero Dr. Georgie Porgie) on the racist killing of the 14 year old Emmett Till.

    What excuse would they proffer to justify the brutal slaying of the poor ‘uppity’ boy in 1955?

    What would John the Prince Quaker of the Abolition movement have to say to explain that unpunished killing of an innocent kid from Chicago by Southern adult white supremacists?

    That blacks should not look back in anger (or even at a piece of white meat) since they have been freed from slavery by their kind white masters and given the salvation of sweet white Jesus they new master of their still enslaved minds?

  31. millertheanunnaki February 10, 2019 12:39 PM

    Are you Aware that they are more Black Babies Murdered by Abortion than Any other Race in America…Upheld and Sanctioned by Democrats?

    Now that we have Established that The Democrats Objective by Obstructing the incoming Justice on grounds of Roe Vs Wade law is to continue to Practice Eugenics with Leftist like Bill Gates leading the way who followed in his Father’s Footsteps who was the head of Planned Parenthood, especially targeting the poor in society and the Black Race targeting the African Nation Sterilizing their people and in America Aborting their Babies…

    We understand their Paltry Evil Reason that to save the Children we must ban Guns while they murder Children in the Millions since Roe Vs Wade in the 70’s to date over 61 Million Plus, while using the unlawful and Illegal immigration as an Excuse to cover their Dark deeds of ripping the Innocent from their mothers wombs and selling their parts piece by piece for Filthy Lucre.

    On the same vein the Democrat party created laws for taxes money to fund the organization, but they intentionally over fund it. Then the organization donates it back to the Democrat’s. As do All their other Non Profit Organizations a Dirty legal way to make money, they are neither Prolife nor Pro Choice…Draw your own conclusion, but how I see is:


    And when you do Reach that Feeling and Understanding you can’t but hold your Head and Cry-out as if to Stop your head from Exploding to See the EVIL being Fostered on the People to Create a Political End to Begin the Process to Disarm the Law Abiding Citizens to Foster the Advent Tyranny and to Uphold the Barbarous Law that Kill Children in the name of Planned Parenthood.


  32. John September 25, 2018 11:51 PM

    So, do you think Christine Ballsy Ford will show up on Thursday?

    Rush Limbaugh reckons on Wednesday, tomorrow, we will hear she isn’t.

    He has a proven record of being right 99.8% of the time.

    We will see if this is the 0.2%!!!

    John September 26, 2018 2:05 PM

    September 26, 2018 8:06 AM

    Again, language betrays a whole lot. “Ballsy”


    I listen to Rush Limbaugh … but I have said that … in writing … numerous times already!!!

    He always uses the name Ballsy.

    I thought that was her name!!!

    When I look it up on the internet I see it is actually not Ballsy but Bailey!!

    ohn September 26, 2018 5:33 PM

    September 26, 2018 4:08 PM

    Bad person to trust with even a name, that Rush Limbaugh.


    He is proven to be correct 99.8% of the time!!!

    No one else gets there!!

    I am still trying to find the post where you told me to listen to Rush Limbaugh and get my head straightened out.

    That means you DO take stands on USA policy.

    You just cannot bring yourself to disagree with the “Klan” . And so I still await your display of the “individuality” you claim to admire so much.

    I disagreed with Obama. I disagreed with Hillary. I disagree with many Democrats. I disagree with MSNBC, CNN, ABC etc. etc. etc. As a matter of fact I just on this very blog referred to Democrats as dumb for the way they handled the Whittaker hearing.

    But you…….

    I think I hear your bones cracking..

  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Freedom Crier February 10, 2019 1:46 PM
    “Are you Aware that they are more Black Babies Murdered by Abortion than Any other Race in America…Upheld and Sanctioned by Democrats?”

    How can that be when there are more white Americans than blacks?

    Why is the white population decreasing at such an alarmingly excessive rate given the amount of screwing they do? Do the males perform acts of Onanism or do the women use the morning-after pill?

    What is the difference between aborting a foetus and the ‘lynching’ of a 14 year old black boy whose mother had invested hundreds of hours of emotional currency in his development?

    Maybe if Mrs. Till had aborted the foetus called Emmett she would not have suffered the racial pain of having her only child killed by white supremacists just because of some sexual inferiority complex afflicting the white man and his petty pecker.

  34. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @lawson February 10, 2019 7:00 AM “Its a tough one but why should taxpayers be on the hook for abortions if the mother is not in peril, incest rape etc should be an early abortion.”

    It doesn’t work like that.

    Children and teens who are raped or who have incest rape committed against them are typically so traumatized that nobody knows about the pregnancy until the delivery. Those children and teens are the ones MOST LIKELY to conceal a pregnancy until it is too late for an early abortion.

  35. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @lawson February 10, 2019 6:31 AM “SS I am not concerned about late term abortions except for the fact some of the laws allow my dentist to do them, and I would prefer he wasnt groping around in someone’s pussy before he does my root canal.”

    I take it that you go to a dentist who has heard of soap and water? And that he spends some money buying gloves.

    And you were born out of a pussy were you not? And you turned up in this world healthy and happy. Where has this nastiness come from that pussies are nasty infectious places?

  36. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @lawson February 10, 2019 6:31 AM “The laws are vague what does mental health of the mother mean ?”

    Mental health of the mother means a woman who is still crying 60 years after her father raped her.

    The same way you would feel if your father had raped you. The same way Denis Lortie felt when his father raped him. And he did not abort a fetus. He killed three fully grown human beings.

  37. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @lawson February 10, 2019 6:31 AM “but does the other parent not have any say.”


    Don’t you know that many children are conceived by immaculate conception?

  38. That means you DO take stands on USA policy.


    How many people you reckon are right 99.8% of the time?

    I don’t take stands on American policy, I choose to listen to a man who is right 99.8% of the time … that makes me as individual as I could be.

    How may bloggers on here are consistently proven to be wrong and when actually shown their error are incapable of correcting themselves.

    I usually start out right … that makes me individual!!!

    I’ll let you into a little secret once you don’t tell anybody.

    Tina sung these words for me … “You’re simply the best, better than all the rest”!!

  39. Let me show you just how individual I am.

    I predicted Trump would win long before the primaries!!!

    Told people so … got emails with dates and times!!

    … and I hadn’t even listened to Rush back then.

    It was so so simple.

    I have watched how wrong people can be when they blindly follow one another from the time I was a boy!!!

    It is almost like each idiot amplifies the error.

    So when people I know who fully expected Hilary to win but wanted a Republican win stayed up until the wee hours of the morning listening to results, I was in bed sleeping from 10:30pm.

    Next day they were euphoric but brek up by the lack of sleep.

    I was ready and raring to go!!

    Simply the best!!

    Watch these idiots melting down when I was in bed sleeping knowing full well what the outcome would be.

  40. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “What excuse would they proffer to justify the brutal slaying of the poor ‘uppity’ boy in 1955?”

    Miller my dear …don’t hold ya breath…none of them frauds even want to address what I posted yesterday let alone address the cockup and brutal murder of Emmet Till because of a lying racist ho.



    Every soul has its purpose and its about time we stand up for all the women and the babies. These women need to be loved and given support and kindness and the babies deserve a chance to fulfill their purpose. Doctors who perform these acts are the ones with blood on their hands.’

  43. Doctors who perform these acts are the ones with blood on their hands and Politicians are the Monsters for they make killing of the Innocent Legal.

    Psalms Chapter 106

    37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils,

    38 And shed innocent blood, [even] the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.

    Evil Always Comes in Pretty Packages or we would not Buy it!!

  44. This is D’Souza on Northam

  45. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Film maker wuh?


  46. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    It has been raining off and on for the past 31 hours, sometimes heavily, and for more than 20 minutes at a time.

  47. @ Simple Simon,

    Your use of vulgar, nasty language is unbecoming. Where is the chairman?

  48. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Dear Hal:

    Please note that lawson introduced the word “pussies” to this thread. And with the implication that “pussies” are dirtier than his mouth. Did you not find that offensive? If so why not? Why have you not reprimanded him? Is it because he is perceived as being as old, white and male? And I am not? Does he get the “old/white/male pass? While I have to wait pun Hal or the Chairman?

    If David wants to ban me he can.

    But neither David or I need your permission for anything.

  49. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Hal Austin February 11, 2019 10:17 AM “unbecoming.”

    Unbecoming to whom?

    Please write it down somewhere that I have no desire to be “becoming” to you.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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