Submitted by Pachamama

With settled and incontestable scientific certainty we know that the original peoples of the universes were as Black as midnight – blue-black. Long before there was anything called a White race, Afrikans had peopled the entirety of Mother Earth. Even today, about 90% of all humanoids are still peoples of colour. Yet we have the internal contradiction of a people which did not create the year, the month, the week, the day, the hour, the minute, the second or anything else foundationally, mustering the audacity to assign a month to those who actually did, as if by right, by papal bull (er).

When they talk about Black history month they are essentially describing events emanating from Nicholas V’s issuance of such a papal bull (Romanus Pontifex) on January 8, 1455. It gave the Portuguese a monopoly to trade with Afrika and in our enslavement – just 570 years ago. It was a declaration of war on the Afrikan world. The Pope presumed that he was the owner of the earth, that some god somewhere had so given it. Some still, to this day, argue that that Bull is still the law of the land – all lands. And though we well know that Afrikan peoples have been here at the beginning of the time before time, the only history which really matters in White history month is the last five hundred and seventy (570) years. And that is so because White people say so and ignorant Black people believe it.

Only in White history does 570 years have any significance in the grand scheme of things – for to them everything around us was built just 6000 years ago. And that ignorance continues despite carbon dating, despite genetic sequencing, despite not making common sense, despite historical inconsistencies. More troubling, is the fixation on this twinkling of the eye, in astronomical terms, by much of Black academia, the Black church, Black elites and the general public.

Could it be possible that this artificiality was constructed to serve the purposes of those who would want to really rewrite history, as if to start anew? And who are those who have benefited from such monumental set of plagiaries? How could it be that the very peoples who invented all the sciences, developed the techno-complexes, settled the entire earth, conquered the seas, invented writing, hundreds of thousands of years previously could now be the slaves of Europeans who never even existed until recently, nor developed a script of their own and were not even writing, generally, until well into the second millennia of the common era.

Black academia serves White and Jewish interests, in presenting the truncated historical record which informs our every action. That the historiographies which have as their point of departure a slavery epoch deliberately leaves out truths which have the immense potential of awakening the sleeping Afrikan giant could only have been informed by sinister motives. We contend that if Afrikan peoples today knew the truth of our existence, it would be apparent that everything of significance Europeans have told us was a lie and that the Europeans, themselves, are in perpetual fear of genetic annihilation, then this White history month could have an entirely different meaning.

There is not one academician in the Caribbean and few elsewhere who would, for example, and with specificity draw on the mountains of literature written by Jewish scholars which clearly show that though we generally blame the Europeans for the Holocaust of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, from the beginning to ‘now’ slavery was a Jewish led enterprise. Those Jewish scholars provide incontrovertible proofs that Columbus was himself a Jew who converted to Christianity in order to receive the support of both the Spanish and Portuguese courts. Of course, it was the ‘Arabs’ who first traded the Slavic peoples, thus giving us this etymology.

We have been appealing for the local expert on the Jewish Synagogue, Karl Watson, to explain to us the forces which would have led to the erection of such a place of ‘worship’ in Barbados in 1654. While he is at it, he might want to tell us why the synagogue in Brazil, the oldest in the western hemisphere, was built as early as 1636, a few years earlier, and what the relationships between the two were. Also, why was Barbados so important to international Jewry for such a congregation to be so established, as the second oldest in the western hemisphere? If you are contending that the last 570 years of history is such a significant epoch, why can we never come to an accurate understanding of the underlying forces in the society at that time, in relation to world Jewry? We will leave questions about the significant (leading) Jewish role, especially Dutch Jewry, in the slave economy in North America to your colleague Skip Gates, a ‘prominent’ White historian in Black face operating up north.

During White history month we will not be hearing the likes of Dr. Ben, Van Sertima, James, Williams, Jan Carew, Diop, Obenga, Clarke, Smalls and thousands more as Afrikan Studies Departments continue to face cuts in budgets. We are certainly not going to hear anything of the majesty of Afrikan peoples – that history before time, before Europeans even existed. Instead we will be fed with general narratives which support European history and culture, in Black face, of course. We will be seeing ‘exceptional Negroes’ being paraded who could ‘shuck and jive’, Negroes who could run behind a ball, a man who could offer the other cheek – not down below we hope, even milquetoast presentations of both MLK and Malcolm X as a staple and to protect the ‘sensibilities’ of Europeans.

Let us deal with some of the social forces which have harmed the Afrikan interests in recent times.

The most sinister of these must be the ‘selection’ of Barack Obama for the presidency of the USA. Obama used that position to strategically relocate the ‘civil rights movement’ firmly into the camp of the LGBTQ political formations. It is pellucid to us that this Obama was appointed to do a job of the master pimp. And Obama did a massive devastation of Afrikans within the USA, and elsewhere, were by most metrics the vestiges of slavery continued to wreak havoc from coast to coast.

With the merging of these social formations the whole orientation of human rights discourses have been forever transformed by Obama. Black interests were made to take a back seat while the society is set sail down a cultural dead end with a social ‘experiment’ whose outcome is not uncertain. It is an experiment which could only come from the mind of the Devil or White people in Black face. Thus we’ve seen the Black church, led by people like Barber, Sharpton, and more, going all in, on the Obama legacy of mainstreaming bulling with all its emerging ‘specializations’.

Obama and his supporters even weaponized this hideous agenda. With this many were forced to break with him. It was when he decided (implemented) that Afrikan countries, in order to receive America aide, had to change their laws to permit bulling in all its manifestations. This was however consistent with his generalized attitude towards Afrikan people – our destruction. Certainly, he was a White man in Black face, no?

Even when we look at American military aggressions on Africa during the Obama presidency we see a level of militarism not inconsistent with the other form of cultural penetration as described above. When Obama came to office there were only four (4) American military bases on the Afrikan continent. On leaving office there had markedly increased to eighty-four (84), in just eight (8) years. Could he have been anything but a White man in Black face like Northam, the now embroiled governor of Virginia?

One good thing about Obama though. Were there not an Obama we could not have a Trump. For Trump may very well be a blessing in disguise. For what Donald Trump has done, is doing, has contributed more to the destruction of the American imperium than we could have hoped for in our wildest dreams. How ironic? For that is the subject of our next contribution.


  1. Oh look, the racist POS Pachatwat is now on the case of the Hindus against his Muslim pals. What a piece of work.

  2. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Pachamama “Thus we’ve seen the Black church, led by people like Barber, Sharpton, and more, going all in, on the Obama legacy of mainstreaming bulling with all its emerging ‘specializations’. Obama and his supporters even weaponized this hideous agenda. With this many were forced to break with him. It was when he decided (implemented) that Afrikan countries, in order to receive America aide, had to change their laws to permit bulling in all its manifestations. ”

    Long, long before Barack Obama was born, I am more than a decade older than Obama, I was born and raised in a village in rural Barbados where both male and female homosexuals were just part of an ordinary community. We did not do not not need Obama, or you, or Americans to tell us that our homosexual uncles, teachers, neighbours etc. were just ordinary people. A part of a very loving community.

    And yes we are aware that in the period between 1922 and 1898 when slavery was abolished that in the Americas if you were either a slave or a slave owner. We are aware that the Portuguese Jews from Brazil who established the synagogue in Bridgetown also held African people in slavery. They were slave owners. This is no secret, and it is not antisemitic to state an historical truth. Although once when I visited the synagogue and I asked a question about the black people enslaved by the Jewish people in Barbados in the 17th and 18th century, and had sexual relations with their enslaved women, just as the white Christian men did (rape, since an enslaved woman cannot consent to sex with the person who is holding her in slavery/against her will the person showing me around seemed very, very uncomfortable with my questions. Serious Jewish scholars know that this is the truth.

    We black people need not feel any guilt over the Holocaust. It was not our doing. We have never persecuted the Jewish people. The Holocaust was wrong, a great evil against the Jewish people, but it was not black people’s doing. Let the guilt remain with those still alive, and those whose parents and grandparents persecuted the Jews.

    We must always speak and acknowledge the truth, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes makes others feel.

    The truth is the truth.

  3. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    CORRECTION: from 1492 when Columbus said the ocean blue to 1898 when the white political class finally abolished slavery in Brazil.

    When I think of this I remember my beloved grandmother, who died when i was 16. If she had been born in Brazil she would have been enslaved until she was adult.

    And from my father’s side (her son) 11 of her 14 grandchildren have graduated from university, many with graduate degrees, and and are all engaged in productive work. Two are currently in university one due to graduate this year and one next year.

    And yet my grandmother spent her entire life until her 80’s weeding for very, very small wages at Mangrove Plantation, St. Peter.

    That is the nature of oppression.

    We are not dead yet. We have not forgotten. We do understand what was done to our grandparents, and to their fore parents.

  4. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    This is the repulsive hypocrisy of the UK…in all it’s ugly …pretending they got a commonwealth family of many majority black countries…but out and out lying as usual, saying one thing, doing something else…..their footprint of lies and criminality against the black race will be their undoing…it has gone on for far too long.

    Whichever dumbass black people want to continue to believe their nearly 600 years of lying going forward deserves every crime perpetrated agains them …….you know the demons and criminals they have been against you and yours for CENTURIES…. why would you believe anything they say now.

    But as Pacha will tell you, it’s the sell outs for black leaders ya gotta watch out for and be very careful of…

  5. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Lawson…ya been around too many old hags..ya hardly find them in the black race, we are more graceful.

    …..but if ya desperate to meet one in Barbados, just check out the link with Leodean Worrell…she looks just like a bat with pointed ears and everything… sure you will like her.

  6. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    CORRECTION: 11 of her 14 great grandchildren

  7. David

    People should be following the imbroglio in Virginia where the Democratic party, on the one hand, is in a Black-face crisis with Northam, the governor

    On the other hand, the multiple sexual misconduct allegations by Fairfax. Fairfax is the lieutenant governor, against whom multiple rape allegations are being made. There is a third issue, all within the Democratic Party.

    Virginia is a racist state, the seat of the confederacy. A state which would celebrate Robert E Lee, a racist, on MLK’s day.

    The Democratic Party is the USA is no less racist than the Republicans.

  8. @Pacha

    Yes, the blogmaster has been following. Trump’s elevation has embolden many to act out what are their true feelings.

    On another note what is happening with the Italy France diplomatic imbroglio?

  9. David

    We are witnessing no less than the collapse of the Western alliances. The post WW2 understandings. And the systems are imploding on all sides. Maybe we’ll do something on this within the week.

    You may want to have a look at the anti-war letter Maduro issued. It’s on Telesur.

    Just listened to Dr. Gerald Horne,
    He seems convinced about our long worry. Guyana’s involvement in the lead up to war in Venezuela.

  10. Nehanda Abiodun, 68, Black Revolutionary Who Fled to Cuba, Dies – News
    By Mayne –
    February 8, 2019

    Nehanda Abiodun, a radical black nationalist who was charged within the lethal botched theft of a Brink’s armored truck in 1981 after which spent a long time as a fugitive in Cuba, a hero to would-be revolutionaries and a prison to many others, died on Jan. 30 at her residence in Havana. She was 68………………………………..

  11. Pacha, you are being extreme as usual. The Democratic party has vestiges of racism and sexism. These men donned the black face as young men many many years ago. They did grow up in Virginia. They are probably not the same men they were years ago. Heck, I am not the same women I was thirty years ago! We grow and evolve. At least some of us do.

  12. But unfortunately it seems that Fairfax will have to go. It’s not looking good for him. Why promising men throw their lives away like that i will never understand.

  13. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    The crimes against black people are many..the footprint of criminality is deep and wide…

    “Isaac Woodard just wanted to get home and see his wife.

    He’d been in the Army more than three years, a longshoreman for the Pacific fleet in the waning days of World War II.

    Finally, on Feb. 12, 1946, he was on a Greyhound bus bound for Winnsboro. But he wouldn’t make it — or ever see his wife again.

    Because he was black, Woodard wasn’t allowed to fight during the war, but the decorated soldier would become one of the most infamous casualties of an ugly chapter in American history.

    That night, Woodard asked the bus driver for a bathroom break just outside of Aiken. The driver was rude to him, later claiming the soldier was drunk and disturbing other passengers. Woodard took umbrage, but didn’t make a scene. When the bus stopped in Batesburg, however, the driver called the police. Woodard — still wearing his Army dress uniform — protested he’d done nothing wrong. But he was beaten and arrested.

    And just outside the jail, the police chief took his blackjack and gouged out Woodard’s eyes.”

  14. For those that spout about racism they have chosen one bad behaviour and made it their life’s mission to hate others while trying to sound like they are righteous. I thought that racism was making decision based on race and not the PERSON who is before you. But people who spout against racism who say the following “We consider that these people and their systems must be frontally destroyed. By any means necessary.” Advocate racism. Funny how that works. People who say that they hate racism want to exterminate a race by any means let’s say blacks were successful in exterminating the white race who is next maybe the yellow race may think they are next and might want to exterminate the black race before they can get to them. Where does this end.

    Where do you think those that profess they are against racism and use racism to kill another race are after glory of the world “wealth” and power over those that they intend to rule their own people for they would have killed off the others. Or do you think that if a few other races live among you they will be threaten that you “must not blaspheme” or you will die. And we will determine if you are a blasphemer or not.

    I do not know of a man alive that does not sin. We all need to repent. As Christ has said “it is written”

    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
    3 And why beholdest thou the mote (the little spirally dirt) thing that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam (the biggest piece of lumber that may be used in a house) that is in thine own eye? (Matthew 7:2–3)

    Also instructive is that we should look to ourselves first to correct our faults not at others.

    Please be aware that faced with destruction nobody goes quietly in to the night.

    Really, According to you Pachamama and David…Only Racist Support Trump!!!

    Since the election more Hispanics, more Blacks, more Asians support Thump. Continue jumping over the hoops in explaining how a racist country elected a Black president TWICE when Blacks are 10-12% of the population.

    As usual the left tell untruths and they believe them too.

    Please watch the following video.

  15. So Pacha, none of these great Afrikans were “bulling”?

  16. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Donna February 8, 2019 8:45 PM “But unfortunately it seems that Fairfax will have to go. It’s not looking good for him. Why promising men throw their lives away like that i will never understand.”

    Maybe small head “thinking” instead of letting the big head do the thinking.

  17. Correction…Really, According to you Pachamama and David…Only White Supremacist Support Trump!!!

  18. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Donna February 8, 2019 8:40 PM “These men donned the black face as young men many many years ago. They did grow up in Virginia. They are probably not the same men they were years ago.”

    Please don’t make excuses for bad behaviour. The bad behaviour took place when the now governor was in medical school, which means that he would have been about 22 and had already graduated from university.

    I spent some time in Virginia more than 40 years ago. I was only a teen, but even so even then I understood the negatives attached to Klan gear and blackface.

    Sensible people knew it was wrong then.

    It is wrong now.

  19. Donna

    Please. Recently, there was an election in Virginia in which Northam and Fairfax were on the democratic ticket – governor and Lt, Governor, respectively.

    The political and racial culture in Virginia permitted Northam, a White man, to do something which was highlighted in the election by their opponents – the Republicans.

    Northams was able to avoid even taking a picture with Fairfax or appearing with him publicly for fear it would cost him White votes. Now, that is the nature of racism, that is a lived reality in Virginia.

    The irony is that Fairfax was the likely person to replace Northam, until the sex disclosures.

    DONNA! The writer is a trained scientist. We NEVER say anything here unless we have incontrovertible evidence or proof.

    What is this nonsense about being extreme. The problem is with you. Talking shiiite about violence begets violence. When violence is everywhere around us.

    We have never made a statement here which anybody has been able to contradict!

    And you, have you ever lived in Virginia? If not how can you be so judgmental sitting wherever you maybe.

  20. Simple thinking…. @ 4.08 pm
    “We are not dead yet. We have not forgotten. We do understand what was done to our grandparents, and to their fore parents.”
    If only you REALLY understood what those 400+ years of slavery and mis-education have done to YOU …and and the rest of us brass bowls…
    Perhaps even worse that was done to our grand parents…. but maybe it is better that you not know.

  21. Enuff

    No. But you must come to know yourself. No Afrikan people have any history or tradition of those kinds of behaviours. There is no record of such, anywhere.

    You would be surprised about the types of Western ‘deviance’ unknown to traditional Afrikan societies.

    Do you know, for example, that no Afrikan languages had words for ‘jail’, ‘prison’ or ;old people homes’ and many more, because they never had any need for them.

  22. Donna I was very Proud of your words To Communist Pachamama when he said “We consider that these people and their systems must be frontally destroyed. By any means necessary.” ….

    You Replied “And as far as I can see – violence begets violence. Do you want to eradicate them ALL from the earth? There are some of them that I quite like.

    When we get rid of all of them I am sure we will create our own problems among ourselves. There will never be peace perfect peace as long as MANKIND rules this earth.

    We must be realist. There were problems in Africa before they came. There would be problems after they are gone. That’s just mankind.

    This racism is a problem that has to be gradually addressed. Patience and positive action will make a difference.

    Rome was not built in a day. Neither was it destroyed in a day. And even the Romans left some good stuff behind.”

    Donna I hope you will open your Eyes now …How Dare you have a Different Opinion to the Regime…as he says in no uncertain Terms…”We have never made a statement here which anybody has been able to contradict!”

    WOW!! They See themselves as Absolutely Perfect and Incapable of Making Mistakes…Only us Mortals are Capable of Such not the gods of this world…

    Listen Well Lil Sis…

    FAST FORWARD…2018…Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema being told “Watch your ass”, by fellow Democrat Sen. Jacky Rosen for applauding American success under President Donald J. Trump’s Administration.

  23. The issue with the Democrat Northam is not the blackface photo it is his position on late term abortion.

    I have heard it mooted that the blackface photo was “found” to divert attention in the press from his comments.

    I have also heard it mooted it was found by a classmate who was appalled by the Governor’s comments on late term abortion.

    It has snowballed with a second Democrat, the attorney general, admitting the same “offence”.

    If one goes both must go.

    They are in hiding hoping it will blow over meanwhile the press says nothing about the Governor’s comments on late term abortion.

    To compound matters, the Lieutenant Governor, Fairfax, has been accused of sexual assault.

    It is priceless.

    The position the Democrats have taken with Kavanaugh is the woman is always to be believed!!!

    So Fairfax should be toast too!!

    The problem is that means the new Governor will be a Republican!!!

    To avoid the horror of the comments on late term abortion, the Democrats have found themselves in a pickle.

    Sexual molestation, racism, KKK …. all democrat trademarks.

  24. Kavanaugh’s lawyers will represent Fair fax and Ballsey Ford’s will represent his accuser!!

    “Unlike in Kavanaugh’s case — when Democrats insisted female accusers be believed — Democrats’ responses to the accusations against the Democratic lieutenant governor have been more muted.”

    It is absolutely priceless!!

  25. Correction…FAST FORWARD…2019…Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema being told “Watch your ass”, by fellow Democrat Sen. Jacky Rosen ….

  26. Wonder if “Black Lives Matter” will make an appearance.

    Looks like The Reverend Al Sharpton is being ignored!!

    Democrats ain’t doing nuffing, just waiting for it to blow over!!

  27. Here I think is the real issue.

  28. Enuff

    Some academics disagree. They report many incidences of same sex relations.

    Hatshepsut, a Queen of Kemet ruled as a Pharaoh but was a women bore children, had a king etc.

  29. Simple Simon,

    I am not making excuses for bad behaviour. I am saying that I could forgive it if the person had changed and matured as I have. Are you so perfect? Have you always been perfect? I actually think Northam should resign simply because I still believe he was standing next to the man in the Klan uniform. Klan business is serious business. Also he lied about it and is still not aware of the seriousness of his actions. That for me is a current problem not a past problem. Blackface is not good but can be forgiven if a person has changed his ways. I think the A.G can remain if suitably penitent.

    But Fairfax is a problem.. No respected educator would want to be forever pictured with a penis in her mouth. A liar would have claimed sexual assault or rape but not forced oral sex. Now that there’s a second woman i know he did it. If there is a way to have a speedy and legitimate hearing then fine. Otherwise he has to go.

    The Democrats should have thought this through. That stupid “women are to be believed” has come back to bite them in the ass. My best friend and I argued over that one. I told her they should have treated Blasey-Ford with respect but they should have reserved judgment until after the hearing. Instead they all praised her for “her bravery in coming forward”. I told my friend that if she was lying her bravery should not be complimented. After the hearing I was positive he had done it.


    I am well aware of what Northam did during the election campaign.. As I said, he was in Virginia after all. You yourself complained that they still celebrate Robert E. Lee. But the black man did get elected. Progress was made. And now look! Ten steps backward. Whose fault will that be?

    You think violence can solve the problem. Violence is all around us but I don’t see it solving any problems. It is my opinion that forced change does not last because the mind has not been changed. It is therefore unsustainable. The situation will be reversed as soon as the vanquished regroup and regain the upper hand.

    Do you want a forever war then?

    I believe slow and steady often wins the race; the race is not for the swift but for he who endures to the end and all that stuff.

  30. John, you are just as bad. Have you checked out your Republican president? A few other Republicans have gone down lately as well. Lord, you blind partisans make me sooooo sick! What the hell is wrong with you people?????!!!!! Have you NO SHAME?????!!!!!!

  31. By the way John – the difference is the Klan uniform next to the black face and the way the Governor messed up his story and wanted to do the moonwalk at the press conference. His wife had to stop him. Also his nickname was ‘Coon Man’ . Apparently. He was a serial offender.

    The A.G. confessed before he was caught and was suitably penitent and humbled. So it is not the same “offence”.

    P.S. The inverted commas around the word offence have not gone unnoticed.

  32. And you are lying. The Democrats ARE doing something. They have called for Northam and Fairfax to resign. Impeachment proceedings are being threatened for Fairfax.



    The discussion between the doctor and the mother would have to be about whether the child would be resuscitated if it stops breathing again or about whether to treat the child to prolong its life in the face of immense suffering without real hope of improvement. That is a discussion that occurs in many other circumstances. Surely he is not suggesting infanticide. Do you have any evidence of THAT?


    Partisans don’t care about logic or reason or fact.

  34. Donna
    February 8, 2019 11:52 PM

    John, you are just as bad. Have you checked out your Republican president? A few other Republicans have gone down lately as well. Lord, you blind partisans make me sooooo sick! What the hell is wrong with you people?????!!!!! Have you NO SHAME?????!!!!!!


    The Democrats are in a completely different league.

    KKK belongs exclusively to them … historical fact ,,, this is not debatable.

    There is no parallel with Republicans.

    In fact the KKK was formed to prevent progress in the Republican agenda.

    The blackface photos gets not one Democrat but two of them.

    They just fit the profile.

    Fairfax, Democrat, seems to be another Clinton in the making!!

    They are just naturals at these games!!

    Of course there are Republicans who are at fault but not to the extent of Democrats and I will show you why.

    Republicans tend to be individuals and behave individually.

    Democrats are part of a clan (no pun intended) and watch each other’s back.

    The mores of the clan determine individual behavior and the clan is corrupt.

    Republicans just don’t have that support system the Democrats have.

    If one steps out of line and they are on their own!!

    The Democrats will take extreme pleasure in knifing you!!

    The Republican party is relatively new, Lincoln era.

    The Democrats been knocking from a century earlier …. more time to become corrupt.

    Just how it is … human nature.

  35. Me, I like individuality and accountability.

    Doesn’t mean I am a saint, just that I know I am individually responsible for my actions!!

  36. Trump is an individual, no one can deny that fact.

    I respect and admire that individuality!!

  37. @Pacha

    The rhetoric from Maduro is not nearly as strident as Kim Jong Un yet a different foreign policy stance. The difference is that North Korea has the DMZ to block North Koreans who want to flea to the South.

  38. pretty ironic you become black and you become unemployed
    Pacha africa had no word for prisons . jails or old age homes…because if they were in need of one they just killed the person with a rock.
    Donna …. Al franken must be throwing up somewhere, he never should have been forced out… prick that he is…. over a stupid funny picture. Same with these guys although the fairfax thing is more troubling …. misreading signals can result unfortunate and unwanted sexual encounters ( that is why lexicon is barred from any zoo world wide) but to have your life ruined over a grey area event is not right, Mike tyson probably should have gone to jail for a lot of things …but not for rape.
    Being able to abort right up to delivery hearkens back to plantocracy days….the baby is black…kill it…There are reasons I am sure that difficult decisions must be made but they should be limited by laws not encouraged by laws.. Of more concern is chiropracters, podiatrists dentists will all be allowed to perform abortions in some of these laws, I can guarantee that if any white woman is getting an abortion more than likely it will be a real doctor so who do you think that there going to let the other ones practice on.

  39. Sorry not the zoo in Djibouti… which has a rather homily wilder beast that can paw out lexicon in a heart with her hoof.

  40. Being able to abort right up to delivery hearkens back to plantocracy days….the baby is black…kill it…


    The argument I always hear from historians is that the child was another slave to be exploited so it was valuable!!!

    The era of which you are speaking is the era of Eugenics in the US (Democrats) from which Hitler got his Final Solution.

    The plantation era was far kinder!!

  41. David
    February 9, 2019 5:28 AM

    The rhetoric from Maduro is not nearly as strident as Kim Jong Un yet a different foreign policy stance. The difference is that North Korea has the DMZ to block North Koreans who want to flea to the South.


    Kim Jong Un has nukes, ticks if you like.

    Maduro is a flea!!

  42. … and yeah, the DMZ is a wall which keeps people in!!

  43. US wants a wall to keep people out!!

  44. @John

    You are babbling. Is US foreign policy consistent or not. One for Un and another for Maduro?

  45. dmz is a wall made of lead

  46. David
    February 9, 2019 7:11 AM

    You are babbling. Is US foreign policy consistent or not. One for Un and another for Maduro?


    It is consistently determined by the circumstances of the individual country.

  47. @John

    You agree then that US foreign policy is not determined by ideology i.e. communism etc but geopolitical interest?

  48. Nature!!

    Enlightened self interest.

  49. Donna

    I am well aware of what Northam did during the election campaign.. As I said, he was in Virginia after all. You yourself complained that they still celebrate Robert E. Lee. But the black man did get elected. Progress was made. And now look! Ten steps backward. Whose fault will that be?
    You think violence can solve the problem. Violence is all around us but I don’t see it solving any problems. It is my opinion that forced change does not last because the mind has not been changed. It is therefore unsustainable. The situation will be reversed as soon as the vanquished regroup and regain the upper hand.
    Do you want a forever war then?
    I believe slow and steady often wins the race; the race is not for the swift but for he who endures to the end and all that stuff.””””””””””””

    Is it really possible to make ‘progress’ against institutional racism?

    Has the election of a series of Black politicians made any differences in the anatomy of institutional racism anywhere on earth? Just give us one example.

    The truth is that Fairfax is just another Obama wannabe. A willing tool of empire. What progress? Progress in conditions where his White running-mate does not even recognize his humanity, how could that be?

    You may not see violence solving any problems but the powers are not so guided, never were and never will be. So you can dream on. They use violence all the time and the worst forms are nascent, not overt as you constantly seek to ascribe to us.

    If ‘forced change’ is unworkable, from your viewpoint, how come hundreds of millions of Africans were uprooted and sent to the West as slaves? Did that not work? Or were they asked nicely?

    We have had a ‘forever war’ for the last 500 years, where have you been?

    You may have the last word.

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