Submitted by Pachamama

With settled and incontestable scientific certainty we know that the original peoples of the universes were as Black as midnight – blue-black. Long before there was anything called a White race, Afrikans had peopled the entirety of Mother Earth. Even today, about 90% of all humanoids are still peoples of colour. Yet we have the internal contradiction of a people which did not create the year, the month, the week, the day, the hour, the minute, the second or anything else foundationally, mustering the audacity to assign a month to those who actually did, as if by right, by papal bull (er).

When they talk about Black history month they are essentially describing events emanating from Nicholas V’s issuance of such a papal bull (Romanus Pontifex) on January 8, 1455. It gave the Portuguese a monopoly to trade with Afrika and in our enslavement – just 570 years ago. It was a declaration of war on the Afrikan world. The Pope presumed that he was the owner of the earth, that some god somewhere had so given it. Some still, to this day, argue that that Bull is still the law of the land – all lands. And though we well know that Afrikan peoples have been here at the beginning of the time before time, the only history which really matters in White history month is the last five hundred and seventy (570) years. And that is so because White people say so and ignorant Black people believe it.

Only in White history does 570 years have any significance in the grand scheme of things – for to them everything around us was built just 6000 years ago. And that ignorance continues despite carbon dating, despite genetic sequencing, despite not making common sense, despite historical inconsistencies. More troubling, is the fixation on this twinkling of the eye, in astronomical terms, by much of Black academia, the Black church, Black elites and the general public.

Could it be possible that this artificiality was constructed to serve the purposes of those who would want to really rewrite history, as if to start anew? And who are those who have benefited from such monumental set of plagiaries? How could it be that the very peoples who invented all the sciences, developed the techno-complexes, settled the entire earth, conquered the seas, invented writing, hundreds of thousands of years previously could now be the slaves of Europeans who never even existed until recently, nor developed a script of their own and were not even writing, generally, until well into the second millennia of the common era.

Black academia serves White and Jewish interests, in presenting the truncated historical record which informs our every action. That the historiographies which have as their point of departure a slavery epoch deliberately leaves out truths which have the immense potential of awakening the sleeping Afrikan giant could only have been informed by sinister motives. We contend that if Afrikan peoples today knew the truth of our existence, it would be apparent that everything of significance Europeans have told us was a lie and that the Europeans, themselves, are in perpetual fear of genetic annihilation, then this White history month could have an entirely different meaning.

There is not one academician in the Caribbean and few elsewhere who would, for example, and with specificity draw on the mountains of literature written by Jewish scholars which clearly show that though we generally blame the Europeans for the Holocaust of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, from the beginning to ‘now’ slavery was a Jewish led enterprise. Those Jewish scholars provide incontrovertible proofs that Columbus was himself a Jew who converted to Christianity in order to receive the support of both the Spanish and Portuguese courts. Of course, it was the ‘Arabs’ who first traded the Slavic peoples, thus giving us this etymology.

We have been appealing for the local expert on the Jewish Synagogue, Karl Watson, to explain to us the forces which would have led to the erection of such a place of ‘worship’ in Barbados in 1654. While he is at it, he might want to tell us why the synagogue in Brazil, the oldest in the western hemisphere, was built as early as 1636, a few years earlier, and what the relationships between the two were. Also, why was Barbados so important to international Jewry for such a congregation to be so established, as the second oldest in the western hemisphere? If you are contending that the last 570 years of history is such a significant epoch, why can we never come to an accurate understanding of the underlying forces in the society at that time, in relation to world Jewry? We will leave questions about the significant (leading) Jewish role, especially Dutch Jewry, in the slave economy in North America to your colleague Skip Gates, a ‘prominent’ White historian in Black face operating up north.

During White history month we will not be hearing the likes of Dr. Ben, Van Sertima, James, Williams, Jan Carew, Diop, Obenga, Clarke, Smalls and thousands more as Afrikan Studies Departments continue to face cuts in budgets. We are certainly not going to hear anything of the majesty of Afrikan peoples – that history before time, before Europeans even existed. Instead we will be fed with general narratives which support European history and culture, in Black face, of course. We will be seeing ‘exceptional Negroes’ being paraded who could ‘shuck and jive’, Negroes who could run behind a ball, a man who could offer the other cheek – not down below we hope, even milquetoast presentations of both MLK and Malcolm X as a staple and to protect the ‘sensibilities’ of Europeans.

Let us deal with some of the social forces which have harmed the Afrikan interests in recent times.

The most sinister of these must be the ‘selection’ of Barack Obama for the presidency of the USA. Obama used that position to strategically relocate the ‘civil rights movement’ firmly into the camp of the LGBTQ political formations. It is pellucid to us that this Obama was appointed to do a job of the master pimp. And Obama did a massive devastation of Afrikans within the USA, and elsewhere, were by most metrics the vestiges of slavery continued to wreak havoc from coast to coast.

With the merging of these social formations the whole orientation of human rights discourses have been forever transformed by Obama. Black interests were made to take a back seat while the society is set sail down a cultural dead end with a social ‘experiment’ whose outcome is not uncertain. It is an experiment which could only come from the mind of the Devil or White people in Black face. Thus we’ve seen the Black church, led by people like Barber, Sharpton, and more, going all in, on the Obama legacy of mainstreaming bulling with all its emerging ‘specializations’.

Obama and his supporters even weaponized this hideous agenda. With this many were forced to break with him. It was when he decided (implemented) that Afrikan countries, in order to receive America aide, had to change their laws to permit bulling in all its manifestations. This was however consistent with his generalized attitude towards Afrikan people – our destruction. Certainly, he was a White man in Black face, no?

Even when we look at American military aggressions on Africa during the Obama presidency we see a level of militarism not inconsistent with the other form of cultural penetration as described above. When Obama came to office there were only four (4) American military bases on the Afrikan continent. On leaving office there had markedly increased to eighty-four (84), in just eight (8) years. Could he have been anything but a White man in Black face like Northam, the now embroiled governor of Virginia?

One good thing about Obama though. Were there not an Obama we could not have a Trump. For Trump may very well be a blessing in disguise. For what Donald Trump has done, is doing, has contributed more to the destruction of the American imperium than we could have hoped for in our wildest dreams. How ironic? For that is the subject of our next contribution.


  1. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Miller…the beauty about it…everyone of those geniuses will return in another form…far outside the reaches of those whites who seek to destroy black people……that is completely out of their control…on a plane much higher than they can eve comprehend….they will be isolated eventually..

    Lawson better start joining the ranks of the good whites…@Forty-Five will catch on, he gets things, but pretends not to..

  2. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    lol..Donna…worse than that…I remember this youngster passed through Barbados one time. all the women had his head turned, he was actually hitting on women he thought were in thei 20’s cause he was at that time 22 or so and gushing how great these women looked, he was not even wearing glasses, no problems with sight……some of them said to him…listen child, I am 55…lol…

    I had to tell him if he don’t watch his ass, he will wake up married to a 70 year old who still looks like 25…

  3. WARU

    THE Mrs. Carrington also looks nice still. The one who schooled the likes of Ms Mottley and many others of our schoolmates.

  4. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Off the top of my head Phylicia Rashad.”

    Have you seen Cicely Tyson recently…I think she is or close to 90 years hold..and still looks damn fine..

    have you seen Angela Bassett lately …hot damn…and I think she is sixty…and still rocking a killer body, killer skin, killer face..

  5. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Is that the one from Hilltop school?

  6. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Lawson..have ya seen Iman lately..David Bowie’s widow…ah sure ya still drool over she is heading hard for 3 scores and ten…..ah bet ya will still be drooling when she is 90…

  7. The age shows up around the eyes. Not with wrinkles (because although I laugh a lot I do not have laugh lines) but with something I can’t quite put my finger on. When I take off my shades I do look a little older than when they’re on. But still not fifty-five. Still somewhere closer to forty, I think.

    Both my grandfathers were handsome at eighty.

    The only black people that age badly are those who do not take care of themselves.

  8. WARU,

    Unless I’m getting muddled, yes. Did some people used to call the school Ms Carrington?

  9. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    As long as black people take good care of themselves…their aging is something out of fairytales, but is reality….although circumstances can age anyone…..

    … let’s not forget the best looking pair of legs to ever walk the earth..Tina Turner….who up until 70 years old was simply the best…. now she is sick at nearly 80, it still does not take away her beauty….and any mirror will agree ..

    Don’t know where Lawson got his spin from…lol

  10. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Donna..I think that is the lady who turned 100 last year, she is stunning, and still walking like a stately 30 year old, all spritely and flowing.

  11. LAWSON

    With sane people like you, we will always embrace insanity. And proudly so!

    It’s amazing how the truth is made to be insane, and lies sanity to flat-earthers like you.

    We have long determined that you were a classical JA, and as such, have always duly ignored you, not read your interminable idiocies.

    Essentially, there are no differences between your high level of ignorance and that of the out-and-out racists here like FREEDOM CRIER the copy and paste merchant Stormfronter who continually clogs the blog with irrelevancies, JOHN his acolyte and 45GOV.

    The real owners of all that is have asked us to announce the demised of all racists and JAs alike. You have been served!

  12. At seventy!

  13. All it takes is a little melanin!

  14. Waru when you look in the mirror do you even see a reflection lol

  15. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    lol….that is everyone wild..

  16. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog February 8, 2019 11:50 AM
    “As long as black people take good care of themselves…their aging is something out of fairytales, but is reality….although circumstances can age anyone…”

    Well said, the former Well, Well!

    Black people are children of the Sun and closest to the God which created them its own image.
    Blacks have been given a good share of that Sun-made gift called melanin.

    If your Judeo-Christian tale of creation is to be accepted then Adam & Eve had to be melanin-rich; unlike their melanin poor albino-cousins as portrayed in that book of black brainwashing.

    One of the major reasons why black people allow themselves to fade so easily is that they refuse to drink a lot of water but engulf their kidneys with too much ‘sugary’ drinks and processed foods which reduce the rate at which their bodies are detoxified and skin cleansed naturally.

    What do you think happens when an animal’s skin is left in the sun without regular applications of Mother Nature’s moisturizer?

    Doesn’t it turn to leather which subsequently requires regular polishing to keep its tan?

  17. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Lawson…if you see me..I will have to beat you back with my cane…lol

  18. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog
    February 8, 2019 10:30 AM

    No John…the truth makes YOU uncomfortable…..but ya gotta live with it in the little time ya got left….ya gotta see all the changes until the earth rids itself of you..


    You missed out bad on all of what GP had to say about the Rapture.

    Eternal life awaits!!

  19. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “One of the major reasons why black people allow themselves to fade so easily is that they refuse to drink a lot of water but engulf their kidneys with too much ‘sugary’ drinks and processed foods which reduce the rate at which their bodies are detoxified and skin cleansed naturally.”

    and that is what kills them with NCDs..I heard many say they hate water…the giver of life…so they just get sick…and die…

    That is why they had to spin centuries of lies and make black people believe themselves to be inferior…knowing well enough that blacks would believe anything that portrays them in a negative light…while forgetting through the ages…that they are the truly blessed children of the sun..

  20. Waru you should try bag balm on that face of yours if you want it soft.

  21. Ahem! Not a lesbian but I’m still admiring Shirley Bassey. Don’t think she was running from the mirror and onto a stage in THAT DRESS!

    Damn hot for seventy. And that beautiful skin! Not as tight but still good.

    Just a drop of melanin!

  22. if she was a lesbian would you admire her more?

  23. WARU, my expensive facial moisturiser is expired now. The jar is almost full. Forgot to use it. Soap and warm water. Smooth like a baby’s behind still.

    Poor Lawson is reduced to nonsensical babble! By not believing me he revealed that in his experience over seventy white folk don’t dare look in the mirror!

    Wuhlaus! Murdah!

  24. I am not a lesbian. I am not a lesbian. But I still can’t help but look.

    That’s what I meant, Lawson. She’s beautiful!

  25. “i am not a lesbian” lol keep telling yourself that …Are you saying your expensive facial moisturizer died before going on your face…..probably suicide.

  26. An oldie….

  27. As I said. Nonsensical babble.

    We woman have no hangups about admiring other women. It’s men that are homophobic and cannot admit when another man is sexy. But you know that.

    Anyway, if I had the choice between an elderly white man and Shirley Bassey I would definitely pick Shirley Bassey. My stomach is not strong.

    Definitely Shirley Bassey.

    P.S. Maybe my moisturiser realised it wasn’t needed. It got tired of being neglected and died of loneliness.

  28. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    GP and his rapture …where is he anyway…probably waiting for the rapture somewhere else…lol

    yall waiting for a rapture when I have always had mine…so who is the fool here…steuppss…

  29. Donna you crapping on Waru she went with the old white man instead of shirley. Waru wasnt joking about bag balm it can make your udder soft.

  30. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    lol…Lawson knows the hideous beings who are afraid to look in the mirror well enough, if he saw my skin he will drool…big time…flawless. ….

    gotta admit never even thought of using moisturizer, it would only stay there and age anyway, turn green or something..’s so bad that they ended up fooling their own selves with all that spin..,,centuries of spin ensnared them too.

  31. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    ….you been putting bag balm on ya man boobs…how else would you know…

    and now ya trying to pimp people’s sex lives…Lawson ya have no shame…

  32. @Pacha

    Let the different views contend. We live in a time where a bigot and racist occupy the office in a land reputed to be free. Older people with unsympathetic views of how black slavery left its stain on the world will fade with a little more time.

  33. David
    February 8, 2019 1:48 PM

    Let the different views contend. We live in a time where a bigot and racist occupy the office in a land reputed to be free. Older people with unsympathetic views of how black slavery left its stain on the world will fade with a little more time.


    Of course, it is also possible it won’t matter to younger people!!

    The people who believe what you think they believe are from a generation that came of age in the EWB era.

    This racist bigot (assuming this is who you mean) has long been forgotten!!

  34. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    This is what Black people should live by..powerful words…which might be hard for uppity, arrogant leaders to understand..seeing that they are the MOST brainwashed and miseducated..

    “If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile culture and tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated.Carter G. Woodson
    “History shows that it does not matter who is in power or what revolutionary forces take over the government, those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.”
    ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro’

  35. David

    Yes generally agree with the first half of your judgement.

    The second-half is however problematic.

    You see, as history has taught us, racism is a self-perpetuating phenomenon, a social construction which cannot die. It continues to morph into self-perpetuating sub-phenomena. For it produces people who inherit the mentalities of racists. Most racist do not even see themselves as such and would not agree that they benefit economically and other ways from racism.

    For example, the world deifies the so-called ‘founding fathers’ of the United States. But they were nearly all slavers. How can that contradiction stand to this very day unless the obvious intention is the perennial continuation of institutional racism as the dominant social construct?

  36. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    We have come to the realization that the arrogant leaders ae the problem..just as problematic as the large countries that continue their hypocrisy….and deceit..

    Anyway..Lawson…even the older women have brains that

    “It appears that not all brains age equally.

    On Monday (Feb. 4) a team of scientists from Washington University in St. Louis published new work showing that women’s brains tend to convert sugar to energy at higher rates than men of the same age—making those brains look “metabolically younger” than men’s brains.:

  37. Pacha,

    Take heart, for those who refuse to examine their history are on their way out. The young people are not half as bad. Check the Parkland Survivors. Check those who marched with Heather Heyer for the removal of the Confederate statues. It will happen. They will confront their history and revise their opinions. There will be those who will refuse to do so. But they will be outnumbered in a generation or so. Most young people are ready for a revolution. They came out to vote in greater numbers. And see what happened.

    It’s just a matter of time.

    But black people ought to work harder to educate and uplift themselves. We should not wait for whites to make us feel better. We have to work on ourselves. Rather than just trying to make them revise their history we should make ourselves more aware of ours.

  38. You may be correct Waru when I am sitting down looking at the back of a woman’s head I have often thought thats one young brain

  39. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “De ole girl en looking bad at all! Still some drinks lef’ in de bottle.”

    lol..the men also got another one they hit you with…..something about juice.

    black women tend to know when they still got magic.

  40. By the way, Lawson, i am sure WARU chose the YOUNG white man. She probably took care to ensure he’s not aging as quickly as you are. It can be done but you have to work really hard at it and use plenty of sunscreen.

  41. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Rather than just trying to make them revise their history we should make ourselves more aware of ours.”

    More aware and UPGRADE our history…..

    … is much better if whites don’t revise their history …since its riddled and infested with lies’s best to continue to show it up for what it is in the next few centuries…never let it be forgotten that they lied…because all they will do is add more and more lies…every new lie they spin….add it to their nearly 600 years of lies…it will be difficult for them to do anything else but continue lying …since they started with lies…in the late 1300s to gain control in Africa and over the lives of the black race……it is their footprint on earth….it will never go away.


  42. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “i am sure WARU chose the YOUNG white man.”

    ya done know..

    wuh Tina used her head and ended up with a brand new kidney….ah bet if she needs the other kidney she could get it too…lol

  43. Donna

    Please permit us to differ – fundamentally!

    We’ve been hearing all of this combayah, the oneness of mankind, for a long time and White people in AmeriKKKa voted for Trump, knowing him to be a racist. When they voted for Obama is was the same result through stealth.

    In Brazil, we have the re-emergence of a fascist regime, neo-Nazi regime, helped by the racist international system.

    In India, have Modi a Hindu racist, nationalist, crushing the original people with an apartheid system we hardly recognize as such.

    In short, all the systems which enable international racism are as alive and well today as they were when constructed.

    To tell us to work harder is misguided. Why would we work any harder to tell White people what they have done, are doing, is wrong when they maintain all the systems of oppression in place and knowingly.

    No! We consider that these people and their systems must be frontally destroyed. By any means necessary.

    Why would we continue to invest trust in our open enemy. An enemy which has spent centuries seeking our total destruction. No thanks!

  44. donna the we have ice and snow for 6 months, the only burn I get is windburn thats the secret is to give your body a break from the sun now and again it will work wonders. I am confused by Waru how is it possible that she could be looking good if there is still some drinks left in the bottle. You or waru should be well positioned to answer this question ….at what age does a woman become an old hag

  45. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar


  46. Too late! You have already admitted that seventy-year-old white people in your experience do not admire themselves in the mirror. Can’t backtrack now!

    Here’s why.

    Ultra violet rays still there.

  47. Pacha,

    This is the final death knell for the racists. They are not going down without a fight.

    I said we must work harder to convince OURSELVES not to convince white people. You know many of us still carry an inferiority complex. We cannot rise with an inferiority complex no matter what the white folks are doing.

    And as far as I can see – violence begets violence. Do you want to eradicate them ALL from the earth? There are some of them that I quite like.

    When we get rid of all of them I am sure we will create our own problems among ourselves. There will never be peace perfect peace as long as MANKIND rules this earth.

    We must be realist. There were problems in Africa before they came. There would be problems after they are gone. That’s just mankind.

    This racism is a problem that has to be gradually addressed. Patience and positive action will make a difference.

    Rome was not built in a day. Neither was it destroyed in a day. And even the Romans left some good stuff behind.

  48. realists

  49. Racism and bigotry will channel power that comes from the ‘establishment ‘. We have to continue to empower non Blacks through education and tirelessly confronting the bigots wherever and whenever they overtly or covertly expose the behaviour.

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