The following report is reproduced by BU for many reasons. At the top of the list is the lingering curiosity by some Barbadians questioning whether local authorities will pursue this and other matters. The expectation is not meant to slur the character of anybody but to satisfy a reasonable expectation that justice must be seen to be done..

Barbadians have become increasingly cynical about the inability or inaction of local authorities to charge local prominent officials for white collar offenses. It is a naive person who believe white collar crimes “doan happen hey”.


New York News: BROOKLYN, Former Chief Executive Officer and Senior Vice President of Barbadian Insurance Company Charged with Laundering Bribes to Former Minister of Industry of Barbados

New York News: BROOKLYN, Former Chief Executive Officer and Senior Vice President of Barbadian Insurance Company Charged with Laundering Bribes to Former Minister of Industry of Barbados

BROOKLYN, N.Y. – Ingrid Innes, the former chief executive officer, and Alex Tasker, a former senior vice president of Insurance Corporation of Barbados Limited (ICBL), a Barbados-based insurance company, were charged in a superseding indictment unsealed on January 18, 2019, with laundering bribes to the former Minister of Industry of Barbados in exchange for his assistance in securing government contracts for ICBL. Innes and Tasker are not in U.S. custody.

Richard P. Donoghue, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Brian A. Benczkowski, Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, and William F. Sweeney, Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (FBI), announced the charges.

Innes and Tasker were charged with one count of conspiracy to launder money and two counts of money laundering in the superseding indictment. The former Minister of Industry of Barbados, Donville Inniss, a U.S. legal permanent resident who resided in Tampa, Florida, and Barbados, was charged with the same crimes in an indictment unsealed on August 6, 2018, and as a co-defendant of Innes and Tasker in the superseding indictment. Inniss is scheduled for trial on June 24, 2019, before United States District Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto.

The superseding indictment alleges that in 2015 and 2016, Innes and Tasker participated in a scheme to launder into the United States approximately $36,000 in bribes that they paid to Inniss, who at the time was a member of the Parliament of Barbados and the Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development of Barbados.

The charges in the superseding indictment are allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

ICBL voluntarily disclosed to the government the payments to Inniss and received a prosecution declination under the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy. ICBL disgorged to the government $93,940.19 in illicit profits that it earned from the scheme.

The FBI’s New York Field Office and International Corruption Squad is investigating the case. In 2015, the FBI formed International Corruption Squads across the country to address national and international implications of foreign corruption.

Assistant United States Attorney Sylvia Shweder of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York and Trial Attorney Gerald M. Moody, Jr., of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section are in charge of the prosecution.

The Fraud Section is responsible for investigating and prosecuting all Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) matters. Additional information about the Department’s FCPA enforcement efforts can be found at

The Defendants:

Age: 52

Age: 63

Age: 58

E.D.N.Y. Docket No. 18-CR-134 (S-1) (KAM)

SOURCE: news provided by JUSTICE.GOV on January 31, 2019.

196 responses to “Inniss, Tasker, Innes Matter Filed Under DROSS by Barbados Authorities”

  1. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Money laundering can occur only if the money being moved is the proceeds of criminal activity. The money laundering took place in the USA and they have filed charges. The criminal activity that generated the money took place in Barbados, but there have been no charges filed. WHY? Is the public prosecutor’s office incompetent? The Attorney General promised that he would be the complainant to the Chief of Police… is he still composing his complaint?

  2. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    The AG knows full well he cannot make the commissioner of police investigate anything, we have to ask what is the whom the commissioner reports and is answerable to…as head of state…doing about prompting the commissioner to open an investigation.

    translation; when the GG gets off her ass …does her job…and stops pretending none of this is happening.

  3. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    So when is ICBL going to reimburse their long time customers? For when all is said and done the laundered money is not the company’s money, but the customers’ money.

  4. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Dear David: ” justice must seem to be done.”

    CORRECTION: Justice must be SEEN to be done.

    We want justice. We want to SEE justice, especially those of us who have been long time ICBL policy holders and whose hard earned money kept the company afloat all these years.

  5. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Talk to ya GG….

  6. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I’ve never paid any money to my GG. I’ve paid tens of thousands of dollars to ICBL, and the company has not seen fit to “unpick its teeth” to its longtime customers. If as the Americans allege, the company was paying bribes, the bribe money can only have come from the policy holders. It therefore seems clear to me that the policy holders were being overcharged/robbed.

    Not a nice thing for a company to do to its loyal customers.

  7. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Exactly…but to get justice, an investigation, someone arrested and charged…only the GG can direct the commissioner to do that….how else ya will get it, ICBL will not fart on you and neither will ya government…lol

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    “The criminal activity that generated the money took place in Barbados, but there have been no charges filed. WHY?”

    Good question whose answer is blowing in the wind of the BDLP political class.
    Isn’t the Don a rather intimate friend of MAM?

    We need to drill further down and ask the rather pertinent question of who else was/were involved in the facilitation of the decision and its implementation to offer the ‘arranged’ contract to the Insurance corporation?

    Have ‘comprehensive investigations been undertaken at the other side of the bribery equation?

    What about the person sitting in the Chair of the Board of management of the statutory corporation? What about Innes’s opposite number in the statutory corporation?

    Are the local sleuths waiting on a complaint from Mr. Crimestoppers?

    Or is MAM waiting to receive them in her caring arms by way of the “Come to Jesus” route?

    Is the ‘anointed’ weekend of hypocritical prayer just another diversionary tactic to cover up this massive white collar crime? Don’t be surprised if Yahweh decides to wear his earplugs and polar earmuffs to tell two-faced Bajans to get off their two-legged high horse.

  9. Wait, so Barbados is a rogue nation now?
    CEOs of major companies in Barbados indicted in the US & we watching the “Untouchables”.
    Lordy Lordy..

  10. Redman, they will be charged and jail if needed under a BFP/CUP government, The COP and now Mia has her dirt We dig up on all of them under PM David, why you think Hinkson is gone , He say the dirt and got on George Payne , Crime Minister is in she-it
    ? Deep State need to go deeper!

  11. I have a lingering curiosity as to why the payment was only USD $36,000.

  12. @Hants
    I have a lingering curiosity as to why the payment was only USD $36,000

    They got what they wanted, they don’t have to waste man hours looking for more and those transactions are probably what the whistle blower sounded the alarm about. If the evidence secures a conviction the DA will be pleased, they have bigger fish to fry.

  13. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, I presume you are not an attorney or versed in local laws as Sen Franklyn is, so ideally Dean Jeff can correct the legal misinformation contained in this blog …. or maybe you can.

    My concern stems from the perception that the GG has some form of direct chain of command responsibility over the CoP… when did that originate?

    Blogger Greene was of the view there was some constitutional wrong over whuch the GG had control when the PM appointed Dottin as her police affairs consultant and here again we are informed that “…to get justice, an investigation, someone arrested and charged…only the GG can direct the commissioner to do that”…. REALLY.

    If the elected and constitutionally appointed ministerial head of the country’s police affairs (AG) cannot consult with his commissioner (via his DPP) to institute proceedings that may be considered as a ‘possible offence of Barbados’
    obligations under international law as is constitutionally allowed then on what basis is the GG able to direct the CoP?

    Sounds absolutely illegal/outside the law to me!

    @Simple…amusing and interesting is your perception of bribery on a company’s shareholders.

    If you contend that “* the bribe money can only have come from the policy holders”* then it MUST be reasonable that the profits which resulted from the business deal related to that bribe would then be returnable to the policyholders (in whatever form).

    As much as bribes are illegal it is quite a very limited perspective to see that expense as a burden and not a benefit!

    The intent of a bribery payment is generally to add to the briber’s profits by achieving success in the business deal… NOT to cause a loss!

  14. @PLT

    There are fractures in the criminal justice system which can be, and are abused. Barbados is a failed state.

  15. @Dee Word

    The blog does self-correction as you should be aware by now. The blogmaster cannot be everywhere.

  16. @Grandma Grammarian


  17. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife
    February 1, 2019 8:10 PM

    So when is ICBL going to reimburse their long time customers? For when all is said and done the laundered money is not the company’s money, but the customers’ money.


    Interesting take!!!

    It means the customers were also involved in the money laundering.

    SS, the next knock at your door may be the police with a summons for your involvement in criminal activity!!

  18. What exactly does “UNDER DROSS” mean?

    I have never come across this legal term and wonder if Jeff can help!!

  19. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Agreed @David re The blog does self-correction.

    Ideally the Dean is here tomorrow and I can ask him to properly educate us on the authority of the GG as I never knew that the monarch’s representative had that type of substantive authority as is suggested by the comment above which appears to interpret the constitution very, very selectively.

    2.I believe most here accept and recognize that this ICBL case is a non-issue for the govt. There is NO conceivable path that makes sense (politically) to prosecute former minister Inniss locally… so that avenue has little true interest.

    What tiitilates however is the very clear risk for regional politicians who opt to maintain their dual allegiances with either 1] citizenship of the caribbean nation of their birth coupled with an acquired citizenship status of the US or UK, or 2) birth status coupled with a legal residency in one of those nations.

    This has been ongoing for many years and is really not acceptable but it continues without any concerns being raised.

    The cliche about NOT serving two masters, when stripped of its religious thrust, aptly fits in cases like this as it is TOTALLY wrong to offer allegiance to another country and swear it also to Bdos or Guyana or Jamaica as a minister of government… there is less concern for a person who merely has resident status but surely there will be still deep conflicts of interest that could arise in a ministerial role if that minister is concerned about his continued status in his adopted country while acting on the behalf of his birth country.

  20. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    What is this obsession Mia got with listening into people’s conversations using the police…was she listening in to Donville and Iness and Tucker telephone conversations…at ICBL…when they were colluding in bribery….to rob policyholders.

    Does she listen in to Peter Harris and his business partner/lawyer Haynes et al and his co-owners at CGI Insurance when they are plotting their various criminal runs….

    does she listen in to Leroy Leper the CLICO CROOK..telephone conversation…

    does she listen to Cow, Bizzy et al when they are planning their tiefing scams against the taxpayers and pensioners..

    Does she listen in to the tiefing lawyers, corrupt judges when they are colluding to corrupt the court system and disenfranchise and rob old people of their estates and injured people their compensations….and sell out clients..

    What about all those offshore accounts, money and land stolen from the people by government ministers of both political parties…, will she be tapping her fellow DLP crooks for when they are accessing their stolen loot… it can be returned to the majority population they all stole it from…

  21. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    BTW>>>Mia really, really needs to tap all the phones of the crooks in the business community so she can be up to date with what they are planning next..

  22. “So as in all things a balance would have to be struck. The issuance of any warrant or order permitting the use of wiretapping should be done in only the most extreme and serious of circumstances involving matters of national security or crimes involving matters of life and death.

    “A cap of no more than 20 wiretapping surveillance per year should be instituted to deter any potential widespread abuse,” Ma’at added.

    You cannot let the cat out of the bag and then try to push it back in. Where does the magic number 20 come from? Just 20 bad boys in Barbados?
    Some process need to be in place to ensure that we don’t have 20 judges each permitting 20 wiretaps.

    Given the abundance of cheap cell phones and sim cards, I am wondering how effective is wiretapping ……..

  23. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    Money laundering can occur only if the money being moved is the proceeds of criminal activity. The money laundering took place in the USA and they have filed charges

    Peter, in fact it extends to any unlawful activity, so there was some money laundering here too!

    For the purposes of this section, a person engages in money laundering where he knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect that the property or benefit is derived or realised directly or indirectly from some form of unlawful activity…


    Any act done by a person outside Barbados which would be an offence if done within Barbados, is an offence for the purpose of this Act

    Money Laundering & Financing of Terrorism (Prevention & Control) Act 2011.

  24. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @de pedantic Dribbler February 2, 2019 9:01 AM “As much as bribes are illegal it is quite a very limited perspective to see that expense as a burden and not a benefit! The intent of a bribery payment is generally to add to the briber’s profits by achieving success in the business deal… NOT to cause a loss!”

    I am not a shareholder nor a paid director or a senior executive of ICBL. I am an ordinary house insurance policy holder. I have been paying ICBL approximately $1,500 per year for 30 years to insure my home against hurricanes and other perils. Thankfully I have never had to make a claim. My “old math” learned at the elementary school in the village tells me that I have paid ICBL approximately $45,000 over the years. Your “new math” seems to be implying that the money I and policy holders pour into companies is immaterial.

    If as alleged by the Americans Donville received bribes and ICBL staff paid bribes to Donville where on earth could that money have come from except from out of the pockets of the many, many Bajans just like me? Do you want us to believe that ICBL has a backroom on Roebuck Street where they can turn dross into gold? Or dried sour grass into U.S dollars?

    We know better. If what the Americans allege is true we KNOW that very likely ICBL has been robbing its loyal customers (inflating the amount paid by customers, so that it has enough to pay bribes) very likely for decades.

    You can stay up in Canada and write shi!e. It is not your $45,000 that went into ICBL. It is MINE.

    And for that $45,000 i could have taken my boyfriend to Sandy Lane for a month’s worth of luxurious living.

  25. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    What exactly does “UNDER DROSS” mean?

    I have never come across this legal term and wonder if Jeff can help!!

    @John, I too am unaware of this expression in law. I know “dross” as being equivalent to “dreck” -useless material!

  26. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @John February 2, 2019 8:19 AM “SS, the next knock at your door may be the police with a summons for your involvement in criminal activity!”

    What if I told you that very senior policemen is my boyfriend.

    Would you believe me?

  27. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @David February 2, 2019 8:03 AM “@Grandma Grammarian. Thanks!”

    Dear David: I can’t work for free anymore. Taxes up. Cost of living up. Pension stagnant. So please deposit $0.10 U.S. in my offshore account for every correction made. Thanks.

    Grandma Grammarian

  28. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife
    February 2, 2019 10:34 AM

    @John February 2, 2019 8:19 AM “SS, the next knock at your door may be the police with a summons for your involvement in criminal activity!”
    What if I told you that very senior policemen is my boyfriend.
    Would you believe me?


    Good for you!!!

    Doesn’t matter if I believe you or not, all that matters is that you believe you!!

  29. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    Ideally the Dean is here tomorrow and I can ask him to properly educate us on the authority of the GG as I never knew that the monarch’s representative had that type of substantive authority as is suggested by the comment above which appears to interpret the constitution very, very selectively.

    @ DPD, I am here this morning before writing tomorrow’s column. This notion might have come from a misconstruction of section 8 of the Police Act, Cap 167-

    The Commissioner of Police shall have the command and superintendence of the Force and shall be responsible to the Governor General for the efficient administration and government of the Force and for the proper expenditure of all public monies appropriated for the purpose thereof.

    While he ultimately answers to the GG, there is nothing to suggest that the GG may direct the functioning of the Force over his head.

  30. Lets say a factor here, could be George, Dale or Donville, receives money from a foreigner which has been obtained illegally … lets say tax evasion.

    They wash it here in some project they are able to get Town Planning to approve.

    The sno cone vendor on site selling to workmen is also guilty of money laundering!!

    The money filtering down from any Tom Dick or Harry contaminates everybody who touches it!!

  31. I guess the title is meant to mean the matter is in file 13!!

  32. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @de pedantic Dribbler February 2, 2019 9:01 AM “What tiitilates however is the very clear risk for regional politicians who opt to maintain their dual allegiance…”

    Risk what!!!

    All the damn politicians have to do is keep their sticky hands out of the people’s cookie jars.

    Look fellas.

    The cookies ain’t yours.

    The cookies belong to policy PAYERS like me.

    Stop t’iefing we money and all will be well.

    I don’t know why we always like to over complicate things. Thousands of years ago a simple rule was written.

    “Thou shalt not steal”

    Four words. Fair, clear, simple.

    How do you propose to “improve” on that?

    “Thou shalt not steal”

  33. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    You can stay up in Canada and write shi!e. It is not your $45,000 that went into ICBL. It is MINE

    @ SSSPFL, Not any more.Was not yourhouseowner’s policy renewed and ICBL placed under further risk for another year?.

  34. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    The last fella that told me “you do not understand” perhaps because i did not go to HC, but rather to the two room school in the village. I lived to see him in government bracelets.

    Because I DID understand.

    He did not.

    A real full of himsels ash-‘ole.

  35. John has file labeled 13, the author has a file labeled ‘dross’

  36. drossDictionary result for dross
    something regarded as worthless; rubbish.
    “there are bargains if you have the patience to sift through the dross”
    synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris, chaff, draff, detritus, flotsam and jetsam; More
    foreign matter, dregs, or mineral waste, in particular scum formed on the surface of molten meta

  37. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Thank you Dean Jeff.

    You note a clause of the Police Act which you say is somewhat of a misconstruction of section 8 of the Police Act, Cap 167-…. but is that badly constructed statement then further complicated by other mis-interpretations or further poor wording?

    As you suggest, I can accept the “The Commissioner of Police … shall be responsible to the Governor General for the efficient administration and government of the Force and for the proper expenditure of all public monies appropriated for the purpose thereof” means that the GG can ask to review any and all business operations of the RBPF….NOTHING MORE.

    Where then do folks perceive that the GG can direct ANY proceedings of an investigatory nature boogles my simple brain!

    Again, thanks for the wonderful clarity you provide.

  38. only WARU is saying that the GG could direct the police to investigate. who else is saying that? sometimes WARU changes up and implores the DPP either to investigate or instruct the police to

  39. Where is T Inniss and Mariposa ?I want to hear these two experts on this.

  40. Dem gine get lock up, mark my words. I din gine charge a fella! 🤣🤣

  41. this case has never made any sense to me. why would Inniss expose himself so openly by accepting a bribe structured in this manner and to have it sent to him in the US. then travel to the US so nonchalantly.

    the amount is another matter. it so low that it doesnt seem worthwhile.

    it sounds like a commission that an insurance broker would get.

  42. Who was his ‘partner’ in the USA that ratted? You have not been following closely?

  43. that does not change my view. the best place to accept a bribe and hide it is Bim. why the US? why that paltry amount? something does not smell right there

  44. This case is in the hands of the USA justice system.So far Innis has won one round on the basis that a crime done on foreign soil having nothing to do with USA jurisprudence cannot be prosecuted
    So all the blp yardfowls sitting on the bench waiting fof de Judgement day maybe sorely disappointed when the entire case is thrown out

  45. A charge of money laundering is not levied based on the paltry amount. If the matter for whatever reason was brought to the attention of the US authorities you suggest they would dismiss it because it is a paltry amount? If you want to understand more why not request the transcript or the case attend courtroom hearings? Trying to understand it from what is in the public domain with the case ongoing may explain why you have gaps.

  46. Point us to where he won round one?

  47. Inniss has “won” one round? The bout ain’t even start!🤣🤣🤣 This is exactly why I don’t bother much with the blog these days–hypocrisy, vindictiveness, misinformation and plain lying predominates.

  48. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    In case some still have not read nor understood the constitution…the DPP answers to no one, that office has too much power …TO DO NOTHING…so neither the AG nor the PM can direct the DPP to do shit, the police must present their findings, the DPP decides if a case is viable…..good…so ya ain’t getting nothing done there because the DPP god can do as it likes, or do nothing at all as is the norm….the DPP can only be REMOVED FROM OFFICE BY THE GG…on recommendation from the PM…

    I did not write the constitution…but I won’t hold my breath on the GG directing the commissioner of police, both of whom where selected by the same corrupt DLP government for their present positions…to investigate Donville et al… al…and some say her own corrupt cousin….former minister crook.

    so there

    take up the issue with those who not only drafted the constitution in UK…but those corrupt law makers in the parliament who amended it to make the place more corrupt…

  49. @enuff

    That is a cop out? Why would you dismiss the blog because of the idiotic comments of a few?

  50. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    As a matter of fact…THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE CAN ONLY BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE BY THE GG…..upon recommendation of the PM, police commission etc…as happened with Dottin…when the then GG Belgrave FIRED HIS ASS.

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