It’s that time of the year when I hope those not directly involved in the tourism sector spare a tiny thought for the many who will be working over the Christmas period and to various degrees, sacrificing quality time with their families.

From our own perspective, this year will be the first family Christmas that I hope to experience in over 40 years. Of course it goes with the territory and if you choose tourism as a career then it is naturally expected that you will be working during what the majority consider ‘unsocial times’.

For our cherished guests it is a very special time where almost always they are paying premium rates for both accommodation and flights.
If there is any hope they may return year and year, we have to justify why they are now paying higher prices than ever before.

While I fully understand the current Government’s financial challenges, they also fully benefit from the increase in windfall taxes at this time and concerted measures have to be taken in an attempt to keep the island clean and tidy.

Once again, our area has not had a garbage collection for over two weeks. The stench of the rubbish, strong winds blowing it all over the place, breeding flies and constant scavenging by stray dogs and fowl, does nothing to impress our guests or encourage them to return to the destination.

Many of our visitors closely follow the social media and are aware of the increased operating costs to businesses, compounded by the second departure tax, accommodation room and ancillary tourism tax that they now have to absorb in their increased holiday costs.

Perhaps many readers will vocally argue, give the new Government a chance. Rightly so but there are very rarely second chances in the tourism industry.

You cannot make comparisons with goods and many other services. If a car or refrigerator breaks down you can take it back to the dealer or get it fixed. First and last impressions often have a critical bearing on the choice of the next holiday and we should never lose track of that fact.

While the private sector is pivotal in the overall visitor experience, it cannot directly intervene in the continuing niggling problems, so graphically highlighted in social media sites like Barbados Trip Advisor Forum. These include a shortage of manned immigration desks, exacerbated by the long delayed Automated Passport Control Kiosks becoming operational. The time it frequently takes to reclaim hold baggage or as one Canadian visitor commented recently, it took 1 hour and 40 minutes to retrieve his luggage.

Yes, we fully understand the possible illegal drug implications, but surely a few more fully trained customer officers and dogs are not beyond the administration’s ability to implement, especially as our arrivals are paying for it in vastly increased taxation. And finally, either we have a customs green channel or we don’t.

None of these are new problems. They have been there for years. Let’s finally deal with them.

140 responses to “The Adrian Loveridge Column – Cleanup the Country, it is XMAS for Chrissakes!”

  1. “While I fully understand the current Government’s financial challenges, they also fully benefit from the increase in windfall taxes at this time and concerted measures have to be taken in an attempt to keep the island clean and tidy.”

    Noble sentiments indeed, and I would add that valiant attempts must be made to keep the sticky fingers of keepers of the purse out of said windfall. Let us keep Barbados clean and tidy both physically and financially.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. 45govt

    Your wishful thinking must not escape our notice devoid of our
    acknowledgement, but such sentiments devoid of practical solutions are liken to tumbleweed blow about in the wind…

  3. Try that again in English Leximoron.

  4. barbados is getting even more stupidly expensive from my part of the world. More to stay, more to leave,more to eat….and what is on offer is closed beaches ,odd smells, run down buildings
    How long do you think tourists with no allegiance to the island will wait before trying somewhere else. I have been looking at places for February and the cost is just plain stupid.I cannot justify paying the price which means hours worked in my world for what you get. So it looks like vegas or varedero and wait till the silly season is over and sanity comes back to the rental market……
    Devoid twice in the same sentence before breakfast…….. you are the lexicon.

  5. Since Canada legalized weed, bajan Customs have been scanning & searching luggage on all Canadian flights arriving in Barbados… hence, the long wait on retrieving bags from Air Canada, West Jet, & CA.

  6. Very counter productive.

    What about flights from the USA?

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    “Yes, we fully understand the possible illegal drug implications, but surely a few more fully trained customer officers and dogs are not beyond the administration’s ability to implement, especially as our arrivals are paying for it in vastly increased taxation. And finally, either we have a customs green channel or we don’t.

    None of these are new problems. They have been there for years. Let’s finally deal with them.”

    Things will change only when the visitors concern about the environment and the risks posed to their health stop their bookings to Barbados and the cruise ship pursers blacklist Bridgetown as a dangerous unsafe place where the health of their cruise-ship passengers could be at serious risks.

    What illegal drug implications what! Any “illegal drugs” (and guns) which Canadians or any other ‘average’ visitor can bring into Barbados already exist in abundance in Bim and are easily available (for a fee or kickback) on the filthy corrupt island.

    There is absolutely no justification for the kinds of excessively long and most discommoding delays experienced in the arrival hall of the GAIA by visitors arriving from the UK (after being 8 hrs in an aluminum tube) or even from North America.

    Try leaving Gatwick with any contraband substance in your luggage or on your person and see what would happen when you or your luggage go through Security.

    Tourists do not need Barbados. Barbados with its one-trick pony business needs tourism; and badly if the Bajan Mickey mouse dollar is to worth ‘US’ 50 cents.

  8. poorpeacefulandpolite Avatar

    I wonder what the protocol will be when a customs officer finds a little holiday herb in a Canadian visitor’s luggage? Summary arrest? Confiscation? Fined and discharged? Deported? The unintended consequences of the strict searches of Canadians at the port of entry will certainly be more damaging than beneficial.

    Why don’t we incorporate garbage build-ups as part of our “brand” and make the most of it ? “Come and enjoy our priceless relaxed Barbadian culture” !!

  9. the wheels are falling off in barbados more and more under mia mao mugabe mottley

  10. @PPP
    You gave voice to what many of us are thinking.
    Hopefully, the instrument is tuned finely enough to discriminate between a recreational user/amount and a drug dealer….

  11. Donks Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks Gripe and Josh

    Whenever Prescod and Abrahams speak their stories change garbage trucks were promised for months and haven’t arrived. Frank Sinatra song slow boat to China applies. Where are the damn garbage trucks Prescod?. You all made out the problems of the last administration as minor to be solved overnight.

    Garbage collection has gotten worse shootings and illegal guns have multiplied. The police short of 270 officers are overwhelmed. The PM talks about botanical gardens as poor black people cower under their beds while bareback gunmen run by shooting at each other. The gunmen know they will not be caught so the gun shots are set to continue.

    There is no plan to curb gun violence from a government that ridiculed its predecessor on crime and violence. No word has been heard from the AG or PM on this frightening situation that threatens the foundations on the alleged economic recovery. The comments from the Youth and Home Affairs ministers on gun violence are nonsense irrelevant to the serious predicament we face from gun men and illegal firearms.

    Prescod will be in the media soon with another lame excuse on the non arrival of the garbage trucks. The new government has been a let down in many ways.

  12. 🙂 And what if WARU turns up with her medical supply 🙂
    Merry Xmas WARU
    Hope you enter 2019 with the same energy as 2018.

  13. @ Donks Gripe and Josh December 24, 2018 9:36 AM
    you like you caahn understan that the wheels are coming off in Barbados

    ask Sargeant he knows this well
    he also personally knows too of the persons that were leading the country when the wheels started to come off from his school days…but he aint going to tell you dat

    ha ha

  14. @TheOGazerts

    Our setup is not that sophisticated. They enter the country with the weed, they break the law, they go to court read remanded, maybe fined.

  15. On another blog comememters from all sides agree that the government needs to clarify the issue about the garbage trucks procurement. Further the government needs to enunciate a strateg for waste management in the short, media debate long term.


    ha ha

  17. i have no malice ya know
    i just challenging and practicing being a provacateur
    ah tell ya its great fun as I embarrass my self my wife and my poor fambly
    ha ha

  18. GOB / SSA provide an open invitation for private waste haulers to collect household organic waste and other items sorted for recycling, and to deliver to the SBRC scalebeam in return for BBD 100 per ton. Such socio-environomic policy will encourage mechanisms for more sustainable waste management practices to develop. We must all engage in being less wasteful / more resourceful if we wish to maintain our enviable standard of living, largely made possible by the otherwise unrealistic currency peg.

  19. @Andrew

    Thanks for the suggestion, what is the capacity to receive waste to force the change?

  20. You shouldnt go to other countries and do what may be legal or accepted in your own without anybody saying anything. But in case bajan male travelers are not versed on canadian law …its all right to screw fat chicks up here like you do in barbados.

  21. You want an answer to rampant crime? STOP HARRASSING THE LAW ABIDING AND PUT FEAR INTO THE CRIMINALS. The police are overwhelmed, so why not enlist the help of the citizenry by issuing gun licences to to those who are suitable, and by that I do NOT mean girlfriends of police officers. In fact the whole issue should be removed from police control, they have proven themselves utterly unfit, especially under the clown/moron Dottin.
    I can hear the outrage now – look at the US blah blah blah. I say look at the UK where since the populace has been disarmed the gangsters have been making hay with their own weaponry without fear of interruption. Londonistan is now more dangerous than NYC and when you have seconds to live, the police are minutes away. Actually, that’s a joke – they are hours away.
    Look also at Switzerland where there are more guns in private hands than any civilised country on earth (and I include the US). They have had virtually NO armed crime, because every home is armed.
    The definition of insanity as defined by Einstein is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
    Food for thought as nothing else is working.

  22. @ Lawson LOL 😂😂😂😂

  23. @45colt

    Looks like you have been guzzling the strong stuff already?

  24. No David – care to refute my logic?

  25. @45colt


    That would be an exercise in futility.

  26. An exercise in inability I think. BTW it is 45govt not Colt. There is specificity.
    Never mind, have a blessed Christmas.

  27. Garbage skip at Foul Bay parking lot overflowing and garbage falling on the ground around it this week, as per usual for another Bajan “beauty” spot.

    A few days ago had a visiting friend and house guest from the UK spend an hour and a half standing in line (only one cashier on duty) at the Oistins BRA office to show their UK driver’s license and pay $10 for a scrap of bureaucratic nonsense paper (AKA visitors’ driving permit) to make it legal for her to drive our car when she is here on her holiday. Not too many years ago it was possible for a visitor to aquire the same BNP (bureaucratic nonsense paper) at the airport on arrival, or at any police station with no muss, no fuss and no need to waste an hour and a half of precious holiday time standing in line and listening to a background of 50 or 60 grumbing Bajans (and other visitors there to aquire their own BNP) holding forth on the rank inompetence of Bajan authorities to do anything other than waste hard working peoples’ money and time evem as they insist changes that are made are to “make things better.”

  28. @45govt

    Sorry about that, one must get the monikers right even if 45colt is a fit.

    All the best to your as well.

  29. 45govt

    Your logic for arming the citizenry falls flat on it face because if you look at the US where a gun both legal and illegal is in every citizent hand, and yet the crime rate in America is exponential in comparison to most countries in the world?

    So therefore, your logic should to the contrary … because you have to take the illegal guns of out the hands of the criminal element, as well as to enforce tougher laws with longer sentences…

  30. @Lexicon

    An excellent response to the provocateur one 45govt!

  31. 45govt

    And as a former military man you ought to know that a gun/weapon provides a false sense of security … because most often the man who gets the first jump will prevail …

    Why do you think so many cops get shot in America everyday?

  32. Thanks David …

  33. No lexicon a derringer provides a false sense of security a glock does not, I wonder where you possibly get your ideas from …and then I realized you did tell us earlier…….de……void

  34. 45govt

    And your rhetoric regarding gun owership leave much to be desired because it convinces me more as to how far-right of the political spectrum you really are …

  35. Leximoron, once again you exhibit your paucity of reasoning.
    America is full of Americans, Switzerland full of Swiss. Surely this should stir some questioning in even a mind as closed as yours. The rise in armed crime in Britain parallels the change in demographics.
    Shame on you David for your knee jerk support for such puerile drivel from the moron.

  36. 45 govt -Look also at Switzerland where there are more guns in private hands than any civilised country on earth (and I include the US). They have had virtually NO armed crime, because every home is armed.

    I find it difficult to conceive of a home being armed but even if every occupant of the house is, would not survival depend on the quickness of one’s draw…as it was in the Wild West?

  37. Leximoron, get lost, there’s a good cretin.

  38. 45govt

    Just admit it …you are ultra-nationalist…

  39. Donks Gripe @ 9:36 a.m.

    You have spoken some truths there Sir.


  40. Jeff – every able bodied Swiss between 18 and 50 is in the army, first for 18 months and thereafter for two weeks every year. ALL small arms and their ammunition are stored at the users’ homes.
    Traditionally the Swiss have always been gun owners and shooters. Everyone there knows that, and until the Muslim invasion is complete, gun crime will be negligible.

  41. Leximoron, borrow a dictionary or ask your grandchildren what a nationalist is, as I assume you hate your country.

  42. 45govt

    Listen carefully to this man’s rhetoric and you will see that it is no more different than bigoted Republican in the US … get out of here …

  43. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ GreenMonkey December 24, 2018 11:41 AM

    These paper-certified managerial clowns and bureaucratic fools just can’t see the harm they are doing to the only forex money-spinning game in town, namely tourism.

    Let them continue with the shitty madness including the dirty habit of ‘fouling-up’ the Bajan beauty spots through their blatant incompetence or abject indifference to the pressing need to remove and replace on a regular and timely basis the smelly obnoxious garbage-holding skips.

    They will soon scrambling their asses off after they kill the tourism goose that lays the only golden forex egg on the expanding funny farm called Barbados.

    What makes it even worse is the fact that the stupid authorities are making redundant the very people who are responsible for issuing the temporary driving permits (cashiers) and even those handling the skips and cleaning up the beaches and scenic places.

  44. the last gasp of a liberal or democrat when their arguments fail is to call someone a racist or bigot thinking that will win the day. Lexicon you are in good company with sharpton don lemmon joyce behar etc Put forward your opinion on guns I will take a hard look at what you have put forward….. then I will tell you how misguided you are..

  45. 45govt

    What you have failed to tell David about Switzerland is the fact the it has toughest gun laws than United States, and its citizens have renew their gun permits 14 times a year …so be gone with your nonsense you nincompoop …

  46. Lawson

    Yep! I know the old Republican rhetoric which says guns don’t kill people, but people do …

    However, Lawson, the fact of the matter is 45govt is putting forward a straw man by use gun ownership in Switzerland to support his argument for the solution to crime, but he has failed to give true account of the gun laws in Switzerland…

  47. Where on earth do you get all that drivel that’s cluttering up what passes for your brain?
    14 times a year? NO THEY DON’T. Their gun laws are sensible unlike the US, another place you know nothing about

  48. 45govt

    Stupid, I have friends who used to lived in Norway and Switzerland, so need I say more ignorant … and here is another fact about these pedigreed countries … the state pay the citizens personal bills …

  49. 45govt

    And for your information I live in the United States

  50. 45govt

    And for your information I live in the United States

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