Submitted by Sarah Cyrus

The following two communications occurred between the blogmaster and Sarah Cyrus – David, blogmaster

Communication 1

With regard to Senator Franklyn’s response – Senator Caswell Franklyn Responds to Facebook Video Accusing Ministers George Payne and Dale Marshall of Fraud  to the video allegations, I can categorically state that he did speak to my cousin Ermine every Sunday.

However, his statements regarding Glenda Stewart not returning to Barbados are erroneous. Glenda visited Mr. Holder in his final days and paid for Mr. Holder’s funeral and her mother’s. I know of her visiting at least six times for extended visits. Further to that, she paid the loans that Mr. Holder had accumulated and she paid for the repairs when the home suffered a fire in 1986.

Mrs. Atwell was not a recluse. She was eccentric but very intelligent and sociable. She sold the land because the house had fallen into a state of disrepair and she needed to rectify some legal matters. As for documentation, I am in possession of all documents related to the sale and the entire estate. My cousin trusted me. Yes she was angry because her sister brought a legal tort, however, attempts to reconcile the matter were hindered by those being accused.

All attempts to rectify discrepancies in a civil and sensible manner were rebuffed again by those being accused.

Communication 2

Sorry for my delayed response.  There are some less than professional legal manoeuvrers on the part of those accused as I agree that my cousin Glenda, as a beneficiary of the estate, should have been duly notified by counsel prior to the sale. However, the sale of Weston was done in Ermine’s legal capacity as Executrix of the Estate of her mother Marie Louise Stewart.  My cousin Ursuline, the younger sister of Ermine and Glenda was the co-executrix but she died before the Testarix, Marie Louise Stewart leaving Ermine as the sole Executrix.  The lawyers advanced Ermine in excess of $200, 000 (yes, she provided me with every document that she signed) and to sell the land was the only way to pay the debt.  Pamela and Glenda have cause for legal action but not with regard to the sale of the land at Weston. There is a great deal more to this saga and I think those accused should be held accountable for their shenanigans. I am not sure that social media is forum but I guess they need to be heard.



267 responses to “The Estate of Marie Stewart – Family Feud Over Land Matter Gone Public”

  1. If you have any friends who are lawyers you can ask them to access the records and get that information for you without going to warrens

    You can do better than that ……. but then you know!!

  2. Just maybe Caswell was placed in the belly of the whale for good reason
    Him being caught in the frey might be a Jonah moment for Caswell which he needs to capitalize for the better

  3. TheOGazerts(TheOldGeezer) Avatar

    Following with great interest
    Not wanting to be sexist and just speaking the truth
    Mariposa can nag, nag nag and and nag
    Loosen the weave…

  4. TheOGazerts(TheOldGeezer) Avatar

    Enuff has a nastiness that could be seen well before the elections.
    Looks as if he landed the gig he wanted or better.

  5. @Enuff
    Wuhloss you are known for pithy comments and now you echoing Bushie? Who is to say I don’t have a problem with Bushie? Anyway, don’t take it personal but something stinks about this issue

  6. TheOGazerts(TheOldGeezer) Avatar

    Can anyone comment on how those in position of power (housing/land and AG) can slow delay/stop justice being served. It seems that GP and DM are well positioned to kill any forward action

  7. Ghee whiz women nag and men are persistent
    Well get this Ole geezard .i will nag and nag till justice is done
    So yuh ole geezer better not get caught with your pants down for mariposa to hear about because mariposa will nag nag nag till it fall right off your backside

  8. What problem you have with Bushie Sargeant….?

    @ Enuff
    Where did you hear about ‘guttersnipe’ from Bushie boss?
    “Black Hats” are Bajans (like Maripoka) who are known to ‘do dixie’ without regard to consequences or decorum. These are valuable assets in a land of brass bowls. (why you think David don’t ban ac from BU?)

    If Bushie had money in CLICO wunna would see a REAL REAL black hat….
    …or if Sargeant want to start a bassa bassa…. 🙂

  9. Black hats are necessary for the likes of scumbags like zfale and Marshall who would swindle peoole out of their monies right under nose
    Do not underestimate the wisdom of God

  10. Yuh gotta feel for “Enuff”, only three months in and two of the top brass in his Party immersed in scandal so he is trying in the lingo of the day to throw some “shade” at the women. The other BLP supporters on the blog avoiding it like the plague they don’t want for every Carrington they throw at AC to be back raised with a P….. or a M…….


    The members of the Committee are: Dale Marshall, Wilfred Abrahams, Colin Jordan, Cynthia Forde, Charles Griffith, Ralph Thorne, Bishop Joseph Atherley, Senator Dr. Jerome Walcott, Senator Lisa Cummins, Senator Monique Taitt and Senator Caswell Franklyn.


    Tomorrow is the big day in Barbados.

    Dale Marshall will lead the committee on Integrity in Public Life and will have not only Felix, but also Oscar to guide the committee’s deliberations.

    … just in time for the September deadline!!!!

    What a charade!!

  12. Tomorrow begins the consultations of the committee on integrity in public life, chaired by Dale Marshall I presume.

    Atleast Caswell will be present!!

  13. … Reverend Joe too!!

  14. @Sargeant

    All it does is to confirm the perception of a political class.

  15. Look at the BIGGER picture. We talked a lot about edjucachen and UWI on BU during the last month. So what?

    Thanks to FREE education EVERYBODY in Bim has at least TWO lawyers in the family plus accountants plus high bureaucrats. Didn´t OSA and Sir Cave promise at least one academic snob for every household? And do not forget the many senators, ministers, businessmen and freemasons in your direct neighborhood. They are all a big and wonderful tribe …

    So why do the two youtubers complain so much? NO external lawyer betrays you in Bim. What really happenz is the following: One of your family members forgets files here and there in the villa, at the swimming pool or under the seat of your SUV or is just not able to fill in the forms for the transaction properly thanks to too much sun or rum. It is just an internal matter of the family if some plantation deed goes wrong … 😉 I know, many of you tell us later that they are not related or in any other form affiliated to the lawyer they hear snoring in bed every night, meet at the family table or at the clubhouse on a daily base … And the earth is flat like a table …

    ZERO mercy for the two youtubers!

    Piece, it is your turn now.

  16. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Sargeant

    De Grandson jes snd this one

    He calls it “ONLY 3 MONTHS IN & DEM IN BADWORD…”

  17. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    And he sent this one too

    @ Observer

    Do not think that He has forgotten you, it is just that your point are subject matter that takes some thought

    Let me explain

    In truth and in fact each of your topics are a topic in themselves.

    But then he has to condense all of these and make them all important and Impactful so…

  18. Caswell amm all eyes on you tomorrow

    Do the right thing

  19. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ John the Quaker

    Do you know if it is going to be live streamed using Charles Me Love you Jong Time?

  20. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Observer

    Here is your Stoopid Cartoon (with some “artistic input” from de grandson.

    I soon going have to speak to him again.

    I give him your script and he using this thing he calls “literary latitude”!!

    It sound like a bowel movement to me.

    Stick to de script i tell he but you know these young people with these sorts of things

    I tell he to put it in square brackets so only you can get it but i ent know what to say.

    De bank got him travelling tomorrow so he said that he would do the item today before he left for the airport.

    I tell dat boy to see ef he could do some work for someplace else other than de bank, it does mek him wuk too hard though.

    You ent know nobody in government who would hire he?

    THat way he could be assured to be paid under 3 contracts instead of one!

    What do you think?

    I wud have to be hush hush though cause fellers like Teets and Pain wud try to get he loose he pick

    Write back to de ole man in square brackets OK?

  21. Dont mind Enuff that blind loyalty and nastiness on his part kept the people of St. John in abject poverty as yardfowls to DLP for 60 years, his situation is very likely to end up being worse, because black people tend to never learn when it comes to their own wellbeing and are quite proud of slipping into their mindless yardfowl roles or slaveminded roles without a second thought….and as long as it is happening to another black person like themselves…and the crime perpetrated by their political masters, as yardfowls they dont care…..but don’t worry, he is sure to have property…all the land thieves/ghouls he worships have to do is wait, his ass is bound to get old and decrepit too….

    Thiefer of the house Carrington robbed his own wheelchair bound client and staunch political supporter who vited for him…

    …. the executrix was a staunch BLP supporter/yardfowl, her husband a lawyer just like them, her father a former MP in their party and look at what the 2 Ghouls did with her, left her to die in filth so they could steal the properties and sell it., leave deluded Enuff to think the new age land thieves of parliament will care about him when they are ready for him and his aged ass,.

    I take it ICBL cooperated fully with the federal prosecutors in the bribery case, so there is no reason for the feds to penalize the company, since all 3 employees who allegedly bribed a sitting minister were fired…I take it they hsve an aurtight case, good fir them, lock his ass up, Barbados is tired of all their criminals.

  22. Mia better get rid of Payne and Marshall, they will only continue to taint her government.

  23. “The insurance company linked to the money laundering charges faced by former Minister of Commerce Donville Inniss, will not face the United States law courts.”

  24. Piece…my man, things are going to get soooooooo interesting going of mine, 3 of them actually, who are in the know have been saying that for about a week….hahaha

  25. Dale Marshall have u got no shame to be sitting on a committe drafting Integrity laws
    Dale Marshall have u got no shame after reading and hearing the damaging allegations level about you and your friend Payne
    Dale are you really serious to be sitting on a committe that would be setting moral standards for people entering politics
    Why dont you do the right thing and recuse your self from being on the committe
    Dale Marshall dont u know this is serious business and not a kangaroo court

  26. It’s Mia to remove Marshall from the integrity committee and if she don’t, it will be a serious indictment on her showing us she plans to leave things exactly as they are.

    I have been espousing her intelligence, no matter what others have said about her, let’s hope she does not use that intelligence to destroy her own self…she will find no forgiveness if she does not address and do something about those 2 ghouls..

    ..we know Fruendolittle would have done nothing if they were his ministers, but look where that got him…and

  27. And for those who are not aware, you do not need a lawyer or to be a lawyer to prepare a WILL and file it at the Registry,….people need to STOP using lawyers to prepare their wills.

    …in this particular case, because the Bar Association somehow allowed PAIN the Ghoul to practice law in Barbados….the DRAWN & PREPARED BY … is very valid, making the Will very valid.

  28. Waru, Theo et al
    This constant harping about I am a yardfowl looking for a pick tells me that wunna real igrunt and duz just talk and talk and talk because all yuh gotta a mout. I don’t like to talk about me because BU is not about me or any individual, but if I could recently refuse a private sector pick at $200k+car, wunna think there’s a yardfowl pick that would be better?🤣🤣
    I have not said one word against or for the Atwells’ claims, but according to the vids, her family owned the land for 200 years (yes 200) and the will is null and void because GP is an unqualified lawyer. 🤣🤣

  29. But who says her family did not own the land for 200 years, you got proof, was the name Holder not a slave oening name which would be their relatives…did you check…are they too black to have owned beach land for 200 years, is that why yall tief from ya own people to sell or give away to whites ….and why should these women remain hypocritically prim and proper while being robbed of their inhertance by two nasty government ministers.

    That is the problem we got with you…you are completely ignoring the facts where Payne and Marshall had no right selling the land or keeping the 2.4 million dollars while trying to drag the females through the courts for their own inheritance, what they did is FRAUD. .. we have not even touched on the other land yet, if you had your way you would cover this up, but ya can’t.

    As I said, if I saw any lawyer, politician, minister approaching me in the streets or knocking on my door, I dont care the reason, I would call the police…it don’t matter if they are qualified lawyers or not, they are unfit to represent the people in any capacity.

    Ya proud the Will is valid, I also want you to be proud of the fallout from stealing land from old people., something like how Donville is now proud…your aim is to discredit these women so that their land can be stolen by two thieves, says so much about you.

  30. It’s Mia to remove Marshall from the integrity committee and if she don’t, it will be a serious indictment on her showing us she plans to leave things exactly as they are.


    What if Caswell and Reverend Joe sit on the Committee?

  31. her family owned the land for 200 years (yes 200)


    Entirely believable.

    On my grand mother’s side, I still have land in my family that was purchased by the son of an ex slave in 1837.

    Also the subject of chicanery in court.

    On my Grandfather’s side, there is land somewhere in St. Philip, close to Rices, that was given an ancestor in 1721 when he was freed … by a Quaker!!

    So, the claim is entirely believable.

  32. What integrity committe
    Fraud committee

  33. Many none whites own land and plantations lands of Barbados Sir Hilary@ UWI, Archives, Library, Land Registry removed hide these people and how they looked, The idea planted by whites and History that only white people own land is a lie,John Beckles own the Bay Plantation 190 acres and Sold it in 1930 to Beatrice Henry and he died in 1957,” Big Black Cat” John Beckles and not white Becckles . National Trust and other CXC Manson members play with the head of removing us, 180 years after slavery you now want to give up another white HOAX like COW, now being led by Richard Cheltenham another crook lawyer now sitting and hiding in the Senate, Mia nasty and will see jail before she died whatever will she writes also Will be filled with Stolen Property of others, Clear Title will solve the cases in Barbados , A Full Forensic Audit Will send them to any jail in the World. The COP , DPP , AG all need to be removed if the GG a crook herself-do not put the Magna Carta in Order she also will need to be Remove. We warn you All years ago , So cant say you not know, “Rule of Law” must be upheld or Hell will soon hide streets, Beatrice Henry and Violet Beckles is the missing gap in Barbados Records from 1913-2018 this is your Clear Title removed that Has Banks on Hold,
    The People removed the DLP and the outed DLP will remove the BBLP , there are other crooks on that committee Ralph Thorne so we count 3 so far, A set of Legal Fraud crooks, liars and Scumbags talking they put in a Committee to make laws or Rules, Well you might as well buy a box of rocks and sell it as a TV, This is the same lawyer talk Mia giving the people on TV, Bajan Free Party! Get them all Jackie!

  34. Something needs to be done about the Judges on the Bench who handle these matters and have for decades left land cases, personal injury cases and other cases unresolved and unfinished in the Supreme Court…there is no way that some of the judges are not part of this land theft Cartel..

    .there are land cases lingering in the court since 1964, all the beneficiaries and even the judges themselves are dead, but the cases are still sitting there unresolved, waiting for the next gang of thieves to occupy the parliament…while the beneficiaries grandchildren, great granchildren have to continue fighting the case.

  35. We would not even be so suspicious if Simmons, Haynes and Marshall did not try to cover their own asses with that 2 years statute of limitations in the draft to the integrity legislation act….instead of setting it for 20 years to lock up thieves and corrupt politicians, lawyers etc…….we now know why they did it, let’s hope Mia does not allow them to get away with it or she too will be suspect.

  36. Bajan Free Party

    John Beckles own the Bay Plantation 190 acres and Sold it in 1930 to Beatrice Henry and he died in 1957,” Big Black Cat” John Beckles and not white Becckles .


    I think you got your dates confused.

    John Beckles who owned The Bay estate was a 100 years earlier.

    Here is the interesting thing.

    There is a Henery family in the mix from 1800!!

    “Children of John and Elizabeth Beckles:
    John Alleyne Beckles (10 June 1778-15 July 1840 (q.v.)
    Susanna Mary Dehany Beckles 3 January 1780; married William Henery 6 March 1800, St Michael, Barbados. Their children included: Susannah Beckles Henery who married her cousin Samuel Husbands Beckles, the son of John Alleyne Beckles.
    Mary Elizabeth Graeme Henery (died unmarried 3 October 1851); William Henery, died Barbados November 1817. Elizabeth Christian Beckles. Born 21 February 1781. Married Robert Augustus Hyndman (q.v.) who died 24 July 1814 in Demerara. Elizabeth died 9 September 1834 in London. Children were John Beckles Hyndman and Catherine Elizabeth Hyndman (q.v. for both).
    Margaret Ann Beckles (7 September 1782-2 September 1785).
    Sarah Ann Beckles (22 September 1785-6 October 1785).
    Mary Ann Beckles (29 December 1789-1 May 1868).”

    I remember a lecture by Professor Woodville Marshall describing how the “Bayland” was sold out to Bajans who had gone to Panama and had earned cash, in short supply in Barbados.

    The land owner I remember he mentioned was George Evelyn but I could be wrong.

    He was a partner in Cottle Catford and lent money to countless Bajans.

  37. Donville Inniss correctly is universally chastised on his charges of money laundering. His charges embarrass the island. Dale Marshall and George Payne must also be under the microscope . David BU a devotee of Watch Muh has finally added Payne and Marshall to lawyers in the news. Who is Michael Yearwood and what did he do? Lawyers create such a bad impression stealing clients property you wonder if there are any honest ones.

  38. @Enuff
    I don’t like to talk about me because BU is not about me or any individual, but if I could recently refuse a private sector pick at $200k+car, wunna think there’s a yardfowl pick that would be better?
    Stop the Press! You turned down 200K? Are you a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of separating people from their money and can turn down that kind of dinero?

    Yuh betta rethink that Gov’t pick we need people like you who can resist temptation and won’t be susceptible to bribes.

  39. Sargeant
    Again proving your narrow-mindedness and igrunce. The point remains–I am no yardfowl looking for a pick. So know your place.🤣🖐🏾

  40. Seriously is this govt allowing Dale Marshall to write integrity laws
    Jesus come fuh yuh world

  41. WARU August 27, 2018 9:01 AM

    Something needs to be done about the Judges on the Bench who handle these matters and have for decades left land cases, personal injury cases and other cases unresolved and unfinished in the Supreme Court…there is no way that some of the judges are not part of this land theft Cartel..@@@

    WARU@ this the Problem , 30 years ago from then or more the same LAWYERS were the ones who did the land fraud and were made judges , who then upheld and hide their crime with Rulings and delays like the /Clerk of the court/GG , Who took Orders from AG David Simmons who made CJ,

  42. August 27, 2018 9:34 AM

    Bajan Free Party

    John Beckles own the Bay Plantation 190 acres and Sold it in 1930 to Beatrice Henry and he died in 1957,” Big Black Cat” John Beckles and not white Becckles@@

    Thank you for up dating me on My work, My work still stands, this is My History, Family History/legwork and not Google, All you post is what they teach at UWI, and the radio to brainwash people, hear don Bajan Radio, pumping up the white man as king,
    this is the Problem you believe what you look up, let me help you, the Royal Barbados Police AG, DPP, COP and Google, Facebook know what i print,All my work is by Affidavit, We hold the Plantation deeds, for what missing from Barbados rewritten record, Black Rock, Brittons Hill, Welches, Ventnor, Water Hall, Garden and more for St, Micheal alone missing from the roll call of Barbados history, Google them ,Go to 1913 Plantation Barbados and see what else missing, We shut down the high court and court day with the Balck Rock plantation deed for FOUR SEASONS on Black Rock plantation and the fire around elections of the government buildings with fires in Brittons Hill of our holding arson! We Write Our Own Books, We are and is Barbados History in blood and Name going back before 1756, Removed by black Minister/ lawyers and crook whites being helped by so-called Historians of Barbados another level of Fraud,History, fraud title searches, As you might see they stop in 1936 and refuse to go back to 1926 , no problem we have the deeds being helf by the RBP from 2009, and David Simmons from 1995, Owen & Mia from 1997, again given 2002 to Mia AG, again in 2009 and 2018 information, why you think we are in this mess, All Crooks, liars and scumbags of Barbados,No Clear title no Banking, Becckles and Beckles is not the same people,one black one white,

  43. BFP….what was I thinking, I know well enough that lawyers are appointed as Judges..the same damn lawyers..steuuuppps.

  44. I know Leslie Haynes is there drooling to get on the Supreme Court bench so he could screw up more black lives, just imagine 3 or 4 more of him and the people on the island would be perpetual victims until these Judges die…hopefully not to be replaced.

  45. Surely they are not considering Leslie Haynes to be a judge. My choice would be Boxcart Jnr instead.

  46. They would have to be crazy to let Haynes loose on a bench in that Judiciary to pollute it any further….

    ..the only good may come out of the new integrity legislation act IF it is ever proclaimed OR ENFORCED..all new Judges will be subject to the terms of the act, problem is, the current Judges who seem to take great pleasure most of them in not rendering timely decisions and keeping cases unresolved in their courtrooms until they retire OR die…will not be subject to any of the conditions in the new legislation…unless the constitution is tweaked and a provision made to include them in integrity legislation…

    Something has to be done about the present Judges, many of whom who never seem to complete their cases and actually help the lawyers to drag the cases on and on. unnecessarily and then do not make timely or any decisions. .

  47. The sham that was display with Dale Marshall on the integrity Committe is sufficient reason to undestand why Trump label these small islands as dumpsters
    How in the world with such serious allegations swirling over the head of Marshall would Mottley allowed Dale to sit and make input about Integrity legislation
    What a disgrace and insult to the people of Barbados

  48. “Seriously is this govt allowing Dale Marshall to write integrity laws Jesus come fuh yuh world”

    But you had no problem with the Speaker sitting in the Speaker’s chair moderating Parliament. Look I done.

  49. Look at how the times have changed!!!!!

    When Mottley replied to the 2011 budget……for ac and the other DLP yardfowls…she was the “best thing since sliced bread.”

    “ac March 16, 2011 at 8:16 PM # : Truly Mia has arisen from the ashes . The gang of five must be having sleepless nights trying to find ways to take the spotlight off Mia. I saw the shortman delivering his speech but hardly paid attention to much of what he was saying. Simply put “He needs to give it a rest” Mia speech was excellent! Seem to be speaking to the issues of now and necessary resolutions. You go girl!”

    “ac March 18, 2011 at 6:33 PM # : Liberal and Prodigal the two of you are conspiracy theorist or what? MIA DIDN’T CREATE THE PROBLEM WITHIN THE BLP . The good old boys club did it themselves. Now she doesn’t have to get along with them. They need Mia now. She doesn’t need them.”

    “ac March 18, 2011 at 11:54 PM # :@Prodigal Did you hear Mia rebuttal to the proposed amendment. She spoke on behalf on the people those whom would agree with her point of view Mia seems to demands respect from those who might have thrown her overboard. Her rebuttal tonight even though I disagree with her had delivered a sense of integrity into the debate more often having the ability to engaged the viewing public. ANOTHER STELLAR PERFORMANCE!”

    “ac March 19, 2011 at 6:14 AM # :@AdrianHinds: “Mia the latter day statesman was thrown out of the house for conduct unbecoming of a FEMALE let alone a Statesman” “in part she was thrown out because she was a FEMAle who had the guts to take no nonsense from those who wanted her out . Nevertheless not to forget that the men of Parliament had fist fights and gun fights in parliament and still are members of the club. Being a FEMALE gave her not such priviliges. However With all the pitfalls and innuendos she has endured Mia is standing head and shoulders above those who did her wrong like the Owen Arthurs and his loyal court the Gang of Five.”

    Now ac on BU everyday…..cussing Mottley.


  50. Well Artax i admit i was wrong
    Today integrity shamm meeting is the “for sure proof”

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