Hal Gollop invoiced the BWA 1.5 million

The startling revelation that Hal Gollop submitted an invoice in 2017 to the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) for 1.5 million dollars continues to raise eyebrows. See BU’s blog post – Hal Gollop’s 1.5 Million Dollar Invoice which went viral. It was also revealed that former Speaker Michael Carrington submitted an invoice to the BIDC for $706, 450 for providing legal services relative to “the $32M sale of a BIDC at Lot A1 Newton Business Park, Christ Church to Gildan Activewear Properties (BVI) Inc. in 2010. This is the same Carrington who had to be ordered by the High Court of Barbados to pay a septuagenarian client his money. See BU’s blog post Tales from the Courts–Justice Jacqueline Cornelius Makes Speaker of the House Michael Carrington PAY XXIV.

In response to a query from the blogmaster whether the incumbent Barbados Labour Party (BLP) government can challenge the invoice, BU family member Artax shared the following:

David BU

I read in today’s Mid-week Nation [15 August 2018] that, while speaking in parliament yesterday, Ronald Toppin queried the fee of $706,450 former Speaker of Parliament Michael Carrington charged BIDC……..

………for providing legal services relative to “the $32M sale of a BIDC at Lot A1 Newton Business Park, Christ Church to Gildan Activewear Properties (BVI) Inc. in 2010.

Toppin said based on his calculation of the scale of fees, the legal fee paid for the BIDC property sale should have been $322,500.

David BU, it becomes more interesting.

According to Toppin, subsequent to the conclusion of the land sale in 2010, Carrington wrote a letter to the BIDC in 2011 in which he indicated that…… at the time the transaction completed…. he was NOT registered for VAT……..

……….and requested the BIDC pay the VAT Division on his behalf……..the VAT of $92,146 his legal fees incurred.

As a QC (and LEC qualified lawyer….. hahahahahaha), Carrington’s earnings would obviously have been above the VAT threshold of $80,000…….hence, in keeping with the VAT laws…..he should be VAT registered.

The dishonest Carrington…. not being VAT registered…… expected the taxpayers to pay on his behalf…….VAT of $92,146 he incurred on his legal fees.

Perhaps the BLP may do something about Gollop’s invoice……..

……… especially if one takes into consideration that one of the services rendered as listed on the said invoice was for preparing a conveyance for the project site to Innotech…….under circumstances where a conveyance was NOT necessary……..

…………because the project site was owned by the NHC…

The reason why Carrington wanted the BIDC to pay the $92,146 on his behalf was because BIDC was obligated to issue him a “goods and services” slip as required by the BRA (Inland Revenue at the time).

And an amount of $709,450 BIDC paid to a service provider, would obviously incurred VAT……and “open a can of worms” for the goodly gentleman.

A check of Carrington’s tax records would have revealed he was not registered and since the fee was above the $80,000 per annum VAT threshold, non payment of the VAT portion would have incurred interest and penalties…….

……..and perhaps an audit of his earnings from 1997 to 2010 to determine if he filed VAT returns and the amount of VAT he did not pay to the VAT Division as required by law.

100 responses to “Was Michael Carrington VAT Registered When he Invoiced the BIDC 706 thousand dollars?”

  1. You have to admire this new generation of Bajan thieves, they put all their predecessors to shame in the chutzpah stakes. Perhaps they think (if they had thinking equipment) that they are only stealing from whitey, and thus it is OK. I have news for these scum – they are stealing from their own.

  2. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Why are these two thieves still walking around free.

  3. And the fatted calf became the sacrificial lamb as decreed by the now deceased David T.

  4. We have witnessed the unprecedented event of an ex-minister being arrested by US authorities. With the revelations that Gollop and CARRINGTON submitted the invoices as presented, is there the opportunity to arrest local actors on the farm?

  5. David,

    what would be the offence?

  6. Let BRA tell us.

  7. It will be useful for the Barbados Bar Association to speakout on these types of matters whether from the legal and or ethical perspective.

  8. Is Artax lying, is he a liar?

    The Lands conveyed by Mr. Gollop QC for the Barbados Water Authority Headquarters Project was owned by the BWA, not the NHC.

  9. The Barbados Bar Association? Are you kidding David? That is crook central.

  10. We should not be one dimensional when critiquing a matter like this one. There is the opportunity to include the umbrella body and related players in the probe.

  11. Nothing will happen. Remember that Barbados is a non-developing country, is still a big plantation and the taxpayer the new slave. Nobody will investigate. Instead, so-called lawyers will challenge us on BU telling us that there is no crime and the laws of Barbados are this and that. Just read the blogs on ex-minister Inniss. How many of the commentators share my opinion that the COP and the DPP have a duty to act?

    As long as you are a QC in Barbados you can commit every crime you want. No wonder no QC is making it as a judge at the CCJ.

  12. the bim bar association or whatever it is called does not function like the solicitors’ law society or the bar council in the UK. v few lawyers in Bim get sanctioned and a lot do not live by the ethics of the profession. their client care is woefully lacking and at times it appears as though there is none.

    the majority of rip offs by lawyers in Bim have an elderly British returning national as a victim. that is because the Brits still trust their solicitor to look after their affairs in most ethical fashion. some Bim lawyers prey upon that and take advantage of this group. not caring or understanding that if they deal with them fairly they will attract a lot of good long term business.

    we all know about the redress such as it is when one complains to the bar association about lawyers in Bim.

  13. Tron is (again) right.
    Nothing (different) will happen.

    The local Bar Association is in effect our local Mafia.
    THEY run things in Barbados.
    From the GG down to the most meaningless Board …we find lawyers controlling what happens in Barbados.

    Shiite … even the outspoken ones – like Pilgrim and Come-and-sing-a-song, WILL NOT go against their Mafia … indeed, one wonders if these ‘rebels’ are not playing prescribed roles….
    Not even Jeff C is wont to cross paths with this mafia.

    This mafia appoints clowns to critical roles such as COP and DPP …and then control them like poppets.
    When any poppet tries to break a string – like the lady in the Supervisor of Insurance role did, …that poppet is ‘sent on paid leave’, or transferred to an MTW depot in st Lucy…. or otherwise silenced.

    Bajans – the black, brow-beaten, brass bowls that we are, take these things all in stride …and continue faithfully attending our churches and Lodges – in the hope that we will someday get OUR turn at the trough.

    A hopeless situation with only one possible ending… which is coming shortly…

    Now if Caswell had BUPPED, it is EASY to see how this shiite could have been broken…. Two weeks as a senator and already Caswell smells like a breath of fresh air in the shiite Senate……

    Let us see how the stupid Bajan Brass Bowls will respond WHEN (not ‘if’) the mafia attempts to silence Caswell….

  14. Mr. Rueladel

    Okay….you wrote (or asked) if I’m a liar……. I do not have any problem with that…..just prove it.

    However, the substantive topic is whether it is TRUE or FALSE Michael Carrington was not registered with the VAT Division when he charged BIDC $709,450 for providing legal services……

    …….. and if he requested the BIDC to pay on his behalf, the VAT incurred on the fee he charged?

    This should interest you more than the Gollop side issue.

  15. We blame the crooked lawyers but what about the justice system in this country. I have never heard of any lawyer or doctor getting locked up. The Bar Association is a joke. I had a relative who was robbed by a lawyer. The sad thing is the lawyer grew up in the same district so he thought why not give the business to a home boy.

    If something is not done people may decide to take matters in their own hands. No wonder so many lawyers are in Barbados. These are criminals dressed in suits. How do they sleep at night knowing they have done such wicked deeds. By the way Jesus was not too impressed with lawyers either.

    The people we trust are the ones that deceive us

  16. @Bush Tea

    You must have heard the Senator raise the issue of the appointment of the DLP GS Guyson Mayer’s and the ramification given his role as Chairman of the Police Services Commission?

  17. @ Anne
    I had a relative who was robbed by a lawyer.
    Don’t you have a big brother?

    A lawyer once tried to ‘assist Bushie’ with the ownership of one of his properties too..(probably thinking that it was a bit too much for a simple bushman to bear…)
    Bushie went to the office one morning (with a noticeably bulging pants pocket) and let it be known to the secretary, and all in the vicinity, that he would be leaving ONLY when the matter was sorted satisfactorily….

    It took less than one hour… and the cost of the door bolt purchased in the nearby hardware store was easily justified by the results obtained.

    It is a matter of principle. If that issue had not been resolved there and then, Bushie had resolved that the consequences for everyone involved (perhaps including Bushie) would be dire…
    Bajans continue to be servile, docile, mendicant, and receptive to urine-type treatment meted out by albino-centric demons.

    …but not stinking Bushie.

  18. Bushie

    When you saw the secretary, you sure the bulging was noticeable from your pants pocket????


    Doan cuss muh now!!!

  19. @ David
    You must have heard the Senator raise the issue of the appointment to GS of the DLP
    Of course…
    And also SEEN him…
    Did you check the three-piece?
    Shiite man, Caswell like he serious bout thinking that he look good yuh….!
    ha ha ha

    No surprise there… Guyson is a micro version of Froon, also he and Caswell are ‘old friends’…. LOL
    Franklyn ain’t easy hear..?
    Bushie is waiting for him to lambaste David (BU) in the Senate some day soon….
    Even Bushie (his mentor) will be fair game….
    Ha ha ha

  20. No Artax…… 🙂
    Lawyers mostly have old, emotionless secretaries with thick glasses, ZERO smile…. and no conscience. (they know all the dirt that the boss has accumulated)

    If it were otherwise, Bushie could have saved the money spent on the bolt…
    ha ha ha

  21. @Bush Tea

    If he has good reason why not, being thinskin was never a prerequisite to being BU blogmaster. Senator Caswell holds an enviable position in the Upper House, he has the weight of social media at his back. The establishment players do not have the luxury of being status quo and align with BU’s mainstream positions at the same time.

  22. Franklyn was a rabble rouser from school. sometimes in a good way. he will give them hell.one way or the next. he is off to a good start. hope he does not lose his way.

  23. Bushie is right. Whenever I go to see a lawyer I take my large all female posse with me. Nuff, nuff witnesses to whatever transactions take place. Why do you think the ladies have such large handbags? I izza pieca farmer and a ‘lens is a necessary part of my equipment. ALWAYS in my handbag.

    One lawyer delayed a piece of work, however I did not suffer a financial loss, because he did not yet have one cent of my money.

    So I let hiim pass.

    However he migrated.

    I am not sure why.


    I would no more trust ANY lawyer–not even those whose diapers I changed when they were pissy lil children–than I would trust a stranger in a dark alley late at night.

    ALWAYS, ALWAYS take witnesses when doing business with a lawyer.

  24. @45govt August 16, 2018 5:41 AM “You have to admire this new generation of Bajan thieves, they put all their predecessors to shame in the chutzpah stakes.”


    I keep telling wunna, that Barbados was NEVER a just place. The injustices started in 1627 when the English who came began the wholesale stealing of the black people’s labour, and this wholesale stealing of labour continued for 211 years; and that for the 180 years since most Bajans have been paid a pittance for their labour.

    Consequently a small minority of people have ALWAYS become very, very rich off the labour of Bajans.

    This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

  25. @Tron August 16, 2018 7:34 AM “Just read the blogs on ex-minister Inniss. How many of the commentators share my opinion that the COP and the DPP have a duty to act?”

    Typically I don’t share your opinion on anything, especially your mission to impoverish 5,000 Bajan civil servant families.

    However a stopped clock is still right at least twice per day, and in this I agree.

    The Director of Public Prosecutions, the Commissioner of Police AND especially the Commissioner of the Barbados Revenue Authority should examine these matters.

    And I don’t want to hear “it int my job. It the other fella or gal job.”

  26. Do recall we have the 3.3 million dollar Leroy Parrs invoice that included services rendered to others that were denied e.g. services rendered to Maurice King. There is enough there for the BRA to get involved.

  27. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David August 16, 2018 6:38 AM
    “We have witnessed the unprecedented event of an ex-minister being arrested by US authorities. With the revelations that Gollop and CARRINGTON submitted the invoices as presented, is there the opportunity to arrest local actors on the farm?”

    It is rather comforting to the miller to see that the Blogmaster has finally seen through the fog of blatant tax evasion and in many cases downright tax fraud which have been practised with impunity by a well-known cadre of qualified crooks aka QC’s for sometime now.

    These corrupt individuals must not walk away with their dirty dosh despite Mottley’s empty promises of ‘bringing them to Jesus’ and not (back) to Caesar to pay ‘Him’ his share of the heist against the ordinary taxpayers.

    If these morally low-class white-collar criminals cannot be captured by the hook of the long-promised Integrity in Public Office legislation then why not get them by crook by exposing them as just another set of common-class black-collar thieves who through their taxpayers-funded legal training have deprived the Treasury of millions of tax revenues which could have gone a long way in fixing the pot holes to extend the useful life of their Mercedes-Benz or finance the cost of training their sub-intelligent brats attending the UWI to carry on the tradition of ‘legal’ quackery.

    Do you really feel, Dear Blogmaster, that those- despite holding the LEC and parading with the title “QC” but who blatantly refuse to pay their measly annual Bar fees- would have a Jesus moment by paying Caesar’s share of the spoils exploited from the taxpayers’ mine managed by their political colluders in tax evasion?

    The Miller has advised Senator Franklyn (a brother in arms in the fight against the continuing raiding of the Treasury by these QC’s and amicus curiae in corruption) about the modus operandi to expose these common class crooks and to show ‘the missing-in-action MIA the way to some sort of fiscal salvation by forcing these white-collar crooks to make some reasonable measure of restitution for their financial crimes against the taxpayers.

    The go(o)dly Senator knows what he has to do next.
    Peace be upon Caswell!

    All is well with your moral conscience and soul.

    PS: Thanks to Walter Blackie please do not forget Greenverbs Parris from your list of greedy crooks similar to which the former PM had promised to expose in Parliament.

    Your tutor Bushie says so!

  28. No Simple Simon – that is NOT the truth, or the whole truth, and certainly far from nothing but the truth. Read and learn my knowledge-challenged friend..

    “Imported manpower
    Sugar demanded labour and this poured into Barbados in increasingly large numbers, quickly making the island not only the most populated of England’s overseas colonies, but also one of the most densely populated places in the world. Initially whites from Britain were brought in, either as indentured servants or prisoners. For example, after the Somerset uprising, many West Country men were exiled or “barbadosed” by Judge Jeffreys. Nearly 7000 Irish were transported to the island during the Cromwellian period.”


    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and by that yardstick you are a menace.

  29. @David

    is tax avoidance or even evasion a crime in Bim? or is it a civil matter?

    didnt MAM forgive all back taxes owed up to a certain point? doesnt that suggest to you how we treat tax avoidance and tax evasion?

  30. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Simple Simon August 16, 2018 9:36 AM
    “Typically I don’t share your opinion on anything, especially your mission to impoverish 5,000 Bajan civil servant families.”

    So what will it be Dr. Simply Simon?

    The 5,000 or more to save the foot of the extremely diabetic patient called Sweet Living ‘Buybados’ which can lead to septicemia or an official devaluation of your Mickey Mouse dollar to bring it in line with its forex earning ability to match that of Jamaica’s?

    Tron is right on the money when its comes to the ‘correct’ diagnosis and prognosis of the disease affecting the body of the Bajan economy

    You ought to remember it was just ‘the other day’ that the likes of you were rather vehement in arguing that Barbados would never default on its debt obligations because God is a Bajan and Barbados is Paradise.

    The foreign reserves are about to dry up and any number can play.

    So who or what must be the sacrificial lamb(s)?
    The politicians asking for more money or the lowly public sector workers as pertained in the 2014 round of slaughtering?

  31. Was it Bushie’s imagination…?
    Or did Senator Monique Taitt actually spend time in the senate calling for an increase in pay for senators…?

    No one could be so damn DENSE at this particular stage of our titanic shipwreck…. so Bushie apologises if his hearing was impaired….

  32. @James Greene

    Income Tax Act Cap 73 Offences


  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ 45govt August 16, 2018 9:46 AM
    “No Simple Simon – that is NOT the truth, or the whole truth, and certainly far from nothing but the truth. Read and learn my knowledge-challenged friend..

    “Imported manpower
    Sugar demanded labour and this poured into Barbados in increasingly large numbers, quickly making the island not only the most populated of England’s overseas colonies, but also one of the most densely populated places in the world. Initially whites from Britain were brought in, either as indentured servants or prisoners. For example, after the Somerset uprising, many West Country men were exiled or “barbadosed” by Judge Jeffreys. Nearly 7000 Irish were transported to the island during the Cromwellian period.”

    Since you, “45govt”, are so knowledgeable about the ‘whole truth of imported manpower’ why not inform us about the migration of the same British during the post Emancipation period of black African slavery?

    What propelled this mass movement of white labour to not only the Americas but also its Victorian migration to Sub-Sahara Africa and to Australasia?

    If it was not sugar what were the factors which fuelled this migration?
    Capitalism or greed or just plain old Christian white supremacy?

    Just asking!!

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea August 16, 2018 10:21 AM

    Bushie, the miller must agree totally with your constant description that Bye-Bye-Bados is the land of 100 % pure -brass-bowls.

    How can a senator request such at a time when Barbados is steering Devaluation in the eye?
    No one employed her or forced her to take up that senatorial position.
    Doesn’t that same “(In)dependent” person have a well-known profession from which a decent living can be garnered and who would have benefited from a secondary and tertiary education more than likely financed from the contributions of poor taxpayers?

    Doesn’t this person know anything about National Service or living by the morally altruistic principle of Noblesse Oblige (or to quote your biblical injunction: “To whom much is given, much is expected”)?

    What’s really wrong with the minds of these self-seeking ‘morally-twisted’ individuals?

  35. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service


    what would be the offence?”

    Greene…there is a fees schedule for attorneys on the island…a copy can be obtained for about 5 bucks at the government printery which should still be located on Bay Street, if you peruse the document, you will see what both the thiefer of the house Carrington and Gollop should be charged with, there is a limit to what attorneys should charge.

  36. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Doesn’t this person know anything about National Service or living by the morally altruistic principle of Noblesse Oblige (or to quote your biblical injunction: “To whom much is given, much is expected”)?

    What’s really wrong with the minds of these self-seeking ‘morally-twisted’ individuals?

    I think you answered your question before you asked the question. Let me help u a bit if i may.

    The person is now a Senator!. A political officer holder. Power corrupts! The senator didn’t have to take the job but they choice to. Why did they i guess easy guaranteed income in additional to their vocation. They are not a SENATOR a basically do nutting job with perks.

  37. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “No wonder so many lawyers are in Barbados. These are criminals dressed in suits. How do they sleep at night knowing they have done such wicked deeds.”

    More importantly, how do they show their faces in public knowing the same people they rob as a matter of course, these people’s tax dollars educated their hungry asses from primary school to university, also educated their children and grandchildren and the same people elect them to parliament where they boldfacedly continue to not only rbb but sell out the entire population FOR BRIBES.

    ..there is no punsihment that is enough for these criminal minded black people dressed in suits and carrying fake titles…just like there will never be a salary big enough to pay them where they will still not take bribes, sell out the population while in parliament and rob their clients, all at the same time…they are just pure evil.

  38. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    is it possible to pay especially senators etc by the hour? make it “‘a call it of duty allowance” u shows up and work u get paid!

  39. Here is what the FTC says about non contentious fees (for reference only).


  40. @Simple Simon

    assuming you are into farming, what would you like to see Govt do for that sector?

  41. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    The Commission in its attempt to ensure the compliance of professional
    associations with these recommendations will periodically require
    associations to:
    a) Produce their by-laws for examination, including all recent and
    proposed amendments.
    b) Respond to oral and written queries explaining their fee determination
    practices and;
    c) Produce documented evidence in support of their fee setting policies.
    These initiatives will be undertaken to verify that professional associations
    have not undertaken discussions or other communication in regard to the
    setting of fees except in accordance with the above recommendations. It is
    hoped that ultimately these steps will yield a more competitive climate
    among the providers of professional services in Barbados.”

    I would recommend Bajans stay well away from lawyers unless absolutely unavoidable and life or death necessary.

    Make absolutely sure you get IN WRITING the amount the lawyer will charge you BEFORE he or she gets his or her hands on your documents, even the lawyer who presents him or herself as honest…are slimy.

    Example: client asks lawyer, a QC for his fee amount in writing, lawyer claims he don’t think about those things so soon in a case, client says, I could not give a shit what you think about or how soon you think about it…I want what you are going to charge in writing, before we go to court…end of story.

    That QC will never try to bamboozle that client again because the lawyer dont want to be a story on the blogs.

  42. The mere fact that a Senator could be so brazen to even hint at increased fees at this time suggests staggering ignorance or greed or both.

    It confirms the suspicion of many that the local political class is a complete joke and not serious about real reform. It will be a grim 5-10 years for Bim.

    The iceberg is looming large…

    “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” Acts 2:40

  43. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Then there is the other QC..they know who they are..was given a file regarding beach property, refused to drive a stroke on the file, as is the norm waiting for the client in the same age group as them to die, coveting the beach property more than likely to sell it for peanuts to one of the known tiefing skunks…when the person asked back for their file and deeds because no work was done, the skunk QC claimed the client owed them 6,000 dollars.

    Stay away from lawyers in Barbados, the last client I know who got back their file without a fight, had to tape the dirty lawyer saying nasty things to the client…when he was sent a copy of the tape..it frightened him.

  44. So you see why unfortunate public officers have to be used as guinea pigs to satisfy the greedy lusts of the vultures who masquerade as respectable citizens and continue to rape the Treasury by not paying their full share of taxes particularly when their party is in governance. There is no doubt from my experience in Government over forty five years that they are more vultures like these with the list unbelievably astronomical for a society which purportedly prides itself on better than others and i urge Government to move swiftly to plug theses loopholes and collect all taxes due. In so doing, there will be no need to further disadvantage the less fortunate by layoffs and additional burdensome taxes to further increase their cost of living.

  45. he chutzpah stakes.”


    “I keep telling wunna, that Barbados was NEVER a just place. The injustices started in 1627 when the English who came began the wholesale stealing of the black people’s labour,”

    History would not support that statement. When the English came; there were no African immigrants in Barbados. They came long after.

  46. Charlie you may wish to argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but I have no wish to engage you.

    There were 14 black people on the first English ship to arrive in Barbados. None of them received a cut of the land the English divided among themselves, who when the English found that working land in the tropics is not an easy job like working land in cool places they, the English proceeded to force African people to Barbados where they, the Africam people and their children and their children’s children were enslaved for many, many generations.

    You may not wish to acknowledge this truth.

    But it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

  47. @James Greene August 16, 2018 11:42 AM “@Simple Simon. assuming you are into farming, what would you like to see Govt do for that sector?”

    For small farmers like me, who do not own heavy equipment, but who produce enough food to provide healthy meals for our families we would like an ease in obtaining cultivation services. We are willing and able to pay for such services. We are NOT asking for freebies. Last year I was not able to access cultivation services until July 1, which is 2 months after the rainy season/planting season began. I eventually got services from another somewhat larger farmer who owns a plough. Currently small farmers have to go to Fairy Valley, Christ Church to book and pay for cultivation services, why can’t we book and pay on line? I buy products from Amazon online. I don’t need to go to the U.S. to do so. What is this stupidness of making people drive all about the place to book and or pay for a basic service?

    1,000 small farmers cultivating 1 acre each on a part time basis is still 1,000 more acres in agriculture. We seem to have got a whole lot of foolishness into our heads that if a man does not own and cultivate 10,000 acres like they do in Texas, then he–and that he is often a she– is not worth noticing. We fool ourselves that we will always have plenty of foreign exchange to import all of our food food from America and China and elsewhere. Not that I have anything against the Americans or Chinese, but their first love is of neccessity towards their own people. Not we the strangers.

    Ready access to cultivation service would be a start.

    More later.

  48. Simple Simon,

    what is cultivation services? good on you though. i think you are correct: we make things too cumbersome. looking forward to hearing more

  49. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Enuff..ya scarce..

    It will be nice if Cynthia would say:

    We will jail them all, relatives and others who abandon and abuse the elderly….including lawyers, government ministers, insurance company executives and all others who prey on the elderly to abuse them, leave them lingering in a useless judiciary while they suffer from injuries….steal their properties and drag them throw the court system in direct contravention of the San Jose Rights Against Elder Abuse…of which Barbados is signatory.

    ‘Jail them!’
    Article by
    Barbados Today Published on
    August 15, 2018
    Abusing elderly people in old people’s homes and dumping them in hospital may become a crime under new legislation proposed by Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Cynthia Forde.

    And the victims would be relocated by the State, she told journalists Wednesday.

    “I pray that the Government will look at instituting legislation to say those who are abusing elders in whichever way, they might be brought to justice,” she said on the sidelines of a presentation by Eden Lodge Youth Charitable Trust at the Cloister Bookstore, The City.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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