Submitted by Mohammed Degia

On August 1, 1838, enslaved people across the British Caribbean gained their freedom. Contrary to what is often peddled about the singular role of abolitionists in ending transatlantic slavery, there were two main reasons for abolition- economic and rebellions. The British did not in some great moralistic and ethical wave bestow freedom upon the enslaved. The system was altered because slavery had become an economic liability. Furthermore, the planters lived with the constant fear of slaves rebelling and of another Haiti transpiring. In the end, it was better to agree to free the enslaved than to live with this fear or worse to experience a rebellion. I discuss all of this in more detail in a piece I wrote in 2007 which was the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade by Britain.

As we commemorate the emancipation of our Caribbean forefathers, remember that the British in abolishing slavery also provided a large compensation package for the slave owners. The sum of money amounted to £20 million (£15 billion today) or about 40% of the national budget. The formerly enslaved of course received nothing. What is even more perverse is that the loan taken out at that time by the British government to fund the compensation package was not paid off until 2015. Thus, the British taxpayer was until recently, through payments to the holders of the slavery bonds, still contributing to the beneficiaries of slavery. This is the same British government and society that dismisses the descendants of the enslaved condescendingly, lecturing to them that they should move on and stop living in the past. This is the same British government and society that refuses to consider the just demands of Caribbean people for reparations. The same British government that argues absurdly that the slave trade and slavery were not illegal at the time and so they are not obliged to provide compensation for the heinous role they played in one of the worst crimes against humanity. For these people though, it is not a historical matter to be left behind when until February 2015 they were still reaping the benefits of the slavery abolition loan. The height of dishonesty, arrogance and hypocrisy.

In addition, as we celebrate August 1, we must be mindful that 180 years after abolition and 56 years after the decolonisation period in the British Caribbean commenced with Jamaica’s independence on August 6, 1962, we have a long way to go in the quest for true freedom. The legacy of colonialism and slavery endures in our tiny island states. Most of us continue to experience significant socio-economic challenges. Race and class considerations remain central factors in how our societies function. For example, in Barbados, the justice system still operates in two forms- one for the rich and white and nowadays Indian and one for blacks particularly those that are not rich. Just under a year ago, I penned a long article about the harsh realities of race in Barbados beyond the symbolism of its Emancipation statue. Last week, two prominent white Barbadian businessmen were charged with drug offences and anyone following the saga would have seen first-hand the playing out of the politics of race and class that I wrote about.

The Caribbean has much work to do. We need to examine in earnest these mental chains that impede us. An honest, brutal conversation about our past, how it looms large over us and how we must proceed is essential. Our intellectual giants started the process. It is necessary for us to build on it and propel it to the next level. It is also imperative that we do this together as a region. We are one people with a shared history of colonialism, slavery and exploitation. People to people relationships that transcend artificial borders have always been a central feature of our Caribbean reality. In addition, in a world of large and medium powers, we have no choice as small islands but to integrate. Our politicians with their egos and selfish interests have frustrated the institutionalisation of our deep ties. We the people must take the lead.

265 responses to “180 Years of Emancipation- Some Perspective”

  1. A WORD OF COUNSEL & CAUTION… Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)



  2. I’ll leave you alt-right white trolls to discuss racist shit by yourselves.

    not enough time in life to chat to twisted white parasites.

  3. August 11, 2018 9:20 PM

    “Freedom you are no warrior. How many real fights have you ever been in. I guess none.”


    Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished…

    By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil…

    Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love him that speaketh right…

    Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall…

    An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire.

    A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

    A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good.

    He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass.

    He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.–ecclesiastes–manual.jpg

  5. “Novelist Sir VS Naipaul, who won the Nobel Prize in literature, has died aged 85, his family have said.

    Sir Vidia, who was born in rural Trinidad in 1932, wrote more than 30 books including A Bend in the River and his masterpiece, A House for Mr Biswas.”

  6. How long shall they kill I prophets while we sit around and wait

    some say it is just a part of it but the wait is a bit too great

    so won’t you help me sing these songs of freedom

    that’s all I ever have redemption song

    ((►)) The Wailers-Redemption Song

    (Alt. Band Studio Demo Take Two)

    ((►)) Redemption Song, Bunny Wailer

    Isaiah 8:12 (CEB) Don’t call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy. Don’t fear what they fear, and don’t be terrified.

  7. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Mohammed Degia keep up the good work.

    Last Friday the Argentina embassy presented an evening of Argentine theatre, with the play La Négrophilie, at the Frank Collymore Hall.

    Sometime last week, a few days prior to the breaking news of Mr Inniss, I questioned why the government of Barbados is consolidating and pushing aggressively to form strong ties with Argentina. A country which has pursued a virulent and an aggressive policy against her African population since her inception.

    We could argue that the government of Barbados lacks sufficient knowledge of Argentina and their mistreatment of her African population; but what of our Barbados media outlets such as the Nation, The Barbados Advocate, Barbados Today, et al? Is it not their job to publish and enlighten the Bajan masses that we are pursuing a relationship with a country that is anti-black and has virtually decimated her very own Afro-population.

    Am i the only person who feels uncomfortable with this friendship? We need to raise our level of awareness with all countries with whom we share diplomatic relationships. (Henry Louis Gates Jr.)

  8. Hey Saying Nothing – why not sever ALL relationships with ANYONE whose great great grandfathers may have mistreated your ancestors? No more handouts from the UK, Canada, the US, the EU, and NO visas to visit those barstewards….way to go moron!!

  9. Talking Loud,

    Once more you are spot on. Argentina has always seen itself as a European outpost in South America. At the turn of the 20th century, when desperate Italians rushed for the US and Northern Europe, whose who could not make it settled in Argentina. Jus took at the number of Argentinians with Italians surnames.
    Along with the rest of South America (and Central America) it has seen its black population as beneath contempt. In establishing bilateral arrangements with these countries we must be careful not to abandon the African population. Argentina is a case in point.
    By the way, at about the same historical juncture Argentina and the US were level pegging economically. Look at them now. Explain.

  10. Hal Austin August 12, 2018 10:18 AM
    “By the way, at about the same historical juncture Argentina and the US were level pegging economically. Look at them now. Explain.”

    The Rise of New Latin American Socialism

    Argentina could be considered one of the more socialist countries in Central or South America, but it certainly is not the only one with socialist tendencies. Other countries, notably Ecuador, Cuba, Bolivia and Venezuela, have strong ties to socialist movements. Some of Argentina’s neighbors are notably less socialist. These include Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Saint Lucia.

    If you want to look forward you first must know our past, where we are, what we are doing and the choices we are making, then we can see what the future may hold for we have seen the direction we are on.

    Read More @

  11. Freedom Crier,

    Plse define Socialism, Communism and Capitalism.

  12. Hal Austin August 12, 2018 11:46 AM

    “Freedom Crier, Plse define Socialism, Communism and Capitalism.”

    Hal you usually do not miss Articles on BU, did you miss this one? Barbados Improvements Part 4: Looking Forward Posted on August 6, 2018…..Have I spoken of All Else on BU…Hmmmmmm?

    The Article is quite Explanatory on the same Subject.

    I Invite you and others to Read the following, then should you then have any Questions I would be more than happy to answer!

    Make your comments under the Article Please not under this Article….I really did not want to prop up this Spew in the first place but had to open my mouth because of the Glaring Deception portrayed by the Author…

    Hal as a well read person and I would especially like to hear your take on Socialism, Communism and Capitalism!

    See you there…

  13. Freedom Crier,

    I know it looks as if I spend all my time on BU. I only read everything that David (BU) says. Otherwise I pick and choose. As to Communism, are we talking about Soviet communism, Chinese communism, Western communism? On socialism are we talking about liberal democratic socialism, or the socialism of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, or of Tony Benn, or of Michael Foot, or of Facing Reality? Is this the capitalism of Andrew Carnegie, or of the plantocracy, or of the joint stock company, or of Japanese just in time capitalism, or of digital capitalism? Is this the capitalism of Enron, Madoff, Qualcomm, Carillion, which one?
    I am confused.

  14. If you are so Confused a Rainbow has many Colours but it is still a Rainbow and you are trying to describe the Colours of the same rainbow and all the blends of the Colours into one another but it is still the same rainbow..

    Are you going to read the article and learn the True Colour Palate or are you going to sit there ever learning but not reaching Understanding?

  15. HAL,
    The practice of Sharia Law and other extreme versions of Islam ie Wahhabism, Salafism turns their version of Islam into a Totalitarian System which is not a religion. Such political concepts should be totally banned in the West.

  16. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Freedom Crier August 12, 2018 1:08 PM
    “If you are so Confused a Rainbow has many Colours but it is still a Rainbow and you are trying to describe the Colours of the same rainbow and all the blends of the Colours into one another but it is still the same rainbow..
    Are you going to read the article and learn the True Colour Palate or are you going to sit there ever learning but not reaching Understanding?”

    If you can be so ‘intelligent’ as to use the rainbow as the ‘perfect’ analogy to paint a picture of mankind’s varying systems of arranging social and economic relationships why then can’t you see socialism or communism as just another pallet from which to daub a colour of economic paint?

    What was the colour of the economic relationships which existed in the time of your eponymous Jesus or in the mythical garden of Eden? Was it ‘red’ from incompetence or ‘green’ with greed?

    It would do you a world of good if you were to preach the value of ‘Compromise’.
    Just look at the Scandinavian model and see if you can find Capitalism in its pure exploitative form or Socialism in its most inefficient form.

    Your ‘extremist capitalist’ position on the economy does not sit well with your so-called Christian beliefs. The values of Christianity are clearly at odds with the self-centred greed of capitalism.

    So what would it be, Freedom Crier? Jesus or Caesar?

    Or are you prepared to give unto Caesar the things that are for Caesar (taxes) and to Yahweh the things that are for Jesus (the milk of human kindness as cited in the many parables)?

  17. HAL,
    Any economic or political system that does not involve Incentive and Disincentive ie Carrot and Stick, will not work. Everyone should have the opportunity to improve themselves or fail miserably. Govt should help with critical aspects like Education / Training, HealthCare etc BUT the populace must show Discipline and play their part to develop themselves or if of able body or mind be disciplined by removal of benefits. JFK “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”

  18. The Ideology Socialism/Communism is the Adversary’s Counterfeit of all God’s

    The Commandments were Compiled into Two Great Principles, the Second Being to Love Others as We Do Ourselves.

    We need to be Benevolent in giving someone a Hand Up; we do not need the Interference and Force that Socialist Government brings.

    Compulsory benevolence is not Charity it is Robbery!

    “They are People in Need of Help, and Charity is one of the Nobler Human Motives. The act of Reaching into One’s Pocket is Praiseworthy and Laudable. Reaching into someone Else Pocket is Deplorable and Worthy of Condemnation”.

    Jesus “wants the poor to be helped” but not at Gunpoint, which is essentially what Government Force is all about:

    Jesus was Not A Socialist… Neither were any of his Followers. He encouraged others to Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s. The Populace only paid a 10th from their surplus Caesar and that had nothing to do with their Tithe or the Law of Consecration…

    Remember in the Parable of the Good Samaritan when he came upon the man that was in Need he Did Not Call on the Government for Assistance he used his Own Means to do so. What we take away from this is that by following the Second Great Commandment to love others as we do ourselves, it Conveys that IN THE TIMES OF CHRIST it was first our Personal Obligation to Assist where possible.

    Failing that we can appeal to family and if they are unable to lend a helping hand then we may appeal to the Church and Community within.

    Nowadays so much is Extracted by way of Limitless Taxations that puts Tremendous Burdens on the Community that additionally to be Benevolent In helping others becomes added difficulty. Hence More people Look to the State as their Shepherd and Provider.

    Under the Banner of Socialism Excessive Taxation is Theft at Gun Point with no end in Sight, while Tithing was and still is Voluntary…

    Keep This and You’ll Keep Them All… There is One Commandment that, if followed by all of humanity, would instantly create a peaceful world: DO NOT STEAL.

    Do you believe the 10th Commandment, You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour’s?

    Or do you believe in the Socialist Version of advocating using the Brute Force of Government to take from your neighbour to give to someone else or what Socialist describes as being Socially Equable by giving to those the Produce of others who Do Not Work but Love Freeness’s?

    Centrally Planned Economies Deprive the Human Spirit of Full Development. Socialism fails because it Kills and Destroys the Human Spirit–just ask the people leaving Cuba in homemade rafts and boats [and those waiting in long lines today in Venezuela struggling, and often failing, to buy food].

  19. There is no top ranking BLACK advisor in the Trump administration.


  20. “The practice of Sharia Law and other extreme versions of Islam ie Wahhabism, Salafism turns their version of Islam into a Totalitarian System which is not a religion. Such political concepts should be totally banned in the West.”

    The biggest problem in the West is the Alt-Right White Troll. Damn Pasty Whites with Ugly faces think they own the World.

  21. “There is no top ranking BLACK advisor in the Trump administration.”
    So what – look at all the top black crooks in Obama’s gang.

  22. Yours is a most idiotic response. Have the last word.

  23. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing


    I don’t believe that it would be a good idea for Barbados to detach herself completely from those countries who have ritually abused those of African descent over the millennium. Barbados needs to both evaluate and re-evaluate those countries that it has or would like to have diplomatic relationships with.

    The Barbados government has to be made aware that Argentina has had a policy in place since the abolition of slavery to erase her African population. I am deeply uncomfortable that we have had a diplomatic relationship with this country – now in its fiftieth year. Is our government vetting and applying pressure on Argentina to stop discriminating against her African descended population?

    Argentina is famous for its wine production and her animal husbandry. They are looking at markets to sell their produce. Can we trust food produce emanating from this country given the fact that we have a population that is majority black. Given their treatment of their own black citizens can we really trust them to deliver produce that is fit for consumption for our citizens, I may be wrong but I am certain that Barbados received a container worth of corn beef delivered from either Argentina or Brazil (two countries joined at the hip in their mentalities towards their African population) that was not fit for consumption.

    I know that my views will not be shared by most and ridiculed by some but we have to pay close attention to whom we decide to develop diplomatic relationships with.

    @ Alvin,

    Argentina remains a right-ring country littered with coups, mass detentions, disappearances of her citizens, torture, hyper-inflation, et al. This, partly, explains the decline in the standing of her economy vis-a-vis America.

  24. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Sorry, Hal not Alvin!

  25. David August 12, 2018 4:15 PM

    “There is no top ranking BLACK advisor in the Trump administration.” #fact

    Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr. (born September 18, 1951) is an American politician, author and former neurosurgeon serving as the 17th and current United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development since 2017, under the Trump Administration.

    Once again David you have tried to make this Tread a Racist Debate, nothing New under the Sun with You & BU.

    Pastor Darrell Scott: President Trump, THE MOST PRO – BLACK PRESIDENT IN HISTORY

  26. You understand what is an advisor?

  27. “There is no top ranking BLACK advisor in the Trump administration.


    “Taking Back Control” means No Blacks Allowed

    that’s how white scum talk

    I got proof

  28. David August 12, 2018 7:26 PM “You understand what is an advisor?”

    When The President invites his Cabinet into meetings including Dr. Ben Carson who is the current United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development would they be reporting and advising the President at that point? Is the President a mind reader or does he have to take advice from those in the field who represent his cabinet?

    What I understand very clearly are Bait & Switch Tactics.

    What I understand is the Tactic of Race Baiting.

    David what I understand without a doubt is that you are an expert in both Bait & Switch & Race Baiting Tactics!

  29. Why do you feel to debate every issue even if it is nonsense? Members of a Cabinet are not included in the definition of advisors. Even so one member refutes the point made about numbers of Blacks around Trump functioning as top level advisors??

  30. Consider this and Rise above the those who seek to Continually use Divisiveness as a Tool to Conquer…

    Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

  31. Ignore the corny meme generator Freedom Crier

    “I use emotion for the many and reason for the few” Adolf Hitler

  32. What do you say to someone who does not even understand the Concept of Spiritual Warfare…

    He doesn’t even know or understand that he is doing the Adversary’s bidding.

    But for sure if he still has a Glimmer of a Conscience he knows he is choosing evil over that which is Good!

    Repent before too late!

  33. How many times were black women raped by white devils during slavery as a WAG wild ass guess

  34. “The coastal West African nation of Sierra Leone has been pillaged by some of the most vile elements of International Jewry. From the Brooklyn neighborhood of Brighton Beach, the small, troubled and diamond-rich Sierra Leone was “virtually run” by Marat Balagula, the Ukranian-Jewish mob boss of the most powerful criminal organization on earth, the Red Mafiya. Sierra Leone’s president, Joseph Momoh, didn’t have any problem with the Jewish syndicate setting up global smuggling and money laundering operations in Freetown because Balagula’s associates, in return, bankrolled Momoh’s 1985 presidential campaign. The Jewish ultra-gangster’s main contact in Sierra Leone was a Mossad agent named Shabtai Kalmanovitch, who trained Momoh’s presidential guard and assisted in the crushing of an attempted coup in 1986. Balagula and Kalmanovitch were introduced by Rabbi Ronald Greenwald, a frontman for the interests of Marc Rich (64), the famous billionaire Jewish criminal pardoned by Bill Clinton. This revelation shows a clear nexus between the “Israeli” entity and organized crime, united in the ancient Jewish hatred of the Black man, working together for the furtherance of Jewish interests.

    In the Congo, where a catastrophic genocide has been occurring since 1996, in which up to 10 million people have died at a maddening rate of 1,500 a day, the profiteers of this downright insidious humanitarian disaster are almost exclusively Jewish and intimately linked to the larger network of international Zionism that has been responsible for every major conflict of the last century. Led by Dan Gertler, the grandson of Moshe Schnitzer, an Irgun terrorist known throughout the Zionist entity as “Mr. Diamond” and for founding the “Israel” Diamond Exchange in Tel Aviv in 1960, which today brings the usurping regime $14 billion annually in blood business, there is a Jewish-Zionist network in the Congo so interlocked, so powerful and so domineering, that it can truly make one’s head spin (65).

    Gertler, a member of the influential Chabad Lubavitch supremacist gangster cult and guided by Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Leibovitch, is in bed with Jewish diamond dynasties that include the families of Templesman, Oppenheimer, Mendell, Blattner, Hertzov and Steinmetz, his main partner. The Chabadnik criminal bought off the Congolese government in exchange for high-level “Israeli” defense and intelligence assistance. The endeavors of Gertler and Beny Steinmetz, one of the richest Jews in the Zionist entity, have proliferated and today, they have a monopoly over Congo’s diamonds, a dominant stake in Congo’s copper and the largest cobalt-mining company in the world. And all of this blood money ties into Jewish organized crime, “Israeli” arms dealers, multiple influential Chabad houses and the Zionist occupation itself all the way up to Netanyahu’s office (65). Gertler, a Jewish supremacist of the highest order, revels in sucking the Congo’s blood and he’s so sadistically thirsty for it, he just won’t stop his criminality until there is nothing left but millions more dead.


  35. David, you are losing the plot. Next you’ll be agreeing with SSDumbShit and his racist ravings, or, God forbid with the Jew-hating cretin .akanateni and his conspiracy drivel.

    At least Freedom Crier has brought some common sense and perspective to this racists’ playground.

  36. What about the half that’s never been told

    Whites want to whitewash their inherent immorality but the truth is like a burning fire and all they can do is deny and lie, but are guilty your honour

    “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” Soren Kierkegaard

  37. SSDumbShit, no-one is interested in your endless videos. Go and lie down somewhere quiet until the men in white coats arrive for you.

  38. 45govt is a gay white boy

    ((►))) Same Thing All Over

  39. The blogmaster can be more specific, there is no high ranking Black advisor sitting in the West Wing of the White House.

  40. @David
    The blogmaster can be more specific, there is no high ranking Black advisor sitting in the West Wing of the White House.

    There never was under 45 Omerosa was just window dressing, she will exact some revenge on them she has TAPES.

  41. @Sargeant

    The political commentators are saying to tape is illegal!

  42. @David

    That is for the lawyers to sort out, she just released a tape of Trump saying he didn’t know that she was fired.
    They also tried to silence her by offering a non- specific campaign job paying 15 Gs per month but it came with an onerous NDA (she has the email).

    I am no fan of Omerosa but I will cheer when she makes them squirm.

  43. “At least Freedom Crier has brought some common sense and perspective to this racists’ playground”

    No. Freedom Crier has brought nothing but White Supremacist drivel, kinda like you.

  44. You are well named Dullard – although it i8s a little on the generous side for someone with your mental issues.

  45. Sarge, who trusts or would trust Omerosa? I immediately felt sorry when I learned that my bro Clarke the actor had married her. Clarkey was a gentle giant, Omerosa a very dangerous female. Omerosa is one of the very best manipulators on Earth, I certainly think she is very gifted in this way. Trump and the producers kept her on The Apprentice because she was the person that people bound to hate! There is no way I would have let her in the WH but certainly believe Trump should have some AfroAms as his advsors in the WH as there is much work to be accomplished in the community and stamping out Racism.

  46. 555 wrote,The biggest problem in the West is the Alt-Right White Troll. Damn Pasty Whites with Ugly faces think they own the World.

    The West is not perfect but it is miles more advanced in every respect than Totalitarian Systems in places like Saudi, Pakistan et al. These Pasty Faces have produced most of the food, technology, medicine etc that not so Pasty Faces crave, why did Allah permit such a void that makes the Grand Canyon look small?

  47. Trump should not be concerned with Omorosa.

    He should be concerned about his security team.

    There is no way that anyone should be able to record any conversations surreptitiously in the White House.

  48. @Hants
    There is no way that anyone should be able to record any conversations surreptitiously in the White House
    You forgot Nixon?

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