There has been much discussion over the past 5 days about the 30 – 0 victory of the Barbados Labour Party over the for Democratic Labour Party government and other newer political parties at the General Elections which were held on May 24, 2018. It was a historic and resounding victory for the Barbados Labour Party as they not only received the mandate to govern unopposed but the first female Prime Minister of Barbados, Ms. Mia Amor Mottley was elected.

With the decimation of the main opposition, most persons resorted to the Constitution for guidance. The founding fathers clearly did not anticipate that such a situation would occur. Hence, the Constitution does not provide any guidance on this issue. It only states that the democratic process to produce a government would consist of the winning party which obtains most seats and an Opposition which won the remaining seats and that both would constitute the government. No exceptions are mentioned. There being no opposition, only members of Parliament of the current Administration can sit in the lower House of Parliament.

Some may be of the view that this 30-0 win is a constraint on the democratic system as there are no longer any checks and balances on the system or transparency and that the Constitution should be amended to make provision for some semblance of an opposition as the new government will do as it pleases without oversight. Most importantly there is a worry about the preservation of democracy if the island is a 2-party system.

The Constitution does not advocate the use of Senators in lieu of there being no Opposition elected as part of government. The Prime Minister was therefore very gracious to seek to amend the Constitution to allow Members from the Democratic Labour Party which polled the second highest percentage of votes to be appointed to the Senate. Another alternative that could have been pursued was to simply increase the pool of independent senators. Whether one likes it or not, this may end up being the case because for the majority of the population the credibility of the Democratic Labour ceases to exist and the majority of the people may not even want them to walk up the steps of Parliament again.

One can be of a different view that a unique opportunity has presented itself making the 30-0 victory a blessing in disguise. With over 50 years of self-governance behind us and going as far as we can with a 2-party system, the time as come to go to the next level in democracy. That is to empower the people to fully participate in the governance of Barbados.

It was indeed heartening when for the first time in history of electoral politics in Barbados that a draft Manifesto was presented to the people by the Barbados Labor Party for their thoughts, discussion, comment and input. One wonders why this never occurred before. Perhaps at the beginning of our independence when the majority were only educated to 7th standard they needed the government alone to decide their needs and what was best for the country. However, after 50 years of independence and the majority having obtained secondary education and a thousands of university graduates, one wonders why a Manifesto coming from the people was not on the table until this election.

It would be a waste given the heightened political discussions that emanated throughout the island since the dissolution of Parliament on March 6th, 2018 for most people to revert to lives void of politician participation. Without an Opposition, the responsibility also falls on the electorate to maintain the democracy. It is for the good of the country as we seek to rebuild Barbados not only economically and socially but politically as well.

A 30-0 majority further provides the opportunity for greater input of Barbadians in the process of governance; whether it be in oversight, checks and balances, in decision making and by referendum and constituency councils. Members were selected for the constituency councils under the previous Administration, but they have failed to perform.

To this end the Government Information Service can be used as a tool to provide a body of knowledge to educate all citizens and residents, preparing them for active participation by providing the training for the empowerment of the people. The Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation and the Internet can be used as the medium to ensure that this becomes a reality.

One hopes that this 30-0 historic victory will signal the end of an era when the people only participated politically by casting ballots every five years and heralds the commencement of revolutionary changes as part of the rebuilding process making Barbados a participatory democracy. One can argue that with active continuous participation that not only will the people have a greater interest in their governance, participate more in the polls and reduce the numbers who do not vote but more importantly that we all can truly sing the part of the national anthem which states that we are “strict guardians of our heritage, firm craftsmen of our fate.”

300 responses to “A Heather Cole Column – Historic 30-0 Win for BLP: Constitutional Constraint or Opportunity?”

  1. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Nine…problem is, no one looks ahead where everything can clearly be seen..lack of vision…

    …one swallowed the other, I knew one would have to eat and devour the other for this thing to work..

    After reparations are paid…nonmonetary…will these goats/sheep still be standing in front a GG…bleating allegiance to an oppressive monarchy regime…this I gotta

    Maybe Hilary Beckles can answer that one.

  2. The GG should go on ahead and appoint 2 intelligent persons from the array of opposition parties which participated in the just held election.This should be viewed as national service and a platform to one of those fledging getting-to-know-you parties.

    Nahtalee perhaps?

  3. A definite conversation is needed on this, to not have one will be unforgivable and future generations would be right to punish these leaders from 1966 onward with pure contempt and disdain wondering how could they be this dumb down and stupid….same question I am asking now.

  4. @ Gabriel
    May 29, 2018 7:51 PM …
    (a)…” The constitution mandates the GG to appoint 7 senators who in her own judgement represent a cross section of interests vital to the economic,social,spiritual and political well being of the country.The same constitution provides for the GG to appoint 2 senators who opposed the now government in the just concluded election”….

    (b)….”The constitution does not say those senators are to be from the pool of the Dems or from any other group which traversed the length and breadth of Barbados criticizing the Bees”.

    A conflicts B..
    ..”The same constitution provides for the GG to appoint 2 senators who opposed the now government in the just concluded election”

    to grant appointment of any formed of legal opposition, when there are no legally elected members to form that opposition.

    The Oath of the Prime Minister duly elected
    .I ……… being appointed Prime Minister do swear that I will, to the best of my judgement, at all times, when so required, freely give my counsel and advice to the Governor General, or any other person for the time being, lawfully performing the functions of that office for the good management of the public affairs of Barbados and I do further swear, that I will not, on any account, at any time whatsoever, disclose the counsel, advice, opinion or vote of any particular Minister or Parliamentary Secretary, and that I will not, except with the authority of the Cabinet and to such extent as may be required, for the good management of the affairs of Barbados, directly or indirectly reveal the business or proceedings of the Cabinet, or nature or contents of any documents communicated to me as Prime Minister or any matter coming to my knowledge in my capacity as such and that in all things, I will be a true and faithful Prime Minister, so help me GOD.

  5. Look at the language that is being used in the video posted above – Swearing in ceremony of members of CABINET and Parliamentary Secretaries!!

    This is double speak!!!

    They can’t have a swearing in of members of Parliament because until the GG acts, there is none!!

    What does the constitution say about cabinet?

    All this hoo haa is to place pressure on the GG to act.

    How can he (it is a he not a she if you listen to the commentary in the ceremony) fail to accommodate the BLP’s desires after all that money and pomp was expended?

    Did she run or was she pushed?

    … and who PM they flew in to add to the illusion of the swearing in?

    Of all people Ralph Gonzalves …. who the same BLP under Tom kicked to hell out of Barbados!!

    In the absence of a senate, that ceremony is pure illusion and it does not bode well for Barbados!!

    It shows to what lengths these 30 are prepared to go.

    They should get the senate appointments first before pulling a stunt like this on the people of Barbados.

    I hope and pray I am not reading too much into what I am seeing!!

  6. 30 ministers means 30 big pensions in time to come!!

  7. Nineofnine
    What I meant to point out was that seeing the Dems on advice of their election manager being told not to nominate 2 of its members to the opposition seats in the Senate,the GG should choose any 2 from among the array of the opposing parties of the Bees in the just concluded election.Grenville Phillips and Leroy McClean would make an acceptable contribution.

  8. Gabriel

    The nonsense being spewed on BU all day by one John is to be ignored……….can you imagine that the DLP get whipped into oblivion and the johnny wants a redo so that there can be an opposition.

    The johnny even went as far as to suggest some BLP MP’s should resign in order that there could be opposition MP’s. The johnny even suggests that MAM will be a one term PM……..the johnny is so delusional.

    We just have to pity the dems……..they are sorely wounded, they are in denial………one told me” something went on, the BLP did something……..that there is no way that the DLP could lose so much support”.

    So out of touch are these dems that they did not realise that the DLP lost all legitimacy before the 2013 election but by a miracle still managed to win in 2013. Just to make sure that no such surprise DLP victory happened again……….the people went out early and en masse and vote their tails to hell out.

    ………..and the dems cannot deal with that!

  9. Nineofnine
    What I meant to point out was that seeing the Dems on advice of their election manager being told not to nominate 2 of its members to the opposition seats in the Senate,the GG should choose any 2 from among the array of the opposing parties of the Bees in the just concluded election.Grenville Phillips and Leroy McClean would make an acceptable contribution.

    Nahtalee is a party of 1!!

    Why would you want to exclude her?

  10. Randolph Rouse did better than either Grenville Phillips or Leroy McClean … you better check me as I am slipping in my old age.

    If you start thinking for yourself you will realise this is potentially pretty frightening stuff!

  11. Like Nahtalee, he is a party of 1!!

  12. He even beat four DLP candidates!!

  13. The constitution mandates the GG to appoint 7 senators who in her own judgement represent a cross section of interests vital to the economic,social,spiritual and political well being of the country.


    Who I the current GG?

    Who will do the appointing?

  14. Gabriel May 29, 2018 9:30 PM


    Pushing the ISO9001 agenda of the UN with their hands in the mix is bothersome.. by 2023 the country will be in a different timeline and may not be applicable, yet had it made port, the system would have been well embedded.


    Built on a premise… a time lapse, you might say.

  15. If only this johnny had been on BU giving advice to Fumble and had he listened, the DLP would not be in the ducks guts as it is today.

    Fumble thought he was all powerful……allowed Sinckler to impose tax after tax on us,

    ………refused to address Barbadians other than his party faithfuls,

    ……..use our tax dollars to go places he never went before and on return dont say boo to us,

    ……people were screaming out over the taxes and Fumble had the nerve to tell his yardies in New York that if he won the election, he would put Chris back as MOF………….

    Well the two final straws were that Fumble allowed the Parliament to dissolve itself and went into previously unheard of territory and secondly threatening to pull the plug on the CCJ………so the people waited on him and showed him who really had the power.

    Be gone, dems…….go and hide for 15 years, the people do not want you……..that much is clear…..
    312 boxes went to the BLP and the people only gave you dems 2……….now please go away.

  16. Theophilius Gazerts 250 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 250

    Would be glad if Heather would expand on the phrase “Founding fathers”….
    I suspect the defect in our constitution was due to bad copying and pasting.
    Now we seek to give our constitution a similar development path as the US constitution.

    ‘Founding father’ is more than just a phrase. Perhaps ‘framers’ or writers would be more appropriate.

  17. I listened again more closely and realise I am wrong, Sir Marston attended as CJ, not GG … Thank God

    Still can’t understand why the GG hasn’t acted.

    Understand the 30 cabinet ministers better now.

    The $$’s short and when Parliament actually comes into being they don’t have to go through the elaborate ceremony.

    But why not just have a simple ceremony at Government House if the coppers short?

    Was the PM of Grenada invited?

  18. “ST GEORGE’S, Grenada — After the March 13 general election in Grenada, which saw the incumbent New National Party (NNP) win a consecutive clean-sweep at the polls, winning all 15 seats up for grabs, under the leadership of prime minister, Dr Keith Mitchell, who won his fifth non-consecutive term as prime minister, all senate seats are arguably within his nomination, since there is no elected parliamentary opposition, with the second-place finisher, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), being invited to fill at least one of those seats up for grabs.”

  19. ST GEORGE’S, Grenada — After the March 13 general election in Grenada, which saw the incumbent New National Party (NNP) win a consecutive clean-sweep at the polls, winning all 15 seats up for grabs, under the leadership of prime minister, Dr Keith Mitchell, who won his fifth non-consecutive term as prime minister, all senate seats are arguably within his nomination, since there is no elected parliamentary opposition, with the second-place finisher, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), being invited to fill at least one of those seats up for grabs.

  20. Theophilius Gazerts 250 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 250

    I am still losing sleep over 30-0.
    How could they be so out of sync with the feeling of the people?
    How could they lose their strongholds?
    Were there no warning signs?
    No polls?
    No strategists?
    No one to say “The king has no clothes” … someone referred to him as a king

  21. There were at least three polls done for the BLP…….they knew long in advance that there was a 27% swing against the government.

    I was also made to understand that the dems had one done but ignored the results and instead decided that the best route to go was to be nasty and go after MAM.

    The dems knew up front that the people had moved away from them, hence from early you heard dem talking about the campaign is going into the gutter.

  22. I think I might be able to explain what is going on from what is not happening.

    The GG needs to appoint 2 Opposition senators.

    That doesn’t sound as though it happened … yet.

    Like Keith Mitchell in Grenada, Mia Mottley offered the DLP first.

    Bobby Morris refused.

    Suppose no other opposition party whether of 1 or more will accept the offer if it were made to them.

    That is logical.

    In their place, I would not want to be a token senator allowing a one party state to develop.

    Amazingly, the DLP may be actually following their lead!!

    It figured out that getting a senator out of the other parties could be hard.

    This is getting really interesting.

    Everybody under pressure, including the GG!!

    There is a possibility that there will be no parliament possible.

    Then what??

  23. Actually the GG only needs one opposition senator to make the 21!!

    Tell you what, if only one is possible that senator is going to be toast!!

  24. Maybe the GG has it all figured out too.

    She plays her role as required and waits for the two names.

    One is going to be a problem!!

  25. Mr T ………….you do not live in Barbados, do you?

    These morons were out of touch with the people since 2010 when David Thompson took ill. By virtue of a miracle and the ugly introduction of the practice of vote buying, the dems were “re-elected”.

    Since 2013, the people were angry as they saw that these dems were not fit for purpose and all you kept hearing was that they were fattening their own craws. Every where you turn, you heard reports of their corrupt practices.

    You asked if there were no warning signs? You do read BU, dont you?

    …..Tax after tax….40 new taxes in 10 years
    …..Sewage flowing on the south coast unabated
    …..Poor Barbadians waiting 3/4 hours in the bus stand and bus stops for buses
    …..Garbage piled up all over the country
    …..The QEH in poor condition with family having to bring everything to the hospital for relatives
    …..The roads are in terrible shape
    ……Introduction of fees at UWI thus poor people children’s hopes and dreams were shattered
    …..Lack of water in the northern parishes and not an once of sympathy from the PM
    ……Spike in food prices because of the wicked NSRL tax

    Do you really want me to go on????

    Mara Thompson was such a poor representative that even St John decided that they had enough of the DLP.

  26. Who could possibly have imagined that the Independents and parties other than the B’s and D’s could determine whether or no a parliament can exist after the elections or be able to force another election.


    It is unbelievable!!

    If they do manage hold out, because they are going to be offered serious “incentives”, Mia Mottley and the BLP will be toast, like the DLP!!

  27. Are-we-there-yet Avatar

    It seems to me that:

    1) The Constitution was badly written and was in error for not having an explicit solution re. the senate seats that would have been available to THE Opposition in the event of a 30-0 result in a general election.

    2) The fix offered to the DLP by the new PM was apparently the simplest way to resolve the situation. But that solution seemed not to have recognized that the DLP would reject an offer that was wholly in its current and future interests.

    3) The current response by the DLP to the offer is in sync with almost everything the DLP has done in the last 7 years. That is; stupid, non-strategic posturing that puts the interest of country last and that might actually lead to its own demise as one of the 2 great Political parties of Barbados.

    4) The DLP should be given a cooling off period of 1 week only to respond to the PM’s offer. If the DLP rejects the offer the PM should immediately advise the GG to request the Party leader of the party that contested the elections and which party secured the third highest aggregate number of votes gained by all parties to nominate 2 persons to represent that party in the senate. The Independents would not be considered in this process.

    5) The initial fix offered by the new PM was actually not exactly in the spirit of the constitution in that the Constitution does not explicitly recognize parties and therefore the 2 senate seats should not have been offered to the DLP to make a choice from their members but should have been offered to all the parties in opposition to the BLP therefore the suggestion at #4 might actually be more true to the spirit of the Constitution than the original solution

    6) The relevant sections of the Constitution should be amended asap to reflect the need to prescribe and codify a workable way to effect such eventualities in the future.

  28. Are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Actually, the solution at 4 would work as well if the DLP had accepted the PM’s offer and indeed there would be no need for the PM to get involved as the GG would automatically request the party securing the 2nd highest vote tally to nominate 2 senators. THis would simplify the drafting.

  29. Are-we-there-yet Avatar

    John, re. your 11:55 pm post.

    The 30:0 result means that the BLP can change the constitution as they wish. There are many ways to avoid a constitutional crisis that do not include giving monetary inducements to any party. What incentives what?


  30. The DLP should put 2 young Democrats in the Senate. It will give them an opportunity to “learn”.

    You can sugar coat and spin all you want but Barbados is now a de facto one party state with a one party government.

    BLP 30, DLP zero.

  31. Are-we-there-yet Avatar


    On reflection, There is just one person that could create a Constitutional crisis in this situation and it is extremely unlikely that that person would do so.

  32. Are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Hants; You said:

    “…… but Barbados is now a de facto one party state with a one party government.”
    True dat. But reflect on how it got here!

  33. The DLP failed miserably to manage the economy of Barbados.

    REPEAT. The DLP failed miserably to manage the economy of Barbados.

    That is why they lost the election.

    They can spend the next four years rebuilding the party and be ready to contest the elections in year five.

    I want the BLP to succeed for personal reasons.

    I look forward to providing rice on BU while de rest ah wunna provide de meat.

  34. John, re. your 11:55 pm post.
    The 30:0 result means that the BLP can change the constitution as they wish. There are many ways to avoid a constitutional crisis that do not include giving monetary inducements to any party. What incentives what?

    If there is no senate I don’t think that is possible.

    No Senate, no parliament!!

    No parliament nothing!!

  35. 3) The current response by the DLP to the offer is in sync with almost everything the DLP has done in the last 7 years. That is; stupid, non-strategic posturing that puts the interest of country last and that might actually lead to its own demise as one of the 2 great Political parties of Barbados.


    What if there are no opposition senators willing to accept the job.

    Parliament never exists.

    There is a cabinet alright with 30 ministers all sworn in, but no parliament for them to perform and make their speeches.

    If that is what happens, the whole swearing in ceremony was a charade.

    The language alone, “cabinet and parliamentary secretaries”, will make people sick.

    Prime Ministers from all around the Caribbean will cuss the BLP and Mia Mottley.

    Barbados will be a laughing stock.

    They, the PM’s, will be a laughing stock.

    The DLP will have a field day.

    … and the people will never vote B or D again.

    The Government and opposition will be formed from the other parties and independents!!

    All that is needed is to find anyone who is in opposition to the Government who is willing to allow themselves to be used to create a one party state.

    I am sure that search, if not complete, is ongoing.

    When it is put like that you realise what is at stake.

    The DLP’s position sounds altruistic and I hope it is.

    Because if it isn’t, it will take a generation or more before it is trusted with the reins of power again … like the BLP but for different reasons!!.

    Ask anyone if they are happy to see the BLP with all of the seats and listen to what you are told, even if all it is happens to be a shrug and the rolling of the eyes.

    Nobody in their right minds could be happy to see a one party state and that is, I believe, why the constitution is written how it is written.

    It could be a long wait to see any opposition senators emerge.

    I will let you know if I am approached for the job!!

  36. rice.

    ” RAWDON ADAMS, the son of Barbados’ second Prime Minister, Tom Adams,
    has finally been baptised in the politics of Barbados.”

  37. Even if two candidates are found for the job, the Government will exist at a whim.

    The two may take sick and have to resign or pass away at any time and create a repeat crisis.

    That is a horrible position for any PM to be in.

    That’s why we should have gone back to the polls before the swearing in ceremony … and keep going back till we get an opposition.

    I understand now why the oaths are crucial.

    If you get into parliament as the leader of the opposition you have tremendous power to force an election by just withholding your advice on those two senators.

    … but that would be wrong and you would be caught by your oath.

    Same goes for the opposition senators, you can’t be spurious with your commitment to Barbados once you have given the oath.

    You do your job regardless or suffer the consequences.

    We should not touch the constitution!!

    It is written how it is written for a reason, just that we can’t seem to figure it out even though it is staring us in the face!!

  38. @John

    How many times are you going to make the same point?

    On another note, the PNM in T&T lost an election 33-3 and won the government 4 years later.


  39. This is what the Nation is saying about Rawdon Adams:
    He has an impressive career background in finance, having worked as an expenditure analyst in Britain’s Finance Ministry. He also worked for Rank Xerox in the United Kingdom and General Electric Medical Systems in France in finance roles, ranging from revenue analysis, research and development cost control…(Quote)

    An expenditure analyst is simply a senior clerk; and what does working in a finance role mean? Revenue analysis, research and development in cost control???
    Come on. What is his record of public service? He has lived and worked in London, but he is certainly not well known to the majority of Bajans in London. The prime minister, not surprisingly, has not said why she thought he was worthy of being appointed a senator.
    I would mention one thing; he is CEO of Bitt, for what that is worth, but is Bitt regulated by the central bank or any other regulatory authority in Barbados, as a financial firm? If not, does it mean his appointment is a kind of backdoor approval? Is his leadership of Bitt inclusive of his ‘impressive’ career in finance? What happens if the cryptocurrency market blows up, as it is likely to do? Are we inviting controversy?
    Mr Adams is 49 yrs old, in his middle age, so far he has got very little to show for these years in finance. Bajan sycophancy is sickening.

  40. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    The dude was a civil servant in UK..I agree there is nothing special there.

    …mind you a senator’s role is not earth rattling either, it is also one of a civil servant, taxpayer paid and merely a warm body in a seat from time to time voicing their opinion, nothing earth shaking or earth shattering….they too have an expiration date, even shorter.

    The bajan electorate would do well to not be swayed by any sentimental attachments if his role changes in the future….an Adams three peat is unnecessary and uncalled for in a modern day Barbados with the majority population now becoming aware of their own necessary roles in their own governance. …there is no place or space for days of yore…leave the dead to rest in peace.

  41. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Constitutions were created and designed to be upgraded and amended to reflect the changing times…..that is why most times the language is flexible..

    … no constitution is written in stone and never should be…..what applied to generations of people 50, 40, 30, 20, 15 years ago, do not and should not apply today…room must always be made for eventualities and the unexpected.

    There should be no law still on the statute books dated 1929, or 1969……they do not apply to nor do they belong in this era…same with the constitution.

  42. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    It is very clear what happened to John, a tiny group gambled and sure were they of 20 seats,.and because of it he has become paranoid and freaking out, we are witnessing the fall out. .. hopefully his medication will calm him down. .lol.

  43. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “Now we seek to give our constitution a similar development path as the US constitution.”

    Actually a blogger pointed out some years ago that much of the Barbados constitution was framed around the US constitution using british common law, while pledging allegiance to UK…still trying to wrap my head around that one, no wonder it’s now the shits.

    They had no clue what they were doing then and obviously still don’t. ..some really good, articulate writers with legal knowledge and fluent in legal terminology which is a language all it’s own…are needed to amend the constitution, a good overhaul and reform would do the trick…it’s obviously too outdated and the lawyer from St. Philip whom am told is still alive today and helped Barrow draft it would have been a brainwashed child of the british establishment…of no use in today’s world.

  44. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster you said “@John, How many times are you going to make the same point?”… And what point is that which he makes?

    He is talking what my old-man would label ‘tripe’ with a steeeupse…now a more expressive term would be used to whack his nonsense.

    I believe it was @Bernard who asked generally about he and others presenting theorems as axioms but frankly in this case even that he has not done. It is just nonsense to insist that “That’s why we should have gone back to the polls before the swearing in ceremony … and keep going back till we get an opposition.” …nothing even remotely theoretically valid about that.

    If the DLP refuses the role of ‘official opposition’ the Govt in conjunction with the GG has ample ability to ask any of the other two main contesting party leaders to fill that role; if they defer others can be appointed …and all done well within the law and the wishes of the Bajan electorate.

    How and why does it makes sense whether practically or legally to return to the polls… 🙂 …oh gee, there I go attempting to parse a wholly irrational ‘non-theory’ into legitimate back and forth…cancel that!

  45. This pretend offer by Mottley to amend the constitution for 2 DLP senators is trickery. The GG can appoint two senators from the DLP ranks. They don’t have to be named as official opposition because there’s none after the 30-0 wipe out. Mottley will put this generosity in her pants pocket to retrieve later as political fodder to brag she rescued the DLP. That would compromise the DLP’s credibility when it cranks up again. The DLP is a strong mass based party rooted in progressive philosophy. It will bounce back. It has to guard against deception by the Mottley /Payne axis.

  46. John
    I see your problem.Lunancy.Full moon was last night.If you are capable of rational thought maybe the next few weeks should bring relief.

  47. Are-we-there-yet Avatar

    dpD re your 6:02 am post.

    Well said!

    John only kixing.

    The GG ultimately names the 2 Opposition senators. This would normally be by using the methodology outlined in the Constitution if there is an opposition in place in the House. If there isn’t, she has to use her judgement as to how she arrives at the identification of the 2 senators and allow the People’s will to be exercized. Then, sometime after the duly constituted House and Senate meets, the Constitution should be amended to correct the anomaly caused by the situation that was not recognized by the framers, i.e. the 30:0 situation. The amendment only has to be in place sometime before the next general elections. Its degree of urgency would be no higher than that.

    The GG is the important person here. There can only be a constitutional crisis If she refuses to do the right and totally expedient thing under the current circumstances.

  48. So, de GG mek she move yet?

    Three things need to happen before appointment of de peoples to do de jobs.

    First dey would got to be selected …… den, dey would got to be offered …….. and den, far more importantly …. dey would got to accept!!

    In short, maybe plenty candidates …. but maybe no takers.

    The takers are going to be the ones who facilitate a one party state.

    If de BLP go and screw up as is their established Modus operandi, dem two people going hold natural lashes and goin’ got to run out de island!!

    De people may still be speaking, just de Bees ent listening!!

    De Dees didn’t have a choice but de Bees feel dey got one as to whether dey listen or not to the voice of de people.

  49. Dis ting real real simple!!!

    Just de big maguffies run and mek it complicated and keep a big able ceremony too soon!!

    Now, dem got to get those two stars to continue to survive!!

    … and mark my words de two of dem going be stars!!

  50. Are-we-there-yet Avatar

    John should also remember, in his call for new elections, that there has been more than one time in Elections in the Caribbean, that new elections, called after unpalatable results to the slim winners were achieved, gave the identical results. That possibility clearly exists if somehow new elections are called here to correct a situation where one Party got total control of the government in an undeniable fervor of total support by the People. That will not change if new elections are called quickly.

    John only kicxing!

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