David Comissiong, Citizen of Barbados

So, even in the face of wise counsel from such eminent and well respected Barbadian patriots as Senator Sir Roy Trotman, Senator Sir Henry Fraser, Senator Lady Carol Haynes, Senator John Watson, and Senator Sir Trevor Carmichael, to the effect that the Bill to amend the Police Act has such critical implications for the Constitutionally guaranteed rights of the Barbadian people that it should be subjected to a process of national consultation, the twelve Government Senators have simply ignored all pleas for a process of popular consultation, and have enacted the Bill into Law !

How ironic it is that a mere 24 hours after Ministers of the Freundel Stuart Administration made public pronouncements about a Commissioner of Police abusing his powers to carry out wiretapping of telephone conversations, the said Administration is proposing to place even more extreme power into the hands of the Commissioner of Police to — in tandem with the Attorney General– impose Curfews and Cordons on the people and communities of Barbados !

Under the newly amended Police Act, the Commissioner of Police and the  Attorney General will have the power not only to determine which areas of Barbados will be placed under Curfew, but also to determine the Curfew hours.

These two office-holders will therefore have the power to imprison thousands of Barbadians in their homes for up to 48 hours, or to prohibit thousands of Barbadians from returning to and accessing their homes over a 48 hour period.

In addition, the Police will have the power to cordon off areas of Barbados for eight (8) hours at a time, and to oblige any person who happens to be within the cordoned area to answer questions put to them by the Police. And so, the Citizen’s right to choose to remain silent is thrown out of the window !

The new law also gives the Police the right to search persons, motor-vehicles and homes within the Curfew area once a Police officer claims to have reasonable suspicion that the commission of any offence known to the law– no matter how minor or trivial that alleged offence might be — is intended to be committed. In effect, the Police will to all intents and purposes have full liberty to search persons, vehicles and homes as they please.

It is highly unlikely that this new piece of legislation will pass the test of Constitutionality once it is challenged in the Supreme Court of Barbados.

But that does not seem to bother either the DLP members of the House of Assembly nor the DLP members of the Senate ! These–after all — are the same legislators who, less than two years ago, enacted the The IMMIGRATION (BIOMETRICS) REGULATIONS 2015 are NULL, VOID and Un-Constitutional that stipulated that every Barbadian traveling from or returning to his or her own country had to be fingerprinted, and that Barbadians could actually be prevented from re-entering their own country if they refused to be fingerprinted.

These Regulations — it should be recalled — were found to be unconstitutional and were struck down by the Supreme Court of Barbados.

How tragic it is that the callous and stiff-necked Freundel Stuart Administration has seemingly learnt nothing from that most shameful episode in the history of the Parliament of Barbados.

213 responses to “A Citizen’s Response To The Newly Amended Police Act”

  1. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “I am in the departure lounge so …”

    As we all are, though many may not think so.

    Good to have you back…..Piece

    My new moniker..it appeases those who know not that they know not…lol

  2. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “CNN)US troops participated in anti-terror raids Thursday in the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago helping to capture four “high value targets,” two US military officials told CNN.

    The officials said US military personnel from US Southern Command, which oversees US military operations in the region, advised and assisted local Trinidadian security forces in apprehending the four extremists who are believed to be part of a network engaged in plotting terror attacks.
    The US troops did not participate in any direct combat.”

  3. I have been warning about the militarisation of policing in the English-speaking Caribbean, and especially in Barbados, with the RSS playing a central role. Instead of looking closely at our human rights and democratic institutions, some one-dimensional bloggers have been concentrating on the economy, which most of them do not fully understand, with some even stubbornly confusing the economy with the stock market and do not understand the significance of a forensic audit while others claim that Logic is not a key part of philosophy, talk mumbo jumbo about the valuation of listed companies, and other rubbish which they post with enormous force and confidence.
    In the meantime, weak politicians are allowing the Americans, Canadians and Brits to ‘persuade’ them to oppress their own people, quite often offering funds and training to do so more ‘efficiently’ – and even giving them titles, certificates and badges to wear on their uniforms with pride..
    We must get our political parties to spell out their policies on criminal justice NOW, not after the general election.

  4. “There are gang elements in Barbados who are attempting to infiltrate the schools. The important thing is that they are adults, not children. The people who are standing around influencing these behaviours and encouraging some behaviours in the school are adults. That much is clear,” Harry Husbands.

    But if he has evidence then make it public. Who and where are these adult gangsters? Why are they infiltrating schools? Who are the school kids being groomed? If they are known to the authorities, then is introducing permanent police in schools the best way of dealing with the problem?
    If the authorities know of the vulnerability of these school kids (all aged under 16) what are they going to do for the other seventy years or so of their lives, bang them away in prison? Is this the best use of human capital?
    Let’s stalk about these problems, real or imagined, and not let second-rate politicians get away with making illogical statements.

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Mr Austin.

    If you look at the central of Adrian Loveridge’s most recent article you see that he also asks for incoming parties to be able to articulate what their tourism policy will be.

    Ironically, Solutions Barbados tried to do just that with its weak ineffectual ISO LOST CERTIFICATION and one sees how mediocre his articulation was and is.

    If De ole man can be so bold to say this I think that the reality on the ground in these our respective Caribbean banana states, requires much more than just an “articulation of their programme” prior to a general election.

    What we needs as communities is to be able to elect what I would call “active matrix practitioners “ or men and women who BY THEIR WORKS YE SHALL KNOW THEM!

    Simply put, the existing potpourri of choice limits us to choosing from a set of people who the sovereign states respective electorate have to guess that they MIGHT BE ABLE TO DO A TING WHEN DEM GET IN POWER.

    De ole man would posit a new ethos which would be based on there being tangible examples where such alternative governments would have to show that said alternative parliamentarians would have been managing active successful programmers of similar content in their communities PRIOR TO COMING TO A POPULATION FOR OUR VOTE.

    SO for example Loveridge or any hotelier evaluating the potential replacement to our Free Willy Uncle Look I See Spirits Over Your Head Sealy would be choosing from practitioners who would , EVEN DURING THIS TEN YEAR FAMINE, have been proactively involved in some programme in tourism where he/she was making things happen.

    Similarly so, the prospective minister of education would have similar credentials where THEIR WORKS CAN BE ASSESSED instead of us guessing about their credentials and capacities using the “eeeny meeny miiny mo’ “ formula we have to use now all across the Caribbean

    It should be that parties in opposition MUST FIND AND GROOM EDUCATORS WHOSE EXISTING PERFORMANCE RECORDS PERMIT WE THE ELECTORATE CHOICES and not the guess work we are tasked with at 2018!

    But this utopian proposal is a bridge too far and we find ourselves picking from the dredges of our society with the perennial idiotic hope that their five year tenure will osmotically graft capacity to their tenure LIKE WE HAVE DONE WITH FUMBLES FOOLS FOR THESE PAST 10 years.

    I then respectfully suggest that an ecosystem which would find itself fueled by such competent candidature would contribute to a more vibrant economy which might be less prone to be populated by “adult gangsters”

    But then again, De pain wake up de ole man so I going tek de stronger painkiller and potential hallucinogenic and go back to sleep where this rambling submission about “ having choices of competent men and women for our parliament based on demonstrable competencies” deserves to be aired.

    @ Well Well lolol, sometimes “cutting and pasting” a relevant article permits viewers to see how this draconian procedure has been practiced in several past and current dictatorships.

    Bajans needs to be shown what those examples are AND WHAT ABSTAINING FROM DOING ANY5HING RESULTS IN – ALL THE TIME…

  6. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Yep….Piece, pure wisdom.

  7. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Hal most politicians are second rate. Attack them on their band aid action of introducing cops into school…as you said is it the best or even a truly meaningful solution…but put aside the cheap theatrics because there is nothing illogical about the connection with school violence and supposed gang related criminal activity in Barbados.

    The practical and real….Bajan teachers encounter and educate the children of criminal gangsters daily just as they do with the sons n daughters of others. They will tell you about the very obvious power dynamics they encounter between and among those pupils with the kids of the illegal power brokers controlling their own posses.

    Further, they will be able to explain the genesis of certain incidents in the school, on the school bus and so on.

    It is quite logical and real that a supposed drug war…let’s say the one which started at Kadooment last year … will have school age participants based on sibling, parental or other direct connection…so can YOU logically dismiss that the spate of fights, stabbings and other violence currently exploding has absolutely NO connective tissue to the larger gang/criminal activity!

    I can agree with you that the police solution is a mere placebo that really solves nothing but we diagree on the concern and logic: it’s quite real from what I have been told…

    Frankly, these issues at schools are not new and most predate this government but to offer up this type of response NOW at this stage is simply ridiculous and a show of their resignation, as the Blogmaster suggested on other thread.

    Several years ago in a sister EC island a mother enjoyed some financial success after she was able to use her secondary schol son and related ‘gangster drug connections’ to control the trade at his school and area around. There was some unfortunate disagreements that could not be resolved…long story, shortened: both parent and school-ager were killed to end that dispute.

    This stuff is as as real can be.

  8. @ pieceuhderockyeahright February 10, 2018 at 6:19 AM #

    Good concept, regardless having the right peg for the right hole, when these new/old political office holders are seated , then they realize that they have to operate according to the Internationally signed documents which controls the nation from abroad.. The first item that need to be done is to rip them up and send LETTERS OF INTENT TO WITHDRAW.. to the relevant ABC networks ONLY THEN WILL THE COUNTRY BE FREED FROM FOREIGN CONTROL. then your concept has room to engage change.

  9. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    off message

    Here is an Interesting article on a quaker civil-rights leader who was a dwarf.


  10. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Pieces, de ole man is still with us. Praises !

    So…you know that based on your elected official standards that really and truly EWB would not need to have applied because at that juncture he had not (as I understand from history books) “..[had] been managing active successful programmers of similar content “.

    So yes yours is a bridge too far.

    Your bro BushTea has already set out a solution in his 10 point plan which actually has been in place with all well run governments from time immemorial: you hire competent, experienced professionals. There are the ones who need to meet the past ‘managing of active successful programs’; not necessarily the pols.

    Incidentally, Owen was a very competent technocrat but had he successfully managed big programs before he took over. Certainly the deceased headboy hadn’t and most definitely Obama also need not have applied; Romney was the only choice per your standard.

    But pf course your key thrust is correct and valid: politicians should preen and talk sweet and after victory they should get real and listen to the advice of professionals in order to efficiently run their government.

    Few of them ever do.

  11. A simple observation but these hefty powers with the proclamation of an Amended Police Act will be handed to an incumbent AG who has demonstrated that he is not averse to playing politics in the office. How much time has passed since he promised to issue the findings of an investigation regarding Mia’s qualification to practice law in Barbados?

  12. Will the riot gear that was quietly (nay secretively) imported by this government in the recent past now be dusted off and issued to the forces on Lucifer?

  13. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    I am in the US. Any readings of the temperature in Barbados must be taken from what I see on FB, BU, ND and other postings made by fellow Bajans.

    It seems as if the push for change was gaining momentum, but for the past few weeks it seems as if this push has stopped. Third parties were on yesterday’s menu and the battle seem to be between the two faces of the BDLP.

    In my humble opinion, it seem as if the BLP are not as engaged as they should be; they should be at full throttle. They need two or three ‘ac’s on BU. One to engage ‘the ac’s’ who seem to be away on a propaganda course. One to continuously emphasize the difference between the DLP and the BLP, and another to trumpet the BLP policies that will bring us out of this mess. They need designated hitters and not just all-rounders.

    They need to take to the field today and stop waiting for the umpire to call the start of play.

    That riot gear my be to beat the fools who do want to concede that they lost the election and walking around claiming they ‘won the popular vote’ when they know that is not the metric for choosing a winner.

  14. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    Would not surprise if when the umpire says play ball, the DLP are able to immediately describe their policy and launch a propaganda attack. The BLP spends a few day trying to get the mud off their uniforms and then focus on policy…
    Game was over before they started…

  15. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Fearplay…am sure all the riot gear hardware has rusted away and the bullet proof vests etc all dry rotted, were those riot gear not imported around 2014…nearly 4 years ao…do you know the government to maintain anything,

    Lol…Bajans get distracted real fast…Theo, something to do with attention spans and goldfish,

  16. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    He who has ears let him hear….
    Going to call it for the last time. DLP to threepeat unless the BLP get its ass in gear.

    Drafting “RA” could change the outcome, but they are not giving him anything to work with. Moving him from sure winner to strong contender. Beginning to think that he can close the gap and finish a near second. Definitely the leader in 2022.

    Ya know election coming, stop waiting for the starters gun and start running.

  17. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    The BLP need warriors like ‘the ac”. This guy/gal takes a beating and comes out the next day for the battle.

    One of the BLP warriors get his tail beaten on any topic (political or not), his panties get tied in a knot and he takes up his ball and sulks. A sensitive part-time warrior.

    Grow a pair or GTFOH.

  18. RE Theophilius Gazerts 256 February 10, 2018 at 12:17 PM #



  19. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    On most things, I disagree with John, GP and HaHa and ac, but I admire these guys. They have their message and they don’t let anyone shut them down.

  20. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    Personal note to DC
    Sometime we have to call on those who show that they can do and ask them to do more.
    I believe your deposit would be safe. I think you can contribute even more by entering the ring.

  21. Theophilius Gazerts 256 February 10, 2018 at 12:32 PM #
    On most things, I disagree with John, GP and HaHa and ac, but I admire these guys. They have their message and they don’t let anyone shut them down.


  22. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    You see where we fall down?
    We run around looking for solutions when we already have a man that we can call on.
    There should be a movement to draft DC to enter the ring.
    I think he would be his own man and not become corrupted….

    My slate
    DC, RA (son of TA), JC (not the original one), GP (not the medical one), AP(Yugge), FB (not Facebook) WB (actuary),
    WW&CP (I am kidding)

  23. Theophilius Gazerts 256 February 10, 2018 at 12:47 PM #
    RE GP (not the medical one),



  24. “In addition, the Police will have the power to cordon off areas of Barbados for eight (8) hours at a time, and to oblige any person who happens to be within the cordoned area to answer questions put to them by the Police. ”

    The easiest area to “cordon off” is a gated community. Likely a good “area” to search for coke or meth.

    However they are more likely to converge on a ghetto, seize some weed and guns and have a big photo op for the media. That is how they do it in the GTA.

    Based on my reading NationNews and BarbadosToday every day………

    Barbados has a drug problem. Barbados has a “guns” problem.

  25. @Hants

    What about 2 years imprisonment, ten thousand dollar fine or both for cussin a police officer?

  26. @ David ” cussin a police officer” could also get you sent to the Jenkins for ” evaluation. ”

    This new Police Act will create a profit centre for criminal lawyers.

  27. Nothing wrong if you have to go to Jenkins if circumstances warrant, it is about sound evaluation and treatment prescription.

  28. be careful David…….you might get treat like dat girl in St Vincent
    after ferretin ya to jenkins dey may give ya drugs wid out a diagnosis lol

    i loved the use of the word “ferret” though
    its from my favorite irregular Latin verb ferro- ferre- tuli- latum
    from this most irregular Latin verb we have a lot of English words, a few of which are

    pre-late. trans-late co-late
    de-fer pre-fer trans-fer in-fer con-fer

  29. Good to see the lighter side GP. Keep it going.

  30. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    They better reverse that Bill and quickly, even before the Bill as in the case of the young man who beat a gun charge recently after a frightening 16 years corrupt cops were setting up and ruining the lives of innocent young Black men….

    … what do you think they will do with all that new power given to them recently by that idiot Adriel the AG…..and an obviously unthinking, vicious senate.

    That Bill has to go.

  31. re David February 10, 2018 at 2:50 PM #
    Good to see the lighter side GP. Keep it going.


  32. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ David February 10, 2018 at 2:50 PM #
    “Good to see the lighter side GP. Keep it going.”

    Give the old goat five minutes! LOL

  33. Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    YOU ARE INDEED Talking Loud AND Saying Nothing … AH LIE?

  34. Barbados Underworld Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underworld Whistleblower



    ROLAND OMANDO MALONEY — Maloney freed! High Court throws out gun case

    Roland Omando Maloney broke down in tears in the High Court today, after he was freed of gun and ammunition charges.

    It took the nine-member jury just an hour to return the unanimous not guilty verdict on both counts.

    The 40-year-old, of Deighton, St Michael, had been accused of having a .32 revolver and six rounds of ammunition in his possession on November 13, 2002.

    However, Maloney has maintained his innocence of the charges for the past 16 years.

    Earlier this week, he gave an unsworn statement from the docks.

    Maloney, who was represented by attorney-at-law Angella Mitchell-Gittens, started off by saying that he had never been charged before the alleged offence.

    He also pointed out that he had no other charges to his name and that at the time of the alleged offence, he was a second year student at the Barbados Community College (BCC) pursuing an associate degree in Psychiatric Nursing.

    While at BCC, he was introduced to police officer Jimmy Thorne as someone who could get him employment in the security field, as he needed the extra income to support his family, Maloney testified.

    And on the aforementioned date, Maloney said he had picked up Thorne in St John after borrowing the car of his fellow classmate and work colleague Gregory Payne.

    He and Thorne then ventured to St George for a possible job, but the position was no longer available. Thorne then asked him to stop off by a minimart in Newbury in order for him to purchase an item.

    “When we get to the minimart, police officer Jimmy Thorne reached into his pocket, took out some money and also his firearm and placed it by the handbrake between the front passenger seat and the driver seat.

    “I was not alarmed. I was not concerned because he is a police officer,” Maloney told the jury.

    He said Thorne then got out of the car and walked across the road to the shop just as the police approached him and asked him about the firearm which was “clearly visible” by the handbrake.

    Maloney said he explained the situation to the police, but “they just ignored me”.

    At that point, he was placed in a police vehicle and “speedily” taken to Central Police Station.

    “On my way going down to the police station I told them over and over that the firearm belonged to Mr Jimmy Thorne who is a police officer that just got out of my vehicle . . . crossed in front of their police vehicle . . . and into the minimart.

    “I told them over and over. They ignored me,” Maloney said.

    The jury believed him.

    “You are free to go Mr Maloney,” Justice Randall Worrell told him after the verdict was read.

    With both hands covering his face, Maloney, choking back tears, managed to say “thank you” before walking out of the No.2 Supreme Court sobbing.

    The case was prosecuted by Crown Counsel Oliver Thomas


  35. Barbados Underworld Whistleblower February 10, 2018 at 5:41 PM #

    Why was the case brought? What is now going to happen to officer Thorne, is he going to face disciplinary action?
    If the facts are true, and the accused has been acquitted, it exposes the deep corrupt flaws in plea bargaining.
    Just imagine Mr Maloney faced with threats of even more serious charges – being in possession of a gun which forensic evidence showed was used for murder, for example – and then offered the opportunity to plead guilty to mere possession.
    Would you chance a full trial, knowing the system is geared towards believing the police, or plead to the lesser charge.
    This is the corrupt US system our attorney general has introduced to Barbados. Opposition political parties must state explicitly that they will repeal these laws if elected.

  36. I typed in the word ‘tapping’ in the search field on this website. About 8 articles most coming out after the 2008 elections about wiretapping. There was concern then about the alledged involvement of MAM. Now the DLP has raised the issue again, all of a sudden, total 360 degree turn around.

  37. No Kevin, most are concerned that the DLP has raised it weeks before a general election. All the years in office and nada!

  38. So there concerns are to be dismissed. I thought people like you especially from your comments wanted to get to the bottom of what went on

  39. VOB 5.30 pm news says Foreign Minister Maxine McClean was assaulted and robbed of her cell phone,bag and an undisclosed sum of money at the RBC ATM at the bottom of University hill,the same ATM where an unlucky woman lost her life last year.



    UPDATE: Minister robbed at ATM

    Reports reaching NATION NEWS are that Minister of Foreign Affairs Senator Maxine McClean was robbed Read More

  41. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Gabriel,

    Sad news if true. Let’s hope that she has not been to badly shaken up. The timing of this incident seems uncanny.

  42. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    How many times must these airhead people be told:

    Do not go to the ATM unless there are crowds around.

    Do not go to the ATM by yourself.

    The bank is closed on a Saturday afternoon..

    That area is lonely even during the day.

    If government ministers and senators do not listen to instructions from their own police, why the hell should anyone listen to any of them.

  43. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    That’s a bit harsh!

  44. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    No its not….the police explicitly gave instructions TO THE PUBLIC after that female was unfortunately killed at that SAME ATM recently….so why does McClean think she should not have to follow instructions from the police…for her own safety.

  45. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Since that killing, I do not lnow of anyone who does not exercise extreme caution when visiting ATMs….even inside supermarkets…anywhere….I have seen people walking with others to ATM, not by themselves.

    Politicians are not exempt from being targeted, am sure they get a stipend for their security, they are responsible for making sure they are safe.

    Give this government half a chance and they will milk this until it’s dry to justify that abusive Bill.

  46. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    So much for “brand” Barbados! We’ve built a paradise for the rich and at the same time created a hell for the majority population.

    Do we want a Barbados for the rich and the few or do we want a fairer Barbados that protects the interests of her majority Negro population.

  47. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    I will repeat that the timing of this incident seems strange. Politics is a dirty business.

  48. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    And this government is not above doing any nasty thing to be reelected, they know that Bajans are easily fooled and cannot see through some of their nastier gimmicks, they will use any event real, imagined or contrived to fool the electorate…again…

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me 3 times, I deserve to be kicked.

  49. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    This is what happens when you try to build a country on a foundation of inequality. Look at how Barbados has developed her economy over the last twenty-five years. It has run down its infrastructure and has allowed the wealthy to develop greater wealth at the expense of her home grown Bajans. I’m not a lover of China however the leaders of that country have created policies that have brought greater prosperity to the masses.

    The chickens have come home to roost. Maxine will hopefully recover from this unfortunate incident but when will our politicians learn that it has to address the needs of her people before selling out the country to the lowest bidders.

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