Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the attached video taped conversation on REPARATIONS between Dr. PEDRO  WELCH, the chairman of the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations, and DAVID  COMISSIONG in his role as host of the University of the West Indies REGION  TALK television programme.

1,349 responses to “Reparation Talk With Dr.Pedro Welch and David Comissiong”

  1. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    This one tells how the British blockaded the Delta in an attempt to stop slavery and in the end had to pay the Kings for them to stop selling slaves.

    ….our history of our journey to becoming Pelaus is very interesting especially how the various tribes europeanj and africans sold out our ancestors.

  2. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    My understanding of MBs comment was that it was directed at BTs comment lumping all whites together as being at fault for slavery,to his credit BT has corrected himself and acknowledged that some are worthy of acceptance.

    The greater point is that we originated as tribes not as colour objects and as such we need the lesser to join together to fight the greater…….all this colour nonsense does is ensure that the policy of divide and rule continues…….poverty/poor/middle class transcends the colour scheme foolishness.

  3. David, Vinnie is correct @5.09pm.

    WW, U know that my points are valid. Yes , they will always be rogues among Whites just as we know what rogues there are among Afros. Humans are imperfect regardless of race, shade, class or creed.

  4. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Vincent…with all that la dee da…the real culprits driving race hatred are the majority of the leaders of enslaver countries and their millions of inbred, welfare fed followers…

    …. the descendants of the enslaver families who benefited and still are from the practice of racism……there are still millions of them out there…and they are all millionaires and billionaires…

    …. and the asswipe slaveminded blacks who thinks all of that is normal……generation after generation, which successfully resulted in cloned slave societies. Hal and Carson comes to

    JPMorgan was one of the demons who personally drove race hatred in the US for personal gain, financial, there is is still a photo of him in the building at 51st and 5th…an ugly fat, big nose man, nearly 100 years later, the CEO of JPMorganchase Jamie Dimon is bitterly complaining about the state of the US…

    Morgan helped create the monster that exists today….the bank has the billions to destroy that monster.

  5. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    MoneyB….those are the ones who need to be isolated, they drive the racism and terrorism and continue to spread that poison.

  6. Hasta la victoria siempre

    Who cares or even listens to what white trash and their apologists got to say about slavery reparations.

    The white trash in British Government think holding their nation to account “is unhelpful”.

    Lodging a case in a court of law may be an adversarial process but is not the same as war and their weak ass response that they spam on internet can be put on record.

    Regardless of Court outcome, let them be judged by humankind in Court of time.

    Links of slavery and colonialism should be made to global system of racism, white supremacy, segregation, apartheid, wealth gained from slave trade, goods manufactured, industrial revolution, inequality and third world poverty as it is all deliberate design by white minority for greed of money and want of power to hold down oppress and prevent other races and countries from developing.

    They could try redeem sins of their fathers and go to heaven or go to hell, it’s in the balance.

    At least the phoney hypocrites could stop moralising.

  7. Hasta la victoria siempre

    Who cares or even listens to what white trash and their apologists got to say about slavery reparations.

    The white trash in British Government think holding their nation to account “is unhelpful”.

    Lodging a case in a court of law may be an adversarial process but is not the same as war and their weak ass response that they spam on internet can be put on record.

    Regardless of Court outcome, let them be judged by humankind in Court of time.

    Links of slavery and colonialism should be made to global system of racism, white supremacy, segregation, apartheid, wealth gained from slave trade, goods manufactured, industrial revolution, inequality and third world poverty as it is all deliberate design by white minority for greed of money and want of power to hold down oppress and prevent other races and countries from developing.

    They could try redeem sins of their fathers and go to heaven or go to hell, it’s in the balance.

    At least the hypocrites could stop moralising.

  8. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger


  9. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    45trumptard…I cant even say that gun looks nice, mine is very nice and much, much

  10. For too many reasons to explain here, I am not a fan of reparations.

    However, it seems noteworthy to me that the Israelis have shamelessly passed the hat for compensation for the Jewish holocaust, and have received many billions of dollars from the Germans, as well as from other European governments.

    The holocaust industry is a good example of how to extract money from others without conceding an ounce of dignity.

  11. There are and were Jews alive who could claim reparations for wrongs done them by the Germans.

    That is the simple difference.

    There is no one alive from the days of emancipation to claim!!

    So so simple, yet a whole production results.

    People like they foolish, foolish foolish!!

  12. America received less than half a million of the 12 million slaves taken from Africa.

    Brazil received perhaps 10X that number.

    If slaves made such a contribution to the economies of the West you would think Brazil’s economy would be 10X bigger than the US.

    Clearly it was something else that drove the US economy, not slaves from Africa.

    That’s a matter of common sense.

  13. … and then there is the question of valuing emancipation!!!

    That is a result of the forward thinking of the West.

  14. … so …. if slaves did not drive the economy of the US, what did?

    If you figure out that you will realise just how idiotic reparations talk really is.

  15. John

    You may be right — or not.

    Brazil is a mostly tropical country. Hard to develop. The fact that Brazilians weren’t able to use the profits from slavery to become one of the richest countries in the world does NOT mean that temperate zone countries with larger white populations would have had the same problem.

    Maybe the British and the Americans were just better at using the financial capital accumulated from slavery to start new, highly profitable industries?

  16. Also, John

    Your point about the Jews is nonsense

    German payments are mostly direct financial and technology transfers to the government of Israel. Not payments to holocaust survivors.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Brazil would have been under Spain, spanish rule …known pigs, living large off the profits of slavery and wasting every penny.

    The US, France, Germany, Belgium and UK ran slavery on a much larger, much more profitable scale and for much longer than Spain and Portugal…common sense John, they also stole more out of Africa and for much, much longer…cenuries longer…

    The whites back then were much too lazy and greedy to naything else but run slaves….now their lazy asses have to work…or starve.

    Ya just bad minded and always want to see blacks in poverty John…..that is why ya information on the topic is so limited…and petty.

  18. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    The whites back then were much too lazy and greedy to do anything else but run slaves….now their lazy asses have to work…or starve.

    Modern day reality.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Despite being the low life animals who started slave trading out of Africa…Portugal and Spain were not nearly as successful as the other 5 countries, plus there were waŕs between them to steal from each other and divvy up spoils and countries, that set Spain and Portugal back by centuries financially or many more countries in Africa would still be speaking Spanish and Portugese, like Brazil, Cuba, South and Central Americas, Dominican Republic and the smaller islands still do etc…they all sunk into poverty after that..

  20. America received less than half a million of the 12 million slaves taken from Africa.

    Nope. You are quoting the alt-right white boy meme ignorantly

    America shipped less than half a million slaves themselves with their ships flying their flag is the truth

    They bred slaves for 20 generations and used slaves that Brits brought over

  21. Slave Voyages Database

  22. […] Source: Reparation Talk With Dr.Pedro Welch and David Comissiong | Barbados Underground […]

  23. @Kiki

    This is a topic you feel passionate about can you say why?

  24. Right and Wrong .. God guides me

  25. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    ….the problem with John, he has spent his whole life in the little slave society that is Barbados, thinking himself better than and consistently wishing enslavement, poverty and helplessness on the majority blacks on the island, so in his fading life and idiocy, he would try to rewrite history to continue the destruction of the lives of black people, when it`s very clear to those with even half a brain…..that, the large slave trade created jobs for those whites who did not have the finances needed to participate and could only afford a slave or two….

    or like the jews in Barbados at that time who were only allowed one or two slaves or like John`s poor ass ancestors who were given the jobs of hunting, brutalizing or managing slaves.

    …the slavery of black people created jobs and business opportunities for millions of otherwise poor whites.

    so you can now can the lies John.

  26. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    All of this should be taught in Caribbean schools….generation after generation….like it is in all the enslaver countries.

  27. Brazil would have been under Spain, spanish rule …++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Total rubbish!!

    The Pope divided the New World between Spain and Portugal, down a line of longitude after Columbus.

    Slavery is unprofitable …. imagine having to clothe, feed and house employees, plus look after their medical health rather than just letting the free market simply determine the outcome.

    … and it is from cradle to grave.

    Slavery enslaves the enslaver!!

    That’s why the US economy boomed, it was driven by freedom and left people to do their thing.

    It did not need slaves from Africa.

    It was fed by people from Europe who would do anything to escape religious persecution to get freedom.

    Freedom is the biggest motivator.

    Think of any country whose economy was based on African slavery and look at its economy today.

    Slavery makes no economic sense, plus it is just not right!!

    It is religious thinking that ended it, plus the fact that it just did not make economic sense!!

    Spain’s experience in the New World was different …. besides “benefitting” from African slavery as well, Spain conquered two empires (Aztec and Inca) and got riches beyond belief …. and more slaves.

    Yet Spain, like Portugal, just did not do economically well when compared with America.

    Spain and Portugal, not England are the European countries which “benefitted” mostly from African slavery yet you never hear reparations being sought from them.

    It is because it is no use flogging two dead horses.

  28. Every time this topic comes up, John jumps in to remind us all what a female rabbit he can be once off the topic of water.
    What a tush!!

    Wait for it….
    He will shortly be suggesting that we build a monument at the Garrison to the Quakers – who came to Barbados and ‘freed the slaves’ …. after three hundred years of exploiting them, …and when the industrial revolution made slavery unprofitable…

    @ David
    If you had a whacker, you would ban John’s donkey for his own good – except when he talks about water….

  29. John is a dummy

    If slavery was so unprofitable, why did much of the world use slaves for HUNDREDS OF YEARS to produce goods for both domestic consumption and commercial exports.

    There is a huge academic literature on this subject. Good data are not available, but most economic historians believe that it was not until the 19th century that alternative, wage-based modes of production became more profitable than slavery. And as soon as that happened, slavery was discarded.

  30. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Interesting points…… for dispassionate thought.

    Brazil is the only Latin American nation that derives its language and culture from Portugal. The native inhabitants mostly consisted of the nomadic Tupí-Guaraní Indians. Adm. Pedro Alvares Cabral claimed the territory for Portugal in 1500.
    Brazil | Infoplease

    History of Slavery and Abolition in Brazil – Exodus Cry
    Aug 30, 2013 – From about 1600 to 1850, some 4.5 million enslaved Africans were taken to Brazil; this is ten times as many as were trafficked to North America …

    Brazil seems to show the difference between the northern and southern european tribes as evinced with the comparison between the north americas and the south americas as far as western development is concerned as both areas are very wealthy.

    The Jews and their salesmanship shows that they were still able to use a 2000 year old bogus argument to steal Palestinian land.

    The most telling point is the one made about forward thinking of the west presumably as it relates to the forward thinking of the Caribbean Pelaus and how they have virtually destroyed their inheritance……note distinctions need to be made between slave progeny of USA,Brazil and the Caribbean as each one had a different socialisation post slavery.

    For whatever reason agreement lies with reparations as a folly.

  31. Chad,

    Let me get you clearly: are you suggesting that chattel slavery was abolished because it became unprofitable and there is mounting literature to this effect?

  32. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …makes ya wonder then why John keeps wasting all his time trying to convince black people that they should still be slaves…..and all that talk about running from UK,, ya they did, the ones who were not barbadosed like his ancestors, washed up half dead on Native American shores and promptly proceeded to steal land, rape, murder, enslave and rampage there too…money did not come out of thin air…

    then the animals in buckingham palace decided they wanted to steal from the thieves, hence the Boston Tea Party and French and more….and total chaos…

    admit it John…the result of all that enslaving and thiefing is trump and may and chaos…lol

    and that`s just the real short version.

  33. Hal.

    Do not argue. First, acquaint yourself with the relevant academic literature. Make sure you know how to look things up.

    There are many different claims about the REAL reasons various European nations and America decided to abolish slavery in the 19th century. But the strongest evidence is that wage capitalism proved a superior economic strategy as the Industrial Revolution gathered strength in the UK, Netherlands, Germany, and US.

    Check out some library books, Hal.

  34. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …and the journalist Hal…dont know all of this….why.

  35. Chad,
    Do you know the difference between a question and an argument? Plse re-read my submission. And, of course, the resident buffoon is jumping on the bandwagon.
    @Chad, please tell me which books to read and which economic historians agree with that hypothesis.

  36. Hal,

    I am not your tutor. I think I gave you reading list on another subject last week.

  37. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Even a broken clock is correct at least once a day…..kudos to C45 for discovering the real reason for the abolition of slavery in the western world…..pure economics.

  38. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    hence the reason we got unknowledgable jackasses like Hal and John……

    `When the North American continent was first colonized ….read stolen….by Europeans, the land was vast, the work was harsh, and there was a severe shortage of labor. Men and women were needed to work the land. White bond servants, paying their passage across the ocean from Europe through indentured labor, eased but did not solve the problem. Early in the seventeenth century, a Dutch ship loaded with African slaves introduced a solution—and a new problem—to the New World. Slaves were most economical on large farms where labor-intensive cash crops, such as tobacco, could be grown.

    By the end of the American Revolution, slavery had proven unprofitable in the North and was dying out. Even in the South the institution was becoming less useful to farmers as tobacco prices fluctuated and began to drop. However, in 1793 Northerner Eli Whitney ….a black man…..invented the cotton gin; this device made it possible for textile mills to use the type of cotton most easily grown in the South.

    Cotton replaced tobacco as the South’s main cash crop and slavery became profitable again. Although most Southerners owned no slaves at all, by 1860 the South’s “peculiar institution” was inextricably tied to the region’s economy.

    Torn between the economic benefits of slavery and the moral and constitutional issues it raised, white Southerners grew more and more defensive of the institution. They argued that black people, like children, were incapable of caring for themselves and that slavery was a benevolent institution that kept them fed, clothed, and occupied. Most Northerners did not doubt that black people were inferior to whites, but they did doubt the benevolence of slavery. The voices of Northern abolitionists, such as Boston editor and publisher William Lloyd Garrison, became increasingly violent. Educated blacks such as escaped-slave Frederick Douglass wrote eloquent and heartfelt attacks on the institution.`

  39. Vincent,
    Come on. Don’ be silly.

  40. Interesting points…… for dispassionate thought.


    sounds like you are being biiitchy there

    are you that gay ba air steward?
    is you boss white?

  41. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    dont care how they try to rewrite it clean it up, it will not go away….the industrial revolution and ECONOMIC DEBT…which still exists to this day….replaced slavery….let`s see what that is replaced with, because it too is coming to an end.

    .the most difficult task confronting many Southerners during Reconstructionwas devising a new system of labor to replace the shattered world of slavery. The economic lives of planters, former slaves, and nonslaveholding whites, were transformed after the Civil War.

    Planters found it hard to adjust to the end of slavery. Accustomed to absolute control over their labor force, many sought to restore the old discipline, only to meet determined opposition from the freedpeople, who equated freedom with economic autonomy.

    Many former slaves believed that their years of unrequited labor gave them a claim to land; “forty acres and a mule” became their rallying cry. White reluctance to sell to blacks, and the federal government’s decision not to redistribute land in the South, meant that only a small percentage of the freedpeople became landowners. Most rented land or worked for wages on white-owned plantations.

    During Reconstruction, many small white farmers, thrown into poverty by the war, entered into cotton production, a major change from prewar days when they concentrated on growing food for their own families.

    Out of the conflicts on the plantations, new systems of labor slowly emerged to take the place of slavery. Sharecropping dominated the cotton and tobacco South, while wage labor was the rule on sugar plantations.

    Increasingly, both white and black farmers came to depend on local merchants for credit. A cycle of debt often `ensued, and year by year the promise of economic independence faded.

    Next Next page


  42. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …then the racist merchants like JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt etc known as robber barons, the european Rothschilds, old thieves ….created debt slavery. prisons for blacks and wars for profit, which still exists.

  43. LOL
    How many YEARS now have Bushie been trying to explain to John that slavery was only abolished after the onset of the Industrial revolution when steam made labour cheaper than slavery..?
    What references what??!!
    Basic and obvious …
    While he keeps fooling himself that the Quakers suddenly developed moral values…

    …and if it EVER becomes economically feasible to have black slaves again to do actual work (like if oil and other fuels became unavailable) wunna can rest assured we black donkeys back on the Quakers’ plantations … with Vincent and John carrying whips…

  44. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …and this is John`s deathbed argument….

    They argued that black people, like children, were incapable of caring for themselves and that slavery was a benevolent institution that kept them fed, clothed, and occupied. Most Northerners did not doubt that black people were inferior to whites, but they did doubt the benevolence of slavery.

  45. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    lol….and with Hal as the perpetual slave…lol

  46. If slavery was so unprofitable, why did much of the world use slaves for HUNDREDS OF YEARS to produce goods for both domestic consumption and commercial exports.


    That’s a most sensible reason!!

    Remember, the Iberian Peninsula had been invaded from Africa and had been under the control of the Moors for centuries.

    Slaves were routinely removed from Europe when Islam was in control from 700-1492.

    The dynamic shifts in America and England where the effort is to create an economy that is driven by free enterprise and does not depend on slavery.

    It is a change in thinking.

    That’s why emancipation as we know it emanates from America, England and parts of Europe and was driven by religious thought.

    That’s why so few slaves were taken to America.

    Quakers are buried all over Barbados in unmarked graves.

    They don’t go in for monuments and statues … never did!!

    Prior to Nelson, see if you can find any surviving monuments or statues.

    Nelson came along as Quakerism was dying out in Barbados.

    The true monuments to the Quakers’ memory walk around Barbados today with surnames like Rouse, Sandiford, Clarke, Ashby etc etc.

    … but they just don’t have the historical knowledge to realise they are in fact monuments!!

    They have been brainwashed.

    Slaves chose these surnames to honour the remarkable people who once ran Barbados and with whom they worked for the common good!!

    Their descendants are today, living monuments to a remarkable record.

  47. How is it possible for someone to be so stupid like John?
    His problem is that he actually thinks that Blacks are inferior – just because we go out of our way to genuflect to idiots like him.

    The REALITY is so different that it is bets described as it is in the Bible that “the first shall be last, and the last first”

    …the dregs of society shall see themselves as the top of the chain, while the true premium people shall see themselves (and be seen by the dregs) as being the bottom.

    What has happened is that the albino-centric philosophy of selfishness, greed and spite has been allowed to reign in this world of ours for a time….and in doing so, has seemingly overwhelmed the community-centric philosophy of selflessness, LOVE, patience and truth…

    Do not be fooled…. the day of absolute reckoning is near….

  48. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    as i said…that is Johns death bed argument, he carries a disdain and superiority complex against black people that has blighted and stained the small shadow that remains within him and he believes its a soul.

    it`s worth mentioning that the debt slavery created by JP Morgan et al in the mid to late 1800s, is now over 100 years old and due for an overhaul.

  49. It has nothing to do with colour.

    Slavery worked and works on all colours.

    Africa never had a unifying religion or mode of thinking except for the time of the Pharaohs.

    Slavery thrived then.

    That is the recipe for being a pawn, the inability to work together.

    My sibling did the DNA thing.

    78 % European, a lot Iberian, 19% African and some Native American!!!

    The Native American I reckon comes from the Amerindians of South America.

  50. How did the Israelites end up as slaves in Africa?

    Brothers sold a brother into slavery …. division!!

    It all went from there.

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