The following was posted to the Poster War Page by BU commenter Sunshine Sunny Shine

mia mottleyMia Mottley, the opposition leader of the Barbados Labour Party, made an appeal with plenty of justifications, why the small 166 square mile 12 Parish island of Barbados should increase its current number of Parliamentarians. This appeal was made at a time when the island is suffering from serious economic problems that have resulted in services being depressed and neglected. It is due, mostly, to the poor management skills of the incumbent deceitful DLP government, and to a large extent, by the policies and poor oversight of government-spending by both political parties.

One would think that with the momentum in favour of the BLP, this fork tongue speaking silly woman would continue to ride on the wave of DLP nonsense and failures that is causing many to look upon the the opposition leader’s BLP party with renewed interest and wide eyes. But, as per usual, this indifferent, but very intelligent woman (I think) has a tendency to lean towards her alternative self that has landed many of the things she think are good into a lot of harsh criticisms. To present an articulate case for more parliamentarians at a time when bajans are very upset with their parliamentary leaders, especially the highminded Prime Minister shows that the Mottley level of confidence is causing her to not think things through, thoroughly. As a result, Mottley’s proposal was given a deserving tongue lashing, as the assumptions drawn is that she must make a way for her people thus ensuring that they can return to feeding at the Treasury trough after 8 lost years.

192 responses to “The Silly Proposal of Mia Mottley”

  1. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    If you were to read my posts over time you will note that I object to corruption at all levels and times.

    Re the the posit by the LoO,I stated that I had not seen it and expressed my hope that its intention was about giving more to the community like the Vestry system of yore.

    The Vestry system despite its corrupt practices similar to what is alluded to today managed to get things done which you and Bushie have sighted as an organisational arrangement….I am awaiting the evidence…..

    All I am saying is to bring back something resembling the Vestry system,a system elected by the community to serve the community that got things done………note our present system with is alleged corruption is not getting things done.

    I am aware of the UK system with councillors,which is what I am advocating with a different name…..I would not support an addition to the number of seats in Parliament as I stated before,as a matter of fact I suggested a reduction to 12 plus 1.

    Kindly re-read my short missives and do not create strawmen like Bushie is want to do.

  2. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Why are you following me? Lord haveth mercy! Look, for the last time, once I was a DEM, I think like DEM, Spoke like DEM, but I am not none of DEM no more. I want to know what you want for Barbados. It certainly is coming across to me that your allegiance to party is far greater then your duty to country. There is an overwhelming cry for the standard operational proceedure of these two serving themselves parties to clean up their ACTS. Mottley simply confirmed what I have been saying about all along. That is: Intelligent but Indifferent, smart but at times foolish, well spoken but ignorance said. I WANT MY ISLAND TO BE GOVERN BY PROPER PEOPLE WHO HAVE ITS INTEREST AT HEART. – NOT COTTON PICKING THERES. If you can tell me that Mottleys silly claim for more parliamentarians is not worth showing her up for the ignorant, arrogant, over confidence person that she can be and is, than I am sorry. I want a leader who leads by example, who serves by action, and who is willing to make the hardcore decisions to stop waste, foolish spending, crooked deals, and calling buildings development. Barbados deserves more than this shite year after year after year. And for the record, I simply got a poster done and posted on BU. David took the initiative thereafter to make an article of BU. Now leave me to shite alone, before you wake up my bad!!!

  3. @ Enuff
    When i repeatedly argued quality, you berated me. Now you’re touting quality as the answer rather than the system.
    Do you know that you are the one putting pressure on the Bridgetown sewerage system …. with your BU postings…?

    What repeatedly argued what quality what??!!
    All you ever argue is CSME /OSA and BLP…
    …and Bushie is arguing quality rather than QUANTITY of MPs….
    what system are you speaking of…?

    Come on man Enuff … don’t be like Vincent… 🙂

  4. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Sunshine Sunny Shine May 6, 2017 at 9:43 AM #

    Correct me if I am wrong……are we not aiming for governance of the people by the people…..???

    If we are, we must accept that the people at all times know best hence the phrase…… a people deserve the leadership it gets….

    Who are any of us to take it upon ourselves to tell the masses what they should or should not do…..we live in a free society.

    The best that those of us who can see past the wukkups and into the future can do is to try to show the masses the pros and cons of certain decisions and leave it to them to decide which path to take.

    The fact that politicians can bamboozle the majority of the electorate is due to the inability of the thinkers/seers to either stand for elected office or through lobby groups/pressure movement/personality make the message relevant/understandable to the masses as to how it will affect future desires of their grands.

  5. @ Lorenzo
    I see the dlp spin doctors like William Skinner and Bush Tea reveling in this story which will pale in comparison to 19 downgrades suffered under this Government
    Wuh if Bushie and William are DLP spin doctors, then AC must be their brain surgeon.

    Boss, Bushie has a whacker which is allergic to shiite …be it BLP shiite, DLP shiite, Solution Barbados shiite …or just plain Vincent blogging.

    Since you brought the matter back to the whacker’s attention, you must, by now, have noticed that Mia is not particularly bright. She has operated so far, on the basis that bull shit baffles brain – which works beautifully with brass bowls (but not with stinking Bushie)…

    Bushie judges by the FRUIT.
    Look back at hers …and tell us what you see…
    Jose and Jose
    Four Seasons
    Prison fire
    Legalising gays
    Phone tappings
    Lotta strange women heading important boards

    The Woman has not done any post graduate studies
    We are still awaiting the daft AG’s word on if the is a real real lawyer…
    ….and clearly, half of her OWN party sees her nakedness…

    Now what would you expect a whacker to do in such circumstances….
    but to wuk up on the story?

    But you have no need to worry, brass bowls like ‘to have their brains baffled by bull shit’, so Mia will likely be a hands down winner when Froon finally gets it that Bajans want to see his back…

    The only losers will be the BBBBBs ….again.

  6. @Vincent

    Did you you just write the above free of being in an inebriated state?

    No human being and by extension a man made system is not perfect. The governance model we operate under might be the best we have BUT it does not mean we shouldn’t create tension to make it better if we see cracks appearing.

  7. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Skippah…..not even de circus want a one trick clown…….twirl de wacker an holler BBE every two seconds….too repetitive.

  8. Craigg Holder Avatar


    I think the comments here are a representation that we do not fully understand and appreciate the comment by the Leader of the Opposition (LOTO). The LOTO has NOT called for either more Ministries or more Ministers, she has called for more MP’s and for those additional MP’s to come from outside of the political party system ad for them to to be elected Nationally. To my mind this is a great way to get, those who can make a change, involved at the parliamentary level without having them connected to the party system. Therefore they would NOT beholden towing the party line.

    When is the last time in the Parliament of Barbados that an MP voted in any way other than along their party’s line? Does this serve Barbados best interest? Survival of a political party over what is in the best interest of Barbados can never be a sustainable means of governance.

    It is popular now to say we want less MP’s and less Ministers but if you think this through carefully you will realise that if this was to happen it would achieve the exact opposite of what people think they would be getting. Less MP’s and less Ministers will consolidate the power of Ministry’s/Ministers in FEWER hands…………..resulting in more arrogance, less control & accountability of those holding those positions resulting more opportunity for graft and corruption.

    I think we should revamp the Senate making them unelected but voting members of Parliament and also add a few nationally elected MP’s so that we can break up what is effectively the political party monopoly system we presently have, one which rewards political loyalty and not National Responsibilty.

    I congratulate the LOTO for thinking ahead and having the guts to make the suggestion especially knowing that what she is recommending is effectively the beginning of the end of the political party monopoly system and dominance in Parliament that results therefrom.

  9. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Sober as a judge and clear of mind….which post are you referring to??

  10. These politicians are taking us for fools. Who listened to the debate in parliament yesterday? Did Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler publicly state that he is more concerned with reading the management accounts of the state owned agencies when put under pressure by the Opposition about the importance of producing audited financial statements?

    Question for the MoF: are management accounts laid before parliament or does the law require audited statements by the AG.

  11. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Craigg Holder May 6, 2017 at 12:57 PM #

    I was hoping it was along those lines……….see my first post above.

  12. @Craigg Holder

    Why was the article removed by BT?

    Who has a copy to repost. We need to read the original.

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    David May 6, 2017 at 12:54 PM #


    Did you you just write the above free of being in an inebriated state?

    Could you kindly show me what you are talking about.

  14. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Craigg Holder

    I hope that is a pen name and that a person did not put his real name to that nonsense. Please rethink and then rewrite your proposal on the Senate and then read your comment and ask David to remove it.

    Sent from my iPad

  15. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    David May 6, 2017 at 12:54 PM #


    Did you you just write the above free of being in an inebriated state?

    Ok….as you have not responded I must accept that you are the one in an inebriated state as all my posts are still there and none have disappeared as MAM’s has.

    Relax it happens to some of us from time to time…..mostly Bushie though.

  16. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    I was away for the last 2 weeks so missed BT piece, what is it you are referring to?

  17. sss I have told you already your cussing will not faze me I call it how I see it and as I told you on BT call on the PM for good governance as well not only on Ms Mottley.Bush Tea I have seen a lot of your posts talking of corruption with the prison veco ,edutech and the like where is the evidence ?you sound like the Trini Dem ranting and raving about solutions from Ms Mottley on the call in programs.I also remember you bigging up david Thompson prior to 2008 as some saint so your judgement of character leaves a lot to be desired.

  18. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    Easy for you sit there to judge me or LOTO but is your bright idea for governance reform in Barbados?

  19. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder

    I do think that we can all accept that there is a need for some kind of governance reform in Barbados, one which gives more power and control back to the people. Who in Parliament besides the LOTO has had the guts to recognise that and make their feelings/desires known, WHO?????

  20. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I am assuming, just assuming, OK I speculating. Every single comment on there except the BEEHIVE, dealt with Mottley’s proposal scruffy. Even some who said she is best thing since choice bread, and who have looked upon Stuart as a mere turn-over, even had some lashes for her. I can tell you that that article would have easily generated well over 150 opposing responses. I also think that a phone call, like I said just speculating, might have been made.


    We already have governance by the people but there have classified themselves as the political class. Vincent, I am not thrashing your idea; I am just keeping it real. I find that in our system of govenance when a politician introduces something for one thing we can expect it, over time, to morph into something else that upsets us all. What I want is indeed more involvement by the people. But, I want it done as vote for this and that project; vote for this and that legislation; and the implementation of controls that the people has free access to. The politicians can stay in their positions, but decisions that has the most impact on our national development should always take the route of the people’s say. I want politicians to be answerable to a political tribunal establish to deal with anything that appears fishy and out of sorts.

    Craigg Holder

    Seriously. Take a look at what these politicians from both sides have done and are doing in the name of governing Barbados. They have created this situation were it is not easy to trust or believe one shite they tell you. They have shown that personal interests take the cake over all other matters in the name of improving themselves and livelihood. You are right in your thinking but wrong to believe that this proposal is what we might just need.

  21. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Freundel Stuart will soon be out of office for good. Therefore, Mottley must be target to a leader who has learnt over time to be good, clean, and do what is necessary to bring good leadership back to the forefront. Now answer my questions earlier.

  22. @Craigg

    You wrote so intimately about what MAM meant that it was an obvious assumption by BU that you have access to the article.


    Do not worry about it, it is not that important.

  23. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Craigg Holder

    My bright idea for governance reform is not really reform at all. Whatever system is in place and you leave the same corrupt politicians in place that system would soon be corrupted.

    Please allow me to cite just one example to prove my point. Every candidate who runs in an election is required to declare his/her expenses. In the last election, Sinckler had a campaign office opposite to St. Stephen’s Church. There was no mention of that or any expenses associated with it in his election returns.

    If the law was enforced, he would not now be a member of the House of Assembly. Mind you, he was not the only one to lie on his return but there is no enforcement.

    My bright idea would therefore be enforcement of the laws that already exist.

    Sent from my iPad

  24. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    David Thompson said they would not lie, steal or cheat and we know how that experiment worked out.

    I am going to suggest to you that the answer to why OSA did/does not like MAM is because she does not ‘play’ the same ‘old boys club’ game which sees men (BLP’s & DLP’s) meeting behind closed doors to ‘hook’ up deals, contracts and favours.

    Explain the below from minute 4:35, why is he trying to put award of this contract on MAM?

  25. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Sunshine Sunny Shine May 6, 2017 at 1:28 PM #

    We are saying the same thing on governance…….it must be by the people for the people.


    not a prob…..a pity you cant teach Bushie.

  26. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    You have made my point for me. They are all the same (political party members) and one will not ‘rat’ on the others. We need truly independent MP’s so that these political party members can have their feet held to the fire.

  27. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    What point? I am not asking for MPs to rat on each other. Election officials did not prosecute; they missed a whole house.

    Sent from my iPad

  28. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder

    The election officials have no one to take courage from, so nothing is done.

    I am both surprised and disappointed that you think the Parliament of Barbados is not in need of reform. The system of Parliament as presently constructed is designed for the protection of the political party in power and even the one in opposition.

    REFORM IS NEEDED and if and when we get the opportunity we better make the most of it or else we are going to be stuck with this ‘game’ we have now.

  29. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Where did I say that Parliament was not in need of reform? My position is that the system would be corrupted unless laws are enforced to punish honourable members who break every rule with impunity.

  30. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder

    The racket that Parliament has been reduced to needs to be broken up completely. Parliament is now a sham and a game, a place for actors and acting, mostly poor acting. In days gone by you could tune in Parliamentary debates for some knowledge and insight (and some entertainment) but now we have to listen to a whole bunch of clowns who have only managed to get into Parliament because they matched their desire to be there with the money of those with a vested interest in having an ‘agent’ in the House.

  31. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Now you are making sense, Craigg, but don’t believe it is only on one side of the aisle.

    Sent from my iPad

  32. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    You are talking about punishing honourable members, need I remind these are the same ones who make the laws? Reform and transformation is NEEDED, and NOW.

    How could Denis Kellman represent the interest of Barbados furthermore his constituents, the man had a kind of logic which only someone profoundly ignorant could understand.

  33. William Skinner: “I am still waiting on Arthur to publicly state why Mottley is “unfit” to be PM”

  34. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    Both sides of the House plays the game, I admit that and in this one is not less guilty than the other but you have to have some admiration for someone who is willing to admit that things need to be reformed so the interest is turned to the people for the people.

  35. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    That is simple, you ought to have been able to work that out all by yourself. MAM represents both then and now, the biggest threat to OSA’s desire to be PM again.

    Ask yourself this what kind of man runs and leaves his own house? The person left in the house cannot be the coward.

  36. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    The laws that I am talking about are already on the books. A lot of them would not be in a position to make laws if they were punished for the crimes that they committed while attempting to get into parliament.

    Leave Kellman alone, not even the profoundly ignorant can understand him. He is in a class by himself.

    Sent from my iPad

  37. The EBC stated years ago that SPS and another constituency in St. James has already exceeded the constituents limit by numbers as per the LAW. So there is basis for the creation of two new constituencies, one in St. Philip and one in St. James. However as I stated before, right now is not the time for the creation of these new constituencies.

  38. @Craigg, Owen explains in the youtube video, the reason the left the BLP. Moves were afoot to do the same thing to him, the same thing that was done to Maria Agard.

  39. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Realignment of the boundaries is a possibility NOT INCREASING THE SEATS!

    Sent from my iPad

  40. Yes Caswell, thats a better road to go down, Redistricting.

  41. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    Men don’t run from fights especially a fight with a woman. This is a woman he publicly and politically beheaded 2010 when DJHT died and he smelled an opportunity to become all-powerful again. No one was moving against OSA in BLP………………….. he was just not man enough to admit he was a coward and was running from what was a sure defeat at the hands of Mia. In other words he wanted a plausible excuse from for running. However even if moves were afoot to expel him don’t you think he deserved that just reward/dessert after the opposition palace coup in 2010 and after PM Stuart and the DLP put a second set of licks in his backside?

    Despite good advice from everyone in the party he still vowed privatisation if the BLP was successful in 2013, and this caused the BLP to suffer at the polls.

  42. Despot

    ” a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way.”


    “the exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.”

    a menace and a despot

  43. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder

    We need to abandon constituency councils as they are politically corrupt and totally ineffective, AND A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY.

    I would like someone to explain to me the benefit of a whole constituency council having to meet to discuss whether Blenny the snow cone vendor be given an exclusive permission to sell snow cones at the upcoming fair and football game on Saturday at a secondary school somewhere in Barbados.

  44. @ Craigg, OSA took the high road and left the rest to engage to gutter-politics. Why at his age and after all he had done for the BLP and this country should he had to fight to stay part of the BLP. Chattel house CF, Sarah Palin aka SB and TP were sent out as MAM agents to bring charges against OSA, Why? One of the reason was because of the BRA, which was the brain-child of the BLP. The DLP took the idea of BRA and ran with it, and OSA said he had to support it. Because of that MAM used that as an excuse to expel him once and for all. He was right to jump before he got pushed. With regards to privitisation, I believe in another interview with BT, he said that was all MAM’s idea. He took the blows for her, and now she is behaving as if she had nothing to with it.

  45. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder

    What constitutes a good constituency representative in Barbados is one which can do the following for their constituents:-

    Pay school fees
    Buy school shoes and school books
    Pay a light bill
    Get disconnected water turn back on without payment
    Get a job for a family who is not qualified or experienced for the position
    Pave a road in the area
    Get a favour for someone
    Get a child in a school different than the one assigned to them
    Feed people who are able and financially capable of feed themselves
    Buying big mouth drinks for everyone, and on a regular basis
    Getting a private sector job for someone and making sure they don’t actually have to work
    Trade sexual favours

  46. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    Wait ………so after politically beheading MAM as LOTO in 2010 he then turned around took advice from the same MAM on the need to discuss privatisation in the elections? Come on man, you cannot be that politically nieve and silly, he is STILL talking about it all now.

    Kevin I know you have that sickening feeling in your stomach that DLP is on the way out and you cannot rest unless and until you try to help prevent it from happen, even though your efforts are likely to be unsucessful.

  47. angela Skeete Avatar
    angela Skeete

    Mia “sound off” is what Pm rightfully describes her as
    an empty vessels”sounding brass and clanging symbol.
    Yet she stands bowl face in parliament and make noises about the budget and high defecit.
    Now how in the world can anyone expect good leadership from one who makes asinine proposals to expand the budget.
    This first class idiccy coming from one who wants to govern a nation in harsh economic enviroment. Furthermore it only goes to prove that her end of the bargain lays only in self interest and not in the interest of the country.
    Her first question before opening mouth to speak should be that of asking who would be paying for this additional burden

  48. @Kevin

    If a person could get intoxicated by drinking koolaid it would be you.

  49. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder


    Have you beed able to get to the bottom of the undenied claims of the LOTO that F Stuart was the first man jack to sign the CAHILL ENERGY deal?

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