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The supposedly “honourable” Donville Inniss, Barbados’ Minister of Commerce and Industry, is a liar of the highest pedigree, as is evident by his outrageously mendacious comments about the racial self identification of David Comissiong while a teenage school-boy at Harrison College. (In a recent debate in the House of Assembly Inniss claimed that David Comissiong self identified as a white boy when he was a student at Harrison College)

David Comissiong– the son of a Methodist Minister of Religion– migrated to Barbados in 1971, after living at Victoria Square and attending Tranquility Primary School in Port of Spain, Trinidad, in the midst of the Black Power revolution that erupted in the communities of Port of Spain from the month of February 1970. (Incidentally, Tranquility Primary was a government school that also produced Dr Eric Williams, Stokely Carmichael and Tony Martin).

The eleven year old David Comissiong ( and the family that he was a part of ) were required to live in the Methodist Manse in the semi-exclusive residential area known as Highgate Gardens, and almost immediately he challenged the race and class structures of that residential community by seeking out friends from the black working class community of the Pine housing area.

The Comissiong home became a veritable community centre in Highgate Gardens , and became the locus of an extensive group of black middle class and working class boys drawn from both Highgate Gardens and the Pine who grew up together and became life long friends. Furthermore, many times the young David Comissiong was forced  to defend his black working class friends against racist white residents of Highgate Gardens who were opposed to their constant presence in the hitherto exclusive residential community.

Actually, David Comissiong did not come to social activism as an adult– he was fighting race and class struggles in Highgate Gardens from as early as thirteen years old . Indeed, what Donville Inniss may be blissfully unaware of is that there is a whole generation of people from the Pine– particularly from the areas of Blackman Field and Princess Royal Avenue — who knew the teenage David Comissiong well.

But it is not only the people of the Pine who were able to witness and scrutinize the teenage David Comissiong up close– virtually the whole of Barbados had a good view of the young David Comissiong. You see, while he was still a school boy at Harrison College, David Comissiong used to regularly appear on a CBC television programme called “Understanding” — a programme in which he and other young students such as the now deceased David Thompson and former Government minister Liz Thompson, would interrogate adult public figures and would express their own social and political views.

The reality is that David Comissiong was literally born Black conscious and from as far back as he can remember self identified as a proud Black human being.

Indeed, David Comissiong’s first published Letter to the Editor was written when he was 14 years old and was a defense of Black people against a scurrilous racist attack. In addition , David Comissiong was known at Harrison College for his big Afro hairstyle, and he had the distinction of once being called out by the Headmaster (Albert Williams) before the whole school at morning assembly and instructed not to return to school until he had cut his hair!

It may also be usefully noted that David Comissiong appeared in theatrical productions at Harrison College and for Harrison College at NIFCA, and famously played the part of the African prince!

David Comissiong , who distinguished himself at Harrison College as a House Captain, Editor of the School Newspaper, Vice Captain of the school’s Track and Field team, Barbados Exhibition Winner, and who was voted by his sixth form peers as the student who had made the most outstanding contribution to the school, actually has no recollection of Donville Inniss at Harrison College.

He , however recollects many other presently outstanding citizens of Barbados who were at Harrison College with him! One of them is prominent Attorney-at-Law and Cricket administrator Philip Nicholls, who has recently published a book in which he refers to the teenage David Comissiong.

Here, for the record, is one of Nicholl’s recollections of the teenaged David Comissiong :-

Extract from Philip Nicholl’s recently published book entitled “More Binding Than Marriage: The perils of a legal partnership” :–

“From Merrivale I moved on to Harrison College in 1971….. At Kolij I met up with some persons who were to become lifelong friends, guys such as Edmund Hinkson, Solly Nana, Frank Belgrave…. David Comissiong…and Reuben Bailey…. Already, however, those early days were seeing auditions for our future interests. Those present at our many summer limes that included robust playing of road tennis will remember well David Comissiong’s mortification that some of us could be supporting “imperialist” nations at the 1978 World Cup when African nations and Brazil were playing.”

Oh, what a congenital liar Donville Inniss is!

125 responses to “For the Record DONVILLE INNISS is an Outstanding LIAR!”

  1. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Crooks Liars and scumbags , come on he is not a lone, same out house club. the DBLP liars,

  2. It is only in Barbados that Comissiong would be considered white – I knew both of his parents and they were not white. It appears that any one who is not black in colour is considered white

  3. David

    To your headline I simply say, never state the obvious.

    Stating the obvious is when you point out concepts that only retarded people don’t have the ability to grasp.

  4. Lying may not be Pornville’s root problem….

    Bushie suspects that he is actually just a self opinionated JA who has developed an excessively inflated ego from the false notion that he is some kind of Prime Ministerial material.
    He is a legend in his own mind.

    Aa a natural consequence of this, he is constantly being caught in mis-truths, and in positions of abject idiocy…. He explained the chicken wings yet…?

    Talk what wunna like though, he is not as bad as Kellman
    …. and no one is as pathetic as Froon.
    ha ha ha

  5. Lets not forget that Mr. Comissiong had wrote US President Obama laying out reasons why US-CUBAN relations be improved as well as the lifting of sanctions….this was highly commendable and shortly thereafter Obama did just that, can we say that it was the Influence of Mr. Comissiong’s letter to Obama that created the outcome? just maybe, I think he can make a great leader as his heart is in the right place… of ,by and for the people.

  6. Bush Tea November 22, 2016 at 10:47 PM #
    …. and no one is as pathetic as Froon.
    And that’s what makes him prime ministerial material

  7. @ Colonel Buggy – because he is 550% more principled than the current contenders

  8. I am always concerned that Inniss should be held as an outstanding politician by the voters of St James South.
    His an example of the decline of public life in Barbados. I believe he should now breakaway from the DLP and form his own party, with like-minded people.

  9. Listen! I migrated to the States over three decades ago, and I distinctly remember the name David Comissiong on the evening news fighting the causes of downtrodden. So Bush Tea, before you endeavour to criticize this man you ought to remember his contribution to our beautiful island Barbados. Now so what if he identified himself as a white boy at Harrison College? Listen! We got negros blacker than the Deputy Commissioner of police Williams ( forgive me my good friend but you’re crisped) who are walking around this little island pretending to be white.

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    It’s wonderful to see Highgate Gardens, just like Strathclyde having the appeal of two ghetto like dumps in 2016.

    Dumbville is of the nonhumsn species just like Alvin, those are the ones presenting themselves for public office and Alvins, ACs for yardfowl status.

  11. Why not make a list, everyone thinking of a lie a politician has told the population of Barbados since 2008. From either side of the political game and from the PM down. Ensure the lie has not been mentioned by others on this post, so there is no repetition. Each person allowed only up to five known lies but in one comment/posting. Will we have a BU posting that just could go on forever? Must admit it would be a great exercise.

    Once done, we could make a similar list of all the BLP and DLP achieved (only the positives) since say 1996 to now. Or if that is too much what about from 2008 to now? Would that be a record short posting David?

    Best might be to make a list under the same rules of 5 each of simply what has not been achieved since 2008, including the negatives that have been achieved. Think this exercise will then break all records as to how long such a post will be active on BU.

  12. The following excerpt from DC’s text is interesting (amusing)?

    David Comissiong , who distinguished himself at Harrison College as a House Captain, Editor of the School Newspaper, Vice Captain of the school’s Track and Field team, Barbados Exhibition Winner, and who was voted by his sixth form peers as the student who had made the most outstanding contribution to the school, actually has no recollection of Donville Inniss at Harrison College.

    There is a saying you remember schoolmates for two reasons 1. the student was brilliant or the student was average or below. Looks like Inniss tugged too hard on DC’s chord.

  13. Time, like an ever rolling stream,
    Bears all its sons away;

    They fly, forgotten, as a dream
    Dies at the opening day.

    Like flowery fields the nations stand
    Pleased with the morning light;
    The flowers beneath the mower’s hand
    Lie withering ere ‘tis night.[4]

    Our God, our help in ages past,
    Our hope for years to come,
    Be Thou our guard while troubles[5] last,
    And our eternal home.

    …. old HC hymn stuck in my mind!!

  14. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    What I find more shocking is that such a topic might be raised and such a statement made, regardless of the target, in our highest national public forum.

    There will be no recovery of decency or morality under Fumble’s Parliamentarians.

  15. Wait a minute, I is one of them slow ones who don’t see the obvious. Is this piece glorifying Com and song or is it telling us that Donville never went to harsun!!! I mean come and song may have a point; you can not have two words with Donville before he injects that he went to harsun and now his sons. Maybe he only spent a year or two there before finding greener pastures in the internet show business.

  16. Boy oh boy….the protection that parliamentary privilege provides…..seems as though it also covers ministerial corruption, cause in these hard ass times we struggling and still ent trying to take some action, any kind at all to lock up one of these elected thieves. Why you think that the Moon Town Jack Ass is emboldened to bray so? Its not that he got balls…. He got impunity.

  17. The “white boy” claim is an unhelpful distraction and irrelevant. Mr Inniss should “play the ball and not the player”. And therefore, he should directly answer or dispute Mr Comissiong’s criticisms of the Government.

  18. Didn’t AG Adriel BrathwaiteBrathwaite promise to get back to Bajans about MAM’s LEC?

    On Wednesday, 23 November 2016, Barbados Underground wrote:


  19. Tudor November 22, 2016 at 10:13 PM #

    It is only in Barbados that Comissiong would be considered white –
    It appears that any one who is not black in colour is considered white

    This to me sums up Bim with its love of pigmentation and its inability to understand that this is not a black or white world.

  20. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The pride of going to a high school once associated with the nastiest of racists in the time blacks could only clean the yards or toilets in that school has destroyed the minds of those who attended, the name of the school should have been changed decades ago, it is now and has been for decades a black majority school but the stain, blight and curse of classism still lingers in the walls of that place, in all it’s destruction.

    Dumbville would have been at least 5 or more years behind Commissiong in entering Harrison’s high school he was probably a fuirst or second former when Commissiong was on his way out of 6th form….

    Dumbville has this big chip against people who achieve scholarships as many people have noticed, I get the feeling that he got none at Harrisons.

  21. Barbadians are infatuated with class moreso than colour…..@ Josh…you like you getting mixed up. Principle and Barbadian politician in the same sentence? Yah Doan put mustard in coffee do ya?

  22. Annonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Annonymouse – TheGazer

    Barbadians seem to be as color conscious as old South Africa. However we seem to have the rule in reverse.

    The general rule is once you at not white you are black or fall into one of numerous color classes.

    The rule in Barbados appears to be once you are not black you are white (or honorary white).
    Bajans seem to know who is black or not black.

    Meanwhile, the honorary white leaders of Barbados initiated …

    Wuhloss, muh belly…

  23. Happy 50th birthday Barbados may all have the right to live and be free in a democracy from generation to generation free of unbridled influence and reckless invitations to pursue an advantage with meaningless discourses and tacky inferences.

  24. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David November 23, 2016 at 6:43 AM “There is a saying you remember schoolmates for two reasons 1. the student was brilliant or the student was average or below. Looks like Inniss tugged too hard on DC’s chord.”…..

    Ahhh, David there is a third of course: the student made a fool of him/herself. Though aligned to the fact that said lad or lass could be brilliant or average it has yet set a student aside all by itself, I suggest.

    I will always remember a student showing all who wanted to see his report book with the word ‘superannuated’ boldly written. I certainly did not know what it meant as a second former and as word spread after an upper-schooler defined, the fool’s cap was forever painted on that boy’s head!

    (I imagine that brother is now a very successful fellow involved in some sort of the tech industry; he learned early the power of ‘Googling’. LOLL)

  25. Anonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – TheGazer

    I am hoping that if parents now see a six dollar word or gobbledygook in their children’s report that they march to the school and demand an explanation and if necessary a retraction.

    The fact that the poor lad did not understand the word (and probably, so too did his parents) meant the the teacher was not communicating to him and was being a wise ass.

    I hope the time of having insensitive and insulting teachers have passed.

  26. Anonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – TheGazer

    Many of our cute school stories, if carefully examined will be seen as nothing more than those who thought “they were in” turning up their noses at those who they thought they were out (lesser).

  27. @David
    There is a saying you remember schoolmates for two reasons 1. the student was brilliant or the student was average or below. Looks like Inniss tugged too hard on DC’s chord
    Surely you jest some of us remember peers who didn’t fit into either category, but DC’s recollection of his school days makes him a quintuple threat who excelled in several areas. I believe DC is overreacting, he is a politician and surely he understands that he will be the victim of the occasional jibe but that one seems to have got under his skin as the Bajan poster boy for African empowerment. He should remember the old joke “How do you know when a politician is lying? When he opens his mouth”.

    I was un(fortunate) to attend school with folks some of whom very few people seem to remember and they have gone on to bigger and better things at home and abroad, one of them even sits in the catbird seat in Bim so DC’s memory of Inniss’ prominence at school is immaterial to any discussion.

    Just label me as one of those forgotten faces in the crowd.

  28. @David who wrote “There is a saying you remember schoolmates for two reasons 1. the student was brilliant or the student was average or below.”

    There are more reasons we remember schoolmates.

    Star athletes and sportsmen ( Cappy Greenidge, Willie Bourne, Timothy Slinger )

    We also remember schoolmates because they were “comedians” like PG.

    Most of all we remember the friends we made at school.

  29. There are yet those among this citizenry who berate and cuss Errol Barrow for introducing state funded education to all secondary schools.They consider it a backward step in that among those gaining access to the top schools are folk who bring an inferiority complex and who,at every turn,lash out at and label those whom they see as superior for having the guts,the intelligence,the sincerity of purpose,the gift of the gab etc,so that while Inniss continue to speak of ‘paul-tishuns’and ‘paul-tix’,there continues to be that great divide separating the wheat from the tares……..for truth,it is said it is not what goes in that defile a person,but what comes out.

  30. Anonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – TheGazer

    “Just label me as one of those forgotten faces in the crowd”

    Many of those forgotten faces have gone on and made an excellent contribution, and many a brilliant star has fizzled out, not living up to its promise only lives off of past acclaim.

    Travel on…

  31. @Hants

    It is all about how one defines brillant e.g. academics, sports, extra curricular etc.


    It is about time some of these politicians are taken down a peg. They spout their BS protected by parliamentary privilege.

    Well done DC!

    Expect DI’s retort.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Just change the name of the schools and get rid of the classism in education, only foolish people hold on to blight, the US is trying hard to get rid of the Cecil Rhodes blight and the Thomas Jefferson blight….. why would anyone in the Caribbean want to hold on to these dead people and their evil ideologies…, they are dead, stop keeping their evil practices alive, bury it with them and move on to changing mentalities.

  33. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Anonymouse – TheGazer November 23, 2016 at 9:11 AM …”The fact that the poor lad did not understand the word (and probably, so too did his parents) meant the the teacher was not communicating to him and was being a wise ass….I hope the time of having insensitive and insulting teachers have passed.”

    Yours is – in my view – a perplexing review of that incident. I came to know that day that ‘superannuated’ means expelled. I am sure over the years before and after others did too.

    Surely you know that in our system the only person who has that power is the Headmaster. And that after consultation with Deputy and Heads of Dept. and likely the form teacher.

    Surely you also know that a child is generally expelled after repeated attempts to rectify and improve his academics, deportment/behaviour and so on. And of course that was at the end of the school year so a lead-up must be understood.

    To suggest that it’s the result of “insensitive and insulting teachers” is an amusing bias towards political correctness I would offer. You appear to dismiss completely that a path led to that word from the Headmaster’s pen! You also take for granted his parent’s status in lil Bim. Do not!

    Secondary school like life is the first stage for us to open to the sun like a flower. Those like Commissiong who display, as the baseball folks would say, their ability as a ‘five-tool’ player can revel in their past. But it’s their present status that truly defines them, obviously.

    There are many who wilt from or shun that first exposure to the sun of school life and later become the strongest, most stupendous ever-green trees.

    And many who blossom then and wilt to sprigs thereafter.

    That’s life!

  34. @ David,

    “actually has no recollection of Donville Inniss at Harrison College.”

    That could mean Donville Inniss was a student who did not do anything “memorable” ( good or BAD)………like the majority of us.

  35. @Hants

    Let us not forget why DC was provoked to respond. Here is the thesis statement:

    The supposedly “honourable” Donville Inniss, Barbados’ Minister of Commerce and Industry, is a liar of the highest pedigree, as is evident by his outrageously mendacious comments about the racial self identification of David Comissiong while a teenage school-boy at Harrison College. (In a recent debate in the House of Assembly Inniss claimed that David Comissiong self identified as a white boy when he was a student at Harrison College)

  36. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    I would add. The Head was actually being kind to use that ‘six dollar word of gobbledygook’.

    Expelled would have ‘insensitive’!

  37. @DPD
    Expelled would have ‘insensitive’!
    Are you sure he meant ‘expelled” in the circumstances outlined?. L Harford Skeete used that word (superannuate) to refer to students who remained in the same form for a number of years meaning that they were “old” relative to the age of their fellow students in the same form.

    Check out the Latin origin.

  38. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Sargeant, that was what I was told then and never questioned it. I honestly don’t recall seeing the lad subsequently but who knows maybe he did come back. The memory is old.

    But believe me, your reference to Latin is absolutely apropos re that Headmaster so again you may be absolutely right as of course the fellow had ‘stopped down’ previously!

  39. My observation is the heat DI is feeling from DC and some of DC’s recent forays against the government. DI knew how to upset DC and executed. Welcome to po-lit-iks.

  40. Anonumouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonumouse – TheGazer

    Allow me to engage you for a few seconds.
    What you saw as possibly PC was my reality. I can imagine carrying home a report and my grandmother seeing the words ‘super’ running to tell our neighbors how highly the school thought of her son. Not all of us were exposed to six dollar words, thesauruses or dictionaries.

    I consider myself as being the average Barbadian (more like a median), not the poorest nor not the richest. But my average may the average of others. It is possible some Bajans ideas of average may be in the upper tail, so that when I describe my actual situation to these tail dwellers it may appear that I am trying to be PC (or to be down with the poorer bros).

    Interestingly, we are now having a discussion of what superannuated means. This support y contention that it was an unnecessary use of a six dollar word by an insensitive person in authority.

  41. As a fellow once said, You can take the boy out of the Nigger Yard, but you cannot take the Nigger Yard out of the boy.

  42. Perhaps I should explain why I made this particular post:-

    Donville Inniss initially made this lying comment in the House of Assembly back in August or early September. I saw it reported in Barbados Today , and I simply ignored it since it was so fantastical and so far removed from the truth. It was also posted in Barbados Underground by one of the contributors and I again ignored it.

    A number of persons then brought it to my attention that it was being re-posted on social media and encouraged me to respond, but I refused to do so, considering that to do so was beneath my dignity.

    However, two days ago, I came across it being posted on social media again, and I was also reliably informed that the said Donville Inniss has repeated the lie in Parliament on more than one occasion.

    It is then that I decided that it would be prudent for me to respond, rather than run the risk of having some people who don’t really know my history believing Inniss’ BIG LIE.

    So, please forgive me for taking up your time and attention with this matter : I would much prefer to be engaging BU contributors with something more central to our national condition- But on some occasions one has to defend oneself.


  43. All over Barbados there are successful businesses owned by the Closed Brethren, and heavily patronised by Barbadians.
    It would be interesting to learn which secondary schools, old or new, did most of these Close Brethren businessmen attended?

  44. Colonel Buggy November 23, 2016 at 12:57 PM #

    How far back do you want to go?

    I understand they have their own school now for some time.

  45. In my day there were plenty Closed Brethren at Harrison College and Queens College.

    The most memorable from my day was Caveman Corbin… a legend!!

    In the 1990’s the Brethren started their own school …. I guess they did not like the direction in which the old or the new secondary schools were moving.

    Who can blame them!!

  46. I don’t recall any Brethren in sixth form, they usually left in fifth

  47. … they kept away in most part from Universities

    Maybe that is why they own many successful businesses

  48. One of the few sucessfull local businessmen who went to University is Bizzy which proves that every rule must have an exception.

    This rule is further proven by all the sucessfull female shopkeepers of yesteryear and compare it to the state of our present economy run by UWI graduates.

  49. A timely reminder it was Donville in tandem with Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite who provoked William Duguid.

  50. I wonder if to comment or to remain silent “where the Bible is silent”?

    Let de ole man give wanna a riddle here.

    “There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first…”

    Who or What am I?

    Day and Night.

    Saul of Tarsus was a killer of Christians

    He became Paul one of the most Avowed Followers of Jesus my Lord

    “when I was a child I spake childish things but then I became a man….”

    Remembrance is a strange enemy and this is why one warns the children and grans not to tea pictures of your weiner and send it to no prospective girlfriend cause, when wanna break up, and she send it to BU, every body going know about your “shortcomings”

    @ Today Come Sing a Song fights the good fight for enfranchisement of the poor man.

    @ Today He fights the fight for the voiceless.

    Donville is NOT voicing these thoughts based on personal knowledge even if they were true and, notwithstanding what the status of such might have been, one MUST SEE WHY they are fighting against David Commisiong @ Today

    Anyone who is going to battle against the DLP is going to encounter some type of “pushback” along the way.

    Pushback, OR bought out by lucrative contracts, OR shamed through incriminating pictures OR worse – terminated with extreme prejudice

    Or in this case, public imputations of not really being a black Pan Africanist all of ones life.

    De ole man was going let dat one pass and reapply oneself with increased vigour to cause that detractor much regret over what was said under the protection of the House of Assembly

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