Jeff Cumberbatch - Columnist, Barbados Advocate
Jeff Cumberbatch – Columnist, Barbados Advocate

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter…”Winston Churchill.

“Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time…”Winston Churchill

The story is that the deliberations of the US Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, curious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. Their answer was soon provided. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin on his exit, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

As did most of my friends by their own admission, I spent last Wednesday morning in a funk of astonishment and disbelief at the events that had transpired in the US a few hours before. We were trying, as Maureen Dowd put it in her opinion piece in the New York Times last Wednesday, to “absorb the impossible”. Despite the geographical inexactitude and patent vagueness of his campaign slogan to “Make America Great Again”; despite his petulance and clear unease at articulating clearly any policy position; despite his clear contempt for those of a race or culture different from his own; despite his abandonment by the Republican establishment after flagrant displays of an offensive misogyny and mimicry of the disabled; and despite the unanimous certainty of the pre-election polls to the contrary, Donald J Trump had secured the mandate of the people (via the Electoral College) to become the next President of the United States of America.

And yet, on further reflection, it is not that difficult to explain this alarming event, although no single factor will suffice. For one, there is the vagary of democracy itself. Churchill’s dictum in the epigraph might seem uncharitable and perhaps even out of sync with our current constitutional ethos, but it may serve eloquently to explain in part some surprising results in recent democratic decisions such as the BREXIT referendum in the UK, the rejection of the peace accord in Colombia, the Trump victory and perhaps some others besides. And polls are mostly unable to predict these types of results because the actuality is that very few responders want to be perceived as being out of step with the prevailing view. I can count, on fewer than four fingers, the number of individuals who, to my knowledge, contemplated that Trump would have won this contest and even so, this was mostly because they hated Mrs. Hillary Clinton more.

This point as to the unthinking nature of voters should not be understated. In an interesting column published online in Foreign Policy, Jason Brennan first posits inarguably that “democracy is supposed to enact the will of the people” and then queries “but what if the people have no clue what they’re doing?” His thesis is that most voters are ignorant or misinformed because the costs to them of acquiring political information greatly exceed the potential benefits. He likens the democratic exercise to a professor telling her hypothetical class of 210 million that in their final exam no individual will receive his or her personal grade but that everyone will get the same grade. In that case, he argues, no one would bother to study and the common grade would be an “F”. He concludes therefore, “…voting is more like doing the wave at a sports game than it is like choosing policy.”

For some, it might have been precisely this Brennanesque stance of belittling the native intelligence of the ordinary voter that led ineluctably to the Trump triumph. One writer has argued persuasively that the choice made on Tuesday last might have been less of a instinctual default option and more of an “intelligent” choice. For him, anger and uncertainty at the inexorable march of globalization and technology had reached such a pitch that many voters were ready for disruption [of the status quo] at any cost.

“Enough of elites; enough of experts; enough of the status quo; enough of the politically correct; enough of the liberal intelligentsia and cultural overlords with their predominant place in the media; enough of the financial wizards who brought the 2008 meltdown and stagnant incomes and jobs disappearing offshore” is how Roger Cohen expresses their collective frustration in the New York Times, a worldview that could find some commonality in Trump’s sloganeering and would be antithetical rather to the Clinton campaign where the candidate herself was perceived as the epitome of this perverse state of affairs.

Indeed, more than a few commentators in recent days have focused their readership’s attention on the unsuitability of Mrs. Clinton as the worthiest Democratic opponent for Mr. Trump. Not-so- easily-dismissed suspicions about the moral authenticity of the process that brought her the nomination as the candidate of the Democratic Party; her coziness with “them” (the financial and social establishment) and a regrettable sense of entitlement that, perhaps unfairly, suggested that she should be free from popular and legal scrutiny –what Maureen Dowd calls a “miasma of financial and ethical cheesiness”; would scarcely have endeared Mrs. Clinton to the alienated rural voter in the counties and states of Middle America.

Nor should we discount lightly the bigotry that might have induced apoplexy should a female be allowed to follow a blackish individual into the White House and that would have felt itself threatened by the inexorable “browning” of a formerly whitish USA.

Today’s headline to this column poses a question for further debate. It is part of a broader inquiry as to what type of President is Trump likely to be. Given his flip-flopping with the truth during his campaign, it would be mere conjecture to base this conclusion purely on his utterances then. Will he be the candidate who claims that he knows more about ISIS than even the generals on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and thus be the individual defender of the “Free World” or will the demands and stresses of the office, so clearly evident in the frosting of the crowns of both Presidents Clinton and Obama during their respective tenures, humble him sufficiently to tone down his inflammatory exclusionist rhetoric?

The defining characteristic of the republican system of government as distinct from that of the monarchical that the US would have successfully rebelled against in 1776, is its checks and balances inherent in the constitutional construct of the separation of powers to ensure that no one branch impinges on the exclusive preserve of the other. Trump’s campaign discourse made a mockery of this principle with his frequent references as to what “I” would do. There was no correspondingly frequent mention of “my administration”.

Now, with the Republicans controlling both the Senate and Congress, and with a President Trump, emboldened by his electoral mandate, entitled to reject the Republican establishment as a consequence of their earlier treatment causing him to do it “all by himself”, the circumstances are ideal for a return to a quasi-monarchical system of “Trumpism”.

396 responses to “The Jeff Cumberbatch Column – A Return to the Monarchy?”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB…that is asking a lot, he may actually be waiting on a reply for his letter to Trump re working with him toward climate change….lol

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    After letting them loose, Trump needs to rein in his wild animals who are now doing what he told them forawhole yeard, hope this idiot gets fired.

  3. Regret learning that Gwen Ifill died today, anyone else can confirm?
    Great example of a Bajan blood being successful in the US.

  4. Teacher should be fired! Bloody idiot.

  5. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yes she did, lots of tributes for Gwen Ifill….PBS journalist, lots of call, very professional….she was 61 MoneyB.

    Too many of those incidents in the name of Trump, as though he deputized the idiots to be immigration officers..someone is going to be hurt or killed because of Trump’s stupid mouth.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Washington Post gave a great glimpse into her career..Gwen Ifill’s mother was Bajan, father Panamanian, she was born in Queens, NY

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    A call to action, no cry ins, no acceptance…act to protect self, society and those close to you, those who cannot protect themselves from these savage wild animals, milk already spilt.

  8. We collectively rage about the election of this modern day “Barnum” Donald Trump. Yet we forget to mention the deep structural racism and classism that exists in Barbados.

  9. Always admired Gwen Ifill, she used to be a regular on MTP when Tim Russert was hosting haven’t seen much of her after she went to PBS.

    Gone too soon.

  10. Noam Chomsky: "Humans are facing the most important question in their history — whether organized human life will survive in anything like the form we know — and are answering it by accelerating the race to disaster."

    Trump in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

  11. Exclaimer, you forgot Shadism.

  12. I am now supporting poor old royal of house Windsor Harry. He has some dark sugar in his life!!!

  13. Trump fooling the liberal media again. When will they ever learn that the man is not genuine. He throws out his so called language of moderation the liberal media laps it up and in less than an hour his actions say different.His language of wanted to be a President of the people was dismantle when he gave a supermacist nut a leading role in his cabinet
    Trump is a fraud and will always be just cant help himself

  14. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The poison and hatred Trump has unlesshed on the US and which the Bushman and the slave George Payne of BLP wants the American peooke to accept, as they gladly would accept in Barbados….for crumbs and to be recognized as slaves and nobodies.

    Not American people, not in the US.

    Even American children know you have to stand for your rights or you stand for nothing….they too walked out of school in protest of a racist.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Reversing all of America’s civil rights gains by a semiliterate like Trump..

    But the children in the US are having none of that though.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    ………they too walked out of school in protest of a racist president..

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences
  18. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    More tributes to Gwen Ifill.

    More reason for people to assert their civil rights.

  19. @ David

    To our mind Chomsky has been one of the best minds in the last 100 years, at least in two distinct areas.

    There is also at least one person who would want to think so about somebody from T&T

    To us, that is the comparison between a midget and a giant. Chomsky is the intellectual giant.

  20. But Pacha what are your views on the elected president of the USA selecting a high ranking member of the KKK to be one of his advisers

  21. Exclaimer

    All shades in Bim co-exist quite happily and as MB pointed out the apartheid can be found by virtue of melanin content and class perception throughout Bim.

    Even now with our many downgrades,pot holes,fields of cow itch,lack of investor confidence,etc,etc the wuk up continues…..we like it so.

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    He did and said anything to be elected, now let him man up, take responsiblity for his evil actions for once in his life….and fix it…he did nit need any help creating the mess.

    Trump is not getting a thing, he did not expect people to protest and react to his racist backlash…it shocked him.

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

  24. Kinda late for the media to be belly aching they are as much respondible for electing DT.the streets would continue to show disdain for Trump as more and more anti Trump movements wake up from that drunked stupor from an overnight hang over and face the reality that DT is tacking america backwards again

  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Shows the nastinest of racists…they would much prefer see a former stripper in heels and call it a lady.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Thankfully one got fired, let’s hope the other one is as well.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Such wonderful news, gotta pay one way or the next for


    Brilliant speech.

  29. Lemmy
    U sure Harry is a Winsor???? lol
    That sugar will give him diabetes, too darn sweeeett!

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The end result of being a lying 2 faced hypocrite…lol

  31. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Money Brain;

    Re. your 3:04 pm post the URL is

    Noted that the star answerer explicitly located the main reason for the loss of America’s greatness in the man who won the last election, obviously Obama, not Trump.

    But America was piling up those negative statistics for several decades when the holders of the presidency were Republican or Democratic WASPs. Yet he tries to pin all the blame on the last President. An obvious give away as to the man’s prejudices and yours.

    —and you fell for it. Your incipient bajanness, and HC, has failed to influence your ability to think outside the racist box!!

    When was the video made? Is it a Donald Trump ad or a Brietbart production?


  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB…..ya will have lots of Mexicans entering Canada to keep you company come December…..unless ya plan to move to Trump Land before…lol

  33. Are we—,
    Maybe you are focusing a little too literally on “the last election”.

    I did not focus on that. I was focused on the speaker putting the US into perspective, that they are not as great as they believe they are or have been. Strange to receive your reaction as many on here like to put down the USA.

    I am certainly not entombed in any racist box by you or anyone else. The reality is that few on here are balanced , honest and straightforward in their analysis, so sometimes I am forced to offer a different perspective. There are several Racists on here that go too far in one direction and require a countervailing force back to reality. I appreciate that many on here just want to believe one view.

    The favourite word of the Progressive Liberal—racist–everybody else is racist, they are so correct and pure, BS!

    These types are so brainwashed they still have not figured out how Racist ShilLIARy Rotten KILLaTON is, Or that she represents the 1% Elite, Wall St Washington Cabal.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “—and you fell for it. Your incipient bajanness, and HC, has failed to influence your ability to think outside the racist box!!”

    It’s that insipid stupidity has Barbados so stagnant, it’s coming out of those little mediocre high schools they call colleges on the island, HC, QC and others….ya cant even get a well focused advocate on the island….except for Commissiong….decades of condensed stupidity pouring out of the high schools…check out parliament.

    The really intelligent people stay out of their way.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB. ..Killary is now a has been…I have been waiting 12 years to see her cry, because I know only too well the laws she and her criminal husband instituted in the 1990s to deport millions of people, break up families and lock up millions of minorities to make money and pretend they are superior….12 years I waited to see that heifer in tears, you have no idea….I hope she cries until the end of the year…everyone gets their comeuppance for their evil actions.

    She just thought it could never happen to her.

  36. WW
    The real problem is that few MPs are from the Kolijs, HC/QC. It is only DT and Froon that never attended those lofty institutions, all the other PMs did. True that most of the really clever are staying away from political office in droves.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I would too MoneyB…I would not want to be seen with any of them either….too afraid of contamination.

    Wait….where is my Canadian buddy Lawson, haven’t seem him in days, ah guess he must be preparing for the new Canadian Mexicans too…lol

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The backlash from the senate is starting….days of drama ahead, I see much of this headed to court with accusations of civil rights violations….these known violators Trump is hiring cannot be given top security clearance.

  39. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Money Brain at 5:04 PM….you are absolutely hyper hypocritical re Clinton. I certainly dislike Trump’s persona but I clear the buggers from my eyes and give the man his due accordingly.

    It is ridiculous for you to say “These types are so brainwashed they still have not figured out how Racist ShilLIARy Rotten KILLaTON is, Or that she represents the 1% Elite, Wall St Washington Cabal.”

    Isn’t Trump a billionaire? Which segment of the 99% does he belong, steeupse!

    Isn’t it Trump who refused to provide his taxes and is now seeking to get security clearance for the same three children who are supposedly going to be running his corporations in a ‘blind trust’ not now displaying a more egregious and despicable insider swamp dweller behaviour than what he excoriated Clinton and her foundation about?

    That is corrupt and very possibly illegal.

    Isn’t Trump the one who had as CEO to his campaign a divisive (I will refrain from using your so called progressive title ‘racist’) man who told his wife that he did not want his children going to school with too many Jews?

    Now I don’t want to be rude but I do recall you said similar things about one of your parents as it related to associations with Blacks.

    So my brother is it that this plays close to your vest and despite your multicultural life you find it real hard to disavow Trump but yet maintain a perspective that Clinton’s crimes make her so very despicable.

    Let’s call a spade a spade and not play games.

  40. The Professor’s shocking response is very indicative of the old paradigm thinking of millions who’ve chosen to stay in this 3d reality. The Universe demands change whether or not we approve. Just observe how, from time to time Mother Nature chips in and give Old ‘tired’ Father Time a helping hand.

    If one stays tuned to the dead frequency that is CNN, BBC, MSNBC or the NYT which is the official War Rag of the Administration, you will be misled because these are nothing but deceptive tools of the ‘Brotherhood.’ Even reading ANAL-list / PUNDICKS like know-it-all-never-wrong Pacha and she mama, one will be deceived…”we predick Hilary will win” hahahahahahha (goulish).

    All along the writing has been on the wall but many failed to see.

    The stock markets are all responding positively to President Elect Trump.

    There’s a war going on in the US and between the WASP and the Zevites/Jebusites….already the Zevites are screaming about an appointment. DRAIN THE DAMN SWAMP! Let Obama take them with him and dump them in the Red Sea.

    Look around Barbados for you are next…we had Brexit which the establishment is trying to overturn, so much for ‘democracy’ and the will of the people, now TRUMPET. What will it be tomorrow Barbados?

    The Brits and the Deplorables have proven that We the People will no longer allow the Scum to think for us.

    The so-called protest that’s going on in some states right now are nothing but an extension of the colour revolution funded by Soros like the one he funded in the Ukraine. This demon has a penchant for undermining economies but he too got the shock of his life from the will of the Deplorables.

    So Professor maybe you should put down that War Rag, tune out the deceptive, establishment channels, step outside your 4 walls and inhale a couple breaths of fresh air for ‘The Answer My Friend Is Blowing In The Wind, The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind.”

  41. A billionaire USA President is in bed with racist groups neo cons and the KKK and in come u with your night stick to demonise protesters who have become the voice of those who rather retreat and let Trump have his bloody way taking america down a darkened path.. MLK must be rolling in his grave

  42. THE MINISTRY OF Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (METI) has advised that Combermere School at Waterford, St Michael, is now closed until further notice. – See more at:

  43. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Warren Buffet weighs in.

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Good…they got the Mayor from the little inky dinky town in W. Va to resign… she knows who the ape in heels really is also….lol backwoods retards.

  45. Did WW&C

    hear that Denzel Washington supports The Donald?
    Does she have a comment on this?

  46. The Denzil Washington story is fake! Facebook has been inundated with fake news stories and Zuckerberg is supposed to rectify that issue.

  47. Take Ben Carson out of the running for any Cabinet position, he has stated he is a neophyte and that’s not his strength. Funny for a man who was once running for President, if Trump wants a black face in his Cabinet there is always Omarosa.

    Meanwhile Giuliani is over qualified for both Atty. General and State; he has Stated that he knows the Justice Dept. better than anyone and is the best candidate for the State Dept., problem is he might have the same ethical problems that he accused Hillary of because of the nature of his clientele from his lobbying days.

    Trump has a Sisyphean task in draining the swamp.

  48. @ Hopi

    Yes, we predicted she, HRC, would win and we were wrong.

    That assumption was used to make other arguments.

    When we were asked to choose a candidate as the least worst we choose Bernie, critically!

    However, you were a backer of Trump, defended him here, is his win a real win, and for whom?

    We failed to reject the notion that there is a difference, real or imagined, between the two.

    Our deeper point was that whoever won means a further decay of empire but it might not be convenient at this time for you to so recall.

    We really were never invested either in HRC or Trump. Ours is to try to foresee trends, phenomena. We have no particular emotional involvement in either camp.

    And when one tries to see the future, as God. God is wrong sometimes.

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