Submitted by Terence Blackett
eintein“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing nothing” – Albert Einstein

17th century French philosopher, mathematician and social theorist Blaise Pascal in ‘Pensees’ (Thoughts on Religion) given his understanding of time & space opined: “When I consider the short duration of life, swallowed up in the eternity before and after, the little space which I fill, and even can see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant, and which know me not, I am frightened, and am astonished at being here rather than there; for there is no reason why here rather than there, why now rather than then.”

Sobering thoughts for those willing to face their own inevitable mortality!

Never before has it been possible, in the almost 6000 years of recorded human history, did mankind possess the wherewithal to completely annihilate both himself and the entire planetary epigenesis with the touch of a button. The existential morbidity of such fearful possibilities and seminal terror we currently face have now come full circle!

Arguably, apocalyptic literature runs throughout the gamut of human civilization with some believing that the time-dated 2800 BC Assyrian Tablet from Nineveh, N. Iraq, housed in the British Museum was inscribed with the first known recorded prophecy of the end of the world and most notably, the Mesopotamian account of the Flood found in the Epic of Gilgamesh (Tigay 1982:214-240).

The historiography is replete with an ancient Norse mythological doomsday apocalypse, Meso-American Mayan prophecies, Tetrad of the Blood Moons and a sleuth of end of days, mesmerizing, Hollywood Blockbusters, (including Tom Hanks’ latest movie as Professor Robert Langdon in the new release “Inferno”) that pivots and posits a Dantesque type blood-curdling, earth-scorching narrative which many believe is housed in “FEARMONGERING” – used as a tool for social control of the masses – coughed up from the bowels of Jesuits in the Vatican.

Kabbalists, astro-physicists, astro-biologists, cosmologists & astronomers all believe that metaphysical as well as the metaphorical teachings regarding astronomical cycles explain the antediluvian disaster (i.e. The Flood) given that in the 1920’s & 30’s, Milutin Milankovitch, a geophysicist, showed that the amount of heat received from the sun varied, and that this was related to cyclical changes in the Earth’s orbit. He further showed that this variation was linked to whether the Earth was in a glacial (colder) or interglacial (warmer) period – hence today, earth scientists believe we are entering another such cycle – creating the conditions for massive fluctuations in climate change. According to some, another Jesuit ploy of mass perception deception!

Creationists however, on a simpler praxis, believe emphatically what the Bible says regarding the antediluvian destruction of this world in (Gen 9:11) – “And I will establish My Covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a Flood; neither shall there anymore be a Flood to destroy the earth…” (and the penultimate destruction): “for the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up…” (2 Pet 3:10)

The divide has never been clearer – one believes the evidence or one chooses to disbelieve – there is no middle ground!

Our world is on tenterhooks. Most human beings alive today believe we are facing down the barrel of a gun – both literally and metaphorically. The law of unintended consequences is at work across the board as purported by American sociologist Robert Merton. The belief that outcomes that are not the ones foreseen and intended by a purposeful action – Merton in his influential piece entitled “The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action” believed that IGNORANCE” and ERROR” were at the heart of much of our human mindset and in his own words, he coined the term – “the imperious immediacy of interest.” Merton was alluding to periods in which the majority wants the intended consequence of an action so much that he purposefully chooses to ‘ignore’ any unintended effects – a classic example being the bloated military spending by most 1st world’s governments, on the “tools of death” – yet that type of wilful ignorance is very different from true ignorance.

We live in an increasing age of amnesia and paranoia – where those who have chosen blissful “IGNORANCE” will seek to even “UNREAD” this eye-opening discourse on our current reality or as expected, most will simply either “IGNORE” what’s written in plain view or be completely dismissive, choosing no-engagement because they lack the mental toughness & emotional rigidity to face their own reticent fears or are simply, in a state of spiritual paralysis due to a lack of living, active faith.

Most sceptical voyeurs reading this piece are already cognizant of the lessons of “The Cold War” – yet far too many are blissful unaware that those lessons have not funnelled down to our current brothers in Arab nations, where it seems the gates of hell have been unleashed. Since the (so-called) “Arab Spring”, we have witnessed the rise of militant, political Islam – geo-engineered by Western Elites as a ‘bogeyman’ in the same way that Soviet Russia was labelled during the ‘Cold War’ period and still remains so today.

We are witnessing in a supposed “Schengen-FREE” Europe (infiltrated by almost 3 million Arabs), the rise of ‘Cold War’ type metal walls & fences. NATO has just stationed 4000 troops in Poland and Lithuania as part of what is called the “European Reassurance Initiative” – a £4 billion program that seeks to assuage EU gov’ts that they will be protected given what has transpired in Ukraine and any/all future threats from infiltrated Islamic extremists. The USA GOV has also sent in a missile-class destroyer armoured carrier to be stationed about 50 miles from Kaliningrad – a Black Sea Russian port between Poland & Lithuania as an act of provocation to unnerve the Kremlin.

As more heavy weaponry makes its way into Europe, political scientists see harbingers of WW2 in the making – the difference being a multi-dimensional combative threat that hides in plain sight. The US continues to stockpile the latest generation of stealth bombers (F-22) to places like the Romanian Base on the Black Sea just 400 miles away from Sevastopol (in Crimean Peninsula) in the event of possible “FIRST STRIKE” options based on Russian aggression.

The US Airforce has also deployed F-15 jets to both Iceland & Holland and we are seeing where once peaceful Northern European nations like Finland (who recently called up 900,000 reservists) as well as the US sale of [40] Multiple Launch Rocket Systems worth some $150 million deepening the NATO stockpiles of heavy armoured vehicles in Norway (aptly called “pre-positioned gear” i.e. A1 Tanks, Amphibious Assault Vehicles & Logistic Support Technologies) and as Sweden ramp up military exercises in Estonia as a deterrent to Russian provocation with other EU actors such as Belgium, Spain and other non-EU participants – the US has also been practicing a nuclear attack on Russia in Norway using three B-52 bombers.

To further exasperate the Russian president given the 4000 cruise missiles pointed at Russia – all deliverable within an hour, plans have been formulated by the CIA at assassinating those closest to Mr Putin. Meantime, Obama has had Missile Defense Systems deployed in Poland and in other strategic locations around the world (Israel, Europe, South Korea etc.) to intercept North Korean, Chinese, Iranian & Russian missiles. So in response, Mr Putin has had as part of his “Invincible Shield” S-400 Systems put in place as a counter deterrent.

If these reverberations around the world are not “SIGNS” of an impending apocalypse – then we should look further down the rabbit-hole for more tell-tale perturbations.

According to the ACLU creeping #AmeriKKKan militarization have now hit the steps of the homes of every family in the United States of Amnesia & Paranoia – where the blurred lines between police & military are now almost gone. Stockpiles left over from the Iraq & Afghanistan theatres of war have also gone to state & federal agencies (i.e. the police & other agencies). In one report, the equipment cache involved some 435 Humvees, 45,000 night vision specs, 533 helicopters, 94,000 AR-15 Rifles & some 180, 718 weapon magazines while in Europe, Breitbart London reported that 600 members of various EU police & military forces have combined their training exercises in the event of mass population uprisings due to war protest. At the same time, Chinese police in concert with Italian police patrol Rome in the event of war, as China will protect Vatican City & Pope Francis from potential fallout.

Any enlightened student of military history will see that the political jousting that took place in WW2 is once again taking centre-stage, with virtually the same actors, just more clearly defined but with even greater angst and provocation.

The nefarious trade in the “SOULS” of men (Rev 18:13) using war as a pretext harps back to a time when there was “WAR IN HEAVEN” (Rev 12:7). The crucible of this looming “Inferno” before us should rattle the cages of all men but few are even “AWAKE” to the realization of what is before us, given that the tectonic denudations of war and strife in the last so-called “GREAT WAR” left in its wake 22 million Russians dead; 12 million Chinese, 8 million Germans, 7 million Poles, 2 million Japs, 2 million Slavs, 1 million Romanians & almost a million French… And the numbers do not end there!

Closer to home, according to the Memorial Gates Trust, in the British Commonwealth of the Caribbean of the time, with some “14 million souls during the war years, about 16,000 West Indians volunteered for service alongside the British during WW2. 100 women or more also volunteered. Some 6,000 West Indians served with both the Royal Air Force and the Royal Canadian Air Force, in roles from fighter pilots to bomb aimers, air gunners to ground staff and administration. Thousands of West Indian seamen made their contributions in one of WW2 most dangerous services, the Merchant Navy – one-third of all merchant seamen were to die during the war. One 1000 volunteers for army service were formed into the Caribbean Regiment. Upwards of 40,000 West Indians opted to join the various branches of the civilian war effort in the United States. 236 Caribbean volunteers were killed or reported missing during the war; 265 were wounded.”

Britain just recently unveiled a honorary statue in front of St Thomas’ Hospital, London of Jamaican–Brit Mary Seacole – for what some are calling the nemesis of Florence Nightingale given her work as a nurse during the Crimean War.

As the grandson of one those West Indians who were given military honours for bravery during WW2 – I saw “FIRST HAND” what the rigours of war did to my own grandfather who was a tall man of 6ft 8ins – a gentle giant with a “dark-side” caused in part if not the whole to what he saw on the battle fields of Europe.

If in 2016, the sabre-rattling we are witnessing between multiple nations, kindred, tongue & people are indicative of an approaching WW3, where clearly (WEST v EAST), ISLAM v CHRISTIANITY; WHITE v BLACK; RICH v POOR, HAVES v HAVENOTS will make both previous wars looks like a mud-fight given the cost in human suffering and the carnage that will ensue.

War on any major scale in Europe involving the rest of the world will be cataclysmic without “DIVINE INTERVENTION” – for we know that a nuclear holocaust would be inevitable. In Europe alone we have 185 nuclear power plants. America has within her arsenal, hypersonic weaponry capable of taking out satellites above the earth while Russia’s SATAN 2 intercontinental ballistic missile which can carry a payload of a dozen nuclear warheads and can travel in stealth mode bedevils the worst of provocateurs.

Cyberwar is another major tool in the arsenal of countries like Russia & China who can make X-BOX games look like an episode of Sesame Street. Just in May of this year Obama warned the citizens of the US that they must “Be Ready For EMP Attacks, Engineered Pandemics, Massive Earthquakes, and Martial Law…” Again, the question must be asked: is this FEARMONGERING* or what is it that this guy knows that the rest of us are oblivious to? Notwithstanding, the amount of stockpiles the Dept. of Homeland Security have allocated in recent years – enough to fight a 100 year war! Surely, something ominous is lurking on the horizon?

Warnings are coming thick and fast! The Scriptures also warns us: “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18) The house of cards that is this world economic system is nearing implosion and all the pundits & soothsayers are all saying the same thing. From billionaire Eric Sprott to Gerald Celente to Yanis Varoufakis et al are all saying that we have reached critical mass both politically, ideologically, militarily, economically – as a planet on the brink.

In Ernest Becker’s 1973 para-philosophical work, he cites from his book entitled – “The Denial of Death”, a eulogised concept called “Terror Management Theory” by stating some obvious truisms. For example, he opines that postmodern man walk around in this daze – a kind of distanciated stupor, almost in complete abject denial of his own mortality, with the added variant distractions of culture, entertainment and religion misgivings. For most to even conjure up the idea that their lives could be suddenly shattered out of all proportions would cause them (as the Bible puts it) to have their “hearts fail them for fear” but this is the “HANDWRITING” on the wall – regardless of obfuscation, denial-phobia or dismissiveness.

If truth is stranger than fiction, Hollywood’s portrayal of brinkmanship seems to write an ongoing apocalyptic script of intrigue and in one of its latest blockbusters “Amerigeddon” exposes the fault lines in the last remaining Empire on the earth. Anyone watching #POTUS2016 elections can see the Barnum & Bailey Circus of ‘Clowns’ (rich Elites who have gravitated to the lowest common denominator of ‘gutter politics’) know something truly evil is at work in our world. Daniel 11:45 reminds us that the “king of the North” will come to his end (suddenly) and they will be no one to help him.

May God help us in these end times!!!

168 responses to “The Law of Unintended Consequences: Political Jousting, Military Sabre-Rattling and “Denial-Phobia” Regarding Nuclear Brinkmanship”

  1. Stop hiding behind your mask and show your face, you imbecile. You are a coward, that is why you are a troll.

  2. @ David

    It is the western militarizes which are supposedly bombing Daesh in Mosul

    But, are also moving heaven and earth to stop the Russians and the Syrians from bombing the same terrorists in Alleppo.

    And it does not occur to you these people are lying again.

    Anyhow, this foolishness about going high or going low is a Michelle Obama, BS. We are not part of that.

    It suits people like you who hold on to the every word, as gospel, empty suits like these people say.

    We have told you before and this will always hold, whether it is what you would like to call bad language or not, we see no difference, and never will.

    You may use your dictatorial position to amend the record, fitting to you, as has happened before. By those writer will never speak the language of those who seek to curtail self expression.

    In any event we will hold fast to the truism that Hal Austin is an a**hole of monumental proportions

  3. @TB

    It is illegal to read the Wikileak emails but not the same for CNN staffers?

  4. What end Times ?
    Signs and wonders of end times which have already occured during biblical times

    Noahs Flood
    The birth of Jesus
    The crcifixion and ressurection of Jesus
    The desruction of Sodom and Gommorah
    The eclipse of the moon and the sun
    All were indicators of the end times of that age
    Some which are still occuring with devastating results
    The fact being that man made predators and disrespect for the law of nature gives reason to indicate and belive thar all these occurances will continue to happen
    As for end times the bible states A world without end

  5. @ ac
    As for end times the bible states A world without end

    Why don’t you keep your mouth shut …when topics above your weight category come up nuh…?
    OOPS…. then you would die of constipation…..ain’t it?!!

  6. 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
    21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

    Ephesians 3

  7. come Bushie the Bible expert

    refute AC and exegete the passage she quoted in response to your comment thus
    Bush Tea October 17, 2016 at 8:37 PM #
    @ ac
    As for end times the bible states A world without end

    Why don’t you keep your mouth shut …when topics above your weight category come up nuh…?
    OOPS…. then you would die of constipation…..ain’t it?!!

  8. Why don’t you go back to your cricket skippa?
    David warned Bushie to leave you alone …so enjoy,,,
    Bushie was not talking to you .. you name ac?

  9. come bushie thou who knowest all thou who art a bible expertask your bbe to help you refute ac

    the great bushie speaks

    Bush Tea October 17, 2016 at 8:37 PM #
    @ ac
    As for end times the bible states A world without end

    Why don’t you keep your mouth shut …when topics above your weight category come up nuh…?
    OOPS…. then you would die of constipation…..ain’t it?!!

    ac responds very simply

    ac October 17, 2016 at 9:24 PM #
    20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
    21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

    Ephesians 3

    let us hear ya bushie tell her about the parables in your explanation

  10. cricket done for now
    but ac has quoted Ephesians 3 which says there is a world with out end
    cant you refute what she said and teach us something here
    being so close to bbe he must could give you the answer

  11. Years ago on a radio a cult like prophet Herbert W Armstrong preached about the end times. His teachings were mostly those of fear and the coming Apocalypse. He had predicted that by the year 2000 the world would end well needless to say his earthly world has long ended and the world still keeps moving on

  12. @ ac
    Paul was talking about the most High – (starting at vs 14), the father of our Lord jesus Christ.
    So Vs 20 speaks ” unto HIM who is able to do things beyond our comprehension, through his spirit if it dwells in us,…”
    Unto HIM, will be glory in the church by Christ Jesus (This is the famous GOSPEL of which Jesus spoke incessantly) where the Saints of his church will join with Jesus (the first born) to become (be born again into) the glory of God’s family beyond the constraints of time (in a world without end).

    It has NOTHING to do with this shiite world of ours, which is on its last legs – however you look at it…. Our world is like an old lady who has had her days, but now aches and creaks with every step…
    Death will actually be a welcome release from the pain, sorrow, sadness and brass bowlery…

    In fact, the ONLY reason that ALL LIVING THINGS will escape total destruction… is that time itself will be cut short (ended) by divine intervention into the rampant brass bowlery…..
    Except those days be shortened, there would be no flesh left alive….

  13. @ GP
    Bushie never claimed to be any bible expert.
    If you bothered to read the whole chapter, you will note that Paul defines himself as a ‘prisoner of Christ’ and as “less than the least of all saints” ….. who was given the ‘dispensation of the grace of God”…..
    He was no bible scholar either, and probably knew not a shiite about exegesis…

    HOWEVER, his ass was captured and adopted by BBE and as he was explaining to the Ephesians, EMPOWERED by the holy spirit of GOD so that, “when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ
    Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.

    Paul was given a dispensation to distil knowledge previously UNREVEALED, and Bushie was given a whacker to root out the lotta brass bowlery infesting the damn place….

    Bushie is at a loss as to why you would think that BBE today is any different to the way he was back in Paul’s day …or Jonah’s …or even Noah’s…. and able and willing to enlist the use of brass bowls like Saul and Bushie to push his agenda….

  14. ephesians 3:14 et secq

    14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
    16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
    17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
    18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
    19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
    20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
    21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

    I have never heard or read such rubbish from anyone discussing this passage which is actually Paul’s second prayer for the Ephesians

  15. Actually Paul was a Bible Scholar
    As a member of the Sanhedrin he had to know the OT well
    The NT says he sat at the feet of Gamaliel
    His writings reveal his scholarship because he is always quoting the OT scriptures in his sermons.
    Two quick examples he cites Genesis 13 in his exposition in Hebrews 6.
    He cites Exodus 17 when in 1 Cor 10 he says this rock is Christ.

    He was always exegeting In fact he was a master at exegesis

  16. Paul of Tarsus?
    The first systematic theologian and writer of the Christian Church, has been the most influential teacher in the history of Christianity. He was the Christian Church’s apostle to the Gentiles.

    Paul lived in the closing days of the Second Jewish Commonwealth Paul was sent at an early age to Jerusalem to attend Bible school – He studied under Gamaliel, a famous rabbi, where he learned to write in both Greek and Hebrew, had a thorough knowledge of both the oral and the written Jewish law, and also learned of the traditional rabbinic method of scriptural interpretation and commentary –

    He also owed much to his training in the law and the prophets, utilizing this knowledge to convince his Jewish countrymen of the unity of past Old Testament prophecy and covenants with the fulfilling of these in Jesus Christ. His wide spectrum of experiences and education gave the “Apostle to the Gentiles the tools which he later would use to effectively spread the Gospel and to establish the church in the Roman Empire.

  17. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    I am not too sure where this debate about the end times is going. But I am sure that it cannot be resolved on the BU Blog. Any attempt to do so is an intellectual exercise in futility. So lets redline this one.

  18. @Bernard

    Isn’t there merit to engaging in an ‘intellectual exercise’ as you have described it?

  19. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    GP at10:53 & 11:08 PM.

    Very interesting intervention. And your approach to the matter is Pauline. But I do not think it is addressing the issues raised in the submission of Terrence Blackman. I said it was interesting in that Paul’s version of Christianity differed from Jame’s(the brother of Jesus?) Paul’s mission was to make Christianity acceptable to Rome/the gentiles. But that is a diversion.

  20. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    @ David @12:00

    I love intellectual exercises. But I am not too sure that they answer the bread and butter issues that most bloggers are interested in.

  21. @Bernard

    Fair enough but such an exercise facilitates the exchange of information, helps for the players involved to exercise reasoning skills and to share information. Even if it helps one person, it helps.

  22. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    Man lives in the here and now. Therefore the issues that he is experiencing ought to be addressed in the here and now. The past are for lessons. Looking too far into the future robs man of the pleasures of living now. Every day is and end time for some of us and the beginning for most of us.There is therefore no need to worry about the end of days. ” Sufficient for today is the evil there of.”

  23. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    @ David

    I will be guided by you .

  24. “Sargeant October 16, 2016 at 11:54 PM #

    The GOP office was firebombed? Sounds like an inside job or Giuliani was at the location and it was a case of spontaneous combustion.”

    Sounds more like a Clinton job Mr Sarge based on their antecedents. The Clintons remind me of the character who played the part of the outlaw Ike Clanton in the Wyatt Earp western movie ‘Tombstone’ who always survived confrontations instigated by him with the Earps while his henchmen were gunned down.

  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The government ministers keep taking the water shortage in 4 or 5 parishes for a joke, Barbados has 11 parishes..275,000 people…all can be wiped out within weeks of a cholera epidemic..,

    ….. remember Haiti, they lost about that amount in their cholera epidemic which was through no fault if their own…..but they got 40 million people, they can afford to lose 1/4 million….it’s up to yall to allow the goverment to play nasty politics with your water and your lives…they will nit take blame ir responsibility.

    I guess this one already got a buyer for BWA and awaiting his cut, was he not to the dude featured hundreds of times in the Panama Leaks Papers…just asking.

  26. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David October 18, 2016 at 12:00 re “Isn’t there merit to engaging in an ‘intellectual exercise’ as you have described it?”

    There is always time for exercising. In fact we need to do more of it – intellectually and physically. However, ideally to a purposeful end.

    Seems to me that eons ago the good Lord dismissed all the snobbish experts and exegesis (learned that word on BU, so all hail intellectual exercises) by selecting 12 fishermen to be his trusted spokesmen. He spoke in a way that allowed the average person to take from his Word what he or she interpreted best.

    Yet today we have persons who are the new leaders of the all powerful Sanhedrin lording over everyman/woman with a similar snobbish mentality of top down ‘I am the true diviner of the word you are an idiot’.

    An interesting dialectic of another old word “hypocrisy”.

    In’t this entire Christianity ting supposedly a personal matter to be devoid of all the highfalutin exacting analysis and snobbishness!

  27. @ Bernard
    Man lives in the here and now. Therefore the issues that he is experiencing ought to be addressed in the here and now.
    Fair enough. The reality of ‘here and now’ is one of serious chaos as detailed by Terence. It is one where the last ten years have almost consistently set records as ‘the hottest in recorded history’ and many of the last months have set records as ‘the hottest on record’.
    The financial situation is regularly compared to the darkest days leading to the great depression, and for multiple millions, life is worse than the darkest days of the great world war….with millions of refugees flooding the world…running from war and terror.
    The rich has gotten fewer and richer, and the poor has gotten poorer and more numerous.

    The age of antibiotics is coming to an end; the energy situation has become critical; the level of aggression has been ramped up; and it goes on…
    If that does not sent an unmistakable message to the common man in the street that is as impactful as Terence’s piece to the academic thinker, then one wonders what will….

    Clearly it is not an environment where there can be rational thoughts of ‘returning to the good old days’ of the 1980s…. at least not any more so than it makes sense for an 85 year old to dream of returning to his days as a top level athlete…..

    So on what should an old, experienced, ailing octogenarian be focusing at such a stage of life…?

  28. ”Commenting the ongoing siege of the Iraqi city, Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday: “As far as I know, the city is not fully encircled. I hope it’s because they simply couldn’t do it, not because they wouldn’t do it. But this corridor poses a risk that Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL] fighters could flee from Mosul and go to Syria.”

    “We will be evaluating the situation and take decisions of both political and military nature if this happens,” he added. “I hope the US-led coalition, which is actively engaged in the operation to take Mosul, will take it into account.”

  29. @ Dribbler
    In’t this entire Christianity ting supposedly a personal matter to be devoid of all the highfalutin exacting analysis and snobbishness!
    Good overall assessment.
    Even before Jesus dissed the ‘Sanhedrin exegeses experts’ for a dozen brass bowl fishermen, we have seen many great bible scholars mostly coming from the ordinary rank and file. In fact, very few came from the ‘educated elites’.
    As to the matter being ‘personal’, Paul HIMSELF consistently emphasised that any knowledge he had “was revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit”.

    He prayed ” that God “would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; and that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love – may be able to comprehend.

    It is silly and juvenile to be insisting on shiite scholarship as a means to understanding God’s word when Jesus himself prayed saying, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.”

    …unless of course these little children had to be Sanhedrin prodigies… LOL ha ha ha

  30. @Dee Word

    An intellectual exercise by definition is not purposeful?

  31. @ David
    An intellectual exercise by definition is not purposeful?
    Not necessarily….
    You ever heard of shiite talk? …or rum talk?
    Sweet as shiite Boss…. with nuff intellectual fluff, impressive verbosity and overwhelming flowery language… shiite boss!!, the men even pull guns on occasion…
    But all to no useful end…

    Check out our Parliament….. 🙂

  32. Yes Jesus did simplify those things concerning the law. However he also stated that he did not come to change law but for people to get a better understanding of law. Jesus often quote the prophets as an obsevation of those things which would come to pass Stating that the word would stand for ever even when all else has passed
    Never once did Jesus dissed the Word but infused the Word empathically with a duty and high respect quitung law and the prophets

  33. Wuhloss…..round and round the mulberry tree we go……..

    Bernard had a point this discussion will not get us anywhere and David,I cannot see what you expect BU members to learn,especially if the discussion is based on the christian or any religous mythology.

    Everything is finite……we just dont know when that time is.

  34. @ Vincent
    Everything is finite……we just dont know when that time is.
    You need to speak for yourself. …as in …”I don’t know what time it is”…

    What is there about you that suggests that your level of knowledge is representative of the rest of us Boss?

    Indeed, it appears that you don’t even know that sugar is sweet.
    You have no clue about any conceptualisation of life beyond the obvious …and instead of seeking to have your eyes opened (figurative language for looking BEYOND the five senses) you bury your year in the sand and profess that ‘all those seeking such knowledge are idiots’.

    Most may well be….. but the REAL idiot is the one who, having eyes to see and ears to hear, REFUSES to look or listen….

  35. Bush Tea October 18, 2016 at 8:48 AM #

    Chuckle……..Skippah…….explain to me how arguing over and over again the points made by a bunch of men looking up in the sky and dealing with burning bushes eons ago will give you an insight into the formation of the many universes,myriad planets and gazillion life forms in them of which us humanoids are only a miniscule part of……….oops I forgot your BBE has given you that knowledge.

    I am about seeking genuine knowledge not the baloney that you all keep arguing about and that knowledge cannot come from anything conceived by humanoids.

  36. Bernard Codrington. October 18, 2016 at 12:04 AM #
    GP at10:53 & 11:08 PM.

    Very interesting intervention. I said it was interesting in that Paul’s version of Christianity differed from Jame’s(the brother of Jesus?)


  37. Scoffers, the Second Coming, and Scripture (2 Peter 3:1-13)

    1 This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, 2 that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles.

    3 Know this first of all, that in the LAST DAYS MOCKERS will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.”

    5 For when they maintain this, it ESCAPES their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6 through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. 7 But the present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for FIRE, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

    8 But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

    10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. (This is the END of the present Evil World System, NOT the Entire Cosmos)

    11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, on account of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! 13 But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.

  38. de pedantic Dribbler October 18, 2016 at 6:34 AM #

    RE Seems to me that eons ago the good Lord dismissed all the snobbish experts and exegesis (learned that word on BU, so all hail intellectual exercises) by selecting 12 fishermen to be his trusted spokesmen. He spoke in a way that allowed the average person to take from his Word what he or she interpreted best.
    RE Yet today we have persons who are the new leaders of the all powerful Sanhedrin lording over everyman/woman with a similar snobbish mentality of top down ‘I am the true diviner of the word you are an idiot’.
    Who are the new leaders of the powerful Sanhedrin moron?
    RE In’t this entire Christianity ting supposedly a personal matter to be devoid of all the highfalutin exacting analysis and snobbishness!


    RE Even before Jesus dissed the ‘Sanhedrin exegeses experts’ for a dozen brass bowl fishermen,

    SEE DEUTERONOMY 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
    7And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
    8And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
    9And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.




    RE we have seen many great bible scholars mostly coming from the ordinary rank and file. In fact, very few came from the ‘educated elites’.





  39. @ Vincent
    I am about seeking genuine knowledge not the baloney that you all keep arguing about and that knowledge cannot come from anything conceived by humanoids.
    Boss…Your slip is showing …pull up your pants man.

    If you concede that “genuine knowledge cannot come from anything conceived by humanoids”, then why criticise Bushie, GP and Zoe for arguing about a book that has shown itself to be beyond anything else ever conceived by man?
    Does it not make sense – and strike you as interesting, that such a book could have generated so much controversial and varied debates (and even wars) over the millennia?
    Wuh that in itself should suggest something ‘beyond humanoid’ to you…

    At least GP and Zoe are prepared to explore and defend their exegeses and linguistic based approach to understanding that book’s message…. while you have closed off your mind to anything that cannot be processed by your five (half dead) senses… 🙂

    Now that GP and Zoe have reviewed Jesus’s prayer to his father to wit:“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Bushie feels sure that they will cease and desist from this reliance on their (admittedly impressive) wisdom and learning….

    What brilliant BBE engineering!! … to have made the ONLY really valuable thing in life freely available to everyone – independent of big brains, money, scholarship or status…
    Talk ’bout top-drawer design and building…..
    ha ha ha

  40. Reading is BS!

    Unless one can think critically!!!!!!!!!

  41. TEHRAN (FNA)- A long ISIL convoy was destroyed as the terrorists were fleeing from the city of Mosul to Raqqa, a military source said, adding that the border is under the full control of Syria, Iraq and Russia now.
    “The ISIL is left with not much option in case of trying to exit Mosul city because the Iraq-Syria border is being fully monitored and controlled by the two countries’ border guards and also the Russian air force,” a military source said.

    He noted that an ISIL military convoy that was escaping from Mosul to Raqqa in Syria was completely destroyed by the Iraqi fighter jets.

    “The destroyed ISIL convoy comprised of 30 military vehicles packed with Arab and foreign terrorists; all terrorists inside the vehicles were killed in the Iraqi airstrike,” the military source added.

    He reiterated that the Syrian and Russian military forces are in full control along Iraq-Syria border to prevent the ISIL’s escape from Mosul.

    “If the ISIL wants to exit Mosul and move towards the Syrian territories, it will be left with the option of facing the Syrian and Russian troops,” the source added.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Is that the same Vincent that wants us to brainwash ourselves with the crap concevied by giddy headed quaker John…

    That’s the only time John is not lucid, off his meds and living in the quaker period of 1600 something or other.

  43. @Pacha

    The Syria Iraq border is not porous?

  44. David

    Very, and its porousness has been part of the equations from the beginning.

  45. Pachamama October 18, 2016 at 10:14 AM #
    Reading is BS!

    Unless one can think critically!!!!!!!!!

    Mama, what are the First principles of right reasoning? How does one proceed to think critically? What is required to think critically?

  46. The Real Humanitarian Crisis is Not in Aleppo

    By Paul Craig Roberts
    October 17, 2016 “Information Clearing House” – Why do we hear only of the “humanitarian crisis in Aleppo” and not of the humanitarian crisis everywhere else in Syria where the evil that rules in Washington has unleashed its ISIL mercenaries to slaughter the Syrian people? Why do we not hear about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen where the US and its Saudi Arabian vassal are slaughtering Yemeni women and children? Why don’t we hear about the humanitarian crisis in Libya where Washington destroyed a country leaving chaos in its place? Why don’t we hear about the humanitarian crisis in Iraq, ongoing now for 13 years, or the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan now 15 years old?

    The answer is that the crisis in Aleppo is the crisis of Washington losing its ISIL mercenaries to the Syrian army and Russian air force. The jihadists sent by Obama and the killer bitch Hillary (“We came, we saw, he died”) to destroy Syria are being themselves destroyed. The Obama regime and the Western presstitutes are trying to save the jihadists by covering them in the blanket of “humanitarian crisis.”

    When we see Paul Craigg Roberts, a progressive conservative, a sometimes libertarian, sometimes apathetic to the concerns of peoples of colour, calling Hilary Rodham Clinton ‘the mate of a dog’ we know he has declared war.

    We now know with absolute certainty that hers to merely to deliver billions of dollars to her single child.

    She’s about nothing else!

  47. Bush Tea October 18, 2016 at 10:12 AM #


    All that you and those you have named discuss are the inventions of humanoids eons ago….what is so hard to understand.

    As an agnostic I am open to all possibilities.
    ….other than humanoid efforts to interpret the mystery.
    ….one thing I feel strongly on is that if it is ever unveiled it will be to all bar none.
    ….lastly I know that I do not know.

    Chuckle…..round and round we go……endless gyre of Yeats

  48. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    Re. your 2:03 pm post, It seemed that you omitted the real meat which was in the Information Clearing House article at the end of your post. You left out these juicy bits:

    The Real Humanitarian Crisis is Not in Aleppo

    By Paul Craig Roberts; October 17, 2016 “Information Clearing House” ……. clip …

    …Such hypocrisy is standard fare for Washington. If the Obama regime gave a hoot about “humanitarian crisis,” the Obama regime would not have orchestrated humanitarian crisis in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Yemen.

    We are in the middle of a presidential campaign in the US and no one has asked why the US is determined to overthrow a democratically elected Syrian government that is supported by the Syrian people.

    No one has asked why the White House Fool is empowered to remove the president of Syria by siccing US-supplied jihadists, which the presstitutes misrepresent as “moderate rebels,” on the Syrian people.

    Washington, of course, has no acceptable answer to the question, and that is why the question is not asked.

    The answer to the question is that Washington’s strategy for destabilizing Iran and then the Muslim provinces of the Russian Federation, former Soviet central Asia, and the Muslim province of China is to replace stable governments with the chaos of jihadism. Iraq, Libya, and Syria had stable secular societies in which the government’s strong hand was used to prevent sectarian strife between Muslim sects. By overthrowing these secular governments and the current effort to overthrow Assad, Washington released the chaos of terrorism.

    There was no terrorism in the Middle East until Washington brought it there with invasions, bombings, and torture.

    Jihadists such as those that Washington used to overthrow Gaddafi appeared in Syria when the British Parliament and the Russian government blocked Obama’s planned invasion of Syria. As Washington was prevented from directly attacking Syria, Washington used mercenaries. The prostitutes that pretend to be an American media obliged Washington with the propaganda that the jihadist terrorists are Syrian democrats rebelling against “the Assad dictatorship.” This transparant and blatant lie has been repeated so many times that it now is confused with truth.

    Syria has no connection whatsoever to Washington’s original justification for introducing violence into the Middle East. The original justification was 9/11 which was used to invade Afghanistan on the fabrication that the Taliban was shielding Osama bin Laden, the “mastermind,” who at the time was dying of renal failure in a Pakistani hospital. Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset who was used against the Soviets in Afghanistan. He was not the perpetrator of 9/11. And most certainly, neither were the Taliban.

    But the Western presstitutes covered up for the Bush regime’s lie, and the public was deceived with the phrase that we must “defeat them abroad before they attack us at home.”

    Of course, Muslims were not going to attack us at home. If Muslims are a threat, why does the US government keep bringing so many of them here as refugees from Washington’s wars against Muslims?

    9/11 was the neoconservatives “new Pearl Harbor” that they wrote they needed in order to launch their wars in the Middle East. George W. Bush’s first Secretary of the Treasury said that the topic of Bush’s first cabinet meeting was the invasion of Iraq. This was prior to 9/11. In other words, Washington’s wars in the Middle East were planned prior to 9/11.

    The neoconservatives are zionists. By reducing the Middle East to chaos they achieve both of their goals. They remove organized opposition to Israeli expansion, and they create jihadism that can be used to destabilize countries such as Russia, Iran, and China that are in the way of their exercise of unilateral power, which, they believe, the Soviet collapse bequeathed to the “indispensable nation,” the USA.

    Osama bin Laden, the alleged 9/11 mastermind, was dying, not directing a terror war against the US from a cave in Afghanistan. The Taliban were focused on establishing their rule in Afghanistan, not on attacking the West. After blowing up weddings, funerals, and childrens’ soccer games, Washington moved on to Iraq. There was no sign of Iraqi beligerance toward the US. UN weapons inspectors said that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but Washington did not hear. The whores who comprise the American media helped the Bush regime create the image of a nuclear mushroom cloud going up over America if the US did not invade Iraq.

    Iraq had no nuclear weapons and everyone knew it, but facts were irrelevant. There was an agenda at work, an undeclared agenda. To advance its agenda that the government did not dare reveal, the government used fear. “We have to kill them over there before they kill us over here.”

    So Iraq, a stable, progressive country was reduced to ruins.

    Libya was next. Gaddafi would not join Washington’s Africa Command. Moreover, China was developing the oil fields in eastern Libya. Washington was already troubled by Russia’s presence in the Mediterranean and did not want China there also. So Gaddafi had to go.

    Next Assad was set up with faked evidence that he had used chemical weapons against the rebellion that Washington had started. No one believed the transparant Washington lie, not even the British Parliament. Unable to find support to cover an invasion, Killary the Psychopath sent the jihadists Washington used to destroy Libya to overthrow Assad.

    The Russians, who until this point had been so naive and gullible as to trust Washington, finally figured out that the instability that Washington was brewing was directed at them. The Russian government decided that Syria was their red line and, at the request of the Syrian government, intervened against the Washington-supported jihadists.

    Washington is outraged and is now threatening to commit yet another criminal violation of the Nuremberg Standard with blatant aggression against Syria. Such an ill-advised step would bring Washington into military conflict with Russia and by implication with China. Before Europeans enable Washington to initiate such a dangerous conflict, they had best consider the warning from Sergey Karaganov, a member of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Policy and Defense council: “Russia will never again fight on its own territory. If NATO initiates an encroachment against a nuclear power like ourselves, NATO will be punished.”

    That the government of the United States is criminally insane should frighten every person on earth. Killary-Hillary is commited to conflict with Russia. Regardless, Obama, the presstitutes, and the Democratic and Republican establishments are doing everything in their power to put into the Oval Office the person who will maximize conflict with Russia.

    The life of the planet is in the hands of the criminally insane. This is the real humanitarian crisis.

    If Paul Craig Roberts is right. Heaven help us all! This viewpoint on the mid east situation demands examination on all sides.

  49. @ Vincent
    All that you and those you have named discuss are the inventions of humanoids eons ago….what is so hard to understand.
    Nothing hard to understand. You are largely correct.
    Bushie loves to discuss the shiite ‘inventions of humanoids’ such as the Trinity, the rapture and other ‘staples’ of what GP thinks are the ‘greatest bible scholars’ who sit around writing shiite concordances that they themselves do not understand and cannot logically explain – except to morons who need to have blind faith in their idiocy.

    It is why the whacker was needed.

    If you asked a Minister of Finance to explain the difference between 0.7 and 0.07, and it became clear that he was at a loss – would you then entertain him is debate about Gauss Seidel’s approach to solving multiple simultaneous equations….?
    Hell no!! Whacker in his donkey.

    The truth (like Mathematics) is an interesting phenomenon. It makes sense at the very basic level …and ALSO at the highly complex level. Like Mathematics, there is also ONLY ONE TRUTH….. no matter how many humanoid efforts exists that claim that title… So when ‘great scholars’ cannot explain why Jesus DELIBERATELY sought to mislead those who listened to his teachings, …or when they seek to defend the stupid trinity doctrine – that is so fundamentally flawed…. you KNOW it is not mathematics…

    But for you, rather than get all tied up with the rhetoric and dogma of the multitude of religions, it makes sense to seek out the source of everything for that truth. So your approach should not be to be ‘open to all possibilities’, … but to SEEK OUT the one and only truth.

    Also, how do you know that it was not already unveiled to ‘all bar none’…?
    Perhaps THAT is the part you may not know…

    It actually was …at at great sacrifice…. and THAT is the gospel.
    You would be a real fool to let such an opportunity pass you by ….because of a few egomaniacs…

  50. Bush Tea

    I applaud your steadfastness in support of a lost cause.

    We will remain on opposite sides in this discussion until such time as irrefutable evidence is provided and I do not mean rubbish about unverifyable people of eons ago.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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