The Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU) has called out members to a meeting tomorrow at 12.30PM.

Up to now Barbados Underground has avoided comment about the spitting incident by a pupil at the Ellerslie Secondary School in a direct way for several reasons we will not share at this time. The BU household along with civic minded Barbadians had anticipated swift intervention by actors in the education system to resolve, especially coming so soon after the ‘wrapper’ affair at the Springer Secondary School . Yet again we have to endure another case of indiscipline in the school system. To be expected the protagonists have drawn swords and the usual script will be followed and blood shed. As many commenters have observed in this forum, we appear to be lurching from one crisis to the other and as as a consequence the parents (public) have developed a mindset of resignation.

BU sides with President of the BSTU Mary Redman that the teacher bashing must stop. All professions have bad apples in the barrel. To throw the teaching profession under the bus because of a few ignorant ones does not make sense. We need to voice our concerns in a respectful manner. Should it surprise anyone if many of the most vociferous voices on the talk shows and others posting prolifically on social media have never attended a Parents Teachers Association meeting or know the name of the form teacher of their child? At the root of the problem in our schools is the failure of the key stakeholders to manage the school environment – the principal, teachers, parent and ministry of education. Those of us who are intimately aware of the conditions under which teachers have to teach; especially at the newer secondary schools, sympathize with the task they are confronted. The herculean task of maintaining discipline in several of these learning institutions is analogous to turning water into wine. In fact – and it is scary – the same observation can be made of several primary schools. Imagine a few students agreeing to damage the car of a teacher, the result a $11,000 repair bill.

There is a rising anti establishment sentiment taking root in Barbados that is threatening to dismantle all the gains accrued post Independence. The social discord currently being experienced in our school system will negatively affect our society for years to come. Why you ask? The indiscipline being played out in our schools today will be the adults of tomorrow. Connect the dots!

What is lacking in today’s Barbados is respect shown by Barbadians to fellow Barbadians. There was a time when children respected the elders to the point even if they felt wronged they exercised restraint and sought to resolve a grievance by adopting a civilized approach. We will never have a perfect system with humans involved. What has become evident to the BU household for some time is the rapid deterioration of parenting skills caused by a society that is in perpetual drift -become loose from its moorings. The rising problem of indiscipline in our schools -whether teacher on student or student on teacher- will only be solved when we tackle it together.

We like to copy the North American way.

159 responses to “Indiscipline Taking Root in the School System”

  1. This is what happens when you have insensitive and untrained people in top positions in Barbados.Both teachers unions must have reason to take this strong response to this latest issue affecting their membership.The public must be given the facts.Bajans will support what is fair and just.Bajans will not support violence in schools irrespective of its genesis.

  2. with the advent of social media these stories would be magnified, The truth of the matter is that these stories would become more frequent as media reels in on a need to be intrusive and expand and expound with an indifference to what is wrong and what is right
    No it is not the fault of the media for these stampede of indiscipline across the schools but a dereliction of duty of which makes for a pausing moment that is a reflection and a composite to make these stories ripe for the picking and larger than life

  3. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, your last point is my focus. If we did indeed like to ‘copy the North American [US] way’ we would also have adopted the private/public ‘charter schools’ concept; our newly wealthy professional athletes would be setting up foundations to operate educational facilities and not just setting up social clubs.

    Our top schools would have specialized emphasis on pursuits in technology, computerization, robotics and related fields.

    We already have the teacher –student sex practices copied well and also the fighting and teacher-student assaults.

    Getting the positives should be pursued with more vigour.

  4. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    These adults, ministry officials, professionals, parents and teachers have to come together, air the issues affecting students and teachers…and solve the problems.

    These problems have been ongoing before the Alexandra’s school fiasco…they were forced to fix that, but only after a waste of time and money, hope they get it right, this time.


    Well Mary it looks like you were quite contrary,so we will await your next move,disrupting the school system tomorrow for a meeting,a lame attempt to save face after making yourself look like a jackass on Brasstacks when Peter Wickham failed to support your folly in criticizing the MOE,You need to spend some time in the classroom,maybe you will get a better understanding as to why the children behave the way they do,and by the way being a bully is not something that is condoned at any level i also think it is time for you to retire from the teaching system you are only contributing to it’s demise.

  6. what Mary Redman is stating in reference to teacher bashing is irrelevant,,, as a negative perception has already been manifested and perfected by the many other horror stories which have been told true or untrue about teachers which have already created a snowball effects and toss into the public arena as fair play
    Her role therefore becomes more challenging and requires proper navigation which at times might require her to remove her Union hat and toss away her swashbuckling sword and remain neutral yet confidant relying on self disciplined with words which will calm and restore respectability towards her peers .

  7. Lawwrence james Bauer Avatar
    Lawwrence james Bauer

    This is a universal problem in all of Western society, not just Barbados.

    If students in school can commit unlimited acts that would be crimes in general society — and face NO consequences — is it any wonder that teachers, administrators and principals eventually do the same?

    We are Doomed.

    Got it?

  8. There was a time if you went home and told your parents that you received a “cut ass” from the teacher at school you were assured of another “cut ass” at home. If the same happened today the parents would likely pick up a cudgel and some gasoline and head for the school- the cudgel to share some blows and the gasoline to burn the school down.


    Sargeant there was a time when we frowned on homosexuality too,actually we had and still do have a name for them and almost everyone knew that sh…t was wrong but today if you dare criticize them boy, you are seen as what they call it ,oh yes homophobic.See how things have really changed.

  10. Guess what happens when bad behviour is rewarded?

  11. @ Lawwrence james Bauer April 21, 2016 at 10:46 PM
    We are Doomed.

    Wuh even the ever optimistic David (BU) must, by now, have come to that OBVIOUS conclusion…. 🙂

    Anyhow – Speak fuh wunna selves bout the ‘doomed’ view…
    Not stinking Bushie…
    Fuh years now the Bushman has been praying … ‘ …Thy kingdom come’
    ..and at last um coming….

    doomed shiite!!! ..these are just the pains of pregnancy that comes before a beautiful birth…
    …ask Donna

  12. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    If the sore is ignored, does anyone expect that it would not get worse? A careful look at Barbados tells a tale of a society that for a long time is ruled large and in part by indiscipline, disrespect for law and order and spiraling out of control home environments. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, to keep the large percentage of struggling and under pressure Barbadians distracted. There is just this constant: constant disputes, constant political wranglings and controversial matters, constant high cost of living, constant family struggles, constant cries for relief, constant poor service cries, constant governmental red tapes, constant lack of proper standards, constant cry for enforcement of laws and on and on. You have too many important elements that helps keep a society together just constantly neglected and paid very little attention to. I would think that with those ingredients now feeding into Barbados’ social grid, the inevitable is simply what we are seeing happening today. We are reaping what we have sowed.

  13. IF we lose our ability to maintain order in Barbados, like some of the other islands have done, then it is down hill. What do we expect when our young people observe a speaker of the House of Assembly given a pass after withholding money from an old man. MPs shouting expletives on public TV, promises given and not kept by leaders. We have the stakeholders in education cant agree on anything. Today the BSTU will list their concerns as per usual whether SBA payment issue, St. Lucy School, Ellerlie and the many others. The beat goes on. If many of the parents were teachers they would have the same concerns the teachers have been expressing. We are a selfish unsympathetic lot.

  14. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster , your remarks on the state of current student affairs causes many of us like @Sargeant to reflect and compare with our days in school. But how we as adults react in this youth dominated modern milieu of social media is a more interesting comparison…as are your examples above.

    Do we act with manners and decency on forums and chat sites…or put another way do we virtually pick up the wrapper when it’s carelessly discarded by another or act with decorum when the virtual teacher instructs us to settle down. I think not.

    Of course, we are comparing adults and minors and there is a wide span over which one has to traverse the fact that the minor is expected to be ‘obedient’ to the adult (teacher) whereas one adult has no such obligation to another.

    Yet we must accept that adults are expected to behave towards each other within established social rules and norms…thus when we make the comparison in that sense we realize quite clearly that our behaviours are absolutely worst that the children.

    Based on the vitriol, lack of basic reasoning, toady verbiage and all-around unmannerly spewing by many of us across the social media landscape we would be considerably worst in schools today. Much WORST!

    And that is even with the bold face names of the past being in charge!

    A quick glance @Col Buggy’s comment re “homophobic” in that yesteryear context. It was always wrong to call someone a ‘bull**’ or ‘fag’. It’s really no more homophobic today that it was yesterday…it’s was always just crass and puerile. And yes we all did it…until we matured…some of us, anyhow!

    Obviously our behaviours reflect those of our students, and theirs reflect ours. How can we fix theirs and ours are still so putrid…

    As a net entrepreneur you are aware that many news media sites now either prevent comments completely or closely moderate them. Not to stifle opinion but to stop the vile, inane and stupid things adults say which they think is acceptable as opinion.

    So enter Mr Bush Tea ‘doomed’ prophecy; it brooks no dissent if we continue this circle …

  15. i bet that those children who have manifest bad attitudes or disrespect often does not pay attention to civic matters mostly likely there interest lies in the abnormalities of social media and other offensive forms of entertainment that helps to breed an indiscipline culture and which becomes part of their/immoral code
    In any event the p[parents guideline is there as a preventive measure to guide and direct the child from what is wrong, Unfortunately many children are left to make those decisions as the once sacredness family unit has been disturb beyond repair resulting with many homes headed by a one single parent who are struggling to make ends meet having little or no time to proper child rearing

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    If adults cannot settle simple issues, SBA Assessments and wheather they should be paid or regular duties apply, Alexander affair, 8 years, Springer wrapper affair, months, government cannt bring a resolution to anything, cannot fix old buildings, cannot manage taxpayer funded entities, cannot enforce laws re corruption on their friends, fellow ministers business people, cannot close strip clubs and shut down human trafficking, cannot arrest rapists amd pedophiles and in the cases of dead children…murderers.

    What does anyone think the island’s children and young folk will do and they see all of this happening, you are getting a manifestation of the actions of the adults revealing itself in the nation’s children…the adults, the adults are the problem, they need to fix themselves first.

  17. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Exactly!!! You have what I will term polished hypocrisy and pretty up double standards. It’s like they are saying some behaviours are above reproof while all others must operate below it. How can young impressionable minds not be influenced by the decadence currently affecting the society when its role models are not exercising prudence or discretion in their behaviours. The Carrington issue is one of them, but what is more damning than that is that the leader of a country has no problem whatsoever condoning the Carrington act and calling it by a nicely articulated name.

  18. The script has started. The MoE calls it a strike, the unions call it a meeting.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I will now break it down just in case some are having problems with who I am referring to. In the last 30 years both governments DLP, BLP, have reduced the island to a lawless society, the adults followed their leaders into lawlessness, because only certain people get locked up in Barbados, therefore the children are following, generation, after generation the adults and leaders into lawlessness.

    The police cannot stop a minister’s wife for a traffic infraction, he gets angry…just imagine him as Prime Minister.

    So many lawyers have no boundaries and break laws as they like, so many politicians are lawyers, with no boundaries.

    The children see all of this because it’s mixed messages being sent…you cant do as you like, they are hearing, but we can.

    The rot started at the top of the society, in parliament and oozed down, over a period of 30 years.

    So when ya’ll assigning blame, place it directly where it belongs.

    The children are the extended problem of the adults, who are the real problem.

  20. No, Mr. Dribbler. WE didn’t ALL do it. I never liked calling people names who never called me a name. I never disrespected homosexuals even though I am still struggling with being comfortable with homosexuality. I’m getting there though.

    Judging from what I am seeing worldwide I do not believe we are doomed. I think some people are finally waking up. There will be great disturbance as the powers that be (including all exclusive authoritarians) are forced to change their ways. Dinosaurs will become extinct – AGAIN. Yes, Bushie you have figured me out. Now figure yourself out!

  21. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    @ the intelligent AC

    Though your comment has some merit, social media is just a single genesis out of a number of other reasons. To blame it so early in its evolution is to overlook the fact that its misuse and abuse was brought about by a generation already rooted in deviance and grounded in defiance. Therefore, one must look back at the several root causes to make sense of the reasons for today.

    What we are seeing now was never to happen after we grounded our path in the belief that educating our people’s minds would be the key to developing a stable society and one that could contribute to its growth. After all we have several relatively ‘stable’ societies that can attest to that fact. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that formula accept to say that it appears to have failed somewhat.

    Where we have failed, in my honest opinion, is that there has never been any great embark to provide holistic mechanisms that could foster the interests of family towards a collective harnessing of proper family values and strengthening of relationship ties.

    After the educational experiment produced the academics we wanted, what obtained thereafter? Colourism has never changed. The job market remained tied to who you know and what loyalty you are willing to bring. And, the majority of businesses that provides for the job market, outside of the public sector sector, are mostly foreign owned.

    It makes no sense going into the unfair work practices of these establishments because the stories are already known. A country must cater to labour diligently on a meticulous path of development while keeping abreast with the social dynamics of its changing environment and growing society.

    Where in our current model have Barbados shown the gumption of doing that. Environments of comfort even if they are controled by some other entity must have the regulatory controls to ensure constraints are fixed and comforts afforded.

    The sacred family unit is at risk because it has been left to itself. Now that it’s imploding, the reasons for fixing it is a mad scramble to find solutions while at the same time resorting to that human trait and inclination, which is to cast blame.

    David Thompson was right when he said Barbados is more than a economy, it is society, however, where he erred is that in order to have a strong society you must build a robust economy. People need a environment of economic stability, social services, generated commercial activity, a vibrant job market and meaningful activity to keep them happy. We have miserably neglected that objective.

  22. Well Well,

    And these people who have started the slide were all raised under the BIG STICK mentality that unfaired children at home and at school. How has that worked for us? It has taught us that when we get our hands on some authority it is OUR TURN to wield the BIG STICK. Check it out! Don’t they treat us just like children? Don’t they know what’s best for us? Aren’t we to accept their lies and bad behaviour without question? Aren’t we threatened and verbally abused when we dare to challenge? Aren’t we supposed to know our place and keep out of “big people things?” Aren’t we supposed to do as they say and not as they do?

    But what is the prescription being touted by BU’s sages? Why more of the big stick and unfairness and unchallenged authority in schools! And this to the end of teaching them subjects they do not need to know according to the same sages! What do they need to be taught? Why to think critically and to solve problems! That’s what the BU sages say! That is as long as they don’t critically analyze the bad teacher and attempt to solve that problem!

    Yeah, Pieces. Amazing ability to see past my ideas that Bushie has!

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yeah Donna, the Bushman can enlighten us on why under the BIG STICK, do as I say mentality, that generation who benefited have no problem solving skills and continue to wield the big stick instead.

    They are very adept at creating chaos and confusion, but cannot fix anything, only skilled at weilding big stick….you nailed it to the wall, the Bushman has phenomenal analytical skills, he should be able to tell us why big stick weilding post slavery has evolved into chaos.

  24. Did we not anticipate the consequences of a MoE criticizing teachers in the presence of students, principals doing same? How many times we have heard the refrain that government ministers should not publicly criticize public servants. How many times meetings have been requested by stakeholders in education, promises made for nought? And we agonize about the deviance ce we are witnessing?

  25. SSS,

    You are really getting serious girl! Maybe that Moses might turn out to be Mosette and drive Bushie and Chad to their graves.

  26. The problems being manifested in the school system is just one of many warts caused by a society in drift or adrift. It is akin to the Dutch boy using his ten fingers and then some to stop the holes appearing in the dyke. After we accept that we have a systemic problem that requires a multi prong approach then we will be able to have a constructive engagement.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Mary Redman is shutting down the schools for a meeting…just to show she can, that meeting could have been held after school. Children by the thousands will be idle, running the streets with nothing to do for hours, I am sure that never entered her narcissistic mind….the adults are the probem.

    You have to pick your battles carefully.

  28. Multi prong approach starts within the entire family unit beginning at childhood where the seeds of morality must be planted fertilise and finally cultivated. Not in the adults years when influences of any type can negotiate direct and dictate the vulnerable and unsuspecting mind

  29. @ Well Well
    Mary Redman is shutting down the schools for a meeting…just to show she can,
    But if the whole country is being run by idiots of brass, …on what basis are you requiring that Ms Redman be ‘wise and considerate’?

    Has it crossed your mind that, were she to be a wise and practical person- who actually was a productive teacher …that cared about teaching and about children …she would NEVER be in the position that she is in…

    Rest assured that when she eventually goes, she will be replaced by someone who is likely to be even more disruptive and argumentative… It is the way that we have chosen…

  30. @ Donna
    Maybe that Moses might turn out to be Mosette and drive Bushie and Chad to their graves.
    …so you REALLY wish that for Chad and Bushie …
    ..just for having a different view…?

  31. There is evidence to support the BSTU need to strong-arm the ministry. The minister and ministry have a poor track record in this regard. By ministers Lashley and Inniss’ admission this extends to government.

  32. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Donna, with respect but yes we ‘ALL’ did and yes we are’DOOMED’. Those terms reflect the collective will in general terms Clearly and obviously individuals did not. But as a society it is pervasive.=========

    No one can dispute the various comments above from @SSS and the Blogmaster. The remarks by Donna re “…the BIG STICK mentality that unfaired children at home and at school” to me is misguided….Children are minors and by the very nature of age and maturity are ‘unfaired’. This concept that children’s rights are preeminent is a psychological mindset that completely dismisses the commonsense of life and becomes an endless argument that gets us no where.

    Clearly children/minors must be treated with respect and allowed to express their potential where appropriate. But to reasonably demand that they respectfully remain subordinate to the direction of a mature and rational adult is ABSOLUTELY right.

    I remain confused by all the wonderful commentary which does not accept that our society has changed COMPLETELY.

    —- At what stage of our previous life did we have dons running a village with endless money from drug tracking…

    —- When did a fisherman go down to the secluded cove before dawn to see if any high-powered engines could be salvaged from abandoned catamarans or skiffs…

    —- How often growing up did we encounter bodies riddled with bullets in the village at fore-day morning or shots fired when the society girls and guys went to a house fete in Rendezvous or wherever and me and everybody else went to the Liberty or to ‘Tall-Boys Jam’ …

    And in all instances not a fella know one damn thing to help solve the case!

    How can we expect to manage a youth – as a minor – who lives this stuff daily and is also exposed to the wall-to-wall stuff on the internet….with these mindless MoE-Teacher Union games every time there is an incident?

    It’s death on the streets and byways of the country and we condemn the kids in school as if those kids are not the product of each of us. We cannot sustain this level of absent leadership.

    We have failed as parents and leaders.

    Back in late 70s I was fortunate enough to travel to Europe. I was shocked by the number of women I saw at the time who smoked and particularly those who were pregnant who were smoking … Being as opinionated then as now I thought the best way to save children from some adults was to mandate sterilization. Many men and women should simply have their baby making option ‘turned off’. Absolutely insane and impossible of course but then so is all of the mayhem surrounding us now too.

    More realistically a small nation like Barbados must enforce law and order and ensure that fathers and mothers govern their children properly (there are ways)…none of that is happening.

    Thus the underlying drug and decadent sex culture hurtles us to ‘doom’. What is taking place in the school is the youthful symptom of that predicament and a clear sign for us adults of the problem.

  33. Mary Redman is doing the teaching service is dis-service by her antagonist approach to issues affecting the service.Almost at the beginning of every school term,Miss Redman and her union are always threatening some form of industrial action.
    How can Mary Redman and her union as well as the other teacher union gain the support of Barbadians when their actions seem more disruptive rather than finding solutions to issues.
    It seems to me that so-called adult Barbadians have the opinion that the feelings of our children do not matter.The foolish notion that children must be seen and not heard is utter rubbish that has no place in any modern society.Children are human being with emotions & feelings and they have a right to express those emotions & feelings.
    Many adult Barbadians still operate with the old colonial mentality that we must be submissive and fearful of persons we consider our superiors.
    In the workforce some unwise,incompetent square pegs in round holes supervisors and managers believe that driving fear and forcing workers to be submissive are the ideal ways of getting workers to perform their duties.That approach creates nothing but resentment and its effects.The same is happening in our school system with a similar approach being adopted by teachers and management of schools.
    None of us adults like to be insulted,belittle or treated in a submissive manner ,why should our children endured the same from adults?

  34. Mr. Dribbler,

    “But to REASONABLY demand that they respectfully remain subordinate to the direction of a MATURE and RATIONAL adult is ABSOLUTELY right!” Perfect!

    So we really aren’t arguing at all, are we?

  35. No, Bushie. I would not wish it but I couldn’t stop it from happening, could I? Especially If I turn out to be Mosette’s Aaronette!

  36. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    We have all admitted that Barbados is in a spot of trouble. It is going to take more than just typing our concerns to combat the root of it. That is root is very deep with many extended branches and intertwining ends. The deal with it you have to hit at its core. No elected official representing Barbados should be made to feel that they are above the law. No elected official should be made to believe that they can say anything and get away with it. No elected official should be directly involve in major financial decisions without a supervisory mechanism in place to weed out corruption. Imagine you have confessed cases that exposes the relationship between the business and public sector and a Attorney General can conclude that it is not necessary or a priority of their administration to enact anti-corruption legislation or accountability regulations at this time. That, alone, is a cause for concern amongst some of the many other obvious things that makes this DLP administration one of the most dangerous and one of the most talked about. You are also disrespected by the mouthiness of a set of very arrogant ministers who think that being a minister means untouchable. No, No, No, this nonsense has to stop. It’s percolating from them and affecting the society negatively. That is why all that they have done, and all that they are currently doing, must be protested in whatever form works. If we do nothing we will continue to fall for everything. If the head is bad then the entire body will be plunged into chaos. We got some serious bad heads operating right now.

  37. Do not say it cannot happen here. In fact it has stared.

    Teachers, students were living in fear

    Kalifa Clyne


    Wednesday, February 24, 2016

    Minister of Education Anthony Garcia looks at a student’s head that was damaged by another student from the Chaguanas North Secondary School in an incident last Monday. The Minister toured the school yesterday. PHOTO: MARCUS GONZALES

    Less than a week after police were alerted to a planned gun attack at the Chaguanas North Secondary School, 24 students have been “removed” from classes there.

    Some of the 24 reportedly hold criminal records and others are currently before the courts on criminal charges.

    Education Minister Anthony Garcia made the announcement to the media yesterday following a tour of the school.

    He said the students have not been suspended or expelled but simply removed. A team at the ministry spent yesterday afternoon deliberating on what to do next with the students during a rehabilitation process.

  38. As the story is being told in the media there is growing trend of thought or suspicion that the teacher exhibited a dire lack of management skill in her attempt to chastize the child.
    In the return the child response was to react in an agressive manner towards the teacher
    Given that there are two sides to a story.There is still enough evidence in the story which cannot be ignored or over looked to indicate that the tone and rhetoric which was used by both teacher and student lead to an escalation of uncontrollable tempers and therefore should be the basis upon which fairness should be adopted with an inclination for the teacher and student to be disciplined

  39. Would have been interesting to see a comment on the short video in the posting. If that was a teacher, then it is very poor example of what a teacher or a human being should be. With these poor role models, how can we expect our youth to be any different from how they are. You can preach and teach at home but children knows bad manners and hypocrisy when it is displayed.

    The difference between children and adults are the adults are more money hungry, the children show their bad behavior by showing a lack a respect to those in authority; give them time and they will become money hungry also, will be respectful and will steal and lie on the sly just like the leaders are doing.

    The females WW&C. Donna and SSS have a great grasp of the situation.

  40. what most seems not to understand is there is a geo sociological war between the two cultures ,
    The baby boomers who have children and was governed by a system of fear believed to be good discipline have made an iron clad mental note that the type of fear instilled in them by adult heavy handiness called discipline is not going to happen to their children and has taught their children that if it means fighting against older principles at the cost of disrespect it does not matter
    hence we are now living in a new age were words are being realigned to make room for a new generation,,, and the adults who still hold fast to those principles taught as being good indicators for discipline would be caught in the cross hairs of a culture war a war that is defined to uproot old principles and replaced them with a new set of rules that are even handed and which support tolerance and humanity.
    the school system would be forever caught up in these sociological wars until it comes to the realization the business of doing things the ole way is being kicked out the old school door head first

  41. Not at the cost of disrespect necessarily. One can protest with all due respect.

  42. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    AC, that is absolutely not correct @ 9:07. Or rather I should say that is absolutely not correct if you were raised in an environment where there were some modicum of appreciation for right and wrong.

    With respect to you and any other parent who advises their child in that way, you absolutely are definitely a part of the problem..if not the cause of it as I alluded to earlier today.

    I would never advise my son or daughter anything remotely related to: “… if it means fighting against older principles at the cost of disrespect it does not matter”.

    Certainly I have advised them that their teacher need to speak to them appropriately and they need to advise me asap if there are any instances of verbal or physical matters about which they are concerned. From there I or their mum will pick up and deal with any problem.

    Not the CHILD, AC not that MINOR.

    I have repeatedly told them they need to respect adults at the school or at camp etc. And I have from an early age also stressed to them the dangers of what adults can do to harm them.

    I would never advise any child that they have a right to disrespect a teacher. Never.

    Please note.

    –1 Most teachers are trained in modern pedagogy. Whether they use the skills is debatable but regardless I doubt that there are old school, hard lined disciplinarian teachers still in the service.`

    –2 Yes this is a new age but the old problems still remain. The key one being maladjusted parents who are playing parent when they should not be within a 100 miles of the word far less being one…Like your complicit remark above there are the same ones who went into the school years ago and behaved bad.

    Today they are the same ones like you causing your ‘culture war’.

  43. Not only in our schools, Indiscipline has taken root in ever nook and cranny in Barbados. This is the result of the authorities turning a blind eye to these blatant erosions of law and order. Recently we heard the Minister of Transport promising to come down hard on the Public Service Vehicle Drivers, less those of the Transport Board. While the country was so busy focusing on the ZR Vans the other types of motorists have morphed into a highway animal more dangerous that the ZR driver. But what can we expect when examples and reports have shown that our illustrious leaders in parliament, have also been bitten by the ZR bug.

  44. The teachers’ union are demanding that the student accused of attacking a teacher at the Ellerslie school be expelled. The BUT president is reported to have observed that the child in question has “behavioral problems” and must be expelled from Ellerslie and sent to another school or some other institution that can deal with the child and its behavioral problems.

    Can the president of the BUT please identify the “other school or the some other institution”? Can a child be sent to the Government Industrial School before a judicial review is done? Can a judicial review be done if no official complaint / charge is made?

    The BUT president is also demanding a meeting with the Minister of Education on Wednesday next week. Should that not occur, the BUT president threatens that teachers will not report for work on Friday and will remain at home until the Minister agrees to meet with them. The BUT president also notes that the BUT is not engaging in industrial action and that there is “no dispute with the Ministry on anything significant enough to cause a dispute at this time.”

    It really does seem that “indiscipline has taken root in the classroom”.

  45. dribbler i am not one to condone disrespect or rudeness or unmannerly behavior, However one must also be realistic and understand that there are the laws in place which dictates the rights of a child
    Yes i agree that the childs actions were a necessary cause for harsh discipline measures to take place but there is also the area of how the teachers actions might have encouraged or escalated the problem which then takes us on the path of child’s right to be respected,,,In Reflection the school system of years gone by did not have to interact or rely on guidelines administrated under human rights laws so in effect children were to be seen and not heard
    Whether society wants to agree or not there is strong advocacy that stands firm on equality laid bare on ALL humans right with respect to children and adults alike
    Apparently what is happening in the school system is that parents and children alike have taken with all seriousness under childs right laws that teachers can no longer use any form of discipline which they perceive as insulting or can cause harm that is in violation of a childs right
    In the meanwhile the School System is caught between the old method of doing things while the new generation hold fast that the old method does not carry weight and in the midst of all this confusion and upheaval a cultural war has emerged with both sides becoming more aggressive and resilient .
    The solution then becomes challenging as both sides takes claim to being correct in their methods , However what eventually transpires is a slow moving river of stagnation taking root which makes meeting of the minds explosive when all it takes is for stake holders to analysis the roots causes relying heavily on respect due from both sides with quick activation in the school system

  46. @Piing Pong

    The script is being followed as suggested by BU. All reactive with the political dead flies leveraging to advantage. People are fed up!

  47. Mary Redman must also understand that her running back and forth with issues of teacher pupil conflict to the media makes her appear unprofessional and confrontational against a backdrop of negative perceptions level against her as an agitator
    Having said the above i must however agree with Mrs, Redman that the teachers responsibilities have become very challenging with teachers having to deal with children who demonstrate mental health issues which many teachers are presently ill equipped or professionally unprepared to deal with
    Her call for special schools to be put in placed to deal with those children is a much warranted and necessary approach
    However the cost for implementation is real a cost which taxpayers would eventually have to burden and one which by all accounts would be talk about and quickly forgotten opting to seek other solutions that would be a band aid approach until frustrations and continuing violence rears the ugly head over and over again

  48. David


  49. @ David
    People are fed up because what we have here is an exercise in ignorance.
    Our education system is so completely out of synch with common sense that nothing about it can now be expected to add up.

    We are spending 400+ million dollars each and every year going through a ritual that has been producing piss poor results; continuous chaos; declining national performance; increasing conflict; and ever increasing costs….. and NO ONE seems to have any ideas …except to continue to do the same thing harder…

    That is called MADNESS…
    …and madness leads to chaos and lots of fed-up people.

    Reading the BU blog and other public discussions on the issues only serves to demonstrate that it is not only the leaders who are clueless, ….so are practically all of the contributors…

    Unless we understand the ROLE, the goal, and the import of education, then our attempts to analyze and to improve the system will be nothing but arbitrary guesswork ….which is what we have had now for decades ..since the 60’s when a sensible ‘first-step’ was taken in putting together a national education system in Barbados.

    Everything since then has been blind, hit-or-miss idiocy…

  50. @Bush Tea

    Can’t disagree with you. Just look at the JAs blaming Redman and the BUT led by Shepherd – the larger union – has joined the action as well.

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