
Th historically passive Bajan continues to explore non violent tactics to express disapproval to the myriad of concerns prevailing our once small proud country. With the emergence of technology and along with it the exponential growth of social media, two BU regulars have come up with the idea to create posters to graphically detail our concerns and to use social media as a vehicle to communicate those concerns.

Here are a few posters which have been created so far by Sunshine Sunny Shine and pieceuhderockyeahright and one other. BU posted a couple to Twitter under the hashtag #bajanswantchange. All creative Barbadians are encouraged to create posters and post to social media platforms using the hashtag #bajanswantchange or any other which resonates with the theme. What should be the motivation? A functional democracy calls for all citizens to participate 24/7. Once every five years is disengagement by any definition.

#bajanswantchange @budavid

1,185 responses to “Poster Offensive Launched, #bajanswantchange”

  1. Nice on the eye, easy message. Will get it out on the other social platforms.

  2. @ Piece,

    With the carnival season fast approaching you should be getting these shirts printed up. You should waiver any copyright fees.

    It’s good to know that you’re back

  3. Honourable Blogmaster,

    Just updating the Poster Offensive Registry

  4. You have been a busy camper. Will log them on Twitter under the hashtag #bajanswantchange. Hope to see others adding to the poster inventory for a time coming soon.

  5. @ Exclaimer

    Much appreciation to you as well

    @ The Blogmaster

    In one of the scenes in Batman the Joker mentions “wait until they get a load of me’

    It is one thing to do these posters, it does not take much effort, after all the material that these dufuses provide is so prolific that you have to constrain yourself and NOT produce anything.

    The real campaign materials ARE YET TO COME.

    This is the child’s play and we have not yet begun to fight.

    If they think that this poster material is just a simple ole man doing a likkle ting and that they do not need to worry, nor pay me what is mine, wait until the get a load of phase two of “NOT ONE EFFING SEAT”

    So we will continue trucking on Blogmaster, “you in your small corner and I in mine”

  6. @ My Susanne SSS

    I apologize profusely to you dear one.

    I did not mean to leave and then, not even provide some idea of my status, to you.

    I therefore send you my profoundest “beggings” and plead your forgiveness, t’was not intended nor intentional.

    I saw a few citizens of this realm pass from this sphere during the past 2 weeks to a place of “permanent citizenship” elsewhere and I was ‘occupied” in the attendant aftermath and maelstrom, which comes with these happenings, much more humbled by the Grim Reaper.

    Many say that Death “does not announces its exact moment”, but i will tell you this, while you will not know the exact moment of your “flight”, when that moment comes while those around you do not know, you most assuredly do.

    Not all spirits croon “Softly I will leave you softly, long before you miss me , long before your arms can bege me stay…” like Elvis Presley for some it is bliss, and others scream, but then, once the silver chord is severed, this ceases, and then the other being begins.

    Am I forgiven?

  7. If these posters do not figure prominently in the upcoming march then we are marching with our tails between our legs.

  8. @ Balance,

    You remind me of a “handler” who once cautioned that “your must wreak such carnage on the first attack that the enemy, or what was left of them, would think ten times before they came again.”

    You are in the Zone.

    You understand the psychology of the impact on the minds of the sheeple of Barbados, that tomorrow MUSH HAVE, not the intelligencia who going come on BU and polemicize.

    Even if Mia used some money from *** to pay denizens from BUH Hall or Bush Hill, tomorrow must be a frightening spectacle where all bajans would see how many peope are disgruntled.

    THat is waht white Barbados and all of those of her so called supporters should pay for.

    If you want Fumble and his Band of IMPS Gone, He, and THE WORLD, MUST SEE IT.

    I would have busloads rather truckloads (Michael Lashley ent going give wunna no bus) turning up there and every single TV channel in the Caribbean should be there too.


    This is carnage in the minds of your enemies and cementing in the minds of your friends the SOB that you are and the lengths that you will go to to protect what is yours.

    And make no bones about this, Fumble an his crew are enemies of Barbados sent by their master the devil to destroy us, this country of BIM.

    These are evil perverse men who care nothing for this country, the very worst lot that we have ever had.

    But concurrent with this assault on our country by these scion of the devil what we have is a lukewarm BLP that is afraid, and “it has right to be” because with Wiretapping and other indiscretions on its hands, they have to tread softly, else their dirty linen is going to get aired.

    We are truly “EFFED”

  9. Sorry but you gotta read this. Trudeau is a bad john. lol


  10. Honourable Blogmaster

    I have long past 100 of these posters.

    There is however a few considerations I am mindful of

    The first is “viewer fatigue”

    Having PieceuhdeRockyeahRight on the right side of the blog all day long will, in addition to getting me fondly called PieceohShyt* by Sam and colleagues, will as Sam pointed out be too much or poster overkill akin to young Kiki’s tune for every subject.

    The Second is “Dual Posting”

    While I will post an item in its “substantive” article then, I do not wish to seem in such megalomaniac mode, and so caught up wth self, to go and post said item again.

    Unbelievably, I too am humble, irrespective of my language in these blogs, and see what I do here only as such should serve my Lord in doing what is right, (not what see etch right) and thereafter rendering vocal? Service to nation.

    Grateful if you could suggest an alternative because none know better that you the extent to which your Poster Offensive wukking and the macro offensive of Barbados Underground got dem fellahs drafting additional Data Usage Bills and Laws

    You may think twice about you Marijuana article thought because I can see Adriel Nitwit contriving charges against you and sending police to the place of your business saying that said article de facto sought to “cultivate” a culture of the illegal cultivation of marijuana in and among the population of Barbados making you in fact a Drug Lord ergo permitting DPP Charles Leacock the right to issue a warrant for your arrest.

    In fact, since you also have the Malcolm X article featured, I can see that the ensuing use of force to beat you would be based on the “by any means necessary” exhortation attributed to brother Malcolm (Pachamama you may also want to get counsel since you wrote the article and Amused, since he advocated that I use the wacky tabaccy will also be arrested too),l

  11. @ pieceuhderockyeahright ,

    Marijuana will become “legal” in Barbados…..sooner or later.

    The AG is probably more interested in how the government can benefit from this new “growth” industry.

  12. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    pieceuhderockyeahright May 24, 2016 at 9:25 AM #
    Honourable Blogmaster

    I have long past 100 of these posters.

    There is however a few considerations I am mindful of

    The first is “viewer fatigue”



    this type of effort and ingenuity should not go to waste

    more use ought to be made of it some how some way or other

  13. @ GP

    you are a man after my heart.

    “Can they be printed and displayed in Bridgetown?”

    Imagine the campaign of Bajans want Change going into 2nd gear?

    Imagine if David King, Honourable Blogmaster, aided by others here, were to champion this expansion, and bump up the volume?

    Imagine what the “Participatory Democracy” that Sargeant spoke of and Jeff is focusing our attention on, could in fact be “printed and displayed” all over the country?

    You understanding my drift well.

    How do we “Occupy the Broad Street” of the minds of Bajans?

    How to change the very thoughts and experiences of all and sundry and share a different, healthy Vision for Bim?

    That is what i am prayerful of, my Bajan Brother in Arms, a way to change this overwhelming tide.

    If we fight by their rules, we will never win.

    They like the bunting all over the place, and the posters on the walls and things like that, but here is my thing, the fight that we are faced with is the fight for the minds (and very souls) of the people of Barbados, and it starts through that outreach that will need their vote for change

  14. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


  15. Soon.

    The grandson coordinating the domain name and a few things (heheheheheheh)

    They are already there but the site is “not published”

    I don’t know what he means by that other than when i type in the think it does not show on my Ipad.

    The Idea was not to subvert what was and is here but to build that Participatory Methodology Space that a 9 year space has forged.

    The reason that our initiatives fail GP is that we, as a people, always try to “recreate the wheel” as opposed to, seeing that 360 degrees is perfection, ahd then optimizing what is already there.

    BU has the DNA to become the CU (Caribbean Underground) and Virtual Participatory Workspace of the Caribbean

    Such a concept that takes resources, dialogue and replication of the Blogmaster’s Integrity and Balls and that as you know ent easy. (See whu happen wid Barbados Free Press?)

    It also takes successes and therefore I had promised him something over a year ago and I doan brek me promises.

  16. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    I think Barbados Free Press failed because of too much moderation.

    I am seeing the same with ValueMD. Over the years as the stalwarts who were then students, and who kept things lively moved on, it slowed down. It started to crumble more when they started to become politically correct, and BAN THE TELLING OF THE TRUTH CONCERNING WHAT WAS HAPPENING WITHING CERTAIN SCHOOLS.

    I have had representatives come up from Antigua to Bim, and from Texas to Florida in an attempt to shut me up; but I remain steadfast.



  17. Yes I do know about the Truth GP.

    I oft times will not set you free hahahahaha

  18. http://imgur.com/OM5HsUx

    Is it going to be possible to find 30 honest, competent, committed and loyal citizens to offer their services on behalf of this country? to lead us out of this morass and quagmire of DBLP filth we find ourselves in?

    “Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt Thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?

  19. @PUDRYR

    This space was created to ”catch” the posters. If you and SSS are the only commenters to take up the challenge so be it. Post away!

    On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Barbados Underground wrote:


  20. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

  21. @SSS

    Nice poster, tweeted and FBed.

  22. @ @PUDRYR ,

    You will find this program inspirational. It incorporates some of your ideas and highlights what we as humans can achieve if only we had the courage to agitate for real change.

    The program is called “Kenya Rising” and features an award-winning Kenyan photojournalist as he sets his camera aside to build a movement to fight political corruption.


  23. Thanks Exclaimer will watch it soonest. (got to VPN the aljazeera ting because I hope that you do know that all of your sites are now monitored lolol)

    I going at Paul’s house and watch it, misery loves company lolol)

  24. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles


  25. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My sweet Piece

    LMAO hard. Too sweet. You really putting them out there. I have to wait for my colleague to help me. This CS6 thing is just a bit too complicated. But loving the posters from you.hmmmmm kiss kiss. I wonder how comes the others are not providing posters. Really makes you wonder if they are just all talkers only interested in showing off the Queens English.

  26. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine
  27. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    My Sweet Suzanne,

    That last one you did was the bomb.

    That imagery was fantastic.

    Central Bank to corrupt bank notes with their faces!!!


    Let me use your situation to explain this

    You have a shill called visioning.

    It is a strange and rare thing where, in the absence of a road through a forest you can take the abstract and cause it to coalesce into being.

    You need to understand that in your stated absence of graphic artists’ skill merely being able to envision what you want, that convey that to a third person, for consumption by multiple other viewers, that takes a special skill.

    You will be envied by women and hated by men for such visioning because people hate, and then actively seek to destroy what they CANNOT UNDERSTAND.

    you fall into a category that, like an albino, is a rarity, and whereas the appearance of vitiligo sufferer can be rationalized because of its “progression ” the albino instance is too radical an occurrence and cannot.

    That was a slight diversion, oblique compliment, warning for yourself and attempt to philosophize on your well done graphic.

    Sometimes I am able to comprehend the reasoning behind the Sonnenkinder pursuit of Hitler if only since it culls the less desirable aspects of humanity but then I recall that such a practice in Hitlers Germany sought to eradicate niggers like me

    You ever worked a a bus driver? Yet you have taken a bus and placed absolute confidence in your driver.

    So others out there are not versed in your visioning skills but rely on you to “drive” them to safer havens of patriotism and integrity.

    Plus de fact de ole man does have you here all to heself….keep strong

    Btw you do realize that your Imgur Stats per poster are in the thousands in shorter time?

    Dat means dat you are hated by these fellers more that me, good thing you in Europe

  28. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Suzanne

    Photoshop Elements is much easier to Learn than the other ones.

    Try that, there are some other ones that I will whisper them into your ear when I see you .

    You must guard them with your life lolol

    DEM would love tuh get dem hands pun dem but none uh dem was in Psych Ops classes

  29. Excellent posters. I really like the 5 tasks.

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