Submitted by Pachamama

US RNC Delegates countMore than a dozen years ago these writers were denounced when we suggested to those who locate themselves at the center of Caribbean thought that the United States of America was a fascist empire, at its nadir. That financialization had delivered all forms of western capitalism to conditions not dissimilar to Germany 1933. It was a period when fascism, as a social movement, gained ascendency. That unparrelled consolidation of wealth had united global elites into a neo-fascism. Some say an ‘inverted totalitarianism’. Others still, a neo-feudalism.

As the irony of ironies would have it, another German has been thrown up by the leading plutocrats to be appropriately hailed. Haile Drumpf! Not unlike Adolf, Donald Trump, is garnering up to 50% of Republican support, nationally – about 25% of potential American voters. He may also attract significant ‘White’, Democratic Party supporters as well. The Democratic Party is no less rooted in racism, ‘White’ supremacy, than the Republicans. So we see a convergence of ‘White’ social forces around Trump. We have a perverse, conjoining of interests, between the shifting definitions of what ‘Whiteness’ and ‘White’ power are to mean and the distanced-elites, including honorary ‘Whites’, who are ceasing control of larger and larger swaths of global wealth. Few will contest that there has been a massive consolidation of economic and political power into the same (few) hands. For this is the classical definition of fascism, neo-fascism!

What they do have in common is the determination that the political establishment can neither or for not much longer, protect the elites nor feed the masses of Euro-Americans – poor ‘Whites’, ‘Whites’ being forced out of the middle classes. For Trump, a political commitment to the Klu Klux Klan, even telepathically, is no different to his view that ‘Whiteness’, in America, ‘White’ supremacy, is under an existential threat as the most recent Census Bureau population parameters would attest. Unless America can now redefine Mexicans/Hispanics as ‘Whites’, as has happened before, the greatest fear of Hitler, himself, could come true with ‘Whites’ becoming the new ‘minority’ In America – not his ‘master race’. This could be a causus belli for another civil war, at home! Internationally, Europeans are devolving into political-economic systems where far-right and far-left elements act to recreate circumstances this world well knows. These circumstances could only aid the emergence of another Dajjal.

Trump_Republican PartyMainstream commentators are struggling to contextualize the political, social, campaign of Trump. He seems to have tricked CNN and other majors with his reluctance to buy an acceptable level of ads in exchange for met demands which included provision of free 24/7 initial promotion, payment for appearances, promotions which have made Trump the stingiest leading candidate of recent times. Could it be a coincidence that all major news networks would promote Trump ahead of others with significant more political ‘pedigree’? Could we be witnessing the end of an epoch? Or is Kaiser Drumpf a natural outgrowth of 500 years of state-sponsored terrorism by Europeans?

And how is it possible for Hitler to abuse women, preach racial hatred, pretend to change his opinions without notice – on a whim and without paying a political price, tell repetitive lies about creating jobs when he really means higher profits, for his friends. For the institutions of a modern Goebbels allow Trump to perfect the dark arts of propaganda. A propaganda system which is more central to life in the 21st century than it was post 1933, a system no less vicious than proxy war itself, an information war against the people, people who consistently overestimate their own intelligence. We all shamelessly serve systems we don’t understand.

Of course, Trump is not running alone, although he, most times, so acts. As Kaiser he holds no particular fear for the Clintons, Republican Party officialdom, established (formal) political formations, other big money oligarchs like the Koch brothers. These are the perceived qualities which appear to endear him to a growing segment of the ‘masses’ of European-Americans. They are largely a ‘White’ working class, distanced by capitalism, unaccustomed to reductions in ‘White’ privilege and growing more fearful about their place in society. They are as misguided as people anywhere else are made to be, time and time again.

An underlying truth is that supporters of Trump and those of Sanders understand that something fundamentally is wrong with their political-economy. Are unsure about its causation but could be led to blame people of colour, ‘undocumented aliens’ as coded language for their racist intent. We wonder if Drumpf would remember when Germans in America were NOT ‘White’, nor Italians, nor Irish and several other national groups. That racist discourse passes under the guise of ‘illegal migration’. Still, they continue to believe that by somehow making an appeal to the center for ‘reforms’ or even ‘revolution’ they could be successful even while the leaders of American racism see ‘final solutions’ as the central aim. Maybe it will take one more election cycle to disabuse them of their congenial folly. Remember Obama? How has that worked out for his rabble?

At the center, the central banks are failing. Institutional buyers dominate stock market trading, to artificially keep them from imploding. We live in the times of dominant shadow banks, negative interest rates, asset-less banks, dis-inflation/deflationary spirals, the application of series of quantitative easing (QE) since 2008 and bail-ins which bail-out too-big-to-fail banks, stealing from the poor to make the rich whole. The Chinese are spending billions to stabilize their markets. And we could continue to list structural failures all day. We have predicted that only a total collapse could fix any of this. Religious belief in the self-declared, Kaiser Drumpf, as Messiah, will be of marginal value.

On the political side, we’ve had a series of collapses in the American system, making it no less fragile than the economy. We’ve had attempts to default on sovereign debt, to collapse the global reserve currency system. Many attempts were made to bring government to a halt as if government itself were irrelevant. These actions cannot to ‘segregated’ from the original sin that is America and even has some similarities to the pre-1933 epoch of Hitler’s Germany.

And Hillary Clinton could only do the same kinds of wickedness as a Trump but with a velvet glove covering her iron fist. She likes to think that she could out-Trump, Trump, with her warmongering. The people who call themselves “Black” or ‘’African-American’’ must find time to re-assess their relationships with the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Party. They must ask themselves what is the reason for continuing to support an organization which cannot even stop policemen from killing Moors in the streets, all over the USA, at will. What is this thing which the Clintons hold over them to have them march from the pulpits to the polls, in the service of their open oppressors, every time? What is the benefit to them? How many times can they be corralled by leading ‘Blacks’ acting as sophisticated pimps for the Democratic Party apparatus? Where are their just demands from the systems they support? Why is it not revolting to them to have Bill and Hillary Clinton run presidential campaigns in Haiti and the USA simultaneously?

The ‘appearance’ of Herr Drumpf may best be located within Islamic eschatology. That narrative better describes these times than its erstwhile companions. It talks about Akhirruzaman; Gogg & Magogg; a nuclear war; the role of Damascus; the rise of Pax-Judaica as the hyper-power; the role of ‘Constantinople’. Have military and political conditions been prepared for the entry of an Arrogant One, Donald Trump, as maximum patsy, who will start this Great War? Well, the current proxy formations of powers in and around Syria may suggest some credence to that worldview. Let’s hope that the bark of Herr Drumpf (Herr Fuhrer) is worse than his bite or that the hidden forces behind his emergence are exposed before billions have to die on the altar of those who have given us many similar scenarios previously, including the rise of the Soviet Union; WW1; WW2.

327 responses to “Haile Drumpf – The Rise of a New Hitler – When the Centre no longer holds”

  1. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    once you dont say that BO is the best thing since slice bread you are a devil. labelled as a republican and consigned to hell with appropriate ad hominems

    if the idiot was white he would have got the same report as foolbert bush got and deserved

  2. How does one define Obama sympathy for the Muslims. Yes maybe he is much capable and proficient in understanding the Muslim culture through his family ties. But saying that he has sympathy for the Muslims who are hell bent in terrorizing the world is political spin from truth.
    If one listened to his numeous speeches time and time again he has condem the terorists actions as people of evil and not practicing the teachings of the Koran.
    But what is being said coming from the republican agenda is to be expected as they belive in the power of the military might to solve worlds problems and nothing outside body bags arriving on american soil would make them happy. To the republicans the only message the world would understand is blood guts and gore
    Try as the republicans may !such a message has not worked

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB…who is talking about racism..not moi. Your memory is short.

    The dude went into the WH with all good intentions, not at anytime did he display any racist attitudes toward the majority white and other cultures making up the population…he focused on his job, endured insults to himself, his wife and children being called monkeys with the go back to Africa chant from your brothers and sisters…… and the constant bullshit that he was not born in the US….with all of that, he still did his job…with grace….so who are the racists again.

    I would not trust any one of those retarded racists to invite them near me and my family, for anything.

    By the way, he invited people of all stripes to the WH all the time, so many people have a very good idea of how he thinks, his wife also invited interactions with everyone regardless of culture etc….so I cant imagine what you are on about…MoneyB.

  4. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB. ..the muslim religion is not one I like, as a matter of fact, I dislike all religions, in my opinion, like politics, religion is destructive to the earth…those are two manmade evils..


    Not all muslims are terrorists, that would be like saying all christians are pedophiles, thieves, rapists, murderers etc..that’s profiling people by groups and all those crimes are human behaviors, not linked to any particular group…remember Timothy McVeigh, home grown Oklahoma terrorist……that’s my point.

    The US is packed to capacity with home grown terrorists who are not muslims, complete with blonde hair and blue eyes, just like McVeigh, those are the ones that are frightening.

  5. @ MoneyB
    So what U are saying is that darker peeps can bash BHO but lighter people asking questions and trying to elucidate why he acts the way he does has to be RACIST!
    No …not exactly.

    What Bushie is saying is that it is only natural that those who are racists would have serious issues with a blackish president who, having been given the dirty end of Uncle Sam’s stick, has gone on to display unprecedented intelligence, poise, charm, style and grace and at the same time over-seen an UNQUESTIONABLE turnaround in the economic, social and most other fortunes of the great Babylon.
    Those with open minds (and not biased because for example -against all odds he was able to keep the OBAMACARE promise) can’t but admit that the man has CLASS.

    Anyway…That was that…
    It will now be back to ‘regularly scheduled programming’ for Uncle Sam… namely, the march to Armageddon….

  6. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And MoneyB…the racists in America deserve a Trump or worse, because all they will do eventually is eat each other when there is no one else there to hate, but unfortunately, we have to think of the innocents and people who are not racists, because they do exist, so everyone has to tolerate living among mentally diseased and deranged savages…..that’s the reality.

  7. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ David at 12:23 PM …please don’t let us get tie up. So let me explain my opposition to your point as clearly as possible….

    You said: “… we are looking at whether Obama achieved what he promised …”—- I respond by saying refer to the SSS link list. The man achieved several points of note. Better then most other presidents.

    — About clean energy you convenient forgot fracking? — I did not forget. That has become an unnecessarily emotive subject which does not take into consideration that the fracking of the shale rocks in the US is not as problematic as shown in the documentary ‘Gasland’. Yes there are issues but at the same time because of it (seemingly counter intuitive) the US has actually reduced its coal emissions footprint and greenhouse affects to the tune of the entire country output of German, by some estimates.

    But this is a deep discourse for another time as neither of us can do it justice here with a few pithy remarks…and this is not a Obama issue directly in the least….

    — What did James Madison intend when the US Constitution was framed as far as the President working with the Congress? — My brother that is a two-way street. It is not Upper Broad St adjacent to the House fo Assembly…no one way traffic.

    May I remind you that immediately on election the Senate Minority Leader (at the time) reminded all and sundry that the intent of his caucus members was to block any and all Obama matters and ensure he was a one term president.

    That is not an indication of the difficulty of the job….it’s the reality! Was the president blameless…of course not…but can you heap all blame on him. Absolutely absurd to do so.

    Pray tell who is to blame for the non- appointment of the new Justice…the same wonderfully collegial Senate, right!

    Yes I know that the BU house loves Obama and I understand the context of your criticism in terms of achievement. We can agree that he has not been perfect fact he has been snarky at times and a bit stubborn as well…

    ….but I don’t understand the logic and base level premisses which inform your critique to disclaim his successes or that he not go hard towards achieving what he said he intended to.

    His presidency showed us that the underbelly of US racism was in fact more infested with maggots that we ever imagined. And after ever insulting police issue (remember the one with the Professor early in his tenure) he came out and used that bully-pulpit stronger and stronger…

    That my friend was probably worth everything else that he may have failed at…racism in US front and center…hurtling to a better place…we hope…50 +years after ‘The Dream’ which we thought had finally been partially met..we realize its still a frigging nightmare of which we are all a part.

  8. There will never be another president like barrack Obama……..we can only hope

  9. @Dee Word

    Ok, you get the last word Sir.

  10. @David, GP, Lawson andMoney brain.
    First G.P.
    Talk abiyt bedbug brainwashed! Paul preaches two sermons to the Philippians (st. Catherine’s church) and eh quotes one verse. and another one to the Corinthians St, Barnabas Church and again he quotes one verse. Then he quotes a chapter from John’s book of Revelations, suffering from fable mind and body, which is just what they were ; Revelations ; Dreams, hallucinations, and imaginations. He and Paul were in conflict over the hearts and minds of the “new converts to Christianity, after his time in the salt mines. Note the dimensions of the New Jerusalem. Since you literally believe in what he has written, how do you rationalize the statements; fascinating the 12 tribes of Israel are specifically mentioned. How come there are no others? Don’t forget you are not part of the 12 tribes, for you are not “pure” you are mixed.

    David,You are an ass, like Lawson and money brain.Despite all people and you would like to be aBLE TOSAY WITH CONVICTION, OBAMAS LEGACY IS ALREADY ESTABLISHED. HE WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE BEST PRESIDENT THE U.S EVER HAD. Bushie has detailed his accomplishments admirably, and especially because he rescued the economy of the U,S. and along with it the economies of the rest of the world since they are all so inter-linked.
    In reference to earlier comments made by Bushie, you pointed out that “…you seem to have recanted AND you are entitled to” but you are highly critical of Obama for having changed his position on some things, yet you would sanction him. Come on now!

  11. @GP
    First line should be “being brainwashed”.
    Next thing get a book called the Last Disciple. Can’t remember the name of the author.
    Of course based on your refusal to face up to evidence, and your obviously closed mind, I have to alum that like Zoe, you are also Seventh
    Day Adventists who refuse to be rational in thought, word or deed. This occurs when they cannot reasonaBLY DEFEAT THE LOGIC OF EVIDENCE.

  12. Excerpts from President Obama Speech on terrorism Dec 6 2015

    For seven years, I’ve confronted this evolving threat each morning in my intelligence briefing. And since the day I took this office, I’ve authorized U.S. forces to take out terrorists abroad precisely because I know how real the danger is. As Commander-in-Chief, I have no greater responsibility than the security of the American people. As a father to two young daughters who are the most precious part of my life, I know that we see ourselves with friends and coworkers at a holiday party like the one in San Bernardino. I know we see our kids in the faces of the young people killed in Paris. And I know that after so much war, many Americans are asking whether we are confronted by a cancer that has no immediate cure.
    Well, here’s what I want you to know: The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. We will destroy ISIL and any other organization that tries to harm us. Our success won’t depend on tough talk, or abandoning our values, or giving into fear. That’s what groups like ISIL are hoping for. Instead, we will prevail by being strong and smart, resilient and relentless, and by drawing upon every aspect of American power.
    Here’s how. First, our military will continue to hunt down terrorist plotters in any country where it is necessary. In Iraq and Syria, airstrikes are taking out ISIL leaders, heavy weapons, oil tankers, infrastructure. And since the attacks in Paris, our closest allies — including France, Germany, and the United Kingdom — have ramped up their contributions to our military campaign, which will help us accelerate our effort to destroy ISIL.
    Second, we will continue to provide training and equipment to tens of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian forces fighting ISIL on the ground so that we take away their safe havens. In both countries, we’re deploying Special Operations Forces who can accelerate that offensive. We’ve stepped up this effort since the attacks in Paris, and we’ll continue to invest more in approaches that are working on the ground.
    Third, we’re working with friends and allies to stop ISIL’s operations — to disrupt plots, cut off their financing, and prevent them from recruiting more fighters. Since the attacks in Paris, we’ve surged intelligence-sharing with our European allies. We’re working with Turkey to seal its border with Syria. And we are cooperating with Muslim-majority countries — and with our Muslim communities here at home — to counter the vicious ideology that ISIL promotes online.
    Fourth, with American leadership, the international community has begun to establish a process — and timeline — to pursue ceasefires and a political resolution to the Syrian war. Doing so will allow the Syrian people and every country, including our allies, but also countries like Russia, to focus on the common goal of destroying ISIL — a group that threatens us all.
    This is our strategy to destroy ISIL. It is designed and supported by our military commanders and counterterrorism experts, together with 65 countries that have joined an American-led coalition. And we constantly examine our strategy to determine when additional steps are needed to get the job done. That’s why I’ve ordered the Departments of State and Homeland Security to review the visa (waiver) program under which the female terrorist in San Bernardino originally came to this country. And that’s why I will urge high-tech and law enforcement leaders to make it harder for terrorists to use technology to escape from justice.

  13. Alvin
    Obama is the Greatest, so is Froon, All DLP members, Trudeau, Hilary/ Bernie and any other WASTEFUL Leftie dunce that does NOT have a clue HOW to REALLY HELP Humans DEVELOP THEMSELVES and does not appreciate that Lazy Asses are cleverer than them OR is it easier to BUY their Votes with MEANINGLESS giveaways that eventually RUINS the populace rather than Developing them!
    ALL overly Leftie and Commie Nations are Failures or Failing. Clinton, a left leaner, ruined the US by selling out to the Corrupt bitches on Wall St. Both Dems and Repubs are SELL OUTS to Big Buck$ Corps! Why U think clever fellas like GP wont associate with any Party?

    Obama’s Admin certainly was not particularly successful:

    1 He goes to Cuba and Castro states”we dont need the US!” what a slap in the face! Obama should have insisted on a long list of changes in Cuba BEFORE agreeing to rekindle any relationship. He actually flew to Cuba when Castro should have been flying to Washington–out flanked and then insulted by Castro—-JOKER! Say goodbye to Cuban American votes for Dems!

    2 Obama’s Admin totally screwed up in the ME! PT 1 Libya big mistake! 2 Iran Deal is terrible, they will cheat and are laughing at Kerry’s stupidity. 3 Why alienate Israel? Why draw a line that should Chem weapons be used in Syria the US would intervene and then do nothing like a lil kid! SAD! Putin pissed himself laughing at this AMATEUR hour/ years!

    3 Obama TOTAL FAIL in negotiating with Repubs

    4 Obama surely should have accomplished something on Race Relations OR the betterment of African Americans lives, NOT really for me to say but it dont look so. Indeed African Am youths in his very home town, Chicago, killing each other by the hundreds, did I miss his plans and actions on this?

    5 Obama Care well handled by GP!

    So much material and so lil time!

    Obama promised CHANGE——where dat?

    I expected more progress from him, many of us DISAPPOINTED!

  14. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @are-we, in politics anything is possible of that we can all agree, so your and John’s projections are quite possible. Yet the alignment of the US political landscape suggests that there is a less than 10% chance of that type of outcome.

    One cannot equate the need for change – as sought by the Sanders and Trump supporters – as the SAME ‘liberalism’…at least not in the way it is prescribed in US politics. There is nothing ideologically ‘liberal’ about Trump supporters in that sense.

    In the US political sphere the term liberal conjures soft on crime, soft on military strength, big on welfare, big on taxation, big on expansion of gov’t control, to name a few.

    That would give the feel on why some Dems are careful to label themselves as progressive or moderate or parse the word liberal in various other ways.

    Also don’t lose sight of the Supreme Court nomination and its impact …that is a real issue that will significantly drive the Presidential race.

    Trump has repeatedly said he likes conservative judges (CJ Roberts is a ‘disaster’ for ruling for Affordable Care Act; Justice Thomas is his ‘favorite’).

    The next president will select the nominee to replace Justice Scalia and very possibly within four years he or she could again be called upon to make another selection to replace Justice Bader-Ginsberg…the big liberal/ conservative issues (abortion, gun rights,Affordable care Act et al) will be affected by that Supreme Court and thus that will surely determine voter turn-out.

    I find it hard to believe therefore that your premise of ‘liberals’ cutting across party to support a Republican who will surely select a conservative judge is realistic. But we will see, won’t we!

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Never thought I would see the day when I agreed with both Alvin and AC….in the same dwy….lol

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


  17. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    i am not Adventist Alvin
    I am sorry that you dont like or understand the Bible
    You read what you like and I will read what I like
    I wont revert to ad hominems like you either

    just hey watching then four sixes again by Brathwaite lol

  18. @GP
    Stokes never heard bout yorkers outside off???????????????

    Instead he prayed for Carlos to mishit de ball!! lololol

    Check Stokes Banking records hear! lol lol

  19. I am curious of what would happen to military commanders who did not agree with the administration and did not support their strategy. lol before this race is over Cruz will realize the numbers don’t work for him and he is being only being used by the elites to stop trump so there is a contested convention and they can slip their guy in. He will unite with trump in some form as Obama did with Clinton so Donald doesn’t run as a 3rd party and none of them gets in. Rubio is holding on to his delegates and Kasich his one state win hoping they will eventually get the the convention. Politics is a dirty game even on the democratic side. thank god Obama has lifted the embargo with cuba. Can you imagine how embarrassing and inferior a president must feel having to put a white owl up an interns crack instead of a monte Christo or churchill

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @MB, you appear to be bringing some ‘facts’ to support your dislike of Obama’s tenure…rather than just say you don’t like the man and be done wid it. LOL.

    So just a few of your points please explain with some more ‘facts’…

    —“Obama surely should have accomplished something on Race Relations OR the betterment of African Americans lives,”—–

    What exactly and specifically you thought should have been done?

    You failed or choose not to UNDERSTAND that his mere elevation to that post has done so much for Black folks that the old term ‘uppity’ is back in vogue as a back-hand slap from those who share your skin tone.

    Do not come with glib remarks that a President can from on high set a policy on race relations when in county after county there is gerry-mandering of boundaries to marginalize Blacks, assaulting of said Blacks and many Southern locales are assailing the basic conditions of the Voting Rights Act enacted after much angst during the 60s.

    He has been vocal and visible. You may not have ‘heard’ or ‘seen’ it but many Blacks did..I can assure you.

    —- “Why alienate Israel?” —-

    Based on the fact that they still get all that aid from US…based on the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu was always a Republican supporter and has been vocally and visibly so for many years (forget the recent speech in Congress)…based on the fact that millions of Jews vote for Obama and the Democratic party do clarify exactly how the state of Israel is really being alienated because of a few ‘cold’ meetings. Do tell!

    You can assume everything else you noted is accurate…in the interests of space and too many posts, of course!

  21. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    MoneyBrain April 6, 2016 at 7:14 PM #
    Stokes never heard bout yorkers outside off???????????????



  22. @lawson

    Then Trump runs as an independent and it is a cake walk to Pennsylvania Ave for Hilary. The Republicans up a creek for now.

  23. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    re OBAMA has been vocal and visible.



  24. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    re David April 6, 2016 at 7:41 PM #

    Then Trump runs as an independent and it is a cake walk to Pennsylvania Ave. The Republicans up a creek for now.

    any one can see that except the anti TRUMP folk

  25. @GP

    “Leaders” have a very bad habit of not consulting with the correct constituents.
    Consulting, double blind studies etc are totally foreign.

  26. @ David

    What if Trump and Sanders both run as independents?

  27. de padantic D

    It is not easy being Pres and I was very pleased that Americans actually had the maturity to select someone that is not an old white guy. McCain and Romney were not serious competition. However, he is not above criticism just because he is the first Pres of colour. We should all hold our leaders to very high standards. We still have peeps pun here that wont criticise Froon, David Thompson, the DLP, any Leftie no matter how obvious their failures. I will feel free to make points about anybody and have carved up Wall St Banks, Oilcos, Pharma Cos et al relentlessly for years as they are CORRUPT, BUT we place a sacred trut in Pols and they SELL OUT with much regularity!

  28. Bush Tea
    I cannot add anything to your brief analysis and assessment of Barack Hussein Obama.
    A gentleman of class and a scholar of high repute.For years Wasps(white anglo- saxon protestants) especially the likes of McConnell,O’Reilly,Hannity,Kelly,Limbaugh,Beck,
    Savage,Levin and many others have been throwing mud at Obama and none has stuck.The man replaced Bill Clinton as the Teflon(now the Ceramic)kid.

  29. GP,
    All I did was to repeat your two quotes: didn’t take too much understanding. Bunch of foolishness for the brain washed. You need to go back to Bim, go to six cross roads (in the area of Emerald City) and get someone to give you a bush bath (not Bushie he would apply the w hacker) around twelve o’clock in the night . If you are not an adventist, you need advice on “the rapture”. Just hallucinations.

  30. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @MB, that is exactly the issue. Don’t worry about his colour when you critique speak to the issues.

    I do not question you or David re a colour based narrative but on the facts. So how can you say that he is alienating Israel or that he should have done something specifically re race relations.

    He is the Pres of the USA not of Black America and moreover what magic wand could he wave to resolve endemic racial issues. Unfortunately it seemed you were in fact holding him to some special standard because of his skin colour rather than his job as a politician.

    He and Netanyahu did not get along. That was clear from their frosty public picture sessions but so what. No big deal…. not all leaders see eye to eye…

    …. and it really had NO measurable impact whatever on US-Israel relations beyond a lot of public posturing.

    There is no issue or problem criticizing him as we do Clinton or Bush. I don’t accept stupid criticisms that Bush (43) was a fool or dumb and that type of blarney so why accept nonsense that Obama was supposed to keep promises that going in it was accepted were going to be quite hard to achieve.

    That’s the life of every politician! So let criticize and be fair and reasonable!

  31. Absolutely right David that is why you will see trump in some high profile capacity if not the top job to keep the party together to fight Clinton. Just like Obama threw Clinton a bone trump will be given a big up job…secretary of state …vice pres …ambassador to barbados

  32. @GP,
    I will not allow you to refer to the young lady (the West Indian batsman) as “the girl Matthews…” unchallenged. Your subtle racism is showing through. You grew up in Barbados so you know about manners and how to address people. She is Ms Matthews. Please.

    Next thing; read Psalm 22, and equate it with the words Jesus spoke on the cross. What happened to the whole verse. Why were those words “put in his mouth?

  33. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    I said “the girl Matthews…” because I meant “the girl Matthews…”
    How is that racism? she is 18 years and female.. A GIRL!

  34. de pedantic wrote

    He is the Pres of the USA not of Black America and moreover what magic wand could he wave to resolve endemic racial issues.

    Sounds great BUT he certainly was willing to jump on minor racial issues:

    Harv Prof Henry Louis Gates comes home tired from a long trip and the Police are summoned by a neighbour that maybe someone has broken in, minor probs occur—-Barry rushes in WHY? Wastes time having a beer with the 2 gents—really????????????????????

    Did BHO set up Commisions of Enquiry into why black youths are MURDERING so many other Black youths in Chicago? How do we change that? Improve Education? More mentoring? WHAT?

    He had time to jump in on the Trevon M case saying “he could be my son” and thereby using emotion to potentially inflame social unrest! To what end, what was solved?

    Either he should have attempted to be active in dealing with Racial Probs and matters that require solutions in some black communities OR stay out of everything if that is his approach.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB…you want to tell a US President what to do, why did you not tell George Bush what do do, ya lucky Obama came on the scene when he did or you would not be sitting so comfortable in North America with all the strife and hatred the Bush administration created worldwide…lol

  36. @AWTY
    Such a policy will also either cause Trump’s army of supporters to shift their support to Bernie if Bernie wins the Democrat nomination
    When pigs fly, it is a grave error to assume that those who support either Trump or Sanders will shift their support to the other. They don’t have the same objectives despite being labelled “anti-establishment” as the demographics are completely different. Trumps supporters are majority white blue collar conservative males from the Southern States who like Trump because he articulated what was in their innermost thoughts, no more “dog whistle” campaigning that was part of the Republican Establishment arsenal. Sanders supporters are young white college educated suburban whites who see Sanders despite his age as a fresh face whose ideas are more progressive to them than Hillary’s.

    If they are both denied the nomination Trump’s supporters are more likely to stay home while Sanders supporters will more likely vote Democratic because Obama will get involved in the Election and try to revive his coalition to vote for Hillary.

  37. @MB
    Harv Prof Henry Louis Gates comes home tired from a long trip and the Police are summoned by a neighbour that maybe someone has broken in, minor probs occur—-
    “minor probs” They arrested and handcuffed the man for “breaking” into his own house, guess Prof Gates was too uppity to the Policeman so he showed him who was in charge. Obama was asked a question and he answered “the policeman was stupid”, that again was too much for some (yuh know they could do no wrong).

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB. ..check this out, so many lives ruined over the years, only for them to consider reclassifying marijuana because they and they alone, plan to enrich themselves off it…after enriching themselves, locking up other people for it…and you worry about what Obama did and did not do.

    Did you know that US blacks are being actively kept out of making any money from this now billion dollar industry….does that not bother you.

    By the way, NRA and gun manufacturers been making sure the inner cities have a steady supply of illegal weapons to kill each other…you missed the part where Obama been fighting them throughout his presidency, especially when their nutcases shoots up schools, killing mostly white children….you need to check the news more.

  39. Sarge
    How does a Policeman know it is your home? If U are tired and aggressive the Police may have to hand cuff U to calm U and then ascertain whether U are the owner or just a con artist.

    My own wife was nearly arrested in Atlanta Airport a few years back for being unreasonable and cranky with TSA peeps—my kids and I were telling her to shut up for minutes before we calmed her down. Sorry they didnt arrest her ass, she was dead wrong because she was angry at Delta’s incompetence which has nothing to do with TSA.

  40. WW–obviously race should not be an issue in selling ganja legally. It should be decriminalised and all those in prison released. My only reservation on legalisation is usage by youngsters under say 25, as their brains may not be fully developed. Legalisation should take the monetary gain out of the street business.

    I am quite aware about NRA and certainly believe that the system for selling guns is far too lax. But then again the US cant control or get rid of illegals, give them Drivers Permits etc–gross stupidity. All this needs tightening up–why should nut cases and criminals get guns easily? The question is whether Obama intends to take guns away from legit owners? Many dont trust his motivations but I dont know for sure whether their doubts are well founded.

    Here in Canada we have strict gun control so mainly the drug dealers have guns and so when u hear of gun play U think of Jammies or maybe Somalis these days killing each other and sometimes killing innocent , mainly black youngsters. These types should be facing the Death Penalty for being willing to shoot up the City like the night a few summers back when 23 innocents peeps were shot and 2 youngsters killed at a Community BBQ.

  41. @MB
    The airport is the last place that one wants to create a commotion, so if your wife didn’t know any better she should have been thrown in the hoosegow in the Peach Tree State. However a man’s home cannot be equated to a public place and Prof Gates sin was that he was “sassy” and the policeman didn’t like an uppity black telling him off in Harvard Yard.

  42. Sarge
    How do I know it is your home? Police deserve respect too!
    I am always respectful to Police and have never had problems with them regardless of their race! Suppose the Police felt threatened took out his gun tripped and shot the good Prof, then big bassa bassa over a minor situation initially.

    Anyway NOT anything to do with the Pres! Pres must focus on major solutions to significant problems.

  43. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    When you listen he the AntiObama bandwagon crew you can fully understand why ignorance abounds in the heart of men and the world will never understand what it means to live in peace. Beliefs can easily turn people into derange fanatics. And when biases become extreme it is so easy to hate or even kill. What is even more dangerous is those who profess to be serving God, but whose tongues have no bridle. They are full of opinions, boasters, haughty, puffed up and show clearly that what rules them is nothing to do with the spirit but more so of the flesh. They a leaning towards their own understanding failing to see themselves for what they are. They are cut from the same cloth of those who plotted to have Jesus Christ crucified so they could keep their intact system of pretense and be fooling the people that they are the spokes persons of God just because they have only a biblical experience with him but not a spiritual one. When history remembers Barrack Obama, history will only paint the only picture they know to paint of him: The best of the best.

  44. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Money B

    You use specific tags like “peeps” and that reminds me of a fellow lately on ND, just saying.

    But to your earlier commen that is interspersed among your anti Obama comments which incredibly seem to know ad absolutu the diurnal strategies of Barack Obama whom you, like the ND fellow calls BHO.

    You said in a moment which had to have been one when you were inebriated “My only reservation on legalisation is usage by youngsters under say 25, as their brains may not be fully developed. Legalisation should take the monetary gain out of the street busines”

    “Their brains may not fully be what?”

    You have got to be a smoker my man!!!

    Wunna unnerstan whu marijuana does do tuh de brain? at whatever age?

    Marijuana destroys all short term memory and I ent care whu nuh body tell me, outside of specific medicinal purposes, it should be banned as what it is a psychotropic orhallucinogen which we have yet to understand how its curative characteristics can be separated from the damaging effects it causes on users.

    You need to remove the brain part from the last part of you name like Legion has suggested that I replace rock with a bad word.

    I cant believe that in addition to the anti Obama opinions you have espoused here, that my man Pedantic let you by with that wacky tabaccy ingrunce


    Dat is two sir, dat you let through the slips, Marlon footses pun de table, and now this crap about “at 25 when you mind has did developed…”

  45. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Marijuana should not be smoked…that’s a given.

    Legal gun owners also roll into schools in the suburbs and kill people, many people, particularly small children…20 dead at Sandy Hook, mostly children, compliments of gun manufacturers, 31 dead at Virginia U…..then there was Columbine…and….and…and….

    The right to bear arms will always cause death.

  46. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    People only care about their own interests. The jackasses that protest bitterly against Obama’s attempt to bring some common sense to the right to bear arms do not care about those kids who were murdered by idiots bearing arms or the sniper who decided to take his high power rifle and kill innocent people at random. They just care about what will happen to their gun association and the sales.

    As to marijuana, there is a place for it in medicine when used according to recommended dosage. Legalizing might reduce its street value in the illegal use but certainly will open up the pushers to more alternatives in order to compensate for their losses in the marijuana ”trade.”

  47. The only reason there has been some semblance of peace in our lifetimes was that good men stood up and fought for what is right, meant what they said, and acted swiftly when warranted . Obama has been mediocre at best in his politically correct way in handling domestic and international affairs by giving out mixed messages…. ergo the rise of trump. The problem with some people is if you don’t like a black person because of his vision you must be racist. No I don’t like Obama because he is an ineffectual democrat.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    SSS…exactly…on both counts….people will always find a way to survive, necessity still is the mother of invention.

    Lawson…..that’s why you live in Canada….under Harper, sorry, I forgot, they had to kick him out for being an ineffectual racist, had no choice but to elect the politically correct liberal cutie Justin….lol

  49. your right WW I liked it under harper rather than this dreamer. Don’t think the old boys liberal network isn’t behind this human selfie stick. Look who he surrounds himself with, only 3 and a bit years to go

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