Submitted by Pachamama

US RNC Delegates countMore than a dozen years ago these writers were denounced when we suggested to those who locate themselves at the center of Caribbean thought that the United States of America was a fascist empire, at its nadir. That financialization had delivered all forms of western capitalism to conditions not dissimilar to Germany 1933. It was a period when fascism, as a social movement, gained ascendency. That unparrelled consolidation of wealth had united global elites into a neo-fascism. Some say an ‘inverted totalitarianism’. Others still, a neo-feudalism.

As the irony of ironies would have it, another German has been thrown up by the leading plutocrats to be appropriately hailed. Haile Drumpf! Not unlike Adolf, Donald Trump, is garnering up to 50% of Republican support, nationally – about 25% of potential American voters. He may also attract significant ‘White’, Democratic Party supporters as well. The Democratic Party is no less rooted in racism, ‘White’ supremacy, than the Republicans. So we see a convergence of ‘White’ social forces around Trump. We have a perverse, conjoining of interests, between the shifting definitions of what ‘Whiteness’ and ‘White’ power are to mean and the distanced-elites, including honorary ‘Whites’, who are ceasing control of larger and larger swaths of global wealth. Few will contest that there has been a massive consolidation of economic and political power into the same (few) hands. For this is the classical definition of fascism, neo-fascism!

What they do have in common is the determination that the political establishment can neither or for not much longer, protect the elites nor feed the masses of Euro-Americans – poor ‘Whites’, ‘Whites’ being forced out of the middle classes. For Trump, a political commitment to the Klu Klux Klan, even telepathically, is no different to his view that ‘Whiteness’, in America, ‘White’ supremacy, is under an existential threat as the most recent Census Bureau population parameters would attest. Unless America can now redefine Mexicans/Hispanics as ‘Whites’, as has happened before, the greatest fear of Hitler, himself, could come true with ‘Whites’ becoming the new ‘minority’ In America – not his ‘master race’. This could be a causus belli for another civil war, at home! Internationally, Europeans are devolving into political-economic systems where far-right and far-left elements act to recreate circumstances this world well knows. These circumstances could only aid the emergence of another Dajjal.

Trump_Republican PartyMainstream commentators are struggling to contextualize the political, social, campaign of Trump. He seems to have tricked CNN and other majors with his reluctance to buy an acceptable level of ads in exchange for met demands which included provision of free 24/7 initial promotion, payment for appearances, promotions which have made Trump the stingiest leading candidate of recent times. Could it be a coincidence that all major news networks would promote Trump ahead of others with significant more political ‘pedigree’? Could we be witnessing the end of an epoch? Or is Kaiser Drumpf a natural outgrowth of 500 years of state-sponsored terrorism by Europeans?

And how is it possible for Hitler to abuse women, preach racial hatred, pretend to change his opinions without notice – on a whim and without paying a political price, tell repetitive lies about creating jobs when he really means higher profits, for his friends. For the institutions of a modern Goebbels allow Trump to perfect the dark arts of propaganda. A propaganda system which is more central to life in the 21st century than it was post 1933, a system no less vicious than proxy war itself, an information war against the people, people who consistently overestimate their own intelligence. We all shamelessly serve systems we don’t understand.

Of course, Trump is not running alone, although he, most times, so acts. As Kaiser he holds no particular fear for the Clintons, Republican Party officialdom, established (formal) political formations, other big money oligarchs like the Koch brothers. These are the perceived qualities which appear to endear him to a growing segment of the ‘masses’ of European-Americans. They are largely a ‘White’ working class, distanced by capitalism, unaccustomed to reductions in ‘White’ privilege and growing more fearful about their place in society. They are as misguided as people anywhere else are made to be, time and time again.

An underlying truth is that supporters of Trump and those of Sanders understand that something fundamentally is wrong with their political-economy. Are unsure about its causation but could be led to blame people of colour, ‘undocumented aliens’ as coded language for their racist intent. We wonder if Drumpf would remember when Germans in America were NOT ‘White’, nor Italians, nor Irish and several other national groups. That racist discourse passes under the guise of ‘illegal migration’. Still, they continue to believe that by somehow making an appeal to the center for ‘reforms’ or even ‘revolution’ they could be successful even while the leaders of American racism see ‘final solutions’ as the central aim. Maybe it will take one more election cycle to disabuse them of their congenial folly. Remember Obama? How has that worked out for his rabble?

At the center, the central banks are failing. Institutional buyers dominate stock market trading, to artificially keep them from imploding. We live in the times of dominant shadow banks, negative interest rates, asset-less banks, dis-inflation/deflationary spirals, the application of series of quantitative easing (QE) since 2008 and bail-ins which bail-out too-big-to-fail banks, stealing from the poor to make the rich whole. The Chinese are spending billions to stabilize their markets. And we could continue to list structural failures all day. We have predicted that only a total collapse could fix any of this. Religious belief in the self-declared, Kaiser Drumpf, as Messiah, will be of marginal value.

On the political side, we’ve had a series of collapses in the American system, making it no less fragile than the economy. We’ve had attempts to default on sovereign debt, to collapse the global reserve currency system. Many attempts were made to bring government to a halt as if government itself were irrelevant. These actions cannot to ‘segregated’ from the original sin that is America and even has some similarities to the pre-1933 epoch of Hitler’s Germany.

And Hillary Clinton could only do the same kinds of wickedness as a Trump but with a velvet glove covering her iron fist. She likes to think that she could out-Trump, Trump, with her warmongering. The people who call themselves “Black” or ‘’African-American’’ must find time to re-assess their relationships with the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Party. They must ask themselves what is the reason for continuing to support an organization which cannot even stop policemen from killing Moors in the streets, all over the USA, at will. What is this thing which the Clintons hold over them to have them march from the pulpits to the polls, in the service of their open oppressors, every time? What is the benefit to them? How many times can they be corralled by leading ‘Blacks’ acting as sophisticated pimps for the Democratic Party apparatus? Where are their just demands from the systems they support? Why is it not revolting to them to have Bill and Hillary Clinton run presidential campaigns in Haiti and the USA simultaneously?

The ‘appearance’ of Herr Drumpf may best be located within Islamic eschatology. That narrative better describes these times than its erstwhile companions. It talks about Akhirruzaman; Gogg & Magogg; a nuclear war; the role of Damascus; the rise of Pax-Judaica as the hyper-power; the role of ‘Constantinople’. Have military and political conditions been prepared for the entry of an Arrogant One, Donald Trump, as maximum patsy, who will start this Great War? Well, the current proxy formations of powers in and around Syria may suggest some credence to that worldview. Let’s hope that the bark of Herr Drumpf (Herr Fuhrer) is worse than his bite or that the hidden forces behind his emergence are exposed before billions have to die on the altar of those who have given us many similar scenarios previously, including the rise of the Soviet Union; WW1; WW2.

327 responses to “Haile Drumpf – The Rise of a New Hitler – When the Centre no longer holds”

  1. Yah we know America is the Great Satan, but for every Evil that comes into the world there is always a corresponding Good.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Drumpf….lol. Trump is not even remembering that his grandparents had to bastardize their own German names to survive America back then, just to be accepted. Now he is top euro clown.

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    If you people really think that Trump is the problem you should think again. Trump is just a trigger that has given all haters the courage to crawl out from their holes and show their true selves again. Since I am black, I have to speak to black people. You black stupid idiots know that the majority of whites do not care about us. They simply tolerate us and exploit us. Yet, you ignorant lot still will not come together and unify yourselves and help each other. None of you will pool your resources and start building your own businesses and industries and support those same industries with your money. You prefer to keep the whites rich and do black hate thing amongst your own selves just because you do not want to see your own kind owning and reaping any type of success. And, to many of you blacks who have reaped success, how selfish and oreo has you all become that you do not want your fellow blacks to reach your height by giving back? You are so ignorant that the moment you get a car and big house you are better than everyone else. Stupid illiterate lot that is still stuck in a time warp. Do you know that out all the races the black race is looked upon as the least to have developed themselves and improve their mannerisms and lifestyles? And do not be telling me shite about what the white man did or is doing. Build your industries, shops, agriculture and support it with your gaw darn money. Help build your communities through sharing of your wealth. Can’t do that nah. Too darn gawn stupid and backward. Hooray for Trump, even a few successful blacks like Shitetie Ben Carson supporting the hater. Hail Trump, Down with black crap. Blacks can never unite and Trump is going to round you all up and deport your asses back, and apply more pressure on your sorry asses than ever before. He will specifically target the Caribbean nations and placed unbelievable restrictions that will swallow up your little economies. Think you can unite foolish black people, not fuh shite, too ignorant!!

  4. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    SSS…but you see what they use their energies to do to each other…Barbados is a prime example, the post from Due Diligence says it all. They advertise the island as having “highly intelligent white business people and blue collar workers”

    I guess the majority blacks in Barbados, are mere low intelligence beasts of burden…”blue collar” low intelligence beasts of burden.

    How can anyone take these black jackass leaders seriously. I am beginning to think they do deserve Trump to unleash the beast on their asses, that should wake them to hell up one of these centuries….the black male, I dont want to insult retarded or mentally challenged people, but that jackhole Ben Carson, those words cannot begin to describe that idiot.

    I guess that’s the only legacy the black male have to offer, once they have reached a certain pinnacle in any society…….frightening.

    BTW…you see Trump, but Cruz is no better, he is just less vocal, but nasty just the same and he is of Caribbean descent….Cuba, born in Canada.

  5. @SSS

    Agree with the thrust of your point and to add that the person in the White House is a figurehead if you accept that there is a shadow controlling like the Bilderberg Group et al.

  6. I am not a support of Donald Trump by any stretch of the imagination, and quite frankly, he represents a part of America many would care to forget, but you can’t help but to admire his ability to rally a certain segment of the American electorate that his fellow Republicans are unable to do. Nevertheless, it must not be forgotten that like Trump, President Harry Truman was a bigot and an active member of the Kkk, but he was also first president to integrated the Armed Forces of the United States.

    In an instant, whether Trump’s demagoguery OF MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, can realized is yet to be determining, but judging from Trump’s track-record, we know for certain that the man has never held elected office, and hasn’t the slightest clue regarding American Foreign Policy from some of the ridiculous statements he has made to reporters in the past.

    But in the face of this reality, is it enough to make the determination that Donald Trump is incapable of work in the interest of the American people, and effectuating some of those campaign promises.

  7. It might be an admiration to some but deeply depressing to those who have fought on the battle lines against racism now to see some gains being erode by Donald Trumps explosive and predictable racist rants on his trek to Pennsylvania Avenue

  8. Hopefully Trump reign as the Savior of White Supremacy might have come to a screeching halt after his outrageous and predictable punishing statement of punishing women for having abortion

  9. Remember to focus on the systemic and not the man. The rise of Trump is not just about Trump but a system that allows his message to incubate and propagate.

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yes AC…when blatant racism and discrimination are allowed by the leaders to flourish in a system, under the guise of enriching a country and deveolping a country, that is what you get, it never goes away, it becomes systemic and institutionalized….hint, hint.

  11. What allows his message to resonate is the incompetence of the last 7 years, Barbados is not any better. Greed at the top erosion of the middle class, safety becoming a concern and the regular person feels helpless. A lightning rod was needed in America to lead the charge for change ..Trump with all his faults is not the best person but a lot of people hold there nose and vote because change must happen. Which one of you lemmings will heed the call of systematic change in Barbados so rather than mouthing that nobody at the top cares about the common man do something about it.

  12. Say what you will, think what you want. Go, anywhere else and see what you get. You think racism appears only in the US. It’s here today on this island where you depend on tourism, and if really known would ruin your product. When you see color you charge accordingly. So everyone here take a good look in the mirror before you pass judgement. The political process will play out accordingly then you can judge. Just simply look at your own history of Belleville, and Strathclyde.

  13. Why not focus on the Man. It is his causes and calls for a renewed white agenda to make America great again that has brought white supermacist out of the closet. Not so?

  14. @racehrse

    Don’t we focus on all issues in this forum. The restate the point, the rise of Herr Trump is an outcome, not the cause.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Look at the mongrels Bizzy and Cow and they are not even the real deal, it’s the system of racism and discrimination that is allowed to flourish, unless it’s dismantled, the leaders will always be looked on as idiots, the people have a very big role to play in saying….you are not allowed to continue doing this to us…but will they.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Remember when America “was great”… was off the backs of black slaves, racism, hatred, that built the country, that is the call to “make it great again”…..but deporting all immigrants will come with a shit storm of reality, that it’s the ancestors of slaves and the immigrants, like Trump’s ancestors, though I doubt it, who really built America and made it great, they will be reminded of their laziness and they always needing someone to do the heavy lifting and dirty work for very little money, or for free.

  17. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Not supporting you and that nonsense that Obama was just a mere figurehead. Obama came into office inheriting a broken economy, real estate crisis, a war, high unemployment, foreign policy issues, fiscal deficit issues, unreasonable opposition and undermining issues and a whole lot more. It took him practically 6 years to get America on some semblance of right footing. It is obvious that the cry would have been we expect him to do more for the black communities. And, when he fails to do what they expect he would have done criticized harshly for doing little to none. But, with all that he inherited and had to cope with, he has done pretty well.

    The ignorant black people in the Caribbean have all in their means to improve their situations and stop looking for handouts and beggars portions. If we had any good leaders instead of these masquerading shitety pretenders, I am certain by now that the entire island would be clean of garbage because a good leader would have told them this is what we need to do and I am going to be first to do it, so let’s play our part until the trucks that are on order arrive. Instead, our piss poor leader felt it prudent to lay blame, castigate bajans for being nasty and telling them to keep your garbage until you know when the truck comes out Then he allows his minister to talk shite about how expensive the trucks were, while he show his pride in spending 7 million dollars that his finance minister reiterated quite regularly that Barbados is practically cash strap. A good leader would put ideas out there and tell his fellow country men this is what we need to do. We need all those with land to hire the hands to plant it up. We will offer concessions on green house equipment; we want those with the expertise to experiment in this or that. We need those with factory experience to create the industry for us to process what we are planting towards value added. The government will help you with the construction by offering grants and loans and you can pay back at the lowest of interest rates. A good leader would be telling the educational system to get the young minds thinking creatively towards inventing for economic gains. A good leader would tell his environmental minister to introduce with immediate effect a high tax on plastic bags as a deterrent. He would tell his environmental minister that we will incorporate a 3Rs approach to our waste problem and tell all householders that by January 1 next year a full fledge recycling programme will be in effect for the island. A good leader would be telling all his ministers and cabinet colleagues travel expenses will be cut drastically. No more first class flights or five-star hotels. No more expensive vehicles and luscious banquets. A good leader will tell the country why we have to cut and contrive, and why we must now all play our part in building industry towards a sustainable local food programme. We do not have any good leaders, just practicing dictators all about making a quick buck. Obama is the President of the United States. He did according to what constituted the best approaches. Tell the frigging black people to unite and stop the shite.

  18. Most people understand that the system has and will continue to give birth to racism and racist attitudes. Hower it is incumbent not to lose sight of the fact that those who continue to activate the seeds of racism would be judge accordingly as in the case of Trump.He no longer stands alone as a capatalist mogul but has exposed himself and have become the face of a backward mentality fueled by his racist taunts

  19. Understanding human behaviour, one would have to abandon the entire concept of the Christain faith to believe that an entire race of people adhere to a specific racist worldview.

  20. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    @the intelligent AC

    Still, all that you have said is not stopping the Trump train. When Trump wins the nomination and faces Clinton in the battle for the Presidency take a very close look at how the tides will flow. Racial tensions in the world today are at an all-time high thanks largely to the efforts of ISIS, the refugee crisis in Europe, and the radicalness of Islam, who are now practicing their Shariah law in villages, streets and communities of other people’s countries, talking shite that they will make the country who give them asylum, Islam. The rise or Reich of Trump is not base on any intellectual ability or charisma to be President. The rise of Trump is base on people’s fears and a man who is just saying the right shite to activate the hate in the hearts of these people and encourage those who are already established in hate, to rise up and support him. Mark my words, Trump will be the next POTUS if he survives.

  21. In Obama, the USA was given a last chance of redemption. It is NO ACCIDENT that a person of such intelligence, grace, class and temperament sat in that office for the past 8 years.

    Thanks to the racist Republican Congress, they (predictably) blew their last chance…

    Bushie ALWAYS made the point that Obama was UNSUITED for that office …because a people really DESERVE the leaders they get ….and they NEVER deserved such class….

    Drumpf, on the other hand, (and to a lesser extent Hilary,) are much more in line with the just desserts of the USA…. the great Babylon of the Bible….

  22. …by the way, Caswell was ordained to play a similar ‘last chance’ role in Barbados too…
    But he has been playing the ass for YEARS…. probably since inspired by Vernon Smith in second form Latin….

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Obama cannot be blamed for anything, he had to spend more of his 8 years in office putting out fires and trying to stop wars that the hated, worldwide, Bush administration started out of personal vendettas and greed….to make his job even harder, the Repugnant party using their power in the house and senate threw up road blocks for every suggestion he had and still are, re supreme court nominee…imagine having to fight off those besst in their established system of hatred…anyone want to volunteer to replace Obama, I did not think so.

    I imagine he is the only president had to use so many veto powers.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Besides..the Obamas are the first clean family with class who ever occupied the white house. That will never be seen again in the US, until they are faced with another horror and frightening situation, just before Obama rode in to save their sorry, ungrateful asses.

    Now they deserve the leaders they will get going forward.

  26. @SSS

    You are entitled to your view of your analyze global economic performance it follows a boom and bust cycle, usually about 8 years. When Obama took office there was no place to go but up. The markets had to release the flatulence.

  27. I belive Trump has come as close as he possibly could to be the next presidential dictator. But he cannot reign Supreme in the long run even though he has infuences has reignite the Kkk but he fails anf fall short in his execution to appeal to immigrants and minorities including women and the lbgt community
    Cant imagine
    with such a large block of electorate against him how he can become president

  28. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I expected much deeper thought than this over-simplistic simpleton view from you. You think that he would have taken over the Oval office to go take further down? Your bias is showing David. His was a duty to bring America back to stability. It sickens me when persons like yourself of a certain level of intelligence refuse to acknowledge the particular hurdles face by the Obama administration but prefer to prescribe suitable labels base on what you feel he should have done.

  29. @SSS

    Label our view what you like we are all entitled. Obama ride into office with the rhetoric of change, he was not able to achieve what he promised. All the obstacles he had to overcome were known whether on the domestic or foreign policy fronts. Trump is delivering the same rhetoric of change and were he to win the Oval Office the expectation will be for him to deliver. No sentimental feelings here because Obama is half Black half White. He will be remembered as the man who promised to ease the gridlock in Washington and make the ME a calmer place. He failed!

  30. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    David April 5, 2016 at 8:43 AM #

    Boom&Bust cycles are about confluence of issues resulting in a crash….not the systematic wrecking of an economy by Bush for personal gain.

    Obama will go down in history as the best President the USA ever had…..I would like all the anti-Obamaites to tell me how else he could have sailed the USS America through the aftermath of Bush,a recalcitrant republican congress and a populace fed up with the unemployment situation and wars.

    We all know that if Trump wins he cannot implement any of the promisses he has made,at least Obama has tried to ameliorate conditions,agreed not to everyones satisfaction.

  31. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Still, David, he had to confront them. And Obama did not make any erroneous promises but deliver a message of change to inspire hope. A message of liberties that would allow all to benefit from programmes of change, such as health care. He indicated to the American people that there will be a lot of work ahead,and he will try to make decisions in the best interest of all the American people. He said his policies will please some and aggravate others. He said he cannot please everyone but he will try to please nonetheless. He said he would do this to the point that if every American believe then they should shout from the mountain tops and lowest of valleys, YES WE CAN!!!. I like you, David, I like what you standing for this blog, but your comments are unfair to Obama.

  32. @SSS

    Not a problem you view is accepted. At the end of the day a leader must be appraised based on what he has been able to achieve. The world has seen the rise of global terrorism. Third world countries have attracted more debt burden as a result of the shadow banking activities of Wall Street an ilk. We have the refugee crisis now threatening Europe, yes we have jobless growth in the US etc etc.

  33. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David April 5, 2016 at 8:43 AM…not to get into one of these endless tussles with you but I completely agree with SSS that your simplistic view is astounding…and you den double down by using the same analysis to refer to the current Trump campaign…

    Come on, Mr Blogmaster we are surely all entitled to our pedantic opinions but at the level of debate exhibited on BU we surely can expect strong analysis whether conservative or liberal, right or wrong to support a position…whether short and pithy or prolix!

    So according to you as ” … global economic performance it follows a boom and bust cycle, usually about 8 years. When Obama took office there was no place to go but up. The markets had to release the flatulence”… Thus it makes no DIFFERENCE who wins the White House …the country will cycle through a bust period upcoming anyhow!

    Ok, let’s all hold on then!

    —– Anyhow to those who are interested in further deep diving from the piece above, there was an interesting (excellently presented, really) article in Politico which places Trump’s ascendancy along the same Hitler populist, dictatorship comparative lines but locates it quite impressively to leaders like Peron, Chavez, Pinochet and other Latin Am strong-men.

    “Take the speeches from Correa [President of Ecuador] and Donald Trump—take away who’s making [the] quote,” said John Dunn, a professor at Universidad San Francisco de Quito. “They say practically the same thing, the same stuff.”

  34. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    o damn a made a mess of medicine wid his o damn a care
    poor people worse off
    even de drs worse off
    my dr’s office was empty when o damn a care started
    the poor chap had to moonlight at the nearby hospital and pay a nurse practioner while he was there

    man I cuss he and she for insulting me thus
    i feel if i have an appointment to see a dr……..i must see a dr, not a nurse

    o damn a care has made health care less accessible to the poor than before
    health insurance (which is not the same as health care) became more expensive under o damn a care

    one good thing about o damn a though when he ascended the throne there was exultation from all over the world because a black man reigned

    o damn a is the man! A VERY SUCCESSFUL FAILURE! O WHAT CLASS
    when ever his face appeared on our tv for 8 years the channel was changed immediately

    o damn a and the fumble regime both comparable

  35. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    o damn a flies around in the peoples plane

    the donald that every one hates turns up in his very own jet

  36. Frustrated Businessman aka Republic my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka Republic my ass.

    You are all behaving like you live in the USA.

    What is best for BDS? Obama’s FATCA and other laws aimed at destroying our off-shore businesses? The establishment of USA as the least-regulated tax-haven in the world while attacking the rest of us for being such? Destruction of Antigua’s on-line gambling business so the Yank Mafia can thrive?

    I hope Trump wins, maybe then the Yanks will crawl back into ‘Fortress America’ behind their new walls and leave the rest of us alone. Trump will be so busy putting out the national fires he will start he won’t have time for meddling, warmongering foreign ‘policy’.

    You people better get real about your loyalties and leave out the TV BS. The best thing for the Caribbean is 1861-esque US Federal gov’t chaos that leads to another secession.

    The only threat to us from Trump is our tie to the US Dollar.

  37. @Dee Word

    Believe what you like, we drink mauby not kool-aid. Ask Obama why after promising change the first thing he did was to appoint members of the establishment to key positions in his cabinet. As Frustrated Businessman has pointed out how has Obama’s policies positively impacted Barbados and our region.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The US…while bleeding jobs under Bush, to the tune of hundreds of thousands per month for 4 years straight, added another 200 thousand plus under Obama in March alone and have been doing so successfully for over 4 years, his track recorded speaks for itself, he does not have to explain away anything, he inherited a nonfunctiong country , people were committing suicide at the hopelessness, he pulled and pushed it out of recession….that will be his legacy.

    His detractors did not add one job to the job market, not one. He did what he said he would do, changed the prevailing hopelessness of 2004….to a thriving job market in 2016. It was not easy but it worked. Caribbean leaders need to do more to help their countries and people…they full of shit, their countries are tiny compared.

    Stop jumping to sign every goddamn agreement without reading or understanding the future ramifications.

  39. The republicans would never be happy with Obama they expected an agressive escalation of america military might a continuation of the Usa militarism across the hemispher. He did not but rather use policies of diplomacy which involve countries getting them actively involved with the global fight against terroisim. His removal of Ben laden would be seen as a sucess in foreign policy ..also his promise to draw down the Usa military in hot spot areas like afghanistan.
    His domestic policy would not been seen as a failure giving that under his administration the stock market was invigorated and a restoration of job growth in america helped to improve economies world wide
    Also his health care plan has helped the working poor and those unable to get insurance that also would be seen as progressive and necessary policy

  40. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    there is only one Savior…… is THE CHRIST


  41. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    RE Also his health care plan has helped the working poor and those unable to get insurance that also would be seen as progressive and necessary policy


  42. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I remember Obama being at the Hyatt in Trinidad telling Caribbean leaders that he wished that he had a small island or country to manage, it’s so much easier., not long after bing elected, what did the leaders do, they continued the same shit, corrupt business as usual for them, their friends and bribers, we expound on it here every damn day.

    So who appointed Obama babysitter for grown ass leaders.

  43. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    GP …I asked you to explain the Obamacare to me, I am yet to understand it.

  44. Georgie Porgie Avatar






    YOU CANT JUST WALK INTO ANY HEALTH FACILITY IN FL AND EXPECT TO BE SEEN period——-you got to make an appointment that may take weeks or months even though you are their patient

  45. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I tried copying past a list of Obama’s achievements. But since they are just few hundred going thousand. Just few the following website without bias eyes.

  46. Pacha, what an eloquent method for misleading those that cant think and are totally unaware of the facts, great attempt.
    U wrote:another German has been thrown up by the leading plutocrats to be appropriately hailed. Haile Drumpf.
    The truth is that he is NOT liked by the plutocrats as they hate Trump for NOT taking their $$$$$$$ like Hilary et al do! They and the GOP/ RNC are scared excrementless that their gravy train will be stopped in its tracks.

    U wrote:what ‘Whiteness’ and ‘White’ power are to mean and the distanced-elites, including honorary ‘Whites’, who are ceasing control of larger and larger swaths of global wealth.

    All of this under the last 7 years of Obama’s Admin? How come he neglected his CHANGE platform, what CHANGED? Is he a sellout? Have African Americans benefited? Why do we have “Black lives matter?” He said he would solve ILLEGAL Immigration in his first year BUT in spite of having Democratic CONTROL of the Senate, Congress and most Governors he did NOTHING to solve! Who suffers with cheap immigrant labour? Poor white and black Americans!
    U probably have missed the fact that many NON whites in China and India have become fabulously wealthy recently BUT I appreciate that does not fit with the erroneous points U want to make. However, I do agree that the concentration of wealth in the US is WRONG! This is partially due to crooked policy to assist Wall St when critical Financial Acxts were repealed by the mistakenly beloved Clinton DEM Admin in 1998!

    Is everyone sure that Trump is not an evil “plant” by the Dems to destroy the Republican Party?

    Trump has not handled the ILLEGAL Immigrant question correctly BUT the bottomline is that Mexicans that are in the US illegally are ILLEGAL. Some do commit ridiculous levels of crime in border states like Texas, NM, Arizona and California. Indeed in some prisons they dominate African Americans and Whiteys. Some Mexicans work very hard at picking fruit/ veg that all races benefit from at the market by lower prices and poorer whites and blacks dont want those jobs!

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    So GP…it’s just the same o, same o, in a different package, the insurance companies will not want change….universal healthcare, they are the biggest players and welfare recipients in the economy…lost battle.

    Now that Obama is one his way out, I wonder who Caribbean leaders think, his replacement, will help the Caribbean, they better get off their asses and get it right the first time..they see how it’s going, they can read.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I would imagine that illigal immigration in the US is still a 7 billion dollar or more industry, benefiting those who avoid paying decent wages with benefits and everyone including Trump who only has 4 US citizens working at his hotel in Florida, all the other hundred plus employees are immigrants…the whole lot of the anti immigrant jackasses are still pretending it aint so.

    MoneyB……Trump is suspect, so are Dems, none can be trusted.

  49. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    re the insurance companies will not want change….universal healthcare, they are the biggest players and welfare recipients in the economy…lost battle.

    you are 100% correct WW

    no body really wants change that is why they are so afraid of Trump and Lying TED
    these two are non comformist rebels/mavericks

  50. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Now if ee can just get a list of the accomplishments of the leaders in Barbados and other parts of the Caribbean and what they have done with all the taxpayers money, there will be no more complaints….nada.

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