Stephen Lashley, Minister of Culture
Stephen Lashley, Minister of Culture

Two significant positions on gay rights and marriage have been restated by Barbados’ Minister Stephen Lashley and Republican 2016 presidential hopeful Ben Carson. In today’s environment it requires ‘balls’ to offer an anti gay position.

Lashley expressed the view he does not embrace […] gay marriage and he wonders why Barbadians have allowed themselves to become soft on the issue because of international discussions and court rulings.  Whether one agrees with the minister, it is refreshing to have the view of a member of the Stuart government on record regarding any issue, especially one so contentious.

Away from home Republican candidate Ben Carson has stirred the hornet’s nest by indicating during a Fox News interview that any comparison of the civil rights movement to the gay rights movement left him “a little bit irritated”. It is evident Ben Carson by making such a declaration – probably influenced by his static poll numbers – has surrendered any ambition to be president of the United States.

It is an open secret the BU household has relentlessly pursued the issue of homosexuality. It is one discussed behind closed doors unlike what obtains in developed countries. Some like to suggest Barbadians are homophobic, therefore when we observe the issue of homosexuality and gay rights making the rounds in the developed world, it exposes the criticism for what it is.

117 responses to “Anti-Gay Rights View Held by Prominent Persons”

  1. AC

    I would agree that as far as real and substantive evidence is concerned, religion falls short in that respect. One just has trust in faith and wait until that appointed time of Jesus reentry into the world once again. But until then, this question I have to ask you? Do you not believe that some of the morality which is part and parcel of the Christian faith serves a meaningful purpose in our human existence? In other words: would human life especially in the western hemisphere, be the same without the rewards and punishments which is/are associated with the Christian faith?

  2. @De Ingrunt Word June 14, 2015 at 9:47 AM “it gives the clear impression that in your view bisexuals MUST of nature be promiscuous.”

    If one is bisexual one must have at least two partners, because bi means 2 does it not? like a bicycle must have a 2 wheels.

    If one has just 1 sexual partner, then one must be either homosexual or heterosexual.

    So bisexuality is by its nature promiscuous, if one considers that more than one partner=promiscuity.

    Safe bisexual sex requires that 3 (or more) people are always faithful to the triad or always practice safe sex.

    I think that both of those options are very difficult to practice long term.

    I am a pragmatist.

  3. Dompey first i would answer the last part of your comment in two parts. firstly by saying Yes the christian guides and principals serve as a moral guide in human lives, the second part of your comment by saying Christainity was not always an intricate part of man;s life and man adjust and adopted to laws that were considered moral. Historically the jewish religion as documented was one of the most influential religions known and widely practiced with its many rules and laws founded and interpreted on its own interpretation of morality so my answer to the second part of your question is NO Chtristain doctrines are not necessary to be a central part of mans morality.
    However as man moved around and became connected with other people and region man quickly began to learn that some things which were consider moral were burdensome and hard to deal with within a frame work of society structure and proper guidance and some of those practices such as polygamy were abandoned and uprooted and replaced with different codes of ethics and guidelines which today society calls legal and morally bound.

  4. LOOK June 14, 2015 at 3:33 PM #

    @ ac

    Gays/lesbians are everywhere and everyplace. They are doctors, lawyers, politicians (Mia Mottley), writers, athletes, journalists, entertainers, church leaders/members too.
    And also a 13 year old who seduced two younger boys yesterday.

  5. De Ingrnt Word Avatar

    By your name we shall know you…as you surely keep it Simple. Absolutely wonderful perspective that “If one is bisexual one must have at least two partners, because bi means 2 does it not?”.

    Yet, a more enterprising view would be that a bisexual is attracted to both males and females. They certainly may only have one partner at any given time.

    Like that Canadian mayor that was highlighted previously: the one who was married but is now in a monogamous same-sex relationship.

    People like her or the former Gov. of NJ (lived as a married man now with a gay partner) or the wife (lived as a lesbian now a married heterosexual) of the current Mayor of NY are labelled bisexuals too.

    Thus we are back to the first square : So bisexuality by its nature need NOT be a promiscuous lifestyle.

    But I liked your perspective; a lucid and wonderful pragmatist you are.

  6. De Ingrnt Word

    If you’re besexual you must at least have two partners. No. Being bisexual according to contemporary definition doesn’t in any way suggest that a person has two partners. What it does suggest however, is that a bisexual man or woman has a physical attraction to both male and female, and vice versa.

  7. You remember what their used to say about a bisexual person back in the day? That he or she swings both ways. Simple Simon, has a problem with these kind of people, but is there any more different than a man who has anal-intercourse with a woman?

  8. Why are Christians So Intolerant? Wasn’t Jesus All Accepting?
    by Rich Deem

    Intolerant Christians?
    The “intolerance” of Christians is a direct result of the teachings of its founder Jesus Christ, who, today, would be described as one of the most “intolerant” people who ever lived…

    “Christians are intolerant because they try to tell other people what to do and what to believe,” is a common complaint from those who have been witnessed to by a zealous Christian. Although the actions of Christians are often interpreted as intolerance, the primary reason why Christians are seen as intolerant is because the perceived, politically-correct definition of tolerance has changed over the years.

    What is intolerance?
    To begin the discussion, it would be good to know what the word “intolerant” really means, in order to determine if Christians really are intolerant:

    Main Entry: in·tol·er·ant
    Function: adjective
    Date: circa 1735
    1 : unable or unwilling to endure
    2 a : unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters1

    The really remarkable thing about the definition of intolerant is that those who say we Christians are intolerant and should not express our religious beliefs are the ones who actually fit the definition. Tolerance is not about accepting every one else’s beliefs, but merely being willing to listen to those beliefs. In contrast to many other religious beliefs, evangelical Christians rate quite high on the scale of being willing to discuss religious beliefs on a moment’s notice.

    Tolerance vs. truth

    Is the Bible Intolerant? Sexist? Oppressive? Homophobic? Outdated? Irrelevant? Tolerance does not mean that we automatically accept every one else’s beliefs as being true. Contrary to popular belief, religions do not teach the same things, and, so, they can’t all be true. Belief, in and of itself does not make that belief true. Ravi Zacharias, a Christian writer, warns, “Truth cannot be sacrificed at the altar of pretended tolerance. Real tolerance is deference to all ideas, not indifference to the truth.” Christianity is the prime example why all religions cannot be true. Virtually every other world religion, other than Christianity, teaches that a person can become acceptable to God on the basis of their actions in life. In contrast, Christianity teaches that no person, no matter what they do, can become acceptable to God through their own actions.2 In Christianity, acceptance by God is based upon the completed work of Jesus Christ,3 through belief that His sacrifice makes us acceptable.4 Therefore, Christianity and other religions cannot all be simultaneously true, since they teach opposite ideas about how one becomes acceptable to God. A Christian cannot accept other belief systems as being true and still maintain his own belief system, since they are directly contradictory.

    The Christian is most often claimed to be “intolerant” when he refuses to accept and speaks out against “alternative lifestyles,” such as cohabitation or homosexual behavior. Again, this is an improper use of the word “intolerant.” Tolerance does not require acceptance of all ideas as being true, but merely a willingness to hear alternative beliefs. Those who say that Christians should not express their beliefs are actually the ones who are being intolerant, since they are unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression to Christian beliefs (see definition above).

    Jesus was “intolerant”

    The supposed intolerance of Christians is a direct result of the teachings of its founder Jesus Christ, who, today, would be described as one of the most “intolerant” people to live. Although Jesus was loving and associated with all kinds of people, He was not “tolerant” of their “alternative lifestyles.” Jesus confronted immoral behavior directly, and even had the audacity to tell people to stop practicing their sinful behavior.5 In addition, Jesus commanded his followers to “make disciples of all the nations… teaching them to observe all that I commanded you,”6 and “preach the gospel to all creation.”7 Jesus did not say to accept other religions as being true. In fact, He made one of the most “intolerant” statements that any religious leader has ever made:

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” (John 14:6)

    This statement alone reveals that all other religions and religious ideas cannot be true. No religion other than Christianity claims that Jesus is the only way to God. Therefore, either Jesus was telling the truth and He is the only way to God or He was a liar and Christianity is false.

    Evangelical Christians, in their zeal to follow the commands of their Lord, may seem to be over-enthusiastic and judgmental. However, in believing that Jesus is the only way to God, we want everybody we meet to understand their choices, and the consequences of those choices. Love requires that we share the message of the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ. The good news is that all people can enter into a personal relationship with the God and Creator of the universe through belief in Jesus Christ.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, Jesus Christ)

  9. @Dompey June 15, 2015 at 4:10 AM “No. Being bisexual according to contemporary definition doesn’t in any way suggest that a person has two partners. What it does suggest however, is that a bisexual man or woman has a physical attraction to both male and female, and vice versa.”

    And are you trying to tell me that healthy sexually capable adults do not ACT on their sexual attraction? That thier sexuality ia all something in their heads?

    Ga long do!!! You t’ink I born yesterday?


  10. Look said:

    “LOOK June 14, 2015 at 1:44 PM #
    The retired neurosurgeon/professor/writer, Benjamin Carson already has world recognition. Carson in 1987 made medical history. He is the first and only one to successfully separate Siamese twins.”

    May i add that ALL of Dr. Ben Carson’s books should be compulsory reading in schools for black kids all over the world, what a story, those books inspire tons of confidence, unlike the garbage forced into those schools from centuries ago containing nothing but lies.

  11. AC said:

    “BTW Dompey ac have been beaten !abused and lambasted, What more can anyone say or do.”

    AC….obviously, it has not been enough….lol

  12. By the way, Dr. Ben Carson sees in the brain in 3-D image, therefore he sees the world in 3-D image, what a President he would make.

    I know a few people who actually see the world differently to how others see and analyze events.

    Just had to add that one David, I know there are not many people who are aware that some people particularly those who are seen as slow, retarded, eg. ADHD, ADD, etc. actually have a very special gift.

    Not you AC, youse (correct spelling, NY style) is in a special class all by yourself, and it’s not even beneficial to you or anyone else….lol

  13. In 2008 Iceland suffered severe economic crisis. In 2009 Iceland elected a female Prime Minister who also happened to be openly gay. Johanna Sigudottair successfully led Iceland out of that crisis and in 2013 retired from office. Today Iceland is on the threshold of full economic recovery such that capital controls are to be significantly relaxed. Maybe Iceland (population about 350 000) has a message for Barbados.

  14. @ David

    The way you titled this piece unduly favours the protagonists.

    Balance would have suggested that those of us caricatured as ‘anti’ are more correctly trying to preserve nature and not let a political agenda, by self-centered and deceitful folks, make irrational changes to all that is, all that has been and recklessly lead us to perdition!

  15. @Pacha

    It is all in your head.

    With this issue it seems only idiots on BU hold an anti same sex view, the title was so inspired.

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