Adrian Loveridge - Owner of Peach & Quiet Hotel
Adrian Loveridge – Owner of Peach & Quiet Hotel

Perhaps more than many, I can empathise with individuals who have recently seen their business either fail or brought dangerously close to insolvency. In 47 years it has happened to me twice and in both cases, they were largely external forces which caused near personal financial catastrophe.

Of course, it is easy to attribute the blame to others but in my case, I can unequivocally state that both near failures, which occurred years apart, were largely caused by strike action in the United Kingdom. Both involving the National Union of Seaman. Personally witnessing bus loads, of what can only be described as pickaxe wielding thugs, destroying property and intimidating ordinary people simply wanting to go about everyday work and operating their businesses.

More than a decade later, it was the same union, blockading the English channel ports, which prevented literally thousands of our booked holidaymakers taking their hard earned trips.

Unless you have been a small entrepreneur and fully understand the work, sacrifice and dedication it takes to grow and nurture a business from nothing, it might be difficult to comprehend the feeling of sheer devastation you experience, when all those efforts unfold and collapse in front of you.

When we moved to Barbados, some twenty five years ago, and literally put our life savings into purchasing a derelict hotel, we were starting all over again. Not surprising, the local banks we approached were not overly helpful, regularly quoting those seemingly worldly phrases like – we were ‘undercapitalised’ or ‘over trading’. Little did we know then, that these ‘pearls of wisdom’ would come back and haunt the many supposedly ‘responsible’ financial institutions, globally, just years later.

In those early days, understandably, very few suppliers were prepared to extend us credit, and we will be eternally grateful to the handful who took the risk. In hindsight, the limited access to borrowing and credit was probably the best thing that happened to us. Growth of the business and enhancement of plant was funded by positive cashflow, which left us entirely debt free.

Therefore, while I have absolute sympathy for those enterprises which have faced critical financial challenges recently, you are forced to ask if Government is now operating a two tier system of collecting taxes, when a relatively small company can amass outstanding debts of close to a reported $10 million, across four Government agencies.

Something has to be fundamentally wrong.

Our own experiences substantiate this inequity, after finally receiving partial payment of outstanding VAT refunds overdue for as long as three years and seven months.

Clearly any administration has to adopt a balancing act of trying to create a climate where enterprises are encouraged to grow and help soak up unemployment. But at the same time, they should not escape their regulatory responsibility by allowing selected corporate entities to avoid or even evade paying taxes for long periods of time. Ultimately, the businesses which are playing by the rules, despite all the adverse trading conditions, have to pick up any deficit.

  1. @ Well Well

    Correct! This industry has been failing for decades and we have to finds other things before the bottom finally drop out.

  2. @Pacha

    May be you are correct BUT you are the ideologue and we are the pragmatist!

  3. @ David
    Please don’t label us. Your pragmatism only operates within the narrow range given you – a box. Nothing that you believe, nothing that you support will be helpful in ‘the world tomorrow’.

  4. @ People’s Democratic Congress

    Here again you are on about delivering Barbadians from the bondage of taxation. Since last year, I have asked you, on more than one occasion, how do you plan to run an island without taxation. Your last reply was that you had no internet service.

  5. @General Pacha

    We all have our roles to play.

    It is my right to be uncommon—if I can.

    I seek opportunity—not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.

    I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.

    I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.

    I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat.

    It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, “This I have done.”

    By Dean Alfange

  6. @PDC

    Isn’t that fund sourced from taxes?

  7. OH! and Adrien you can take this aa step further by publishing the names of those corporate tax evaders in one of your damning articles .

  8. @ David

    This creed by Dean Alfange to us resembles the way a gambler thinks – a bet. Not impressed

  9. Unfortunately for Adrian, his intentions are two-fold, not realistic, not fair, and borders on the insanely deranged.

  10. See the problem with you Daviud is that you belongto a class if minoriy who belives that it is government and govt alone responsibilty to take care of those who have reaped the greatest benefits off the taxpayers . there are times when you come closer to reality but i question your sincerity..The fact is that corporate interest in the tourism industry got most of the benefits during the good years and now things are bad it is the working stiff who must keep this industry afloatb. What did the money go.

  11. ADRAHN.
    You is a CNUT.
    Yuh does bare shite.
    Yuh is FAIR
    We is UNFAIR .

  12. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Lemuel | April 29, 2013 at 11:13 AM

    When certain people speak there is always more in the motar than the pestle.

    DAVID can try his best to fool the jokers on this blog, but I dont fall into that category. I know tricks when I see them.

    Adrian will speak about all sort of things now. The hotel sector was promised $500million of our tax dollars to do what they like with. Ok. Hold onto your own dollars we will supply you taxpayers money to the tune of a half billion the Barbados Labour Party said to them.

    But there is a catch, you will have to give us some coppers to help us unseat the DLP. No problem there. Hotels in Barbados, I have the names of quite a few of them, forked over hundred of thousands of dollars to the Barbados Labour Party election campaign. I just want to know if P&Q is one of them as I don’t recall seeing their name. Now here is where the problem arose, the wise voting public of Barbados got in the way of the Barbados Labour Party’s ambitions and as a result they are back on the opposition benches. So the Hoteliers are out hundreds of thousands of dollars and they can not recoup their “investments” in the Barbados Labour Party election campaign.

    That is why you see a certain BLP person running to the Nation newspaper to do an “interview” begging for a little electricity relief by way of taxpayers dollars.

    So these people are going to raise all sorts of “issues”. The latest being about “small business”.

  13. Dr. Love……………thing is it’s the UK he should be trying to get loads of money from in reparations……………i thought this guy was sincerely just trying to get back VAT returns, like so many bajans who are also not getting their returns for one reason or another, but no, he has another motive, a wholly personal agenda that has absolutely nothing to do with the people on the island, the people on the island are definitely not responsible for whatever grossness is going through his mind…………that’s a real disgrace and he has the cojones to use the website to promote his sick agenda, instead of going to England and geting some millions from the British government who were the real culprits in 1825 or whatever year they committed whatever wrong to his people, real or imagined………………..he obviously sees Bajans as owing him something and he is determined to collect………….jeesh, i am glad i observed him.

  14. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    When you see poor Black people go to the Welfare dept. for a little help with their daily troubles, they are some who look down their noses at them.

    Yet these so call business people always have cap in hand running to the Govt. to beg for taxpayers dollars and that is ok.

    Can you imagine a man running up a $10million in debt and Adrian not saying a word about that? he owe everybody. and to add insult to injury trying to prevent creditors form leveling on his “assets’ so that he can carry on and owe another $10million.

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Watch and see that in a few days he is going to post the article on Caribbean news now. He is just out to damage the Democratic Labour Party Govt.

    Check this website in a few days time.

    Banks under fire

    Daviid What’s this?

  17. As I was saying to him earlier……………..maybe it’s time for him to move on, go to another country and start over…………..get a new perspective on life.

  18. If we had a few Black social commentators who were not afraid to speak out on the issues the politicians would have to be on their Ps and Qs. Instead our citizens cower in their face while the country is slowly rotting.

  19. @ac

    Don’t bail the tourism industry industry and let us see what happens.

    Don’t keep crime down in the country.

    Don’t keep the country clean.

    Don’t drive down the cost of labour and production in the country.

    Don’t improve the product.

    Whatever you replace tourism with it will not happen tomorrow.

    And in the mean time?

    To think that the point of Adrian’s article is that government needs to keep an eye out for small businesses and are NOT necessarily in the tourism sector. You guys are just making Adrians’s position personal and political which is dishonest. Let us talk about Courts Barbados Ltd which has been reported to owe the government 25 million.

  20. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Anyone looking at the Tourism industry in Barbados can clearly see that it is a sunset industry.

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | April 29, 2013 at 1:20 PM |
    “So the Hoteliers are out hundreds of thousands of dollars and they can not recoup their “investments” in the Barbados Labour Party election campaign.”

    A very interesting analysis of the local political horse-trading scene. This kind of’ investing’ in election campaigns (with its concomitant fraud of vote buying) is something you CCC and your party cohorts are very good at with two successively profitable “investments” to show. For in 2008 that $34 million of the stupid CLICO policyholders’ money certainly wasn’t spent in vain with much ending up in the personal pockets of DLP bigwigs both dead and alive.

    So tell us, CCC, who invested in the DLP’s recent very costly election campaign and what are the expected returns on their investments (ROIs)?
    Who are the investors? The old lady in the “no to privatization” bus ad? Or are they the many public sector workers (surplus to requirements) that Sinckliar would soon be labelling lazy bastards that are leeches on the taxpayers?

    While you are figuring out a response that will never come let us know where this “illegitimate” administration is going to find, not $500 million to save the country’s main forex earning industry from collapse, but $600 million to finance its budgeted expenditures for 2013/14?
    You can consult with ac before concocting another tissue of lies and retaliatory attacks on Prodigal Son or the miller whom was last seen in the ICU at the QEH by the blog’s imbecile equivalent to our own local village idiot.
    Yes ac, the miller is indeed in the QEH (Quietly Enjoying Heaven) sitting at the right hand of Bushie’s BBE who has major plans in store requiring urgent radical surgery for the Bajan economy. No more doom and gloom but reality and deep sacrifice. The ambulance is on its way for the very sick person called Bimshire. From your recent contributions we observe that you are jumping off the “No Layoffs No Privatization” bandwagon. Make sure you are not run over by the oncoming emergency service vehicle with the Registration No. “IMF 2013:14”.

  22. Pacamama
    What were you smoking when you penned your 12:02 piece. You are reading too much Franz Fanon and Che. People are not so dotish now, especially Bajans do not give up their lives or freedom for nobody or any thing or any principle; that is why Barbados so. Like the Col. Buggy said a low wall and a last drink; that is the thing to do. Then we start recreating more social and political dodo birds.

  23. CCC
    You have to respond to the Miller. That piece was more dangerous than the west indian four pacers Garner et al in a bad ugly mood.

  24. Carson……………it’s easy to use pretty words, but does the DLP have a plan to replace tourism, bear in mind that whatever it is replaced with will more than likely take a decade or more to sprout roots, show activity and economical viability…………Does the present administration have such a plan??? you should be in a position to tell us…….yea or nay.

  25. David
    The same people that we are concerned about here would gang up with the politicians to destroy the same black social commentators. Don’t you see how time and time again they send their emissaries here to hope Caswell makes a mistake so he can be sued. There are very few people in Barbados who speak plainly and stand by it, except Caswell of course.

  26. Yeah And how do you think all of what yu mentioned come abouit. itakes money and lots of it. Any how this govt has gone about trying to buffer the beleagured tourism industry with a 11million dollar stimulus and the way it is being handle is not sitting welll with the movers and shakers who would have preffered that they took control of the money and funnelled it in areas that would fill their coffers like in the good old days of the BLP regime

  27. @Lemuel

    Like the BU household and a few others on BU you know that Caswell and Adrian lend an invaluable service to Barbados in the prevailing climate. In is ok to be overseas and make noises, it is anther to be in Barbados facing the music. Before 2008 Adria was the best this to the DEMS, in fact he was drafted on the BTA Board. When they realize he could not keep his mouth shut that was all he wrote.

  28. David
    It seems that the revolution must start some where, whether it be local or overseas agitation. Do you believe that if many on BU were not overseas that BU would continue to vibrant. Adrian shall find it hard under any political party in Bim; both do not lend themselves to critical thinking. Mia is doing what she saw modeled and was successful: follow the leader. I feel your sentiments, but this is the Barbados that developed all of us. By the way I shall be casting my vote for a white candidate. Bushie, you hear that!

  29. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    One gets used to miller after a while.

    All fluff and no substance.

    Miller things looking good for you to lead the opposition.

  30. Hi miller glad to see you back take care we need u to be around come 2016 fuh another whopping. Take care …i see ole fuddie onions not up to he ole self also rumuor has it that the last defeat was too much fuh he heart to handle……..

  31. @Lemuel

    Agree with some f what you say. We definitely need a Tom Adams type leader to enter the fray.

  32. Lemuel……………what white candidate?? first he/she will have to be vetted to make sure he/she is not trying to make black bajans pay the whites on the island for something the whites in Britian did (or not) to their white foreparents 3-4 hundred years ago……….you do not want to put a white there who feels entitled…………..there are a lot of whites walking around with mental problems, may as well stick with the disgusting lot that you know.

  33. @ Lemuel

    What is this freedom we hear about? Seems to us that you are ‘free’ one day every five years or so and then you use that moment to empower people like Cow Williams for five years. The Heroes Che and Fanon are well located in a public mind. We dare to go beyond what they espoused. We are contending that both communism and capitalism are dead and that we must find a flat political-economic model. Beyond capitalism, beyond communism. Maybe you could envisioned a corporation like Mondragon. It employs nearly 100K people, there is no boss, the workers own it. It is headquartered in the south of Spain. Power, rewards and work are equitably shared. A second generation cooperative without entrenched bureaucrats like the communist system. The one you are seeking to defend is always complaining we merely suggested that he should consider another organizational structure because the one he has is obviously not wuking.

    Lemuel what is wrong with Barbados is that it has too many people like you. People who lack the intestinal fortitude to see a different kind of world. A world not based primarily on winner and losers. Employees and bosses. Rich and poor. The powerful and the dispossessed. A world view not imposed by your masters in the North. A world unseen by many great academicians/intellect from a bygone era. A world that we can make in our own image. Yours is the mentality that makes you a little more than a slave, a protector of a corrupt system in the hope that your turn will come. However, there will never be enough for you to share, under the present system.

  34. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Well we all know that it was Rawdon’s dad who established the present candidate in St. Peter.

    so it might be payback time.

  35. The island really needs a new money earner…………and if the present administration had started working on that 5 years ago, that would have been a start, and by extension the BLP had started working on that 10 years previous to this administration, with all the millions they had at their disposal……………Barbados would be a lot better off today, but for some reason both parties do not have any leadership qualities or vision to even see in 5 or 10 year increments, unless it involves winning or losing, that is as far as they are intellectually capable of taking the island. Shame…..s

  36. No wonder their spoke persons on this blog have the mental capacities of ac and ccc and are unable to answer questions that actually affects everyone on the island.

  37. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    Well Well,

    I am sure many agree with you but come forward with an alternative, not just keep saying we need something else.
    And please help me understand why the current administration recognised BTA restructuring was so important that it went into the 2008 Election Manifesto as one of the eight stated tourism objectives to implement.
    Then with five long years and a overwhelming mandate, NOTHING HAPPENED. Narrowly re-elected with tiny majority and nearly 40 per cent of the eligible electorate not seeing any reason to vote in the 2013 election, now its back on the agenda. I simply don’t understand. Or was it simply a red herring to hold onto power at any cost?

  38. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Reading here on Barbados underground, one can be forgiven for believing that Barbados is the wrost place in the world.

    I read this on Aljazeera:

    “Bangladesh building owner appears in court

    Owner of illegally constructed building to be held for interrogation by Bangladesh police for up to 15 days.

    A court gave police 15 days to interrogate the owner of a building that collapsed last week, killing at least 382 people.

    The ruling came as rescuers, on Monday, used heavy machinery to cut through the destroyed structure after hopes of finding any more survivors began to fade.

    Mohammed Sohel Rana, who was arrested on Sunday, will be held for questioning on charges of negligence, illegal construction and forcing workers to join work.

    His father, Abdul Khaleque, was also arrested on suspicion of aiding Rana to force people to work in a dangerous building.”

    Just imagine the eight-storey Rana Plaza collapsed killing 382 people.
    How does one construct an eight storey building illegally?
    Is it done in the middle of the night when no one is looking?

  39. Adrian………………i am not the one taking taxpayers money every month to develop an alternative, it is not my job description………….obviously an alternative will put you out of business, as it should for your selfishness, why don’t you come up with an alternative, that you can also partake of financially, since you are the one complaining the most all over the Caribbean…………..

  40. Well Well and Artaxerxes,

    All financial institutions – including a proposed National Currency Board and the Central Bank of Barbados – will be brought under these schemes. In the context of the proposed schemes dealt with earlier, these financial institutions will all be taking in monies and sending them back out as is the case today. What monies that will be GOING IN those institutions then will be for three major reasons – savings, which happens today – recycling, which happens today too, and investment which hardly happens today – financial institutions then will be required to invest in real productive activities and to bring about products or services to get income/payments (money) for others (partners or non owning investors) to use to give others income, payments or transfers for use of money.

    What monies will be going back out of these financial institutions will be going back out into the market (call it that) for USE OF MONEY/ EXPENDITURE PURPOSES (then or later). Realising that what is going into the core financial system is the other side to what is going out of it and into the peripheral financial system, there will be no major difference between what we are again proposing and the reality that we see now in Barbados in the peripheral financial system (customers/ family units using money, the non-money collecting/transferring institutions using it) and the core financial system (money collecting/transferring institutions). There/here what we are seeing is a system of inputs and outputs of money being recycled, and a culture of established repeated regurgitated attitudes values psychologies desires motivations for use of money and the goods and services underpinning such, which in a political economy like Barbados, it would be mad for a person to think about abolishing them!!

    While we have referred to the notion of putting and taking monies out of the schemes, what we are essentially referring to is the putting in and sending out of monies from banks credit unions etc – which are the broad essential activities that these particular institutions that do so make up the core financial system and by extension that would make up the essential parts of the proposed schemes, would have been carrying out for a long time and that would continue to be carried out under a coalitional government of which the PDC will be a part of.

    So these schemes will not be funded as such (like the Enterprise Growth Fund, the Poverty Alleviation Fund have been with so much money in funds for them to use ) as that these schemes will be principally setting in motion the legal and regulatory frameworks for the regulating ordering of many of the things that we have mentioned in this and the last post before this one – like making sure that a qualifying Barbadian can go into a financial institution that they are a member of and once they are able to prove that they made BDS$ 12 000 in the year before in which they are applying , they will simply be able to get BDS$ 12000, for, say, productive purposes like giving to artisans via a chosen financial institution, an amount out of it for their helping to build a houses for him – minus the Barbadian’s contribution to running the schemes encompassing the banks, credit unions etc. and WITHOUT having to repay such.

    Indeed, these and countless more monies, and recycled monies at that, for having contributed to national income, payments and transfers are going to be the phenomenal incentives that will be enough to make individuals and groups of individuals not only be VOLUNTARILY putting money within the financial institutions concerned but also be countering-repairing the great harm and damage that evil wicked TAXATION and forcing so-borrowers of funds to repay their own people’s monies have been doing to the broad masses and middle classes of this country.

    As stated so many times on this blog and elsewhere, whereas the government will be able to do similarly as those private citizens, businesses and other entities would be, government will also be making sure that it gets its own income or pay by making use of money in the way it ought to used in the market setting, by making sure that – even with the size of the government drastically reduced – the partners of the state management entity that will come about to manage the affairs of the government in whatever areas of government that they will be operating in, that they will use their skills aptitudes experiences to help themselves and the state managing entity get more money FAIRLY RIGHTLY, and by making sure that the government will be able to issue investing shares to the public in any worthwhile viable government projects suitable for the public’s subscription, and will be able to enter any serious joint venture arrangements with any other businesses here or elsewhere and in whatever area of industry, in order to earn additional income.

    So, there the PDC goes, again, in outlining some of the architectural philosophical designs for the building of a political society of Barbados that will be deservedly freed liberated from the bondage of TAXATION.


  41. Adrian……………..we both agree that the island is blighted with a bunch of do nothings………….but we should not become part of the problems instead of the solutions……….what is happening now should have been averted as far back as 20 years ago……….10 years ago, i knew it was on the horizon, the leaders in Bim obviously did not prepare for eventualities and here we are………….I heard tourism in Jamaica is really slamming right now, maybe you could relocate, you can bet you may not see a turn around in Bim again in your lifetime at the pace everything is going, so you will definitely have to move on anyway.

  42. PDC………………..what i am getting from your explanation is that the party will be taking in money from banks and credit unions, that would be peoples savings……………..if they economy needs say 1.8 billion dollars for the 2013-14 expenditures, and the banks and credit unions combined only have say 900K (thousand) to make available to you, remember it also has to be repaid, where will you source the balance to make up that short fall?…………remember, it’s a country you will be running.

  43. Carson………that’s old news happened since last week, we want to know of the plan the DLP has to create another money earner for the island………… want to know what happened today> gas explosion in Prague, leveled a building, at least 50 hurt, they don’t know how many buried….life goes on…….so, how will the administration diversify successfully to earn an adequate amount of income??

  44. David,

    Nothing to do with TAXATION. Only to do with recycling money at this level of conceptualization.


  45. PDC… ……….whose money will you be recycling?? the savings on banks and credit unions??, which we all know will not be enough……….where will you source the balance to make up the shortfall?

  46. They have some real dense people on this blog, who can’t understand the high economics espoused by the PDC. Since PDC refuses to do it, I will do my best to explain some of their announced policies for running the country after they win the next election. I had to do it three years ago for some other dimwits, so pardon me if you have read it already. It is for the education of the newbies.

    1. ABOLISH TAXATION. Boy, things gine be sweet. No income tax, no VAT, no road tax, no land tax. Cost of living come down by 50%. Government gine provide all the services, free secondary education, free medicals, fix and build new roads, pay the civil servants by printing money with the new printing press they ordering from the New Nighted States. (How they paying for it explained below).

    2. INTEREST RATES. All interest rates getting abolish. The new interest rate gine be 0%. That mean that when you deposit you savings in the bank, you getting 0% interest rate. But since inflation also getting abolish, that don’t matter. If you borrow money from the bank, they got to charge you 0% interest rate. No, that wrong, if you borrowing money for productive purposes, you getting 0%. Wait, they can’t LEND you money for productive purposes, they have to GIVE it to you. I forget, you don’t have to pay back a loan, (which is really a grant) which you use for productive purposes. Wait, I getting confuse, since nobody aint depositing nuh money in de bank because they getting 0%, the bank aint got no money to lend (give). No,no, no, that wrong, we gine mek them lend (give) their own money. We passing a law for that. Better yet we gine let them import their own printing press from the New Nighted States so they can print their own damn money. Solve that problem.

    Now dis nex one is the one that really got people confuse. But the solution real simple. Only the PDC could come up wid it


    Now, dis is de biggie. Doan mind all dem foreign countries wanting to sell we tings in Euros or Pounds Sterling or US Dollars. All o dat we abolishing. Let me explain how it gine work as I promise in Number 1. to tell you. When we order the printing press from the New Nighted States to print the money to run the country and they tell we it cost $250,000 New Nighted States Dollars, we telling dem. “Right, doan tell me no shite, we paying you in Barbados dollars, 250,000 of dem, and if you will wait until after we get the printing press, we will pay you IN CASH. You can’t want it nuh better that dat.” Problem solved.

    Now if wunnah can’t understand dem policies, wunnah don’t deserve the PDC

  47. @ PDC

    “What monies that will be GOING IN those institutions”

    Your analysis sounds good on paper. But you seem to have over-looked that Barbados is a mixed economy, and as such, some decisions are made by households [demand], firms [supply], and some by the central authorities [government regulation and control]. Additionally, you have not addressed the issue of government’s intervention in the market,as it relates to the divergencies between private and social costs and increasing the efficiency of the market system.
    One way to improve the efficiency of the market system, is the provision of collective consumption goods; i.e. police, street lighting, judicial system, regulatory bodies, public parks, fire service, education, health-care, etc. The most vulnerable in society will not benefit from these services if they are provided by the private sector (the firm’s goal is to maximise profit).

    Where will the money come from to: provide these services and pay the public sector, fianance these “phenominal incentives”,

  48. @PDC

    Surely you are aware banks take in money because they offer to pay interest. They lend money to pay back the interest. How do you propose to take/get money from banks without a cost?

  49. That;s what I been trying to find out from him, and let him see the reality that is no bed of roses…………… much as we beat up on the present politicians, they have experienced the fire that they face on a daily basis and they themselves cannot seem to get it as they taxpayers would like it…………so PDC…..there is an old saying, be careful what you ask, you just may get it.

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