Adrian Loveridge - Owner of Peach & Quiet Hotel
Adrian Loveridge – Owner of Peach & Quiet Hotel

Taxation, not surprisingly is a very controversial subject and while most people accept and understand the need for Government(s) to raise taxes, they also reasonably expect that collection and subsequent spending of them is equitable.

The revelation that American based Starbucks Coffee retailer, globally the second largest restaurant or cafe chain (after McDonald’s) had paid less than 1 per cent in corporation tax, despite generating US$4.5 billion of revenue from over 700 United Kingdom branches during a 14 year period, shocked many.  Over the last three years, Starbucks has reported no profit, and paid no income tax, on sales of US$1.8 billion in the United Kingdom. Apparently, the company has broken no laws, only making every possible use of existing tax legislation.

But you don’t have to travel 4,000 miles across the ‘pond’ to find similar examples, they exist right on our doorstep. Carnival Corporation, the world’s largest cruise operator with its 12 dominating brands, is a classic case in point. Despite declaring a profit of US$11.3 billion during the last five years, Carnival paid no US Federal taxes at all last year, even though, in essence it is headquartered in the United States.

In fact over that same five year period, while using the services of twenty Federal agencies such as the Coast Guard and Customs, it paid an average of 1.1 per cent in federal, state, local and foreign taxes. For a hotelier or other land based tourism business, that must seem like an unattainable dream become true.

Even if you chose to ignore all the one-sided advantages the cruise ship companies have, then you cannot escape the ultimate commercial option. If the going gets tough, they just move the ships to where they can extract higher revenues and profits. The shipping companies will argue they pay lots of other taxes, but do they in reality?

While in many cases port fees are now included in the purchase price, but the operator merely acts an intermediary collecting them from the customer. Certainly with any Carnival group product it clearly states, but not government taxes which are an added extra, payable again by the cruiser. You also have to ask the question, what taxes are paid on the items consumed by the passengers, like food and beverages. Absolutely none, I suspect.

Do they pay the majority of their staff National Insurance contributions or any portion of any applicable personal income tax? I am also pretty certain any form of land tax doesn’t enter into the equation.

Then look at pay and working conditions. I cannot imagine any reputable trade union, either in the USA or Caribbean allowing the commonplace practices that crew onboard have to endure on many of the ships, to be tolerated here on land. Of course, they largely depend on nationals from poor and developing countries, like the Philippines, where an agricultural worker may earn as little as US$4 a day. The very low wages paid are the norm, hugely enhanced by gratuities, again, in the overwhelming number of cases, by the passenger.

This week is one of the busiest of the year for Bridgetown Port, with their website indicating some 22 ships arriving and departing. Boxing Day alone could welcome up to 9,000 passengers based on the individual ships capacity. Hopefully, some taxes will be left here on Barbados while visiting our attractions, activities restaurants and shopping. This may in some way, help sustain our disadvantaged land-based tourism players who unlike Carnival Corporation, already pay lots of taxes.

  1. Adrian Loveridge Avatar


    Its not quite that simple. The $12 million included all the creative ability of that agency to produce the best, most cost-effective results for Barbados.
    Judging by the fall in arrival numbers, average stay and spend, has the taxpayer received value for money?
    ac, was commenting on the music on our video and it has not cost you or the Barbadian taxpayer a cent, so any criticism has to be based on that fact.

  2. re Carson C. Cadogan | December 28, 2012 at 2:57 PM |

    wunna does really mek muh laugh.

    ADRIAN LOVERIDGE right and the Minister of Tourism wrong.

    I am not buying it.

    Why do we hate ourselves so?


  3. Adrian Loveridge wrote “it has not cost you or the Barbadian taxpayer a cent.”

    I live in Canada so nothing you do cost me anything.

  4. @ A Loveridge

    My comment had nuffin to do wid tourist arrivals.

  5. i am not speaking about cost i am speaking of presentation and wher i find that the Barbados aspect and it s cultural was totally left out wheras the Spanish musicis presented and is not a true representation of any thing Bajan.the point being that as a viewer to your video what is see and hear i would envision as what is i would see culturally in Barbados.

  6. @ac
    You missed the part when I asked for specific economic policies and forward thinking plans. I’ll give way to RE….can you name any others???

    Don’t let the carsons get you down. Turn it around with another round!!

    Cheers mate.

  7. odserving i ain’t miss nuttin .i just not letting you make the agenda.Now tell me what plans the RT hon have to fix the economy.

  8. @Adrian

    You should debate the issues at the macro level.

  9. @Adrain

    you keep harping on the govt owes you 30 000 for vat refund, if there is no query on the amount then you have redress through the law courts. Have u pursued that path?

    Why were you either removed or not re-appointed to the bta board and do u understand the importance of having officer with knowledge of public policy on boards?

  10. o,k comparing viewership is somewhat cockeyed since the two videos are a year apart of each other. however i am perplexed that with that many viewers of peach and quiet , the comments were about only six or so.
    as for representation of the island its people and cultural the Barbados video does a very good job of representation.

  11. @ac
    “Not letting me set the agenda”

    I’ll remember that next time I’m asked a question and need to cop out or just don’t have a clue how to answer. Lol.

    The RT Hon has been laying out plans for the past 5-6 months. Whether they make sense or will work is a matter for debate…but…at least he has put something on the table…..I’ll try one more time….what has the DLP put on the table to proactively tackle the impact of the recession and its effect on a small open economy like ours???

    @david and adrian
    James on another thread bemoaned the lack of right people in right places. Social media marketing is a classic example. If you don’t understand the platforms, the audience and the dynamics of the medium you’ll be lost. I think the MoT should say thank God for “Rihanna marketing”. Without her as a sell I’m not sure where we’d be. All the BTA’s sites, pages, twitter profile and videos are unbelievably undersubscribed and have been for years! Why would we allow something that’s FREE to not be maximized and used properly??? Only. God knows.

    Just observing

  12. @Observing (…)

    At the risk of being accused of criticizing Rhianna the marketeers also know there is a big danger in hanging a national advertising campaign on a pop star.

  13. @Enuff the bluffer

    that is the stupidest response i have seen, in spain the houisng market collapse and hence the high unemployment. Nothing in Barbados has collasped. Do you know what contracting means in terms of economics? Ask your friend Mascoll.

  14. @Enuff

    Further, people like u had hoped that our economy would have collasped, but u were disappointed wern’t you?

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    The small hotels not doing bad as you are trying to make out.

  16. @david
    Any port in a storm!!! Lol. When all other cylinders failing ya better find something ta fire!

    Rihanna is a risk in the long term, but the short term gain is better than anything in the past how much ever years. 🙂

    Just observing

  17. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Election hit holiday sales, say retailers

    The general election fervour hurt retailers this Christmas, distracting consumers from holiday shopping.

    Retailers say that the outlook for month of December is not looking promising as they experienced very slow sales during the week leading up to the December 17 election.

    “December was very disappointing but somewhat expected when you have an election in a December — it’s always very tough,” said Paula Clarke, chairman of the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce’s retail division. “People were very distracted with the events surrounding the election process.”

    Some stores make as much as 40 percent of their annual sales during the crucial holiday shopping period.

    Restaurants also took a hit from the election.

  18. I went for a check up the other day and during the examination the man stuck his finger up my butt ….. do you think I should get a new dentist?. All kidding aside when some of my friends return from a holiday to Barbados thats the way they feel ,like someone has stuck it to them, they feel they have not gotten value for money and that some people do not care if they had a good time or not.This is not the way forward.

  19. @ TTP
    My point is that the severity of the economic situation in Spain far outweighs what exists in Barbados; and given a starting point of below 7% it was unlikely that unemployment here would reach as high.
    By the way what has the government done to stem unemployment besides borrowing $40m per month to pay persons in the public sector? Certainly not by growing the economy!! Stupse.

  20. @Enuff the bluffer

    It seems that u r not smarter than a fifth grader, i expected u to put up a more spirited defense of ur stupid argrumet, so i will leave you choke in your vomit and let carson deal with you.

  21. Adrian Loveridge Avatar

    Nation editorial today (Saturday 29th December 2012)
    Second last paragraph – Tourism ‘appears to be shaping up to hold its own to at least 2011 levels’
    Well actually there has been a fall of at least 6 per cent long stay visitors when compared with 2011, thats a loss of over 34,000 people. November alone was DOWN 17.3 per cent with every source market down except Germany (up 153 people), again when compared with 2011.

  22. Observing i clearly remeber in the 2012 debate minister of finance underlined a number of economic proposal to tackle the recession including plans for the tourism industry ,maybe you can research the video on parliament website. however The RT hon propsal has been given the thumbsdown so as far as i concerned he has not presented nothing of substance to move the country forward ,the RT hon had his chance in times of plenty to reconstruct.the economy and he blew it. pray tell me how he is going to do so in times of famine.

  23. @Adrian

    Here is the folly in the debate. If we can’t get simple things right how will we be able to execute a strategic development plan? BU’s reference is made to the point raised by Adrian a couple weeks ago that website continues to promote the Food Wine and Rum event which ended on 19th November and Run Barbados ended on 9th December. The success in managing a website is efficient content management, we have not even started to discuss the interactiveness of the site.

    Yet the goodly Senator is criticizing the websites of local hotels as he should but…

    Update web presence


    A government senator recently expressed concern that the websites of some of the local hotels and tourist attractions are not up to scratch.

    Senator Andrew Worrell is warning these tourism sector players that this fact could be costing them business and by extension, potential revenue at the end of the day.

    “If someone is overseas and they are planning to go to a destination, one of the things that they will do when they search the Internet the ones that come up are the ones that they will search, are the ones that they will click on and read more into and if the website is not appealing, it would give you the impression that the facility cannot offer a superior service,” he said.

  24. David it is a case of coal pot calling the kettle black SMH. I agree with you that if we cannot do simple things right how the hell can we tackle and implement more complex strategies?

  25. @ac
    ” in the 2012 debate minister of finance underlined a number of economic proposal to tackle the recession including plans for the tourism industry ”

    I’m all ears.

    this is our eternal cry.

  26. @David | December 29, 2012 at 8:56 AM |
    @Adrian Here is the folly in the debate. If we can’t get simple things right how will we be able to execute a strategic development plan? BU’s reference is made to the point raised by Adrian

    You all Adrian L cheerleaders are comedians Adrian’s tiny hotel is closed for most of the year.

    Adrian L cant even complete the simple task of keeping his puny mom and pop, bed and breakfast open for a year.

    How can he advise government how to run a big able industry? Drive by his small property have a chit chat with his neighbours it;s an eye opener.

  27. @Adrian

    Agree with you, an opportunity…

  28. Observing maybe you can use your eyes instead you game of tic tac dough this is typical of the way the the BLP operatives operate. the cry of “wolf” wolf” has been sounded daily since 2008.

  29. @TTP
    A fifth grader that the DLP can not fool with their ‘we are better off than Greece and Spain’ mantra. Based on your argument, the BLP should have won in 2008 as at the time of the elections unemployment in Barbados was lower than that in Spain, Portugal and Greece.
    I am still waiting to hear what policies of this government kept private sector employees employed. How many businesses used the NIS ‘amnesty’?

  30. @ Annon
    What viciousness! Isn’t this the same Adrian Loveridge that was appointed to the first Board of Directors of the BTA under Minister Sealy? Now he is persona non grata.

  31. @Enuff

    It is also the same Adrian who has made a living from tourism in Barbados for the last how long?

    Many of these people criticizing Adrian cannot even manage a dog kennel. BU will always defend Adrian because he calls it as he sees it – BLP or DLP – he doesn’t care. We still remember how he was treated by Starcom and Barney Lynch on that fateful Sunday which resulted in Starcom dishing out $70K to Lynch and Roger Forde.

  32. @ David

  33. I’ve heard the present Chair of the BTA speak on a number of occasions … Boy I glad he come from Messiah Street High and not Crumpton Street High … Dat should explain it … WHERE IS THE TALENT IN THIS PLACE …?

  34. All this long talk about marfeting from adrien but the obly thing his video seem to have promted his hotel alone with some spanish influence where is the “barbdos” in all of this. seems kind of self serving. maybe his influence could have been worthwhile and deemed significant “if” he had excercised the same thoight process by his video in the advertising to attracting tourist to barbados istead of a vidoe which is pretentious and a bit misleading to the viwer

  35. It is very evident that DLP political hacks continue to attack Adrian as a strategy to shut him or put him on the defensive. It is a spineless strategy and one which the BLP tried last election and FAILED! If it shows one thing is that both political parties have supporters who will go low to press a point instead of debating the ISSUES. Who the hell cares the genre of music Adrian uses on a video to sell his property? Does it make the matters raises by him any less of value?

    We are truly sinking to the low of lows.

  36. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | December 29, 2012 at 1:58 PM |

    David might be diplomatically kind by referring to you a DLP political hack but you come across as one small-minded envious arrogant stupid idiot in your recent post.
    How can you watch Adrian’s video promoting his business establishment and react in the way you have in your post?
    You reaction only justifies the words used to describe you and makes you a clone of CCC.
    Adrian is first and foremost promoting his hotel and certainly highlighting its attributes as a small cosy friendly, quiet, well managed hotel with good food, suitable entertainment and social and sporting activities. Here you can experience a feeling of friendly, safe and quiet exclusivity while offering the opportunity to enjoy the sea, partake in local cultural offerings and mingle with the Bajans.
    For your edification those are the things the average European visitor is looking for.

    How can anyone watching Adrian’s promotional video not know that Barbados is being promoted? How can anyone from overseas visit P&Q without coming to Barbados, stupid?
    Barbados needs any positive promotion that comes its way. Every little bit helps, ac!

    You need to ask Adrian if he was given any money by the BTA to pay for the production of that video. If he was not given any sponsorship money then shut to fc*k up.

  37. Miller clue #1 we are looking for tourist from every region. the fact that you have highlited what market the video is targeting is a little short sighted on adrians part since the video should be reaching out to mutiple markets in an effort for attracting tourist to the country and highliting abrbados places and culture after all is’,tthe hotel industry to play such a pivotal role and isn.t that what adrian been preaching attracting visitors to our shores

  38. Well David Adrian is the one who have been taking on the BTA about mareketing and strategy but when one points out the yardstick that he measures the BTA does not come across in his video one is slammed as being “spineless” judging from your response one can say in this case “do as i say” does not apply to adrian.

  39. The same way Adrian is paying to market his hotel all the other hotels can do the same.

    The Tourist Industry must continue to be supported by government but individual Hotel owners should do more.

  40. While some are busy engaging in nonsense issues Citizen Loveridge is busy writing to a decision maker to make better. Here is a note which he sent to the young Senator Alleyne who may have appreciated the guidance from a seasoned industry professional.

    By the way, have a look at this video and do NOT forget to read the brief credit which follow:

    A check on Wikipedia reveals that the Afro Celtic Sound System who did the backing for the BTA vid is NOT Barbadian.

    So what is the point again?

  41. @ac
    But cuddear. Marketing is supposed to be self serving and short sighted on what the marketeer intends to attract!

    Adrian is perfectly correct in choosing the strategy, images and media that works for him .

    Maybe if others found things that worked for them and actually achieved objectives (if they have them to begin with) then we’d be better off!

    I’ll help ya and list the policies from the 2012 budget. Stay tuned!


  42. When is the BTA going to make the Adele,Miles Robertson, Barbados connection.

    Invite her to spend an all expenses paid 1 week vacation at Sandy Lane.

  43. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hants | December 29, 2012 at 5:04 PM |

    Adele is huge in the UK. And with her Miles Robertson-Millington connections she could be happily inclined to pay a visit along with her child.

    A promo with her in Bim on UK TV would help mitigate some of the recent negative publicity this poor country has been receiving in the UK media.

  44. Adele’s 21′ has become the fourth biggest-selling album of all time in the UK

    4,562,000 copies sold.

    Nuff props for a Bajan star.

  45. Miles is now Musical Director for Alicia Keys.

  46. @hants
    You actually asking for our decision makers to recognise true talent and stardom….make the connection with its marketing potential, and then have the vision to craft a strategy that uses what they’ve found, the best way it can, integrated into the current plan, in order to achieve the short, medium and long term goals they set.

    I think based on recent history, decisions., papers, plans and implementation (or lack of) that we’re being a tad bit ambitious and asking for way more than is actually possible!!!

    Just observing

  47. We Bajans are truly “slow”

    Has anyone read an article in a Barbados newspaper about Miles Robertson?

    The Trinis certainly did.

  48. @Hants

    So much so it is depressing.

  49. Emmanuel ‘Manu’ N’Djoké Dibango (born 12 December 1933) is a Cameroonian saxophonist and vibraphone player.

    The Afro Celt Sound System is a musical group that fuses modern electronic dance rhythms (trip-hop, techno, etc.) with traditional Irish (Celtic) and West African music.

    Why the funk are we employing these people to make a BARBADOS TOURISM video.

    Arturo,Rickey Aimey,Miles Robertson, and 50 other Bajan musicians who can play among the world’s best but the Brainiacs don’t see any value in hiring locally.

    Toronto radio stations playing 10 second clips of Rhianna in their ads, Yuh mean we couldn’t beg her fuh 10 seconds of video?

    In the words of my late friend Tommy Green,,,,I done wid dat.

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