Submitted by William Skinner
Social Commentators Carl Moore and Peter Wickham have been critical of "the blogs"
Social Commentators Carl Moore and Peter Wickham have been critical of “the blogs”

Barbados Underground and all locally based blog operators should resist the attempts to silence them, by the so called guardians, of what is acceptable media and by extension acceptable journalism. The simple truth, is that the growth of what is called the new media, has given expression to those, who were once systematically barred from national discourse.

While I will never subscribe to the use of excessive vulgarity in any form, written or oral, I believe that this is being used as a red herring to censor the freedom of expression that blogs such as Barbados Underground are now in the vanguard of ensuring.

Barbados is steeped in intellectual snobbery and I suggest it pains those who always thought that they alone will be the chosen ones to see their names in print, pontificating on all matters, while the rest of the population, worship their superior academic and intellectual skills. They were entrenched as the fountains of all knowledge. That class status has now been forever discarded.

Another red herring these so called guardians of our society are relying upon is the use of the English language. They are saying that levels of grammatical perfection have been abandoned. They are furious that it is no longer necessary to have a degree in English to express an opinion. I remind them that Barbados was built on the backs of those who never mastered subject and verb. Those who now have their noses up in the air should remember their parents and grandparents, who never entered a high school but whose DNA produced the same elites that are masquerading in our fair land.

It is ironic that none of the under educated Members of Parliament, ever had to apologise for suggesting that his colleagues kiss/haul any part their mothers’ anatomy. Is it not even more ironic, that a scholar trained to prevent oral disease, is himself apologizing for being foul mouthed? Wonders never cease!

Those of us committed to real independence and freedom of speech have to remain on guard. I encourage all citizens to use all media to voice their concerns and to support the political party and system of their choice. We are reaching a stage in our island state, where it will be soon like Animal Farm. Daily, it is becoming impossible to tell the differences between the pigs and the humans.

Do not allow these spineless sycophants to determine what is acceptable. They must first clean up their pathetic act of ruining our country before they can have any moral authority to set standards. Gone are the days when we were totally dependent on these sophisticated yard fowls and their political masters (BLP/DLP) for information.

Long live the blogs, long live Barbados Underground and long live all those who express themselves without fear!

  1. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | December 9, 2012 at 2:15 PM |
    “For what it is worth Mr. Anti American is one of the more intelligent contributors to public debate in Barbados.”

    I agree to that. Don’t you think so BAF (LOL!!!)? Even if not David Ellis, Dennis Johnson certainly does!

  2. Miller

    I like the fella too … Just wish he would talk lil’ slower das all … HA H AHA

  3. @William Skinner “Those who now have their noses up in the air should remember their parents and grandparents, who never entered a high school but whose DNA produced the same elites that are masquerading in our fair land.”

    Cheeze-on-bread William. You shouldn’t beat up on the elites so!!!

    The English language language is ever changing, ever growing. If the people from 1012 came back they wouldn’t understand us. And on December 9, 3012 the people then livingwill have difficulty understanding the language we have written today.

    Simple Simon, who never mastered subject and verb, and who happily votes for both “B” and “D”

  4. @miller etc “the legal and moral right wingers like Hal Gollop.”

    Stupse!!!! No bady ain’t minding Hal.

  5. @miller etc. “What don’t you shut your partisan trap”

    CORRECTION: Tell Carson to shut his partisan punanny.

    Punanny=the same word that Ri-Ri has documented as being in common use in Barbados, and which Dr. Duguid “mis-spoke” in the House.


  6. What’s a digital eunuch?

    A man who get his digits cut off?

    Or a man who get his (eu) nuts cut off?

  7. @Carson C. Cadogan quoting Ezra Alleyne? “Given the deep penetration of the Internet in this country, such blogs allow a politician’s character and good name to be assassinated in circumstances in which he or she has no recourse to the law courts.”

    1. A lotta, lotta politicians don’t have good names or good characters.

    2. As it is too many politicians have TOO much access to the law courts.

    3. I resent my tax money being spent to keep law courts open and officials paid so that politicians can sue each other. Who the hell they think is paying for all that? Me. And I don’t like it.


    I thought that BAFBFP was the caller known as Mr Anti American

  9. Don’t mind Barbados Free Press, they just vex because the plantation elites don’t have all the power.

    Nobody takes BFP seriously.

  10. blogs assainated “what character” politicians do a good job of self inflicted wounds all by themselves .all the blogs does is exposed them . EXHibit A duguid self inflicted wound in the house of parliament are the blogs to blame for that’certainly what used to done in the dark is now held to the light and opened for public scruntity .

  11. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | December 9, 2012 at 3:22 PM |

    Does that observation apply to the unswerving loyalty and admiration shown by PM Stuart to Leroy Parris on the floor of Parliament?
    A man is known by the company he keeps! Birds of a feather flock together. Pity dead men tell no tales.

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Simple Simon | December 9, 2012 at 2:49 PM |
    “@miller etc. “What don’t you shut your partisan trap”
    CORRECTION: Tell Carson to shut his partisan punanny”

    I was referring to Venus fly trap. It so happens that Carson has been cursed with one but wrongfully placed anatomically speaking. Unlike the real Venus flytrap his has 2 lips instead of the customary 4.

  13. The Internet is a babylonian trap
    its time to reduce your internet presence
    except for an occasional quick in-out

  14. “David | December 9, 2012 at 1:39 PM |

    @Carl Moore

    There is a naivete to the argument you bring. Less than two years ago a former BAJ President Emanuel Joseph admitted that many a story was left on the editorial floor because it was thought to offend the advertiser. Perhaps if we had a Fourth Estate which operated true to its tenets ordinary citizens would be emboldened to openly criticise the system on which they depend for financial support.”

    David, how do you balance the above view with paying the bills? don’t get me wrong, i would like to see a lot more stories that would expose some but i understand we live in the real world. in the real world you have to pay your way. so maybe what you are talking about is a whole new ball game to play.

    on the other hand, my problem with the blogs is that we see the comments made by some which cast a really bad light on persons. there is no control over that and persons names are drag down in the mud because someone can. case in point: CCC. 99.9% of the blogger’s comments are lies but the person keep making them. i think we all have learn that CCC is a bottom of the barrow feeder and we learn to overlook CCC rants.

    see what i just did there David, use the blogs to action a person. ease like that, how many of us have the balls to go out in public and say what we say here?

  15. as it gets closer to elections the troglodytes going to be trolling the blogs in full force .trying to silent the voices of the people. What anonmity! a game changer!

  16. @ Miller

    Why can’t you just shut up? Why? Ohhhhhh Right to Freedom of Expression.

    Well, Owen Seymour Arhur, the God you serve is mentally off-balanced and you likewise. He’s a drunk. He stutters and speaking is indistinct. This is embarrassing, REALLY. They, the BLP put themselves in this predicament without choice, they couldn’t do better than Arthur. Arthur you know cannot wear a genuine smile in the face of barbarians because Arthur like Thompson stepped down in CLICO mud. Arthur took CLICO money, only a lot less than Thompson.

  17. Look, there is always a 2-edge sword at play. This blog is responsible and open to all comments. It allows very different opinions and encourages debate on a number of subjects because IT IS INDEPENDENDENT.

    But consider a blog manipulated by a political or radical party and having wide spread appeal that could promote serious conflict in society. I can see the resistance to open blogs from the established parties because of the threat, however I stand firm for free expression of ideas and opinions.

  18. @Konkieman,

    It is futile for Bajan politicians and big ups to try to censor blogs.

    Barbados does not write or enforce the libel laws of the whole world.

  19. @David (not BU)

    There will always be imperfection. Those commenters you describe quickly loose credibility and their comments are jettison to the trash.

    Let us focus on the good things Sandie did!

  20. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    One of these days the Barbados Labour Party will learn to speak the TRUTH.


    In part:__ (read the balance in the Barbados Advocate)page 58

    “The public has been debating the price of the heavy oil supplied by BNOCL to Barbados Light & Power Company Limited(BL&P)…………………………….it has even been suggested that BNOCL has been charging exorbitant prices for this product and extracting significant profits from consumers.

    BNOCL categorically denies that it is charging excessive prices for fuel oil to BL&P in fact, the company’s management accounts for the seven(7) months to October 2012 show a LOSS OF $1.1MILLION on sales to BL&P.”

    Now I await what further lies the Barbados Labour Party will come up with to cover the earlier lies which they have told!

  21. Freedom of speech ad freedom on information is suppose to be for everyone, not only our politicians. It would be respectful to acknowledge this as some people in society are victimised for speaking out based on the status of the person that the discussion is all about.

  22. We are surprised that Carl Moore of all people, who has pretended to be the doyen of journalism in Barbados for many years, and has never sought to initiate a campaign against the archaic libel and slander laws, which serve to protect people like him, have created people who are afraid to tell the dominate social classes what they really feel. Moore has never distinguished himself by encouraged a type of journalism that interrogates the dominate cultural narratives – he is one of these BBC puppets. Now you want to demand that our identities are to be know – f–k off! You will NEVER know who we are until the revolution we seek is ready to free ourselves from the colonial hegemony that people like Moore perpetuate in Barbados.

  23. I admire the blogs as much as anyone and as an infrequent contributor to this particular medium I am grateful for the opportunity to speak my piece however insignificant it may be. I choose to use a pseudonym not because I fear any retribution from anyone in Barbados (been away too long) but I still have friends in not so high places who may be fearful to have a conversation with me lest I spill salient details of our interaction. The blogs can be a healthy alternative to a mainstream some may say lamestream) media who withhold information from the public because they fear the wrath of advertisers or the political elite.

    What bloggers should remember is that Freedom of the Press ( and I include the blogs in this arena) is not absolute. That being said I try offer critical remarks where it is warranted without causing injury to anyone, if bloggers follow that rule it would be a much better environment but human nature being what it is many people use the opportunity of Internet ‘privacy’ to spill invective. They don’t realize that Internet ‘Privacy’ is an illusion…..

  24. That’s tellin’ em Pacha …!

  25. @BAFBFP

    Don’t let this misfit tell you that you must surrender the most potent weapon we have in this war against what Moore and his ilk represent. We are not afraid of them. We are Anonymous. We are the people who prevented that SOB – CARL ROVE- pun intended, from stealing the American presidential election. BU should not even know your IP address. In fact we have thousands. Moore! This revolution will not be telecast.

    People like Carl Moore have done nothing for our society. They are the representatives of her majesty in Barbados and continue a perverse colonialism under the guise of independence. Moore and his minions see the writing on the wall and are afraid of the disestablishment of their questionable profession, on the one hand, and the maintenance of a backward social order, on the other. Citizen journalism is here to say. You may like it or lump it! In short, they are modern day slaves to the Anglo-American Empire. Where is the mud raking journalism from Moore and his colleagues that was helpful to the people of Barbados about the economic depression we now face. Where is the insightful writings from Moore that deal with wider geo-political/geo-economic circumstances? Where was Moore when his political friends were stealing the resources of the people of Barbados? Where was Moore when a Central Bank governor, that he served, was compromising the perceived integrity of that bank?

    You don’t have to limit your critique to BAFBFP. We are willing to take you on. But be warned, we will not limit your language to that of your queen. We are ANONYMOUS forever!

  26. Pacha

    Yah blazing tanight …. HA HA HA …!

  27. Is it not ironic leading into the last general election the Nation newspaper stopped publishing Peter Wicham’s articles and he was a familiar sight on BU. What happened Peter?

  28. @BAF

    He is in no position to make such demands of you or anybody else and if he does we will embarrass him. If he does that again we will declare all out war on him. Fair is fair.

  29. @ Pachamama
    What embarrass what?….. Carl Moore? ….not likely…

    That fellow is too dense to be embarrassed. He actually thinks that he is on sound ground with this anonymity thing. Moore is just a lackie.

    ..let him continue with his noise free Barbados drive…. That is a major earth shattering cause that warrants the leadership of a well established journalist of over 40 years experience… 🙂

    Perhaps when he is fully established, in another 40 years or so, he will get around to issues like FOI, Justice in Barbados, and Education.

  30. Peter tell me that yeah, he was a fan of the Blogs until he recognized the danger that they posed to public personalities when they are used by ill-willed opportunists who are prepared to create the most offensive disclosures without any verification. I can agree and I must admit that I too am guilty of this (… I jus’ don’ like Ellis and Co. for example, sorry). But he has been a victim of such treatment (lead by the likes of another public personality Caswell Franklyn) and has turned his backs to them. He promises that he may return in the new year though …

  31. @Baffy

    When commenters relinquish there right to anonymity on BU being thin-skinned will not cut it. A little disappointed Peter does not think he is articulate enough to defend himself against spurious attacks.

  32. Man what articulate what?!?
    Wickham just short in the cajoles department. His forte is to sit in a studio with a switch and heckle little inarticulate people who are trying to make their valid points. When he comes across an equal or better, he can switch them off and repeat his own position for the remainder of the program.
    …that approach CANNOT work on the blogs.

    All Wickham had to do is come with a blog name and take his licks like the rest of us, and everyone would be happy….. But no, he feel that he is a gorillaphant like Caswell and Adrian Hinds and using his real name. Them two fellows is GORILLAPHANTS hear? Them boys fear no evil.

    If you going use your real name then what do you expect? Wuh if Bushie was Carl Moore, you think the bushman would use my real name and let evabody know that I is fambly to Ossie? 🙂

    ….further mo(o)re a funny looking fellow who makes a living by taking poles and actively promoting boxology….? Stupsssss!!

  33. Sargeant “What bloggers should remember is that Freedom of the Press ( and I include the blogs in this arena) is not absolute.”

    But we are all FREE to express our thoughts even if we get sued or jailed.

  34. been watching this for the last hour on CNN.

  35. See wah I tell yah David. Bush ain’ onpick he teet’ fah two seconds before we done hear that Whickham is tek poles and that Carl Moore is Ozzie’s cousin …. HA HA HA HA … And I know fah a fac’ that I he can’ know nider ah dese men … Boy this blog thing dangerous … MURDA … HA HA HA …

  36. Before we forget, there is a place for standard English which is also used tfor international communicate . Rules are necessary for the standardisation of the English language, else anything will go.

    The use of informal English is appealing to a lot of us because we do not have to think about violating rules, as with standard English. When we have to speak before an audience and the ssubject and the verb are moving in different directions or your sentences are poorly constructed, do you think that you woud have the intended impact. I say no, your listeners will be turned of, similarly, the recipient of correspondence.

    Yes, there is a place for social media and we can chose to use standard or non-standard English, but we must not e carried away and use social media to pull down those institutions which insist on using standard English.


    I hope you have seen the advertisements that BNOCL have placed in the Nation.

  37. Why bother with Carl Moore. Last time he was on this blog, he left in a huff and said he wont be back. He was royally pissed because he was not dealing with empty heads who would listen to him. He could not take the heat, especially after he and Ossie Moore were outed as close relatives. So he buggered off. I would not engage him after what he said last time around.


  38. @ To The Point, Before you forget, when writing on a serious topic where you are recommending the use of proper English, you should set an example by correcting your typos and check and correct grammatical mistakes.

    you wrote ” tfor international communicate .”

  39. @ Baffy
    Bushie checked with his legal advisor and had it confirmed that the bushman CANNOT be sued for poor spelling (OK, it is POLLS that de man does take 🙂 ….poles / polls ….to-the-Point just said that it don’t matter on the Blogs…. 🙂

    ….now what makes you think that Bushie didn’t know Ossie Moore….and his fambly….? Ha Ha LOL

  40. Pat wrote “after he and Ossie Moore were outed as close relatives.”

    Just so you know my BU brethren.

    Ossie Moore was a hard working man and most of the jokes about him are fabrications.

  41. @Hants
    But we are all FREE to express our thoughts even if we get sued or jailed
    You sure are right about that, as you can see from the fate of the US Attorney for New Orleans who resigned after two members of his staff (Senior Attorneys) expressed their thoughts anonymously on a newspaper blog.

  42. @ Sargeant maybe he was threatened by a crime boss.

  43. Bush Tea says that it was a typo … polls and not poles … and don’ mind that Ozzie dead over eighty years ago they got people on the blog that would claim to know he and he family. Now who the hell am I to claim that I know the ages of these men that know Mo’ and he family … Man this blog thing dangerous … Murda. Ya can’ touch these people hear … HA HA HA. And de older they is the more igrant they be …!

  44. @ Miller..
    It is amazing how you keep taking pot shots at Prime Minister Stuart because he admitted on the floor of Parliament that Leroy Parris is his friend . You seem to have some particular dislike for Mr Parris . But tell me something : where lies the greater honesty : In Mr Stuart admitting a friendship with Mr Parris or a substantial sum of money showing up in Mr Arthur’s PERSONAL bank account from Mr Parris’ company CLICO ? You seem to fit perfectly within the Prime Minister’s category of MUCK RAKERS.

  45. @Amazing

    Is it true to state that the $75K cheque was issued by CCB and signed by Mariano Browne?

  46. @ David .
    Let miller tell what was the association between CCB and CLICO / Parris .

  47. @BAFBFP
    Your last few comments tend to exhibit an inordinate level of care for so called ‘public personalities’ who you suggest could have been harmed by comments made here or elsewhere. What about all the acts and omissions by these so called ‘public personalities’ that have harmed the whole country over the years? The whole world! To us that type of thinking buys into the rules of the establishment. How can we succeed when we play by their rules? Earlier we told you that Anonymous bloggers were able to prevent an historic crime by an establishment public personality – who will never see the inside of a court. If we were playing by their rules we could not achieve that objective.

  48. Baffy
    “Bush Tea says that it was a typo … polls and not poles ”
    That is a patent untruth! Bushie is tempted to bring a case against you in the BU ABC Court (Amused, BU David, and Caswell)

    All Bushie said was that he was advised that one could not be sued for poor spelling, and that furthermore, To The Point determined that spelling does not count on Blogs…..

    ….you spending too much time talking to your friend BAFVOB…. 🙂

  49. @ Pachamama

    LOL…. Baffy has a soft spot for Pete …..

  50. Pat, Pachama et al, take off your masks and repeat what you wrote above. I dare you. You want to have your conkie and eat it too. Don’t come telling me any foolishness about your mortgage, retirement and your safe job in the civil service. If you want to cuss people, be man or woman enough and remove that mask.

    I’m back for some more fun with you today. Let’s get started …

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