1. @David
    There is strong belief that the date was a major factor in the attack and the video was just a backdrop , this was no spontaneous attack as the battle dragged on for about 5 hours and the attackers came armed with RPGs etc. The building was lightly guarded but the attackers were repelled by some Libyans who supported the US (remember this Envoy lived in Benghazi during the revolt against Gadaffi) but the attackers seemed to have inside information i.e. the location of safe houses etc.

    About Bibi (Netanyahu), he wants to attack Iran and destroy Iranian nuclear facilities and since Israel may not have the capability to do it alone he wants to draw the US into it but Obama wouldn’t sign off on it so he injects himself into the US Election hoping that Romney will benefit. An attack on Iran would make this flare seem like an Ice cream party, could you imagine the US attacking another Muslim country? Not gonna happen if Obama can help it but perhaps Romney would be a willing Patsy. One of Romney’s advisors said the demonstrations etc. wouldn’t happen under a President Romney but he (Richard Williamson) was also an advisor to GW Bush these chicken hawks always itching for a fight where they can sit in comfort in Washington and other people’s lives are in the line of fire.

    The US had inflicted a major setback on Iranian nuclear hopes through its “Stuxnet virus” but some of these officials can’t keep their mouths shut and blabbed to NYT which put the Iranians on guard and allowed them to retool. In the US there is always someone who has a n axe to grind or a book to sell and the country suffers as a result.

    Who says the Iranians are close to a nuclear bomb any way, remember “weapons of mass destruction” and how that turned out?

  2. the article is interesting as it tries to focus on how Westerners view the Muslim world but one must remember that it is true indeed ” that a picture is worth a thousand words ” since the actual words are not there each individual viewing is inclined to interrupt what they see as evidence or full proof of an event. usually the interruption is not far from what the picture is presenting as is with the case of the video even though there might be a case of extremism as it is with the extreme reaction which the fundamentalist took in answer to the video leaving the viewer to arrive at an extreme conclusion. pictures are very powerful even though absence of words and can depict in ones minds a truth or a falsehood work evidently is needed on both sides to clear up misconceptions and false perceptions. yes indeed the muslim world does have its work cut out for them as actual pictures of violence without good reason and cause does not help or champion their causes.

  3. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Some 10 years ago a campaign went out to boycott a picture which depicted Jesus the Christ and his 12 disciples as gay and an ensuing series of sordid encounters apparently followed in the picture.

    While the was no physical violence directed towards the Church at that time the rancour and death threats against the Italian producer were similarly virulent.

    Islam is one of the older religions and Muhammed is venerated as the Prophet and while I and my household serve Jesus the Christ as son of the Living GOD I too believe in the words of said Son who says “they are those of other flocks who are also mine”

    We, being of different races, climes, socializations etc MUST be tolerant of other rights to live here. Don’t get me wrong here because I despise satanists and the aleister Crowley types but even though the old testament instructs suffer not a witch to live, you don’t catch me in 2012 walking around like Abraham Lincoln vampire slayer killing cabalist

  4. David
    Here is one of the better articles about why the Muslim world is so easily offended. It is from the Washington Post so registration may be required.


  5. @ac

    With respect this issue is bigger than the trailer above unless we accept that it (trailer) was meant to be a spark with a presidential election on the horizon.

    Israel is playing a serious play here to Sargeant’s point.

  6. I remember going to a particualr church for the first time and heard the preacher say that “The Muslim system is the anti-Christ”. Those were his exact words. Immediately I thought to myself, these are the types of statements that can cause unrest in a country.

  7. david i was linking my respose to the article in the newyork times where people would find an excuse and point blame at others but themselves . as for isreali so whats new will be and for ever be the rumbling and burning chore at the heart of the issue. but let us not try to blend the two at this point and time as the muslim world is claiming that the video was the catalyst that was offensive to their religion and as a result the violence. now if we are to find the muslim world credible we must first belive them and accept this recent turn of events as one that was sparked by the video.

  8. We have been closely following these events and are now convinced that this is a conspiracy hatched by a motley combination of Zionist-Likud-AntiObama-Mormon-republican forces within the security establishment of at least two countries to achieve a number of similar objectives. Like 9/11, the real objectives of the backers of this disinformation operation include the removal of Obama to make way for a Western hot war against Iran, to act as a cover to conduct military operations elsewhere and/or to misdirect the public attention from the failures of western economies. The Zionists are at it again!

  9. OK David !
    you win
    Thanks for nothing
    Your veiled insult contained in the comment about slow is a good example of how people who have a different perspective are treated—Insults !!!

  10. @ac

    In the ME nothing should be separated. In the ME nothing is straight forward. In the case of Israel it will look to any opportunity to promote a narrative that supports their cause. Whatever the reason which has sparked this matter – the world will pray that nobody does any thing stupid moving forward.

    @Just Asking

    Not at all, some like the daily refresh and others like you like it slow. Unfortunately BU has become a place where all come to share views. For example, three blogs are already in the queue for later.

  11. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Some 10 years ago a campaign went out to boycott a picture which depicted Jesus the Christ and his 12 disciples as gay and an ensuing series of sordid encounters apparently followed in the picture.

    While the was no physical violence directed towards the Church at that time the rancour and death threats against the Italian producer were similarly virulent.

    Islam is one of the older religions and Muhammed is venerated as the Prophet and while I and my household serve Jesus the Christ as son of the Living GOD I too believe in the words of said Son who says “they are those of other flocks who are also mine”

    We, being of different races, climes, socializations etc MUST be tolerant of other rights to live here. Don’t get me wrong here because I despise satanists and the aleister Crowley types but even though the old testament instructs suffer not a witch to live, you don’t catch me in 2012 walking around like Abraham Lincoln vampire slayer killing cabalist or for that matter new dawn accolytes

    This is a matter of respect and this insensitive video will be the single thing to incite hatred against the west one that has been fermenting from the time our so called Christian forefathers ran into Jerusalem pretending to spread the gospel under the sword of the crusaders

    Watch how this 50 cents video spirals into the war that bin laden is purported to have wanted one that the infidels that set him up with the world trade towers fiasco don’t want.

    My Lord and GOD proposes and no man can change what HE WILLS TO PASS

  12. The producer of the film set about to insult the Islam, knowing what would be the effects.

    Just Asking I also feel you are slow just by reading your thoughts.

  13. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    Portia under pressure

    NEAR panic about the rising numbers of the jobless, unanswered questions about the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreement, dissention in its ranks over scarce benefits and spoils, and a persistent social media campaign clamouring for more public pronouncements from its leader are among the issues likely to take centre stage at the highly anticipated public session of the 74th Annual Conference of the governing People’s National Party (PNP) today.

    PNP President and Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller is expected to use her main address to respond to critics who have been contending that her Administration has failed to deliver on significant promises made in the run-up to last year’s General Election and which helped to propell her party to its landslide victory.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/Portia-under-pressure_12514365#ixzz26f3Eq8Ly

    Fortunately the people of Barbados will not make the same mistake as the Jamaicans. They have their sorry example to avoid!!!

  14. Three are too many posts

    Hold one for Tuesday, one for Thursday and one for Saturday -lol , lol, LOL

    Does one of the posts happen to be dealing with the fact that there are TEN (10) new Teachers at Alexandra School ????


  15. Sargeant is the local expert on Global Politics … HA HA HA HA HA HA … MURDA ! Wah this world coming to …. LARDT come fah yah world hear … ! HA HA HA

  16. @BAFBFP

    What is it about Sargeant’s interventions you want to challenge?

  17. Sorry Sargeant is the wrong man to be talking the way that he is… Maybe he is a Zoe lookalike these days, you know, cut and paste …! HAH HAHAH

  18. @BAFBFP

    You need to stop giving Sarge a hard time…lol. He has always demonstrated a health interest in geo-stuff.

  19. The Pakistanis are marching on the US Consulate. Let us hope this is not starting to unravel.

  20. @ David
    ” Let us hope this is not starting to unrave”
    LOL ha ha …… STARTING?!?!
    Skipper, um start long ago….

    @ BAFBFP
    “LARDT come fah yah world hear”
    …sooner that you may think friend….

  21. hey Bushie who know evating,
    can you explain “world without end,Amen.”?

  22. Kofi Annan resigns as negotiator, what a fraud he is … He really thinks that Arabs are Jack Asses. Where the hell was he when Israel was bombing the shite out of Lebanon and finger f#cking Palestinian women as they were forced to cross check points to go to work … Where was he when the Coalition of the Willing were slaughtering Iraqi and Afghan citizens. Annan should be placed in a zoo for the rest of his days. He would be far more interesting there.

  23. @BAF
    You are too much of an expert on these matters for these people. An expert like you should not be trying to convert these neophytes anymore LOL

  24. @ Hants
    LOL….surely everyone knows that answer…

    “world without end” simply refers to that coming state of affairs when time, which is a temporary concept designed to define our current experience which we call “life” on earth – comes to an end.

    It is also called “eternity”, “everlasting” etc which suggest longggggg longgggg time, but it actually means ‘the end of time’.

    Obviously physical beings, can only exist in the “life-on-earth” state, so this is why Jesus always explained that in order to gain ‘eternal life’ one needed to be “born again” ……of a spiritual form.

    The whole purpose and point of this temporary ” life on earth” experience is therefore to utilize the opportunity to qualify to exist in the world without end.

  25. Why are the people in the movie having missionary/western style sex?

    Don’t the movie makers know that not everybody has missionary/western style sex?

  26. @BAFBFP

    I never claimed any “expert” status on this or any subject everyone is free to inject their opinion hopefully you have something to say also.

    Please! No comparisons with Zoe, our worldview is vastly different.

  27. Pieceuhderockyeahright | September 16, 2012 at 12:27 PM |

    I am still trying to figure out who thy be……nice jaunt….

  28. So if I am slow, so what. Everybody cant be fast but everybody should be respected and not discriminated against for whatever reason: homosexual; disabled; black.

    Everybody has strengths and weaknesses; similarities and differences. People like you CLONE always trying to insult other human beings. No man is an island . You do not have all the knowledge about anything or about everything. Put you in a jungle and lets see how fast you are. I might be slow but I will not hestitate to tell you to kiss your arse –Clone !
    Bonny Peppa would have asked

    HOW yuh like muh ?? )


  29. @Pacha

    You are too much of an expert on these matters for these people. An expert like you should not be trying to convert these neophytes anymore LOL

    Are they any real experts on the ME?

  30. Pacha

    I ain’ trying to convert a fella … Sarge is one man that could give and tek wid the best of them. He is a tough cookie so I luvs to throw a punch or two his way from time to time … HA HA HA

  31. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ old onion bags

    My real name is Khalid bin Hasan bin Abraham. I want you to hold that though in mind so that you understand that I can trace my lineage right back to Adam.

    10% of the American population of african descent through vaunted organizations like the NAACP, wage a war, mostly of words against the enslavement of their ancestors on the American continent these past 400 years just rounding off here.

    All the evils that hunkie has subjected them to evidenced by the slaying of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X let us not forget Rodney King and the more recent young casualty of that black youth Trayvon in Florida. Whitey still killing niggers sine constraint with impunity.

    Wherever the white man has gone it is purported that under the shadow of the union jack he has left such systems of iniquity and war that the indigenous people find it hard to overcome after the leave (if they do leave) – Africa and apartheid India and Pakistan the Hopi Indian and aborigines of Australia you name it and it would appear that “whitey” is the purveyor of souls in whatever land he colonizes. Barbados Yatch Club, strathclyde and Bellville circa 1940 was quite an experience for black men after 6 o’clock. Remember white man Manning and Mackey Waithe?

    And no I do not forget gengis khan xerxes nor the japanese nor Chinese onslaughts, the place of and attrocities committed by other non white dynasties in history but I am more cognizant of what hunkie hath wrought in his legacy to my people in the 80 years I have been here.

    Which brings me back to my starting point of Khalid, and my real and present memories of what “you infidels, under the inalienable right given to you by your GOD, did to my fathers’ great grandfather bin Hasan at Acre and Constantinople when, by the accounts of your historians, “their blood ran ankle deep” during my muslim families’ slaughter.

    We muslims are Not like you bajans, quick to forget the savagery inflicted on you by the last party in power, or the current one, and your sadistic pleasure in voting for people who will rape you for the next five years.

    My tapestry of life runs rich with remembrances of who I really am and from whom i descended

    So maybe you may see why I am very loath to have you infidels walk around on the Holy ground willed to me through my Diety.

    We unlike you, cattle, fed on the fodder of the Zionist US of A, hollywood pictures and MTV music, full of filth, we cannot forget who we are.

    Especially when we live in a place where your US bred al quaida jihad warriors self detonates once a week.

    No this is not your puerile “we going wit Owen” or Freundy “the silence is golden” Kung fu master, this is what we believe in and will die for. 21 Virgins inclusive.

  32. Islam is the new Black

  33. While there are comedic elements in the video, this is actually a searing commentary how there are intolerant factions within Islam.

    The instances where women have their ears and noses cut off for either wishing to divorce their husbands or refuse to marry a certain male (usually for age differences) or arresting women who love their husbands and drive the car to carry their older spouses to a hospital only to face jail apart from flogging a young girl for getting pregnant after rape are a few of the classic instances which do not necessarily glorify being Muslim but show how Sharia followers are not as modern as Sunni believers who may accept Allah yet acknowledge the 21st Century.

    Christians claim to adore the Bible yet adopting Lent was a Man made notion, as was the Abolition of Slavery, even Jesus did not speak against Slavery. For all of this, everyone has forgotten “The Last temptation of Christ” which was a blend of Masonic ideas as Jesus’ final moments on the cross, yet no Catholics tore down Hollywood and they were closer to the source than Muslim’s objecting to this Internet video which was made far from them!

  34. @bush tea ………..i am trying to unravel your reply to Hants in your post on SEPT 16 @9..18pm

  35. Bored With Excitement Avatar
    Bored With Excitement

    the name of Jesus Christ has been mocked by being used as a swear word, there have been movies that mock Christianity (Jesus Christ superstar which portrayed him as gay etc), i could go on and on but NO christian group has ever decided that they needed to defend to Jesus Christ, they know better. the brutality of Muslims, when they perceive that someone disrespect Muhammad is sickening and to top it off, they are mainly killing their own, not those who could care less about Muhammad. Give me the religion of Jesus Christ any day

  36. Bored With Excitement Avatar
    Bored With Excitement

    @Pieceuhderockyeahright | September 16, 2012 at 2:06 PM |
    …. I and my household serve Jesus the Christ as son of the Living GOD I too believe in the words of said Son who says “they are those of other flocks who are also mine”

    u need a relationship with Jesus to understand that statement has NOTHING to do with other religions that worship a false God, it has to do with Jesus saving not just the Jews but those who are not Jews, not those who DO NOT recognize him as God. it is a pity that people just take up the bible and never ask God for understanding, or go to church often and still not practice having a relationship with the heavenly father…u may fool man but u cannot fool urself nor God

  37. “Bored With Excrement”

    Now this is an appropriate handle for the above attention seeker… !

  38. @Bored with Excitement

    Have you not acquainted yourself with history to appreciate why there is a healthy distrust between the religions (East/West)?

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bored With Excitement | September 17, 2012 at 3:00 PM |
    “Give me the religion of Jesus Christ any day”

    You already have it in abundance. It’s the same religion used by the Western European especially the English, to physically enslave your ancestors and still has you in mental shackles.

    One can assume you are of the unshakeable persuasion the Jesus is God in heaven.
    So it would be interesting if you could explain to non-Christian people where was Jesus, your God, between the age of 12 (even before his official bar mitzvah) and 30 when he was allegedly baptized by John and began his fable ministry only to be crucified on a cross at age 33.3 yrs like so many Christ-like figures before.

  40. good fuh YOUBTUBE for not bowing to the muslim world about removing the video” Hello this is america where freedom of speech is King.

  41. @ac

    You are correct, even jackasses have the right to bray.

  42. @david!

    Hello that’s decision by you TUBE is a power play one that if the muslim world had succeed in accomplishing would have open the door to relinquishing others in the fourth estate that guaranteed privilege . YOU TUBE must be commended for having the forethought of knowing where this all might lead .the muslim world cannot and must not be alllowed to dictate or trample on any ones rights in the free world. there are a poor example and poor excuse when it comes to people freedoms

  43. miller i see you hiding from yourself .

  44. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | September 17, 2012 at 4:13 PM |

    I agree with you! Who the hell those Muslim extremists think they are threatening the US and those who don’t subscribe to their bullshit beliefs. So if we don’t give into banning the film and freedom of speech and thought we will be subject to living in a “dangerous, dangerous, dangerous world.” Let them advise or even demand of their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters not to watch the video but don’t try to dictate to the rest of us what to say or watch as long as it is not against the laws of the land we live in. We don’t live in rich Saudi Arabia which, by the way, is rather nonchalant about the issue and not demonstrating against Americans or Westerners.
    Well let them declare open warfare on the world and those who really don’t give a damn about religion or idiotic followers.
    One wonders what the local Muslim community has to say about this attempt to curtail freedom of speech and the ensuing threats by their international brethren. Should we local infidels be afraid after watching the trailer or the movie itself?

    Muslims must learn to understand they cannot live in other people’s countries and cultures and dictate how native people must live. What we are witnessing is not true Islam as dictated by the Prophet Muhammad (MPBUH) but a viciously politicized version to suit narrow evil interests in the same ways the fundamentalist Christians corrupt the alleged teachings of Jesus to perpetrate their evil wicked agenda of enslavement and economic exploitation of vulnerable peoples from different cultures and race especially the naïve simple African.

  45. Yank First Amendment Freedom of Speech Bullshit don’t apply to Racial and Religious Bigotry dem yanks have forgotten about International Law
    [mad muslims are Gods children too]

  46. yeah dem yanks have a constitution to abide by un like the muslim who use their religious bigotry and archaic laws to surpress their people especially women.

  47. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @bored ..

    By your handle I am assured of your age and, based on the content matter your “education” and acuity.

    Might I ask your learned self this two. Part question? Prior to the establishment of this 2,000 year old Christianity who did all of the souls that traverse this earth worship and what recourse or reward do they have in Jesus the Christ ?

    The centurion whose son Christ healed was he a Christian or did he worship the roman gods?

    Drink deeply of the pierian spring and nOt these shallow draughts.

    If I were to follow your flawed reasoning then there is no salvation for those who did not have the benefit of the coming of the Christ. Go back to pastor jippy and come again.

  48. AC Dissociation of Ideas,
    Iraq was illegal war and warmongerers should be taken to trial at ICC
    Too many wars

    Try to distinguish between Feminism, a demand for Justice and ugliness of Woman’s Liberation hate. Muslim woman are protesting for themselves and against the film

  49. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ bored “to top it off the are mainly killing their own…”

    By each consecutive sentence you underscore your depth and education quantum. Did you ever hear of the Inquisition? And here you espouse this claim about killing their own? Get real please. Do you know where the name of the drink bloody Mary came from? It was a tool to torture and secure admissions of heretical acts used by the church or whatever you chest thumping speaking in tongues want to call it a casing shaped like a man with spikes aimed at the vital organs of the victim. When the casing closed the spikes pierced the vital organs of the heretic.

    @ David

    You are soon going to have to administer a minimum intellect quota on your bloggers cause these tweedledeedee tweedledeedum dimwits are seriously diminishing the calibre of constructive criticism arising from this blog.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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