1. What foolishness. A bunch of white people in disguise …

  2. Too Many posts too soon
    Before one can be exhausted more posts
    Srop it and give us one new post every two days
    Also have a post where people can sound off about anything

    David ! Are you listening ??



  4. @Just Asking

    Do you read one article daily from the newspaper?

    The hits show of the blog is not refreshed activity drops.

    If you want to stick to one/older blog why not do so? If you are slow.

  5. Why this man had to make mock sport at the religion?

  6. Ron Paul: The Libya fiasco and the folly of intervention

    The attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya and the killing of the U.S. ambassador and several aides is another tragic example of how our interventionist foreign policy undermines our national security. The more the U.S. tries to control the rest of the world, either by democracy promotion, aid to foreign governments, or by bombs, the more events spin out of control into chaos, unintended consequences, and blowback.


    In Libya we worked with, among others, the rebel Libyan Fighting Group (LIFG) which included foreign elements of al-Qaeda. It has been pointed out that the al-Qaeda affiliated radicals we fought in Iraq were some of the same groups we worked with to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya. Last year in a television interview I predicted that the result of NATO’s bombing of Libya would likely be an increased al-Qaeda presence in the country. I said at the time that we may be delivering al-Qaeda another prize.

    Not long after NATO overthrew Gaddafi, the al Qaeda flag was flown over the courthouse in Benghazi. Should we be surprised, then, that less than a year later there would be an attack on our consulate in Benghazi? We have been told for at least the past eleven years that these people are the enemy who seeks to do us harm.


    Currently, the U.S. is actively supporting rebels in Syria that even our CIA tells us are affiliated with al Qaeda. Many of these radical Islamist fighters in Syria were not long ago fighting in Libya.

    Doesn’t it seem strange to anyone that this week the head of Al Qaeda, Zawahri, released a video calling on all Muslims to back the rebels in Syria, saying the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad would bring them closer to the ultimate goal of defeating Israel?

    We must learn from these mistakes and immediately cease all support for the Syrian rebels, lest history once again repeat itself. We are literally backing the same people in Syria that we are fighting in Afghanistan and that have just killed our ambassador in Libya! We must finally abandon the interventionist impulse before it is too late.


  7. But Green Monkey, you more than anyone else should know that there really is NO such thing as al Qaeda … It was the name given to a database on Afghan operatives who fought the Russians back in the eighties. Now it is being used as the name of a fictitious enemy that the world should fear to the point where the US government must be allowed extraordinary privileges …!

  8. @Green Monkey
    You could also add that the US at one time supported Bin Laden against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, and Sadam Hussien in the Iraq-Iran war. US foreign policy is seriously flawed.

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    It’s interesting to note that the mass anti-American and anti Judeo-Christian flare up has not occurred in those “rich’ Muslim states even those with an Islamic fundamentalist Constitution like the Land of Saud. Nothing in Kuwait or Bahrain where oil money is no problem, no problem.

    Check and see only those poor Muslim countries where, according to Karl Marx, “religion is the opiate of the masses”, that the ordinary people are used to further the agenda of political forces.
    There is no turning back of the clock by those who are bent on making money out of civil upheaval or war or even to find a viable excuse for an ailing and dying socio-economic system based on over-exploitation of the Earth’s finite resources to fuel a demand for continuous growth and material riches for a minority.

    Does anyone ever question where so-called bearded men with fundamentalist social mores and a Middle Ages view of society (similar to those of Fundamentalist Christians like our friend Zoe) are able to source the most sophisticated forms of weaponry and communications technology to wage jihad? The same way that Native North Americans were able to get hold of guns and bullets from the same white man they were allegedly fighting against.
    War is a necessary evil but it also a very profitable business for a few Western, Russian and Chinese companies.
    It can be said that guns, ammunition, transportation and communications devices are not manufactured by fundamentalist people living in caves or city ghettos but by “respectable” and very profitable and rich business people.
    The only god that religions of the Abrahamic tree agree on is MONEY and Greed is the prayer book of religious instruction.
    That is why Buddhism is the path to Enlightenment that does not put impediments in the way of Reason and Science.

  10. @BAFBFP
    I believe that radical, fundamentalists Muslims,who want to do serious harm to Americans (and other infidels) do exist, and those Muslims might now self-identify as al Qaeda after the term has become widely accepted and is in common use worldwide as referring to Muslim, fundamentalist, jihadists or terrorists, Then there are others who might refer to themselves as al Qaeda who could well be under the control of the CIA/Mossad/MI6.

    As to the point that al Qaeda as a hierarchical, unified, body with numerous members all under the control of and taking orders and direction from Osama or his designated underlings never really existed, I believe that is basically correct.

    This excerpt from a BBC program (I believe it was called The Power of Nightmares) explains why the US found it convenient to promote the myth of al Qaeda as described above.

  11. Green Monkey

    “fundamentalist, jihadists or terrorists” … Are you referring to the US Military, NATO or the Zionist people ..? Is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

  12. In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.

  13. With all being said does one really believe that america have not weighed benefits versus the risk i believe that america believes the risk golbally are higher and doing nothing is Not an option To fighting antiamericanism

  14. Dear ac:

    Are you dyslexic?


  15. David | September 15, 2012 at 9:34 PM “Why this man had to make mock sport at the religion?”

    Dear David: He made sport of other people’s religion because he is a bad minded disrespectful bastard.

    Sometime we try to over complicate things

    Dear David: If I tell you to fcuk your mother do you look for some complex, economic/geo-political military/industrial reason for my rudeness? No. If I tell you that I want to insult you (and your mother) plain and simple


  16. @Simple

    What are the arguments here: did the Libyan people need to react to violently? Is this a fringe element or is it a whole nation which has reacted?

    The making of this vid (by an idiot) does it give an insight into how a typical American (Westerner) thinks about Muslims.

  17. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | September 16, 2012 at 7:01 AM |
    “The making of this vid (by an idiot) does it give an insight into how a typical American (Westerner) thinks about Muslims.”

    The same way the ‘average Westerner’ does not know or give two hoots about Muslims the same way the average Muslim does not know or care about the average Christian in America or the average rich Saudi does not give too hoots about the poverty stricken Muslim in Indonesia or Nigeria Or Mali.
    Neither does the average starving AIDS stricken Zimbabwean know anything about the average Jamaican man who can run 100 metres in less than 9.7 secs while drunk and high on ganga and leering at women.

    Ignorance knows no international boundaries, no cultural or racial barriers. Ask the average “Christian” Bajan about Islam and they will tell you it is not a true religion but a cult or some devil movement that does not worship the true and only god the one and living Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour of all mankind and the one and only way to get to heaven.

  18. another excuse for the fundalmentalist extremist to attack americans and to curved freedom of speech . what was there point of attacking and killing the innocent american citizens O>K so one would say that american does it too but in this case a video is not a sufficient reason for the uprising and death and mayhem in the muslims country underneath this all is a biggert picture the video was just another excuse and the muslim use of gaining support as i previously said america is aware of all the risk and the chances there are taking in there effort to fight the fundalmentalist within the muslim world.

    @ simple simon

    So simple indeed!

  19. @miller

    Understand your argument.

    What about the fact that America is a pluralistic society and therefore should be more tolerant i.e. less extremist on matters of religion etc. Producing this video shows extreme ignorance in this context maybe? On the other hand in many of the Islam countries where theocracies and ehtocracies and flavours abound.

    When all is said and done you are correct, there is a huge ignorance at play on both sides which does not inspire confidence it will improve in our lifetime. Violence will one beget violence.

  20. when one looks at the the pictures of blood and mayhem coming out of the muslim world how does it help in changing the negativity of peoples thinking about the muslim if one is to believe this violence was all sparked by a video .the truth is that the fundamentalist groups are still seeking revenge for bin laden deaths

  21. The fact that this video was shown only once to an empty house in the USA makes no difference here. In an election years the war machinery begins to fire up. The fact that Sam Bacile is reported to be an Israeli Jew helps!

    Go Obama!!!

  22. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Simple Simon | September 16, 2012 at 6:45 AM |
    “Dear ac:Are you dyslexic?”

    And if she is, so what?
    So are some of the greatest people that walk this Earth dead or alive. The only outstanding black female space scientist British Dr. Pocock is dyslexic. So too is Richard Branson.
    So to have been some of the “simplest” of minds, Simon.

    I would ignore ac’s dyslexic condition but not her propensity to lie to promote her partisan political views. In this case, though, she has a valid point about the true reason behind the anti-American outburst. The vid is just an alibi. The West has opened a Pandora’s box by using the Arab Spring uprising as the key to bring Islamic fundamentalism into mainstream politics to set up a straw target for military aggression.
    This might just be a deliberate move on the geo-political chessboard to set up the stage for a world wide conflict to fight back against the collapse of Western civilization and its concomitant political, social and economic systems. The old bogey man Religion would be pressed into service as the façade to protect the banner of Holy Crusade with the Zionist businessmen financing the campaigns as was done in the slave trade and international conflicts.

    Iran is the tinder box with Syria the match and flint. You will soon witness a significant turn around in Western attitude towards Syria given the recent anti-American sentiments and acts in the wider poorer Islamic world. After all, Assad is a Western educated and trained eye doctor with a British wife and exquisite Western lifestyle that can match any member from the House of Saud or the Kuwaiti fiefdom.

  23. this video is not going to uproot or upstage the obama presidency. the unfolding events and pictures coming out of the middle east would only strengthen him and gives him more support and power from the people to go after the warlords of terrorism and antiamericanism. roomney does not have a chance

  24. @ac

    Obama will obviously use this conflict to his advantage to appear strong i.e. commander in chief and all that bs.

    Romney’s mouth has already put him behind the 8-ball but we have some time to go before elections!.

  25. David
    The fact that Sam Bacile is reported to be an Israeli Jew helps!
    Please get your facts right. It has been confirmed that Sam Bacile is the pseudonym of an Egyptian Coptic Christian named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

  26. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | September 16, 2012 at 8:38 AM |

    While we are here talking about religious fundamentalist ‘nutters’ being used as pawns in the geo-political war games in the Middle East we seem to be not concerned about what is going on in the Far East front.
    The growing tensions and acts of military show of aggression between China and Japan ought to be of concern to us. Japan and China are old enemies with the memories of the bitter brutal genocidal experiences of the Second World War conflict and occupation of China still etched in the minds of mainland Chinese. A nasty humiliating memory still haunting the Chinese leaving them with a sense of inferiority that needs to be expunged from the psyche.

    A war might be the catharsis required to bring about that dignity and self-confidence to make China feel like a true super power with economic might to wage a retaliatory war against a vulnerable nation reeling from effects of natural disasters, economic stagnation, population decline and military impotence.

  27. @miller

    Agreed that the geopolitics of this world makes Kissinger exploits seem like child’s play. Does anyone have a solution though? Remember Obama was the great hope four years ago. What has changed? Nada!!!

  28. @David

    Updates are coming in as we speak but in the body of the report that you cited as your source is a statement “he is not Israeli”.
    Here is the “latest” information


  29. @Sargeant

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Your link refers to the Director and not the Producer.

    It is probably early days yet.

  30. what about yassir arrafat role in the geoploitics of the midlleast the new breed of terrorist makes arrafat role as one of a choir boy.

  31. ….the narcissism exhibited by the ‘chosen’,to the rest of the world is true to form….Obama or not (who some eulogize)…wake up-, all the same… besides how can you teach a ole dog new tricks….but it will all come to an end one day too late…

  32. Going to a temple / mosque is not the same as being a suicide bomber
    Islam is a religion, US wanted to attack 1-2 countries without building resentment from muslins all over the world.

  33. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    Our former chief justice did a wonderful while he was chief justice, didnt he?

    “Gibson said, there were still 99 cases in the High Court pending from 1990 and 152 from 1991 which have never been transitioned.

    He said those cases were found by “physically going into boxes”. ” I suspect that it will not get better but it will get worse.” he said to fellow judges, magistrates,lawyers,from both sides of the bar table.

    Here we find the corrupt Barbados Labour Party gangsters fighting tooth and nail to be returned to office.

    It will be a cold day in hell before that happens.

  34. @ David
    “Does anyone have a solution though? Remember Obama was the great hope four years ago. What has changed? Nada!!!”
    To arrive at a solution we need to first understand the REAL problem. You obviously want peace and prosperity…….however as Bob Marley so clearly articulated, we cannot have peace and prosperity without FIRST creating JUSTICE and EQUALITY, And these cannot be enforced “Vi et armis” no matter how powerful any individual, group or any nation thinks that it is.

    What will be required to achieve your desired end is a complete change in human behavior at the level of the mind.

    Now after 6 years of serious blogging, can you honestly see such a transformation in human mentality in the immediate future?
    …at the local, national, regional or global level?

    Are you beginning to see the logic, and indeed the NEED for a major intervention from BBE to save us from ourselves as a species?
    To anticipate Zoe, the bible predicts that the time would come when (despite all the science and power of man’s intelligence) “except those days be shortened, there would be no flesh left alive…”

    Is it not amazing that the more we advance in knowledge and power the more unstable, fragile and unhappy our existence becomes?

    ….a clear sign of fundamental flaws in our generally accepted epistemological assumptions.

  35. Green Monkey

    If al Qaeda did not exist in 2001, who blow up those buildings in New York then …?

  36. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | September 16, 2012 at 9:59 AM |

    What is your contribution to the topic in hand? Or is that totally outside your myopic intellectual scope? Even ac is making a worthwhile contribution. What about you, political pygmy? Can’t you swap places for once with the jackass and get behind the cart to give your mind a rest and the donkey some work to do?

  37. @Miller

    my lord, can u imagine that i am agreeing with you, but i must admit, i cant falt your reasoning on this one.

  38. If any US president is serious about addressing the issues in the middle-east, the place to start is with the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Obama has to take the unpopular stance of forcing Israel to withdraw from the occupied territiories back to pre-1967 borders, thereby allowing for the creation of a Palestinian state. If there is ever going to be a path to middle-east peace it has to start right there.

    Maybe Obama might find it easier to apply more serious pressure on Israel if he is re-elected for a second term. The question is, would Israel bow to the pressure, or defy its greatest ally.

  39. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    Gibson also revealed that “the Court of Appeal had 362 undecided cases on its list, some dating as far back as 1992 and and in which some of the Lawyers had died.”
    Gibson noted that the judiciary had been criticized by the Caribbean Court of Justice(CCJ) for its tardiness in delivering decisions. (and I might add with complete justification)
    We have a judiciary on the verge of collapse thanks to the incompetence of the corrupt Barbados Labour Party.

    However they think that Bajans are stupid enough to return them to office.
    Pigs will fly first!!

  40. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    What is this judicial incompetence to the business environment of Barbados?

  41. @CCC

    Ha ha ha…prepare for takeoff Mr. Piggy.

  42. @Zack

    Agree that thee Israeli/Palestinan conflict smacks at the heart of the matter and will NOT be solved in our life time.


    Please stay focused but giving us your views on the topic at hand.

    Where ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise.

  43. @David
    My point is that the “Israeli Jew” angle has long been discredited.

    The only country that matters in this latest flare up is Egypt and they have effectively curbed the demonstrations at least in the vicinity of the Embassy. Egypt is heavily dependent on US Aid ( granted as a reward for not attacking Israel) and President Morsi wants it to continue ( why can’t he source Aid from the deep pockets Arab/Islamic countries e.g. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait etc.?).

    There is a report that Morsi has asked to state his case at the New York Economic Club in the next couple of weeks. All that being said he still has to walk a fine line between his “pragmatism” and his Salafists partners who are itching to take over.

    Who benefits from all of this? In the US Obama benefits politically in the short term as Willard (Mitt) looked like a fool when he tried to make political capital out of the unrest as the Press and even his allies were highly critical of his response. It seems that desperation has set in and his supporters are pinning their hopes in the upcoming debates where they hope he will outperform Obama.

    One bit of news from last week that will benefit Willard is the release of the IPhone 5, Apple sent me an email asking if I want to pre order and judging from the general interest they stand to make a lot of money and you can bet that Willard has some of that stock. Which also reminds me China will also benefit, if I order an IPhone I can track it from all the way from the factory in China to my doorstep.

  44. @Sargeant

    What is your view that this matter has been orchestrated around 911 anniversary by those who lurk in the background.

  45. @David who wrote:
    Agree that thee Israeli/Palestinan conflict smacks at the heart of the matter and will NOT be solved in our life time.
    Well I’m not one given to predictions as to what will or will not happen in our lifetime. Before 2008 I was told that America would never have a black president in our lifetime as well.

  46. @Bush Tea

    We have had one or two eureka moments but you are correct in your submission.

    Strongly held positions remain hard after the exchanges.

    What is scary is that this behaviour mirrors what is happening out there.

  47. @Sargeant

    Did you mention Israel?

    Netanyahu Urges ‘Red Line’ on Iran

    Iran could be six to seven months away from being able to build nuclear weapons, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press. Netanyahu has been making similar pronouncements in recent months, urging the United States to be willing to take military action should the Islamic Republic achieve the capability to construct a nuclear bomb. “You have to place that red line before them now, before it’s too late,” Netanyahu said Sunday. President Obama and Netanyahu have publicly locked horns on the issue, and the Israeli leader’s decision to make his case directly to the American people is an unusual one.
    Read it at Reuters

    September 16, 2012 9:51 AM

  48. The following article is recommended bedside reading for ac et al:

    On September 12, the day after the attacks on the US diplomatic missions in Egypt and Libya, the New York Times set out to explain what it called the “anguished relationship between the United States and the Muslim world”. According to the Times, the “Muslim world” was prone to outbursts of violence, and the reaction to the 14-minute anti-Islam movie trailer The Innocence of Muslims was both baffling and predictable. “Once again, Muslims were furious,” wrote reporter Robert F Worth, “and many in the West found themselves asking why Islam seems to routinely answer such desecrations with violence.”


  49. the popular view that this latest outburst of violence against the west was an orchestration come about because of 911 should be underscored because of the obvious timing of the event. there was a message to be sent one that clearly reflects the manifesto of alqeada and its former leader while serving as a form of jubilant celebration for AL qaeda however the event might have only served to reinforce those who have believed that 911 was masterminded by bin laden and his group and at the same time change the minds of some doubters who thought otherwise as one can reason “cause and effect” which points back to Al qaeda and 911

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