1. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Pieceuhderockyeahright | September 17, 2012 at 5:59 PM |

    What about the black slaves who lived in Barbados from the 1670’s to the time of Sarah Ann Gill? Jesus was just a name of a white god beseeched by whites for riches and overheard by the blacks especially when cussing niggers for their laziness.

    You have to be a little lighter on “Bored” because his breadth of reading is limited to the Bible.
    He knows nothing about the Crusades Inquisition, witch hunts or even “Christian” slavery.

    You know the saying: if you want to hide something important from a black person, put it among the pages of a book; except the bible, of course.

  2. kiki are talking about a f..cking video which has caused all this violence in the name of religious intolerance or are we going to jell all of the other issues together to form a conclusion as to who is right and the cause for the violence, you know when one speaks of freedom that is one of the god given rights we were afforded from birth for as such we are were born as robots however given a chance and the power to be controlled we will become robots. most of all those middle eastern women when the immigrate to the west the first piece of clothing to go is that veil they wore across their faces such as sense of freedom only a person having to live such a life of of total indoctrination and mentality enslaved by a piece of cloth because of religious teachings would understand and appreciate such freedon followed by the freedom of not having to walk lock stock and barrell behind a man never before such freedom existed and now one must define what freedom is well excuse me. talk to any of them women living in the west and you would be well educated

  3. btw i don’t think the muslim women have any choice but to protest unless they want to be read the riot act or even face death by the extremist muslim you see the difference in america woman can take any side agree or disagree and don;t have to worry about facing the death penalty.

  4. AC the woman’s rights issue in middle east is something you, many woman and some men use to justify the middle east wars, but it never was on any middle east war agenda, many woman and children have died and many become widowed or orphaned . If US is liberating anyone they should be respectful of their culture. Muslims across whole middle east, parts of africa and asia are uniting on this issue in about 20 different countries

  5. Nobodies right everybody is wrong
    Israel V Iran war due imminently will cause more flare ups

  6. What should be clear is that the foreign policy of the West over decades has done nothing to relieve tension in the ME.

    Should we keep doing the same thing and expect a different result?

  7. It is very clear that Muslims who are violently protesting are continually biting the bait that is put in front of them. They are falling for this each and every time. When will they learn that they should ignore films like these and act in a dignified way to show the rest of the world that the film is wrong about who and what Muslims are. It is obvious that the mullahs and imams are the ones to tell the followers on how to react instead of whipping them into a frenzy of religious zealots engaging in violence. They need to take a page from Gandhi’s book and learn peaceful protest.

  8. Wunna bothering with Bored with Excrement …. wunna got time to spare …!

  9. Every culture has stupid elements … Barbados is a prime example though of the opposite…. Hmmmm…!

  10. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ millertheanunnaki

    I see by your reference to the 18 years which none of the gospels elucidate on that thou are an initiate.

    I wonder if one should tell “Bored” the identities of the three “Wise Men” who came from the East to worship the Christ Child or of the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of GOD as man of the primordial sound all creation made when the Christ died onthe Cross, of the manifestation of the earthquake on the utterance of Eloi Eloi lama sabathani.

    It never ceases to amaze me how sanctimonious these born again Christians are and how quick they are to decry non religions of other climes particularly when the Christ they purport to follow tells them I did not come for the Righteous but for the Sinner.

    If i serve Allah or Krishna or the Bodhisattva and I am kind to all men, administer justice to all, and worship the only God I have known from the point of sentience on this plane you mean this Christian GOD maker of all things will deny me sanctuary in His House with many mansions?

    These shallow draught Christians make mockery of the words of the Christ when He speaks of the two sons and asks us which one hath done the will of his father? the one who says yes he will do the instruction and does it not or the one who said no but ends up doing it.

    By their works he shall know them.

  11. This is why so many run from ANY religion, all have fanatics and take things so seriously.

    No, NO MAN….NO ONE is an ambassador for the Almighty to an individual soul.

    Anyone who tells different is indoctrinated, simple and led or one with an ulterior motive (even keeping the ‘masses’ along the straight and narrow is ulterior, because it is subjective).

    Religion: Opiate of the masses (or insome cases,the riler of the masses).

    And the common simpletons (importance of full education exhibited) fall for it

    Man = motives, always a motive. Witness it in corporate business, in politics, in sport organisations, even witness it in families, brothers and sisters, with the methaphorical knife out, control, money, power.

    Sickening really.

  12. Bored With Excitement Avatar
    Bored With Excitement

    @millertheanunnaki | September 17, 2012 at 4:12 PM |
    “…the Western European especially the English, to physically enslave your ancestors and still has you in mental shackles…


    @By each consecutive sentence you underscore your depth and education quantum.

    I am the young age of 27 and well read for that matter… my degree is in Molecular Biology. i am not from this island but the short time i have been here, i realised that your people do not know how to develop in depth conversation. My blog still remains but you cannot add to it so you attempt to insult, it cannot work,, i am sure u will never get to where i am and i know you must be older than i am. no wonder Barbados society will always be considered small island….purchase some plane tickets and travel…i love who I am

  13. All people and creatures were created by God
    Backward Israelis, Christians and Muslims should stop fighting in his name it is Ungodly,
    Peace and Love is the Creators Master Plan
    Divisive Religious fighting (or for money and power) is the Devils Plan

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bored With Excitement | September 18, 2012 at 8:33 AM |
    “I am the young age of 27 and well read for that matter… my degree is in Molecular Biology.”

    First let me sincerely apologise for attaching the wrong racial tag to you. Since you simplistically make reference to the Bible my intellectual alarm bell went of inadvertently.

    Now don’t you think that those two statements quoted above and straight from your baby-like mouth are in contradiction to each other?

    There is NO SUCH THING AS RACIALLY PURE WHITE! People of European heritage are all descended from Africans.
    Unless of course you genuinely believe that Adam & Eve at the molecular level were racially “White”, what ever that means. Then you would have to explain at the molecular level how Blacks, Chinese and other racial varieties all descended from these two white molecules merging into one called Cain who took a white wife from Siberia or Iceland.

    We await your response at the molecular level even with your ‘hazel blue’ eyes given by the sun god above.

  15. @ bored with excrement

    With a degree in molecular biology, please explain how a pure white person gets “hazel eyes”? Aren”t hazel eyes green with tints of brown and can go from gold, to green to brown? Mr. Biologist, please explain the recessive genes that generate hazel eyes.

    I am an arts fart, I do not know any science, so excuse my ignorance and explain so a layman from small island society and small mind can understand. I aint dun nuh travel neider.

  16. White ghost’s are so clever

  17. Bored With Excitement Avatar
    Bored With Excitement

    @Pat | September 18, 2012 at 12:47 PM |
    “With a degree in molecular biology, please explain how a pure white person gets “hazel eyes”?

    the color of my eyes are probably the most mysterious eyes on the planet. my degree has NOTHING to do with the color code of my eyes against my white skin. if you want to suggest a mixture of an Asian race, go ahead, won’t take my white away from me, won’t make you any closer to me. why do u associate me with being male? i am not thank you!

  18. An example of the level of distrust is a comment made by Andrew Mason this evening during his cricket program. He lamented how Barbados women cricketers were beaten by Afghanistan, a country where the people know more about guns.

  19. PieceuhdeRockyeahright! Avatar

    @ BAF

    Earlier in the blog you warned us not to engage with the oxymoronic bored with …

    At eighty with some 4 1/2 degrees under my aged sagging belt I am the first to say that I am an ignoramus and with the utterances of my great great great grans I am the first to say that the age of spirit is not the age of form ergo these moments spent with this aryian female of 28.

    I have in this short span of life with its credit of ten years past the threescore and ten appointed traversed this world 15 times on airlines and shipping lines that no longer exist I.e the ill fated BOACs and PANAMs of this world have leapt into the great beyond where all of us are soon to go.

    Unlike you cultured gentlemen Millerthe… and old onion bags I lack the gentile upbringing that you by your insights so obviously possess and find myself as the son of a black world war veteran very quick to pull my father s enfield as a soldier by proxy.

    I note that this young American not long landed in my country is rather quick to insult me and my fellow bajans at the drop of a hat but I have grown to expect this insensitivity from a country while believes and lives the “we are the world” words popularized by Michael Jackson.

    If I were younger I would love to get this young alabaster white thing up close and centre to gaze into an eye of mine where she could see something that was really white (another mystery to be sure) and maybe use her micro biology degree (I have visited no less than 104 cuntries and I have never heard it called that) to collect my ejac….

    This Johnny come lately come onto our blog with her sanctimonious disjointed reasoning and because she puerilr reasoning get lik up she revert to de fact dat she is “white with hazel eyes” and has a degree she den decry dis island causing de people dat she staying at can’t hold a conversation.

    Turn back the clock 30 years causing I would love to have had the only conversation that people of your ilk unnerstan.

    I real sorry David to get rile up and bring my grey hairs to dis disrepute but you try to engage dese ignoramuses with friendly banter, gentle goading to see their mettle and whaplax (onomatopoeia) you does encounter dis type of poor white trash dat want to lord it oval de natives be causing she gots a degree , an amurican passport en she white!

    Who died and made you GOD?

  20. PieceuhdeRockyeahright! Avatar

    @ BAF.

    I met an educated guess dat she is amurican causing most de British gals being “negro by injection” ain’t gine (a) have such a mek up (almost said f#ck up) name couple wid (b) such total disregard for the people in whose country she is residing.

    De ironic ting is dat she did expousing tings ecclesiastical in she comments dennnn surely an instance of lycantropia schitzophrenia Dr jekyll and mr hyde again or a case for de green gates or it that bellevue?

  21. Why does the Western press continue with this BS?

    Naked Mohammed cartoons fuel French Muslim outcry

    French weekly Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed naked on Wednesday, ignoring disapproval from the government which called for “responsible behaviour”, amid growing unrest over an anti-Islamic film that has left dozens dead.
    Illustrations of the Prophet Mohammed hit newsstands across France on Wednesday as weekly satirical Charlie Hebdo arrived on the shelves with controversial depictions of a naked Mohammed printed on the back page of the paper

  22. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David

    Intolerance and just plain disrespect.

    If there was one thing my Mother long deceased would beat me and my siblings for was the act of sitting on a table. Her reasoning was why would one put one’s nasty botsie where one would potentially eat one’s meal!

    Sitting on the table is now par for the course and this little microcosm of we don’t give two shi#s about this Muhammed WILL have one outcome – fatwa(h) Solomon Rushdie all over again but this time because of ubiquitous access to cellphones and the internet, more participants will be riled up to participate in the reaction.

    Never saw a people more curious to go up to a lion and pull its tail. If I, in a fit of crass stupidity, were to blog that GOD is dead or some inane statement like that while there would be a spate of comments and newspaper articles leveled at me and I would be shunned or put in the backslider row at my church, I would not incur the edict of death on sight from high priest Jippy Doyle

    Literacy does that to a people you know it gives one options but Doan get me wrong you know I am not casting any aspersions at the Muslim population. Their reaction is no different to what would be meted out to someone going into Dudus Coke garrison and calling he a botty man if you get my drift

    What we are dealing with is respect for the other man, his family, his property, his belief and his GOD

    To each other so interlinked are, that thou cans’t not pluck a flower without troubling a star ….

  23. Wuh david i cannot understand your rationale for criticising western media when the video that “supposedly”cause the violence is still posted here on BU

  24. It’s simple fella…..the obvious.. ” WAR TIME “

  25. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | September 19, 2012 at 8:30 AM |
    If David succumbs to pressure and remove the trailer it would be most unfortunate and cowardly. I see nothing wrong with the video. Just a mediocre attempt and poorly produced piece of un-laughable humour at a simple naïve brainwashed people believing in a god that must have made zillions of other muslims on billions of planets in millions of galaxies.

    By keeping the vid David is not insulting anyone or violating no persons’ rights. He is sworn to uphold the right to freedom of speech within reasonable rational limits and not bend to irrational hysteria and be weakened by emotional orgasms hot air and pretence.

    Should I not have the right to burn a book that promotes genocide and the mass killing of innocents like Pope Innocent 111? Why should I attach intellectual worth or obtain moral guidance from such verses as repeated below:
    God commanding Moses (or even Mohammed) to kill:
    “They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man……..Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31:7, 17-18)”
    Kill everything that“breathes” from humans and animals! Deuteronomy 20:16

    Why not promote a more enlightened path and demonstrate true freedom of thought and speech:

    “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. ~Buddha

  26. Throw away all your nationalistic and religious brainwashing
    break the shackles and chains you still feel around your feet
    invent your own personal individual and religious relationship with the father

  27. it seems to me that david is being hypocrtical when he crticised the westrn media for posting similar videos .

  28. This Utube Video should be made the subject of a thread for the likes of AC, Moneybrain, Micro Mock Engineer and Scout

  29. @ DofBU
    can you check your spam bin please

  30. Bored With Excitement Avatar
    Bored With Excitement

    @PieceuhdeRockyeahright! | September 19, 2012 at 12:25 AM |
    I note that this young American …be causing she gots a degree , an amurican passport en she white!

    Sorry to have disappointed you, I am from South Africa, grew up in Yorkshire and Dubai. I am here for a short time but I do have the right to write what I believe

  31. Hi Bored With Excitement Sept, 19, 2012 @12:25AM

    “I am from South Africa, grew up in Yorkshire and Dubai”

    Which part of Yorkshire?

  32. BAFBFP

    check the Wikipedia entry on Susan Lindauer.

  33. @Ping pong

    Cheezon bread man, why don’ you let BAFBFP indulge in his conspiracy theories? Now you gone and douse them with a cold bucket of reality.

  34. And you useless bitches believe that a Wiki entry is gospel. View the Wiki on 9/11 and you should quickly assume that it was written by the same group of people. My God man, how stupid could you people be….? Forget the women then and think about the extraordinary nature of the event. Motive, Opportunity, Means, Inaccuracies, who stood to benefit, every finger points in one direction. What the hell is wrong with you people…? It is stupidity and bigotry that will see to the death of us all. I knew that Sarge’s recent burst of insightfulness had to be a bit of a set back for him …!

  35. PieceuhdeRockyeahright!

    Like you is a’ ol’ man yah …! 🙂

  36. Bafp It’s up to people to make up their own minds, as long as info gets put out instead of buried by fascist pigs

  37. BAFBFP
    Man yuh let me down, why believe some of what I write and then discard the rest? I would be happy if you didn’t believe a word I wrote because I know I would be on to something. Look at the first paragraph of my submission of Aug.16 @12.25, today I was watching the news and the US has confirmed that information after initially saying that the attack was part of the demonstration.

    You can stick to your belief that it was an inside job, after all it was an inside job when a group led by the Blind Sheik (Omar Abdul Rahman) tried to bring it down in 1993. But keep on thinking that way but as my grandmother used to say “yuh know what thought mek a man do”

  38. Sargeant does she sound to you, to you Sargeant with the years of experience that you have on this earth, and your dealings with people, does this woman in the video sound and look to be incompetent and a liar? Tell me that the likes of Donald Rumsfeld, Airey Fletcher, Dick Cheney and George Bush (a politician) are decent upright people with nothing to hide and are more believable /reliable than this chick. Seriously friend, do you think that the CIA would have employed an operative with the responsibility that she carried who could be profiled as having the tendency to be unstable in the way that is described by Wiki. Now please be sensible in your response since I do believe that you have a tendency to drift … 🙂

  39. The point is stuff is out there for peer review. If a “mad” lady witnessed conspiracy for crime does that mean it can be dismissed that there was no crime. There is evidence of foreknowledge of the event and still allowing it/helping it to happen in order to justify illegal wars

  40. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/21/us/life-expectancy-for-less-educated-whites-in-us-is-shrinking.html?pagewanted=all
    Reversing Trend, Life Span Shrinks for Some Whites
    The country’s least-educated whites, …whose life expectancy has fallen by four years since 1990…The steepest declines were for white women without a high school diploma, who lost five years of life between 1990 and 2008…Life expectancy for both blacks and Hispanics of the same education level rose…The five-year decline for white women rivals the catastrophic seven-year drop for Russian men in the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
    Dear Bored with excitement: THINK on these things.

  41. talking bout some crazy shite look the govt pakistan let the people out in the street lik a pack of mad wild dogs on a so called “day of Protest” against the video. these are the Leaders of a country.

  42. Religiously oriented leaders ac, religiously oriented leaders … there is a difference …!

  43. From the tape above ”I have no idea what I have done’ reply ‘well your
    attorney will explain it to you later”


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