Submitted by BLP Supporter
E11 affair lurks

‘Too oft we overstay our welcome’

What will it take to bring down the curtain on this farrago and consistently fractured performance? Like the sesame street hagglers Nit n Wit….. the people of Barbados have now endured for too long. We were given a promise of “better days are coming,” only for Jimmy Cliffs up-tempo Caribbean renaissance “to be punished with laughter” by descriptives and their promised “delivery to the light.”Far the less, as one seasoned blogger had put it…”What light? Emera? – waiting at the end of the imaginary tunnel, with increasing fuel charges to inflict pain, in exchange for unscrupulous gain.”

We have been duped, twisted and re-duped, by Ms. Fowl-up, Mr. Bleep and Madame Blunder, way too often. Why welcome all to Bottle Gas and Gasoline Merry-go-rund…up a 10c today down a 1c tomorrow, bringing in more than $100 Million to BARNOC in less than a year. Who ever said scooping off 17c per litre from the blinded,ain’t big bling bling. Why who can forget the even bigger Rip Van Winkle of marking up own drilled fuel oil, to be resold to BL&P, only to be marked up and “vat-attacked” to unsuspecting householders. This tragedy of errors could only be capped by an encore performance of even greater colossal;  holding on til the end…”til the last tether

Why can’t some people know when they have overstayed their welcome and accordingly, bow out gracefully, and go home? We the more classy people have done it. Ten ‘o’clock is the time to leave your guest’s home and not ten minutes to twelve. Must we be reminded of this. Staying on till the end? Five years is up come January 2013, is this not what should have been told to little 12 year old Johnny, when he also expressed his concern, as to when the fiasco will come to an end? Sometimes actions are more comforting than words, even when in Latin. Take a hint from the Fontabelle babe and scholar.

Time up ! Curtains please.

66 responses to “Time to say Goodbye…DLP”

  1. @miller

    What you have questioned is the same that was in place for years in Barbados. We need to accept that our system fo doing business is rotten and has been for years.

  2. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | September 4, 2012 at 11:06 AM |

    Then let us accept our past indiscretions and ineptitude and stop trying to palm off the blame to others.
    Our politicians from both parties are deep in this ‘”do do” and have embarrassingly failed in their regulatory responsibilities to the investing public.

    Even when the shit has hit the fan and falling all around these politicians still behave as if nothing has happened that merits their urgent attention even in the face of a “stolen” report.
    Not even a day set aside in our ‘busy’ one day a few weeks of the year to discuss the people’s business involving a matter that would determine the future viability of the investment environment of the island and the wider EC region. Very few young people would be keen to invest savings in companies and institutions in which there is little commitment and seriousness political will to the region’s regulatory financial framework.

  3. @Miller

    BU is not about such arguments. We are in the silly season which explains our political arguments. We will not join the popular discourse which seeks to ascribe all blame to the party in opposition or government based on political strip.

  4. @ Miller
    Very few young people would be keen to invest savings in companies and institutions in which there is little commitment and seriousness political will to the region’s regulatory financial framework.
    Oh how well you have struck the nail head on with this one….WHICH BARBADIANS WILL WANT TO INVEST IN ANYTHING IN BIM after CLICO? When will this irresponsible-mess on the part of Govt institutions end. This has been going on since the days of the Cotton Factor and many got winched….then came Narsham Ins and Trade Confirmers….nothing to protect investors…even now…Enter T & T…who can blame Bajans being skeptical about BNB…..

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | September 4, 2012 at 11:31 AM |

    Can you see a way forward other than waiting on the JM who in turn is waiting on governments’ political will to give guidance and direction?

    Just remember it is not in the JM’s financial interest to bring this matter to any speedy resolution.
    What are we to do as a nation and as a region? Play for time and hope the CLICO matter fades into oblivion? Why do we have leaders? To lead us up or down the garden path?
    Supposed one of the emotionally distraught policyholders were to go berserk?

  6. @Miller

    Agree but part of the goal of JM is to lead possible criminal action. That is there is an investigative process which must take place. Can we have a ‘political solution’ as well as satisfy alleged criminal activity?

  7. Those of a certain age group speak of a time in out development when GHA was a force to reckon with particularly in the 40’s and 50’s.Then along came another force to reckon with EWB and who snatched the baton from GHA,catapulting Buhbaydus into the late 20th century.A decision to tamper with the constitution in 1974 provided one of Buhbaydus’ finest scholars the platform he was awaiting and the aerial navigator was grounded in style in 1976. In 1985 the grim reaper intervened and the navigator saw a glimmer of things celestial again however it was not to last and in 1987 some oracles declared that with the demise of EWB that was the end of the DLP too.The two opportunities afforded the party to administer the affairs of Buhbaydus seem to bear this out and it has been for some time now the wish of the electorate to see the necessary put in order for the coming election so that we can get on with our lives whether B or D.


    A time comes when it is necessary to step up to the plate and face. How can a party make spurious boast of being confident that it will win the next elections, and procrastinate when it comes to that which matter most? Why everyone knows it is always better to present a confident face, than to appear skirmish and in doubt on the eve of a “Mother of All Battles”. Why what’s so big now in an election’s date anyway, at this twelfth hour? Two months, three maybe four….before informing the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and let the people decide on their future leaders. It is no Merlin’s secret that we are about to go to the polls. There definitely cannot be any element of surprise now at this late hour, as both parties been on elections mode for months. So why then the delay and hush hush? Why the megalomania that there is a need to be holding on”till the last the last sinew?” Does such melodrama make one’s chances better.. perchance being been seen as a herculean feat only done by the likes of Ben Hur and Patroclus? If one feels that sure of themselves, they should be eager to show they are indeed ready to pronounce battle and not cower towards the opposite.
    Two political scientists have forewarned now, that Democratic Labour Party’s chances of regaining power wanes with each hour and every passing day. This pronouncement carries no megaton of surprise as the common ordinary man on the street has been saying, that they want the elections to come sooner now, than later. The word on the street has been ONE TERM since June, why some chose not to listen is rather unfortunate. Had some really been serious, the last mishit of an obvious googly ball, would have never had happened. In the meanwhile, we await the last over with no “Great Expectations” other than the obvious.

  9. Now that R L Seale off load the Heineken franchise what next ? …. Are we seeing the beginning of a new era….Stag the trini alternative to swallow Banks next ?. milk sales down and milk farmers going out of business we hear.Where will it end ?The Trojans came in the night stealthy and burn Troy to the ground, only after ‘gifted horse’ was placed in the middle of the city from which their soldiers descended..coy coy.

  10. Old Indian proverb…..”Dumb wits will always be Dumb twitts….which ever horse they rideth.” Moral Never give Dumb witt new horse…
    Not even if Dumb twitt find a one eyed horse with 5 feet and got on backwards?

  11. Even a blind man like Aarson riding backwards ona ole ass…surely now could see the Emera……UM DUN….D kite pitching and pitching….and Ole evergreen looking up and hollaring..”abide by me”….whalosss !

  12. Why can’t some people know when they have overstayed their welcome and accordingly, bow out gracefully, and go home? We the more classy people have done it. Ten ‘o’clock is the time to leave your guest’s home and not ten minutes to twelve. Must we be reminded of this. Staying on till the end? Five years is up come January 2013, is this not what should have been told to little 12 year old Johnny, when he also expressed his concern, as to when the fiasco will come to an end? Sometimes actions are more comforting than words, even when in Latin. Take a hint from the Fontabelle babe and scholar.

    Time up ! Curtains please.

    Dear BLP Supporter

    Boy you surely got this one RIGHT !

    Ps…..I love D Fontabelle lad bit….Classy….The more things bout here attempt to change …D more they remain the same….2013 or not…back to the same wheel…

  13. Well looka who is back! None other than Mr. Multiple personalities OOB. Your partner will be happy to see you in the flesh, recently he has been pining for you and taking to muttering incoherently under his breath .His family have been so concerned that they been keeping the sharp objects under lock and key.

  14. @ Sargent

    dim old onion bags back to dragging dim dumb donkeys by the tail: Owen Arthur, Mia Mottley, Dale Marshall, George Payne, Gline Clark, Cynthia Forde, etc.

  15. Looka d ole Brim Sarge

    So wait you din know that even OOB cudda get fed up wid all the D shoite talk bout HIGH Maintenance and foo from ur partner and complice….just cuz he did catch a tantrum…. but din matter cuz what I left …I come back and find..BLUNDERAMA (2013)…LOL….Sarge man u musse shame shame…cuddear…

  16. Bajan Seasoning Avatar
    Bajan Seasoning

    What will it take to bring down the curtain on this farrago and consistently fractured performance?….Tell muh nah !

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