Submitted by Old Onions
What is the state of the Barbados economy?

When Gypsy penned the calypso.”Captain dis ship is sinking…Captain these times are rough” such were the days of hard times for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.The mighty ship shadowed was a propinquity, the “SSS Trinidad” Gypsy could have never imagined, how history would repeated itself in many ways, for these small, but philtre islands in this western archipelago called the West Indies.

Seems like a once well run ship laden with $2.8 billion in reserves, has somewhat mysteriously drifted into these conspicuous waters again.. Oxford English dictionary defines drifted as ” to be carried gently along by or as if by a current of water or air”. Was such the SSS Barbados’ fate ? Inertia more suit’s the bill.

If one would recall, way back in 2007, the incumbent Admiral was confronted with signs of a pending economic crisis on the horizon and blew the horns to fore warn…” buckle down and prepare for stormy weather “. Were these warnings heeded ? NO. When the new crew boarded ship, it was as if for a joy ride…even one cheeky, well now embellished fellow had the audaciousness of shouting to the ousted crew “We don’t want any advise from you.” With that they sailed off into the sunset, ship laden with treasury unaware of their pending fate.

Today, five years after that sad presumption.. Life on the SSS Barbados has taken a turn for the worst. Ambivalence has taken root as there is no longer a feeling of “joie de vivre. ” Instead the crew portrays long and hardened faces as they recall days of a mutiny from within…quelled but not forgotten. Many with thoughts of an amelioration, as they gloat among themselves of the propitious Glory Days. Alas all hands on deck…Land ahoy ! Soon time to re-man this ill charted ship.

121 responses to “SOS, May Day, a distress call from the "SSS Barbados"”

  1. ….continue.
    The Battle for Bridgetown Dock Yard was in fully swing, when a proper pork ass asked for a time out…..where were we ? Oh yeah as per balance

    “the erstwhile and forlorn fumbling captain that the desperate crew contemplating mutiny again turned and said Oh wise and upright fumble , save thyself and us and Fumble fumbling for an answer said ‘ it is not good to kick against the pricks’then said the crew “Breaketh we then must for ourselves’”notwithstanding that the zealot King arthur might command again for even the sea and the waves seem to obey him.”

    Chicken wings man these crew “Breaketh” for chicken wings….the capitan been so scared had to temporarily retire himself to the mess hall to properly adorn himself affa his run in..

  2. Roebuck Street Chaucer Avatar
    Roebuck Street Chaucer

    onion do you sleep
    could cryst onion when do u eat
    onion u always peep
    u on bu day and night
    onion do u tek time to sh*te
    onion do you shower
    onion u must smell like gunpowder
    onion omg give us a break
    like joan of arc u want burning at the stake
    onion go to a rumshop for a drink
    drunkards gine welcome u tho u stink
    onion no matter what u say
    onion blp losing at end of the day

  3. OH! LORD! sumbody call an ambulance i am falling down wid laughter .

  4. onion blp losing at end of the day
    There lies ac’s laugh…..Hey Chaucer it wants work….not up to standard..try a Popsicle, ..pick a fair

  5. Bushie
    Man ya attacking mah left and right Chaucer man….I can’t keep pace…You pun dis thread calling mah a drunkard, and the other a oxymoron….which one ya want?…..I is only one body….one in one but one in three..therefore ah blessed by the Almighty.

  6. “Convention Ahead..capitan”.”shall abandon ship..or just stay afloat on it? “

  7. SOS May Day May Day…lol…. at the convention, there was ole talk of how Red-ites “steal the Deloitte report and the news get out”….there was also talk of in ready mode and all hands on deck and they ready to share some ole cow blows ( all that time the audience wanna know what he talking bout)…..Capitan when SSS come out it lil corner…. the red jolly roger only waiting to pepper it wid blows…..RING the bell lets us get it ova wid ! Cuz we ready too….

  8. Defiant | August 19, 2012 at 9:34 PM |

    David my attendance at George St in the morning was time well spent. Fruendel Stuart was in tippity top form, a cutting speech at once inspirational all the while ripping the BLP to shreds. If Stuart remains in the mood he’s in the boasting the counting of eggs in fowl botsy by rotten onion, the millers the prodigals the motley crew of blp yardfowls will come to naught. They’ll be crying in their bush tea in April. Kudos to Stuart his impeccable character was lined up next to the shady OSA, the latter came off very badly so did his co leader malik with teet. Stellar performance by FS<

  9. 1999 election reesults:
    BLP = 28 SEATS
    DLP = 2 SEATS

    BLP = 29 SEATS
    DLP = 0 SEATS

    It is as clear as day
    There is no way we will be voting for FREUNDEL STUART and the DLP GOONS
    ALL ‘O’ THEM —GONE !!!!!

  10. My bad for overlooking you Just Asking when naming the blp loud mouth yardfowls in my post you are the biggest boaster of them, you my friend may end up the biggest loser. Bookmark this as you ad nauseum brag of a 30 to nothing victory for See Thru and malik with teet teamed with the wife beater.

  11. It is the people who decide my fiiend
    It is the people–remember that
    And the people have made up their minds
    I have seen it before.
    But Alas ! the people have decicded to dump duh dems down de ditch—so-deal with dat

  12. @ Defiant
    If Stuart remains in the mood he’s in the boasting the counting of eggs in fowl botsy by rotten onion, the millers the prodigals the motley crew of blp yardfowls will come to naught
    Since when Stuart ever got it right ?….”Cutting speech inspirational and ripping the BLP to shreds”? In my days back at Cawmeer..we used to call that bare slack talk ( meaning unable to be backed).Man you must be a real hairy rabbit to still have faith in Stuart…From what CBC showed us…he was fighting even to convince himself and that we could gather from a 3 min clip As to the far-longed faces in the pack..their looks were more one of dismay and fright..Defiant man you really come in here tonight asking sensible people to believe that trite? If you doubt me ask Eversley to give you a replay….the face cannot hide the truth for long, and from what we saw… that was not an inspired pack…BTW if Stuart so sure and everybody so hyped….. then the sensible thing is to strike while the iron is hott and ring the bell…..Now that would be a sure sign of gumption and “DUnUm, just like dat” …for the motley, “stuck in the botsey” BLP crew, ..that I sure all BU can agree on…..When Stuart rings that bell then the whole of Barbados knows ‘he ready’ and botsied eggs still countable….not til den….By the way what about CLICO ?….well don’t be too fluid wid your impeccable talk….(you probably mistake for speckled)….cuz ya on a real tight rope wid that one…ask Lisa

  13. lilboy onions. the boat is coming to to shore the crew all intact and the captain blowing the bull horn. lots a speckled eggs getting thrown on shore you better go peck on some before they get STOLEN.

  14. ‘Fruendel Stuart was in tippity top form, a cutting speech at once inspirational all the while ripping the BLP to shreds.”
    i remember the last time Mr Stuart was in tippity form at an annual covention, he ripped Mr Thompson to shreds. Did he speak of the land swap deal or if the heads of the eager 11 would stil roll or why Mr Jones has been replacd as Acting Deputy Prime MInister by Mr Sealy.The latter could be easily solved by announcing that the decision is part of the planning process to give every MInister over a period of time the opportunity to become rounded as Mr Arthur said of MIss Mottley.

  15. lil boy onions did the PM accuse some body of stealing? i wunda who could that be! Onions fasten yuh seat belt it going to be a nasty ride .

  16. @ ac
    We safe counting eggs in old hen botsie any day…..they so plentiful now they coming out people mouth…lol

  17. So interesting we are debating these issues instead of which party is perceived as more competent to govern the country. If it is that the BLP is perceived to be more competent are we saying that the electorate will go with this as the prevailing reason and ignore any doubts the DLP may raise about Arthur’s integrity? It is say where we have gotten to, really!

  18. A long article that leaves some food for thought;
    AUG 19 – MILAN — It is no secret that the global economy is struggling. Europe is in the midst of a crisis whose root cause is a structurally flawed monetary and economic union. The United States, emerging slowly from a financial crisis and widespread deleveraging, is experiencing a growth slowdown, a persistent employment problem, an adverse shift in income distribution, and structural challenges, with little effective or decisive policy action.
    Meanwhile, among the major emerging economies, China’s reform process is on hold, pending a leadership transition this fall that will clarify various internal interests’ goals and power relationships. India, which has lost reform momentum, is experiencing an economic slowdown and a potential loss of investor confidence.
    The negative effects of these problems are now interacting, feeding back on themselves, and spreading to the rest of the global economy. And yet, despite a palpable sense of concern that something is very wrong, the prognosis for significant change is bleak — and deteriorating.
    What accounts for the apparent lack of effective policy action across a broad range of countries and regions?
    One line of thinking blames a “leadership vacuum” — a common diagnosis in Europe. Elsewhere — especially in the US — polarization and ugly zero-sum politics are thought to discourage potentially capable political leadership.
    But, absent further analysis, the leadership vacuum becomes a catchall explanation. What we need to know is why new political leadership in democracies like France, Britain, Japan, and the US has produced so little change.
    A second explanation addresses that question: While bold action is required, the complexity of economic conditions, and disagreement about the right policy responses, implies a risk of serious error. For professional politicians and policymakers in such circumstances, less may be more. On this view, risk aversion both reflects and reinforces a divergence between individual incentives (the desire to be reelected, reappointed, or promoted) and collective needs (fixing problems).
    A third answer is that policy instruments are simply ineffective in today’s conditions. There is some merit to this claim. Economic deleveraging takes time. The restoration of sustainable patterns of growth requires years, not months. Expectations may be out of line with the underlying reality.
    But the absence of a quick solution does not mean that nothing can be done to improve the speed and quality of recovery.
    Vested interests may also play a role. Technological innovation and global market forces have produced a decisive shift in income toward capital and the upper 20% of the income distribution, often at the expense of middle-income groups, the unemployed, and the young. The beneficiaries of these trends may have accumulated enough political influence to maintain the status quo, highlighting distributional issues that have generally received too little attention in understanding policy responses or their absence.
    There are structural explanations for policy inaction as well. Governance systems and constitutional structures differ in the extent to which they require broad consensus for official action, or to change policy direction in response to shocks or shifting conditions.
    Some argue that the more constraining political systems work well in stable times, but perform poorly under volatile conditions like those prevailing today. Others support constrained government on the grounds that it protects everyone from waste, rent-seeking, and interference with freedom of choice, and that, when needed, inspired leadership can build the required consensus to address changing circumstances. High hurdles to major shifts in policy direction force officials to make a convincing case.
    That is an inherently difficult task at a time when rapid change in the global economy has left many still trying to understand what is happening and what it all means for growth, stability, the distribution of income, and employment. In the face of such complexity, it is not surprising that genuine policy disagreements lead to extended debate and relatively little action.
    Moreover, the technocratic elements of government must often be balanced against democratic accountability. In every society, individuals with special training and expertise are appointed to perform technically complex functions. Their freedom of action is constrained by time limits and reappointment procedures that determine the nature and degree of their accountability to elected officials and the public. There can be too little freedom of action (populism) or too little accountability (autocracy).
    The necessary balance may vary according to local conditions. For example, many China observers believe that accountability there needs to increase at this stage of the country’s economic, social, and political evolution. Others argue that Western democracies have the opposite problem: a surfeit of narrow, politically assertive interests leads to underinvestment and poor tradeoffs between present and future opportunities and performance.
    This brings us to a crucial obstacle: Government, business, financial, and academic elites are not trusted. Lack of trust in elites is probably healthy at some level, but numerous polls indicate that it is in rapid decline, which surely increases citizens’ reluctance to delegate authority to navigate an uncertain global economic environment.
    Loss of trust probably has multiple causes, including analytical failure: central banks, regulators, market participants, rating agencies, and economists almost all failed to detect rising systemic risk in the years preceding the current crisis, much less to take appropriate corrective action. But a more important cause is a suspicion that elites are placing their own interests above shared social values.
    Claims that our leadership, institutions, analyses, or policy instruments are inadequate to the task at hand surely contain a kernel of truth. But the deeper problem is a breakdown in precisely such values and goals — that is, a weakening of social cohesion. Restoring it will require analysts, policymakers, business leaders, and civil-society groups to clarify causes, share blame for mistakes, pursue flexible solutions in which costs are shared equitably, and, most important, explain that hard problems cannot be solved overnight.

    Michael Spence, a Nobel laureate in economics, is currently Chairman of the Commission on Growth and Development. David Brady is Deputy Director and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and Professor of Political Science at Stanford University
    Posted on: 2012-08-20 08:28

  19. @checkit-out

    A good article which makes plain the need for astute leadership in these times. Many articles which we have in the inbox summarizes similarly. We are going to have challenges, our leadership will have to make the best decisions; if they can.

    It is only when the tide goes out that you see who has been swimming NAKED.

    It is only when the pie stops expanding that you discover who has been running the REAL PONZI scheme……….GOVT!

    NOT JUSTICE!……JustUS! Pols and financial types belief!

    GOLD bullion does NOT have a counter-party.


  20. A side point is to note that the price of oil has risen to $100.00 per barrel.

    What will be the government’s strategy this time around?

  21. I see some ready to talk perception now….but for the CBC other post…they opted to play Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven…..not a egg won’t come out ole fowl botsie nor mouth. If a question of competence to govern this country is asked…well DLP house burn down long time….Cuddear did I hear the “I words” as in Integrity ? Seems that we also need to search for a video a red mongoose with egg in hand….No one can forget CLICO and the Grand Master of all magicians…who made $10 Million of the taxpayers money disappear early in reign…. under the kind auspices of “showing good faith” and reassuring minds….only to be followed by a Deloitte revelation….that 13 of the monies (so far laid public) has left an African snail trail readily traceable…… the rest…but for the lost of spectacles.

  22. @onions

    Maybe you will be proved correct but it is early days yet.

  23. @ David
    You could not be that optimistic……What couldn’t be done in 4 years, seven month and 20 days… is going to mend and become a bed of roses, overnight, because of some miraculous convection or convention wind that will somehow blow SSS DLP way from the oncoming onslaught…..PAY BACK from a middle class whose back were beaten bare by draconian measures that only “extra-strong sweetie savings” could withstand….Nah boi..only acdc is capable of such…and don’t even bother a flinch..
    Besides she don’t even believe in MIRACLES…but PERCEPTION

  24. ….continued

    Well I will tell you per CBC thread….PERCEPTIONS only work when they are strong enuff to downplay the negative…. sadly this time… NEGATIVE is a colossus…BLUNDER-BABY D L P has surely out done herself ….. and floats like the Titanic.

  25. If they think bringing down BOTTLE GAS ..this morning (affa convention-ing)…..and who stole the Deloitte report…..going to sway people….that is a LAUGH ! Really David….you call this insight ?….Is D same ole….hear DJ song now playing by Malik..” People Don’t Change”.

  26. @Onions

    Agree that if current state was used to judge outcome of the general election the BLP wins going away. The caution (x factor) is the fact the DLP has not mounted any serious campaign up to now. One should expect post convention for the political rhetoric on the government side to increase.

  27. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | August 20, 2012 at 7:09 AM |
    “A side point is to note that the price of oil has risen to $100.00 per barrel.
    What will be the government’s strategy this time around?”

    Any view on the reason for this current climb? Maybe the oil markets are jittery about the coming Israel/Iran conflict after the US presidential elections.

    But why can’t our government strike a deal with Trinidad to help us cushion any spikes is prices on the international markets? What’s the use of CSME to Barbados if we can’t call on our fellow member states for help in our hour of need or is the pride of this government to much even with our junk bond status? If the price of oil continues to climb it, along with coming increases in food prices, would put tremendous pressures on the local economy and on our fast dwindling foreign reserves therefore significantly affecting already overburdened consumers especially of electricity.
    If the DLP is so confident of its reelection to government then it would be in their very best interest to call general elections now before the incoming waves of price increases reach the political shores. There is no way the DLP can survive the backlash from the much trumpeted and harkened mantra of the last general elections: Jobs. No. 1, 2, & 3 COL! COL! COL!
    Significant and far reaching economic changes and public sector revamping must be undertaken and initiated within the coming 6-12 months. The longer the DLP administration delays the inevitable the worse the illness will become with the medicine more unpalatable when administered by outside uncaring doctors.

  28. @Miller
    What is the rush my good man ? Why there are still some things to be done like Integrity Legislation and the final decision of AX….give Mr. Stuart some latitude will you….affa all Rome wasn’t built in a day.

  29. the hypocrisy of it all that when the topic is brought to light the public opt to dismiss it but at the same time call for integrity legislation no wonder the politicians don,t take the public seriously as they know that the only interest bajans knows is self.

  30. @ac
    as if you din know that Stuart’s “brain wave regatta” on this Integrity thing was a farce….BLUNDER again….NO ONE IS BOLD enough in the DLP camp to do the right thing….while we at it tell me Mona’s frivolous wash hands clean of a DT Associates …is enuff to please John ….. with Broomes these dirty pools of duck water are too many to wash away with a planned MAD RUSH….its a bloody mess.

  31. @Miller

    The shortage is linked to supply contraction as a result of the shutting down for maintenance of an oil field in the UK North Sea.

  32. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | August 20, 2012 at 10:11 AM |

    So would this affect supplies out of Trinidad and the BNOC’s ‘crude’ contribution to fuel oil used in Bim?

  33. @Miller

    There has been so much mystery around how price points are fixed under both governments that it would be an adventurous person of the lay variety to speak with authority on this issue. Commonsense suggest that unless T&T is part of an oil cartel cost of T&T oil should be unaffected.

    Exactly what is the crude ‘contribution’ to our oil supply/pricing, god knows.

  34. Would you believe …the first man out front on VOB Brass Tacks…plea > > back to Global Economies ( Sq one, Jan)…ya mean it is going be the same ole same ole …regurgitated spew …in new skins as new wine? Min.Blackette was the only honest man of the lot…he came out and spoke the truth that the DLP came to power on a false promise …and found all these excuses to suit…now anything said from here on in shall be fodder for fools….if they should swallow….lol

  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ old onion bags | August 20, 2012 at 9:15 AM |
    ” ..give Mr. Stuart some latitude will you….affa all Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

    Rome also burnt while Nero fiddled. Bim collapsing while Freundel fumbles!
    Shouldn’t you say that Stuart should be given enough rope instead of latitude (LOL!!)?
    What about the Cultural Industries Bill? What about saving the sugar industry from imminent collapse? To piggyback on Dr Byer-Suckoo’s analogy: This is your Captain Fumble speaking: This is our first and last announcement. We are about to crash into the sea of international recession and there is NOTHING this crew can do. So brace yourselves for terminal impact! I gone, full pension parachute and all!

  36. To piggyback on Dr Byer-Suckoo’s analogy: This is your Captain Fumble speaking: This is our first and last announcement. We are about to crash into the sea of international recession and there is NOTHING this crew can do. So brace yourselves for terminal impact! I gone, full pension parachute and all!
    Quoting ac…”call D ambulance”….I dying LAUGHING..LOL….Suckeroo better look to her own Cessna.. cuz the tail part got shot off early by an engineer n pers. assistant…LOL Man I wud back you 100 % Miller….cuz they are at loss as to what to do….Any propaganda program will be a weak one given their performance…the alternatives seems to be back to the same ole, same ole.. BLAMING and GLOBAL….If any one had an inkling of sense….they would call the elections NOW….as oil and corn prices are on the rise ..also a weak weak tourist season beckons….But I am just but a lowly onion and you a miller…

  37. Candidates –Kellman , Todd , Best, WILL LOSE
    Candidates – Stuart, Estwick, Sealy, WILL LOSE
    Candidates- All others on the DLP will lose -their deposits

  38. @ David
    “So interesting we are debating these issues instead of which party is perceived as more competent to govern the country. If it is that the BLP is perceived to be more competent are we saying that the electorate will go with this as the prevailing reason and ignore any doubts the DLP may raise about Arthur’s integrity?”

    PM Stuart’s continued pronouncements on anything related to CLICO tells me that he should refrain from claiming to be a man of integrity. Here’s an extract from today’s Nation: THE CLICO forensic audit report was stolen and its contents did not accuse him, Government or late Prime Minister David Thompson of anything. But as far as i can recall NO ONE was accused, but we all know otherwise.

  39. @enuff

    We need to ask the PM why he would make this statement in light of the growing belief that this government was wrapped up with CLICO.

  40. Observing (and observing) Avatar
    Observing (and observing)

    word for word he was telling the truth.
    No one was accused. Now, in terms of what the report revealed is another matter.. lol

    The DLP would do well to steer clear of CLICO. Nothing good there politically for them.

  41. why stir the watersif there is something to hide, maybe the BLP should be worried it is obvious PM stuart not afraid of a good dog fight and he is willing to bite first.

  42. Oh my goodness, we are shivering in our boots, he PM is now a pitbull!

  43. the only thing that saving the BLP in their role in CLICO is litigation if not the gloves would have been off, so until then keep counting eggs in yardflows botsie.

  44. Judge Onions to defendant ac…..on the CLICO matter

    Judge: ..and I put it to you…..where the hell the $3.3 million gone?

    Ac:……up the foul botsie your Honor.,,,,lol

  45. your honor. the defendant in question though he is dead had to be paid . Sir do you have a problem wid dat, or would you have preffered he didn’t get paid for services rendered like AL barrack. Sir may i remind you that in a democracy by law a person ought to be paid as agreed and accepted by both employer and employee.

  46. Judge: Paid $ 3.3 Million…man what kinda work was that.?….what about the rest ?..I hear that ent all….So why it went to Paris ? He is pastry making too?

  47. sir do you understand the meaning of the word “contract” or contractual obligations . “terms and conditions” ‘ agreements ” . sir as only a witness on behalf of the defandant all of the above was hereto sealed and signed by the parties in question

  48. Well well ,FS was on song at Dem auditorium best political speech on either side post the untimely passing of Thommo. No drunken bad man demogogue Arthur delivery, no boom voiced waffling Mia speak. Neither was there the squeaky leaks of Malik with teet. By the way the Bees parliamentarian they say brutalise his wife speaks like Malik without teet.

    FS was clear he exuded right amount of confidence and controlled aggression told and challenged the world on his willingness to sacrifice. He isnt in politics for money had nothing to hide. FS challeged the thousands of extended family of Errol Barrow to rally and rout the Bees at next year’s elections .

    The PM gave an insight into the sham the skulldugery that’s the BLP. Arthur’s notorious speech filled with tears in the House on his plan to leave politics if he didnt get more money was revisited. Who thief the CLICO report? My guess a BLP operative. Where was onion on the night of April 24th?

  49. @ David
    That is exactly my point and therefore the man is of no more integrity that anybody else–a mere myth. Furthermore how he could be of so much integrity and despite all the questionable practices by Cabinet members including the infamous text, he has never once condemned any act committed by this administration? Simple….it is called power.

  50. Why do we dilute the information as we know it?

    The issue about the 3.3 million is how it was invoiced to the company by Thompson Associates. Then there is the question how could Thompson Associates have invoiced the matter when legally David Thompson was suppose to have been removed from the company. We really need to stop insulting the intelligence of those who read. We are not stupid out here.

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