
As I have said many times before “I am for what is best for Barbados and right “NOW” that is the BLP under the leadership of Hon. Owen Arthur, period”. I am a Barbados Loyalist Patriot who puts country first and second a proud supporter of the BLP.

For 14 long years the BLP has managed the national affairs of Barbados in an effective manner, which cannot be said for the last 4 years under the current DLP administration.  While the BLP administration was “not perfect” under Owen Arthur’s leadership challenges where confronted, unemployment was driven down, and the average bajan family was in much better shape than today.

The DLP would like Bajans to believe that “the global recession” is the blame for all our challenges, but this is NOT the case.  What is to blame is the DLP “RECESSION OF IDEAS AND VISION” in these challenging times which can only be fixed by “CALLING THE ELECTION”.  In soccer when you keep passing the ball to a striker who keeps missing the goal, you don’t keep passing him the ball; it’s time to pass the ball of government leadership back to the BLP.

To speak in an academic language the PM can understand below is the DLP report card on DLP manifesto promises long “GONE”:

1.      Lower the cost of living – “F”
2.      Improve access to property ownership – “D”
3.      Health care for all – “D”
4.      Education for the 21st century – “F”
5.      Family First – “F”
6.      Empowering our young people – “F”
7.      Enhancing the role of Women – “F”
8.      Treasuring our Elders – “F”
9.      Sports for All – “F”
10.   Social Security Improvements – “F”
11.    Making our culture work for us – “F”
12.   Hassle Free Service – “F”

Let me stop here…. To save the rest for Part II.

While the BLP is focused on putting money in the pockets of average Barbados, the current DLP administration is focused on taking money from Bajan family pockets to build what they call a “society”.  The question then becomes a society of what, “POOR PEOPLE”, NO THANKS.

There is one thing that Owen Arthur critics CANNOT say, his approach to solving national challenges does not involve the “wait and see” approach being taken by the DLP party for the last 4 years.  Beyond the school teacher ramblings of our current PM which is getting us as nation nowhere FAST, is the urgent need for LEADERSHIP.  The PM seems to be on a different planet, walking aimlessly across green pastures with his eyes to the sky.

“Unfortunately the sun is in PM’s eyes and if we don’t watch it he is going to “SLOW walk Barbados right off a CLIFF” The Barbados Labour Party did not WIN (4) of the last (5) general elections (see wiki stats below) by “chance” and did not reign over some of the best economic times in Barbados by “waiting to see”, this is why it is so difficult to watch the NON-PERFORMANCE of the current DLP government in meeting Bajans  “real world daily needs”.




15 Jan  2008



21 May 2003



20 Jan 1999



5 Sept 1994



Independent of your party loyalty the BLP slogan “RESCUE, REBUILD, RESTORE” is EXACTLY what is needed now in Barbados;

  • We need to RESCUE Barbados from poor governmental DLP leadership and lack of strategic focus and vision.
  • We need to REBUILD the Barbados economic with focus on low middle class Bajan families, and the small business community.
  • We need to RESTORE national pride and confident in our future as a nation and people.

The DLP slogan of “we want to create and society and not just and economy” beyond how nice and sweet is “sounds” is total and pure NONSENSE.  So let me get this right – the world is in an economy storm, but the DLP wants to focus on creating a society (huh), I was of the thinking that creating anything these days takes money hence an economy.  Any DLP supporter reading this blog I am open to an explanation of the slogan that makes sense, key words “makes sense”.
The DLP blaming of all our challenges on the global recession as an excuse to “wait and see”, “not act”, “not respond”, “not innovate”, “not lead”, “not govern”, “not defend Bajan families” must END.


Part II coming soon……

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    @David (not BU)

    “CCC your call for the BLP to give back the $75K is priceless ”

    You are really out of it if think that $75,00.00 was all.


    You are living true to your name, creator of myths and God of the underground.

    You are in good company with the Barbados Labour Party gangsters.

    @David (not BU)

    $75,00.00 is a drop in the bucket in an election campaign,

  2. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    David (not BU)

    Ask Seethru the next time you speak to him.

  3. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    As I said here on BU before, they are files the contents of which will be made public all in good time.

    Remember position is the art of gunnery!

  4. @CCC

    Please STOP flaming on BU. Frankly it is tiring and puerile.

  5. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    You amuse me, one side is flaming but the other side is not?

  6. One of the biggest disasters of the BLP was how they destroyed the Barbados Water Authority (BWA). When the BLP came in 1994, the BWA was not in the red and after 14 years of mismanagement, the BLP in 2007 was bankrupt – no major mains replacement programme. nothing.
    Is is not amazing that the same people who mismangaged these entities like BWA are trying to present themselves as saviours with magic powers to make every thing right?
    Barbadians will not be fooled by the BLP propaganda.

  7. Of course,that should be the BWA was bankrupt in 2007 ,the BLP was and still is bankrupt of ideas

  8. @!

    Are these kind of issues resonating with the public?

  9. what happen to freedom of speech which was highly touted as a badge of honor on BU. it seems like somebody is pulling BU coat strings as of recent.All issues are relevant as long as there are factually True and not made up by halftruths and innuendo. THE PM said that thiswas going to be a battle however it is going to be a war PERCEPTION vs. FACTS! and the electorate is qatching and watching very carefully! BLP BEWARE!

  10. @ac

    Your comment is simplistic to say the least. BU’s record is an open book.

    The comment to CCC had to do with him posting 5 or 6 one-liners which has the effect of crowding the conversation.

    Had nothing to do with free speech.

  11. well! whatever!

  12. @David not BU

    “Did any of the chairman company’s does work for the BTA? can you also tell the country if they are plans for the BTA to move office and where will they be relocating to and who owns the new building?”

    I have heard this same thing but refuse to believe that the Dems could be so blatant with their nepotism.
    There’s also talk going around that the queen may not run and that Fumble may switch. Just waiting to see!!

  13. @ac

    You can never accept an explanation can you?

    Even if it is reasonable in the circumstances.

    All those times CCC disrespected BU by dropping names where was your voice?

    You may have the last word, as usual.

  14. @Appollo 13

    It appears the next general election is shaping up to be one of the most interesting ever.

    The biggest disappointment for BU is that the DLP has not rolled out transparency legislation but instead has become embroiled in controversy fueled by CLICO.

  15. David (not BU) Avatar

    “Are these kind of issues resonating with the public?”

    you know some how David i don’t think any of those guys will see what you ask and answer it. the DLP has fail to do what they said they would do.

    are we as a country not facing ANOTHER downgrade under this government? who is addressing this? not the Minister of Finance. not the PM.

    what about the cost of living? if as was said if 2008 it was high, what is it now? you know i would wish i was a member of the BLP, i would be the DLP’s worst nightmare. i would play/show/print all the comments that was made or said in the 2008 election and than ask 2008 or 2012?

    DLP cat sprawl.

    the sad group here BU only answer to that would be to call the BLP crooks. but once again i would ask the incompetence DLP in 4 years how many files the DPP get under the DLP lead government to put any of the BLP crooks behind bars? even something like that they believe so strongly they can’t get done.

    the DLP comes with these week comments and are doing nothing to help Barbados. i think they know they will be kicked out when the elections are called that that is why its every man/woman for themselves.

    they have to know, just listen to bajans.

  16. AC and CCC.
    You keep lamenting about $75 thousand given to Owen but you haven’t mentioned monies that David or the DLP would have received since as we all know, CLICO was more in bed (play on words) with the latter two. So stop the small talk and let us know how much the big fish received.

  17. The Dems could shout as loud as they want. The next election will be won on the economy and who can better manage it. Bajans are hurting and we get party hacks like !, ac and CCC prostrating themselves on this blog. Many Bajans cannot feed their familes or pay their bills for their utilities and you all talking nonsense on this blog. People will vote on who is better able to help them get and keep money in their pockets by providing jobs. This is all I hear the folks saying. So DLP hacks, continue spewing your vitriol.

    In 2008, the DLP could prance up and down this country shouting, time for change and an unsuspecting electorate believe them with all their pie in the sky promises. But the DLP has a sorry record, have done poorly, have not kept not one of their 100 day promises and so they will have to answer. They have a sorry record wich they have to defend.

    In light of the revelations on the crooked deeds of David Thompson, you all are certainly of a special breed to criticise anybody. Did not your parents teach you that if you live in a glass house, you should not throw stones.

  18. Perception David isn;t it always about perception!

  19. Let’s back track to the 2008 elections. The Dems would have won the 2008 elections without holding any Mass meeting since we all know, the electorate would not give the BLP another five-year term. Even Barrow who did a lot for the country was refused a four peak. So forget the stupid talk that the Dems beat the BLP. As a matter of fact, I voted for the Dems because I too was cautious in not allowing a party to be too cocky and laid back. However, this election will be exciting with nuff fraudulent financial surprises.

  20. @tell me WHy
    the big fish is dead and i am not in the business of excavating dead bodies to find the truth. like everybody with a lot of comm sense i await the full and comprehensive details . unlike you and others who have already made up your minds but what the hell. BLP way of doing business throught the art of DECEPTION!

  21. old onion bags Avatar

    The big fish what……nuttin but a common arse THIEF…..mekk Cawmere SHAME SHAME… Mona Lisa downnin she face when D staring starts …FUNDY….by keepin she u no better….talk now bout DECEIT miss ac…stench stinkin up D,…

  22. the big fish is dead and i am not in the business of excavating dead bodies to find the truth.

    AC, why would I wish such a thing like that to my blog buddy. Don’t you realise that 3.3 million was exposed without exhuming any body. Just wait for the other bombshells regarding CLICO soap opera.

  23. David (not BU) Avatar

    if the PM goes to St. John, i think he MAY win that seat but the BLP could make an ease case that these people are just looking out for their own self interest, also if he does that he surely give up the seat he is holding now because once again persons could be made to think he give up on them and it would not matter who he put in that seat they will lose badly. having said that i believe he will lose badly anyway.

  24. old onion bags Avatar

    PENSIONERS…remember these are helpless pensioners tell me are these nothings but staged ACTS of a self portrayed sophisticated Latin lingoed gentleman ? Pardon me…. if incorrect.. I rather be a tailor any day,… pomp melts away when not matched with true empathy and leaves nothing but a show goat.

  25. @tell me Why

    Where in the report does it categorically states that DT stole 3.3mil from CLICO and hid it for his friend Parris as being insinuated by BLP deceivers and agents of LIES ! Tell me ! where in the report is any such conclusion inthe report ! unlike your general who took the campaign funds and pocket it for his personal use. any again if what you say is true why haven.t CLICO sued DT estate for recovery of such Funds it is about four years ago and by now they would have if the story was TRUE. but then again the only topic the BLP have to keep them going is CLICO and in a few mouths that would be off the table and by then you sorry bunch would be scrambling to find a new issue !

  26. David (not BU)

    Remember our PM has never won a seat twice! This prospect suits the kingmaker as then he would be back in business.

  27. ac,

    You do not know if Thompson’s will has even been probated as yet! So how could anyone bring a claim against the estate? So stop posturing, your argument is weak and you cannot defend the truth laid bare in the Judicial Report, it is indefensible however you try to spin it especially in the light of the campaign slogan ” I will not lie, cheat or steal.

    Dems are just so ashamed that when the dead king was shouting to the top of his lungs that the BLP was corrupt, he was at the top of the list of every thing that is corrupt.

  28. Blacks under siege Avatar
    Blacks under siege

    Mom: Trayvon Martin was killed because of ‘the color of his skin’

  29. No way Hose…ac you maddie tonight..CLICO off D fire.? NO.girl it now start..
    We know D heat HOT but lil girl…..d fans on til 2013.. You cud trust mah wis 2 biscuits on this ONE…besides the PENSIONERS got to get paid..YA FORGET ?

  30. HAS any of you heard the latest word on the street is that the DLP is the worse government ever in the history of governments ???
    HOW many seats will the DLP win in the next general election if they call one ???
    DONT you know that word on the ground is that they will win none and that by a strange twist of fate Mara Thompson will not be able to secure St. John ???
    DONT you know that based on will transpire within the next two weeks that Freundel will call elections and announce the date right after April 12??
    HOW I Know ??
    DO you think Barbados can take five nore months of Fumble and the Fumblers???


  31. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    David (not BU)

    “they know they will be kicked out when the elections are called”

    You are living in a dream world. The DLP has done a wonderful job of keeping the ship of state afloat in spite of all the challenges.

    Five more years on the opposition benches for the BLP.

  32. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    You BLP supporters have a very bad habit of counting your chickens before they are hatched.

  33. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    just asking

    “HAS any of you heard the latest word on the street is that the DLP is the worse government ever in the history of governments ??”

    How is it that you are the only one hearing these things?

  34. WHY you dont touch base wid de people and hear what they saying and see if I right ????

  35. AC.
    You keep harping on an enemy receiving funds. Do tell me how much his buddy, bosom pal and confidante received?. BTW, we can wait for the second part of the report for the amount.

  36. old onion bags Avatar

    @ CCC
    I recommend you visit Swan St. Broad St.Carrington Village,Bus Stand,Baxsters Rd. Westbury..come outta town nxt….at your own peril..ONE TERM ..cuddear….time you take your headS out d BUSH OR SANDS.

  37. old onion bags Avatar

    Really though with such power hungry political animals like Hurtley Henry, Donvaal, Physical Deficit , Lashley the Wok and others…how come no one has step forward and revived the Eager 8 (now) and wrest control of this “dying ineptitude?” Boys and girls take Onions foolish got nothing to lose….anything at this stage is better than the present..unless you like Carson and ac and want to believe anything.Time is running out FAST.

  38. but what i do know that for sure CLICO has not filed a law suit against DT or leroy PArris who is still much alive after 4 years afterall Leroy PARRIS as pereceived by BLP stole CLICO money! BLP AMAZING! HALF TRUTHS and innuendo!

  39. old onion bags Avatar

    @ ac
    Shame….crying shame……that you would seek to defend such …..deserving WILDERNESS material YOU! ….so much for your pereceiving-ness..shame on you

  40. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | March 20, 2012 at 5:49 AM |

    I am beginning to side with you regarding this CLICO fiasco.
    I am beginning to suspect this is just one big able move to discredit your damned L party.
    The same players who have leaked this so-called Leroy P & D T shenanigans to the press are the same players who are still engaging the services of one of the financial brains behind the alleged scam and false assets accounting and reporting.
    How can the perceived leakers have judiciously managed to convince policyholders through their mouthpiece BIPA to continue paying premiums only to see much of these same premiums being diverted to pay a man to keep his mouth shut and to continue to cover up the financial mess.
    BIPA, for June’s sake, can’t you see you guys are being taken for a ride in the same Mercedes that the Thorny man continues to drive around in at your expense.
    Why don’t you ask the players now in charge of your CLICO affairs to explain this state of affairs- keeping people on the payroll doing nothing but who are clearly associated with the deep financial doo-doo you find yourselves in? The more you continue to give this dying patient called CLICO your financial lifeblood the more the vultures and undertakers with their planted gravediggers would divert it like vampires for their personal aggrandizement.

  41. old onion bags Avatar

    David (not BU) | March 19, 2012 at 6:16 PM |
    I can’t wait for elections to call and get you jokers from around the place because after this lost, you’ll will never show your faces or names around these parts again
    Your comments reflex how the DLP is running this country. pitiful bunch of jokers the lot of you are.
    I can tell you where you will find them….. up in Carter’s Lumber Yard..

  42. William Templar Avatar
    William Templar

    You would make a GREAT Republican. Anything bad that is happening NOW, is not because of THEN right?

    News for you, there IS a Global recession.
    Barbados doesn’t belong to Barbados.
    And “we” still owe Barack MILLIONS.

    All the DLP fault though.

  43. To think that the very few people who have been posting under this blog and who have been doing so in a very partisan and rabid manner, could possibly be believing – based somewhat on, the soundness, or lack thereof, of the charges and counter charges that they are making – that they hold some of the keys to the outcome of the next general election in Barbados – would indeed be flattering to any one, if they were to be thinking this way.

    To think the average young/person, especially, would come on this blog site and read what comments these same very few people are putting forward and believe that this really ought represent the long term direction in which Barbados would be heading – would indeed be an unfortunate situation, if they were to think this way as well.

    The truth is that there are far far more people/younger people who DO NOT support both these old discredited corrupt factions in this country than those people/younger people who do so.

    With the core support base of the DLP and BLP decreasing and decreasing – over the years – right now the core support base of these old ramshackled parties are fewer than 10 000 – the fact is that it is the average young/ person that MAINLY holds the MAJORITY of the keys to the long term political future of this country.

    It is from within this sphere, that there must be formed more newer political parties in this country that must take control of the direction in which this country goes in the long term, away from the rank foolishness that is the
    DLP and BLP, and must take control of the direction in which this blog is heading in the long term, away from the sterile noxious DLP/BLP-to-and-fro-back-and-forward foolishness that passes for political discussion of this blog.


  44. Speaking of the MASTER MAGICIAN OSA how can one forget when he blew 2.4 million dollars in a scheme in Nigeria supposedly to built SOLAR Water heaters. nothing ever became of the project and the money disappeared into thin air. there was never any accountabilty as to what happen. after all it was borrowed money !

  45. Wait AC, you mean the current opposition leader Owen Arthur was incompetent with taxpayers funds, the same one who will save the world from recession and bring cheap oil from some where on venus and bring thousands of tourists from the yet to be named country?
    Those who want to be fooled by the BLP will be fooled.

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ! | March 21, 2012 at 7:48 AM |

    If he ,OSA, does make these grandiose promises he will be taking many leaves (even plagiarizing) from the DLP manifesto and taking the lying art form to a higher level of deceit. Good thing King David is dead or otherwise King Arthur would have had to summons Merlin to the rescue instead of Leroy.

  47. And how can one forget how OSA accused MIA of theifing money from the campaign fund that OSA said was fully funded whenshe took over the leadership of the BLP now OSA wants people to belive that after all his lies and perceptions that he heaped on MIA that all of a sudden there is LOVE and UNITY among them two. OSA is a pathologtical LIAR and should be thrown into the SEA OF FORGETFULNESS! DT misdeeds if their be any is just a drop in the bucket when compared to OSA.and there is more

  48. @miller what a sorry a….s reponse to the fact that OSA blew millions of dollars in a Nigerian fraudenlent scheme off the backs of hard working taxpayers. You people must remember that OSA being in power for 14 years is more likely that the amonut of dirt on him there would not be enough shovels around to dig. and there is plenty of dirt out there believe me!

  49. CLICO will not go away ac..try as you its on Brass tacks even in the Senate today….Nigeria talk is bare boo….girl you fa real ?
    Deal with the problem we need a LEADER….Eager11 has shown they are no help there in that Department either.
    We have pensioners awaiting their money to BUY FOOD and MEDICINE and you talking bout Nigeria..look gf .. panty hoses showing….you are way off bases by miles…pissy poor.

    Adrian Clarke’s song ….”aint sayin nuttin”


  50. Well if the CLICO issue is all the BLP have to offer as an alternative ! God help us all!

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