Augusto Pinochet (l) Leroy Parris (r)

If we are to judge from the back and forth in recent days there is the suggestion that a window of opportunity supported by the Pinochet Case (I,II) favours Leroy Parris. Is the claim that Leroy Parris and company had full knowledge of Patrick Toppin’s role as Receiver for Plantations Holdings – a subsidiary of CL Financial – and failed to challenge when along with Oliver Jordan they were appointed Judicial Managers to unravel The CLICO Mess? Did the onus of such disclosure rest with Patrick Toppin as a professional bonded to uphold the ethics of the accounting profession?  Bear in mind lawyers for Toppin have subsequently confirmed he disclosed his role to the Supervisor of Insurance and Minister of Finance. It is unclear if similar disclosure was made to the Courts which have jurisdiction in the matter.

For the benefit of  BU family who have demonstrated a healthily interest in the legal component of the argument.  Here is the Pinochet Case dissected:

Pinochet time lines:

  • In October 1998, Pinochet arrived in the UK for medical treatment.
  • In October and November 1998, Spain issued international warrants for his arrest and extradition to Spain.
  • On 16 and 23 October 1998 Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrates issued two provisional warrants for his arrest under section 8(1)(b) of the Extradition Act 1989. Pinochet was arrested.
  • Pinochet immediately applied to the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court to quash the warrants.
  • The warrant of 16 October was quashed and nothing further turns on that warrant.
  • The second warrant of 23 October 1998 was quashed by an order of the Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Division (Lord Bingham of Cornhill C.J., Collins and Richards JJ.)
  • Note however, the quashing of the second warrant was stayed to enable an appeal to be taken to the House of Lords on the question certified by the Divisional Court as to “the proper interpretation and scope of the immunity enjoyed by a former Head of State from arrest and extradition proceedings in the United Kingdom in respect of acts committed while he was Head of State.”
  • It was heard on 4, 5 and 9-12 November 1998 by a committee consisting of Lord Slynn of Hadley, Lord Lloyd of Berwick, Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Steyn and Lord Hoffmann.

However, AFTER the committee had been named and before the main hearing of the appeal, there was an interlocutory decision and Amnesty International (“AI”), two other human rights bodies and three individuals petitioned for leave to intervene in the appeal. Such leave was granted by a committee consisting of Lord Slynn, Lord Nicholls and Lord Steyn (notice that Lord Hoffmann was NOT a part of this committee) subject to any protest being made by other parties at the start of the main hearing.

  • Judgment of the House of Lords was given on 25 November 1998. The appeal was allowed the second warrant of 23 October 1998 was restored.
  • Pinochet was therefore required to remain in the UK to await the decision of the Home Secretary whether to authorise the continuation of the proceedings for his extradition under section 7(1) of the Extradition Act 1989. The Home Secretary had until the 11 December 1998 to make that decision, but required anyone wishing to make representations on the point to do so by the 30 November 1998.
  • On 30 November Lady Hoffmann’s position as having an interest in AI was raised and contained a detailed consideration of the relevant law of bias.
  • It subsequently turned out that Lord Hoffmann was himself a director of AI for the purposes of fundraising.
  • On 10 December 1998, Senator Pinochet lodged a petition asking that the order of 25 November 1998 should either be set aside completely or the opinion of Lord Hoffmann should be declared to be of no effect. The sole ground relied upon was that Lord Hoffmann’s links with AI were such as to give the appearance of possible bias. It is important to stress that Senator Pinochet makes no allegation of actual bias against Lord Hoffmann; his claim is based on the requirement that justice should be seen to be done as well as actually being done.
  • On 17 December 1998, Lord Browne-Wilkinson appeared before the House of Lords in session and vacated the decision. The written reasons were provided on 15 January 1999.

We have a case that started on 16 October 1998. On 04 November 1998, the House of Lords empanelled its committee, which gave its decision on 25 November 1998 and not say 2008 as would be the case with the Barbados courts. On 10 December 1998, a mere 2 weeks after the judgment and just over a month after the committee had been empanelled, Pinochet objected to Lord Hoffmann. On 17 December 1998, the decision was vacated.

At no time did Pinochet “sleep on his rights” the technical term to read: Vigilantibus non dormientibus æquitas subvenit).

Accordingly, there is no application of the Pinochet case to that of CLICO and Leroy Parris – as suggested by An Observer –  in which, as separate and distinct from the Pinochet case, CLICO and Leroy Parris are estopped in law from claiming bias. The state of play is that Leroy Parris and co were aware of the composition of the judicial management team and given their active interest in the matter could have objected. Indeed, by their delay, they must be deemed to have acquiesced in the composition of the committee. Although, whether the principals of equitable estoppel have even been heard of by the Barbados judiciary is highly questionable.

193 responses to “The CLICO Mess: Pinochet Case Vs Leroy Parris”

  1. Cloak Floyd din work too well so they send Cloak”I” …. DEm sweet boi…

    ….who next ac…you know ?Cloak F

  2. @David
    Sell Sherbourne…..the boondoggle # 3….ain’t pay for itself yet put provided with a spanking new “state of the art ” car park for $8.5 million.
    Sell LeBoy in on the internet….A for Sale

  3. CAN you imagine that with such a so-called world recession and all the challenges facing the economy that it is the inept, incompetent, insenitive and insecure Democratic Labour Party that is in Office ???
    IS this a punishment for misdeeds ??

  4. @ Floyd;
    ” The fact that the papers have a copy of the Report BEFORE the government bothers me and makes me question the professionalism of the judicial managers.”
    You have spoken MORE THAN a mouthful ! I can assure you that given the composition of the team of judicial managers this FACT will more than bother a court of law.
    It is unfortunate that the contributions of the political sycophants have prevented this kind of consideration from constituting one of the central issues of this debate. You should not however become daunted by what has been going on around you. Do try to ” keep your head when all around are losing theirs and blaming it on you “. Peace my brother.

  5. @david
    Good sanity in the midst of the emotion. A few things are clear…1. The CLICO saga will rock our country politically and in terms of public integrity….2. The memory of David Thompson will devalue…3. The DLP must now prove that it is an election winning party, if they are to be taken seriously again in their present form 4. Policy holders will lose, how large is left to be seen,…5. This is the “public end” of Leroy Parris and clico as we know it…6. The country needs inspirational, secure, strong leadership from a solid group of persons. FS may have the integrity but he doesn’t have the group. OSA may have neither.

    An audit has been conducted, shocking facts have been unearthed and people are still hurting. Instinct tells us to call for their heads but we must still be able to move on as a country with the spoken and promoted values in place to avoid this on a scale of such magnitude. We still have many external and internal storms to weather. Will the real leaders and their visions please stand up?

  6. Floyd and An Observer;

    You said: ” The fact that the papers have a copy of the Report BEFORE the government bothers me and makes me question the professionalism of the judicial managers.”

    Something sounds totally awry here. There is no way that a report written on 5th December last would not have got to the relevant authorities in Government sometime in early December.

    But wait; Wasn’t the 5th December around the time of the action by the eager 11? Could the sight of the Deloitte report or early knowledge of its contents have been the proverbial camel which broke the camel’s back rather than the old Wickham report?

    Perhaps you mean the report didn’t make it to Cabinet. But would that be a new circumstance for information related to CLICO? Wasn’t info on CLICO doled out to cabinet only when it suited the dead king? Was CS following in his footsteps?

    There is also the question of leaking. The leaking of the eager 11 letter was a very stategic event. I suspect that the leaker wasn’t necessarily who most of us felt it was. So too with the Deloite report.

    The eager 11 are not yet finished. They may appear to have given up the ghost but they have not yet expired and FS might still be up to his stage 2 tricks again.

  7. @observer
    Who says that government doesn’t have the report?

    Also, the audit is only but a part of the judicial management process.

    In addition you have legally castigated many others regarding their emotions, allegations, and ignorance regarding burdens of disclosure and the appearance of bias. That is all well and good were this solely and purely a legal matter. If you only see it in that light, then the gist, impact, ramifications and extenuating concerns of the discussion will be lost. In any case you have added much to the discussion and I must thnak you for your legal education and opinion.

    Just Observing

  8. Floyd wrote “Its interesting that persons on this blog are so arrogant as to tell me what I should care about. I went to school long and often and I can think for myself.”

    Obviously you can think for yourself but take a little hint from Hants.

    Focus on getting your money and ignore the BU/DLP/BLP politically opportunistic banter.
    Most people on this blog are trying to influence the outcome of the next election and don’t give a flying puck about the policy holders.( a puck is what you hit with ice hockey sticks lol )

    I hope you and the other policy holders get all or most of your money back. Stay focused and good luck.

  9. @Amused,

    I am trying to understand why a report from the Judicial managers would be given to a newspaper.
    Should that newspaper be duty bound to publish the entire report and not just extract provocative bits?

    Is it expected that no criminal charges could arise out of the report?

  10. the govt of the day place $10 million of the taxpayers dollars in Clico. we have yet to hear how that money was spent, how was the taxpayers going to get it back or if the taxpayers was going to get it back.

    now given the fact that we have been open to what appears to be money laundering in area of $3 million dollars don’t you fowls feel this is cause for concern? the fact that the late PM’s hands are all over this must be damning on all levels given the fact that the voting public and the fowls cried out when we saw the cheque ($750000) the late PM had on display in Haggat Hall.

    so how do you jokers come in here and cry down the BLP, but it is looking like the late PM was just as much of a crook as some would say Owen is, in fact base of what we are seeing, the facts and paper work, David Thompson is a bigger crook? will any of you who attack Owen please address that? i know you’ll will not but i just asking for so.

    i said the BLP should not have anything to say but i will revise that and say they should tell the public of Barbados how they plan to fix it.

    this i think can be done as the DLP will not entertain what needs to done. so they will be on stealing of ideas.

    1) hold all assets by the companies involved.
    2) hold all assets by persons involved.
    3) start looking at selling those assets, to get cash to repay policy holders.
    4) have an audit done on the late PM’s firm to see if that was the 1st and only time money was passed that way.
    5) start locking up people

    this madness can’t be allowed to go on any longer. Mr. Parris is seen in the paper putting gas in what look to some kind of Land Rover. if that is his, that is $300,000 right there.

    i now see why Mr. Marshall is missing from the calling program. he was at one point in time on the board and as he tells it, he left before the shit hit the fan but did he help in getting the shit to the fan or the fan to the shit?

    Allen Sandiford, Benie Madoff and other are all in jail for this kind of robbery. why are these people allowed to live high on the hog (a hog they clearly stole )when policy holders and taxpayers can’t?

    this is down right sicken and it will only be a matter of time before somebody lose it.

  11. To follow Hants question, the JMs are operating under instructions from the court so did the court give permission to circulate the report?

  12. Hants | February 26, 2012 at 1:38 PM | “Focus on getting your money and ignore the BU/DLP/BLP politically opportunistic banter. Most people on this blog are trying to influence the outcome of the next election and don’t give a flying puck about the policy holders.( a puck is what you hit with ice hockey sticks lol )”

    “Replace the word “puck” with one that rhymes and I agree 100%. Well said, as always.

    In answer to your question as to why this report was given to the newspapers, I don’t know. However, I believe it ought to be published in its entirety, not just selections. But, the newspapers seem to hold themselves to a far lesser standard than the social media. Indeed, I recall an ultra vires statement once made purportedly on behalf of the Barbados Bar Association by one of its officers. The lack of transparency in dealings in Barbados seems to have reached epidemic proportions. I support David’s call for FOI.

    Is this report, in its entirety, on the Internet? If so, can someone direct me to it? I want to see what Pinochet-like elements have got up the noses of certain people.

  13. @ Floyd

    You went to school and you can think – you are disturbed by the fact that report went to print and gov’t does not have it? How you know? If you were disturbed by the report how come you not disturbed about who has the money, any misspent funds, invested funds are the monies of the policyholders, tracing it should be important to you, whether it went to buy property, finance campaigns, Parris pocket, Thompson pocket. The people who got out their money, what was the basis, when others were told no some were told yes. Who orchestrated that? If those who got theirs told policyholders wait, and keep paying their premiums, you do not want them punished?

    @ David where will they get 190m from, they found money for 4 seasons, will find money for hospital and waste mgt plant 500m. if they plan to pay that back they can pay policyholders back if they cannot find the assets or get the money back from those who have it.

  14. @Bajan Truth

    Are you saying you would be happy to allocate NIS pension funds to pay CLICO policyholders?

    At this stage it is not clear how the proposed new hospital would be funded which will not happen until after an election is called anyway.

    In the case of Four Seasons whether you believe in the payback it is a loan.

  15. The comments by the Prime minister of St.Vincent can be added to this discussion.

  16. I read the Nation and Comrade Gonsalves is not happy at all. While our wannabe AG is talking about a Commission on Inquiry (and we know how those go, bare talk shop, no results) Mr. Gonsalves is saying “the judicial manager is saying we get 60 cents out of the dollar I want more than that those who have caused pain to individuals, pain and suffering and put the financial system at risk, must pay if the authorities amass the evidence to proceed with criminal proceedings against any individual or groups of individuals, so be it”

  17. Quoting David of BU “It is like saying the George Walton Payne and Dale Marshall continued to practice while ministers in government. Is this what we are saying?”

    Isn’t it??

  18. I wonder if the policy holders in the other islands can take Le Roi P et al to the Caribbean court of Justice if the Barbados courts fail to prosecute?

  19. @islandgal

    The EC countries have their final court of appeal.

  20. Quoting Floyd “I have come to the view that the only solution for people like me is a combination of a sale of the company to an interested buyer and some government assistance.”

    Even while I understand your anxiety that your family will be left homeless if you die before your martgage is paid off. I do not want the government to use my tax or NIS money to fix the CLICO mess. I would prefer to see CLICO sold to another company which can manage it well, and I would prefer to see the courts claw back the money from those including David Thompson who benefitted from CLICO’s largesse. After all when I had to fly LIAT David Thompson was enjoying rides on CLICO’s executive jet and his principal political adviser was advising ordinary Bajans like me that David Thomspn is accustomed to living large. My question then and now is living large offa who. And if as Amused is saying no liability can be attached to David Thompson’s estate how come people are seeking to put th eliability on ordinary taxpayers such as myself. Ordinary taxpayers who have never lived large. Ordinary taxpayers who did not get a single slice of the fatted calf.

    I’ve never got a thing from CLICO, so why should my tax money be used to pay off CLICO’s debt?

    I did not enjoy any rides in CLICO’s private jet. David Thompson did and at at the time of the executive jet ride he was Prime MInister and therefore NOT CLICO’s lawyer, so why therefore was he accepting expensive presents from CLICO, and why did his principal political adviser advise us the taxpayers that the Prime Minister is accustomed to living large? I have never enjoyed any rides in Leroy Parris’ big ride pictured on the front page on the Saturday Sun, so why should my tax money pay?

  21. Dear Floyd:

    It seems as though CLICO spent your money on big salaries, big bonuses, big cars, big houses, big airplanes, and big law firms, in other words the same shite that gets companies (and individuals) in trouble ALL THE TIME.

    As the CLICO big shots and thier big shot hangers-on to rapy you your money. I don’t have a cent of the mney you paid to CLICO, and NOT ONE RED CENT of my tax money should go to pay CLICO’s debts.

  22. Did any CEO of CHL or CIL really have three vehicles at the same time? Avatar
    Did any CEO of CHL or CIL really have three vehicles at the same time?

    Did any CEO of CHL or CIL really have three vehicles at the same time?

  23. This would be the height of effrontery and boldfacedness, but with the standard set by the Thompson Law Firm collecting 3.333 Million dollars for specific invoiced work and apparently passing it on to LP, Is there a possibility that the 10 Million that the former PM got the Central Bank to pass on to CLICO, might have been also intended for onpassing to certain individuals who might not have got their claims from the Company because of the strictures of the Oversight committee?

  24. Quoting Floyd “Where david is the lord will deal with him”

    I add (or the devil)

    Quoting Amused “hauling them up on matters of either grammar or spelling, is prissy and pedantic and makes those who do it look like…….well…….maiden aunts.”

    Wha happen to you? You got a problem wid maiden aunts. I think you need to apologize to all maiden aunt bloggers. Wha’ happen you think only old farts blog?

  25. Time longer than twine Avatar
    Time longer than twine

    Time longer than twine and it cannot hang you as twine could

  26. @Random Thoughts
    “how come people are seeking to put the liability on ordinary taxpayers such as myself.”

    It is my understanding that there are Government guarantees to protect consumers if insurance companies get into financial problems.

  27. Dear Floyd:

    Ask the CLICO big shots and their big shot hangers-on to repay you your money. I don’t have a cent of the money you paid to CLICO, and NOT ONE RED CENT of my tax money should go to pay CLICO’s debts.

    I’ve worked longer than David Thompson has lived and I am still working.

  28. @Random Thoughts

    I get a kick when you intersperse your comments with “ not one red cent of my tax money” or “not one red cent of my NIS contributions ”should be used to bail out Gov’t boondoggles or prop up Commercial projects which need an injection of taxpayer funds. You remind me of the woman who when told that her house was on fire replied, “it can’t be my house, I got de key”.

    The house has been on fire for some time, you should try to catch the arsonist…..

  29. DONT you know that Leroy Parris actually turned me off from showing any interest in buying a policy at Clico??
    DONT you know that I never felt comfortable with Parris ??
    DONT you know that there was always something puzzling about him to me at least ??
    DONT you know it is ditto for David Thompson ???

  30. @Miller

    Now understand the 3.3. million money laundering matter.

    Did not pick up the point the the law firm generated an invoice for services rendered for the amount.

  31. @JUST ASKING ,

    You did not buy a policy from Clico because you probably had a better option.

    For years Bajans were silent about the intellect or language deficiencies of the dumb ash Kolij an Loj boys who were placed in mainstream Barbados businesses as “management”.
    Maybe it was because they were a lighter shade of pale.

    I don’t want to cause David problems so I dun wid dat.

    And for the record, if the WORLD economy did not go in to RECESSION Leroy Parris would be seen as an amazing CEO making people rich in retirement…….

    an Hants would have relocated to Barbados employing at least 25 Bajans while spending most of my time fishing.

  32. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hants | February 26, 2012 at 7:31 PM |
    “And for the record, if the WORLD economy did not go in to RECESSION Leroy Parris would be seen as an amazing CEO making people rich in retirement…….”

    WTF are you implying here? That the CLICO problems were brought about by the Western World recession (there was NO World recession- Ask China, India, Brazil et al)?

    Don’t make us laugh Hants! Are you telling us then we should take our money out of the other Insurance companies or what, Hants?

  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    David | February 26, 2012 at 7:23 PM |
    ” Miller” Now understand the 3.3. million money laundering matter.
    Did not pick up the point the law firm generated an invoice for services rendered for the amount.”

    And then paid it over to LP under the disguise of a “gratuity” or other amounts due to him or others?

    Now you can follow my drift as to why those 2 pieces of legislation ought to be activated to bring some sort of justice and recompense to the aggrieved policyholders.

    Dale Marshall’s call for a commission of enquiry (CoI) is just a diversionary tactic.
    He is not up to the mark for proffering solid advice and workable solutions. A BLP convened CoI would just be a waste of taxpayers’ money and geared towards lining the pockets of BLP affiliated lawyers; thus perpetuating the crooked game of playing the policyholders for suckers.

  34. I never considered CLICO as an investment alternative because I was raised up in the 60’s and 70’s when anything Trini was considered tricky!!

    I could never understand O$A and CSME.

    However, CLICO operated in Barbados under Barbados Government Regulations … that means the representatives of us taxpayers and voters undertook on our behalf to ensure CLICO would be regulated and could be promoted as a safe investment to anyone who missed out on the upbringing I had and knew no better!!

    The simple point is we taxpayers and voters guaranteed CLICO to be a safe investment for all and sundry.

    We might not like to think so but it is so.

    To the extent that we (through our representatives) let CLICO avoid keeping the requisite cash/assets available for the eventuality that arose and causes investors grief I cannot but help think we taxpayers/voters are liable.

    Had our representatives simply done their jobs and followed the regulations there would be funds/assets available to cover the loss investors suffered.

    Any true true Bajan would have scoffed at the play play idea of CSME!!

    The mess that is CLICO was entirely avoidable.

    We need to growup and take the responsibility and the cost for the errors of the persons we chose to represent us ….. maybe then we will figure out how to use our vote next time around when the same perpetrators present themselves for re-election!!

    Avinash like he ain’t going get nuh NIS money because it is committed already to cover the irresponsibilities of our representatives …. and by extension, us!!

  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Sargeant | February 26, 2012 at 7:14 PM |
    “The house has been on fire for some time, you should try to catch the arsonist…..”

    We all know who are the arsonist and his accomplices. The question is: Does your “favoured” DLP administration have the correct size in the codpiece to run after the elusive arsonist and his den of thieves- dead or alive?

  36. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John | February 26, 2012 at 8:27 PM |

    Avinash will get his millions from NIS.
    The people to open the money vault have already been guaranteed their share of the loot. This CLICO disaster and revelations would not mean a damn to those people with no conscience who only see politics as a fast road to riches; not genuine public service to their fellow citizens.

  37. millertheanunnaki wrote (there was NO World recession- Ask China, India, Brazil et al)?

    Barbados does 90 % of its business with the USA, the UK, and Canada. They were in recession.
    The BLP government did exactly the same when they were in power.USA, the UK, and Canada.

    If you are suggesting that the new trade deals will be with China, India, Brazil, you and Owen can go after these emerging super powers.

  38. millertheanunnaki wrote “Don’t make us laugh Hants! Are you telling us then we should take our money out of the other Insurance companies or what, Hants?”

    I do not care what you do with your money. If you have enough sense to blog you should have enough sense to spend your money wisely or if you choose you can buy ice and fry it.

    Every adult is responsible for himself unless he has mental or physical problems.

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hants | February 26, 2012 at 8:49 PM |

    Hence my specific reference to Western economies (North Atlantic) with whom we have a symbiotic relationship .

    I am not suggesting anything. You are. Let us hear you again: Did the recession cause the collapse of CLICO or what?

  40. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Hants | February 26, 2012 at 8:49 PM |
    “If you are suggesting that the new trade deals will be with China, India, Brazil, you and Owen can go after these emerging super powers.”

    Not at all! Because I know these countries just see Bim as a marginal export market. Bim is not attractive to tourists from these places. Sea, sand and sun mean nothing to them. They don’t need suntans. Exotic traditions, history, gambling, fun rides and a chance to do things they can’t back home are more of a drawing card than what Bim is offering.
    But surprise, surprise Hants, these are the exact “nouveau riche” economies that the present administration is targeting for tourism growth and FDI. Soon we will have a Chinese business importing solar panels and related products for the local and regional markets.

  41. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    You just made enemies on this blog by talking sense. Government is responsible for the loss that the investors and policyholders of CLICO suffered and is suffering. Government’s failure to perform its statutory duty allowed CLICO to defraud innocent people. Then rather than taking Government to court, those policyholders and investors relied on an assurance, from the head of Government, that CLICO was sound. Government is liable to make good the loss and then seek to recover from CLICO.

  42. Prime Minister Arthur announced at his nomination meeting this evening that late PM Thompson approved the waiver of taxes on 13 properties in one day sold to CLICO.

    He also announced that PM Stuart needs to relieve the suffering of Clico policyholders now who were assured by a Prime Minister and Governor of the Central Bank they would get their money back.

    He also suggested the government should go after Parris’ assets.

  43. Owen is reported to have said “approved the waiver of taxes on 13 properties in one day sold to CLICO.”

    Question. Is this type of “waiver” applied exclusively to properties owned by Clico?

  44. From what I understand, some of CLICO assets have been sold, where has that money gone? Why is Terrence Thornhill still at the helm of CLICO?

    1. The Mortgage Finance was sold to the Public Workers Credit Union financed out of our NIS monies…… the Credit union repaying this money?

    2. The General Insurance was sold to Bernie Weatherhead…where is this money?

    3. British American was sold to Sagicor…where is this money…

    4. Can the assets be sold which are being held in the statuary fund and wind up the company?……this money could be shared with the policyholders.

    CLICO just seems to be a black hole, money keeps going in and disappearing.

    The authorities need to turn someone into a star witness to get the truth of this. I saw Easy Magazine featuring Denise Mongerie again today. She could become the star witness, she was LP’s right hand woman, travelled the world with him on the US$71000.00 monthly leased plane. (Floyd, this is somewhere where you money went).

  45. “You just made enemies on this blog by talking sense. Government is responsible for the loss that the investors and policyholders of CLICO suffered and is suffering. Government’s failure to perform its statutory duty allowed CLICO to defraud innocent people. Then rather than taking Government to court, those policyholders and investors relied on an assurance, from the head of Government, that CLICO was sound. Government is liable to make good the loss and then seek to recover from CLICO”.

    Caswell, I have no problem with this line of argument, yes the SOI failed in this aspect. However, I have a problem with the supporters of the dead king who are saying that his estate is untouchable.

    Hear me out on this…… if the paper trail leads directly to David Thompson, Thompson Associates, Branlee, Marfa, Families First, PFS, Leroy Parris mansion on Dayrells Hill why cant these all be seized and sold to repay the policyholders who did not have a clue that their monies were being used recklessly to keep people living large????

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Hants | February 26, 2012 at 8:57 PM |
    ” I do not care what you do with your money. If you have enough sense to blog you should have enough sense to spend your money wisely or if you choose you can buy ice and fry it.”

    At least I might end up with hot water. The same substance that is scalding the government. The longer this CLICO saga drags on the quicker will the frying ice turn to steam to evaporate. The same way are the chances of policyholders getting back their investments. If the government can’t compensate the policyholders because of its “regulatory negligence” then with dispatch go after the assets misappropriated in the ponzi scheme. Don’t let the vultures (accountants and lawyers) clean the already lean carcass of any more flesh. Caswell has a point about the Government’s negligence (both B&D). Don’t let the compound the problem like Barrack’s.

  47. And while according to the auditors report Leroy Parris was being paid annual bonuses of between $300,000 and 600,000 per year, CLOCo employees were being given a ham for Christmas.

    The boss with the advice of his hot-shot lawyer, our late Prime Minister pays himself hundreds of thousands in bonus and the employees get not a pucking cent. They get a ham.

    Yes a ham. One lousy ham.

    Even while other people were living large offa the blood, sweat and tears of the hard working CLICO employees.

  48. @ David.
    Re : Owen Arthur. ” he also said the Government should go after Parris’ assets ” .
    Could you tell me David if he said under what STATUTE this could be done? It does come through very clearly that EVEN Owen Arthur is reacting to the FALSE legal concept That CLICO Barbados IS CLICO INTERNATIONAL and not a mere SUBSIDIARY of the big Trinidad based conglomerate and that Leroy Parris IS CLICO BARBADOS. It is about time the TRUE picture were painted for the proper education of the general public ; political clap-trap will only be of short-term benifit . The promised Commission of Inquiry touted by Dale would also be of interest . What period will it cover ? Will it reveal that UNDER PARRIS’ LEADERSHIP CLICO was moved from an ordinary , little ,Insurance business with assets somewhere in the region of TWO MILLION DOLLARS to a company with assets in excess of ONE BILLION DOLLARS and EMPLOYING OVER 3000 BARBADIANS? Commissions are fact- finding tribunals and this FACT should come out Dale Marshall’s efforts notwithstanding.
    The real weakness of our corporate system and of which CLICO has been a victim , has been the negligence of our law makers over time to put legislation in place to regulate the relationship between Holding Companies and their Subsidiaries; as long as this remains, subsidiaries will have no remedy to stave off incursions by their parent companies and parents will always be free to prop up their subsidiaries.Developed countries have had this type of anti-trust legislation for decades. The country is crying out for this level of debate among our political leadership ; a debate centred around the fortune/wealth of Leroy Parris can have no benefit at this time when serious developmental issues are at stake.
    When all the smoke has been cleared and all the political posturing has abated and if there is still some time left before the calling of the next General Election , I sincerely hope there will be time for mature debate on these matters. The political tirade we are getting MIGHT BE good enough for the party supporters here on the blogs ; it is far from satisfactory for our leaders to proceed in this manner.
    Finally , it should be worthy of note that the CLICO saga goes as far back as 2002. Need I say more ?

  49. @ errata..
    ” Dale ” should read Dale Marshall. I apologise.

  50. “Prime Minister Arthur announced at his nomination meeting this evening that late PM Thompson approved the waiver of taxes on 13 properties in one day sold to CLICO”

    I have heard THIS BEFORE and I believe it to be true

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